Live Magazine SA- Issue 4

Page 1



the voice of youth





SANGOMA • I’M NOT HOMOPHOBIC • PROFESSIonal sex • it’s a rasta’S world


selling sex for survival

swapping her crown for a mowhawk



issue four 46

getting up-close with young baby daddies



18 Young in Prison 20 Photo Essay: Church on The Move 24 Young Sex Workers 26 Mind The Gap 28 Toya DeLazy: A Different Kind of Princess 34 Cracking The Rasta World 40 Who Broke Your Mirror? 46 Photo Essay: Baby Daddies 62 Our Future Subsidized

02 Ed’s Note 03 Contributors Page 04 News and Views 05 Voice of The Youth: Why do Girls Dress Slutty? 06 Loves and Loathes: Being South African 07 Dummies Guide: Passing Your Drivers 09 Mzansi Diamonds: Festivals On a Budget 12 For and Against: Giving People Money 13 Day in The Life: Sangoma 14 Moolah-wize: Student Funding 16 LIVE Challenge: Straight Guy in a Gay Bar 36 Fashion: Ready to Launch 44 Real Life: (in)Corrective Rape 50 The Time Is Now! 52 Sports: Get High 53 Lazy Guide to Sexual Health 64 LIVE Jabs: Im Not Buying What You’re Selling

Entertainment: 54 LIVE Fresh: Assembly Recommends 55 LIVE Sounds: Asanda’s Ipod 56 At The Movies 57 On The Small Screen 58 LIVE Reads 59 Art Hub 60 LIVE Games 61 LIVE Wired QR Codes Explained Seen these weird cubes across our pages? They’re QR (Quick Response) Codes, and contain information that when scanned by your mobile device will take you to additional content on our mobile site and/or YouTube videos.

Random: 10 #Trending 33 LIVE Wants You 42 No Textbooks, No Problem... STEP 1: Search Google to download a QR Code Reader to your web-enabled cell phone. STEP 2: Launch the QR Code Reader/ Application on your phone STEP 3: Scan the QR Code by hovering over it and taking a picture. Words Chandre Appels 19

Design Clint Visser 24


ed’s note “You could see the glass as half full or half empty.” I’d say.

LIVE has made this popular saying come aLIVE for me over the last couple of challenging months as, lacking any formal qualifications, I became editor of a national publication. Due to financial limitations, I was the product of a gap year (you can read more about this situation on pgs 26-27, and find out more about financial aid on p14), and so other than my experience being editor of a small-time high school publication, I was thrown in the deep end!!! My new job was exciting, but it wasn’t all sunshine and roses. From the beginning my fair skin and inability to express myself in any of our country’s African languages excluded me from a majority I would now be leading. I didn’t understand the office jokes or know the words to the traditional songs my peers sang. On top of it all, I was Christian, an ideology many of my new friends were pretty skeptical of. Finding myself classified and stereotyped, I had to get myself out of the box I was put in, very much like our cover star, Toya Delazy, whose colourful and versatile background we explore on pgs 28-32. I found I was considered “more African” when I wore ethnic attire, even though I strongly believe that such elementary things do not define my culture/heritage. Speaking of heritage, with heritage day coming up we try our hand at Cracking The Rasta World (pgs 34-35), demystifying common beliefs that dreads and weed are the only things this community is about. Contributing to my own journey, I spent a day in the life of a Sangoma (p13): an experience full of overwhelming smells, animal skins and bones, and questions about my ancestors that challenged me to keep an open mind!


Words Ashleigh Davids 20

Photo Khayakazi Dumke 24

Design Clint Visser 24

Speaking of challenges, our marketing guru Papi sidestepped his macho-man attitude and spent a night out at a gay bar (pgs 16-17)! Yes, these are the things they make us do around here. Never shy to push the envelope, we also cast our hats of judgement aside and explored the professional sex industry (pgs 24-25) as well as the taboo issue of corrective rape (pgs 44-45), which is wrongly assumed to only affect gay women. Meanwhile, though women’s day has passed, inspired by the occasion and my own story, I talk about self image (pgs 40-41), a problem which still plagues more females than males. On that note, I’d like to point out that I am an example of the endless possibilities which exist, should you decide to move past insecurities and focus on your strengths and view yourself in a different light. I now stand tall, embracing my figure and flaws, and welcoming a blossoming career in the media and creative arts. LIVE has taught me to appreciate new things, to respect our diversities as a society and to make the best of even the craziest situations. As the madness finally draws to a close, I trust you’ll enjoy this issue to the full! The only thing in life you can control is your choices, what will yours be? Peace and love,



Ashleigh Davids (20): Twitter: @AshleighDavids


Li’Tsoanelo Zwane (21): Twitter: @LitsoaneloZwane CHIEF SUB-EDITOR: Chandre Appels (19): Twitter: @DreAppels


Clint Carlyle Visser (24): Twitter: @inkfluensed


FEATURES EDITOR: Vusumzi Badi (21): Twitter: @mcbadi


Siphiwo Neo Matoane (22), Twitter: @Neolithic_767


Asanda Kaka (24)


Plaatjie (23)

FASHION EDITOR: Rifqa Nwabisa Paka (24)


Tamara Jade Moore (23): Twitter: @tamaraohara Sikhulule Ngxowa (22): Twitter: @Sikhulule7 Siviwe Mjongile (19) Nwabisa Sonkqayi (21)


Thembalethu Mlokoti (20) Prince Kamanga (23) Michael Samuels (22) Marshall Joubert (23)


Sydelle Willow Smith (24), Greg Surman (13), Jack Markovitz (13), Dylan Louw (21), Thapelo Motsumi (21), Kirsten Ho (24), Olivia Handerson (19), Noluvuyo Mdingi (19), Yanga Kheswa (16), Sonia Unathi Gcani (17), Noluntu Mareneni (14), Siliziwe (16), Vuyani Vorslag (16), Nwabisa Mxabo (16), Asiphe Msengana (16), Nwabisa Mtumtum (17), Mawababo Ludziya (13), Anathi Maliti (18), Anele Bixa (19), Athule Komanisi (18), Thina Tshona (14)


Xolani Scott Dani (22): Twitter: @Connatewear Khayakazi Dumke (24) Theodore Africa (19)

Theodore is a photographer studying at the College of Cape Town. He enjoys skating – both on ice and on a board – and loves food. He came to LIVE to get experience in the real [working] world. Theodore strives to excel in the advertising industry.


Lee Middleton: Editorial Bongani Kona: Editorial Laskarina Yiannakaris: Design Alexia Webster: Photography Charlie Shoemaker: Photography Bulelani Mvoto: YouTube Tamara MacLachlan: YouTube Julia Ranzani: Mobile Content


DESIGNERS AND ILLUSTRATORS: Thabo Xinindlu (21): Twitter: @sam_de_kidd Ryan Africa (25): Twitter: @africaryan Xolani Scott Dani (22): Twitter: @Connatewear

Theodore Africa (19)

Rifqa Paka (24)

Rifqa is a fashion editor and stylist at LIVE. She joined the team to gain experience and to learn the responsibilities of a stylist. She hopes to become a household name in the fashion industry. When people ask what the next fashion trend is, Rifqa will know.

Xolani Scott Dani (22)

Xolani is a photographer and designer studying at the College of Cape Town. As the owner of Connatewear, Xolani aims to dominate the fashion industry. He’s a G3 fan (gadgets, gatsbys and garments)... and he is from Worcester. SPECIAL THANKS TO: Nico Krijno Matthew Freemantle, Sorbet Beauty School, Chris Saunders, Andrew Levy, Chalk Board Coffee Shop, Revolution Skateboards, Jasmine Adam at Media24, Ed Suter, Pick n Pay, The Assembly & See You Next Wednesday crew, Craving Novity, Andrew Brauteseth, Matt Torode (from Tincup), Constantine and Stephan at Cape Town Tandem Paragliding,

Tat’uNdaba, Crew Club, SWEAT, Cow Africa, Keleketla! Library team, Falko, Encounters Film Festival, Ninja Turtles, Red Bull, James Ralph (Casio Distributors) for Baby G Shock Watches, GLOW, Umuzi Photography Project, Young in Prison, Elsibe McGuffog, Osiame Molefe, Lynne Stuart, Katherine Barratt, Elizma Nolte & Diana Mjojo at Google, Branson Centre, Vega School of Design, all at the MAL Foundation, Mike Schalit, Clinton Mitri, Vuyisa Ndleleni, Johann Schwella, Matt Riley and Raf Newman and all at 140BBDO, Sabu Siyaka, Lucas Malambe, Paul West and all at SAQA, Liesel Bakker, Nicholas Commeignes, Joy Olivier and all at Ikamva Youth, Zukile Keswa, Sbu Mpungose, Hevette Legrange, Nu Metro, Electromode, Helen Turvey, Karien Bezuidenhout, Karen Gabriels, Wendy Stoffels and all at the Shuttleworth Foundation, Mark Shuttleworth Publisher: Gavin Weale Project Director: Claire Conroy Project Coordinator: Nkuli Mlangeni Office Mananger: Veronica Shumane Sales Manager: Nickolas Fitzell For advertising enquiries, please call 021 4800 400 / email


News and Views

three issues into existance, it was time for live magazine to launch in celebration and showcasing of our talent. youth month (june) presented the perfect timing. In collaboration with the Assembly’s “See you next Wednesday” student night, we had a ball of a time. Here’s what the peeps had to say. Dj Dilo

Falko: Falko is an

Dj Dilo: Dj Dilo

extremely talented graffiti artist based in Cape Town. He created a custom art piece at the launchthe challenge being to create the piece during the launch and have it finished by the end of the night.

wrecked the decks with his awesome tunes and had us dancing the night away, each one showing off their awesome moves. “The magazine is good for publicity and the stories are addressing issues we actually want to read about – it is inspiring.”

“From what I’ve heard about the magazinethe work done by young people, the mentoring, and opportunities provided – I fully support it. Being part of this event is my way of saying that I think it’s a brilliant idea.”


The lighting for our Live Mag fashion shoot was generously sponsored by

Ayanda and Danine: (check out pages 36 - 39)

Ayan da

S.Y.N.W. is the most fun you can have on a weeknight, every Wednesday at The Assembly, 61 Harrington St, Cape Town. Girls free before 10pm/ R10 after, guys R20. No U18s, ID required.


Photos Theodore Africa 19



Danine: “It is awesome to be a part of the launch. To know that there is something so authentic representing the youth: it is for the youth, by the youth. It is a very exciting movement and the layout is funky and fresh.”


Words Chandre Appels 19


Ayanda and Danine form part of the vibrant group of presenters who grace our screens daily on SABC2’s Hectic Nine9 show. These outspoken individuals were the MCs for the night.

Ayanda: “I’m uber-excited to be a part of the event. The stories are so amazing and the people are inspired by them. It is good to see young black people venturing into journalism; people from our backgrounds, where this type of art is not supported.” Design Ryan Africa 25




Noluvo 21

Jessica 17

Yes, they do dress like that, I do as well. Even though I get a lot of attention from the opposite sex I don’t dress revealing to get response from them. I dress the way I dress to express the way I feel.

Yes they do, but they do it for themselves; they don’t do it for guys. Personally I would never wear revealing clothes unless I have tights underneath. If I were a guy I would never date someone who dresses like that, because that kind of dressing sends out the wrong message to guys.

Girls should separate street clothing from beach clothing. As girls we should not go the extra mile trying to look beautiful by dressing provocatively. Dressing too revealing is sending the wrong message to guys, and when they see us revealing too much flesh they picture themselves in a not-so-good position with us.

Thobi 22

South Africa has become a rape capital so it’s no longer about being sexy. The important thing is to be safe. Girls dressing too provocatively may get abused; look at what happened to that girl wearing a miniskirt at Noord taxi rank in Johannesburg.

Honestly speaking I don’t care if a girl covers up or not. What is on the inside is what matters to me. If she feels comfortable in what she is wearing that makes the two of us happy.

I’m a Muslim so I don’t. I treat my body as God’s art. To me girls dressing too provocatively lack self-respect. It’s quite disturbing because they think if they reveal a bit of flesh they look cool.

Siseko 20

Do girls dress too


l e v i t a c o v pro

Munashe 19

Lelonwa 20

Sudlayga 18

I have mixed feelings about girls dressing provocatively. I don’t see it as a problem, [and] I know that it attracts the opposite sex. Even though I don’t see it as a problem, I still do feel that girls should cover up. At the same time I would definitely date someone who dresses like that. When it comes to being attractive, hell no! They are not. They do grab our attention, but having selfrespect is more attractive than showing too much flesh.

Words Sikhulule Ngxowa 22

Words Thokozile Mahlangu 19

Girls do dress provocatively. Honestly speaking, most guys are not interested in girls with dresses or skirts that are below their knees. Personally I don’t understand why girls have to suffer this much for beauty. There’s a thin line between sexy and slutty.

Berend 23

Girls do dress provocatively, but my hormones find them attractive. But no, I would never date a girl who dresses like that. If my sister started dressing like that I wouldatell my parents to beat her up, because girls have to be clever and dress up instead.

Photos Khayakazi Dumke 24

Design Thabo Xinindlu 20

Fabrice 19

Yes they do and it’s bad; they must go to the olden style. Girls need to dress up. They look like prostitutes. I can’t imagine myself dating a girl that dresses like that. People would think I’m crazy.




Loves AND Loathes being South AfricaN

Our President

The father of the nation (who is literally the father of the nation with close to two dozen kids): one wonders how he manages so many ladies with only a grade 3 to his name, much less how he actually had the opportunity to run for president. Since he is our prez we’re giving him an honorary love to go with all his other honorary degrees. Most of all we love that he proves anyone can be president.


Does someone actually know what the tokoloshe is? All we know is that he’s supposed to be scarier than the boogie man. Some people even put their beds up on bricks so Mr. Tokoloshe won’t tickle their toes in the night. This legendary creature takes on different forms depending on what region you’re from: our favourite version is a midget with a giant nail in his head. Afrikaans people even have a song about him.


What’s up with SABC repeating everything six times in one month? I pretty much know all the words to every South African series. And don’t even get me started on’s “eKasi: Our Stories” melodramas which don’t even have a storyline.

Being called A rainbow I’m not red or yellow or pink or green. ‘Nuf said.


Ever been robbed or hijacked? No? Then surely you haven’t been in South Africa long enough. Hijacking is so normal that in Joburg there are street signs that read “hijacking hotspot”. Our crime rates are so high that talking about being mugged has become casual conversation. A typical example goes like this: “Hi, how are you?” “Fine thanks, I was mugged last night.” “Ag, shame. My car was stolen last week.” “Bummer. Have a good one.”


Words Ndu Ngcodo 24

Design & Illustration Joshua Klein 20

Nando’s Adverts

Nando’s makes grown men like Malema cry, and not from eating their peri peri sauce. Nando’s get being wrong so right. Spoofing everything from blind boxers to dictators, being politically incorrect never tasted so good.

Mrs Ball’s

Better then mixing mayonnaise and tomato sauce: Mrs Ball’s makes any meal amazing. The taste is so legendary they made a Mrs Ball’s Simba Chips. Childhood memories in a bottle.

Fusing languages

With 11 local languages we are sometimes lost in translation. We are also probably the only place where you can say “I’m going to throw you with a brick” and be understood. Let’s not forget “eish”, a word that deserves a place in the Oxford Dictionary (if bootylicious can be there, so can our word).

Foreigners thinking we have lions in our backyard Yes, we have game reserves in abundance, but that doesn’t mean we wake up to the sound of lions roaring in our gardens. Newsflash: many South Africans have never even seen the king of the jungle. And while we’re on the topic, we don’t walk around in loincloths, and no, we don’t hunt for our food (that honour is saved for weird rich tourists). Honestly, what are they teaching those kids overseas?


Only in south Africa do you find professionals called tenderpreneurs. Not sure what I’m talking about? Think Zuma’s chubby nephew who can barely fit into his tiny sports car. What I’d like to know is what this job entails besides bribing government officials and spending your money on creme soda and cognac? And where do you apply? Kidding!




dummies guide

to passing your drivers

At some point in our lives we have to get behind the wheel of a car. After all, if you can’t drive how do you expect to get your hands on that future company Merc? We’ve hooked you up with some tips that will get you your driver’s license quicker than you can say BMW. First you need to pass your learners. Get your hands on a K53 manual. Rather get a mate’s secondhand copy, as they usually have entertaining doodles in the margins. You should be glued to this book for two weeks solid if you expect to pass. Until you can answer the dummy test questions backwards in your sleep you are not ready. Don’t be fooled by the entertaining dummy test questions like: What does a yellow diamond sign mean? A. Slow down and look out for vehicles entering the road ahead. B. The traffic approaching this sign has right of way at the junction. C. You are approaching a diamond producing area.

Parallel parking is another fun one. Don’t swing in too quickly or you will hit the curb. Practise makes perfect. Try practising on a hill for extra laughs. Finally the road test. If you see your mates on the side of the road do not acknowledge, hoot or wave at them. And remember this chant: mirror, mirror, blind-spot. Always check your side mirror, your rearview mirror and your blind spot (over your shoulder) before doing anything other than driving in a straight line. And do it carefully (I know someone who hit a cyclist while checking his blind spot because he moved his head and the steering wheel in the same direction).

After you’ve passed your learners it is time to get behind the wheel. A driving instructor is great even if you think you know how to drive. A mate who had been driving for years failed because his hands weren’t in the correct 10- and 2- or 9- and 3-o’clock positions. Translation: your hands should be placed just so on the left and right side of the steering wheel at all times. If your nose itches while you’re driving, do not move your hand! The only time you can remove your hands from the steering wheel is to change gears or move the handbrake up and down. Your first test will be passing what I call the steep hill test. Try the levelling trick. Depress the accelerator (aka, gas, the peddle on the right) gently and then release the clutch slightly (that’s the one on the left) while the handbrake is engaged. Only release the handbrake when you can feel the car ready to move forward (if your car rolls a millimetre it’s over, buddy). You need to practise this one to get a feeling for it.


Words Ndu Ngcobo 23

Photo Asanda Kaka 24

Finally, don’t drink any liquids before your test as there are no bathroom breaks. And don’t even think about thinking about bribing the guy testing you. Lastly: drive. The only way you can pass your driver’s test is if you can actually drive.

WordsDesign NameClint Surname Visser Age 24

se o n ur hile o y If es w do , itchdriving ur hand! yo ’re you move t


Words Name

Words Name Surname Age

For more tips

At last, a skin care range for the women of Africa .


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mzansi diamonds the Festivals to be @

We at LIVE are mindful of the fact that an amazing festival requires three mandatory basics: great entertainment, awesome people, and lastly a price tag that won’t leave you begging your parents for a “loan” (that you and I both know they will never get back).

Rocking the Daisies

Macufe Where:

Bloemfontein When: October 5 - 14 Cost: R180 to R250 The ten-day Mangaung African Cultural Festival is rocking the once very white community in Bloem, with 140 000 festivalgoers helping transform the community in surprisingly cool ways. Celebrating the multicultural diversity of SA, this festival showcases the cream of African and international talent. It features jazz, kwaito, hip-hop, R&B, but also rock, cabaret, poetry, and fine and traditional arts.

Tips Book your tickets online (biggest tip eva)!!!!!! Camp in one of the many large campgrounds. Campsites

(included in ticket price) open at 3pm on October 4. The Heartbreak Motel will also be available for those in dire need of luxuries like electricity and hot water. R325 for a pop-up tent in case you forgot yours. Tel: 021 702 9400.

Where: Kloof Wine

Estate, Darling, Cape West Coast www.rockingthedaisies. com When: October 4 - 7 Cost: from R70 to R600 (depending on how many days, online vs gate prices) Though I am all for underground festivals that only a certain few know about, this acclaimed festival just knows what works. “The Daises” will see many of SA’s top bands performing, including headlining act, Bloc Party. With burlesque performances, acoustic John-Meyer types, “giant African puppeteering” (if that’s your thing), a food village, traders market, swimming and wine tasting, there really is something for everyone.

Tips 2B Happy Backpackers is affordable, even for students! Cottages run R160 per person, and a bed in a 4-person dorm is R100. Tel: 087 807-8338/082 447-6811

Oppikoppi Bushveld Festival Where: Northam, Northwest

When: August 9 - 11 Cost: (all three days): R600: Standard Bank subsidised price,

available from Standard Bank youth portal, available to all fans; R700: Oppikoppi Facebook price, available online; R750 gate price or at Ticketbreak Situated on the bushveld farm of Oppikoppi, this festival is not for the faint-hearted (drama queens take note). This is the real sh*t bushveld: think red dust sunsets and thorn trees; think hot and dry. However, the people are also hot and there will be plenty of drinks! Multiple big stages (main and electro), and various smaller stages will host performers like aKING, The Graeme Watkins Project, Southern Gypsy Queen, Lonehill Estate, and our very own cover girl, Toya Delazy. Words Vernon Pillay 22

Design Thabo Xinindlu 20

Photos Sydelle Willow Smith 24


Travel in a don’t be a group and fr All you ne aid to camp. ed some bab is a tent and y can chec wipes! Divas ko as Die Gra ut B&Bs such sdac (con tact Rene Ven ter 076 200-04 @ 22).

Sydelle Willow Smith studied documentary photography at The Market Photo Workshop and Social Anthropology at The University of Cape Town. See more at


Whether prepped up or streetwise, this is our style guide on items you MUST GRAB to keep in touch with two trends that will remain timeless. 1

1. Colorado T-shirt, adidas, Sportscene, R329 2. Striped jersey bodycon skirt, adidas, Sportscene, R399 3. REDBAT sleeveless hoodie, Sportscene, R299 4. Sneakers, adidas high tops,Sportscene, R899 5. Jeans, REDBAT denim, Sportscene, R349 6. Sneakers, Jordan retro sneakers, Sportscene, R1499


v t e e r t s 6

N I W NE? TSCE 000 R O P ith S of at R1 win w s valued d us a pic /12 o t Want voucher urs! Sen by 19/10 a o 5 z 1 of uld be y fav look e sa o e r n c v i u i z o h l eac elf in y hion@ e maga s v s g i a r a l you AIL to f ebook: .livem ur EM ck Fac e: www ing yo e tt it or ch e Mobi s be stru t issue! v d x i l e l or you cou n our n i f f stu





# trending



regulars random

7. Shoes, Mr Price, R89.99 8. Skirt, Mememe, R440 9. Cardigan, adidas Classics cardigan Sportscene, R899 10. Shoes, RVCA, R499.95 11. Shorts, RVCA, R549.95 12. Shirt, adidas Classics check shirt, Sportscene, R799

*Lineo’s cap: Sportscene Lineo’s vest: Sportscene Theodore’s Fedora: RVCA, R399.00


11 12 9



Words Ashleigh davids 22

Photos Khayakazi Dumke 24

Stylist Rifqa Paka 24

Design Clint Visser 24




they say you have a black heart when you refuse, and there is always that possibility that the r2 you give them for “n stukkie brood” will be used to support a drug habit... to give or not to give... that is the question.

40% 50% 75% unemployment rate

below poverty line

Philippi unemployment



Siya, 21 I give them when I have. Those

Katleho, 23 It’s not a lucrative, long-term

Papi, 24 One can’t really be against it

Naledi ,19 I find it irritating, they have an

people are hungry, so I want to help them by giving them something to eat or whatever to help them survive because you never know what might happen to you or the person. We have a social responsibility to beggars, but at the same time they must be open about their situation, how they’re living, how they’re surviving and what kind of help they need. If they become open about it then the right and enough people can help them.

because it really is out of our control and it is based on the individual’s specific circumstances. By individual I’m referring to the beggars themselves: they go through a lot of things, and I just feel that we need to understand them. It’s just one of those things that we should all tolerate and deal with.

solution. It doesn’t make sense giving the same people money all the time. We need to find a long-term solution to the problem, and giving people money on random occasions isn’t the solution. We’re promoting a dependency, a society that is content in relying on and being a burden on others for their sustenance. People need to get out there and make things happen for themselves. It’s annoying having to give the little you’ve got, the little you’ve worked hard for, to somebody else.

attitude that you must give to them as if it is your fault that they are poor. When you don’t give them, they swear. Some of them are manipulative and use their children to make you feel sympathetic and in turn give them what they want. It’s a skill that they’ve mastered, a skill to manipulate us into giving them money.

There are organisations that provide support to homeless people. The Haven Night Shelter, a non-profit organisation established in 1978 in Cape Town, provides temporary shelters, physical care, social welfare and family reunification services to the homeless. (021) 425-4700 Rokpa Soup Kitchen in Joburg gives hot meals to homeless, needy and unemployed people in the inner city, as well as sponsoring the education and training of disadvantaged youths. (011) 614-1948


Words Li’tsoanelo Zwane 21

Design & Illustration Joshua Klein 20


Day in the Life of a

Sangoma Animal skeletons, decaying carcasses and bottles of what appear to be organs line the entrance of traditional healer Tat’uNdaba’s container situated near Langa township’s buzzing taxi rank.

“A traditional healer is somebody who works with herbs and even the oils from specific animals to create medicines,”said Tat’uNdaba, introducing his vocation. Dressed in faded blue jeans and a cargo jacket, he didn’t fit the typical image many of us have of a sangoma. Though he considers himself a traditional healer (vs a sangoma), Tat’uNdaba explained that there isn’t much difference. “Traditional healers and sangomas are really the same thing. Both are called by the ancestors, and both operate in healing people.” “The calling happens when ancestors communicate through dreams and even visions. They don’t talk to you in the dreams, you just see yourself doing the work of a healer, either fetching herbs or dressed in traditional sangoma gear,” explained the friendly faced middle-aged man. For his own part, he tried to run away from the Eastern Cape to “escape” his calling. “I thought it wouldn’t follow me here [to Cape Town], but it did.” After he performed a ceremony to accept his calling, his dreams started to make more sense. “I understood what was expected of me,” he recalled. “I would have a strange pain during the day, then at night in a dream the ancestors would show me a specific herb, where it is found, and how to prepare it in making medicine.” The pain would be so unbearable that he was forced to find the herb, prepare it and use it to cure himself. A few days later somebody with a similar pain or ailment would come seek his treatment and he’d then give them the same remedy he used on himself. A typical day for Tat’uNdaba starts around 4am when he wakes up and immediately documents the content of his dreams. He praises the ancestors and then sets out for his container. People arrive from 9 am, and his last client can come as late as 8.30pm. Much of his day is spent within the confines of his humble practice as he treats people with ailments from stomach pains to chronic headaches to much more serious conditions like an inability to conceive. Tat’uNdaba heals with herbs, potions and lotions. “Western medicines don’t always cure illnesses. I’m not saying Western medicines are bad, but some illnesses have deeper roots that only traditional medicine can get to. But people at times expect too much from traditional medicine, it can’t cure AIDS,” said Tat’uNdaba explaining the difference between western and traditional medicine, and highlighting the limitations of the latter.

Words Li’stoanelo Zwane 21

Photos Khayakazi Dumke 24

‘‘I’m not saying Western medicines are bad, but some illnesses have deeper roots that only traditional medicine can get to. But people at times expect too much from traditional medicine, it can’t cure AIDS” Responding to a question about how pricey sangomas are known to be, he said, “I don’t agree with healers being too expensive. My prices accommodate my clients, but they also accommodate me. This is how I make my living... but that doesn’t mean I have a right to be selfish about it.” With a woman about to arrive for an appointment, it was time for us to leave. We departed the healer’s container feeling overwhelmed by deep respect for this noble and surprisingly “normal” sangoma. For his part, Tat’uNdaba hysterically waved goodbye with a huge grin on his face as we turned the corner into the hustle and bustle of Langa.

Design Thabo Xinindlu 20

Reporting Ashleigh Davids 20





Passionate about education but Lacking funds ? there are ways to reach your dreams even though you are a bit strapped for cash. live hooks you up. BURSARIES


First the good news: a bursary is money granted or awarded to assist with the costs of tertiary education. Bursaries do not have to be repaid. That’s right, free money! Bursaries are awarded in many fields and thousands of students apply for them, so meeting the requirements alone doesn’t guarantee you a bursary. Many different institutions – from government to non profits (NPOs) to companies to universities themselves – offer bursaries. First check with your tertiary institution what bursaries are available for your area of study. Then do an online search on bursaries available for your subject (e.g., “bursaries South Africa geology”) or personal background (some bursaries are offered to certain groups, e.g., previously disadvantaged women studying science, etc.).

A student loan is money loaned by a lending institution which you must pay back. The amount you pay back includes the loaned amount plus a fixed interest rate, and you must start paying it back once you have completed your studies. Places that provide study loans to students: NSFAS, Edu loan and major banks.

A FEW RESOURCES A booklet called Bursary Register includes a full list of bursaries available in particular fields. Copies are available at most high schools and at your university’s financial aid office, or you can order a copy from: The Bursary Register Tel: +27 (0)11 672 6559 Email: GoStudy SA: HCI’s National Bursary Programme: National Research Foundation: StudyTrust Bursaries: NSFAS: The National Student Financial Aid Scheme offers loans to qualifying students for undergraduate university studies. The loan must be paid back once you are in a job where you earn over R30 000 a year. The interest on these loans will only begin to accumulate a year after you have exited


Words Sikhulule Ngxowa 22

university. South African citizens enrolled in an undergraduate degree or diploma at any public university, whose household income is less than R122 000 a year are eligible. You must show proof of yearly household income (i.e., copies of your parents’ salary slips). If your parents are not employed, provide an affidavit from the police station explaining that. If you don’t live with your parents, provide a letter from a social worker. For more info enquire at the Financial Aid Office or Student Support Services on the campus where you plan to study. Contact the NSFAS Call Centre on 021 763 3232 or SMS your question to 32261. Email info@ or visit Edu loan: Edu loan is a private company offering financial assistant to students. Besides helping with tuition and fees, Edu study loans also can cover additional expenses such as textbooks,

Words Thokozile Mahlangu 20

Design & illustration Ryan Africa 25

accommodation, laptops and outstanding balances. The student’s parents must be in full-time employment, earn at least R2000 per month after deductions, and meet Edu loan’s criteria. For more information, check or call 0860 55 55 44. Bank student loans: All major banks offer students loans at attractive rates. Interest rates vary and depend on the length of time the loan is needed and the risk of non-payment. Student loans may be used to cover tuition fees, books and accommodation. Loans for accommodation are only granted to full-time students not living with their parents. Loans are usually granted for a single year of study; you must reapply each year by presenting your academic results to the bank to demonstrate your progress. Normally a parent or sponsor must guarantee to repay the loan in the event that the student does not do so.



s Sam tress see ded s r e b m Septe off much-nee sing putting tions and choo preparah his beloved time wit on instead... Playstati


Words Ashleigh Davids Illustration Michael Samuels Design Joshua Klein






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Live Challenge

“I’m not homophobic… some of my best friends are gay.” Rave music, scantily clad men and waiters in nothing but tight-fitting jockeys accentuating their packages (cough cough) made the scene as we saw our dear colleague’s face blush into multiple shades of red.


regulars Another pair of balloons on his head... Eish! The amusement park is no place for poor Papi.

Slap-bang they went on his forehead. Oh how he wished he were at home in the loving arms of his mother. Every issue, LIVE challenges a member of the team, taking the person out of his or her comfort zone by inviting them to try something they wouldn’t normally do. This issue’s challenge? A straight guy going to a gay club. The straight guy in question being our marketing manager Papi. “Just like a girl won’t exactly be comfortable around people that will hit on her, it’s the same with me,” said Papi of the idea of hanging out with a bunch of gay guys. “Yoh!” exclaimed our traditional male when we walked into the gay club Crew. Papi is a typical “I am an African Beast, watch how I pound my fists against my chest” type of guy who shoves his manhood in your face as he walks past oozing swag: a guy who lives to please the ladies with his charm and sex appeal.

unlikely that we’d find him dancing and having a good time. After almost half an hour of frantic searching, we found him, shuffling to a rave version of Rihanna’s “We found love in a hopeless place”: rather befitting as Papi was dancing with a companion. A very goodlooking male companion at that. Saliva lined the tiles as our jaws hit the floor, was this real? Were we seeing things? Was it really our Papi dancing so provocatively – shaking his tail feather and spontaneously dropping it like it’s hot – with a male companion? If we hadn’t seen it with our own eyes, we probably wouldn’t have believed it.

As the night drew to a close, hypnotised by the music, the three of us Having just entered this all-male gay club in Cape Town’s Green Point, danced into the morning hours. Our challenger had totally forgotten he now fiddled with his bag and clutched at his trousers in discomfort. where he was; it no longer mattered, and by the end of the night As for us, we – Chandre and Li’tsoanelo – found our attempts to some of his best friends were, well, gay. conceal our laughter were failing dismally. Boy was this going to be a night to remember! As soon as we got inside Papi made a run to the loo. Apparently his nerves got to his bladder. He strolled back to where we were seated, looking a bit more confident with that signature arrogant swagger of his returned. He bravely removed his jacket, delaying gracing the dance floor for as long as possible. We almost felt sorry for him… almost. While all three of us were taken by our surroundings – the brightly coloured decor and shimmering disco balls – we were all brought back to reality when someone’s genitals landed slap-bang on Papi’s forehead. They belonged to a male dancer doing a rendition of Beyonce’s famous booty hop atop the bar counter. We’d never seen someone’s facial expression change so many times in a matter of seconds. A suitable omen for the trauma to come. It was time. We pointed Papi in the direction of the dance floor: rave music beckoning, the neon of the disco lights amplifying the bodies colliding in a unified spasm we youngsters like to call dancing. Our guinea pig finally mustered up the courage to brave that testosterone-infested landscape, sweat oozing from his temples as he walked off, stomach-in, chest-out. We waited awhile before following him, giving him time to be alone – this was a challenge after all. Our belongings left with the gorgeous bartender, we made for the dance floor to witness Papi mingling with the very people he so greatly feared. We searched and searched, scanning every corner of the floor for Papi, knowing it was highly

Words Li’tsoanelo Zwane 21

Papi’s comment on the challenge: “First of all, gay people can party! All the bad things I’ve heard about gay clubs aren’t true: this thing about people thinking every gay guy wants you is nonsense. I went in there telling myself that it would be the first and the last time that I went to a gay club, but actually it might just be the first of many.” Words Chandre Appels 19

Photos Asanda Kaka 24

Design Joshua Klein 20


Young in Prison As the gates closed behind him, he walked down the dark corridor. Murmurs filled the hallway as the inmates exclaimed their excitement for the latest arrival. Frantically more than 500 people shook the bars of their holding cells as though wanting to escape; swearing at him as he was shunted down the corridor – never in his life had he been so afraid. "In jail there is no mother, no father, they treat you like a dog. If it is your first time they will rob you. If you do not belong to a gang – namely 26, 27, or 28 – they will beat you and treat you like a slave; making you wash their blankets, sweep, and mop the floors each and every day," said ex-convict, 19-year-old Ayanda Bangani.

and to pull youngsters into that life – as many do not learn from their mistakes. “When they are outside they call themselves ‘ntsizwa’ [man] and they want to rule any youngster who is interested in the gang lifestyle.

"There is no life in jail. The youth, they belong outside, and when we send them to jail that is the end of life for them"

South Africa is home to 13 juvenile prisons. These prisons, Pollsmoor being among them, are home to around 1,275 teenagers between the ages of 14 to 18 years. Ayanda Bangani from Gugulethu was arrested for housebreaking as a teenager. Released on bail, he later found himself re-arrested for robbery. Though he was not part of a gang before entering prison, Bangani was forced to join one as it was the only way to survive. “There are lots of fights and they use weapons like sharp bones and even toothbrushes – you have to be very careful. If you are part of any gang for a long time you get promoted by the others. You can do and have whatever you want. They even lie to the young ones saying that it's awesome to be a part of a gang," he said. Having engaged in the rehabilitation process whilst in jail, Bangani vows to never engage in criminal activities again. "For me life has changed after being in jail. I told myself that I will never go back to jail, because that is not the life that people should have. You can change your life outside, but in jail it's hard to do that." According to Bangani ex-cons are more likely to return to a life of crime once released –


Words & Photos Siviwe Mjongile 19

They don't show the dark side of prison." "When you are incarcerated your life is put on pause, and it is difficult especially if you are a teenager, it feels as though you are moving backwards,” said Prince Kamanga, a 23-year-old from Ottery who was arrested for assault, and served five months in prison. "If you are not part of a gang you have to do whatever they tell you to do. It was bad the first few days, but as time went by it got better. The only thing I did when inside was read the bible. I tried to help change the guys. Some of them would join me and

Words Chandre Appels 19

Design Ryan Africa 25

listen to the word of God. I always had a bible with me,” he added, emphasizing how it is up to the individual whether or not to improve. Not all inmates turn to gangsterism within our jails. However, most people need help to avoid joining the gangs, and rehabilitation programmes in jails are necessary to help young inmates stay out of trouble. “Every inmate needs special rehabilitation to stay out of criminal activities. We do programmes inside the prison to prepare them for when they are released. We give them access to education, helping by any means to stay out of trouble," explained Melinda Bechus, a representative of Young In Prison, an organisation that provides rehabilitation programs for juvenile detainees. Although Melinda declined to comment on whether juvenile facilities are failing their detainees, she said the police are doing their jobs. “It’s the parole system that isn’t doing their jobs properly,” she added. Poverty and unemployment also play a huge role in youth committing crime. Many teenage offenders come from poor circumstances. "It normally happens to those who don't have a support base,” said correctional services officer Litha*. "Most of these young people commit housebreaking, robbery, rapes and even murders." In jail these same youth are suddenly provided for: they get food, a place to stay, and warmth, however little it may be. When you come from nothing, anything is better. "They give them everything they need; that's what makes them want to go back to jail," Bangani agreed, pointing out that for some young prisoners, jail provides a certain stability they lack outside – a problem in that it can encourage them to want to stay.


"There is nothing that the police are doing to avoid young people from committing crimes. We just attend complaints of people, there is nothing special that the police do if the person is outside," acknowledged Xolelwa*, a 27-yearold police officer, whilst laughing. However, police officers are visiting schools and calling meetings in different locations to talk to young people about crime and the importance of education. Inside jails, they are separating the gangs according to their numbers to help prevent and solve gang-related violence in prisons. It became apparent that no one person can be blamed for the increased presence of young people in our jails, or the difficulties that they face when they get back outside, but what was brought to light is that jail is no place for a teenager. In Litha's words "There is no life in jail. The youth, they belong outside, and when we send them to jail that is the end of life for them." *NAMES HAVE BEEN CHANGED TO PROTECT IDENTITIES

"In jail there is no mother, no father, they treat you like a dog. If it is your first time they will rob you. If you do not belong to a gang... they will beat you and treat you like a slave; making you wash their blankets, sweep, and mop the floors each and every day" READ A LETTER OF ADVICE



regulars feature



feature The 1980s were not only the peak of political tensions in South Africa, but also the height of a religious era. A time when both black and white South Africans turned to religion for solutions to the problems of their unequal society; when church leaders turned into political icons, and churches were hideouts for activists. They were also times when black South Africans had to travel long distances to get to their domestic and gardening jobs from their isolated and dusty township homes. Leaving in the early hours of the morning and returning to their families late at night, most had no time to attend church, and had no choice but to take church with them on their long train rides. That was the beginning of a culture of mobile worship that has continued to this day. Today the sound of the gospel (accompanied by worshippers hitting the sides of the train and ringing portable bells) are an invitation to worship. Often heard from the side of the platform as the train pulls in and out of different stations, this signal helps believers to find the congregation while warning non-believers to stay away. Right image: To accompany their singing, they beat the sides of the train, use portable steel bells, and sometimes even play the piano and other musical instruments. All this to create a church vibe.


Above Image: While many commuters enter the train tired, hearing the preaching and the music lifts the spirits of true believers. Left Image: Despite the trains being crowded and people having to stand all the way home or to work, these believers seem comfortable praying on the go. Opposite Bottom Image: For workers commuting by train or bus, a church service held on the train is something quite normal.


Design Ryan Africa 25

Photos & Words Asanda kaka 24

Words Vusumzi Badi 21


Professional Even though I’d seen sex workers in town, I never thought I’d get the opportunity to interview one. Though nervous about my interview, I was also intrigued by the sex work profession and wanted to know the stories behind the people who had taken the plunge into the world of professional sex. Cocoa James* (24), a mother of two boys aged 6 and 9, fell pregnant in 2008. “This all started when I was living with my boyfriend... the father of my children. He was very abusive and I told myself I had to leave him. I subsequently left and was unemployed. I then met a friend who was already in the profession,” Cocoa explained. Her appearance dispelled all my preconceptions of sex workers. I had expected her to look trashy, covered in cheap make-up and wearing those signature clear heels. But dressed in an ankle-length red dress, a black cardigan and court shoes, the lady who sat in front of me could been a teacher. Cocoa’s situation is representative of why many women resort to sex work as a source of income. Finding themselves in economically harsh situations – unemployment is peaking at 40% in this country – sex work becomes their best alternative. Cocoa made efforts to find other work, but her basic level of education meant that companies were reluctant to hire her. “At the time I was 18,” she said. “With only grade 11 I wasn’t thinking straight. But my children were always my first priority – that’s why I joined the profession. Since then I’ve been doing the job because I make money from it.” The need for money can overshadow the life-threatening dangers associated with sex work. “We face too many challenges,” Cocoa said before recounting an incident involving the police. Since sex work is illegal in South Africa the police officer demanded a free “service” in exchange for escaping the wrath of the law. Being a single mother and facing some serious jail time, Cocoa obliged. According to her, this is very common.


Words Sikhulule Ngxowa 21

Photos Khayakazi Dumke 24

with society condemning them and calling them derogatory names such as omarhosha (sluts) or amahule (whores). My eyes brimmed with tears as Cocoa continued. “I wouldn’t say I’m degrading myself or my dignity, and I wouldn’t blame the government for not providing jobs. [But] if they would make more opportunities available for the youth, maybe there’d be a decrease in the percentage of sex workers.”

Since sex work is illegal in South Africa the police officer demanded a free “service” in exchange for escaping the wrath of the law Other dangers include clients driving her to faraway places and dumping her there if she refuses to obey them. Clients’ intentions aren’t known beforehand, and there’s always the possibility that the deal can turn sour or even fatal. There’s also the threat of HIV/AIDS. But because she has to put food on the table, these are risks Cocoa takes. I couldn’t help but feel hurt as Cocoa described the discrimination sex workers face,

Design Thabo Xinindlu 20

According to University of Witwatersrand researcher Marlise Richter, 20% of sex workers in Cape Town are between the ages of 18 and 24; 90% of those are female, with only 7% male (and 3% transsexual). The number of male sex workers is steadily increasing. Though there’s a belief that all male sex workers are homosexual, Richter says this is not the case. Whilst still at the centre where I met Cocoa, I encountered male sex worker, Vuyo Doti* (23). He told me he was introduced to the industry by his mother’s boss. “I was 18 back then, my mother’s employer would often spoil me with gifts and money. That later resulted in us becoming lovers. It went on until he had to leave the country for the USA, which is when my life as a sex worker began.” Vuyo was so used to the high life that the thought of not having those luxuries anymore made him turn to sex work. “I was used to the gifts and couldn’t live without them, so one day I decided to sell my body and make money,” he said. His justifications for being involved in sex work perturbed me; feeding a need for material things and maintaining a livelihood are two different things.


Vuyo now works as a Peer Educator at SWEAT, a sex worker’s organisation; his duties entail distributing condoms to other sex workers on the street and educating them on how to be safe. “I teach them about health related issues,” he explained. I found it strange that he spoke with such conviction, and yet he seemed to have traces of regret. During our conversation he rarely made eye contact and kept fidgeting with his clothes. I was not prepared for what he said next. “I charge R200 for a blowjob and R450 for a fullhouse,” he told me matter-of-factly. I couldn't believe he could make so much money selling his body. Vuyo confessed that whenever he’s financially in a tight corner, he goes back to working the streets. It was not easy for Vuyo and Cocoa to open up to me, but they were both very honest and even brave in their disclosures about things that most people would judge them for. As I left the centre Cocoa’s words echoed in my ears: “I feel so relieved after speaking with you as a young person. I hope this story will reach the attention of the youngsters out there so that they won’t make the same mistakes we did. It’s always good to learn from someone else’s mistakes and not make them yourself.” In one afternoon, my previous perception of sex workers had totally changed. Vuyo and Cocoa’s honesty touched me to the extent that even if I don’t agree with all their actions, I somehow see them in a truly different light. Society portrays sex workers as immoral human beings, but behind the make-up and provocative clothes are people no different from you and me.

“I wouldn’t say I’m degrading myself or my dignity... [But]

if they would make more opportunities available for the youth maybe there’d be a decrease in the percentage of sex workers”

For help or more information contact:

Sex Workers Education and Advocacy taskforce (sweat) tel: (021) 4487875 helpline: 0800 606060 email: website:




mind the That green uniform, the face-brick corridors, annoying the teachers, running around for no reason… high school was something else. Matric came like a bucket of cold water splashed on my face while sleeping. I suddenly had to decide what to study, meet requirements for that selected course, figure out my future and a career… decisions, decisions, decisions. As if all this decision-making wasn’t enough, external pressure piled on (“No more going out with friends,” my father dictated); competition built up with peers (“We will see who will make it”); and people around the neighborhood felt like they all had a say on how I should lead my life (“Whatever you choose to study, be sure it can make you lots of money”). With all this, when was I expected to find the time to plan? As it turns out, I didn’t. By the time I applied for tertiary it was too late – all the places were full. I had no choice but to take a break from studies, a condition formally known as a gap year. My parents’ response was simple: “You are not taking a gap year.” They were concerned that I would become corrupt if I roamed the township with nothing to do. I was ordered to study, no matter the course. Fortunately a wise woman convinced my mother that me studying something I was not passionate about would be a bad idea financially and a waste of time. Mom came back from work that day, saying I should take the time to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Unfortunately this didn’t mean that I’d just be sitting around relaxing. I received a call from Afrika Tikkun, an NGO I had been involved with while still in school, to come work for them as an intern facilitator. This job gave me an opportunity to grow as an individual, and provided a year’s working experience. I also got a chance to do some research on what possible careers I wanted to follow.


regulars feature

gap My research mostly entailed introspection, advice from friends and family, and even a bunch of online personality tests. I discovered that I have good interpersonal skills, a love for communication, growing management skills and a love for public speaking. This discovery led to my deciding to study public relations management at CPUT, where I am currently doing my 2nd year. Within my circle of friends, I was not the only one taking a gap. Like me, Xolisa Mayi (21) couldn’t figure out what to do with his life after high school and found work at Own, Invest and Live, an NGO focused on peer education. This job soon took him to the beautiful landscapes of Mozambique. “I had never been out of the country and that for me was a truly great experience,” exclaimed Xolisa with a huge grin. Unlike me, three years later Xolisa has yet to return to study. However, he is still a facilitator and touching young people’s lives, experience that will serve him well if and when he decides to go back to school.

One should always aim to make the best of their gap year, and the key word there is RESEARCH

Amanda Kotelana (21) from Delft acknowledges having made a few mistakes in high school, mostly during her Matric year. “Everything just changed drastically and too fast for me in that year. Peer pressure definitely took its toll, and before I knew it my focus shifted from my schooling,” recalled Amanda. Her unintended gap year gave her time to pick herself up, improving the marks she had lost during her “phase”, and most importantly, helped her in deciding that she wanted to study the following year. She is now doing well as a 3rd year public relations management student also at CPUT.

Make the Most of the Gap LIVE spoke to Donald Swanepoel, director of Cow Africa Marketing Agency, about the value of a gap year from an employer’s point of view. “If you can take a gap year, use it to your advantage, and make sure you gather as much experience and information as you can,” he advised. “Travelling, especially overseas, is [also] important in terms of experience, as it helps people to be independent,” he added. Overall, Donald recommended using a gap year to get real experience, whether through volunteering or interning at a place you’d like to work in the future. Having experience on your CV is very important, as many people have diplomas but still lack passion or relevant experience. Donald added that work experience can even be more important than a qualification, particularly in a field like marketing. [SN]

Though Thembalethu Mlokoti (21) was fortunate enough to go straight from matric to studying a BA in Political Sciences at UWC, his not having taken a gap year finds him wishing for one now. As much as he may argue that taking a gap year after Matric is different than taking a gap year in tertiary, people like me who have reaped the benefits of a gap year know that he would probably be totally chilled now had he taken it then. All that said, a gap year is not always the right way to go. It is not a curse, but it should never be a first option. It should rather be taken as a Plan B when faced with challenges. One should always aim to make the best of their gap year, and the key word there is RESEARCH. Research on possible careers, institutions, courses being offered, your personality in relation to those careers… just research all the way. And in the meantime, find something to do with your gap year so as to gain experience and improve your CV. Find a job, volunteer, start a business (even if it only goes as far as drawing up a business plan), travel the world, just be productive... and MIND THE GAP!

Words Vusumsi Badi 21

Reporting Sikhulule Ngxowa 22

Design & illustration Clint Visser 24

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A DIFFERENT KIND OF PRINCESS Most girls dream of becoming a princess. Toya Delazy’s crown looks more like a mohawk. Her glass slippers? A pair of Reebok sneakers.


”Wherever I was at, I wasn’t fronting with royalty. I preferred that people meet me and know me for who I am,” said the 22-year-old musician, who’s done her best to keep her title far from her identity. My own “meeting” with Toya proved her to be a princess whose only front is a genuinely infectious nature that transmitted all the way from Jozi to Cape Town, via a computer video chat on Google+ Hangouts. Entering a white room in faraway Braamfontein in a hurricane of movement, Toya immediately came across as relaxed, confident and eager to give of herself. Even virtually, Toya’s funky style and genuine, down-to-earth smile got to me: I was thoroughly Delazy’d.

Hanging out with Toya

I first encountered Toya Delazy through her funky video for her first single “Pump It On”. The video’s feel had me convinced that its artist must be from overseas. It was only later, hearing radio DJ’s discussing the song, that I realised the artist behind this catchy tune was one of our own. This meant something to me. Even though I know how talented our people are, I had yet to see something produced and delivered in such a class setting. Until Toya. Doing research before my interview for this story, I discovered a colourful history that starts with her origins: coming from a long line of leaders of the Great Buthelezi tribe, Toya was largely brought up in hostel schools away from her royal family. These tidbits led me to wonder about the hectic expectations society might have of this young royal, and how those might have clashed with the artist who so positively represents the South Africa I relate to. Who was this girl really? ”Zulu family has pretty high standards,” admitted Toya from the Branson centre, where her half of our virtual interview was taking place. “They try to box me in... I just never really fit the puzzle. How do you expect a princess to look? Like Beatrice vibes, with a big hat? That’s not happening,” she laughed. Her ensemble that day – a polka-dot blazer, nerdy glasses and her trademark mohawk – made her look tidy and funky at the same time. “I guess I’m just a different type of princess.” A different kind of princess who clearly has managed to find her own way. “It was difficult but I had to make a decision, I mean I had to choose a path. I chose music. I had to work for it and not just ride the princess horse,” she told me. “It took guts.” So where did those guts come from?

Princess Letoya Buthelezi: the early years

Born 5 February 1990 to Princess Lethuxolo Buthelezi, granddaughter of Mangosuthu Buthelezi, King of the Great Buthelezi tribe and leader of the Inkatha Freedom Party, Toya is also grandaughter to Princess Magogoand, a renowned artist, poet and singer. The young princess grew up in eMahlabathini near uLundi, KwaZulu-Natal. Having attended convent hostel schools from age six, Toya was exposed to different types of people, a circumstance that she says contributes to her openness and ability to relate to others. The convent also birthed Toya’s love for music. With secular music banned, she wrote her own songs, feeling that her music couldn’t be bad if it was coming from the heart. Music later took on a whole other meaning when Toya lost her mother,



“The y m reale in... I try to ly fi just box t th neve e pu r zzle ”

whom she described as “basically my only parent”, and the person who encouraged her individuality. “My mom always let me be myself. She was very open-minded,” said Toya. The relatively early loss of her mother triggered a newfound passion for Toya. ”My music was written in a time where I needed encouragement, I needed hope for something. I was in matric and I had lost my mom. When I sang I felt uplifted, I felt happy. Basically it was my crutch... Most of the songs I was writing were to make me feel better. And at the same time, while I was writing them I was thinking of anyone else who could be going through the same thing and trying to share the same message,” recalled Toya. Moving on to Howard College at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2009, Toya encountered new tests. First, her family wasn’t supportive of her choice to move to Durban and study music. She nonetheless made her own decision and suffered for it: for a period Toya slept on friends’ couches, squatting at their places for months at a time while studying. “When I went to varsity I was alone – I mean I could have gone buckwild. You need to associate yourself with people who have the same mind as you or that are looking for the same things,” she advised. Then things got even more difficult. “When I got to university I was doing classical,


Words Tamara Moore 23

then it was jazz,” said Toya, who has played piano since the age of nine. “I don’t know why, but I actually failed the first year. They told me ‘Don’t come back, music is not for you.’ I knew that if I stopped I would be giving up on myself... I just wanted to continue, I guess to prove a point,” laughed Toya, who has obviously proved her point in the best way!

All about freedom

These days Toya has crossed over with her own style of music she calls JEHP (jazz electro hip pop). “My music comes from a space where I want comfort, I want to have fun. And freedom – right now we’re all about freedom,” said Toya when asked what she’s expressing with her music these days. Could it have something to do with Toya’s universal mindset? Where the mind goes the man follows. “Things have become more global. We connect through music. When people... listen to my music they feel like they can lose themselves... that’s exactly what I aim for. I want people to love themselves, to enjoy themselves,” she said. Speaking to her now, one thing is for sure: her music sends the same message she does: you can’t fake this kind of natural positivity, it must be part of her being – a beauty spot on her soul. Photos Thapelo Motsumi 21

Design Clint Visser 24

Stylist Sandisiwe Pityi 21

And speaking of beauty, let us not forget the importance of fashion for this style-icon. It took time for her audience to embrace her look, however. “I came from Durban, people laugh at you and stuff,” she said of earlier reactions to her unique style. “Ja, there will always be people trying to put you off your swag, but if you know what you want you just have to forge on. That’s how I found it,” she advised budding fashionistas. Coming into her own as an artist and icon, Toya has had to fight for her individualism. Perhaps it was in her blood – after all, she comes from a line of freedom fighters. Though Delazy’s heritage includes a strong political background, in this case the apple fell far from the tree. Freedom to express individuality and love are her messages: “Back then it was another sort of freedom, it was like political freedom and all that. Now, I guess it’s being free from being judged,” she said. Asked directly about politics, her face scrunched up: “Not my vibe man. Keep me with the mosh pit, I’m cool, hey,” she laughed. In this moment I suddenly get her vibe. We both crack up, and I want to celebrate this this icon who is free of a political agenda. A vibrant individual who believes in the product she is promoting: positivity. Make-up Olivia Handerson 19

Assistant Photographer Kirsten Ho 24

her Toya gets n .o .P .M .U .R K

“Ja, there will always be people trying to put you off your swag, but if you know what you want you just have to forge on”

Get the CD

Two lucky fans could win Toya Delazy’s CD

Due Drop

Letting o u that ene t all rgy

Go to And of course we also had to push in with the personal: is this lady attached? The question provoked an interesting response, mostly giggles. Though tightlipped about the identity of the lucky person, sorry to say boys and girls, she is taken. Questions about her interest in marriage also brought a lot of laughs, plus an unexpected fear: not one of walking down the aisle, though. Seems our brave Zulu warrior princess is afraid of cows. “120 cows?” she laughed, referring to the Lobola. “Yeah, make it horses this time. Like I said, new-age princess,” she grinned.

What about the future?

“One phase at a time” said Toya, who has first set her mind to conquering the local scene. With “Pump It On” and “Love Is In The Air” flooding the airwaves, her career is already well underway, positioning her among the top artists in SA.

g Spreadin s g in w r e h

So is there anything Toya still wants to do? “Jump out of a plane” pops out, followed by “with a parachute”. As for business, she hopes to continue learning and travelling. “Of course I don’t think I’ve done it all yet. There’s still a lot I need to know and learn, and lots I want to do. Lots!” Finally, asked for her advice to young people out there, Toya advised: ”You need to be confident in what you do, and believe in yourself, ‘cause if you don’t believe in yourself, how can you get a whole lot of people to believe in you?! And perseverance – definitely – it helps. And do what you love.” And Delazy is definitely doing what she loves, swapping glass slippers for princess-worthy Reeboks and long speeches for pumped-up jams. Putting love into the air, one musical note at a time, she has us all Delazy’d.

*Thanks to Heidi and the Branson Centre

Yez zur! Too fly

Check our GOOGLE+HANGOUT with Toya at


hanging out with toya A conversation always has more value when you can see the person you’re talking to. But what happens when friends are scattered all over the country or world (or just on those nasty days when you’d rather chat from your own bed)? Google+ to the rescue! Google+ hangouts is the latest and greatest way to get everyone chatting (and seeing each other) at the same time. Plus it’s FREE and so simple. We had firsthand experience of Google+ hangouts thanks to an intense decision to conduct the interview for our cover story with Toya Delazy via this new feature. With Toya in Jozi, and our HQ in Cape Town, we video chatted with Toya on Google Hangouts, and so a cover story was born.

Journalist, Tamara Moore gets up close with Toya Delazy

How does it work? 1.

Go to and log in using your Gmail account details (if you don’t have a Gmail account, it takes two minutes to create one).


If you haven’t already done so, create your profile so that your friends can find you, and start following interesting people.


To start a hangout, click on “Start a hangout” in the top right corner (next to the image that looks like a camera in a speech bubble). If this is your first hangout, you’ll be asked to install the talk plugin - it’s quick.


Invite people from your circles to join and click on Hang out.


Make sure your webcam and mic is working is on and start chatting!

A cheerful Toya speaks to Live.

Perks & Tips: •

You can chat with (and see) up to ten people anywhere in the world for free!

The person currently speaking will pop up on the main screen so that you can easily focus on who is talking (useful when there are more than two of you).

Share homework, projects or any work documents while chatting with the Share Screen feature, or using the Google Docs app.

Use the “On Air” feature to record your conversations and even broadcast them on YouTube (don’t forget to like Live Magazine’s YouTube page when you login to YouTube!)

You need a good internet connection if you want to get the most out of hangouts. If your connection is slow, try switching to “low bandwidth” under settings, or turn off your video and just talk.

in!the chance to interview Live Magazine’s wwant next mystery celebrity via g+? Well, just follow these easy steps:


Words Tamara Moore 23

Words Sikhulule Nqxowa 22

Design Clint Visser 24

Google+ Hangouts made it all happen!

1) Join G+ by following the guide (see How it Works above) 2) Add Live Magazine: Live Magazine SA to your circle. 3) We’ll select one winner at random on G+, so watch your +1!



Are you a:

BLOGGER WORDSMITH ILLUSTRATOR PHOTOGRAPHER GRAPHIC DESIGNER WHO IS based in CAPE TOWN aged between 18 and 25 ? We’re inviting you to be part of


If you are not in the Cape, fear not, we accept submissions NATIONWIDE,


CHECK OUR GUIDELINES AND show us your talent! Words Li’tsoanelo Zwane 21

Photo Theodore Africa 20

Designer Xolani Dani 22




Cracking the

“Sies”, “dirty”, “disgusting”: words used by people who don’t know or understand Rastafarian culture to describe the people who call themselves Rasta. LIVE took the plunge into the Rasta world to dispel the myths. When I first arrived in Cape Town earlier this year the only picture I had of a Rasta was a person wearing green, yellow, red and black, and with a tam (hat) covering his dreadlocked hair. That is, until I met 23-yearold Ras-Levi Gordon, who has been a Rasta since the age of seven. When I meet Ras at eleven in the morning, he looks like he hasn’t slept for days. “It’s because I slept in the mountain,” he explains. Seeing the shock on my face, Ras-Levi tells me that he and other Rastas sometimes gather and sleep on the mountain to meditate and worship Jah (Rasta term for God). A Rasta since a young age, Ras-Levi says that acceptance by his peers was a major difficulty. However, he says that he became a Rasta for “protection”. He believes that youth today are trapped in a wicked lifestyle fuelled by conspicuous consumption and greed. Unlike most Rastas, Ras goes around wearing a brown sackcloth, which according to him symbolises the purity of their way of life.

“The Rastafarian movement, which is our way of life is within us, you can’t take us out of it. We live it, we breathe it” “The Rastafarian movement, which is our way of life, is within us, you can’t take us out of it. We live it, we breathe it,” said Sabau, a Rastafarian herb vendor. Sabau joined the Rasta movement in 2004 when he started seeing the world as a place filled with crime and cruelty, driven by conflicts and materialism. He looked to the Rastafarian culture as a way of obtaining the peace he so passionately wanted, and began living his life naturally. It’s been eight years since Sabau became a Rasta, yet he is still called derogatory names.


Words Thokozile Mahlangu 20

Words Photos Name Asanda Surname kaka Age24

Now found all over the world, the Rastafarian movement started in Jamaica in the 1930s. Even though Rastas are widely scattered in South Africa, they are still largely misunderstood and widely criticised. Society is even reluctant to acknowledge the Rastafarian movement as a religion. Rastafarians praise Jah (God) and Haile Selassie, the former emperor of Ethiopia whom they deem as the living God. They believe that Selassie didn’t die in 1975, but was reincarnated as a spiritual being. Rastafarians in South Africa are mostly known and criticised for smoking ganja, which according to them is “the herb of life”. They call it this because it is natural and chemicalfree, and is believed to heal sicknesses. It is usually passed from one Rasta to the next at their “Reasoning” sessions (sometimes called groundings), where they meet up for prayers, praising and meditation. They also have a very distinctive way of speaking. The Rastafarian language or patois involves a wide use of the personal pronoun ‘I’; for example: receive is “Iceive”, desire would be “Isire”, and create is “Icreate”.

women as “Queens”, to be guided and taken care of by their men or “Kings”. Rastafarian women are expected to be obedient and supportive of their men. They reject feminism, as it contradicts the King James version of the bible, on which many of their beliefs are based. It’s ironic that in a country as culturally and religiously diverse as South Africa, people would still enforce their misconceptions about being Rastafarian, and even ostracize members of the movement, who are actually highly religious people. Whatever happened to being cognisant and respectful of other belief systems? Do we not all have a right to believe and practise what we want? In a world that’s divided by religion, culture and beliefs systems, Bob Marley’s words couldn’t be more relevant: “One love, one heart, let’s get together and be alright”. Jah irie!

Many people consider the Rastas’ thick locked hair and beards as dirty and untidy, but according to Sabau, “Our hair is our crowning glory, our bodies are a temple and we refer our growing of locked hair to that of Samson in the bible, which gave him the power to destroy the Philistines.” Their natural dreadlocked hair is an important aspect of their religion. To them, it’s a symbol of their faith, with the length of the hair being a representation of the number of years an individual has been loyal to the movement. They also believe that their hair acts like a connector or antennae linking them to Haile Selassie and their ancestors. Their belief in their bodies as temples is echoed by the highly vegetarian diet, which consists of eating only natural products; fruits, vegetables and nuts or anything that doesn’t contain unnatural chemicals. Most religions have very distinct roles for women. The Rastafarian movement deems

Words Words Name Li’Tsoanelo Surname Zwane Age 21

Word Photos Name Theodore Surname Africa Age 19

Illustration Design Name Ryan Surname Africa Age 25


Rasta world

regulars FEATURE


y d a e R

at Cape y h c n u a l l officia the opportunit s t i d l e h E LIV sing u , y midst l A b . m t e o s o s h A s s o Town’ n phot smoke o i h s a f r u to host o crowd and feisty t down! the amped ...this is how it wen machines.

to h c n u La 36


Scott Wears:

Iron fist t-shirt: Revolution R229.95 Black skinny jeans: model’s own Suede shoes:

Sportscene R599.00

Kayla Wears:

Gold top: Traffic R149.00 Black Jeans: JayJays R399.95 Black ankle boot: Revolution R599.95



Kayla wears:

Spray-painted vest: JayJays R169.00 Blue skinny jeans: JayJays R399.00 Iron fist heels: Revolution R509.95



Scott Wears:

Grey blazer: YDE R850.00 Grey t-shirt: Revolution R279.95 Blue sweats: YDE R499.00 Shoes: Sportscene R499.00

Kayla wears:

Denim shirt: Revolution R599.95

Scott wears:

Denim shirt: Revolution R599.95 T-shirt: models own Pants: Jay Jays R269.00 Shoes: Sportscene R499.00 Words Rifqa Paka 24

Photos Dylan Louw 21

*All accessories from Sass Diva Stylist Ndu Ngobo 23

Design Thabo Xinindlu 20

Make up Candice May 19



Who Broke Your Mirror? In 2011, a seemingly normal breakfast turned sour. My chicken sarmie on seed bread went from a health-conscious meal to something that would leave me self-conscious for a long time coming.


Words Ashleigh Davids 20

Photos Theodore Africa 19

Design Joshua Klein 20

regulars Biting what must have been a tiny chicken bone, I fractured a tooth. I struggle to identify what was worse: walking to the mirror, or walking out of the dentist’s office where I was informed that I would need my front teeth replaced with dentures. I refused to go out in the following days, believing I looked U-G-L-Y. I couldn’t recall ever hearing someone say, “That girl who had her front teeth extracted is so beautiful.” I was largely disturbed by this concept because of its roots in the coloured community (my mom, several aunts, uncles and cousins have dentures). In previous times, extraction was the result of poor dental health and unhealthy volumes of sugary food. But the recent trend where people consider it cool to remove teeth is just insane to me. A fashion trend? Right. Now I would join the club. I still haven’t had my teeth removed and am holding onto hopes of a less drastic solution. The whole incident has made me think a lot about the fact that whether denied or battled with consciously, the issue of self-image is one that affects adolescents worldwide. I wasn’t alone.

It is not craziness to link insecurity or strange behavior to a weak self-perception. Every tree has its root Coco Putuma (20), a short and dark skinned Theatre and Performance student at UCT also has a dental issue, sporting a gap between her pearly whites. “Primary school is not a place for children!” she says, recalling the teasing she endured. Her teeth were not Coco’s only struggle though. “I never liked my voice,” Coco admits, her tone deep and possessing a huskiness which tickles your ear. In her mind it was simply too masculine. Where do ideas like this come from? Society affects us, we become smeared with ideas of what we should or shouldn’t be, and often see our appearance as if reflected in a broken mirror. 23-year-old Tamara has never had it easy. The light skinned, silky haired young lady comments that self-image not only includes the physical but also our position in society. “I’ve been made fun of as a child for coming from an underprivileged home, which for any kid sucks,” she says. Moving from the city (Sea Point) to a suburb outside of Cape Town as a child, Tamara didn’t get new toys, often wore the same civvies and had to study by candlelight and sleep at her mom’s place of employment. This situation, along with a struggle with her weight since the age of 11, led her first to obsessing with diets and exercise, and later to entering the drug and party scene. Our sense of self often manifests negatively, like the rebellious nature Tamara developed. It also comes out in bad relationships, which Tamara experienced firsthand, having been with an abusive boyfriend who called her names and spoke down about her family and character.

physical abuse, severe neglect, violence in the home and bullying can all lead to negative mental and emotional behavioural patterns such as low self-esteem. When asked whether she believes that adolescents deal with a certain amount of denial concerning low self-esteem, Abrahams said: “I wouldn’t even call it denial, just like an addiction, this low selfimage becomes such a big part of who the individual is that they see or know no other way of living.” As many young people cannot afford professional help, Abrahams cites the importance of awareness. We have to realize that a negative self-image can control/rule our lives, and it is essential to make a conscious decision to address this part of who we are. Though Rome wasn’t built in a day and resolve doesn’t come overnight, enforcing positive habits and thoughts does help. Tamara decided to move away from the problem. “I had to choose new friends and stop bad habits,” she says, recalling her choice to change her environment. She advises adopting a new mindset if it is not possible to actually physically move. Coco implemented a few practical steps, including getting over her fear of being photographed. “I couldn’t stand people taking photos of me! What I did to reverse this was to try to keep any tagged photos/videos on my social media profiles for as long as possible without removing them. Slowly but surely they had less of an effect on me.” Personally I’m still climbing my mountain. There are steep and strenuous stretches, as well as parts of the walk which are brisk and problem-free. I try to focus on the aspects of my personality and physical features which I love, and remember that my body does not define who I am. I’m saving up for a better dental procedure (no dentures!) and I don’t bother spending time around people who would judge me for something as ridiculous as my teeth. I’ve also filled my life with enjoyable activities to boost my joy on those low days. Whether your mirror is cracked by negative influences or shattered by your own insecurities, it is never too late to trade for one that is a true reflection of everything you are or can be. I’m okay. I’ve swept up the glass. It’s been a journey, one that started with answering the question, “Who broke your mirror?”

You may have friends who can’t leave the house without makeup, or check their appearance one too many times. Perhaps you can’t understand why your girlfriend constantly needs praise, or why your boyfriend doesn’t like when you’re around other men. Many youngsters battle depression and commit self-harm (cutting); some even attempt or commit suicide. It is not craziness to link insecurity or strange behavior to a weak self-perception. Every tree has its root. Psychologist Meryl Abrahams says that low self-esteem contributes to everything in one’s life, including your outlook on the world and your role in it. “Your upbringing largely affects what will eventually be a low/healthy/high self-esteem. In most children, life up until the age of seven will be a highly critical stage of influence,” says Abrahams. According to various studies, traumatic events such as sexual or


regulars random

No Textbooks? No problem... If you lack a textbook for whatever reason, Siyavula’s Everything Maths and Everything Science websites allows you to work through the curriculum, chapter by chapter, no matter where you are

These grade 12 students at Malibu High School are learning how to use interactive textbooks, web-books accessible through cell phones and online exam practice resources created by a company called Siyavula (Nguni for “we are opening”). Recent times saw an uproar due to the insufficient delivery of textbooks across the country, especially with the dumping of textbooks in Limpopo Province. But it’s not just in Limpopo that students struggle with resources: across SA, thousands of students can’t take books home from school to study, or must return textbooks at the end of the year, preventing further study or referencing things they might forget. While debates ensue over who is responsible for these problems, back at the ranch, high school students are preparing for September trials and October’s final exams. Just what will be done to ensure that you aren’t negatively affected? Siyavula provides the perfect opportunity for students to be proactive despite external influences, letting them take advantage of what’s out there rather than becoming a victim of what’s not! Asked what students should do to make the best out of a bad situation, grade 12 student Gustav Deyce commented: “I think the only way to move ahead is to make use of things like social media and other technology like


Words Ashleigh davids 20

Class is in full swing, with a group of learners huddling over a cellphone as their teacher carefully explains a new method they could use to access free learning aids for their exam preparations

really helpful, we just need to make the effort to access them,” Gustav said. If you lack a textbook for whatever reason, Siyavula’s Everything Maths and Everything Science websites allows you to work through the curriculum, chapter by chapter, no matter where you are. Along with the online/mobile textbooks, the “Intelligent Practice” service enriches your study experience. The Intelligent Practice service allows learners to monitor their progress as well as identify where they may be weak in the curriculum. This means that if you are studying for an exam, you can access test questions similar to the ones you’ll find in your paper from the comfort of your PC, simply by logging in (see details below) and working through the chapters suitable to your curriculum.

But will learners go the extra mile to use these resources? Gustav’s classmate Devon Fortuin says that responsibility rests with them. “I’m not so sure that learners would spend their airtime what Siyavula is offering.” So what exactly on these downloads or internet services, but is Siyavula offering? The company has put again that depends on your priorities. If your together a range of Mathematics and studies are important to you, you’d do what Physical Science textbooks for the Grade 10– you can regardless of what the government 12 curriculums, available in hardcopy (printed are doing,” commented 17-year-old Devon. and distributed to government schools across We at LIVE agree: it’s up to you to make use South Africa in 2012), and freely accessible of this awesome opportunity, whatever crisis via mobile phones and the web. might be playing out in our school systems. “Their interactive net-based resources are The future is in your hands!

Photos Asanda Kaka 24

Design Clint Visser 24


You’ll ALWAYS have access to textbooks/work suited to your assessments and exams You can use the resource material anywhere, anytime, all you need is airtime and a mobile phone You aren’t limited to learning ONLY in your school environment You can beat the odds with the Intelligent Practice service for a minimal once-off fee of R150 Access exam past papers through Everything Maths and Everything Science on Mxit


Did you know you can access a text-only version of the Siyavula textbooks on Mxit? Visit: Mxit>Tradepost>Mxit Reach>Education>Everything Maths/ Science


Visit or or www. from your computer or m.everythingmaths. or from your mobile for more info on the services provided. Use of the Intelligent Practice service incurs a once-off R150 fee.


() in

ive correct rape

He described the physical pain as “the most excruciating�: something that no words could describe...


Words Vusumzi Badi 21

Photos Asanda kaka 24

Design Ryan Africa 25


In South Africa the term “corrective rape” has come to be used to describe the act of rape with the intention of “correcting” homosexuality. The media publicises this crime as victimising lesbian women; as a result, a number of gay men have been left to suffer in silence. LIVE spoke to Ndyebo*, a 21-year-old homosexual male from Masiphumelele, who found himself victimised by this terrible crime. Ndyebo is a fun-loving character known for cracking jokes with his friends and his generally bright and cheerful attitude. The events of one Saturday evening threatened to permanently change his character, bringing misery and something he swears to never forget. “It was a horrible experience and is definitely something I would not wish on anybody,” began Ndyebo, the tension on his light complexioned face clearly reliving the horror. On the night in question, Ndyebo had agreed to go out with his sister and his best friend, Mphumzi* to a shebeen around the neighbourhood. After a few drinks, as expected, Ndyebo needed to pee. The toilets were full, and his best option was a shadowy spot just outside the shebeen.

The following clinics are gay-friendly and can assist victims of corrective rape. JOBURG SIMON NKOLI CENTRE for MEN’S HEALTH (Soweto) Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital Tel: 011 989-9756/9865 HEALTH4MEN at YEOVILLE CLINIC Tel: 072 654-0816 CAPE TOWN IVAN TOMS CENTRE for MEN’S HEALTH Woodstock Hospital Tel: 021 447-2844 SISEKO MEN’S CLINIC (Khayelitsha) Site C, Taxi Rank Tel: 021 387-0309 DURBAN & PORT ELIZABETH MENS CLINIC INTERNATIONAL (multiple branches) Tel: (031) 566-1684 (Umhlanga) (031) 902-5500 (Isipingo) (041) 586-4457 (Port Elizabeth)

“As I was peeing this familiar voice comes up from behind me saying ‘Let’s go!’ I turned around ready to protest, only to be met with a gun pointing at my forehead. I found myself silently led... with the gun placed on my waist in a gesture that I am sure people walking by interpreted as two friends walking together,” recounted Ndyebo. He later identified the perpetrator as Bongani*, a guy whose mother went to the same church as his aunt. En route to Bongani’s house, Ndyebo pleaded with him to release him and promised to never say a word about this incident. His promise was ignored and met with a threat : “I am going to teach you a lesson.” “Upon arriving at his place I was ordered to strip naked and it was then that it became clear to me what was to follow,” Ndyebo recalled, holding back tears. Bongani then forced himself on Ndyebo, leaving him with an emotional scar impossible to erase. He described the physical pain as “the most excruciating”: something that no words could describe. He went on to say that even worse was the humiliation of being raped by another man. Back at the shebeen Mphumzi and Ndyebo’s sister had spent an hour looking for him. He finally emerged walking slowly towards them and looking weak. “He was in tears. His first words, ‘I have just been raped,’ not only came as a shock to me, but I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The tears flooding down his cheeks and the pain in his voice is what brought it to life,” said Mphumzi. *NAMES HAVE BEEN CHANGED TO PROTECT IDENTITIES

After the rape, Ndyebo was warned to never say a word to anyone or his family would be sought out one by one. “His mother and my aunt knew each other, so I knew that these were not just empty words and that he really was capable after what he had just done to me,” said Ndyebo. According to a report conducted by the Human Rights Watch in 2011 (We’ll Show You You’re A Woman), many rape and assault cases against homosexuals go unreported. Fear and stigma attached to sexual assault are the probable causes that such crimes are not reported, and the few who do report often face hostility and discrimination, not only from police but sometimes other service providers. When asked about his experience with the police, Ndyebo retorted: “I hate the police with passion!” Ndyebo affirmed the police’s mistreatment, describing how they kept asking troubling questions: “Did he ejaculate inside you?” and “Did you enjoy it?”, clearly mocking him. As a result, Ndyebo felt ridiculed and humiliated by the people who are supposed to protect him. Corrective rape in South Africa came to be known in the mid to late 2000s, when several incidents of physical and sexual assault and murder based on sexual orientation occurred. The act gained public awareness following the 2006 murder of 19-year-old lesbian Zoliswa Nkonyana in Khayelitsha. Unlike the Nkonyana case, Ndyebo’s case did not see justice. After multiple postponements, his case was dismissed due to insufficient evidence. The report filed by the doctor who had examined him on the night was lost; meanwhile the doctor had since quit and was nowhere to be found, so there was no medical evidence. As a result, Bongani was not sentenced and remains free. Being homosexual means that you have sexual relations with a person of the same sex. People like Bongani force themselves on other men to “teach them a lesson” and “cure” them of homosexuality. But doesn’t their forcing themselves on other men reflect them as homosexual too? The mentality that believes that raping another man (or a woman) will cure them of their sexuality is just sick and twisted. But what’s even worse is how we as a society condone this act even by the way we speak about it; after all, what does it say that we call it “CORRECTive Rape”? When has rape ever been “correct”?




baby daddies

Deadbeat dads? Hardly. Slowly but strongly, a generation of responsible young fathers has arisen, taking to heart the interests of the children they helped bring into the world and enjoying the journey. LIVE salutes these and other young dads stepping up.


Words Ashleigh Davids 20

Photos Theodore Africa 19

Stylist Rifqa Paka 24

Design Clint Visser 24

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Words Name Surname Age

Word Photos Name Surname Age

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WordsWord Name Surname Age



Calling all 2012 Matriculants Khetha and apply now! Don’t wait, apply for further studies before it’s too late. If you’re interested in studying at a higher education or training institution in 2013. Now is the time to start looking at applications. Check out the closing dates, ask questions and get all your info in order.

Don’t forget to check that the institution and qualification that you’re looking at is accredited with the National Qualification Framework (NFQ). For any of those nagging questions call the NQF and Career Advice Helpline on 0860 111 673.

Plan ahead – your future is too important to leave until tomorrow!

THE TIME IS NOW! We all know the crucial role of tertiary education in securing future employment. Too bad applications happen over a period when Matric students would much rather spend quality time with friends than figure out their future. But as they say, the early bird gets the worm!


Words Tamara Moore 23

Reporting Sikhulule Nqxowa 22

Illustration Michael Samuels 22

Design Joshua Klein 20

regulars Don’t shift the uncertain to the back of your mind, thinking you can just face it when the time comes. The time is NOW! And the decision – conscious or not – to put your future on the backburner is fiercely misguided. As the numbers in enrollments for certain courses increase yearly, competition is rife, and going in last minute could very well burn you out or even cut you off in a time when you should be embracing all the possibilities that come with furthering your education. Our very own deputy editor discovered this when she got hands-on experience in late-application woes. Twenty-one-year-old Li’Tsoanelo had left her application to the last minute when applying at the University of the Western Cape. “The classes started the Monday, and I went in to apply the Friday,” she recalls. The course Li’Tsoanelo initially wanted to study was by that stage full, and she was turned away. Luckily she was saved by her outstanding grades. “One of the application officers saw I had matriculated with distinction and immediately placed me in another course.” Li’Tsoanelo might have gotten lucky getting a spot, but she still wasn’t able to study what she wanted and found it difficult to adjust to the concept of a new direction in her first year.

“Life is not the same anymore. My dream just vanished with thin air, and now I have to work so that I can take care of my family since I am now the breadwinner at home” Kulani Mathebula, a 20-year-old Unisa student from Johannesburg was not so lucky. Even though good in maths, she was an average ranking student in general. Kulani applied for a civil engineering course, something she really wanted to study, but due to waiting too long to apply she failed to get in. After long consideration with her uncle’s guidance, she then applied to Unisa, where she now studies accounting sciences. Despite having found a place in school, she is despondent in her studies.

PROS TO APPLYING EARLY - Gives you the best chance of succeeding in your career and life - First preference in your choice of course - Application and registration fees are cheaper - Lines are shorter - Admin is easier - Gives you more time to research what you want to study - Gets you on the list faster - When you apply early you’re exposed to/eligible for student funding - Gives you a chance to speak to the student adviser

“The application process was pretty straightforward and went quickly,” she says, referring to applying online at Unisa. “But this is not what I want to be doing, as I won’t use this when I finish my studies, even though there are jobs for the qualification.” Despite lacking enthusiasm for the course, Kuliani saw this was her only alternative to waiting a year to reapply, as she wanted to study something and didn’t see a gap year as an option. Though they didn’t get to study what they wanted, both Li’Tsoanelo and Kuliani managed to make a plan. Not everyone is so lucky. “I always dreamed of becoming a Quantity Survey, but that all changed when I applied late for tertiary studies,’’ recalls 28-year-old Sam Mhlanjwa, who currently works as a security guard in Cape Town. “I’m now stuck in a job I never intended doing, I have to grab anything that comes my way in order to make a living,” explained Sam, who is trying to save for studies but is losing hope with each passing year.

“Secure yourself a place in any tertiary institution, do not make the same mistake I did and end up as a security guy instead of becoming what you dreamed” “Growing up in the rural area where I matriculated, we had no access to the different choices and any form of information. Life is not the same anymore. My dream just vanished with thin air, and now I have to work so that I can take care of my family since I am now the breadwinner at home,” says Sam, who struggles to make ends meet and is worried that he may just be a security guard for the rest of his life. Sam advised young people to apply early: “Secure yourself a place in any tertiary institution, do not make the same mistake I did and end up as a security guy instead of becoming what you dreamed.” Whatever you decide to study, first you must be accepted. So if you are keen on giving your future a chance, the time to apply is now! Make your move and assure your place today. Once you’ve faced the music you might find the beat makes you move, giving you a new swagger fit for a fresh-faced resident.



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or take it down low... Feel like jumping off a cliff? Fancy giving the sand man a run for his money? You can do it all! Paragliding You may have seen them gliding gracefully in the sky: those super-sized kites were always a mystery. A mystery that we recently uncovered. If you haven’t guessed it yet, I’m talking about paragliding: an activity that requires nerves of steel and an appetite for adventure. Representing LIVE, I volunteered to take on the daunting task and leap off Signal Hill with Constantine, a tandemparagliding pilot at Cape Town Paragliding. How’s it done? Harnessed to a parachute or aerofoil, you basically jump off a cliff or elevated sloped surface. Unlike conventional parachutes that are designed to reduce the speed of a falling object, these parachutes are made to accelerate to speeds between 20 to 75 km/ hr. Luckily, paragliding has been fine-tuned so that you can steer and direct where you’re going at those speeds. Paragliding is purely recreational, an amazing way to escape the hustle and bustle of the urban jungle. Solely at the mercy of the winds and your (or your pilot’s) expertise, it’s refreshing to be able to take a look at the exquisite landscape from a different angle. [NM]

no experience necessary

For more info, call: 076 892 2283 or check:

Tandem paragliding is when a passenger accompanies the pilot on a flight, meaning your job is to have fun while your pilot manipulates the wind. Flying with a reputable company like Cape Town Paragliding meant that when it was my turn I could trust the pilot to launch and land safely while I just sat back and had a whale of a time. If wanting to fly solo, remember that this is quite an extreme sport. The price to partake is also rather extreme. To successfully set up, take off and stay in the air requires an average of more than 40 flights in tandem before flying solo. One tandem flight at Cape Town Paragliding costs R950. This highly specialised company even offer courses that train you to become an instructor.

Sandboarding Fancy your feet glued to a board whilst zipping down a sand dune? Start with a dune of a height and width you are comfy with. Next, learn to “carve”; that is: control your descent by moving your weight from heels to toes, thus “steering” the board. With those basics covered, you can explore your adventurous side, including jumping, ramping off smaller dunes and back flips with 180 degree spins! Dunes in SA are not a rarity. On the West Coast, Atlantis boasts dunes up to 35 metres. Further east? Betty’s Bay has a 250 metre dune situated on the side of a mountain. Jozi-bound? Don’t despair, the Benoni mine dumps have quite a bit to offer! Fancy gear is not essential but you need to be reasonably physically fit to take part. [AD] Keen? Visit or sandboarding-at-mount-mayhem/


see neo fly at

Photo Khayakazi Dumke 24

Words Ashleigh Davids 20

Words Neo Matoane 22

Design Clint Visser 24


lazy kid’s guide:

Sexual health!

“Don’t have sex because you will get chlamydia and die. Don’t have sex in the missionary position. Don’t have sex standing up. Just don’t do it. Promise?” Remember these famous lines from the gym teacher in Mean Girls? Well if you didn’t watch Mean Girls, that message is all you need to know. Okay, maybe not, but it was pretty hilarious. Meanwhile, if you don’t take the gym teacher’s advice and do contract some strange disease that you can’t even ask your best friend about, here is what you need to know about three common STDs that people often don’t know they’re carrying.

Chlamydia tops the list of the sneaky silent travellers. You won’t even know it’s along for the ride unless you are one of the lucky ones and it affects your pee. The professionals in the white coats (aka doctors) say it turns your urine cloudy so, beware cloud-coloured piss. Girls watch out because if you ever want to procreate, your newborn could be born blind thanks to this nasty. How to reduce your risk? Get tested regularly and use condoms! The clap is not just the sound your hands make at a concert. It’s also a creepy disease from insane bacteria that cause sticky yellow stuff to come our of your nether regions. The whole disgusting mess is also known as gonorrhea. And wait, there’s more... Ladies, it will feel like someone climbed in your belly with a razor (and anger management issues). Guys, you’ll feel like you’re pissing broken glass. How to prevent? Once again: wrap your/his member at all times. We suggest fun wrappings – colourful or even studded condoms! – making naughty nice. This is the story of herpes: Girl with a fungal cold sore meets boy. Boy asks girl to lick the little person in his pants. Girl agrees, boy gets herpes. Boy and girl break up, meet new partners and infect new people. Don’t worry, you won’t die or anything, you’ll just be a herpes carrier (and teased) for life. Herpes is a virus that comes out as sores, either on your sexual parts or on your lips, and there is no cure. Our advice: wear a condom, even “just” for oral fun. How to avoid this nasty lifelong situation? Get tested, be monogamous, don’t kiss people with nasty cold sores, and... (hello!) use condoms.

Words Ndu Ngcobo 23

ON A MEDICAL NOTE (or: Why Condoms are Your Friend) Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in the world, caused by Chlamydia trachomatis bacterium. Symptoms are not visible within the first week or two of infection, and between 50-70% of people who have it will never have signs. Treatment includes three powerful antibiotics that are prescribed to kick bacterium butt. Gonorrhea is caused by Niessiera gonnorhea bacterium. Women are more susceptible to infection than men, and half of the women who have it won’t show symptoms. It can also be passed through oral sex (from a man’s member to a woman’s throat), where it may show up as a sore (or not). Heavy antibiotics are prescribed to cure this bug. Herpes is caused by a herpes simplex virus of different strands, namely HSV-1 and HSV-2. It’s passed through bodily fluids (saliva, semen, mucus). Orals herpes is usually contagious only when the carrier has “active” sores (meaning visible blisters), but genital herpes can be passed even when the carrier is sorefree. And oral herpes can be passed “down there” and vice versa. So really you’re never safe. Just don’t do it. Ever. Promise?





live fresh

LIVE held its official launch at Cape Town’s Assembly in June. What better venue to start the party for this potential-packed youth magazine than Assembly’s See You Next Wednesday (SYNW) student night? And who better to ask for this issue’s installment of young and upcoming artists?

Das Kapital


Already one of the country’s biggest electro stars and barely out of his teens, Capetonian DJ/producer Das Kapital made his name known worldwide with his 2010 remix of Bon Iver’s modern classic, “Skinny Love”. Going from strength to strength, he’s been commissioned for official remixes by the likes of Laidback Luke, Ministry Of Sound, ChianoSky, and Rob Zombie. Unable to confine himself to one genre, Das Kapital’s love of music shows in his original productions and DJ sets encompassing all things electronic, centres of Electro, House and Techno, to the fringes of Kuduro, Moombahton, Trap and beyond. Young in the game but already doing big things, including performing live at the Assembly on regular occasions, Das Kapital is surely one to watch.

Bringing back the dying art of psychedelic rock, Wild Easter Arches’ music is as abstract as their name. Despite forming over two years ago, with a recent flurry of live performances they feel fresh and new, quickly establishing their name in the local music scene. Wrapping up production on their debut EP (recorded by New Holland’s Teejay Terblanche and available soon for free download), the band sought to capture the free-wheeling feeling of their live shows: eclectic, experimental and a little dark.


Words James Rutherford 26

Photos Stewart Innes 21

Genre-masher, party-crasher, face-basher, party-ninja: Sideshow is a fan-favourite in the Cape Town music scene, known for her cross-genre versatility and ability to rock a dance floor no matter the occasion. Building her rep as the ultimate support DJ for the likes of rock royalty Vanfokkingtasties, Sideshow is fast becoming a main attraction in her own right, playing alongside electronic heavyweights Gtronic, Haezer and Sibot. One of the few top female DJs in SA, Sideshow has set an example, perhaps a podium, for future females who aspire to play for huge crowds.

Moving House

Wild Eastern Arches

Reporting Chuma Bunn 22

Moving House is the combination of Andre Gideon Montgomery Pienaar (Ashtray Electric) and Rob Davidson (ex Zebra and Giraffe, Blind Watchmen). What began as a friendship coupled with a hunger to create music, the two overcame staying on opposite sides of the country through several hundred emails, long nights writing music over the internet (and a constant need for more bandwidth) and using every open minute on tour to compose and record. With an electronically energetic yet contemplative sound, the duo has found a rare blend of synth and bass accompanied by warm baritone vocals. Design Thabo Xinindlu 20


s d n e m m o c re


live sounds live reviews new sounds to get your blood pumping, inspire you and soothe your soul right through spring. music for the masses!

Interview with Kanyi Mavi

Trenton And Free Radical: giant step Most people’s first introduction to Tranton and Free Radical’s latest album Giant Step is their chart-topping single “Tomorrow’s Day”, a hip-hop/dub track featuring Faithless rapper Maxi Jazz. But there is more to this band than digging out beloved veterans. From “Mr Mandela”, a song of gratitude to Madiba, to “Mama”, a theme song for any homesick South African abroad, this album is politics and ideas laid onto upbeat and catchy dub beats. It’s a bit like listening to Bob Marley and the Wailers and Freshly Ground wrapped up into one: happy music with meaning.

“When I first listened to music it was not my fault,” says Kanyi Mavi from her home in Gugulethu. With writing skills that would make Xhosa authors like SK Mqhayi proud, and a delivery that made Lauryn Hill cry (for real), it’s no wonder this eclectic lady is making waves in the SA hip-hop scene. Kanyi was a working journo before ditching the profession for the mic. Her debut album Iintombi Zifikile is an audio storybook of today’s South Africa. Being the top female rapper in SA doesn’t seem to bother this artist whose music is not defined by gender. “I don’t know why people are surprised. I mean, it’s music: why should you be surprised who does it?” Kanyi’s love for music extends to a playlist featuring the likes of The Soil, Driemanskap and her current favourite, Kabomo. Look out for this lady. She’s most definitely taking spaza hip-hop to the next level.

Words Name Surname Age

Words Photos Name Asanda Kaka Surname Age 24

Mr Sakitumi: Secret Asian Man Secret Asian Man is the debut album from Sean Ou Tim, aka Mr Sakitumi. Released in 2011, this album is a beauty disguised as a beast: electronic music with soul and character (who knew?). Previously with South African acts such as electro/hip-hop group Max Normal, Mr Sakitumi delivers pure listening pleasure that is chilled yet vibey, with a dash of jazzy beats. From the playful beats of first track “Jungle Jimmy”, all the way to the album’s last song, “Into the Deep”, I didn’t stop moving. I’ll be listening to this one for a very long time. Classic.

The Muffinz: Have you heard With beats that calm your soul and vocals that gently demand your attention without making you feel like you’re being lectured, this album is a blessing to my old soul that gets nostalgic every time it hears music by Vusi Mahlasela. A musical treat from title song “Have You heard” all the way to “Umsebenzi Wendada”. My favourite song of the album however is “Sound Check”, which has already made its way to my Sunday playlist alongside Jimmy Dludlu. If not for yourself, buy it for your father, brother or granny. It will speak to all of them.

DesignWords Clint Name Visser Surname 24 Age

Word Name Surname Age




at the movies

LIVE checked out the Encounters Documentary Film Festival 2012, previewing three eye-opening documentaries that we hope will change the way you look at documentaries and short films. Quite a snore

Mildly entertaining

Very entertaining

A must see

You Laugh, But It’s True DIRECTOR: DAVID MEYER

INTERNATIONAL FEATURE FILM |USA | 84 MIN | 2011 “A lot of truth is said in jest.” This saying seems to be too true in a country plagued by a taboo complex. After almost two decades as a democratic republic, South Africa and its people are still quite far from bridging that racial gap. Fortunately, this divide makes good material for comedians like Trevor Noah and the younger breed of South African comics. Being of “mixed race” (“Never call a coloured that,” Trevor advises his audience), the comedian explores how being a “BEE baby” works for him through his comedy. He describes himself as “someone and no one who’s lived everywhere and nowhere, been everyone and no one, and therefore can say everything and nothing”. Representing a new breed of comics in South Africa, Trevor and the other comedians in this doccie provide a glimpse of how the pioneers feel about the direction comedy is heading in our post-democracy land. The contentions that comedy’s older generation have with the new breed of stand-up comics and how they are shaping the industry makes this is a must-see.


LOCAL FEATURE FILM | SOUTH AFRICA | 48 MIN | 2012 Going back to the place you once lived to find it worse for wear must be devastating. This documentary follows five Hillbrow inhabitants as they tell the story of how Hillbrow fell from its former glory as Africa’s New York City to one of the most feared places in South Africa, and how they have survived the hardships and made them work in their favour. George “The Brick”, an amateur boxing champion turned personal trainer who runs a makeshift gym in an abandoned warehouse; Busi and Mimie, two female boxers escaping poverty in Zimbabwe and the DRC; Les, who runs a nightclub in a former apartment block; and Bernice, a lonely white septuagenarian on the 19th floor of a once-grand block – their stories stagger the imagination. Together these five inhabitants paint a picture of how this seemingly hellish place has become their heaven in some way or another. What is it to you? The film lets you decide.


LOCAL FEATURE FILM | SOUTH AFRICA | 44 MIN | 2012 Following the lives of a few homeless people and their nightly struggle with the police on the cold, unforgiving streets of Johannesburg’s inner city, this film shows us truant youths side by side with people who lost their homes without warning when whole buildings were evicted. Though police brutality is not always associated with the homeless who litter our city streets, it is – in addition to harsh weather – exactly what these humans must endure day and night. According to the film, the statistics of homeless people dying in police captivity or due to the direct actions or inaction of the police are growing. Gift, Ishmael and others share firsthand accounts of corrupt cops violating their human rights by confiscating their belongings and harassing and unlawfully detaining them. This film will take you to places most people never bother thinking about, and will leave you with a newfound perspective on who is the real nuisance.


Words Neo Matoane 22

Design Joshua Klein 20

For more doccie reviews

regulars regulars

On the small screen Here are the season’s new shows that we think are going to be hot and leave you needing freakin’ more. For those days when you just want to stay in and enjoy a great drama or laugh yourself sick Check out our list of this spring’s must-watch drama and comedy TV series.


666 Park Avenue


666 Park Avenue is a new American drama series. Showcasing on ABC this spring, the series follows a couple who learns that the Manhattan building complex they’ve just moved into and its upscale tenants might all be possessed by a mysterious demonic force. Reasons you should watch this show: 1) It features creepy Terry O’Quinn (from Lost) and 2) uber sexy Rachael Taylor and sensitively sweet Dave Annable, 3) It’s been rated one of the hottest shows to watch by both People magazine and US Weekly.


How to Live with your Parents (for the Rest of Your Life)

With a thumbs-up from Vanity Fair magazine, and starring epic comedians such as Sarah Chalke (How I met Your Mother), Brad Garrett (Till Death) and the crazy Elizabeth Perkins (Weeds), we’re super excited about this comedy broadcasting on FOX this spring. The show follows the crazy embarrassing, and hysterical Life of Polly (Chalke), who is the uptight embodiment of a type A person. When bankruptcy forces her to move back in with her inappropriate, crazy and eccentric parents, she starts to realise how bad – but also how amazing – it is to be back home with her weird family.

Zero Hour

GQ magazine and I both think this ABC drama will be the show of the year. Loosely based on the conspiracy theory so evident in the Da Vinci Code, the show follows Hank Galliston (Anthony Edwards), a man who has been interpreting and analysing mysteries and historical events as he gets caught up in a whirlwind chase after his wife Laila (Jacinda Barrett) is abducted from her antique clock shop. The show’s deep conspiracy plot makes you believe that these events are true (personally, I kinda do believe...). If you had to choose one new show to watch, make it this one! P.S. While I know that these shows are not yet on our local SABC, there are other ways and “means” to ensure you get your fix. Not that we at Live condone anything illegal!

Words Vernon Pillay 22

Photos Theodore Africa 19

Design Thabo Xinindlu 20



Live Reads

In celebration of women's month we review books by female authors, as well as those with a female lead. We also speak to some of LIVE’s lady readers on what they’re reading these days. JOONIE by Rayda Jacobs Jacana Media, 249 pages Set in the apartheid era on the Cape Flats, this novel follows title character Joonie as she grows up, a process which comes with its fair share of challenges. Among them, the perverse nature of both her uncle and a local pastor, and then falling pregnant by a white boy, a matter that displeases her parents and has her running to the United States in search of a better life for herself and her child. Finding herself in a foreign country living with a somewhat deranged aunt, Joonie boards another roller coaster. Dancing between SA and the States, loving, lying and learning lessons along the way, Joonie’s story leaves you simultaneously sympathetic, horrified and aggravated by her foolishness. All in all a thrilling read, wrapped in a South African context which helps one relate to the setting, culture and characters. A definite must-grab if you want to submerge in a soap opera!

ILLUMINATING LOVE by Hazel Frankel Jacana Media, 265 pages This novel’s pretty cover did not prepare me for the technical arts jargon inside that makes for difficult reading. But if you’re up for a challenging artsy read, this novel eloquently describes the journey of calligrapher Cally, and her passion for art. The book bravely tackles the complications that lie behind a comfortable Johannesburg existence; in this case a drama between Cally and her husband, a heritage of violence and Jewish traditions. The story follows Cally as she undertakes three projects – an anniversary gift for her husband and a legal document recording a couple’s wedding vows, and a series of poems written by her grandmother, Judith, who survived the Holocaust. As the book unfolds, Cally finds refuge in her grandmother's poetry, while also realizing that even the strongest traditions can't fix things.

What you’re reading

SARAH HOUSE by Ifeanyi Ajaegbo Picador Africa, 199 pages Oh how “love” can lead us astray! Nita, this novel’s main character, finds herself in a disastrous situation, having been led out of a small village in Nigeria by her boyfriend Slim, in pursuit of the big city. She later finds herself in an unknown location, enslaved in a life of prostitution. As each moment unravels she is continually forced to fight for her survival. She encounters a madam, a chief, a politician and a porn filmmaker. If possible, more complications arise, as mysterious events lead her to working with an undercover police detective to expose the underhanded activities that have become her reality. Sarah House makes for a heartfelt and gripping read, reminding me of the harsh realities of the world in which we live through an enjoyable and engaging story.


Words Ashleigh Davids 20

Photos Theodore Africa 19

• “Without Looking Back by Tabita Suzuma. Totally enjoying it!” - Lhelhy Lee Damba • “Collapse: How Nations Choose to Fail or Succeed by Jared Diamond. It explores certain civilizations and islands that have been completely wiped out due to environmental degradation. How they got into that mess and how some have counteracted such situations.” - Nokubonga Mabaso • “I’m actually finding myself reading more blogs than books.’’ - Sisanda Mcimeli • “Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude By Napoleon Hill” - Nicola Daniels

Design Ryan Africa 25


art hub


Jess Cross, aka DJ Cross// Colours

DJ Cross // // Colours spinning at one of the vinyl digz parties

At age 23, Jess Cross is a working photographer, DJ, print-maker, and activist. Her “vinyl digz party”, where she has DJed alongside the likes of Ntone Adjebe, is gaining a reputation as a space for real listening. On top of all of that, she founded an NGO called Soul City Movement, which hosts artists like photographer Max Mogale. Asked to define herself, this multidisciplinary talent says she is “a revolutionary and everything else is an ideology”. “There’s something about the energy [in Cape Town] that’s inspiring. South Africa is changing, rapidly. It’s far behind the United States in the most beautiful way. In the US everyone is stuck in their ways, but here there’s much more potential”, said the US-born Cross who now calls Cape Town home. Her latest project is called Artistic Eye, founded with photographer Moeketsi Moticoe. It focuses on teaching photography to young people around Cape Town’s townships so they can tell their own stories. “It’s important in this time of change that these young people learn to voice their feelings and opinions about where they come from”, Cross explains when asked why she founded the project. Cross’s passion and drive to show how art can be a catalyst for social change in South Africa are undoubtable and inspiring.

Jess Cross’s “Dusty Finger”, an exhibition of vinyl cover art

EVENTS South Africa’s art scene seems to blossom in the months leading to spring, overflowing in art and culture events come August. I can’t tell you how hard it was to narrow the list of events Mzansi has to offer. Following are our best of the best.

Arts Alive

Where: Johannesburg When: September 1- 30 (to be confirmed) Contact: 011 788 1631 Celebrating its 20th year, Arts Alive features dance, visual art, theatre, poetry and music at various venues across Jozi’s inner city. Over 600 artists will perform during the festival, with the ever-popular Jazz on the Lake closing the festival.

Baxter Dance Festival

Where: Rondebosch, Cape Town When: October 6-15 Contact: 021 685 7880 Established in 2005, the Baxter Dance Festival provides a platform for both established and new dance companies and choreographers to showcase their work in a week-long programme. A special Fringe Day includes performances by schools, youth groups and traditional African dance groups.

Words & Photos Asanda Kaka 24

Words Vernon Pillay 22

Poetry Africa Festival

Where: Durban When: October 15-20 Contact: (031) 260-2506 Poets, predominantly from South Africa and the African continent, will participate in this extensive week-long programme that includes performances, readings, music and book launches. Day activities include seminars, workshops, open mic opportunities, and school visits. Poetry Africa satellite events take place in other cities and countries.

Design Joshua Klein 20

Photo Jess Cross 23



live games something old, something new, you’re a game fiend? we think these are cool! perhaps you will too. PS VITA Games PS3 Unit 13:

Portal 2:

Everybody’s Golf:

Modern Warfare 3:

Fancy yourself a junior Retief Goosen or Tiger Woods? Even if you’re as bad as I am at any sport, you will love this round of unlimited fun. The game takes you on a golfing fieldtrip, allowing you to partake in tournaments and win trophies along the way. At the end you’ll be proud of your golfing skills, even if you can’t hit a drive to save your life (I’m talking about real life). A game for all ages, its vivid colours, great game physics and background storyline make for quite an engaging experience. [NM]

Continuing on MW2’s strong storyline of Soap and Price hunting down the cunning Makarov, this game takes the cup for all the first-person shooters on the market. But if you are a trigger happy fool like I am, this game is a must have. However, if you are a tactical shooter and want to spend more time getting a headshot than spraying and preying, go for Battlefield 3. [JM] [GS]

Urban warfare is taken to new heights as the dedicated soldiers of UNIT 13 battle terrors ranging from covert ops in the Middle East and a hostage situation in the armed fortresses of northeastern Africa, to obtaining Intel for nuclear threats in fortified research bases in Asia. Practise makes perfect in this game of skill, speed and above all, accuracy. It’s an “eat or be eaten” situation that leaves no margin for error. Unrelenting enemies, obstacles that impede your way and traps vying for blood lay in wait. This game sets the tone for what is quite a good alternative to the Call of Duty series. Easy to learn, easier to get stuck in for hours, it’s a keeper. [NM]


Words Neo Matoane 22

Design Thabo Xinindlu 20

Words Jack Markovitz 13

The story starts in a room, as Chell, our main character, wakes up from a coma only to find herself forced to complete various puzzles and obstacles. She moves using her portal gun, which allows her to travel from one point to another using portals. Valve (the makers of the portal series) is always very good on storyline, but this one stood out in particular. A revolutionary idea in gaming, how they incorporated physics with sci-fi makes this game a must-have for the way it plays with your mind and makes you think that you are in the game. The way it has incorporated movement and puzzlesolving makes it a revolutionary experience [JM][GS].

Words Greg Suleiman 13


Live Wire

The evolution hop on board our time machine as we go back to the roots of some of our most loved gadgets.

Tablets: the Kindle Fire Everyone thinks the iPad was the first tablet, but in fact the Dynabook concept (a few were made but never sold), created by Alan Kay in 1968, was the first proposal of a tablet PC. A few decades later, Apple Inc was planning its leap forward in the race for the “edge”, and in 1993 they released their first touch-interfaced PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) device: the Apple Newton (later discontinued), which technically was a day planner and not a tablet PC; only because of the touch-capable display and its screen size do I include it here as a step toward today’s tablet PCs. Meanwhile, different types of tablet-like devices kept popping up, mostly for specific computing needs within certain industries (from companies including Samsung, Fujitsu, Compaq, Toshiba and IBM). Few people remember that the original IBM ThinkPad was, as the name implies, a slate/ tablet computer. The best-known tablet-form device that opened the way for the current wave of tablet PC’s is doubtless the Amazon Kindle. It might not have been a tablet PC, per se, but what started out as an e-reader sparked the techy consumers’ need to have a tablet PC that was not just about reading books without paper, resulting in the iPad being the first commercially successful tablet PC. Apple and other electronic giants quickly filled the gap, leaving the Kindle out in the cold. Or so they thought. Check out the latest edition of the Kindle, the Kindle Fire. A smaller, faster, more colourful tablet. It’s a Kindle but better.

The evolution of the blackberry from being a giant brick that sent emails to a must-have accessory This is the story of BlackBerry BC (before Curve). In the late 1980s, Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie were just two Canadian businessmen with a passion for technology. The two got together and formed a small company they called “Research in Motion” (RIM). The first BlackBerry that RIM produced didn’t even look like the BlackBerrys that we all know and love today. In fact, the first BlackBerry device was not even called a BlackBerry. It was the 850: a monochrome pager with a thumbwheel for scrolling text. Things kicked up a few gears after the year 2000, and the Blackberry assumed the form we now recognise. Except that it was still just a day planner and email checker. Later RIM would add a telephone feature onto this device that still displayed in black and green. A trackball replaced the scroll wheel, the two-tone screen was replaced by a colour screen, and telephone capability evolved into texting (BBM). The BlackBerry went through another change recently, with a full touchscreen device launched last year, giving us what we know (and love) as the BlackBerry Curve Touch. Hallelujah.

Words Neo Matoane 22

Design Thabo Xinindlu 20


Our Future Subsidized In May of this year, Facebook and other social media outlets were ablaze with news of a protest march supporting a proposed youth wage subsidy. LIVE investigates what everybody was up in arms over, and why you and I SHOULD even care. The Democratic Alliance marched in May to support its campaign for the youth wage subsidy. That march became the scene for a violent clash between members of the Democratic Alliance Youth League and a majority of the Congress of South African Trade Unions members (COSATU), and some members of the African National Congress (ANC), who, despite government’s support of the bill, supported COSATU. Why were they fighting over the youth wage? Read on and find out, because this youth wage subsidy program is very important!!

Boring S#!t You Need to Know Everyone and their mother knows that unemployment is a crisis in South Africa. According to the 2011 Stats SA report, unemployment of people under 34 is estimated to be 37%; we also make up 71% of South Africa’s unemployed population (scary, I know!). The main thing you need to know about the subsidy is that it would provide R5 billion in financial incentives for businesses to employ people aged 18-29 in full-time work in the formal sector, subsidising wages of those earning less than R60 000 a year. According to the DA, the proposed youth subsidy is a way for young people to get jobs and therefore experience; based on that experience, young South Africans would be three times more likely to get further employment. COSATU argues that the proposed subsidy won’t effectively target the youth unemployment issue in South Africa. COSATU’S argument revolves firstly around the fact that youth subsidies as a whole (based on research looking at similar subsidies in Singapore, China and the United Kingdom) lack a track record of success. Secondly, they say the youth subsidy is an “employer targeted subsidy”, which they say will lead to a “substitution” in the labour market. For those of you who don’t speak politics, what this means is that instead of reducing unemployment, the subsidy will instead substitute one worker for another. Meaning businesses will remove one (older) worker for another (younger) worker, to reduce their costs. COSATU believes that government rather needs to focus on improving South Africa’s education policies. According to COSATU, education policies rather than government subsidies need to be implemented, and we should heal the source of the “wound” rather than sticking on a band-aid that won’t solve the long-term problem!


Words Vernon Pillay 22

Illustration Michael Samuels 22

Design Joshua Klein 20


The DA (which, by the way, doesn’t claim the subsidy to be a complete solution, but merely one of many things that can help to solve the youth unemployment problem) argues that the youth subsidy is a practical way to get young people into that first job which is so critical to get the next one (how are you supposed to get experience if no one wants to hire you without experience?). They estimate that 423 000 unemployed South Africans will benefit from the subsidy, and that at least 133 000 previously unemployed individuals will receive new employment. The DA is counting on the fact that once young workers find their first employment, they will be more likely to stay in their positions and work towards growing and developing. Basically it will give them a foothold in the labour market. Responding to the substitution argument, the DA noted it does not make business sense to lose experienced workers in order to get younger and obviously less experienced workers. Moreover, the labour laws in South Africa and institutions like the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) will regulate the issue, ensuring that regardless of age, South Africans won’t get misused or exploited.

South Africans, regardless of age, need jobs, need programs that help to facilitate job creation and supportive institutions that will allow opportunities to be created Amid all these conflicting views it is difficult to gauge which argument has merit and which one to support. One of the major problems within South African politics (and particularly in local government) is the mudslinging and bitter rivalry between political institutions that make it extremely difficult to know who is right and who to support. I guess the only answer we have is to support ourselves, and what I mean by this is that we as South Africans, regardless of age, need jobs, need programs that help to facilitate job creation and supportive institutions that will allow these opportunities to be created. What’s really debilitating and frustrating are the consequences of this battle. There is now talk of scrapping the subsidy and implementing a “job seeker’s grant”, which will provide a grant to those actively seeking employment, but yet again there is no finality on this proposal, and details regarding its implementation are non-existent (realistically it seems just another diversion to stall any resolution on the wage subsidy question). The consequences of these pathetic stall tactics are that people who could benefit from government action will continue to live in poverty, have no prospect of developing themselves and suffer. The main question then becomes what we can do now? How can we as the youth drive our leadership to address our needs and ensure that some sort of subsidy or program or grant or whatever it’s called can be implemented soon to address unemployment? The main answer seems to be education. Educating yourself on the real issues that affect you not only now, but also in the future. The second step we as the youth can take is creating hype around this topic either through social media or by actively engaging with government and local counsellors. I know this might seem lame, and who has the time and energy, but when you think about your future and that this subsidy can lead to actual tangible money that you and your family can take advantage of, it’s not so lame anymore. Without wanting to sound too “inspirational”, let’s take advantage of the opportunity that is in front of us before it’s taken away.



live jabs I’m not buying what you’re selling Every time some religion or other knocks on my door and asks me if I know about their God, I ask them if they’ve heard about the Internet. If I wanted to know about your God (or gods) I’d google him/her/it/them. And sometimes if I’ve got nothing better to do or there’s nothing good on TV, I just might let them in. In my mind I treat people who push religion like travelling salesman whose products are belief systems. I usually start off by asking them what their religion can offer me. That’s a reasonable question, right? If you’re trying to sell me something I should know what I’m getting out of it. If they’ve got their sales pitch down to a tee, I’ll get a response like: “Your soul will be rewarded by spending an eternity in heaven.” That’s starting off on the right foot, but as soon as I ask what the accommodation is like or whether there’s WiFi I get odd looks. They don’t know. They’ve got a timeshare, but they’ve never seen the property.

That brings me to my next question: What makes you so certain that your God (or gods) is the real one and that all the others are just the imaginary friends of heathens? At this point even the die-hards get that I’m not buying what they’re selling.

What makes you so certain that your God (or gods) is the real one and that all the others are just imaginary friends of heathens?

At this point I usually get called an “atheist”. There is a misconception that atheists don’t believe in anything. That’s not true… we just believe that we’re smarter than everyone else. The really dedicated salesmen see an atheist as a good challenge. This is about when they pull out the instruction manual for their product. For the younger customers, the manuals come with pictures. I, however, always end up with something that was written thousands of years ago (they say that with age comes wisdom). I’m actually okay with the fact that the various manuals have been translated hundreds of times. What I find hard to swallow is that they’ve been repeatedly misinterpreted throughout history to justify wars, genocides and giving people presents. They really need a better proofreader out there.


Design Clint Visser 24

I mean, if you think about it, having a god is kind of like having an imaginary friend, and religious wars are kind of like arguments over whose imaginary friend is better. Just a thought. But I’m probably going to hell. Or a really cool timeshare if only I could believe in one.

from a pastor’s daughter

Then there are the terms and conditions. You have to truly believe for the product to work, and you won’t know whether it works until you’re dead. So it’s a lifetime committed to following rules (which may or may not mean what you think they mean) for only the possibility of a huge payoff. You can also only own one product. So you have to make one purchase with no guarantees and hope it lasts a lifetime.

Words Anonymous 23

One thing that really gets my goat is that these gods don’t seem to speak for themselves. Why all the secrecy? Stop the wars and declare yourselves for Christ’s sake (ahem). What’s with all the prophets and offspring being sent to earth to try to make the sale? Why can’t the great CEO make the trip down (or up?) and let us know that he/she/it is the real deal? Why are we still left in the dark? Unless, of course, there is no one true God or a group of true gods, and mankind, in a desperate attempt to attribute meaning to life, just made it all up.

illustration Michael Samuels 22






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