1 minute read

Organ Transplant Website Launched

Yesterday I posted on a support page looking for advice on wedding insurance. My partner is on the transplant waiting list and most have clauses that rule out claims to do with pre existing health conditions.

A lady mentioned your email and suggested I get in touch with you for your newsletter with insurers details. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

BA (LIVErNEWS issue 74 with list of insurance companies on page 44 sent)

How to write good letters:

• Avoid Alliteration, Always. • Prepositions are not words to end sentences with. • Avoid cliches like the plague. They’re old hat. • Comparisons are as bad as cliches. • Be more or less specic. • Writers should never generalize. 7 Be consistent! • Don’t be redundant; don’t use more words than necessary; it’s highly superuous • Who needs rhetorical questions? • Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.

Organ Transplantation Website Launch

NHS Blood & Transplant, in partnership with the British Transplantation Society, have launched a new patient information website for organ transplantation.

Please see link: www.nhsbt.nhs.uk/organ-transplantation

The website has been designed to inform and support patients considering kidney, lung, liver, heart, or pancreas transplantation, and detailed information on these organ types is included.

The website will be under review for several months while users give us feedback and we will modify the site as needed.

All feedback will be gratefully received via the website (‘Give Feedback’ in the bottom left of every page), or via email to the NHSBT Digital team (digital@nhsbt.nhs.uk).

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