Liverpool Echo Big Property Guide - 28th July 2012

Page 1





featuring properties in Liverpool, Wirral, Sefton, West Lancs and the North West


Your Next move

Pages packed with homes for sale

Part exchange is the simple way to move home – Page 3

Luxury and style on tap in the bathroom




Pages 4&5

Looking forward to autumn glory

Page 6&7


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Saturday, July 28, 2012


GUIDE ... to home improvement

First impressions count

ATTRACTIVE: A pretty front garden can give a home instant appeal


F YOU'RE thinking of selling your home and want to make a good first impression, or you just want to improve its “kerb appeal”, giving the front a makeover is a must. Improving its appearance will not only make your home more sellable and attractive, it could also add value. The basics are pretty obvious – have a good tidy-up, give tired woodwork a lick of paint and do any necessary repairs, especially to the walls, roof, windows and front door. If they're past help and you can afford it, you may want to replace the windows and door. The other area you need to focus on is the front garden because it can make a big difference to the appearance and appeal of your home – and it shouldn't be difficult to transform. This time of year is ideal for brightening up your front garden, thanks to window boxes, hanging baskets, troughs and tubs planted with colourful summer bedding plants such as pansies, geraniums and petunias. To define the entrance, especially if you have two doors and so visitors and potential buyers might be confused about which to use, strategically placed topiary bushes or tall shrubs in nice pots work well. Hedges provide privacy if your home's close to the pavement, but can make the front room dark, so be careful to strike the right balance – it may be time to mean business with your hedge trimmers. If don't want the hassle of maintaining a

It's easy to overlook your front garden, but it could be more of an asset than you think, especially if you're planning to move, says Julia Gray front lawn, or you don't have room for one, stick to low-maintenance options such as gravel, pebbles or slate chips, all of which can be used to quickly cover eyesores such as concrete and crazy paving. A more expensive, but elegant, option is block paving, paving slabs, or slate or ceramic tiles, which are easy to maintain because they can be hosed down. Mix in some flowerbeds and you should have a smart, easy-to-maintain front garden that's the best of both worlds. Joy Peacock, of Greensleeves Nurseries in Lower Odcombe, near Yeovil in Somerset, says: "Use low-maintenance feature-foliage plants like ornamental grasses and slow-growing shrubs to break up paving and add interest. "It's a good idea to choose plants that flower at different times so you have colour throughout the year. "Lavender bushes are great for lining the path to your front door – they're in flower now and smell wonderful, drawing visitors in." In some locations, especially expensive urban ones where parking is at a premium, paving over your front garden and lowering the kerb to

Top Tip WHEN building a deck, it's essential to treat any boards you cut, and the ends of any you use uncut, to prevent water seeping in. Use a specialist product, such as Ronseal Decking End Grain Preserver (£16.98 for 1ltr, B&Q). It preserves and protects against both rot and wood-destroying fungi and insects, and is easy to apply and work into the wood. Don't do decking without it!

create off-street parking can be a valuable addition to your home. It will probably cost you thousands of pounds and you may need planning permission (some councils are clamping down on off-street parking applications), but it's an option worth exploring in the right area – ask local estate agents if in doubt about yours. However, it isn't very environmentally friendly. Plants have lots of plus points, including encouraging wildlife, and permeable surfaces such as grass and soil allow water to drain away, helping to prevent flooding, so try to keep some greenery if you can. Gravel, pebbles and slate chips are a better option than concrete, paving and tarmac because they allow water to drain through. Whatever you go for, your front garden should be in keeping with your home's exterior – an ultramodern design probably won't suit a country cottage, for example. It should also suit your lifestyle, as you don't want a garden that requires more time and energy than you can devote to it, however good it looks.

Buyers make quick decisions TWO-FIFTHS of home buyers have already made their minds up by the time they reach the hallway, a study found today. Nearly a third (29%) of home owners surveyed by property search website Rightmove said they had decided to buy the house by the time they had set foot through the front door. A further one in 10 (8%) said they had made their decision after seeing the property online and one in 20 (4%) said they had done so after reading about it in a newspaper advert. Researchers said they had found similar results among renters, with 42% of tenants saying they had chosen the property by the time they entered the front door. The research comes after British Bankers’ Association figures showed yesterday that mortgage approvals last month dropped to their lowest numbers in at least 15 years. Analysts said that fewer people in a position to buy a home could push house prices down in the coming months, as lenders tighten their borrowing criteria amid the uncertain economy. Rightmove director Miles Shipside said: “In a market where new sellers outnumber successful buyers by around 2:1 and home-buying decisions can be made very quickly, the ability to make an immediate impression is more important than ever. “With lots of property to look at, buyers tend to exclude rather than include, and once dismissed it is a challenge to regain a buyer’s attention.” The study of 3,000 people was carried out to mark a recently-launched campaign by Rightmove, which gives tips on how to sell and rent homes.

Contents Find A Home 8 Agents’ Choice 9 Venmore 10 Sutton Kersh 14 Luxury Homes 15 New Homes



Saturday, July 28, 2012


... to buying

Move into a new home without the complications by JANET TANSLEY


HEN they decided to move house, Linda and John Mealor hadn’t even put their home on

the market. But within weeks, they upped sticks from Rock Ferry to Bromborough and are now enjoying life in their brand new des res. And Linda, 63, says: “It’s only been a few weeks, but it already feels like home.” Linda and John, 61, who is retired from the Merchant Navy took advantage of Taylor Wimpey North West’s part exchange* scheme which is now available at their Watermill Gardens site in Bromborough. They have bought a four bedroomed detached Crofton home – and it has all happened so quickly. John explains: “We had heard about the range of properties at the Watermill Gardens development and that part exchange was being offered, so we didn’t bother speaking to an estate agent. “The sales executive was extremely helpful and by using part exchange the whole experience was very easy. “We were offered a very good price for our old house and, as our new home was already built, we moved in within six weeks.” The Crofton which Linda and John chose is one of the most sought-after house types at Watermill Gardens, and it was completed with turf and landscaping to the rear garden. John continues: “The Crofton is the perfect property for Linda and me – it’s very spacious (‘especially for the affordable price tag,’ interjects Linda), has a great layout and is detached. “We previously owned an old 1950s house so it’s wonderful owning a brand new home which is much more manageable and requires no maintenance.” Linda adds: “We had been looking for a new house for a little while. Our old property was getting to the point where it needed a lot of maintenance, especially to the kitchen and the garden.” John says he and Linda would

NEW START: Linda and John Mealor in Watermill Gardens after part exchanging their old property recommend part exchange, particularly if you are looking for a new-build. He says: “Part exchange is fantastic way to sell your home and certainly makes moving a whole lot easier. I’d recommend the scheme to anybody looking to move who wants to avoid the stresses and strains of finding a buyer!” David Hnyda, regional sales manager for Taylor Wimpey North West, says: “We speak to people every week who desperately want to move but are really struggling to sell their current property. That’s why the scheme is such a valuable tool if you’re keen to move out of your old home and into a new one.”

* Watermill Gardens currently has four bedroom properties available, with prices starting from £169,950 for the Wilmington home (or from as little as £135,960 through FirstBuy). The development is situated on Magazine Road. For further information about the homes available and part exchange, visit the marketing suite, between Thursday and Monday from 11am until 5.30pm or call 0845 072 6157. Alternatively log on to newhomes/North+West/ WatermillGardens >@IC@> '>I$@! :D!&CIG(6EDH

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Saturday, July 28, 2012


... to interiors

Looking for style? The modern bathroom is so much more than a room with a bath. Gabrielle Fagan takes the plunge and checks out the latest trends

ON TAP: Chrome stream mono basin mixer, £110 (matching bath and bath shower mixer taps also available), Frontline Bathrooms

DISCRETE; Hatria range featuring 1200 white WC with surface mounted sink, £3,100, Bathstore


ATHROOMS are probably the hardest-working area in a house these days as we demand more of them than ever before. To be successful, they should work as a practical space for the daily wash-and-go as well as being a haven dedicated to wellbeing and pampering. “Long gone are the days when the bathroom was simply a functional space. People are moving away from the Victorian-style basic bathroom and towards the modern, spacious spa feel,” says Anthony Howells, bathrooms buyer for B&Q. “They want the clean lines, minimalism, wet rooms and walk-in doorless showers, enhanced by chunky floating yet stylish fixtures such as units and frosted glass, which they see when they stay in hotels and want to replicate.” He predicts that, where space allows, the popularity of free-standing baths, becoming more sculptural in shape, will continue to grow as they provide a focal point in large bathrooms. Experimenting both with design and colour is a growing trend, according to Rita Rendo Castro, sales and marketing manager at Catchpole & Rye. “People are becoming increasingly design confident, with more opting to make a statement with a brightly-painted bath or patterned tiles,” she says. Taking the waters has never been more pleasurable – so check out a bathroom solution for your home.


ON REFLECTION: Windsor mirror with lights and shelves, £135, Frontline Bathrooms

Bathrooms are embracing technology so that they can be the ultimate, flexible retreats, says Cheryl Gurner, creative director at Bathrooms International. “The bathroom has benefited hugely from advances in technology in recent years. Bathroom-friendly flat screen televisions, fibre-optic lighting in showers which mimic a twinkling star effect and hidden speakers offering surround

PURE PURPLE: wet room kit, £649; Cityspace close coupled WC, £228; Moonlight 545 illuminated cabinet, £399; City space 500 basin, £45 and City space pedestal, £40, Bathstore sound – all add up to the wow factor in this most personal space.” Paul Flowers, senior vice president of design at Grohe, predicts that the bathroom will be transformed in the next 10 years, as it develops into a space fully-equipped to cater for health and wellbeing. “Developments in technology are already allowing us to equip it with personal lifestyle and health functions such as diagnostic mirrors, which measure and monitor the status of our physical health. “Lighting, projection and sound are bringing “entertainment” into the room, and can be programmed, just like showers, to precisely suit your mood at different times of the day. “As the barriers between the bedroom and the bathroom blur, the space will become more sensual, decorative and truly have the atmosphere of a fully-equipped indulgent zone.”

◆ Splash out solutions: Grohe Power & Soul showerhead starts from £70 and offers 11 different spray patterns. Bathstore has a waterproof high-definition touch-screen TV, £999. Or take a light-changing, mood-enhancing shower with a colour range including green for balance, blue for relaxation and red for energy. Sky Shower Chromotherapy, from £3,500, from Bathrooms International.

SMALL BUT PERFECTLY FORMED Although the glossy interiors magazines feature vast bathrooms, the UK has the smallest bathrooms in Europe. “But just because your bathroom’s small it doesn’t mean you need to compromise on the quality or style of fittings,” says Robin Levien, design director of Ideal Standard, which has a Space range designed for compact areas. “By utilising innovative design

and clever storage, your bathroom can still be well equipped and a calm rather than crowded space.” He suggests wall-hung toilets with a cistern neatly hidden behind a wall or fitted unit; basins and showers which fit snugly into corners, and clever features such as a bath with storage drawers at one or both ends. “A sliding door can release further space, while large-size tiles create an illusion of more space more effectively than small ones,” he says. “Don’t pack out the walls with cupboards and definitely avoid too much at high level as this can reduce ‘head space’ which, if the area is small, is claustrophobic.” ◆ Splash out solutions: Ideal Standard’s Space range includes an offset corner basin with semi-pedestal, £165.75, and Moments furniture bath with two end storage units, £3,611. Bathstore boasts an ultra-compact range, Cityspace,

Saturday, July 28, 2012



wash this space IN THE PINK: Cooke & Lewis Alexas bathroom: Duchess paintable slipper to floor bath, £919; modern close-coupled toilet, £199 and Alexas one tap hole full-pedestal basin, £109, B&Q

SPLASH OUT: Moments Furniture bath, £3,611, Ideal Standard

GOOD CLEAN FUN: Waterproof high definition touch-screen TV, £999, Lagoon freestanding bath, £1,799; MyPlan 600 WC unit, £199; MyPlan slimline 600 basin unit, £199; MyPlan slimline 600 polymarble basin £99 and Rimini chrome radiator, £299, Bathstore with a choice of three different basin sizes plus toilets which project minimally into the room. A close coupled WC £228; a 500 Basin, £45, and pedestal, £40.

COLOUR WASH Colour’s back in fashion in homes and that’s being reflected in new ranges of bathroom furniture in a range of rainbow colours, which can brighten even the dullest space. “Add a pop of colour to your bathroom by installing a

ULTRA MODERN: Cooke & Lewis Helena suite: Helena Supercast bath, £399; front panel, £149; full-pedestal basin, £129; toilet, £229 and Eclipse Quadrant shower enclosure, £629, B&Q

brightly-coloured basin or furniture,” says Ellen Tietz, marketing manager at Villeroy & Boch. “Sunflower orange, olive green and petrol blue are popular at the moment and sit beautifully alongside clean bright white ceramics.” ◆ Splash out solutions: Villeroy & Boch’s Subway bathroom furniture is available in petrol blue, as well as white and glossy grey. Vanity unit from £456.

B&Q’s Duchess Paintable baths, from £729, could be one way to introduce a favourite shade. All paintable baths are primed and must be painted with an acrylic based paint, such as Fired Earth Eggshell Paints, £17.98 for 750ml.

WASH AND BRUSH-UP Revamping a whole bathroom isn’t always possible if the budget’s tight, so it’s worth looking at a more affordable update of features and accessories.

TRUE BLUE: Subway vanity unit, from £456; mirror from £708; shelf from £630, Villeroy & Boch

“An easy, affordable and effective option is to replace some of the brassware and accessories, such as taps, radiators and mirrors,” says Emma Sturgess, marketing manager at Frontline Bathrooms. “These relatively simple changes can make a real difference to the look and style of the bathroom – delivering a totally fresh look.” ◆ Splash out solutions: Frontline’s range includes the chic chrome Stream Mono Basin Mixer, £110 (matching bath and bath

shower mixer taps also available); a Windsor Mirror with integral lights and accessory shelves, £135. If you’re despairing about old, damaged sanitaryware, The Bath Business could float your boat. It re-surfaces a wide range of sanitaryware and also sources original classics. Restoration prices start from £204 for re-enamelling basins and shower trays; from £358 for re-enamelling baths, and from £180 for reconditioning or re-plating taps in brass.


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Saturday, July 28, 2012


... to outside

Wait for the silver The miserable summer may yet lead to a glorious autumn, learns Hannah Stephenson


S YOU look outside and despair at your soggy mass of potted petunias, drowning dahlias and other beleaguered bedding, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, the cool, wet weather of June and July has battered plants and made us all miserable this summer, but the increased moisture in the ground could lead to a floriferous autumn, says garden designer Chris Beardshaw, a regular panellist on BBC Radio 4’s Gardeners’ Question Time. “The good news is that there’s a lot of trees and shrubs and hedges which have benefited from the deluge,” says Chris, a Cheshire’s Garden of Distinction ambassador and exhibitor at the recent show at RHS Tatton Park. “Trees that had struggled with several dry springs and winters were starting to yellow early and suffer dieback in the crown and stunted growth. Now, they are very lush and there’s plenty of growth. “I’ve got acers and limes in the garden that have put on more growth this year than I’ve ever seen. Deep-rooted, woody and resilient specimens that are used to the temperature variations that we’ve had will do well.” Trunks will be full of moisture, taking in water-soluble nutrients and Chris would be hesitant about feeding woody stock, although you’ll still need to feed lawns, he advises. “Put autumn food on lawns because shallower rooted plants have lost nutrients from their root

WHAT A PANE: But the rain has meant deep rooted trees and shrubs have put on a good growth spurt this year zones. Anything that’s shallow is going to be going yellow.” He reckons that anyone who’s grown tomatoes, aubergines and cucumbers outside will struggle to

Best Of The Bunch Thyme EVEN if you don’t have a herb garden, spare a pot or two for some different varieties of thyme, many of which are flowering at this time of year. I have a lemon thyme, Thymus x citriodorus “Silver Queen” in my rockery which is producing masses of lilac-pink flowers long after many other alpines have faded. Anyone who brushes past it will also pick up its wonderful lemon scent. Thymes are also perfect for paths because many spread and grow almost flush with the ground and can withstand being stepped on from time to time. A bushier plant which would suit a wall crevice is T. “Fragrantissimus”, which has an orange fragrance. Wild thyme (T. serpyllum) can also make an alternative lawn to grass, with its tiny dark green leaves and tiny lavender-pink flowers in summer. It’s particularly good for uneven surfaces where the soil is stony. Most thymes thrive in a well-drained soil in full sun.

get any sort of harvest because of the cooler weather and lack of insects to pollinate the flowers. “We’ve seen a huge reduction in bees, butterflies, hoverflies and

ladybirds which have been hit by two harsh winters and then a very wet summer. It’s posing a threat to their population.” Faster growing crops such as

lettuces should be fine if you can keep the explosion of slugs off them, he adds. “For indoor tomatoes, it would be worth removing some of the leaves to expose the fruits because we haven’t had high light levels, so the fruits won’t ripen as quickly and the skins of tomatoes will go leathery.” If the foliage of conifers goes yellow, dig a small hole at the base of the plant and check the drainage is good enough, because they hate to be waterlogged. But even the clouds we have endured for so long have a silver lining: the crowns of plants such as wild geraniums, astilbes and lupins have bulked up in the wet weather. Even if we don’t get much flower, next year we’ll benefit from the amount of root growth and leaf generation that those sorts of perennials have put on, Chris explains. “Roses have done very well, too. They don’t mind wet ground and heavy soils, so there are some winners.” Summer annuals have certainly taken a hammering in the rain, but if you give them a good trim, then you may well see them bloom later, especially if there is any warmer weather on the way. “Don’t be afraid to trim them back because if we do get a burst of warmth they will have established themselves in the pots and if we give them a bit of a haircut and pinch out any faded flowers, as soon as the temperature increases you will have a massive potential of enthusiasm in the pot and the plant will react.” In the last few seasons we’ve had long, mild autumns, when annual bedding has come into its own. “A sniff of warm bright weather towards the end of August could lead to late bedding displays, if you

Things to do this week ● Harvest strawberries, cherries, summer-fruiting raspberries, currants and early plums. Remember to harvest redcurrants and whitecurrants in bunches – they will keep and taste better. ● Stop cordon tomatoes by removing the main shoot. Look for the leaf above the fourth truss and cut there to encourage fruit to ripen. ● Lift stunted potato plants to check roots for signs of potato cyst eelworm. ● Tie in new growth on blackberries and hybrid berries. ● Lift onions, shallots and garlic when ready. Plants should be harvested when the necks start to turn brown and papery, and bend over naturally. ● Take cuttings of rosemary, bay and hyssop. ● Feed containers and even tired border perennials, with a liquid tomato food each week to encourage them to bloom into the early autumn. ● Continue to remove blanket weed and duckweed from ponds using a net or rake. Pile it by the pond for 24 hours to allow pond life to crawl back into the water, then put on the compost heap.



Saturday, July 28, 2012


Good enough to eat Perfect peaches YOU don’t have to live in a Mediterranean climate to enjoy peaches in summer. However, peaches do need a lot of care because of our climate. They can be grown in warm areas with the protection of a fairly high south-facing wall or fence but the flowers come early and the fruits need a lot of time to ripen. So it’s probably best to start them off in a greenhouse and keep them there at flowering time to protect them from frost. The trees need deep, well-drained but moisture-retentive slightly acid soil, with

plenty of organic matter added. They should be planted in autumn and respond well to fan training. They are self-pollinating, so you can grow single trees, but as they blossom before many insects appear, it’s wise to hand pollinate them as well. The easiest cultivars to grow in pots are compact or “patio” cultivars, standard trees on high stems with a ball-like head. In late winter peach trees need to be sheltered to keep off the rain and stop peach leaf curl developing.

3 ways to ... Make the most of colour

can keep the slugs off them.” And many plants will be flowering late, Chris predicts. “We can expect a second flush of flowering on pears, rhododendrons

and camellias, taking advantage of any warmer conditions in autumn. “I just have a gardener’s sniff that it’s going to be a good autumn,” he smiles, ever the optimist.

WATER GARDEN: But Chris Beardshaw thinks all that rain could bring a belated bonus with autumn flowers


Group hot colours close to your house and pastels further away to increase the feeling of space as the eye is drawn more slowly down the garden.


Blend contrasting colours with grey foliage plants, which will soften hot colours and draw different hues together.


Use a colour wheel, found in gardening books, to help you select plants. It will help identify complementary and harmonising colours.

RICS calls on Government to help first-time buyers get a mortgage CALLS to give first-time buyers a stronger push on to the housing ladder have been made after a study found a high proportion of people are seeing deals fall through because they cannot get a mortgage. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) found that 38% of potential first-time buyers are trapped in the rental sector because they cannot raise a big enough deposit and meet the criteria to buy a home. Almost a fifth of those who had tried to take the plunge saw their potential purchase collapse due to problems accessing mortgage finance, the study said. The Government recently launched its NewBuy initiative, which encourages lenders to offer mortgage deals to people with a

deposit of less than 10% to those buying a new-build property in England. But RICS said it should go further to help first-time buyers, by introducing a scheme for those buying second-hand properties, which it argued would free up some stagnant chains. It said ministers should consider lending or guaranteeing first-time buyers a “reasonable deposit” in return for a stake in their home, which could give the Government and the taxpayer a return on their investment. RICS said that while some similar schemes exist, they are too fragmented and lack the power to kick-start the market. The call comes after a British Bankers’ Association report said yesterday that mortgage approvals slumped to their lowest

number in at least 15 years last month. Within these figures, mortgage approvals for house purchase reached their lowest numbers since January 2009 and were a fifth lower than a year ago. Peter Bolton King, RICS global residential director, said: “Many first-time buyers are facing the prospect of a property ladder with no rungs. “With lenders requiring such hefty deposits and affordable mortgage deals out of reach for most, a generation of potential homeowners are facing an uphill struggle. “Without allowing more first-time buyers to enter the market, chains will continue to stall and transaction levels will stagnate.” A two-year stamp duty

concession for first-time buyers ended in March, which lenders and estate agents said had the effect of bunching up sales as people rushed to complete deals. The National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA) recently reported that the proportion of sales made to first-time buyers dropped to a seven-month low in May to 17%, well below the “healthy” long-term 40% average. Lenders have been tightening their borrowing criteria amid the weak economy and raising their rates for new and existing borrowers, blaming the increased cost of funding a mortgage. While lenders have shown signs of increased competition over the last couple of weeks to attract people with hefty 40% deposits, the more “risky” mortgage customers with low deposits are

expected to have a tougher time finding a deal in the coming months. Meanwhile, private rents have soared due to high demand from tenants, making it even harder for them to save for a mortgage deposit. Average rents rose for the third month in a row in June to reach £718 a month, just shy of a record £720 seen in October last year, according to a recent study by lettings agent network LSL Property Services, which owns chains Your Move and Reeds Rains. Rents in London are 4% higher than a year ago at £1,047. The RICS study was based on questions it asked its surveyors about the proportion of people remaining in rented accommodation due to problems accessing mortgage finance.


Saturday, July 28, 2012



Allerton, £379,500

Maghull, £245,000

THIS spacious, four bedroom semi-detached house is situated in an established residential area close to Calderstones Park. On the ground floor, an impressive entrance hall leads to a lounge with a living flame gas fire and French doors opening onto the garden. The dining room has a bay window and there is a contemporary family dining kitchen, plus a shower room/wc. Upstairs are four bedrooms and a modern bathroom with a four-piece suite. Outside, a driveway provides off-road parking, plus there is a garage and front and rear gardens which are a good size. ● Sutton Kersh, 0151 734 0666

THIS attractive four bedroom detached property is situated on the popular Green Park Estate and is ideally located for schools, shops, medical centre and transport links. Inside comprises a lounge, dining room, utility room or third reception room, ground floor wc and a fitted kitchen/ breakfast room. To the first floor there are four bedrooms and a family bathroom. The property benefits from double glazing and gas central heating. Externally, there are gardens to the front, side and e rear. There is also a garage. ● Loc8 Estate Agents, 0151 526 0021

Allerton, £235,000 THIS beautifully presented and well-maintained four bedroom detached property offers excellent family living. Inside comprises an entrance hall, downstairs cloakroom with wc, lounge with living flame gas fire and a dining room. The kitchen has a range of units with laminate work-surfaces, tiled flooring, space for a fridge/freezer, gas hob and electric oven. There is also a conservatory with access to the garden. To the first floor, bedroom one has en-suite facilities and there are three further bedrooms and a bathroom. Externally, there is off-road parking and a garden to the front, and to the rear is a further garden with lawn and paved patio area. ● Venmore, 0151 733 9000

Old Swan, £78,000 THIS two bedroom, mid terrace house is situated off Rathbone Road and enjoys a convenient location within walking distance of many amenities including shops. Inside, a hall leads to a lounge, dining room and kitchen which incorporates a range of wall and base units. Upstairs are two bedrooms, plus a bathroom. Additional benefits include gas central heating and double glazing, and the property has no chain. Outside there is an enclosed rear yard and brick-built storage. ● Farrell Heyworth, 0151 220 5020


Mossley Hill, £585,000 THIS beautifully presented apartment boasts a number of bespoke features. Inside is a hall with tiled floor and access to a balcony with seating area overlooking Sefton Park, lounge with door to a second balcony, solid wood flooring and fireplace, dining room with patio doors to the side leading to a balcony and solid wood flooring, and a kitchen with electric oven and electric hob and tiled flooring. There is also a utility room, downstairs wc and bedroom one with en-suite. To the first floor, bedroom two has an en-suite and there are two further bedrooms, a study and a bathroom. Externally, there are communal gardens and allocated parking. ● Venmore, 0151 733 9000

Allerton, £239,950 THIS well-presented, three bedroom, semi-detached house is located in a popular area near Mather Avenue, close to several amenities. On the ground floor a hall leads to an attractive lounge with a decorative fireplace. The dining room features patio doors to the rear garden, and there is a fitted kitchen and utility room/wc. Upstairs are three bedrooms and a shower room with a three-piece suite. Externally, a driveway provides off-road parking. There is also a garage, and a south-facing, landscaped rear garden. ● Farrell Heyworth, 0151 281 8181

West Derby, £324,950 THIS attractive five bedroom detached home is well-presented and arranged over three floors. Inside, an entrance hall gives access to a wc, lounge and study. The kitchen and dining area has a range of appliances, and there is also a utility room and conservatory. Upstairs is a master bedroom with en-suite, plus two further bedrooms with Jack and Jill shower room. A fourth bedroom, fifth bedroom and en-suite shower room is on the second floor. Outside is a driveway for off-road parking, a double garage and gardens to front and rear. ● Sutton Kersh, 0151 256 7837

Maghull, £225,000 ATTRACTIVELY presented, this three/four bedroom detached Cotswoldstyle property benefits from double glazing and gas central heating. In addition, the house benefits from having no onward chain. Inside, the accommodation briefly comprises a lounge, fitted kitchen/ breakfast room, morning room/fourth bedroom and conservatory. To the first floor there are three bedrooms and a contemporary white bathroom suite. Externally, there are gardens to the front and rear and a garage. ● Loc8: 0151 526 0021

Saturday, July 28, 2012



No sale - no fees, no up-front fees and no tie in periods. Just a few reasons to choose Venmore in Liverpool. See more properties at Rumford Place, Liverpool Reduced to £129,950

Armstrong Quay, Liverpool Reduced to £122,000

Colin Drive, Liverpool Reduced to £119,950

Ground floor apartment

Three bedroom semi detached house

Two bedrooms

Two bedrooms

Pleasant residential cul-de-sac

Bathroom & Shower room

Lovely river views

Attractive gardens and driveway

Secure underground parking

Attractive lounge & fitted kitchen

Gas central heating and double

24 hour Concierge service


Less than 2 miles from city centre

Residents Gymnasium

Allocated & Visitor parking

Stamp Duty Exempt

Viewing is highly recommended!

Communal gardens

Viewing highly recommended!

Duplex apartment

● ●

Walton Lane, Walton £99,950

Hatton Garden, Liverpool £89,950

Attractive ground floor apartment

Second floor apartment

Two bedrooms & en-suite Shower

Secure underground parking space


Spacious Lounge/Diner

Modern fitted Kitchen

Lounge with bay window

Allocated parking in car park

Seperate storage area

UPVC double glazing

Electric heating

Two bedroom duplex apartment

City centre location

Seperate fitted kitchen

Double glazed windows

Electric heating

Available with NO CHAIN!

Hale Road, Walton £85,000

● ● ●

One double bedroom

Benson Court, Benson Street, Liverpool. L1 2ST We are acting in the sale of the above property and have received an offer of £110,000 for the above property. Any interested parties must submit any higher offers in writing to the selling agent before exchange of contracts takes place.

Croxteth Road, Liverpool Reduced to £80,500

Highfield Street, Liverpool Reduced to £99,950

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Second floor apartment Two double bedrooms Available with NO CHAIN! Lounge/diner Seperate Kitchen Bathroom with electric shower Double glazed windows Electric heating Attractive communal gardens Allocated and visitor car spaces

Gem Street, Vauxhall £71,500

Four bedroom mid terrace

Ground floor apartment

Purpose built apartment

Recently refurbished & modernised

Two Double Bedrooms

Third floor

Private Entrance

Two bedrooms (double and single)

Accommodation over three floors

Private Patio/Garden Area

Fitted Kitchen

Lounge with French windows UPVC double glazing

UPVC double glazing

Open Plan Lounge/Diner/Kitchen

Gas central heating system

Fitted Kitchen

Gas Central Heating System

Electric panel heaters

Available with NO CHAIN!

Available with NO CHAIN!

Available with NO CHAIN!

Car park to rear

Victoria Street, Liverpool £69,950


Public Notice

Public Notice

17 Wordsworth Street, Liverpool. L8 0RP We are acting in the sale of the above property and have received an offer of £69,950 for the above property. Any interested parties must submit any higher offers in writing to the selling agent before exchange of contracts takes place.

City Branch Sales

0151 236 4400

Imperial Buildings, 9 Dale Street, Liverpool, L2 2SH

North John Street, Liverpool Reduced to £68,950

Fourth floor apartment

Dovey Street, Liverpool £65,000

Traditional mid terrace house

One double bedroom & large

Two bedrooms


Modern kitchen and bathroom


UPVC double glazing

Fitted kitchen

Partial gas central heating

Gas central heating system

Available with NO CHAIN!

Walton Lane, Walton Reduced to £50,950

● ● ● ● ●

Ground floor modern apartment Two bedrooms Modern fitted kitchen Bathroom with white suite Double glazed windows & electric heating Communal gardens and parking areas Available with NO CHAIN!


Saturday, July 28, 2012


City centre 0151 236 2332


KILSHAW STREET | L6 £89,950 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

End Town House Three Bedrooms Living Room Dining Kitchen Cloakroom/wc Front & Rear Gardens No Chain


NATIONAL BANK BUILDING | L2 £119,950 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Third Floor Apartment Two Bedrooms Newly Fitted Kitchen Spacious Apartment Close to Waterfront Ideal First Home No Chain


Lettings 0151 207 5923


TUNNEL ROAD | L7 £134,750

QUEBEC QUAY 156 | L3 £1,500 PCM ●

Penthouse Apartment


Penthosue Apartment

THE REACH | L3 £1,250 PCM

Terraced House

2 Bedrooms

2 DoubleBedrooms

3 Bedrooms

Double Glazing

Fully Furnished



2 Parking Spaces

Gas Central Heating

Central heating

Extensive River Views

Spacious Accommodation


En Suite to Master

Rear Yard

● ● ● ● ● ●

Semi Detatched House Three Bedrooms Living Room Cloakroom Rear Garden with Driveway Front Garden No Chain


BENEDICT ST | L20 £65,000

Terraced House


Three Bedrooms


Second/Third Floor


Victorian Terraced House


Mid Terrace House

STUART ROAD | L4 £59,950

Terraced House

Two Double Bedrooms

Three Bedrooms

Duplex Apartment

Terraced House

3 Bedrooms

3 Bedrooms

Modern Dining Kitchen

Two Reception Rooms

Two Double Bedrooms




Lounge/Dining Room

In Need of Work

En Suite Bathroom

Gas Central Heating

Double Glazing

Double Glazing

Close to Amenities

Investment Opportunity

Allocated and Visitor Parking

Recently Refurbished

Fitted Kitchen

Gas Central Heating

No Chain

No Chain

Dock and River Views

Residential Location

Gas Central Heating

Residential Location

FALKNER STREET | L8 £525,000

WATERLOO QUAY | L3 £154,950

Terraced House


2 Bedroom




Second Floor Apartment


Five Bed Town House

Balcony with River Views

Second Floor Apartment


2 Bedrooms

Two Double Bedrooms

Two Bedrooms


Recently Refurbished

Two Reception Rooms

Three Bathrooms

● ● ● ● ● ●

Georgian Town House Four Bedrooms Many Original Features Two Bathrooms Two Recption Rooms Resident Parking Permits Rear Yard

GRANT COURT | L20 £49,950

En-suite Shower Room

● ●

Double Glazing

Double Glazing



Central Heating

Large Gardens

Investment Potential

No Chain


Terraced House


Semi Det House

Ground Floor

Three Beds

Three Beds

Two Bedrooms

Two Reception Rooms

Two Reception

Double Glazed

Double Glazed

Front & Rear Garden

Central Heated

Gas Central Heated

Sought After Location

Lounge/Dining Room

Double Glazing

Allocated Parking


Second Floor Apartment

Investment Opportunity

Visitor Parking


En Suite


One Bedroom

Allocated parking


Open Plan Living Area

COLIN DRIVE | L3 £67,500 50% SHARE

● ● ●

Semi Detached House Three Bedrooms Shared Ownership Lounge Kitchen/Diner Conservatory Car Space

● ● ● ● ● ●

Luxury Third Floor Apartment Stylish Kitchen Two Bedrooms Open Plan Living Area Utility Room Secure Allocated Car Space Waterfront Location

BACK SANDON ST | L8 £350,000

SELWYN STREET | L4 £69,950

PRINCES AVENUE | L8 £40,000 ●

2 bed Apt




Second Floor Apartment


2 Bedroom

Double Bedroom

Two Beds

Part Furnished


In Need of Reburbishment

Part Furnished

Double Glazing


Close to Princes Park

Double Glazed

Electric Heating

Double Glazing

Walking Distance to City Centre

Gas Central Heated

Fitted Kitchen

Central Heating

Investment Opportunity

Good Location

Secure Parking

Good Location

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Georgian End Town House Three Bedrooms Open Plan Living Area Study/Playroom En-Suite Shower Room Cloakroom Wine Cellar Two Car Driveway

● ● ● ● ● ●

Terraced House Four Bedrooms Lounge Dining Room Cellar Room Central Heating Yard to Rear



Woolton Village, £550pcm

Saturday, July 28, 2012



Wallasey, £650pcm

Bowring Park, £750pcm

THIS refurbished, three bedroom detached bungalow has a new contemporary kitchen, newly fitted kitchen and spacious lounge. The property is situated in a popular location within a quiet cul-de-sac and has the benefit of a rear garden. There is also a driveway for off-road parking. The property is unfurnished and has gas central heating. This really is a lovely property and needs to be viewed to be fully appreciated, especially for its ideal location which boasts a number of amenities. ● Reeds Rains, 0151 336 7701

THIS purpose-built, ground floor apartment has been newly refurbished and is situated in a private residential development off Quarry Street, near to the heart of Woolton Village. The apartment has new carpeting, bathroom and kitchen with integrated washer dryer and dishwasher and fridge-freezer. There is also gas central heating, a telephone security entry system, an intruder alarm and a cable connection. Inside is a hall, lounge, fitted kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom, communal gardens and allocated parking to the rear. Woolton Village is well placed for many amenities including shops, schools, restaurants and bars. ● Sutton Kersh, 0843 313 3964

THIS early Victorian double-fronted two double bedroom detached sandstone cottage has a good sized side garden and hidden patio. The property also benefits from off-street parking, double glazing and gas central heating. Inside are two reception rooms, a fully integrated kitchen with hob, oven, fridge freezer, dishwasher, washing machine and microwave, and a contemporary four piece bathroom. There is also an open flame fire, carpets and blinds. No DSS. ● Bakewell Horner, 0151 638 2922

THIS immaculate, well-presented and spacious three bedroom semi-detached house is situated in a quiet residential area of Bowring Park. The property is fully double glazed, is gas central heated and comprises a lounge, separate dining room and fully fitted modern kitchen/diner. There are also two double bedrooms, one single bedroom plus a modern family bathroom. The property has a good sized mature rear garden and driveway plus garage to the front and is fully alarmed. The property is for rent unfurnished and is available immediately. ● Sutton Kersh, 0843 313 3964

Toxteth, £550pcm

Oxton, £525pcm

Mossley Hill, £750pcm

Tranmere, £480pcm

THIS brand new development offers unbeatable value on the edge of Liverpool city centre. On offer is a range of stylish one, two and three bedroom apartments set within a modern attractive building. Inside, the apartments feature openplan layouts, contemporary kitchens with appliances and the added benefit of luxury bathrooms. The master bedroom to each apartment has en-suite facilities. A selection of apartments will also enjoy outdoor space or river/city views. There is also an intercom entry system for added security. ● Venmore, 0151 733 9000

THIS two bedroom, second floor apartment is situated within the conservation area of Oxton Village, close to shops and restaurants. The property is accessed via a security entrance and stairs leading to the top floor. The flat is spacious and light, with views overlooking the well-kept communal gardens. Inside the apartment there is a lounge, kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom. The property is let unfurnished and is well worth a viewing to appreciate what is on offer. ● PLM Lettings, 0151 334 2933

NEW to the market, this two bedroom luxury apartment is located in the soughtafter south Liverpool suburb of Mossley Hill. Inside comprises a generous sized living area with high ceiling and large sash windows. There are two double bedrooms, with the master having an en-suite bathroom, plus a modern kitchen and a contemporary family bathroom. The property also benefits from secure parking and would be ideal for a professional couple. An early inspection is highly recommended. ● Venmore, 0151 733 9000

WELL-presented and re-decorated throughout, this two bedroom terrace comes with the benefits of central heating and double glazing. Inside the accommodation comprises a hallway, lounge, dining room with French doors to the rear yard, newly fitted kitchen with electric oven and hob, the two bedrooms, plus a bathroom with bath and shower cubicle. There is also access to useful loft storage. No pets; no smokers. DSS may be considered with a suitable guarantor. An internal viewing is recommended. ● Whitegates, 0151 608 2325

Little Neston, £700pcm


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Property Wanted

DO YOU HAVE A PROPERTY TO SELL OR LET? More people turn to the Liverpool ECHO and when looking to find a property than anywhere else. To place your advert in front of a potential audience of 455,000 people, contact: Call our specialist team today on:

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0151 472 2746 0151 472 2573 Monday to Friday 9am-5.30pm

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0151 227 3030

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Or book online at:

www.liverpool bookanad Booking deadlines: Display Advertising 5pm 2 days prior to publication date Lineage: 2pm the day before publication Sources: GfK NOP 2008,TM NW2 10% area. JICREG & AARON 2009 North West area.

Accommodation To Let BOOTLE/ANFIELD/ORRELL PARK/WATERLOO Furnished studios & rooms from £55pw. All bills inc broadband. N0 DEPOSIT REQ. No DSS. Over 25. 0151 928 9280





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Accommodation To Let LUXURY WATERSIDE APARTMENTS MARINERS WHARF 1 Bed fully furn...... £630pcm Lovely apts, riverside/marina views. Parking & landscaped gardens. Popular bar & restaurant,

Contact Laura: 0161 434 5225 or Mike: 07775 697796

SELL YOUR HOUSE FAST We’re fast, friendly & local. No fees guaranteed offer. Call 0151 428 1800 now.

W E B U Y H O U S E S Up to 100% market value paid. Please call Paula 07733 023 155

I WILL BUY YOUR HOUSE Local, friendly service. Call Chris: 0151 251 0051 (24hrs)

Caravan Parks / Mobile Homes QUICK SALE NEEDED Brilliant 3 bed (8 berth) static caravan in immaculate condition. Sited on a fantastic 10.5 month family park with beach access in Prestatyn, North Wales. Only £6500. Call 07513 262030

MASSIVE SALE Caravans from only £6995. Lovely quiet Country Woodland Park. Overlooking the sea & mountains in Snowdonia national Park. Near Conwy. Open 10.5 Months Tel Sarah 07786 375096 £8000 3 Bed Caravan by the beach. Spacious 35ft long, Good Cond/Sleeps 8. Site fees paid for 2012. ’GOLDEN SANDS N/WALES’ Long season/ Entertainment, Swimming Pools/Clubs, QUICK SALE NEEDED. Sam 07970 065147

CARAVAN FOR SALE Lovely family static caravan on beautiful beach park with facilities. Absolute bargain. Redundancy forces sale, Only £4900. Call Sarah 07747 806285 BEAUTIFUL PARK HOME F O R S A L E 2 Double Bedrooms. Lovely location. Double Glazed. Cheshire, Bargain £99,950. Call Peter 07984 553550 LOVELY CARAVAN FOR SALE On quiet beach front park on the North Wales Coastline. £5995. Call Robert 07917 197924

Wanted To Rent WANTED 3 BED PROPERTY For company let, most areas. Call Rebecca on 07794 289756.

New Homes KINDERTON PARK Retired & semi retired park home development. Set in the heart of Cheshire countryside close to Middlewich and Sandbach good motorway links. Electronically operated gates and 24hr CCTV. Part exchange available. Cledford Lane Middlewich C h e s h i r e C W 1 0 0 J S For an appointment call Anne Marie 07788 752 234

NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED DSS OK with guarantor L6 Handwell St.................2 bed L6 Winchester Rd ............3 bed L6 Pendennis St .......2 & 3 bed L9 Ashdale Rd .................4 bed L9 Cedardale Rd..............4 bed L15 Cranborne Rd...........2 bed L20 Gray St .....................2 bed L30 Galsworthy Walk.2 bed flat ............0151 928 9280............

RENT TO BUY Need to rent, but would rather buy? No deposit, no problem. Must be employed / have good credit history. Litherland 3 bed terr. £525pcm Walton 2 bed terr......£395pcm B’head 3 bed terr......£525pcm Huyton 3 bed semi....£795pcm Orrell Pk 3 bd semi...£525pcm Call today on 0800 1957523

HOUSES TO LET L4 Chirkdale 2 Bed....£438pcm L4 Chirkdale 3 bed....£500pcm L4 St Agnes 3 bed.....£480pcm L4 Pansy St 3 bed.....£480pcm L15 3 bed flat.....................Neg L20 Bedford 2 bed flats....Neg. Housing benefit accepted Call Ryan 0151 324 1340 or text/call 07553 373376

JAMES KRISTIAN LETTINGS ........ 0151 933 2313 ........ L4 Westcott Rd................3 bed L4 Bodmin Rd..................2 bed L6 Mansell Rd..................2 bed L6 Hampstead Rd .....1 bed apt L20 Bianca St ..................2 bed L20 Oriel Rd .............1 bed apt L22 Park Terrace......3 bed apt ..DSS OK WITH GUARANTOR..

C I T Y C E N T R E L 3 Bereys Building in business district. Corner of George and Bixteth St, off Tithebarn. Large Studio Apart, quiet location, over night street parking, intercom, f/f £475pcm 07941 850694

N E T H E R T O N R D Moreton, semi with 3 good sized beds, French doors to sunny patio, gdns, DG, GCH, £600pcm, dep & refs req’d, sorry no DSS. 0151 632 0945 or text 07719 764649 L4 Exceptional fully modernised 2 bed terr house, off County Road, Kirkdale, CH, DG, new kitchen/bathroom, laminate flooring, refs and dep req, no pets, £395pcm. 07717 718363.

AIGBURTH Quality bedsits in shared house. Close to all amenities. No DSS. Will suit single, young professional. Reference required. Worth viewing! 07866 036 775. NEWLY REFURBISHED spacious flat available in Bootle, suit professional, 2 bed, CH, DG, newly fitted kitchen £495pcm. Sorry no DSS. 07804 883490 TUEBROOK 3 bed hse in quiet street, newly mod and decorated to very high standard, GCH, DG, lam floor, no pets, refs & deps req, £450 pcm. 07717 718363

CARYL STREET (L8) 3 bed house to rent, recently refurbished, DG, GCH, parking, unfurnished, £500pcm. Call John 07515 745 011

L3 South Ferry Quay. 2 bed f/f apt, £650pcm 0151 207 4141 or 07918 776195 WAVERTREE L15 2 bed en− suite, 1st flr, unfurn flat, ch £475pcm 07557 475276

L17Sefton Pk 1 bd....£450pcm L4 New refurb 2 bd...£450pcm Wallasey, Park Rd 3 bd ... £500 07886 889950 DSS ok STUDIO APT Broadgreen station/hospital area. £75 pr wk. 07801 481479. 01704 548146 L6 MOLYNEUX ROAD Very nice tidy 2 bed house, GCH/PCC DG, DSS/LHA OK with depo £475pcm 0151 652 5142. RIVER VIEWS L8 2 bed hse,5 mins walk frm Bruns trn st, new decor, part furn, CH, DG, alarm £130pw. 07970 612450 Alverston Rd. Off Smithdown 3 bed house, dg, gch, unfurnished, £400 deposit. 07753 591691 L20 BOOTLE Very tidy 2 bed house, GCH, PVC DG, easy terms DSS OK with deposit £450pcm 0151 652 5142. L4 & L6 Rooms in lux shared house would suit mature person from £55pw all incl. No DSS. 07803 082999/ 260 7980 1 3 BED HOUSE L6, 2 1 bed flats L6 & L13, 1 3 bed house L6, 1 2 bed flat L6, unfurn. 07711 618303 WEST DERBY room in all male shared quiet house, close to Alder Hey £260 pcm all inc. Profs only. 0151 259 1524

L 1 1 1 B E D s/c flat, with central heating. £89pw. Call 07753 826954 WATERLOO studio flat, part furn, suit 1 person; £300 pcm, DSS over 35’s OK. 0151 932 9573. WALTON L4 off County Rd 2/3 bed terrace dg ch £105pw. DSS ok with g’tor. 07836 369919 L6 3rd person to share 3 bed house en suite, from £80pw 07803 082999/ 260 7980 L20 3 BED House, DHS ok, £105 p/w, deposit or guarantor ok 0151 356 7551 L14 2 bed semi, new build, GCH, DG, new decor, DSS ok, £500 pcm. 07903 765261. 4 BED PARLOUR HOUSE Nixon St L4, gch, dg DSS considered 07918 032004 CROSBY FF BEDSIT No bills, quiet house, gents 40+. £60pw own kitchen. 0151 281 1422 OLD SWAN Lovely quiet street. 2 bed terr, dg/ch, all new decor over 30s. 07585 336781 L9 Orrell Pk 4 bed, 3 recept rooms, refurb, dg/ch. £595pcm. no dss 07946 474202 2 X 4 bed houses, Bootle. Dep & refs req’d. DSS considered. £600 pcm. 07780 333 557 CLOSE TO GREENBANK PARK 1 & 2 bed aptms, £90 & £100pw. 07778 309671. L6, TUEBROOK 2 bd hse, GCH, new decor/crpts £450pcm DHSS ok, 07870 774405. L20 Marsh Lane s/c 3 bed spacious flat, unfurn, gch. £400pcm 07882 907719


FREE TO DSS Property to let must be single, 35+ & on housing benefits 07905 152632 CITY CENTRE 2 bed hse, with yard. 07731 808 792 LITHERLAND 3 bed house. £650 Pcm. 07889 730 190. L4 Walton Lane, 3 bed terr, dg/ gch £495pcm 0151 259 2729 FAIRFIELD 3 bed, DG, CH, £495 pcm. 07876 222003. L9 W’ton A’tree 1&2 bd flats & 4 bed flat 28+ 07743 601828 L5 new 3 bed, end terr house, £475pcm. 07425 981456. 3 B E D Bianca St, Bootle, £495pcm 07780 009537 NO DEP 4 bd Valley Rd L4 DSS ok, g’tor reqd. 0151 260 4411 GARSTON 2 bed apt £110pw 0151 480 3597

More people in the area turn to the Liverpool ECHO, in print and online, when looking for a property to rent or buy than anywhere else. Source: Gfk NOP 2008, TM NW2 10% area

Alternatively please call into you local office: Liverpool Post and Echo, PO Box 48, Old Hall Street, Liverpool, L69 3EB

Saturday, July 28, 2012


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Saturday, July 28, 2012



NJOYING an enviable location in a popular residential area, this attractive four bedroom detached home has been tastefully presented and offers stylish family accommodation. On the ground floor a hall with beamed ceiling gives access to a light and airy lounge which has a modern electric fire housed in a decorative surround. The well-proportioned dining room features a living flame gas fire, and there is a beautifully equipped kitchen breakfast room incorporating a range of contemporary high and low level units, an integrated dishwasher, wine rack display, space for a range cooker and spotlights to the ceiling. A good-sized conservatory with French doors opening to the rear and a cloakroom/wc complete the ground floor accommodation. On the first floor a landing leads to a master bedroom suite boasting a dressing room and a luxury ensuite shower room with a wash hand basin set in a vanity unit, a shower cubicle, low level wc and chrome heated towel rail. Bedroom two also has an en-suite shower room, plus there are two further bedrooms and a main bathroom with a three piece suite. Outside, a block paved driveway

HOMES ★★★★

SPACIOUS: The property has four bedrooms

provides off-road parking. To the rear the property has a delightful garden with a patio and lawned area ideal for entertaining. A detached garage rounds off the superb property. ● Maghull, £450,000; Loc8, 0151 526 0021

FREE toy y


chop chop hop


pick up at

starting with the he

to collect

Terms and exclusions apply

this weekend



dj quack

HOMES ★★★★



OUSE builder Barratt Homes has confirmed a strong start to life at its new development in south Liverpool. A number of homes at its Imagine Park development have already been secured following its launch in June, and interest in the development has been brisk. Building works recently began on site, and a dedicated sales and marketing suite is now open to help potential buyers. Jason Newton, sales director for Barratt Manchester, said: “Imagine Park is proving to be a hugely popular development. It’s ideally located for both the city centre and motorway links out of Merseyside, and the range of homes on offer has excited visitors to the development. “We’ve taken a number of reservations before a brick has even been laid. It’s encouraging for the future of the area, and we’re looking forward to seeing how the development grows.” Imagine Park, in Speke, will feature 268 new two and three storey homes, from a mix of house styles which are bespoke to this development. The homes are a result of close consultation with Liverpool City Council’s planners and urban



F you’re aged over 60, live in Merseyside and are looking to downsize with a hassle-free move this summer, make sure you find out about a new scheme available at McCarthy & Stone’s Later Living development in Woolton. The new initiative, available to those buying selected apartments at the Reynolds Court development off Vale Road, aims to sell the purchaser’s existing home at a pre-agreed price within 12 weeks and covers many of the costs associated with the sale. If a realistic offer is made below the guaranteed selling price, McCarthy & Stone will simply make up the difference, enabling the sale to proceed. The scheme could also save sellers thousands of pounds, as McCarthy & Stone will pay the estate agent and solicitor fees and will even help with the move. Fiona Brooks, regional sales and marketing director for McCarthy and Stone, said: “Selling your home in the current market can be an expensive and time-consuming process, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll get the offer you need. “With our new initiative, we will help every step of the way, marketing your existing home, free of charge, through an independent estate agent and actively

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Guide MODERN: Artist’s impressions show how the Imagine Park development will look

Imagine success designers, and were created in collaboration with DK-A, a team of Liverpool-based external architects. As part of planning conditions, Barratt will contribute £25,000 towards highway improvements and a further £25,000 for on-site public art. There will also be £208,000 placed in a fund for improvements to off-site public

spaces. The house builder consulted with the public and removed road links to the adjacent housing estate, following traffic concerns. Jason added: “Our homes have been designed with different lifestyles in mind. They feature entirely modern designs, which have been the subject of rigorous focus testing by consumers. We’ve

taken people’s feedback on board and the se fabulous homes are the result of that." ● For more information on Imagine Park, or any of Barratt’s sites in the North West, visit The marketing suite at the development is open Thursday to Monday, 10.30am-5.30pm.


Guide IDEAL: McCarthy & Stone's Reynolds Court retirement development in Woolton

Help at hand

monitoring the sale to ensure everything runs smoothly.” McCarthy & Stone is currently selling a range of one and two bedroom retirement apartments at Reynolds Court, with prices starting from £134,950. The Later Living scheme offers an active, independent retirement lifestyle

with the peace of mind of additional security, low maintenance and companionship. With more than 30 years’ experience McCarthy & Stone is one of Britain’s leading retirement builders and offers a choice of different types of retirement developments. These include

Retirement Living, Assisted Living for those requiring a little more help and support, and Tailored Care Living, which provides greater care and support in later life. ● Visit the show complex, open Tues-Sat, 10.30am-5pm, call 0151 428 6115 or log on to


Saturday, July 28, 2012


“We were renting and didn’t think we could afford our own home...

...then we turned to Lovell!” They helped choose the home that’s right for us, and now we pay just £96 per week. Owning your first home is easy with Lovell’s Shared Equity scheme. Initially, you buy 75% of your home and defer the outstanding balance for up to 10 years - and unlike other developers, we don’t charge you interest on the deferred amount!

A range of 2 & 3 bedroom homes from only £71,996* with shared equity.

Church Fields

Kensington Court

Raglan Close, Liverpool L19 8NG Tel: 0151 427 8098 3 & 4 bedroom homes from £131,500

27 Holdsworth Drive, Kensington, Liverpool L7 2QN Tel: 0151 260 7342 2 bedroom homes from £95,995

Full purchase price 75% shared equity price 5% Deposit required Weekly mortgage payment

£95,995 £71,996 £4,800 £96

Marketing Suites and Show Homes open Thursday to Monday 10am - 5pm. For more information on our developments visit our website

*TYPICAL EXAMPLE: SHARED EQUITY Based on a 95% mortgage on 75% shared equity price with a minimum 5% deposit contribution. This scheme is available on selected Lovell properties subject to status and terms and conditions. It is not available in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Lovell Partnerships cannot give you any financial advice but can refer you to an Independent Financial Advisor. The reservation fee of £500 (fully refundable on legal completion) may not cover the whole cost of obtaining a mortgage and purchasing the property and appropriate professional advice should be sort. The £500 figure also assumes that you are eligible for a 95% mortgage at the fully funded share price of 75% of the property value. This will also be subject to the terms and conditions of the appropriate lender and you must seek professional advice to ensure you match the criteria. Other fees may be required. A minimum deposit of £4,800 will be required dependent on lender’s criteria. The weekly payment figure £96 (rounded up from £95.41) is based on the mortgage being a repayment mortgage over a 25 year term and subject to availability and suitability. Fixed rate for the first 2 years is 4.19%. (4.2% APR). Total fees for arranging the mortgage is £749. Total amount payable over 25 years assuming no change in interest rates would be £122,775. An early repayment charge would be payable before the end of the 2 year period and would be a maximum of £2,394. The maximum Equity Loan will be 25% of the purchase price, the equity loan is provided Lovell Partnerships Ltd and is held as a charge. The repayment sum will reflect 25% of the market value of the property at the time of sale or valuation. Prices and information believed to be correct at time of going to press and are subject to change without notice. YOUR HOME MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEP UP REPAYMENTS ON YOUR MORTGAGE OR ANY OTHER DEBT SECURED ON IT. Images are for illustrative purposes only. Based on a full purchase price of £95,995 at Kensington Court.

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