8 page Year 7 Information Guide
Open Evening Thursday 27th September 2012 6pm - 8pm Queens Drive, Walton, Liverpool, L4 6SH I Telephone: 0151-235 1200
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Year 7 Open Days
Homework is vital to find the best school
T may be a year away, but it’s never too early to start thinking about which secondary school to send your child to in 2013. Now is the time that the area’s high schools begin trying to persuade parents that their school is the best one. Open days will be running throughout the next few months, and it is imperative that you start to do all the groundwork now. Selecting your child’s new secondary school is no easy task – and not a decision to be taken lightly. It is so important to make the right choice. Follow a few simple steps and you can be confident that you will be sending your child to a school where they will be happy, and one where they will prosper. Firstly, decide on what type of school you’re looking for. Sizes vary from the large grammar and high schools (1,000 pupils or more), to the smaller schools (less than 400 pupils). Some high schools specialise in music, languages or technology. And many require a successful passing of an entrance exam, so find out the pass mark. There is also the choice of attending a girls-only or a boys-only school, although the popular choice these days is to go co-ed, with little evidence to suggest single sex schools perform better in the exam leagues. And while many senior schools are becoming nondenomination, some still abide by one faith, be it
Church of England, Roman Catholic or Muslim, for example. One thing to always inquire about is what subjects are taught. By now your child will have started to show strength and flare in certain areas which they may want to develop further down the line. Check if the school has a sixth form, and if so, what A-Level subjects are on offer. It might seem premature, but many young people will eventually apply to university, and you want to ensure that your chosen school is going to give them the best chance of getting there. Obviously, finding out the school’s academic track record, at both A-Level and GCSE level, is a way of judging how good a school is, not to mention a read of the school’s latest inspection reports. But they are only a few ways of establishing whether your child is going to be happy there for the next fiveplus years. Other factors, such as the facilities on offer and the school’s discipline policy, should play a huge part in the decision process. This is where attending an open day can help. It is definitely a good idea to take the time out to visit the school, soak up the atmosphere of the place, observe the way the pupils conduct themselves, and decide if you think your child would fit in and be happy there.
Talk to the head if you can, because they are usually the one who sets the tone for the whole school. Use your eyes. Is the place well-maintained, both externally and internally? Are the loos clean and tidy? Are the classrooms light, airy and generally pleasant places to be? First impressions such as these speak volumes. Peruse notice boards, and see what’s going on. Check out the library – is it wellstocked? What are the sporting facilities like? How advanced are its IT services? You should also find out what, if any, extra-curricular activities are on offer, which can include anything from sports to arts and music. And does the school provide its pupils with guidance for when they are away from the classroom? For example, does it offer career advice, skills for life classes or volunteering opportunities in the local community? Ask about the homework policy, school uniform and other costs that may occur should your child attend. Ultimately, base your choice on your aspirations for your child. You know your child more than anybody else, and you are in the best position to know what school is right for them. So, make the most of the time you have, and start the research now. Do the relevant homework and the next few years of your child’s life will be happy and successful.
Some schools focus more on science or sports – find out which your child likes best
Year 4 - Year 6
Open Evening Wednesday 26th September 4pm - 6pm
Fazakerley High School A Specialist Engineering College
★ Outstanding GCSE and A Level results
★ Dedicated and highly skilled staff
★ State-of-the-art facilities
★ Supportive, safe and secure learning environment
★ Over 750 computers / laptops ★ Over 30 extra curricular clubs ★ Four Apple Mac suites ★ Outdoor education programme
★ Regular UK and overseas residential trips ★ Music lessons and practice rooms available ★ One to one tuition available
Come and visit the school EVERYBODY'S talking about! Sherwoods Lane, Liverpool, L10 1LB Tel: 0151 524 4530 Fax: 0151 524 4532 Email: • Try and talk to the head teachers of the schools you’re interested in
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Alsop High School
Building on the best results ever
LSOP High School is a school of first choice, which promotes and values the achievements of all students. Every student at Alsop is supported and challenged to reach their full potential and make a positive contribution to the school and wider community. The school prides itself on broad and balanced curriculum, offering individual pathways to success. With rigorous academic monitoring and target setting, all students are fully involved in their own progress. Information is regularly shared with parents so we can all work together in the best interests of all our students. This year the school achieved its best GCSE, A-Level and Btec results ever; an outstanding achievement that it is extremely proud of. This reflects the commitment of both the students and staff, and builds on its excellent record of year on year improvement. As well as academic achievement there is a focus on developing teamwork, independent learning and
Alsop has invested in high quality learning environments
presentation skills to ensure students possess the skills to be lifelong learners. It wants what is best for its students and realises that it is
increasingly difficult to choose the correct options. The school’s students benefit from high quality careers information, advice and
guidance, allowing informed decisions to be made. The welfare and happiness of every student is also extremely important to Alsop
and as a result it has a very experienced pastoral team in place to help support no matter what the situation. Form tutors work closely
on a day-to-day basis with students to help them settle into their new school and feel safe. It also prides itself on building good working relationships with parents and carers, so that together it can ensure each child makes good progress, gains confidence and achieves. It also has a team of year heads, assistant year heads and pastoral support mentors who are available to offer guidance and advice. Alsop engages, motivates and inspires its students to develop the skills needed to succeed in a fast-changing and increasingly competitive 21st century society. The Building Schools for the Future programme has allowed it to invest in high quality learning environments and access the latest technology to support the development and achievement of students of all abilities. With more than 1,600 PCs and laptops, interactive whiteboards in every room, ultra-fast broadband access and the latest software, its students have the latest technology to support their development and success.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Bellerive FCJ Catholic College
edu olic h t a g C 44 r vin 8 e 1 s e fully ol sinc h t i Fa po iver in L
Tuesday 2nd October 6.00 - 8.30pm For entry to year 7 in 2013
Believe in Bellerive
Inspiring Success & Lifelong Achievement “I settled in really quickly because everyone was really nice and friendly. Bellerive is not like any other school; it is unique. We don’t see it as a school. We see it as a family.” Year 7 pupil, 2012.
Bellerive aims to help every child achieve their potential
Here, every child counts
“Bellerive FCJ is an outstanding Catholic College committed to its vision of ‘personal and academic excellence.’ Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils are outstanding.”
STABLISHED in 1844, Bellerive FCJ Catholic College in Sefton Park continues to attract pupils from across Liverpool. Working in partnership with families, staff help each individual to achieve their best. Bellerive, a popular and oversubscribed school, was inspected in June, both by Ofsted and the Archdiocese, receiving excellent reports. The succesful Ofsted report rated Bellerive as good with outstanding features. The Catholic Archdiocese rated the college as outstanding in every respect. Inspectors said: “Structured pastoral care and guidance results in pupils’ pride in their college. It instils a confidence that
(Section 48 inspection June 2012)
“Students’ behaviour and safety are outstanding. Students show exemplary levels of courtesy to visitors. They act as excellent ambassadors for their school. Behaviour in classes and around the school building is first rate.” (Section 5 inspection June 2012)
Bellerive is a popular choice for girls from across Liverpool. Come to the Open Evening and see why. Please enter via the Elmfield site on Ullet road.
Tel: 0151 727 2064 Windermere Terrace Sefton Park Liverpool L8 3SB
enables them to succeed and focus on academic achievement.” “Care, support and striving for excellence are interwoven.” “This is a good school. Due to good leadership and management and good teaching, students’ achievement is good overall.” “Students’ behaviour and safety are outstanding.” A strong focus is the pastoral care of the children, with staff firmly believing that without a well disciplined and caring learning environment the teachers cannot get the best from the students. This is a school where every child matters: aiming to get each pupil to achieve their very best. This is reflected in secure and happy learners and the results
attained. There are always extra activities and clubs to get involved in, from joining one of the successful sports teams to performing in the choir and drama group or experiencing the culture of Spain and France with the language teachers. In March, a themed science week sees a deluge of science events, visits and experiments. In Apply It! week in July pupils get time to use their skills and knowledge by taking up innovative activities – for example, developing their very own product and pitching to a ‘Dragon’s Den.’ Students also take pride in service to the wider community and pupils have raised thousands of pounds for good causes.
Enjoy and Achieve at North Liverpool Academy Open Evening Wednesday 3rd October 2012 6pm - 8pm Take a look around! Wednesday 26th & Thursday 27th September 2012 We are now taking bookings for private tours scheduled in for:
Outstanding teaching and learning Ofsted 2012 100% pass rate at GCSE and A Level Outstanding Sixth Form Ofsted 2012 State of the art building, resources and facilities Now offering the International Baccalaureate Diploma Applications for September 2013 available online Call 0151 260 4044 or email
North Liverpool Academy Specialises In Business & Enterprise, Maths & Computing
120 Heyworth Street, Liverpool L5 0SQ 0151 260 4044
Thursday, September 20, 2012
St Hilda’s CE High School
Respect and hard work are what matter most
CSE and A-Level results this summer fully justified Ofsted’s rating at St Hilda’s recent inspection. In August, the school’s pupils celebrated another exceptional set of achievements. GCSE students reached a very high standard with 76% gaining at least five A*-C grades including English and mathematics. At A-Level, students obtained the grades needed for a wide range of courses, from French at Oxford to primary teaching at Liverpool Hope and medicine at Birmingham. Its 2012 successful May Ofsted inspection rated the school as ‘good’ overall, with outstanding behaviour and safety. In addition the 2012 Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools rated the school as ‘outstanding’ in all areas including collective worship, effectiveness of religious education and the leadership and management of the school. Both reports praised the excellent positive relationship between pupils and staff, leading to a very happy
St Hilda's delivers an extensive, largely academic curriculum to the pupils within its care atmosphere for learning; indeed, visitors to the school invariably comment on its warm welcome and purposeful air. Giving your child the best start in life is important, and St Hilda’s delivers an extensive, largely academic curriculum to the pupils within its care. Numerous extra-curricular activities and educational visits also widen pupils’ horizons. St Hilda’s has a proud tradition of developing
Term Time Travel Tickets The flexible, money saving option for anyone in full time education Pick up an application at your nearest Travel Centre or Merseyrail station, or call our Brochure Hotline on 0151 330 1066
students to fulfil their potential and follow their dreams for the future – a tradition which has at its core Christian beliefs coupled with an ethos of respect and hard work. If you have any questions at all about the school or admissions, you may like to talk to Mrs Benson, headteacher, at the following times (no appointment needed): Monday, October 1, 3.30-4.30pm and Monday, October 15, 3.30-4.30pm.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
St Julie’s Catholic High School
Outstanding experience
S t . J u l i e s C a t h o l i c H i g h S c h o o l S p e k e R o a d , W o o l t o n , L i v e r p o o l L 2 5 7 T N t . 0 1 5 1 4 2 8 6 4 2 1 e m a i l i n f o @ s t j u l i e s . o r g . u k
o r v i s i t t h e s c h o o l w e b s i t e w w w . s t j u l i e s . o r g . u k
I f y o u h a v e a n y q u e s t i o n s , p l e a s e c a l l M r s R a d b u r n o n 0 1 5 1 4 2 8 7 5 6 1
T o a p p l y f o r a p l a c e a t S t . J u l i e s v i s i t w w w . l i v e r p o o l . g o v . u k / a d m i s s i o n s
i s t h e r C i go hm te c ha on d i c ef i n f od ro y ou ut aw nh dy S y ot . uJ ru i dl ae us g h t e r
O p e n E v e n i n g T h u r s d a y 2 7 t h S e p t e m b e r 4 6 p m
S t . J u l i e s C a t h o l i c H i g h S c h o o l
T Julie’s Catholic High School was oversubscribed for places in Year 7 in September 2012. The school is a popular and vibrant learning community that strives to ensure the highest standards of academic excellence combined with traditional values and a curriculum that is innovative and exciting. In the last three years it has invested £400,000 in resources and equipment to support its 21st century curriculum. It has also invested £300,000 in ICT equipment to ensure all its students are equipped with the skills necessary to apply themselves in the everchanging world of technology. Investment in school staffing has been a priority, and new staffing structures and high quality professional development have produced a world class workforce that far exceeds the expectations of students in school. This has enabled it to ensure that the highest standards of learning and teaching are matched to a personalised curriculum tailored to meet the needs of all students, from the English Baccalaureate to a full range of vocational qualifications at KS4 and KS5.
St Julie’s offers the highest standards of learning In the last three years 168 students have left St Julie’s sixth form to go to university – some went to Oxford to study languages, others travelled to Cambridge to read geography, while RADA welcomed some onto its dramatic arts course. Some students also stayed closer to home to study medicine at Liverpool. The aim at St Julie’s is to build confidence alongside academic ability. Its last inspection by OFSTED confirmed that it is a ‘good’ school, as did the Archdiocese inspection, which stated: “the
curriculum makes an outstanding contribution to pupils’ spiritual and moral development,” “community cohesion is outstanding,” “the Catholic life of the school is outstanding,” “outstanding lessons,” “outstanding leadership and management of the development of Catholic life of the school,” “the contribution made by Governors is outstanding,” and “parents, carers and pupils have outstanding confidence in the school.” St Julie’s Catholic High School certainly is the right choice.
For boys and girls aged 4-18 years
SATURDAY 13TH OCTOBER 9pm to 12.30pm
2012 A Level Results
A chance to visit our family of schools
Girls – 87% A*- B Grades Boys – 86% A*- B Grades The Best Education for Life
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Broughton Hall High School
Broughton Hall has the very best facilities
Helping each girl achieve
ROUGHTON Hall provides outstanding achievements, 21st century skills, stateof-the-art facilities, and extensive international links. Following the very recent investment of £21m under the Building Schools for the Future Programme, Broughton Hall High School now offers some of the most modern facilities in the country, using the very latest technologies in a flexible learning environment set in beautiful grounds. The school is able to fulfil its mission of developing the full potential of each pupil. Its mission is founded on the traditional values of its trustees, the Sisters of Mercy, emphasising care and respect for each individual in the school community. Its pupils achieve some of the very best examination results in the city but also develop the essential skills needed for life in the rapidly
changing world of the 21st century. When joining Year 7 Broughton’s girls become part of a strong community, with experienced teaching and support staff enabling them to settle very quickly into its superb facilities. Individual support is provided to ensure each girl fulfils her potential. And its Opening Minds curriculum in Year 7 strongly focuses on the building of 21st century learning skills – including working in teams, solving real problems, showing initiative and leadership, building confidence and ensuring literacy, numeracy and digital skills are fully developed. Unique opportunities are offered, such as learning about history and geography through the Spanish language, meeting visitors from around the world, producing a newspaper, developing a business, analysing how you learn and
helping in the community. Whatever your particular talent, be it sport, art, design, maths, science, languages, music, dance, drama or English, Broughton Hall has the very best facilities, a tradition of success and excellent staff to support and help you achieve. It also has links with schools in the USA, China, Spain, France, Germany, Finland, Greece, Estonia and the Czech Republic, and many of its students have travelled to these countries. The opportunities, facilities and people at Broughton Hall are ready to help you achieve your dreams for the future. ● For more details contact Mr G M Murphy, headteacher, Broughton Hall High School, Technology College, Yew Tree Lane, Liverpool, L12 9HJ. Alternatively, call 0151 235 1500, email admin@ or visit
Open Day Saturday 29th September 2012 10am to 2pm GCSE Results 2012: 59% 5+ A*-C (47.1% inc. English and Maths) A record number of students gained A*s or As School visits welcome from 17th to 21st September and 1st to 5th October 2012 between 10am and 2.30pm
LATHOM - A SCHOOL TO BE PROUD OF Lathom High School has been a focus of learning for its community since 1988, we are proud of our heritage and our growing local and national reputation as a centre of educational excellence for the 21st Century.
Why not come and find out for yourself? Tel: 01695 725653
The care of students is an outstanding feature of the school.
Lessons are characterised by brisk pace and clear sense of purpose
Ofsted 2010 HMI 2011
The School is an orderly and calm place for learning to take place.
Ofsted 2010
Students know their targets and can explain confidently what they need to do in order to achieve them HMI 2011
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Total Media Solutions Print – Digital – Outdoor – Leaflets Website Design – PR
for details of our Post 16 Study Guide contact Julie Cowley on 0151 472 2311 or email