Best Beginner Tips

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Best Health Tips

Best Beginner Tips

Training • How to improve on 30-minute runs The Bobolink - You can try for a quicker time or you can try and increase your distance. Personally I would go for the distance. You could think about entering a 10K race and then working towards a half marathon but again it depends on where you want to go with this running malarkey. As you get stronger you will probably increase your speed anyway. • How to run more often Johnny J - Slowly increase the length of a weekend run until you are up to a couple of hours fairly easily, and build up one other run (mid-week) into a real hard speed session. Treat the other two runs as steady general purpose training. When you are accomplishing all this fairly easily you could consider moving up to five sessions.

Motivation • Overcome self-sabotage Cary - I've been making futile attempts to run regularly for years and have always felt that I just wasn't good enough somehow. So this year at Christmas I simply decided it doesn't matter any more how fast I do it, it's that I do it. I went on to realise how often I sabotage my running efforts, in that as soon as I finish a run I begin to criticise and scold myself for all the things I hadn't done well, such as being too slow, or even at times not enjoying it. Since I've left all of that behind, I am running regularly now, three or four times a week, and for the first time am actually enjoying a lot of the runs. • Join a club Michelle - Last week I emailed a couple of clubs in my area (explaining how I felt and what my best times were) and they both replied inviting me to come along, explaining that there were runners of all levels and abilities at the clubs and that they would welcome me as a new member! Maybe you could email a few in your area, and I'm sure they'll be as welcoming as the ones I've tried.

Common beginner injuries and health tips • Blisters Marathong - The night before a long run, I put petroleum jelly all over my feet, put socks on and go to bed. The petroleum jelly softens the skin while you sleep. On the day of the run, I put Body Glide all over toes and areas I might get a blister, and wear double layer socks (Wright makes good ones). I haven't had problems with blisters since I started this regimen. • Monique - Dancers buy jelly toes which are caps of bandage with a squashy silicone gel inside. They fit over individual toes and really do help prevent blood blisters. • Shin splints Scott Edgington - Stretch the calf often.. Perform some heel drops and single leg squats twice daily that'll help strengthen calf, Achilles area and Soleus.. Sitting on edge of the bed / chair with foot rested on the other knee and pulling toes into shin is helpful too Icing after every run will help recovery and deter further pain.

Beginner Nutrition • Timing food WildWill - Normally have something about 90 mins before a run (nothing that repeats and normally carbs) and sometimes a banana a few minutes before I run. But I have to make sure I GO before the run or I tend to need an emergency pit stop! When to use a sports drink Paula - My dietician friend advised me to use a sports drink if my runs were going to be any longer than about 45 minutes. You need to replace the various things, especially electrolytes, that you lose through sweat, that plain water can't replace. Make your own sports drink ZorbaTheTaff - Try making your own Best Health Tips isotonic energy drink with 50/50 fruit juice/water and a pinch of salt. Much cheaper than commercial drinks and works just as well, I feel. One pint per hour delivers about 30g of carbohydrate, which is what you need if you're running more than two hours.

Racing • Choosing a pace Del Piero - Just pick a reasonable time goal and keep to that pace (try not to get caught up in the moment and go out too quick). I usually pick someone who is going my pace and run behind them, makes a big difference when you're pacing with someone. • Swerve - Most races have markers at each kilometre. Work out what pace you need per km, and adjust your effort depending on whether you hit your expected time at the first marker. The idea is to keep roughly to an even pace. Hopefully you'll have some left in the tank for a big push in the final km or half km. Very important - try not to go off too fast! You'll pay for it later a Best Health Tips. • Pre-race nerves Michelle Crick - There is a bit of a competive feel in the air but it was so exciting - I can't wait to be fit enough to run again this year. The thing I found was that there were so many people there different shapes and sizes and ability. I remember at the finish a little old lady sprinted past me at the finish - humiliating you would think, but I just laughed at the whole experience.

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