15 minute read
Gunnar Montana Productions
Designed as a temple to the fl uid nature of sexuality, BATH HOUSE is a deeply sensory immersive theatrical experience dripping with erotic energy from start to fi nish. BATH HOUSE fuses dance and movement to create an atmosphere where guests are free to indulge their deepest desires, and hopefully discover new ones.
The Latvian Society 531 N 7th St Callowhill-Poplar Sep 8–11 at 8pm Sep 15–18 at 8pm Sep 22–25 at 8pm Sep 29–Oct 2 at 8pm $45 / 60 minutes

Lillian McGonigle
In this semi-autobiographical solo, McGonigle amalgamates herself into a version of her once seminarian father. Doing so, she fuses fragments of alternate histories that interrogate the notion of family. Recalling what existed, and grieving what almost was, BLAZE investigates the carnage of growing up, and sifts through what remains.
MAAS Building Studio 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 9 at 8:30pm Sep 11 at 2:30pm Sep 12 at 6pm $20 / 45 minutes

The Body Politic
Yao Xu
The Body Politic explores how individuals develop bodily techniques to negotiate with rigid regulations in totalitarian social environments. We question how highly concentrated power trickles down to private life and how tactics such as coercion, isolation, and fear-mongering a ect the ways the physical bodies occupy time and space.
MAAS Building Studio 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 13 at 7:30pm Sep 14 at 10pm Sep 16 at 5:30pm Sep 20 at 7:30pm $20 / 45 minutes

Bower Bird
Emily Mayer
What's the best way to learn about sexual dimorphism and evolutionary biology? With a drag show, of course! Meet the Bower Bird : nature's fi ne, feathered, landscape architect. He has a collection of sexy bottle caps that he hopes you'll like very much.
MAAS Building Studio 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 11 + 18 at 1pm Sep 26 at 6pm $20 / 45 minutes

Kate Seethaler/Meghan Frederick
Informed by the artists' own experiences of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood, this site-specifi c movement duet conjures fantasies both aspirational and horrifi c-monsters, spells, magic, and the practice of taxidermy--o ering a vibrant, absurd, and engaging embodiment of femininity.
MAAS Building Garden 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 23 at 5:30pm Sep 25 at 1pm Sep 29 at 5:30pm $20 / 50 minutes

The Case for Invagination #4
Nicole Bindler
This performance is Part Four of a series in which Bindler's scars speak candidly about trauma and desire. Imagine Mister Rogers had a scooter accident, a thyroidectomy, a brain injury... and the puppets in his neighborhood were the remnants of these calamities. Welcome to The Case For Invagination !
MAAS Building Studio 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 28 at 10pm Sep 29 at 5:30pm Sep 30 at 7pm $20 / 60 minutes

Centrifugal Hope
Marybeth Tereszkiewicz
A circular dance performance/ritual that will take place among the trees overlooking the river and city and will hopefully reconnect us all to the deeper cycles of our bodies and our lives after these challenging years.
Lemon Hill Park 1231 N 29th St Fairmount Oct 1 at 4pm Rain Date Oct 2 at 4pm $0 / 60 minutes

Britt Fishel and Artists
Cognatus investigates ecofeminism and the patriarchal mechanisms that assimilate women and nature. Both often devalued and exploited, seeking elevation and liberation, the relationship between them is a rhizome of interconnections. Created in collaboration with the dancers, Fishel uses history and theory, combined with text and poetry to weave movements that explore ideas of chaos, migration, resistance, and identity.
MAAS Building Garden 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 25 at 2:30pm $20 / 60 minutes

Darling Performance Group
Dancing and singing intertwine in an exploration of endearment, serenade, and whimsy. The collaborators move in and out of vocalization, physical partnering and dynamic movement, proposing themes of ritual and youthfulness.
MAAS Building Garden 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 19 at 6pm Sep 20 at 7:30pm Sep 21 at 5:30pm $20 / 50 minutes

The Earth
Boram Yi
The Earth This is the order of nature for all creation. #All Women Performers #International Women Group
CHI Movement Arts Center (Home of Kun-Yang Lin/Dancers) 1316 S 9th St South Philly Sep 23 at 7pm PWYC / 20 minutes

Dancefusion & Sokolow Theatre/ Dance Ensemble
Philadelphia's Dancefusion and New York City's Sokolow Theatre/Dance Ensemble present masterworks by Anna Sokolow and Pauline Koner. Includes Koner's Concertino and excerpts from The Farewell and Sokolow's Magritte, Magritte and Frida with guest artists Clarence Brooks and Christine Dakin. Dancefusion guest choreographer is Rachel Kantra Beal.
Performance Garage 1515 Brandywine St Fairmount Sep 9 at 7pm Sep 10 at 3pm + 7pm $30 / 90 minutes

Everything After
An improvised performance delving into the aesthetics of trauma healing. 6 dancers and a musician follow movement and music scores abstracted from PTSD therapies to uplift the labor of survivors. Instead of staging moments of violence the performers take the subtlety of healing as new territory to explore.
Conwell Dance Theater Conwell Hall (5th fl oor) Temple University North Philly Sep 10 at 7:30pm $15 / 60 minutes

Feeling Red
Savi Stevenoski with Continuum Dance Company
Feeling Red brings color to movement and dance. Choreographer, Savi Stevenoski, sees color when listening to music. A phenomenon know as synesthesia. Red is deep and soulful. Red is a big, broad, strong color that symbolizes much more than anger and love. Feeling Red transcribes the color red into movement, into something that the dancers and audience are able to feel.
MAAS Building Garden 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 15 + 16 at 5:30pm Sep 18 at 4pm $20 / 45 minutes

Forgotten Solo
Kat Brown
Forgotten Solo is a performance work that calls upon repetition and temporal practices to engage with questions of embodied alienation, relationality and absence. The work takes the idea of forgotten as a felt experience of absence and seeks to uncover how this absence can be a site of embodied realization.
The Icebox Project Space 1400 N American St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 10 at 2pm Sep 11 at 5:30pm $20 / 60 minutes

Hillary Pearson
A HAIR-raising experience of movement being infl uenced, maniputated and exaggerated from the hair on the dancers heads. Acting as catalyst for the movement, HAIR essentially explores the physicality of ones head of hair as it's own form of movement within the body. How can our hair become the dance and our bodies act as a respndent?
The Icebox Project Space 1400 N American St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 11 at 4pm Sep 14 at 8:30pm Sep 17 at 7pm $20 / 50 minutes

it's better when you close your eyes
BigKid Dance Mark Caserta, Choreographer
A theatrical meditation on queerness, grief, depression, identity crisis, nostalgia, fear, love and isolation. The internal battle of clinging to the past or moving forward, while living in a global pandemic and civil rights movement.
The Icebox Project Space 1400 N American St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 1 at 7pm Sep 2 at 5:30pm Sep 3 at 4pm $20 / 60 minutes

Jérôme Bel (2021)
Jérôme Bel with Megan Bridge
Through a combination of lecture, archival video excerpts, and live dance, French choreographer Jérome Bel constructs a genealogy of the driving forces behind his work-what he calls an "auto-bio-choreo-graphy." For ecological reasons, Bel and his company do not travel by plane. For this performance, Philadelphia dancer Megan Bridge serves as director and translator, in addition to portraying Bel on stage.
FringeArts 140 N Columbus Blvd Old City Sep 30 + Oct 1 at 7:30pm Oct 2 at 3pm $25 / 120 minutes

KCBC x KCBCII: Summer Series
Klassic Contemporary Ballet Company
KCBC X KCBCII take on their 6th Annual Fringe Festival. KCBC, under the direction of Kimberly D. Landle will present an evening length show exploring a variety of themes. The company returns to the Cherry Street Pier on September 11th with 3 performances and 2 Choreographic World Premiers.
Cherry Street Pier 121 N Columbus Blvd Old City Sep 11 at 12pm + 2pm + 4pm $20 / 60 minutes

Last Call
Natalie Gotter
It's been a night! Last Call is a dance work about nightlife: the anticipation, belonging, screaming along to your favorite songs, knowing what to wear and who to be, danger, blame, loneliness, and the rising sun. Join the dancers and Cynthia as they're never quite able to dance the night away...
MAAS Building Studio 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 25 at 7pm Sep 26 at 7:30pm Sep 27 at 6pm $20 / 40 minutes

Brian Sanders' JUNK
Reclaimed underground shopping mall turned playground for reality work run riot. Live stream rage and season fi nale fi ghts to double its hits. Crafty new crew widens the stopgap for contented buyers but entrants play harder to stay the cut. Turn themselves inside out for you; the lead is out of reach. Stand by.
Concourse Underground 1635 Market Street Center City Sep 8 at 7pm Sep 9 at 7:30pm Sep 11 at 4:30pm + 7pm Sep 12 at 9:30pm Sep 14, 15, 16 at 7:30pm Sep 17 at 5:30pm + 8pm *Luxe Exclusive Exposé available 30 min before each show for an additional $35. See web for details. $30 / 45 minutes

Me and Jesus and Prince and Captain Jean-Luc Picard in a One Bedroom apartment in the Bronx
Shavon Norris
A solo performance from choreographer and facilitator Shavon Norris that explores the sounds, words, doctrines, people(s), places, and objects that fl ooded her development. A love letter and a challenge to the biological, cultural, and historical artifacts and fossils in her blood and in her vision.
MAAS Building Studio 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 21 at 5:30pm Sep 23 at 7pm Sep 25 at 5:30pm $20 / 60 minutes

Carne Viva Dance Theatre
The unfolding of the human love catalyst through the lens of queer folk. As you move through the intimate acts of play, sharing of secrets, and the rebellious act of community in celebration, you will be transported towards 8 di erent experiences.--It is liberating, it is unapologetic. It is your own personal love catalyst.
The Icebox Project Space 1400 N American St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 7 at 7pm Sep 10 at 5pm Sep 11 at 10pm $20 / 60 minutes

Angelica Spilis/Equilibrium Dance Company
Equilibrium Dance Company presents MOVEMENT/DEVELOPMENT and featuring guests performances. Join us at Equilibrium Dance Academy for a night of dance.
Equilibrium Dance Academy 1802 S Broad St f2 South Philly Sep 23 + 24 at 8pm $25 / 75 minutes

Myzrie House
Myzrie House
Two people are thrust into a cell together for reasons unknown. Are they the last humans left on Earth? Can they escape? Are they meant to become friends, enemies, or more? Mark Wong and Nicole Burgio invite you see dance, theater, merrymaking, and action. Welcome to Myzrie House . All ages.
MAAS Building Studio 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 22 at 7pm Sep 23 at 5:30pm Sep 25 at 1pm $20 / 50 minutes

Open Page
Leah Stein Dance Company / The Art Room Studio
Outdoor event featuring LSDC Artists + community with featured performances, Deep Listening, interactive practices, food+drink, mixing in between performances.
Art Room Studio 2329 S 3rd St South Philly Sep 25 at 3pm PWYC / 180 minutes

Outside Your Expectations
The Reclamation Dance Project
Outside of Your Expectations is ahealing, interactive, art exhibition inthe form of a video installation andlive performance. It explores socialconstructs that are put upon Blackwomen and the ways that it cana ect their mental health.
The Icebox Project Space 1400 N American St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 15 at 7pm Sep 16 at 5:30pm Sep 17 at 1pm $20 / 50 minutes

Muyu Yuan Ruba, Christina Eltvedt, Elizabeth June Bergman
After inviting audiences to explore the transformed performance space, dancers move through three di erent installations that invoke our precarious relationships with our environments. Featuring work by Muyu Yuan Ruba, Christina Eltvedt, and Elizabeth June Bergman.
CHI Movement Arts Center (Home of Kun-Yang Lin/Dancers) 1316 S 9th St South Philly Sep 24 at 7pm Sep 25 at 3pm $20 / 90 minutes

Rough and Tumble: Pickled Peaches and Herring
Lillian Ransijn
An up-close and hyper-personal, tongue and cheeky look a life's hopes and dissapointments. Buckle up to be taken on a rough and tumble clown-dance-theater-burlesque and perhaps somewhere in between, ride in which pain and pleasure meet to make sense of it all.
MAAS Building Studio 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 26 + 27 at 9pm Sep 28 at 7pm $20 / 60 minutes

Ruciteme Karyenda Culture de Buyenzi
Ruciteme Karyenda Culture de Buyenzi
As of our show description, we beat drums ,dance and sing all at once. On the stage, we have at least 10 drums and small strong sticks to beat them. Some of us will be singing and dancing culturally, whereas the rest will be beating drums.
Lemon Hill Park 1231 N 29th St Fairmount Oct 1 at 5pm Rain Date Oct 2 at 5pm PWYC / 60 minutes

Scoring the End
Rodney Murray
"A mosaic on cracked gravel reminded me that art is not everywhere, and that it is not in me, nor is it in you." A presentation in crisis, Scoring the End is a poetic and erotic encounter between the theater and the 21st-century body. Photo: Christian Bufo
MAAS Building Garden 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 20 at 6pm Sep 21 at 7pm Sep 22 at 5:30pm $20 / 45 minutes

Survival In Ruins (work-inprogress showing)
Katie Vickers
Survival In Ruins is a dance solo that contemplates grief, motherhood, and slowness. How do we cope with irreconcilable loss? Personal stories weave in and out of the body - lost, forgetful, in need, asking us to sit inside growth and death, stillness and silence. This is a work-in-progress sharing, premiere in Spring 2023.
MAAS Building Studio 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 12 at 5pm $10 / 40 minutes

Sweet Honey Chi on Invites you to Fête de la Ville Natale
Sweet Honey Chi on
Sweet Honey Chi on welcomes you to join us for a night fi lled with irresistible elegance and alluring presitge. Begin the night sipping fi ne wine in the garden before making your way up to fête de la ville natale. A burlesque show embracing the Black Victorian and all their luscious beauty. You won't want to miss this night of glitz, nips, and sips.
MAAS Building Studio 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 18 at 10pm $20 / 60 minutes

An Untitled Love
A.I.M by Kyle Abraham
Drawing from the catalogue of Grammy Award-winning R&B legend D'Angelo, this creative exaltation pays homage to the complexities of self love and Black love, while serving as a thumping mixtape celebrating our culture, family, and community.
Philadelphia Film Center 1412 Chestnut St Center City Sep 22–24 at 7:30pm $35 / 65 minutes

Megan Mazarick
vapors is a science fi ction dance theater piece about time travel. The dancers embody the past, present, and future while pausing and rewinding each other. Movement imagery comes from music box mechanics, 80's infomercials, the physics of freewill, and substances di used in air. Built using imaginative improvisation practices and rhythmic text, vapors blends crackpot futurism and contemporary dance.
The Icebox Project Space 1400 N American St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 1 at 8:30pm Sep 2 at 7pm Sep 3 at 2:30pm $20 / 60 minutes

a. dance theatre
Dark, sexual, passionate. Come on an introspective journey that captures the facets of growing up- fi ghting personal demons, breaking generational cycles, and navigating relationships with lovers, others, and yourself.
MAAS Building Studio 1320 N 5th St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 8 at 8:30pm Sep 13 at 6pm Sep 15 at 5:30pm Pig Iron School Studio B 1417 N 2nd St Kensington-Fishtown Sep 9–11 at 7pm Sep 16–18 at 7pm Sep 23–25 at 7pm Sep 30 + Oct 1 at 7pm $20 / 60 minutes