TV guide
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P 16 - 24
thisweek Artistgoes backtothe Futurist
TheVaccines ontheir comingofage Arts6
Biennialart tocollect
Spysuspect wholoved me Books 10
Beauty sleep English National Ballet returns to the Empire
P4 &5
Thursday, October 4, 2012
post culture
highlights Thursday PETER HOOK is reading from his book Unknown Pleasures – Inside Joy Division at Waterstones, Bold Street, tonight.
Friday THE Liverpool Comedy Festival continues this week with two dates at The Unity from Josh Widdicombe, who has starred on Live At The Apollo and The Rob Brydon Show.
Saturday RICHARD KAUFFMAN conducts a celebration of the film music of John Williams, whose prolific output includes Star Wars and Harry Potter, at the Philharmonic Hall.
Sunday MERSEYSIDE comedian Silky hosts an evening of comedy at The Lantern Theatre.
Monday EARLY years children are invited to take part in a hunt around the Museum of Liverpool for lost Liver babies, 2-2.30pm.
Tuesday THE stage version of 80s box office smash Dirty Dancing opens at The Empire, until October 27.
Wednesday THE original punk poet John Cooper Clarke, aka the “Bard of Salford”, is at the Philharmonic Hall.
Liverpool’s Paul Rooney has braved rats and floods of water to create his film work, he tells Laura Davis
HE past has a habit of surrounding Paul Rooney. It is in the peeling walls of the Victorian semi he is converting into his new home and studio in south Liverpool. It is in the books on his shelves and in the films he watches. And it is an essential component of his work. In a city steeped with history like this one however, we are all surrounded by the past – layers of time that seem to run in parallel to today, traces of other, earlier Liverpools in the red brick warehouses and iron gates. But, even though Liverpool’s history feels ever present, it is in reality lost forever. Our concept of it can only ever be a construction, put together from newspaper reports and old photographs. Even our own memories are unreliable. “For as long as I can remember I’ve been interested in how we think about the past – the difficulty of trying to grasp on to it and the artificiality of it,” says Rooney, whose solo show, Here Comes Franz, is the Victoria Gallery & Museum’s Liverpool Biennial exhibition. “The past can be a malignant force in some ways. It can drag us back.” The main focus of the show is The Futurist, a 25-minute film work he shot inside the derelict Liverpool cinema of the same name, on Lime Street. Created for Tate Liverpool’s Fifth Floor exhibition in Capital of Culture year, it is inspired by the 1971 film Gumshoe, which stars Albert Finney as a bingo caller who becomes a private detective and finds himself tied up in Liverpool’s seedy underworld. It was purchased by the VG&M through the Contemporary Art Society’s acquisition scheme as the first moving image work to enter the collection. “I was making it during 2008 so there was a big sense of regeneration going on but Liverpool is quite absorbed in its past,” says Rooney. “The city is just steeped in history, partly because it’s an incredibly rich history that in some ways stopped. There was such a decline after the war so the history became all there was.” In The Futurist’s loose narrative, a detective (played by a Liverpool
‘The city is steeped in history,’ says artist Paul Rooney, pictured in his South Liverpool studio Picture: COLIN LANE
ances by real life comics. Rooney intends the film as an exploration of the hold of the past on the present and was also inspired by the half-awake, half-asleep state in which cinema audiences find themselves when watching a movie. The Futurist cinema closed its doors in 1982. For decades, the only visitors to step behind its crumbling Georgian style frontage were rats and pigeons. “It was quite a dangerous environment in there and it’s probably declined even more since,” says Rooney. “There are lots of holes in the ceiling so, every time it rains, water just pours through, down the steps to the projection room. “It’s in a really sad state. There are rats everywhere so you can hear squeaking and occasionally they scurry around. Luckily not too much when we were filming. “But the foyer is amazing. It’s kind of intact – the box office and ticket booth as it was with stickers on the window and a refreshments booth next to it.” Interestingly, Rooney’s new Paul Rooney’s art film The Futurist is a detective story shot inside Liverpool’s work, entitled He Was Afraid, created for the Liverpool abandoned Futurist cinema on Lime Street comedian) enters the cinema as if fleeing a malignant force – “that whole thing in film noir where people involved in the action get mired more and more in the darkness because they are sort of attracted to it”. The action is interspersed with fragments of perform-
Thursday, October 4, 2012
arts post culture
Video artist goes back to the Futurist Six lines of shout out to go up here
Stills from The Futurist, which has been bought for the University of Liverpool’s Victoria Gallery and Museum, where a solo exhibition of Rooney’s work is taking place as part of the Liverpool Biennial Biennial, uses one of the city’s newest buildings – the university’s Active Learning Lab on Brownlow Hill. The outside of the building is decorated with hundreds of colour-changing LEDs, which the artist has employed to generate a sequence of international maritime signal flags. It can be seen from Wirral and on flights to and from John Lennon Airport. The other five works in Rooney’s solo exhibition include Bellevue, a film commissioned for The Bluecoat’s 2009 show Under The Volcano (inspired by the
New Brighton-born author Malcolm Lowry) and a two-screen installation called Small Talk, showing footage of a petrol station in County Durham shot by the artist in 2003 and again in 2010, alongside a conversation questioning his reasons for creating the work. “It was a failed piece of work in a way, something I didn’t finish,” Rooney says of the initial footage. “When I went back, the petrol station had closed down and become a car valeting place. “I tried to remember exactly the pos-
ition I was in when I first shot it. I had to print out stills so I could try and replicate each angle. “It was the same time of year as well, December, and I had to try and get the same kind of weather. It was quite a difficult thing to do.” ■ PAUL ROONEY’S solo exhibition is at the Victoria Gallery & Museum until December 22. The artist’s new anthology of short tales, Dust and Other Stories, is published by Akermann Daly and Aye-Aye Books.
Davis arts editor
I KNOW what it’s like to be an immigrant. I live in a city where, because I speak with a Formby accent, I am constantly reminded by taxi drivers and shop assistants, “You’re not from round here love, are you”. “But I was born here,” I wail, sounding suspiciously like a BNP follower. “It’s not my fault my parents upped sticks to 25 minutes up the A565. I was only four.” I’m joking of course. I have absolutely no idea what it’s like to be an immigrant – to leave the place of your birth and travel to a different country, probably a much colder one with more rain, where your hard earned qualifications count for nothing and you are suddenly a minority. Or what it’s like to be the son or daughter of one of those people. To be born a minority, to be both from and not from Britain, to be judged by the colour of your skin. But there does seem to be a well-meaning but misguided compulsion by people, usually white people from fortunate backgrounds, to grasp on to the slightest bit of adversity in their experience or even their ancestors’ experience during conversations about race. A subconscious need to apologise for the chances they were given in life simply because of which family they were born into. I was thinking about this because of an actor called David Gyasi. If you don’t already know him from White Heat, Doctor Who and Cloud Atlas (in cinemas later this month) then remember his name because he’s going places. On his way up to the dizzying bright lights of household fame, he stopped off at Edge Hill Station to host a lunch at arts centre Metal’s
Cafe Valise. Metal has been holding a series of these events as part of the Liverpool Biennial – taking the visual arts festival’s theme of “The Unexpected Guest” quite literally and inviting a series of artists, actors and musicians to choose a menu and a topic of conversation. Gyasi, who served 14 of us fried plantain, bean stew, spicy chicken and jolloff rice (inspired by his Ghanaian-born mother’s cooking), talked about his own sense of identity, why he always wears a suit to public events (while he was growing up he never once saw a newspaper photograph of a black man in smart dress) and how his mother’s expression “You’re the head not the tail” has become a mantra – allowing him to feel secure and content even when being told his part in The Dark Knight Rises had been cut... by the director – while standing on a red carpet. Which is when a Liverpool-based artist confessed his conflicted feelings about being from a relatively privileged background – and how a black friend at university would constantly be plagued by white students telling him about how their great-grandfather was forced to leave Ireland or their second-cousin had once spent a week homeless as if that would somehow suggested a shared experience. Embarrassing yes, but I think it comes from a good place – from an innate need to fit in, empathise, create a community. We can’t help but look for common ground between ourselves and the people we meet – that’s one of the many things that makes us all the same.
We can’t help but look for common ground
free artwork EACH week we’re giving away a work by a Liverpool Biennial artist in the centre pages of Post Culture. This week is a photocollage by Danish-born Jakob Kolding, whose practice analyses notions of identity. This piece features fragmented images of Liverpool.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
post culture this week in the
Biennial THE Liverpool Biennial is a 10-week festival of contemporary art, currently taking place at locations across the city centre. These are some of this week’s highlights:
LIVERPOOL and London-based organisation Mercy presents a playful exploration of the concept of guest/host through voice and technology with talks, workshops and live commissions. Camp and Furnace, Friday and Saturday.
You get totally swept up in the music
Wicked fairy Carabosse is truly the stuff of nightmares
Mad About Monochrome
MAD About Monochrome is an Independents Biennial open exhibition from prolific Liverpool artists and photographers demonstrating the ingenuity of life without colour. Madelainartz, First Floor, Clayton Square, October 6-20.
MEXICAN artist Amanda Gutierrez portrays the story of three immigrants of different nationality, age and gender, living and working in Liverpool, against images of landscapes of the city. UK premiere of Time Topographies, Liverpool, 2010, with a Q&A. Picturehouse at FACT, Tuesday, 7pm.
TOUR the Bluecoat with Juan Cruz, director of Liverpool School of Art and Design, Saturday, 2-3pm.
DIRECTOR John Akomfrah, of the Black Audio Film Collective, delivers a personal exploration of the UK’s immigrant experience from 1949-70 in Nine Muses. Picturehouse at FACT, Wednesday, 8.15pm.
BIENNIAL assistant curator Lucy Johnson gives a tour of the works in Liverpool One and The Monro. Meet at the Monro, Sunday, 3pm.
THE results of Sarah Nicholson’s and Peter Carney’s summer spent exploring the history of the Cottage Homes for poor children is revealed in Now is the Time to Tell Their Stories for the Independents Biennial. Cottage 4, Newhall Campus, Longmoor Lane, October 5 to January 31, 2013.
English National Ballet is bringing its 2008 hit Sleeping Beauty back to the Liverpool Empire, writes Laura Davis
HE Grimm brothers’ wicked tales of golden egg laying geese, enormous turnips and witches with a taste for human flesh have enthralled and terrified generations of wide-eyed children no longer able to sleep alone in the dark. Adults too have drawn inspiration from the narratives the 18th century German folklore researchers collected from the memories and mouths of storytellers they invited into their home. Nazi propaganda chiefs rewrote them to attract German children to their cause, embroidering Little Red Riding Hood’s cloak with a swastika and swapping the woodcutter for a saviour in the style of SS uniform worn by Hitler. English poet WH Auden praised the Grimms’ collection Children’s and Household Tales as “among the few indispensable, common-property books upon which Western Culture can be founded” and claimed it was “next to the Bible in importance”.
Jennie Harrngton
And this month, Philip Pullman, author of the His Dark Materials and Sally Lockhart series, is releasing a new reworked collection of Grimms tales. Pyotr Tchaikovsky, the Russian composer, was also greatly taken by their stories and, in 1889, wrote a ballet score based on Sleeping Beauty, featuring many other fairytale characters as costumes for the guests at Princess Aurora’s wedding. Dancing with Puss-in-Boots in the English National Ballet’s touring production, which comes to the Liverpool Empire later this month, is Jennie Harrington, whose roles include the White Cat, one of Princess Aurora’s friends and an attendant to the Lilac Fairy who changes the curse of death to one of 100 years of sleep. Harrington, from Surrey, was just five years old when she began ballet lessons, going on to train at English National Ballet School and London Studio Centre before being accepted at an open audition for ENB, where she has worked for almost 10 years. “As it is for many kids that age, it was about trying to find an after school activity and I went in and enjoyed it so much I just kept going,” she says. “I was lucky enough to
have it as a hobby for a long time. It didn’t start to get serious for me until I was about 16.” Highlights of her career so far include ENB’s annual production of Nutcracker (“as soon as you hear that music you know Christmas is around the corner”) and Swan Lake performed in the round at the Royal Albert Hall (“the audience is a lot, lot closer. It can be quite strange but in a way it’s nice to be able to see people’s faces). Her dream role is to dance Juliet – “I love acting as well as dancing so for me that’s the perfect combination”. ENB last brought Sleeping Beauty to the Liverpool Empire in 2008, with choreography by Kenneth MacMillan and the wicked fairy Carabosse played as a balding, lurching, figure – truly the stuff of nightmares. “This time we have different dan-
cers dancing the lead roles and the company’s changed quite a lot since we brought it to Liverpool,” says Harrington. “Everyone’s interpretation of roles is quite different.” Harrington is a big fan of Tchaikovsky’s score, which – Disney fans take note – features the music used as Once Upon a Dream in the animated version of Sleeping Beauty. “I’ve been really lucky that I haven’t ever danced with a score that I haven’t enjoyed or haven’t felt helped me,” she says. “You get totally swept up in it and, with something like Sleeping Beauty, the music is so specific to the dance you’re doing it helps you get the storyline across.” ■ SLEEPING Beauty is at the Liverpool Empire from October 30 to November
Fairytale characters Red Riding Hood and the wolf feature in Princess Aurora’s wedding scene
Thursday, October 4, 2012
arts post culture
classical music
Non Stop To The Sweet Shop by Leigh Lambert
with Peter Spaull
My grandfathers are the inspiration behind my art Sometimes you have to leave your home city to appreciate its riches, Leigh Lambert tells Laura Davis
EIGH LAMBERT’S paintings are of cobbled streets in Newcastle but they could just as easily be set in Liverpool. Children peep around the corner of a brick wall or run excitedly towards an illuminated sweetshop – optimistic splashes of colour against dark, smoky backdrops of terraced houses, narrow alleyways and menacing cranes. It was only after the 33-year-old left his home city that he realised it’s importance to him, felt a deep pride for the place where he, his parents and their parents before them had grown up. “When I was living there I just saw it as this grey, concrete jungle,” says Lambert, whose selling exhibition of 15 original oil paintings opens at Chester’s Watergate Street Gallery next week. “I was reading about what was achieved there in industry and it made me feel proud – the ships that were built in the yards there, the coal miners and even some of the architecture.” Lambert was earning a decent living painting watercolours of Warwickshire scenes – he moved to the Midlands with his family at the age of 17 – but, tiring of pic-
tures of Shakespeare’s cottage and Warwick Castle, he began searching for his own, distinct style. It came when he was looking at old photographs of Newcastle, from around the time his father was a boy and found himself thinking about the stories both his grandfathers had told him about life on Tyneside. His oil paintings are inspired by the streets where they lived – the Gateshead terrace owned by his mum’s dad William “Mickey” Curran and the East Newcastle house of his father’s dad Harry Lambert, built for the workers of the local armaments factory. Both died in the mid-1990s, when Lambert was a teenager, but he remembers their stories well. Every morning, from the age of 14, William would be picked up by truck and taken to the colliery, where he took a lift a mile underground, where the pit stretched miles out to sea. “It’s something he always went back to,” says his grandson. “He had other jobs, working in a factory, but he always went back down the mine. “He created a good life for himself. He bought his terraced house and another one as an investment. “I’m just really proud of him. I don’t know how he did it – not just
the risk involved but the impact it had on his health. “He was a good grandad, just a little bit grumpy sometimes and we’d go over and he’d be sat in his armchair with his flat cap over his face. Other times he’d be full of beans.” Harry, after whom Lambert has named the ice-cream van in new paintings created just for the Chester exhibition, worked in heavy industry in a factory on the bank of the River Tyne. “He was always busy hobbying, building aircraft out of balsa wood which for me growing up was great because I already had a fascination with planes,” he recalls. A third generation of Lambert’s family also features in one of the paintings – his four-year-old
Artist Leigh Lambert
nephew Zachary, driving his vintage pedal car, bought for him from a Warwick antiques shop by his own grandfather. “It’s a real old, proper pedal car,” says the artist, “ and as soon as he took it out on the street everyone was fascinated with it. All the other kids stop and look. “I just wanted to put it in a painting ” ■ LEIGH LAMBERT’S exhibition is at Chester’s Watergate Street Gallery from October 15 to November 6. Liverpool Post readers are invited to attend an exclusive “meet the artist” event from 4pm on Saturday, October 13. Book ahead on 01244 345698. Further details at www.watergatestreet
Chester Music Society CHESTER Music Society opens its new Season with a visit by the distinguished English pianist Ashley Wass. Next Wednesday, at St Mary’s Centre, he plays a Beethoven Sonata, Chopin’s Fantasie, some of Mendelssohn’s Songs, Without Words, and the Italian set of Annees de Pelerinage of Liszt. This marks the opening of a celebrity season which includes visits by the Galliard Ensemble Wind Quintet in November, the Chaconne Brass Ensemble in December, and the Piatti Quartet in March. The Music Society Choir also has a performance of Elgar’s The Kingdom in November, a Christmas concert in the cathedral compered by Terry Waite, and a Haydn, Mozart concert in May. Apart from these highlights, the society also stages club concerts by local musicians and have their own Chester Young Musician of the Year. Exciting musical times in store. See for details or call 01244 381995.
Reviews Dussek Four Symphonies (Naxos) BOHEMIAN-born Franz Dussek worked in Vienna and Prague, and through his wife became a close friend of Mozart. Don Giovanni was completed in their house. His symphonies and quartets were written in the 1760s and 1770s and have been sparsely preserved in Prague. As a result his music is comparatively rare, but here we have four sprightly and forward-looking symphonies well played by the Helsinki Baroque Orchestra – good listening at budget price. Mendelssohn Choral Music (Naxos) FELIX MENDELSSOHN, having abandoned his Jewish faith for Christianity, did little comparison for the church ritual, but he did write a good deal of sacred music and a selection of his choral music is sung by the St Albans Abbey Girls Choir and the Lay Clerks of the cathedral under Tom Wimpenny. There are 19 short items including the inevitable Hear My Prayer, with its Oh for the Wings of a Dove, here sung by a soprano. There is organ music too. Mahler Symphony No 1 (Naxos) GUSTAV MAHLER was another convert to Christianity, as well as born not too far from the birthplace of Dussek. The Symphony No 1 was first heard in Budapest in 1888, with an additional movement called Blumine, which was later dropped. Audiences quickly recognise the Frere Jacques theme which is played by the double bass in the third movement. This was inspired by a children’s painting called The Huntsman’s Funeral, in which his bier is followed by Bohemian musicians, a hare carrying a flag, and cats, dogs, stags and foxes, dressed in comic clothes. Marin Alsop and the Baltimore Orchestra have embarked on a Mahler cycle, in a very competitive market, but her reading of the symphony will not disappoint listeners.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
post culture
Bowman on music A FEW years ago while in clouds of funny catching the 82 bus back smelling smoke. from town, I noticed a Obviously The Beatles piece of surreal graffiti. play a major role and, if There, in four-feet high any evidence was needed, letters, someone had check out this weekend’s daubed CAPTAIN BEEFrare TV screening of HEART. Magical Mystery Tour. If anything summed up But while the Fab Four Liverpool’s inclination were busy celebrating for the psychedelic end of their childhood memorthe music spectrum it ies on songs like Penny was this simple yet effectLane and Strawberry ive tribute to one of the Fields, their home town outsiders of rock. was quickly going out of This piece of random fashion as the world’s street art crossed my eyes turned to San Franmind again this week, cisco. As Ringo admitted: which even in Liverpool “A lot of flower power terms was a strange trip didn’t translate in, say, indeed. Oldham or Bradford, and Over the weekend the not really in Liverpool.” city’s venues played host It took a further 15 to a number of bands and years for Liverpool to artists who could ceronce again attune its ears tainly fall under the banto the sound of trippy ner of psychedelia. guitars and esoteric lyrOn Sunday night, New ics as the likes of Echo York electro pioneers Siland the Bunnymen and ver Apples blew minds at Teardrop Explodes the Kazimier, brought a sixwhile on Satties sensibility urday evening to the post it was Beefpunk party. heart’s old These bands chums, The took psycheMagic Band, delia as their who made launch pad, their annual picking up the pilgrimage to a baton where city that in their sixties some quarters forebears had holds them as let it drop and dear as The within years Beatles. Liverpool’s The peak of fate as a city of this consciousdreamy ness-expanding Echo and the abstraction, few days came Bunnymen’s Ian atmospheric at the Camp McCulloch strangeness and Furnace, and downright where local promoters dreaminess was sealed. Harvest Sun brought us The theories on this the Liverpool Internalove for psychedelia are tional Festival of Psychenumerous, but I can’t delia, an all-night haphelp think there’s just pening which drew all something in the water, kinds of fabulous freaks or at least those big pink to the Baltic Triangle. skies you see from It was a tremendous Crosby beach on an night and one that will autumn evening, and I’m live long in the memory inclined to agree with the of those able to rememNME’s Sylvia Patterson, ber it. who when interviewing Bands called things Shack in 2000 wrote: “Livlike Wolf People, Dead erpool has a population Skeletons and the Time insulated from the world and Space Machine all through the survival played to an appreciative mechanism of the psychemass, while light shows, delic mindset, some of incense and strong lager which is drug-related and added to the heady atmosome of which just is.” sphere. Since the heyday of the Already the evening is Bunnymen and the being hailed as a huge Teardrops we’ve had success and there are bands like The plans to make it an Stairs, The Coral annual happenand new ing, with Liverupstarts The pool the most Wicked Whisobvious home pers all for such a festdeterminedly ival. keeping the Quite why lava lamp Merseyside has aglow. such a predilecJudging by tion for this kind of Saturday night it thing is won’t go out for shrouded a while yet.
The Vaccines singer Justin Young tells Jade Wright how a serious illness nearly put an end to his musical career
HEN The Vaccines come to Liverpool next month it’ll be a gig that nearly never happened. Lead singer Justin Young developed haemorrhaging on his vocal chords, requiring surgery three times last year. He was left unable to speak for three weeks and unable to sing for five after each operation, resorting to using flash cards saying “yes”, “no” and “I can’t speak”. “It was cruel, but life is like that,” he says. “Emotionally and socially, that was quite an interesting experiment. I spent my first date with my girlfriend communicating with a notepad. “If I take it too far on a night out or I get a bit too overexcited in a show, I know it may be my last. The silver lining is my voice has more character as a result. I think that’s where the softness on the new record comes from.” The Vaccines are riding high after topping the album charts earlier this month with Come of Age, ahead of their national tour. The band, who only got together in 2010, have amassed awards (including an NME award for Best New Artist), nominations (including at the Brits), 3 NME covers, 6 straight Radio 1 A-list singles and a sold-out a run of UK
We want our music to keep ageing well
seaside arena shows. But fame has its price, and not just the physical toll on his voice, Young explains. “It’s so weird to think of people talking negatively about me or even hero-worshipping,” he says. “A year ago I could have met said people in the pub and become friends with them but they'll already have an opinion of me now before we meet. . .” The band’s Liverpool gig in November is a follow up to when they supported Arctic Monkeys at the Echo arena last year. Is there a typical Vaccines audience? “I don't think there is,” ponders Young. “Certainly not globally. It differs everywhere. It started as guys our age and older men. Then the young girls came. “Then a more mainstream audience as a whole. Now its pretty diverse – but they're always very loud.” The band – Young plus bassist Árni Arnason, guitarist Freddie Cowan and drummer Pete Robertson – have been promoting the album on radio, including a set on the Radio 1 Live Lounge, where they covered a Taylor Swift song.
“We’re massive fans of hers,” admits Young. “So much mainstream pop music has become sonically homogenised and synthesised beyond belief in the last few years. I like that she is involved, and is instantly recognisable. . . and there is more character in what she does than a lot of other artists too.” They recorded in Belgium and Bath, stopping to play in Brazil, at Coachella and in New York. At the studios, there were banks of guitars and amps available but Justin chose to use his own axe – a cheap Danelectro he bought on Denmark Street for £180. Like his songs, it’s honest, sturdy and deceptively simple. The album shows the band's songwriting and performance entering a new phase. If the debut was them finding a sound somewhere between The Ramones, Jesus & Mary Chain and The Strokes, the latest, says Young, is them striving to "sound like The Vaccines”. “We needed to work out which characteristics are going to make people compare bands to The Vaccines in five or 10 years time,” he explains. “It's quite a searching record in that sense. We want our music to age well, and we want to keep getting better and making better records. We don't feel we've anywhere near reached our creative potential yet.” ■ THE Vaccines play Liverpool University Guild of Students on November 22.
The Vaccines say they haven’t yet reached their full creative potential
Thursday, October 4, 2012
reviews post culture THEATRE Treasured/ Liverpool Cathedral
Titanic spectacle leaves an image that endures by Laura Davis ARTS EDITOR
MAWKISH is the word Treasured writer Ailís Ní Ríain uses when describing exactly what she does not want her theatrical telling of the Titanic story to be. And mawkish it most certainly isn’t, successfully avoiding most of the clichés – both musical and narrative – that have a way of attaching themselves to tales of great tragedy. Not easily pigeonholed, the work incorporates storytelling, aerial theatre, dramatic projections and music in following the liner’s story from construction to collision. Set in one Liverpool location that could rival Titanic in terms of scale and splendour – the Anglican Cathedral – the show is described by its creators as a “journey”, which begins when you enter near the Lady Chapel and walk towards the great space. On the way, you encounter a series of tableaux – a researcher poring over passenger logs, a woman frozen in front of a pair of children’s shoes, a man studying the newspaper headlines, head bowed. A stage juts into the audience, upon which characters from history stand to share their tales – among them a young mother signed up as a waitress to make a fresh start in life, steerage class passengers and Fred Fleet, the Liverpool-born look-out forced to stand trial in New York with the horrors of the disaster still fresh in his mind. It is history’s most infamous shipping disaster and, here in Liverpool at least, we don’t need to be taken through every detail. Instead, Ní Ríain peppers her outline narrative with surprising anecdotes, such as the (clairvoyant?) cat which fled the liner at Southampton and the dis-
Treasured at Liverpool Cathedral gruntled Liverpool shipbuilders angry Titanic was to be built in Belfast. The script is fact-laden – Titanic is 882ft long, is stocked with 56,000 apples and carries 113 Swedish passengers – symbols of scale and ambition that, poignantly, became instantly insignificant the second she hit the iceberg. The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra’s Brendan Ball performs the score – a lone trumpeter playing a discordant fanfare in a duet with the cathedral’s seven-second echo. Unexpected and disconcerting, it clashes with the optimism surrounding the ship’s launch to
Here it was just magnificent: a tiny piece of ever so fragile glass being carefully tended, the tiniest little animal being nurtured. The piece opened with gentle strings and just a pair of clarinets making the running. It might have got a bit agitated in the middle but that did little to disturb the serenity created by this tiny, six-minute fragment. Contrast that with the might of the Brahms First Piano Concerto in which the soloist was the ever-popular Barry Douglas. The very conception of this work is mind-blowing. Its symphonic proportions would tax any soloist but Douglas sailed through the piece, in com-
People will talk about this for years
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foreshadow its now well-known fate. It’s a striking production that has much to recommend it – not least the chance to visit the cathedral at night – but it doesn’t make enough of its strengths. The projected segments and acted scenes mostly stand side-by-side as separate entities – it would benefit from more imagery and less spoken narrative. The aerial theatre too was fleeting, although it left the most enduring image – a woman in a white dress which ballooned around her like a giant jellyfish as she drowned far above the audience’s heads.
mand right the way through. The solo part was solid, with both soloist and orchestra painting a giant canvas. The slow movement, that gloriously romantic adagio, but embellished in an almost classical manner, contained some perhaps overly robust playing. That said, the woodwind chorus was particularly on form and, once again, those orchestral pianissimos, driven by conductor Inkinen, were outstanding. The finale burst forth at a rip-roaring pace and concluded brilliantly. Bravo to conductor, orchestra and, especially, soloist. Even after that performance, Douglas returned to give a rounded, sensitive perform-
Excellent. A great night out
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THEATRE Wolf Red/ The Unity
★★★★★ ‘IS THE enemy outside the door or inside your own head?’ asks Wolf Red, the latest piece from Liverpool-based physical theatre company Tmesis. A lone girl hides inside a hut deep in the woods, telling herself fairy stories, play-acting domestic scenes and recalling conversations with her grandmother warning her to beware the wolf. All the while, the soundtrack shifts from an ominously repetitive strings score – embellished with the rustle of leaves, scratching, growling and sharp knocking on the door – to songs that, out of place, seem threatening in their cheer. Tea For Two belts out as the girl dances increasingly erratically around the small room – but who is whose tea? Elinor Randle demonstrates boundless energy as she metamorphosises from childish but sexual young woman to
hunchbacked old crone, twisting her body into shapes that would defy a Hollywood special effects expert. All the while, the monster she fears outside her front door appears to be lying dormant inside her, threatening to transform her into a thrashing, biting beast. It’s a poetic way of depicting a fragile mental state – a woman trapped inside her own head, terrified of letting madness take control – even if some of the imagery feels laboured. As the 50-minute play continues, her sanity begins to unravel, her actions become more repetitive and less innocent. Obsessively applying red lipstick as a precaution against the wolf and vigorously cleaning the hut (never has Doris Day’s A Woman’s Touch sounded so sinister) begin to seem symptomatic of OCD.
Laura Davis
CLASSICAL Brahms’ First Piano Concerto/ Philharmonic Hall IT WOULD probably be fair to say that conductor Pietari Inkinen – making his debut with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra – could be known as ‘the quiet man’. That’s mainly because his pianissimos were simply spine-tingling, sounds barely emanating from the instrumentalists on the stage, but the magic still very much gripping what turned out to be a rather disappointing audience for one of the finest RLPO performances so far this season. The opening piece, Sibelius’ Scene with Cranes, first appeared as part of Järnefelt’s drama Kuolema and is testament to the composer’s infatuation with wildlife.
ance of the Brahms Intermezzo, Op 168. It is just as well that he is recording the entire piano output of the composer! The second half comprised one work: the First Symphony of Sibelius, which could almost be thought of as a symphony of surprises. There’s that mysterious opening, ably worked by both conductor and orchestra. It might be an archly Romantic work, but it is full of delicious dissonances, played to mighty effect. The defined Andante led into a lively, almost riotous Scherzo and a finale where Inkinen tugged out all those heart-rending melodies. A fine performance, indeed.
Worth a look. A solid show
Glyn Mon Hughes
Great night that, @IanProwse played a blinder! Great concept of a gig on the ferry! I'll be getting onto the @TheHummingbirds aswell! @ShaunMcKee13
THEATRE A Midsummer Night’s Dream/ Royal Court
ON FIRST impressions, the Liverpool Shakespeare Festival’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream is trying too hard to be accessible. Set at an outdoor music festival – with scaffolding, dancing poles and the cast in wellies or carrying rucksacks – the style threatens to overcome the substance. But then the actors open their mouths to spout Shakespeare’s words in a way that feels both true to the script and very modern, and all has to be forgiven. Well, almost all – but not the few horrible and unnecessary additions – “You’re a strong, independent woman, Titania,” calls out one of her attendants, in dialogue that violently clashes with the crisply delivered original script. But those moments are few and, combined with the fact that the director appears to have sensFar from what it’s cracked up to be
Watched John Akomfrah's amazing film about Stuart Hall for the second time today at @Biennial inspiration for protest and #solidarity @adpucci
ibly abandoned the music festival concept shortly after the set had been designed, easily forgettable. Thanks to Max Eden’s direction, the production is accessible – fast-paced, lively and very, very funny. I defy anyone to sit straight-faced during the Mechanicals’ telling of Pyramus and Thisbe’s doomed love affair. There’s great storytelling – the somewhat convoluted plot is clearly presented – and fine characterisation, with particularly strong performances from Harriet Barrow as a bombastic, asthmatic Helena and Jack Rigby as Lysander. Shaun Mason as Puck abandons the traditional cheeky sprite for a swaggering lech – creepy but brilliant – while Bottom becomes an amusingly pompous old thespian in the hands of Jack Lord.
Laura Davis Stay at home, hide under covers
The word is horribly overused, but @TmesisTheatre Wolf Red is genuinely just stunning. Incredible. @laurakatebarrow
Thursday, October 4, 2012
post culture
dvd ROCK OF AGES (12) WANNABE singer Sherrie Christian (Julianne Hough) leaves Oklahoma for Los Angeles. Aspiring rocker Drew Boley (Diego Boneta), who works at The Bourbon Room, persuades owner Dennis Dupree (Alec Baldwin) and right-hand man Lonny (Russell Brand) to hire Sherrie as a waitress. Lovebirds Drew and Sherrie don’t stop believin’ in their dreams, even when Tom Cruise’s bare-chested frontman Stacee Jaxx comes between them. “When my hamster died, your music really helped me through!” Sherrie coos to her idol, just before Mayor Mike Whitmore and his puritanical wife Patricia (Catherine Zeta-Jones) pledge to clean up the city by shutting down the dens of musical inequity, starting with The Bourbon Room. “Rock ’n’ roll is a disease – but it is a disease with a cure!” rages Patricia, and the battle lines are drawn. Punctuated by breathlessly choreographed, show-stopping renditions of Pat Benatar, Europe, Foreigner, Journey and Poison among others, Rock Of Ages is two hours of unabashed joy. Hough is adorable as a naive gal from the Midwest and she harmonises beautifully with Boneta. Cruise embraces the spirit of Axl Rose, sparing us only a few blushes in a jewel-encrusted dragon-shaped codpiece and leather chaps. He rocks. So does Adam Shankman’s film. FILM ★★★★ EXTRAS ★★★ PROMETHEUS (15) IN 2089, astrophysicist Dr Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and her partner Charlie Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green) unearth an ancient cave painting confirming the existence of an extra-terrestrial race known as the Engineers. Wealthy industrialist Peter Weyland (Guy Pearce) agrees to finance a voyage to the alien home planet. A spaceship called Prometheus provides the transport for Weyland company executive Meredith Vickers (Charlize Theron) and the crew. Operations android David (Michael Fassbender) casts a dispassionate eye over proceedings, but as the explorers touch down on the Engineers’ home world, they are woefully unprepared. Prometheus propels director Ridley Scott back into space, for a prelude of sorts to Alien. There are some intriguing ideas – Darwinism vs Creationism, the recklessness of scientific endeavour – but inevitably, Scott’s vision reduces to a big budget game of cat and mouse. Shocks are predictable but production values are impeccable and the numerous dank corridors provide plentiful opportunities to slaughter supporting characters. FILM ★★★ EXTRAS ★★★
A touching anthem film review THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER (12A) Starring: Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, Ezra Miller, Paul Rudd, Dylan McDermott, Kate Walsh, Nina Dobrev, Melanie Lynskey, Joan Cusack. Director: Stephen Chbosky. Duration: 102 mins
Emma Watson centre stars in coming of age movie The Perks Of Being A Wall Flower and below with Logan Lerman and Ezra Miller
HE agonies and ecstasies of youth are beautifully encapsulated in writer-director Stephen Chbosky’s exquisite adaptation of his own critically adored novel. Set in early 1990s Pittsburgh, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower is a bittersweet anthem to emotionally damaged youth. Fluffiness and mawkish sentimentality, which are staples of the genre, are absent from Chbosky’s cinematic lexicon. Instead, he spares his characters neither blushes nor pain, venturing into some incredibly dark recesses of the human experience with sensitivity and restraint. He accomplishes this impressive feat without sacrificing the biting humour of his book, condensing the tome into a compact running time that flies by in a blur of laughter and gut-wrenching despair. Charlie (Logan Lerman) is devastated by the suicide of his good friend Michael and the senseless tragedy haunts the sensitive teenager as a new term beckons. “Tomorrow is my first day of high school ever and I have to turn things around,” he tells us in heartfelt voiceover. The lad’s father (Dylan McDermott) and mother (Kate Walsh) hope Charlie will blossom in higher education but, as usual, their boy remains on the sidelines as a silent observer to the rituals of school life while classmates grasp every opportunity thrust at them. The only person who seems to notice Charlie is English teacher Mr Anderson (Paul Rudd), who recognises a kindred spirit and supplies the youngster with a steady supply of extra-curricular reading. During an American football match, Charlie plucks up the courage to chat to openly gay classmate Patrick (Ezra Miller). In turn, he introduces Charlie to his free-spirited step-sister, Sam (Emma Watson). At a party, she learns of Michael’s suicide – “I kind of wished he left a note,” whimpers Charlie – and Sam joins forces with Patrick to bring the shy newcomer out of his shell. Reluctantly, Charlie begins to take the terrifying leaps of faith of every teenager on the cusp of adulthood. “Welcome to the island of misfit toys,” grins Sam warmly. The Perks Of Being A Wall-
flower is a celebration of those perilous years when childhood innocence is shattered to smithereens and young men and women nervously forge new paths that will determine the rest of their lives. Chbosky elicits strong performances from his leads. Lerman is mesmerising as the loner who is stunned that anyone would waste their time befriending him. “I didn’t think anyone noticed me,” he nervously confides. Watson makes confident strides away from her signature role as Hermione in the Harry Potter series, replete with a solid American accent, and Miller banishes memories of his chilling turn in We
Need To Talk About Kevin, exuding wit and charm as the class clown who attempts to rise above taunts about his sexuality. A rousing soundtrack of David Bowie and Dexy’s Midnight Runners draws a nostalgic smile to offset the copious tears. Rating: ★★★★★ TAKEN 2 (12A) Starring: Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Famke Janssen, Luke Grimes, Rade Serbedzija, Leland Orser, Jon Gries. Director: Olivier Megaton. Duration: 90 mins. YOU’RE never too old in Hollywood for a big screen renaissance. At the tender age of 56, striking Irish actor Liam Neeson unexpectedly reinvigorated his career as a tough-taking action man in the testosterone-fuelled thriller Taken. The film, directed by Pierre Morel, gained a cult following for its wanton brutality, outrageous set pieces and the unstinting determination of the lead character, who famously promised kidnappers holding his daughter: “I will find you, and I will kill you.” True to his word, former CIA field operative Bryan Mills punched, kicked and shot every bad guy within a 10-mile radius of Paris. The old man with the fists of fury returns in Taken 2, which dispatches the same characters to Istanbul for another explosive game of cat and mouse. Olivier Megaton sits in the director’s chair for the sequel and he delivers more slam-bang thrills than the first instalment, embracing the preposterousness of a centrepiece car sequence which sees the hero’s daughter, who has failed her driving test, perform high-speed manoeuvres through the winding streets of the bustling Turkish metropolis. Bryan (Neeson) continues to be
protective of his daughter Kim (Maggie Grace), who he rescued from Albanian kidnappers and returned home safely to her mother Lenore (Famke Janssen). He’s less than thrilled to discover Kim has a boyfriend (Luke Grimes) but promises Lenore that he won’t run a background check. When Lenore’s current partner storms out, Bryan suggests that his ex-wife and daughter join him in Turkey for a few days of sight-seeing and relaxation. Little does the former agent realise that Murad (Rade Serbedzija), the father of one of the Albanian brutes he killed in the first film, has amassed a small army to abduct and torture Bryan and his loved ones. Taken 2 is a blast that doesn’t take itself seriously, from the protracted set-up about Kim’s inability to parallel park to her transformation into a gun-toting chip off the old block. Neeson growls his lines with suitable menace, physically suffering for his low-brow art as he is beaten to a bloody pulp while protecting his loved ones. Rating: ★★★ SINISTER (15) Starring: Ethan Hawke, Juliet Rylance, Michael Hall D’Addario, Clare Foley, Fred Dalton Thompson, James Ransone, Vincent D’Onofrio. Director: Scott Derrickson. Duration: 109 mins. Let sleeping dogs lie, or prepare to be bitten. That's the underlying message of Sinister, a supernatural horror about a true crime writer, whose obsession with the past places his loved ones in jeopardy. Few people would willingly move into a house where four members of a family were found hanged by the neck from a gnarled tree in the back garden. Fewer still would remain in the
Thursday, October 4, 2012
film post culture
to innocence
property when someone or something starts opening locked doors and crashing about in the attic in the dead of night. Ten years after Kentucky Blood became a best-seller and brought him notoriety, novelist Ellison Oswalt (Ethan Hawke) moves to a leafy community with his wife Tracy (Juliet Rylance) and children Trevor (Michael Hall D’Addario) and Ashley (Clare Foley). Ellison neglects to mention to his brood that the previous owners of the house came to an unfortunate end, and the sole survivor – a little girl – disappeared without trace. Desperate to revive his career, Ellison is intrigued to discover a box of Super 8 home movies in the attic. As he watches the shocking footage, the writer connects brutal murders across the country and senses a potential movie deal. Local law enforcement led by Sheriff Thompson (Fred Dalton Thompson) is wary of Ellison on their patch. However, Thompson’s ambitious Deputy (James Ransone) is keen to be immortalised in print and agrees to help. As Ellison continues to immerse himself in the case, he loosens his grasp on sanity and malevolent forces gather. Sinister is a predictable ghost story that has a few decent scares. Hawke perfects a wide-eyed stare and furiously strokes his beard to convey inner turmoil, while Rylance and D’Onofrio are wasted in non-descript roles. So long as the script remains vague about what horrors lurk in the darkness, we share the characters’ mounting fear. Once Derrickson and co-writer Scott Cargill make clear their intentions, and unleash the hocus pocus and digital trickery, we’re more likely to yawn than scream. Rating: ★★
Damon Smith
also showing LOOPER (15) JOE (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is an assassin, or “looper”, whose purpose is to gun down hooded targets that have been sent back in time. Silver bars are strapped to the backs of each target – payment for the pull of a trigger. Like his fellow loopers, Joe knows his life expectancy is finite and one fateful day he will “close the loop” by gunning down his future self. So when Joe hesitates from his bloody duties and allows Future Joe (Bruce Willis) to escape, the race between hunter and hunted begins in earnest. As a new present unfolds, Future Joe tracks down the younger incarnation of a shadowy figure called The Rainmaker, who will exert terrifying influence in 2074. THE CAMPAIGN (15) SELF-SERVING congressman Cam Brady (Will Ferrell) has represented North California for four terms and is poised to be re-elected despite numerous affairs . When this brazen promiscuity finally comes to the attention of voters, power broker siblings Glenn (John Lithgow) and Wade (Dan Aykroyd) decide to throw their support behind a rival candidate: eccentric local tour guide Marty Huggins (Zach Galifianakis). Oily campaign manager Tim Wattley descends on Hammond to give Marty and his family an extreme makeover. As Marty begins to make inroads into Brady’s voting heartland, tension between the rivals intensifies and the back-stabbing escalates out of control. UNTOUCHABLE (15) PHILIPPE (Francois Cluzet) is a wealthy aristocrat who suffers terrible injuries in a paragliding accident. He roams his sprawling Parisian mansion in a wheelchair and requires constant care to accomplish everyday tasks. Uncouth ex-con Driss (Omar Sy) applies for a position in Philippe’s household He flirts outrageously with Philippe’s prim secretary, Magalie (Audrey Fleurot), and dares to steal a Faberge egg from the hallway. Attracted to Driss’s complete lack of pity, Philippe hires the most unlikely candidate as his live-in carer. The former jailbird takes up residence in an opulent guest room and
quickly clashes with personal assistant Yvonne (Anne Le Ny). Against the odds, Driss forges a tender bond across the class divide, helping Philippe to teach his brattish daughter Elisa (Alba Gaia Kraghede Bellugi) some manners and to re-connect with the outside world. SAVAGES (15) BEN (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and his buddy Chon (Taylor Kitsch), a former Navy Seal, make a small fortune by growing marijuana in their southern California town. Life is good and the two friends are both obsessed with Ophelia (Blake Lively), who showers them with affection. Then the Mexican Baja Cartel, run by Elena (Salma Hayek), her enforcer Lado (Benicio Del Toro) and legal eagle Alex (Demian Bichir), swaggers into the town and forcefully suggests Ben and Chon share the secrets of their lucrative business model. Corrupt DEA agent Dennis (John Travolta) urges the duo to agree but Ben and Chon decide to continue their low-key operation alone, incurring the wrath of the cartel. When Elena ups the stakes by kidnapping Ophelia, Ben and Chon throw caution to the wind, determined to destroy the cartel using every meagre resource at their disposal. NOW IS GOOD (12A) SEVENTEEN-year-old Tessa (Dakota Fanning) won't live to see her 18th birthday, go to university or raise a family. Painfully aware of how few days and weeks remain, Tessa makes a list of dreams she would like to realise before she loses her battle with leukaemia, including losing her virginity, taking drugs and shoplifting. Then she finds herself falling hopelessly in love with hunky neighbour Adam, who is ill-prepared for Tessa's illness. HOPE SPRINGS (12A) ARNOLD Soames (Tommy Lee Jones) and his wife Kay (Meryl Streep) celebrate their latest wedding anniversary by buying each other cable television subscriptions. The couple’s children Brad (Ben Rappaport) and Molly (Marin Ireland) sense all is not well, but Arnold appears unconcerned, content to stick to the same routines and sleep in a separate room to his wife but Kay is deeply unhappy. In desperation, she uses her savings to buy a series of couples counselling sessions with Dr Bernie Feld (Steve Carell).
UK top ten Top: Liam Neeson deals with a bad guy in Taken 2. Below: things take a very dark turn for Ethan Hawke’s author in horror flick Sinister but genuine scares are few
1 (-) Looper 2 (1) ParaNorman 3 (-) Resident Evil: Retribution 4 (-) The Campaign 5 (3) The House At The End Of The Street 6 (2) Killing Them Softly
7 (5) Hope Springs 8 (4) The Sweeney 9 (7) Brave 10 (-) Untouchable ■ Chart courtesy of Cineworld Cinemas:
Thursday, October 4, 2012
post culture
interview Former Bond girl Fiona Fullerton tells Hannah Stephenson about her unlikely friendship with a suspected Soviet spy WHAT could a young, sexy British actress possibly have in common with a prisoner suspected of being a Soviet spy? Enough, it seems, to fuel a long friendship which stemmed from one fan letter to which she personally replied, leading to a 12-year correspondence and final meeting. Former Bond girl Fiona Fullerton was a glamorous 19-year-old actress when she received a letter from one Anthony “Alex” Alexandrowicz, who was serving a life term for aggravated burglary and GBH in Parkhurst Prison. The letter was written in the tiniest, most perfectly-formed handwriting and made her laugh, so she returned a photo of herself and a letter, which started the long correspondence. She never suspected he wanted a romantic relationship. “There was never anything in the letters that made me feel uncomfortable, nothing suggestive, nothing lascivious. It was all quite charming and chivalrous,” she says. Fullerton is now 55, and the letters have been published in a book, Dear Fiona, which reveals their friendship (she describes Alex as the brother she never had) and is interspersed with her own recollections of her life at the time, highlighting the contrast between the glamorous life of a young actress and the darkness of her penpal’s incarceration. Alex’s letters were a welcome diversion from the stress and sadness Fullerton was feeling behind her smiles, as her marriage to her cheating husband, the late actor Simon MacCorkindale, crumbled. “The letters provided enormous solace and comfort,” she says. “I was very lonely because Simon was away a great deal, which is a fact of life when you marry an actor. I’d never experienced being on my own.” Born in Lancashire in 1953, Alex had been taken into care at 12, began stealing, then house-breaking, serving time in jail. When he was 18, at the height of the Cold War, police arrested him in connection with an incident in which a man armed with a knife broke into a house and one of the occupants, a woman, was stabbed in the ensuing scuffle. Alex is adamant he played no part in the burglary. The police questioned him, and allegedly put pressure on him to admit to the burglary or they would deport his father, who was from the Ukraine and had KGB connections. Two years earlier, Alex had visited the Soviet embassy in London to try to trace his grandparents. It seems the British intelligence services took photographs of him talking to a Russian official. That official was expelled from the UK on spying charges four days before Alex was arrested for the aggravated burglary and GBH. Faced with the alleged threat that his father would be deported, he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life imprisonment.
The suspected spy who loved me...
Fiona Fullerton’s new book details her friendship with suspected spy ’Alex’ Alexandrowicz, below
“In 1971 we were at the height of the Cold War and a few days prior to his arrest, 104 diplomats had been expelled,” Fullerton – who ironically starred as a Russian double agent in A View To A Kill – explains. The former Bond girl, who gave up acting in 1995 shortly after her marriage to businessman Neil Shackell, and went on to forge a career as a property guru, hopes the book may go some way to clearing Alex’s name. All the proceeds will go to his cause. “I want to highlight the miscar-
riage of justice. Even if he had committed the crime, he still shouldn’t have served 22 years. I’m not alone in thinking he’s innocent and that there’s something spurious about the length of his sentence.” Fullerton never met Alex while he was in prison – he was moved on many occasions, often spending time in solitary confinement, where desperation set in. They lost touch in the late Eighties and he was released in 1993. Fullerton eventually packed the
letters away in her under-stairs cupboard, and stumbled across them again last year. With the help of a national newspaper, she tracked Alex down to a flat in Milton Keynes. Having become a recluse, he’d lost contact with the outside world. She recalls meeting him face-to-face for the first time. “I was unbelievably nervous. My husband was with me and we drove to this hotel in Buckinghamshire. I was very aware that I’m a middle-aged woman now, not the
bright young thing Alex was writing to, and I was concerned that in his mind he still had this image of Fiona as she used to be. I didn’t want to be a disappointment to him. “Then, as soon as I saw him the nervousness disappeared. He looked exactly how I’d imagined him to be. It was like meeting a member of one’s family and we just talked and talked, as if we’d known each other all our lives.” But life as a free man hasn’t been
Thursday, October 4, 2012
books post culture
reviews my favourite book
easy for him. “He’s completely institutionalised and even though he’s been out of prison for 19 years he still behaves as if it was only yesterday he came out. “In a way, this makes our friendship even more poignant. It makes me feel very protective towards him. “I want to look after him as if he were my child, or sometimes as if he were my brother.” Fullerton pulled strings with the council to have him relocated closer to her home in the Cotswolds and she now sees Alex once a week, taking him to hospital appointments, helping him with paperwork and going on outings. “We love chatting and laughing and feel incredibly comfortable with each other. He always wears a three-piece suit and a tie and he has this big beard, and looks as if he’s from another era. He’s only 59 but he has the demeanour of somebody older.” Alex hasn’t read his old letters because he finds it difficult to return to the past, Fullerton explains. But he is still struggling to move on, as he feels the legal issues are unresolved. “He just wants an apology or explanation from the Home Office,” says Fullerton Her life, however, is much happier than it was in her acting days. “In the eighties I had it all too young. One of the reasons I gave up acting was that I married a man who knew exactly where I was coming from and together we were able to build the kind of life that I’ve always wanted, which is being in the country with the dogs and a rusty old Land Rover.” They have a son, James, 22, (from Shackell’s first marriage) and daughter, Lucy, 16, and live in rural bliss. On Twitter she describes herself as a “domestic goddess”. “I’m at my happiest being at home with the children and also writing. Once a week Alex and I go on little trips and that makes me happy. “He’s admitted there were times when he was close to ending it himself and when we met in May, 2011, he said, ’You always have the knack of turning up at the right moment’.” ■ DEAR Fiona: Letters From A Suspected Soviet Spy by Fiona Fullerton is published by Waterside Press, £19.95. Available now.
NEW FICTION The Merde Factor by Stephen Clarke. Publisher: Century. Price: £12.99, paperback PAUL WEST (or “Poll Wess” as his colleagues insist on calling him) is trying his best to survive as an Englishman in Paris. His patience is put to the test, however, by those seemingly intent on making his life a misery former boss Jean-Marie, who wants to sell the English tea shop they co-own, ex-girlfriend Alexa, whose presence is causing ructions between Paul and his new girlfriend, and a cantankerous neighbour, whose loud Gallic swearing threatens to disrupt his new business venture. Some scenarios are so cringeworthy you suspect they may just have happened in real life. Paul, the outsider in a deeply patriotic nation, is more than believable with his candour and humour. His unintentionally hilarious sidekick Jake, with his unique X-rated poetry, also provides plenty of laughs. This latest instalment in Stephen Clarke’s series based on Paul’s adventures is like a pain au chocolat by the Seine – light, sweet and just a little bit naughty. Rating: ★★★ John Saturnall’s Feast by Lawrence Norfolk. Publisher: Bloomsbury. Price: £16.99, hardback IT IS more than 20 years since Lawrence Norfolk’s debut novel, Lempriere’s Dictionary, hit the best-seller lists and saw the author hailed as one of literature’s bright, young things. His latest novel combines a trademark historical setting, a complex plot and an exuberant embrace of English guaranteed to introduce the reader to a few unfamiliar words along the way. The story of a young boy chased
Greg Quiery and (below) his favourite book Greg Quiery, of the Liverpool Irish Festival, chooses I Could Read The Sky, by Timothy O’Grady THIS book’s first advantage is that it is quite short. But it’s an old book – not on the iPad. It needs to be taken down from the shelf, smelling vaguely of old wood pulp, and opened manually. It tells the story of an Irishman who came over to live in England in the 1950s. Back home he had many skills, such as helping cows give birth, building boats, or “reading the sky” (forecasting
from his home by superstitious villagers in 17th century England travels from the kitchens of a local manor house to the battlefields of the Civil War as John Saturnall attempts to create a long-forgotten feast which has been handed down the generations in his family. Norfolk recreates the sights, smells and sounds of another world in vivid, atmospheric detail, littering the book with evocative recipes of exotic spices to produce a fictional feast fit for a king. Rating: ★★★★★ The Nightmare by Lars Kepler. Publisher: Blue Door. Price: £14.99, hardback SWEDISH husband and wife writing duo Lars Kepler return to the forefront of crime thriller fiction with The Nightmare, their follow-up to the acclaimed novel The
top ten books PAPERBACKS 1 The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out Of The Window And Disappeared, Jonas Jonasson 2 Fifty Shades of Grey, EL James 3 Thinking, Fast And Slow, Daniel Kahneman 4 Double Cross: The True Story Of The D-Day Spies, Ben Macintyre 5 The Hairy Dieters: How To Love Food And Lose Weight 6 The Woman Who Went To Bed For A Year, Sue Townsend 7 Fifty Shades Darker, EL James 8 Fifty Shades Freed, EL James 9 A Street Cat Named Bob, James Bowen 10 The House Of Silk: The New Sherlock Holmes Novel, Anthony Horowitz
HARDBACKS 1 Dodger, Terry Pratchett 2 Ratburger, David Walliams 3 My Family And Other Animals, Claire Balding 4 Winter Of The World, Ken Follett 5 Guinness World Records 2013 6 A Wanted Man, Lee Child 7 The Life, Martina Cole 8 Lorraine Pascale's Fast, Fresh And Easy Food, Lorraine Pascale 9 A Possible Life, Sebastian Faulks 10 The Mystery Of Mercy Close, Marian Keyes
the local weather). Once in London, these skills were of no use. And he found he was no good at the things required in London, such as wearing a tie, or talking to a bank manager. It’s a tale of the challenges faced by those migrating from one culture to another. The book introduces a mythical “navvy” – Irish construction worker – known as “The King”. One day the King saw two lads struggling to lift a bag of cement. Bending down he took the weighty bag between his teeth, and with one twitch of his head, tossed it into the waiting lorry. They don’t make men like that any more. A good read. ■ Greg Quiery was born in Belfast and moved to Liverpool in 1973. He was chair of the group which erected the Memorial to the Irish Famine in St Luke's Garden. He is a board member of the Liverpool Irish Festival and presenter of the Liverpool Irish Heritage Walks. Greg will also present an informal evening of music, songs and comedy on Friday 12 October, 8pm, at The Casa, Hope Street, entrance is free.
Hypnotist. Detective Inspector Joona Linna, the protagonist from the first book, returns to the fray when the body of a young lady is discovered aboard a pleasure boat. The strange thing is she had been drowned while on the boat with no signs of water anywhere on the body or clothes, however this isn’t the only crime about to be committed. As the case unfolds, Linna has to call upon his very best policing skills to track a killer for whom death is not the end. With each turn of the page, you are hooked to find out what clue will turn up next and how it fits into this complex puzzle. But more importantly, why this is happening in the first place. Rating: ★★ ★★
NON-FICTION What Are You Looking At? 150 Years Of Modern Art In The Blink Of An Eye by Will Gompertz. Publisher: Viking. Price: £20, hardback DO YOU enjoy mooching around art galleries but wish you “understood” it all a bit more? Ever gawped at a piece of modern art, only to conclude, frustrated, that you just don’t “get it”? As the BBC’s art editor, and former Tate Gallery director for seven years, Will Gompertz certainly doesn’t have this problem – but he’s aware that thousands of gallery visitors do. This book aims to change that, and first and foremost, Gompertz is keen to point out that you don’t
need to be intimidated by modern art, as it’s often a lot more simple that you might think. Not all modern art is weird, abstract and indecipherable (think Monet, for instance), though some of it might at first appear so. Then there are those pieces that aren’t really works of art, in the traditional sense, but statements (starting with Marcel Duchamp’s urinal). Gompertz distinguishes between the two (thereby letting you off the hook for sometimes “disagreeing” with it!) and takes the reader through the series of isms (impres-
sionism, cubism, expressionism) which make up modern art. In clear, easy-to-follow language, he explains what each really means, putting them into historical and social context. It’s an immensely enjoyable, interesting read for novice art-lovers and long-time gallery-goers alike. By the end of the book, you won’t be an expert but you’ll certainly ’get’ modern art a lot more, and be free to enjoy it without worrying that you don’t. Rating: ★★★★ Why French Children Don’t Talk Back by Catherine Crawford. Publisher: John Murray. Price: £14.99, paperback FIRST there was the Tiger Mother, describing the strict Chinese way of parenting, and now comes Catherine Crawford’s latest book, extolling the virtues of the rearing method a la Francais. Why French Children Don’t Talk Back is New Yorker Crawford’s account of how she tried to “Frenchify” the raising of her two daughters. The idea is born after a dinner party with some French friends, whose children Crawford realises are far better behaved than her own American offspring. From stopping separate meals for the kids and instilling in them a sense of fashion (Crawford suggesting but thankfully not going as far as number coding her children’s clothes) to praising them less, Crawford soon sees positive changes in her enfants terribles. Crawford’s guide is wittily written and peppered with amusing anecdotes gleaned from her own social circle and their little darlings. It never dictates but merely suggests, and provides a persuasive alternative to the increasingly child-centric British way of raising kids. Rating: ★★★★
Liverpool Biennial 2012/Liverpool Post art work collection 4/10: Jakob Kolding
Thursday, October 4, 2012
post culture
spotlight Jo Caulfield, comedian, happy drunk and crimefighter, performing at The Brindley, Runcorn, on October 18 Tell us a bit about your job I get paid for doing things that in most jobs you’d get fired for. Making smart remarks, messing around, insulting people and encouraging people to forget their responsibilities. I get a round of applause just for showing up. And it’s not the sarcastic one your boss might give you. . . at least I think it’s not? What inspires you? People who are principled in the choices they make, who don’t always go for the money and fame but instead place more value on the quality of their work. Comedians I know who’ve turned down reality TV, musicians like Patti Smith, Paul Weller and Jools Holland, Joan Rivers still doing comedy at 75.
this week
listings theatre The Alchemist A new production of Ben Jonson’s comedy directed by Robert Icke, ends October 6. Playhouse Theatre, Williamson Square, 0151 709 4776, www.everywhereplay Call Mr Robeson Liverpool actor Tayo Aluko presents a one-man journey through activist and musician Paul Robeson's remarkable life, October 6. The Capstone Theatre, Shaw Street, The Canterbury Tales Chaucer’s tales brought to life, October 5. Floral Pavilion, New Brighton, 0151 666 0000, www.floralpa Death of a Lady The story of one passenger on board the ill-fated Titanic, October 10-13. The Lantern Theatre, Blundell Street, 0151 703 0000, Dickens, Drood and The Best of Tomes Charles Dickens struggles to complete his new book in this theatrical version of the author’s life, October 6. The Lantern Theatre, Blundell Street, www.thelantern
Jo Caulfield When were you last moved by culture? I watched the documentary film Inside Job about the financial crisis and was angry as hell – is that being moved by culture? What are you most looking forward to in the next 12 months? Working in a comedy club in Glasgow on New Year’s Eve. Everyone leaves the club at midnight and kisses strangers in the street and then comes back in for serious drinking. . . what could go wrong? Where do you see yourself in five years’ time? I’d be happy if life was just as it is now but I had nicer feet. What makes you laugh? Nothing is funnier than the pompous brought down – Boris Johnson getting stuck on the zip wire, and the photo of UKIP leader Nigel Farage in the helicopter crash. I’m not being cruel, Google it, I defy you not to laugh. What’s your hidden talent? Hiding my hidden talent really well.
contact us To see your show, exhibition or event featured on these pages, email chloe.beesley
Dirty Dancing Stage version of the 1980s box office smash, October 9-27. Liverpool Empire, Lime Street, 0844 871 3017, Einstein’s Daughter A father’s struggle to maintain order in his autistic daughter’s life is rendered impossible when their domestic calm is shattered by the return of an old friend, October 5. The Lantern Theatre, Blundell Street, 0151 703 0000, Jekyll & Hyde Following the success of The Full Monty and Blood Brothers, Encore presents the hit Broadway musical, October 10-13. The Brindley, Runcorn, 0151 907 8360, Liverpool Shakespeare Festival Lodestar presents Macbeth and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, ends October 13. Royal Court, Roe Street,0870 787 1866, www.royalcourtliverpool Ruby Flew Too! Follow one small duckling’s journey as she finds her feet, October 6. Rose Theatre, Edge Hill University, Treasured A multi-media theatrical event based on the story of Titanic, ends October 6. Liverpool Cathedral, 0151 709 4776,
Doug Aitken’s Liverpool Biennial work The Source, at the Albert Dock comedian performs his Rollercoaster show, ends October 6. Echo Arena, 0844 800 3680, One Day In The Life Of Lloyd Owen Langford Picaresque shaggy dog story, The Unity, Hope Place, 0844 873 2888 Markus Birdman A brand new show about laughing at love, life and death. The Slaughterhouse, 0151 227 5946, www.laughterhousecom Tonight’s The Night I’m a Celebrity and Benidorm star Crissy Rock hosts with special guest star Pete Price, Liverpool Empire, 0844 847 2525, You Can Tuna Piano But You Can't Tuna Fish Former Liverpool Post and Echo writer Pete Grant and friends present a night of humour. View 2 Gallery, Mathew Street,
Josh Widdicombe Comedian who has starred on Live At The Apollo, The Rob Brydon Show and Stand Up For The Week, and Saturday, The Unity, Hope Place, 0844 873 2888,
Ross Noble - Mindblender The demonic scarecrow returns to stand-up after a two-year break. Liverpool Empire, Lime Street, 0844 871 3017, www.liv
Richard Herring With his new show. The Epstein Theatre, 0844 888 4411, More Liverpool Comedy Festival listings at www.liverpoolcomedyfest
rock & pop FRIDAY 5
The Beat Two-tone Ska revival band. Eric’s, Mathew Street, 0151 236 9994, www.eric
The Drifters The Masquerade tour. Floral Pavilion, New Brighton, 0151 666 0000,
Adventures of a Waterboy An evening with The Waterboys’ frontman Mike Scott. The Epstein Theatre, Hanover Street, 0844 888 4411,
Blair Dunlop and Ashley Hutchings Father and son singer and guitarist. Rodewald Suite, Philharmonic Hall, Hope Street, 0151 709 3789, www.liv
Lianne La Havas English folk and soul singer. 02 Academy,
Film Music of John Williams Hollywood maestro Richard Kaufman conducts an all new tribute to the king of film music with excerpts from Jaws, Harry Potter and more. Philharmonic Hall, Hope Street, 0151 709 3789,
Jah Wobble & The Modern Jazz Ensemble Former Public Image Ltd bassist. The Capstone Theatre, Shaw Street,
Joanna MacGregor The pianist’s Mozart piano concerto series with Liverpool University Chamber Orchestra. The Capstone, Shaw Street, 0151 709 3789,
Folk Rising Emerging talent from Liverpool’s folk scene. Rodewald Suite, Philharmonic Hall, Hope Street, www.liver
classical THURSDAY 4
Dvorak Delights Michal Nesterowicz conducts Dvorak’s Carnival Overture, Cello Concerto and Symphony No.7, with Mario Brunello on cello, also October 4. Philharmonic Hall, Hope Street, 0151 709 3789,
Ralph McTell Celebrating 30 years on the road. The Brindley, Runcorn, 0151 907 8360, Also Friday at the Floral Pavilion, New Brighton, 0151 666 0000,
jazz & roots Ross Noble
Paul Derrett Lunchtime organ recitalof music by Widor, Bach, Vierne, Elgar, Bonnet and Languetuit. Chester Cathedral, Chester, 01244 324756,
Cheryl Cole With special guest Tinchy Stryder. Echo Arena, as before.
Rob Rouse Star of Mad Mad World and 8 Out of 10 Cats presents his Life Sentences show. The Brindley, Runcorn, 0151 907 8360, www.thebrind
Hotham Street, 0844 477 2000,
George Michael Fresh from the Olympic closing ceremony with his Symphonica orchestral tour. Echo Arena, 0844 800 3680,
John Bishop The Liverpool
Josie Long With her silly and fun solo show, Romance & Adventure. Unity Theatre, 0844 873 2888, www.unitytheatreliver
Beethoven Night St Helens Sinfonietta is celebrating its 15th birthday under the leadership of its founder and conductor Alan Free. St Helens Town Hall, St Helens, Joy at the Sound With Liverpool choirs. Metropolitan Cathedral, Hope Street, www.liverpool-
The Complete Schubert Cycle Paul Lewis performs Schubert’s Piano Sonata in No.19. St George’s Hall, Lime Street, 0151 709 3789,
clubs Juicy The Magnet, Hardman Street, Liverpool. 0151 709 7560.
Liquidation The legendary Liverpool indie night now hosts a weekly residency in the Hold. The Shipping Forecast, Slater Street, Liverpool 0151 709 6901.
Chibuku Shake Shake re-opening party With Ben Klock, Andy C, Mosca and more. The Magnet, Hardman Street. 0151 709 7560. Cream 20th birthday party part one Featuring music from AN21 and Vangeli, Steve Angello, Third Party, Eddie Halliwell, Paul Van Dyk, Paul Bleasdale and more. Nation, Wolstenholme Square. 0151 707 1309.
exhibitions 28-32 WOOD STREET
Making Chinatown Singapore-born Ming Wong draws
Thursday, October 4, 2012
this week post culture
albums on Roman Polanski’s 1974 film to uncover constructs of identity during a journey through the world’s Chinatowns, including Liverpool’s. (LB)
George Michael is playing the Echo Arena on Tuesday
AFTER more than half a century in the business, it's no surprise that Van Morrison (born George Ivan Morrison) knows a thing or two about putting an album together. What can't be guaranteed after such an accomplished career is to still be sounding so good with his 34th album. Recorded in his hometown of Belfast, Born To Sing: No Plan B is effortless, cool and classy. Open The Door (To Your Heart) is soulful and an instant favourite, and both the title track and End Of The Rainbow are soaked in the blues. Close Enough For Jazz flows seamlessly, demanding feet, shoulders, head and more to come along for the ride. When Plan A is this good, there's no reason to look any further. Rating: ★★★★
The Unfinished Conversation John Akomfrah’s installation examines the nature of the visual in memories. (LB) Outside! Dora Garcia presents the results of a TV project filmed on the streets of Liverpool. (LB) 2-Way Mirror Cylinder Bisected by Perforated Stainless Steel Reflective pavilion by Dan Graham. (LB) Ancient Film Sun Xun explores the cultural traditions of his native China. (LB) School Lane, 0151 702 5324,
TORI AMOS – GOLD DUST TORI AMOS will always be remembered for her extraordinary hit Cornflake Girl, her outstanding vocals and expert piano-playing making for a quirky yet memorable song. Often compared to Kate Bush because of her similar swooping vocal style, the 49-year-old has never quite recaptured those heady heights, yet remains one of the most innovative female artists around. Gold Dust is another impressive release from the American, who now spends much of her time in Cornwall, with Amos's voice impressing particularly on Yes, Anastasia. The rest of the songs stand up well to scrutiny, particularly the title track and Snow Cherries From France. Those who loved Amos's earlier work will be delighted with this, as it is an extremely welcome return to top form. Rating: ★★★★★
Refraction Jorge Macchi creates an environment that plays with the occurence of suddenly being immersed in a pool of water. (LB)
City States 13 exhibitions curated by cities across the world including Copenhagen, Hong Kong and Incheon. (LB) Bloomberg New Contemporaries Emergent art practise frm British art schools. Former Royal Mail sorting office, Copperas Hill. (LB)
Works by a range of artists on the Biennial theme of The Unexpected Guest. (LB) Water Street.
Ultimate Substance Anja Kirschner and David Panos explore how the advent of coinage in ancient Greece led to a division between sensual and abstract experiences. (LB)
Melodrama and Other Games Pedro Reyes invites visitors to take part in a range of specially-created games. (LB) Collective Coverings, Communal Skin The public is invited to weave a new skin for the buiding, transforming objects of conflict into those of comfort. (LB) Akram Zaatari Investigation of how photograph and film informs the Arab world’s aesthetic and social codes. (LB) Wood Street, 0151 707 4464
Umbilical Janine Antoni draws upon the complex, intimate relationship between mothe and child by casting the inside of her mouth cupped around the bowl of a monographed silver spoon. (LB)
No title Markus Kahre’s welcoming and cosy environment where slight physical and sensorial shifts make you feel it is haunted. (LB) Spectral Readings; Ghost Paper Dane Mitchell’s works include glass objects created by reading Liverpool ghost stories into a glass blowing pipe. (LB) 92 Duke Street.
Mark Morrisroe Final work of the artist who was 30-years-old when he died of an Aids-related illness. (LB) Kohei Yoshiyuki Documentary photography of the busy, and sometimes sordid, nightlife in Tokyo parks. (LB) Sinta Tantra Installation transforming the gallery’s exterior and adjoining public space reflecting how buildings welcome or repel us. (LB) Mann Island, 0151 236 6768,
Thresholds Works from the Tate Collection by artists including Sophie Calle, Gilbert and George, Mark Wallinger and George Shaw. (LB) Albert Dock, 0151 702 7400, Turner Monet Twombly: Later Paintings Brings together works by three of the most prolific and well-known artists of all time, ends October 28. Albert Dock, 0151 702 7400,
Paul Rooney Solo show by the Liverpool-based winner of the 2008 Northern Art Prize. (LB) Ashton Street, 0151 794 2348,
John Moores Painting Prize Exhibition of short-listed art works in the “Oscars of the painting world”, September 15 to January 6, 2013. Madreperlage Work by Enrico David featuring semi-grotesque theatrical figures and drawing on craft techniques. (LB) Belonging Patrick Murphy’s coloured pigeons perch on the gallery’s exterior, elevating their place from city pests. William Brown Street, 0151 478 4199, www.liverpoolmuseums. (LB) (LB): Part of the Liverpool Biennial, which runs until November 25, full listings at; (IB): part of the Independents Biennial, full listings at www.independents
events THURSDAY 4
Peter Hook The musician reads from his book Unknown Pleasures – Inside Joy Division, 7pm. Waterstones, Bold Street, 0151 708 6861,
Late Night Vintage Free entry, 5.30-9.30pm. The Shipping Forecast, Liverpool.
15th Annual Wirral Bus & Tram Show Electric trams, classic cars, stalls and free rides on vintage buses, 10.30am-4.30pm. Taylor Street Transport Museum, 0151 639 4929.
Talk by John Fairclough The Friends of Harthill and Calderstones Park invite the photographer to talk about his Photographic Images to Amaze Everyone. A charge of £2.00 is made for visitors, 7.15pm. Childwall Primary School, Woolton Road, L16.
HAVING made his name in the drum and bass world, DJ Fresh, aka Daniel Stein, reinvents himself as a pop producer with this album. As well as featuring his chart-topping collaboration with Rita Ora, Hot Right Now, Stein's third record is packed full of collaborators from UK acts such as Rizzle Kicks (Skyhighatrist), Dizzee Rascal (The Power) and Ms Dynamite (Gold Dust) to US singers such as Juliette Lewis (Fire Over Water) and The Fray and Professor Green (Forever More). Most of the tracks here will satisfy dance-pop fans and with its pumping and pulsating beats, the album's great for a night out or working out in the gym. Rating: ★★★ THE OVERTONES – HIGHER BOYBAND The Overtones have come a long way since being spotted while singing in Oxford Street, with their clean-cut image and harmony vocals making an immediate impression with the record-buying public. The five-piece's singing remains immaculate throughout the second album, with their cover of Nat King Cole's Unforgettable and Jackie Wilson's Reet Petite being the best of the lot. They also give the classic Righteous Brothers' You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling a new spin with their trademark doo-wop vocals. Lachie Chapman, Mike Crawshaw, Darren Everest, Mark Franks and Timmy Matley also show off some original new material, the pick of which are the title track and Loving The Sound. This record will, without a doubt, please their fan base. Rating: ★★★
Thursday, October 4, 2012
post culture
preview today HUNTED (BBC ONE, 9PM) MELISSA GEORGE, pictured, stars as Sam Hunter, an operative for the elite private intelligence and security firm Byzantium. She's had something of a hard life; while assigned to a mission in Tangier, someone tried to kill her, and not knowing where to turn, she retreated to a remote location to retrain. A year down
the line, and she's fighting fit and ready to return to work, but she's not greeted with cards and flowers – where has she been all this time? That's the question on the lips of her former secret lover Aidan Marsh. Her bosses need Sam to infiltrate a family headed by millionaire Jack Turner, a man with a vested interest in Byzantium's secret client.
tomorrow STRICTLY COME DANCING (BBC ONE, 9PM) THE competition is about to start in earnest, with half of the group of celebrities taking to the dance floor for the first time; with the remainder making their debuts on Saturday. Everyone will be hoping to impress the judges as well as viewers, and the results of both sets of votes will be announced next week, when the first celeb will be given the boot. Colin Salmon and
Kristina Rihanoff are an odd couple. He's hugely tall, she's rather diminutive – how they'll cope “in hold” is anybody's guess. And then there's Johnny Ball, the show's oldest ever competitor at 74. He's also the father of Zoë, who came third in 2005 and is now the host of Strictly's sister show, It Takes Two. Johnny says: “I kept it secret from Zoë for over six weeks The great worry is causing her embarrassment.”
Saturday MERLIN (BBC ONE, 7.45PM) IN SEASON five of the Beeb’s internationally successful fantasy saga, Camelot looks more prosperous than ever, but in the frozen north, men are vanishing without explanation. King Arthur (Bradley James, pictured) and his knights risk life and limb to find out why, but to get answers, Merlin (Colin Morgan) must first fight a
battle that pushes him to his limits. Josette Simon as The Euchdag once played freedom fighter Dayna in the BBC’s space sage Blakes Seven. Lindsay Duncan, who featured in one of Doctor Who’s finest hours, returns for the new run, along with John Hurt. The latter lends those unmistakeable tones to the Dragon once again.
Sunday ARENA: THE BEATLES’ MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR REVISITED (BBC TWO, 9.45PM) IN 1967, the Beatles could do no wrong. That was the year they released their groundbreaking Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album and performed All You Need Is Love during the first live satellite link to be broadcast to a global audience. So when it was announced that the band’s third movie would be
Fame has been a long time coming for Homeland star David Harewood. But the British actor isn’t giving away any plot secrets to Lisa Williams
RESH from picking up an impressive seven gongs at the prestigious Emmy awards, Homeland’s back on our screens to make Sunday nights exciting again. The first series, which explored the murky world of terrorism, politics and the American secret service, was a runaway success, giving viewers’ nerves a battering with every new revelation, confrontation or explosion, and winning the plaudits of the President of the United States himself who declared it his favourite show. At the heart of the series was Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes), a brilliant secret agent who suspected recently-returned US Marine Nicholas Brody (Damien Lewis) of having been “turned” by Al-Qaeda while being held captive in Afghanistan. What was so brilliant was the fact that the series kept everyone guessing until the very last episode, when it was revealed whether or not Carrie’s suspicions were correct (and, so as not to ruin the outcome for the uninitiated, this article will keep you guessing too). The season finale also revealed tantalising new information about David Estes, head of the CIA and screen alter-ego of Britain’s very own David Harewood. For such a slick American show, which is so rooted in the history and politics of the country, many people wondered why producers cast two Brits – Harewood and Lewis – in key roles. “That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?” says Harewood, laughing. “It’s what everybody’s been asking. And we’ve got a third Brit – we’ve got Rupert Friend joining in this series. The director just says that they were the most interesting tapes that he saw.” A familiar face from theatre and TV, 46-year-old Harewood, from Birmingham, claims he got into performing to make up for the fact he “wasn’t particularly attractive or particularly academic”. “It’s taken me 26 years to be an overnight success, as the old gag goes,” he says. And this success is likely to multiply
It has taken me 26 years to be an overnight success when the second series is up and running. With many issues still to be resolved, Harewood’s character is likely to be more prominent in this series. This comes as a relief to the actor, who admits he struggled with simply playing Estes as “the authority figure in the background”. “I told that to the writers at the end of the season, and they’ve done a fantastic job of really filling him out this year and giving him much more of a personality,” he says. Last series Estes always seemed to be opposing Carrie’s ideas and we learnt that they had a relationship in the past, which explains some of the antagonism.
Monday broadcast on Boxing Day that year, millions tuned in, expecting to see something very special indeed. However, The Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour was a huge disappointment. The latest edition in the Arena arts documentary strand takes an in-depth look at the film, and features contributions from Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Peter Fonda, Martin Scorsese, Terry Gilliam, Paul Merton and Neil Innes.
8 OUT OF 10 CATS (CHANNEL 4, 10PM) JIMMY CARR, pictured, returns to the schedules with the 14th series of this irreverent panel show in which celebrity contestants answer questions based on opinion polls carried out around the country. Each show sees team captains Sean Lock and Jon Richardson joined by a pair of celebrity
It was also revealed that Estes had done some unsavoury manoeuvres to get to his position, something which Harewood is trying hard not to judge. He says: “He may have sold his soul to a certain extent to get where he wants to, but who wouldn’t? “It’s fascinating being out here in the world of American politics during an election. You see the real dirty side of politics, with the ads they’re running. If you want to get where you want to get to, you might have to do things that are seemingly unpalatable.” Unsurprisingly, he can’t reveal too much about the new series. He can’t even talk about the show to his own mum.
Tuesday guests as they engage in friendly battle. As the show is recorded close to transmission we have no idea what the top stories will be, but whether it’s the economy or the latest celebrity scandal, plenty of giggles will be gleaned from the headline-grabbing subject matter. Thankfully, the brains behind the scenes have resisted the urge to tinker with a winning format.
FRESH MEAT (CHANNEL 4, 10PM) IT MAY be autumn in real life, but it’s spring for the students of Sam Bain and Jesse Armstrong’s hit comedy Fresh Meat, and love is in the air. Kingsley has a new girlfriend – who just happens to be Josie’s best friend – and Oregon finds true love herself. Meanwhile, the gang find a replacement for the “invisible” former seventh housemate Paul Lamb, Vod
needs to get a job after she ends up owing everyone money, JP has a shock when an old friend transfers from Exeter, and Howard starts moonlighting at the local abattoir. Things are starting to change for the students, but isn’t that what university is all about? It’s a voyage of self-discovery, and perhaps that’s why Fresh Meat – ludicrous story arcs and daft set-ups aside – is so convincing.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
tv post culture
Higgerson David Harewood as CIA chief David Estes and, inset, Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison with Damien Lewis as Nicholas Brody
“After every episode of the first series my mum rang me and went, ’Ooohhhh.. what’s going on?’ I had to say, ’Mum, I’m not saying anything,”’ he laughs. But he can confirm one thing: anyone doubting whether the second series can top the first is wrong. “I’ve read so many tweets and blogs where people have said it’s just a one-season show which can’t be taken any further, but these writers are fantastic. “They’ve managed not only to recreate the same amount of tension, but to ratchet it up again. I think fans of the show are going to be very, very pleased.” ■ Homeland begins on Channel 4 on Sunday
Wednesday DCI BANKS (ITV1, 9PM) STEPHEN TOMPKINSON, pictured, returns for a new run of three two-part dramas based on novels by bestselling author Peter Robinson. The first case, Strange Affair, proves to be rather too close to home. Its main focus is Banks’ roguish brother Roy, a wealthy businessman who kick starts the latest case by disappearing in London. While Banks moves to the capital to find him, his
new sidekick, DI Helen Morton, is called to a crime scene involving a young woman whose dead body has been found in a car. But making the discovery more sinister is the fact she has Banks’ name and address written on a piece of paper in her pocket. Caroline Catz, who plays Morton, has been brought in to replace Andrea Lowe, who portrayed DS Annie Cabbot – she was unavailable for filming due to being on maternity leave.
THERE are moments in life when, no sooner have the words left your lips, you realise you have made a grave, grave mistake. If you're the person who has made the mistake – committing to a weekend paintballing in Reading, for example, after days of nagging from mates who say it'll be fun – that sinking feeling is almost instant. For the person watching you make that grave, grave mistake, there are few things more amusing to witness. And that's why the highlight of last weekend's X Factor double bill was the moment new judge Nicole Scherzinger offered the third, and final, place in her boys category to Rylan Clark. Clark is the worst sort of exhibitionist. While there was something innocent – although still intensely annoying – about Jedward the other year, there's something a lot more pre-planned, almost cynical, about Clark. You get the impression the worst thing he could be called in life is “normal”. So when, despite all the warning signs – wearing some sort of headscarf in the final selection in Dubai “because it's what people wear around here”, almost poking Dermot O'Leary's eye out with a spike on his shoulder pad when hugging him in an earlier round – Nicole put him through as one of her final three, waterworks which followed should have been expected. What I don't think anyone expected, was the display of waterworks. It was Bellagio fountains of crying displays – a little ironic, given it was Louis Walsh who was doing the choosing in Las Vegas, but there you go. The crying in the most rough-looking cushions, the collapsing off a very stiff sofa on to the floor, the doubling over as the weeping continued – it was as though Nicole had drowned his mum's favourite kitten in front of him and then sent it off to have the fat removed for a low-cal-
X Factor contestant Rylan Clark – ‘the worst sort of exhibitionist’ orie snack, not the chance to find fame – or most likely ridicule – on Britain's most watched talent show. Nicole's face, for what it's worth, was priceless. She knows she's made a mistake. She told Clark he was “a risk I just have to take”. Ten seconds later, I'm pretty convinced she was re-evaluating her decision. Still, we're on to the boring bit this weekend when the first X Factor heat starts. Wake me up when we're down to the last eight. Elsewhere on ITV 1, am I alone in just not getting Downton Abbey (ITV 1, 9pm, Sunday)? I've never been a huge fan of period dramas – watching BBC Education
productions of Shakespeare while at school is to blame there – but I always thought Downton was different – more Coronation Street in big dresses and top hats rather than a dramatical glimpse into the past. If that's the case, then they need to work on the plots. So far this series, we've seen old man loves Lord Grantham's daughter and they plan to marry but Lord Grantham warns him off and then relents, only for old man to abandon her in church. This sort of plot takes Corrie months to work through – in Downton it takes three episodes. And they say things were slower in the old days. Elsewhere, Lord Grantham feared having to lose Downton Abbey after making a bad investment (he invested in Canadian railways, which turned out to be sub-prime in 2010 speak). For two weeks the family feared having to leave the big old house, until one of his son-in-laws pops up and says “I've inherited some money and here's a letter to show I have a clear conscious about it”. Disaster averted. It's not exactly deep, is it? ■ What I’ll be watching next week: Monroe (ITV 1, 9pm, Monday). Best medical-related drama out there.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
post culture
Thursday 4 BBC2
Channel 4
Channel 5
6.00 Breakfast (T) 9.15 Helicopter Heroes (T) 10.00 Homes Under the Hammer; (T)(R) BBC News; Weather. (T) 11.00 Britain’s Empty Homes (T) 11.30 Cash in the Attic; (T)(R) BBC News; Weather. (T) 12.15 Bargain Hunt (T)(R) 1.00 BBC News; Weather (T) 1.30 Regional News; Weather (T) 1.45 Doctors (T) 2.15 Only Fools and Horses Rodney ties the knot with Cassandra. (T)(R) 3.05 CBBC 5.15 Pointless Quiz show, hosted by Alexander Armstrong. (T) 6.00 BBC News; Weather (T) 6.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather (T)
6.00 CBeebies 7.00 CBBC 8.25 CBeebies 11.30 BBC World News (T) 12.00 Daily Politics Conference Special (T) 1.00 Animal Park (T)(R) 1.30 To Buy or Not to Buy (T)(R) 2.15 Weakest Link (T)(R) 3.00 Wanted Down Under A tree surgeon who wants a better quality of life for his family. (T)(R) 3.45 Helicopter Heroes (T)(R) 4.30 Flog It! (T)(R) 5.15 Antiques Road Trip (T) 6.00 Eggheads Quiz show, hosted by Jeremy Vine. (T) 6.30 How We Won the War A jailbreak from a wartime prison near Bridgend, south Wales. (T)
6.00 Daybreak (T) 8.30 Lorraine (T) 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show (T) 10.30 This Morning (T) 12.30 Loose Women (T) 1.30 ITV News (T) 1.55 Regional News; Weather (T) 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal (T) 3.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show (T) 3.59 Regional Weather (T) 4.00 May the Best House Win (T) 5.00 The Chase Bradley Walsh presents as four contestants answer ge neral knowledge questions and work as a team to take on ruthless quiz genius the Chaser and secure a cash prize. (T) 6.00 Regional News; Weather (T) 6.30 ITV News (T)
6.05 The Treacle People (T)(R) 6.15 The Hoobs (T)(R) 7.05 Freshly Squeezed (T) 7.35 According to Jim (T)(R) 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond (T)(R) 9.00 Frasier (T)(R) 10.00 Undercover Boss USA (T)(R) 11.00 A Place in the Sun (T) 12.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary (T) 12.05 River Cottage Veg Heroes (T)(R) 12.30 Come Dine with Me (T) (R) 3.10 Countdown (T) 4.00 Deal or No Deal (T) 5.00 Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course (T) 5.30 Come Dine with Me (T) 6.00 The Simpsons (T)(R) 6.30 Hollyoaks (T) 6.55 (T)
6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 The Wright Stuff 11.10 The Hotel Inspector (T) (R) 12.10 5 News Lunchtime (T) 12.15 CSI: Miami (T)(R) 1.15 Home and Away (T) 1.45 Neighbours (T) 2.15 CSI: NY A bride dies moments before her wedding. (T)(R) 3.15 FILM McBride: Tune in for Murder (2005) (PG) Mystery, starring John Larroquette. (T) 4.55 The Family Recipe (T)(R) 5.00 5 News at 5 (T) 5.30 Neighbours Andrew learns the truth about his condition. (T)(R) 6.00 Home and Away Danny realises Casey double-crossed him. (T)(R) 6.30 5 News at 6.30 (T)
7.00 7.55
Hunted, 9pm
7 8 9 10 11 AFTER
The One Show Topical stories from around the UK. (T) EastEnders Kat takes extreme measures to win back the Vic; (T) BBC News; Regional News (T)
The Corrie Years, 8.30pm
The Choir: Sing While You Work, 9pm
The Story of Wales: England and Wales Huw Edwards explores how, in 1485, Henry VII returned from France to capture the English crown, becoming the first Welsh King of England. (T)
Making Faces, 9pm
Location, Location, Location, 8pm
Emmerdale Chas and Cameron plot to steal the Woolpack takings. (T) Are We Giving Kids a Sporting Chance?: Tonight Investment in the next generation of sports stars. (T)
Channel 4 News (T) Channel 4 Presents – Nathan
Classic Car Rescue Bernie Fineman and Mario Pacione try to breathe life back into a rundown Porsche 911, but some worrying welding work may have damaged the car beyond repair; (R) 5 News Update (T)
8.00 Waterloo Road Madi makes a pass at Sian’s new boyfriend. (T)
8.00 Wartime Farm The trio learn about how farmers coped with material shortages in 1942, as attacks by German U-boats on British ships resulted in a dramatic reduction in imports to the UK. (T)
8.00 Emmerdale In the aftermath of the burglary, Chas admits to Diane she forgot to lock away the takings. (T) 8.30 The Corrie Years Memorable stunts from the soap’s history. (T)
8.00 Location, Location, Location Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer visit the Tees Valley in the north-east of England to find homes for two couples. (T)
8.00 Heroes of the Skies An airman who made an extraordinary attempt to save his comrades; (T) 5 News (T)
9.00 Hunted New series. Espionage thriller about an elite private intelligence operative (Melissa George) who believes she has been set up after being critically wounded during a mission. (T)
9.00 The Choir: Sing While You Work Gareth Malone looks for hidden singing talent among the staff of Manchester Airport as he tries to create the third of his workplace choirs. (T)
9.00 Homefront Louise’s husband Joe has some explaining to do when he arrives home, grieving Tasha turns to her mother for support and Claire goes for a job interview. (T)
9.00 Hotel GB It’s the penultimate day of the star-studded hotel challenge, and both Gordon Ramsay and Mary Portas will be determined to come out on top. Can they lead their teams to victory? (T)
9.00 Making Faces A woman who has lived with eye problems for much of her life hopes an operation will help boost her confidence, and a man prepares to be fitted with a prosthetic nose. (T)
10.00 BBC News (T) 10.25 Regional News; Weather (T) 10.35 Question Time Topical debate from Manchester. (T)
10.00 Mock the Week With guests Ed Byrne, Alun Cochrane and Gary Delaney. (T) 10.30 Newsnight; (T) Weather (T)
10.00 ITV News and Weather (T) 10.30 Regional News; Weather (T) 10.35 The Jonathan Ross Show The host chats to stand-up comedian Jack Dee, magician Dynamo and actress Emma Watson. (T)(R)
10.00 The Million Pound Drop Live Davina McCall presents the quiz show in which contestants can win £1million, but lose money for giving incorrect answers. (T)
10.00 True CSI A woman’s body is found bound and gagged in an abandoned school, and with no other evidence to follow, investigators pay close scrutiny to a shoeprint discovered at the scene. (T)
11.35 This Week Andrew Neil, Michael Portillo and guests discuss the week in politics, including reflections on the Labour Party Conference in Manchester. (T)
11.20 Today at Conference (T) 11.50 Ian Hislop’s Stiff Upper Lip – An Emotional History of Britain How the British have expressed their feelings throughout history. (T)(R)
11.35 Poms in Paradise The lives of two chefs, a football coach and an accountant. Last in the series. (T)(R)
11.40 Random Acts Short creative films. (T) 11.45 The Boy Who Can’t Forget People able to remember an extraordinary amount of their lives. (T)(R)
11.00 Jack the Ripper – The Definitive Story Part one of two. Re-investigating the crimes committed by the killer. (T)(R)
12.20 Holiday Weatherview (T) 12.25 Sign Zone: Undercover (T)(R) 12.55 Countryfile (T)(R) 1.55 Dead Good Job (T)(R) 2.55 Rip Off Britain (T)(R) 3.40 Celebrity MasterChef (T) (R) 4.40 BBC News (T)
12.50 The Culture Show Mark Kermode and musician Goldie review French film Untouchable, and Tim Samuels assesses this year’s Booker Prize shortlist. (T)(R) 1.20 BBC News (T) 4.00 BBC Learning Zone (T)
12.05 Jackpot247; ITV News Headlines. 3.00 Are We Giving Kids a Sporting Chance?: Tonight (T)(R) 3.25 ITV Nightscreen 4.35 The Jeremy Kyle Show (T)(R) 5.30 ITV Morning News (T)
12.45 Embarrassing Bodies 1.40 Jimmy and the Whale Whisperer (T) (R) 2.35 Cruises Undercover (T)(R) 3.05 My Brother, the Murderer (T) 3.30 Time Team (T)(R) 4.25 Deal or No Deal (T)(R) 5.20 Countdown (R)
12.00 SuperCasino Live interactive gaming. 3.55 Nick’s Quest (T)(R) 4.20 House Doctor. Home improvements. (T)(R) 4.50 Michaela’s Wild Challenge (T)(R) 5.10 Wildlife SOS (T)(R) 5.35 Wildlife SOS (T)(R)
8.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9.00 The Seasons with Alan Titchmarsh 10.00 DCI Banks 11.00 Law & Order: UK 12.00 Crime Connections 1.05 Numb3rs 1.50 Film File 2.00 ITV3 Nightscreen 2.30 Teleshopping BBC3 SKY: 115 FV: 7 7.00 The World’s Strictest Parents 8.00 Don’t Tell the Bride 9.00 Russell Howard’s Good News 9.30 Cuckoo 10.00 Wilfred 10.25 Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes 10.30 EastEnders 11.00 Family Guy 11.50 American Dad! 12.30 Russell Howard’s Good News 1.00 Cuckoo 1.30 Wilfred 1.50 Don’t Tell the Bride 2.50 Unzipped 3.35 Cuckoo 4.05 Close. BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 World News Today 7.30 Top of the Pops: 1977 8.00 Explosions: How We Shook the World 9.00 Norman Wisdom 10.00 The Nazis: A Warning from History 10.50 Lilyhammer 11.35 Health Before the NHS 12.35 Explosions: How We Shook the World 1.35 Top of the Pops: 1977 2.20 Norman Wisdom E4 SKY: 136 FV: 28 6.00 Switched 6.45 Smallville 7.25 One Tree Hill 8.10 Rules of Engagement 9.10 Smallville
10.05 Ugly Betty 11.05 Desperate Housewives 12.00 Scrubs 12.30 Hollyoaks 1.00 How I Met Your Mother 2.00 The Big Bang Theory 3.00 Rules of Engagement 3.55 Ugly Betty 5.00 How I Met Your Mother 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 How I Met Your Mother 8.00 The Big Bang Theory 8.30 How I Met Your Mother 9.00 2 Broke Girls 9.30 New Girl 10.00 Franklin & Bash 11.00 8 Out of 10 Cats Uncut 11.50 The Big Bang Theory 12.50 The IT Crowd 1.20 How I Met Your Mother 1.50 Scrubs 2.15 8 Out of 10 Cats Uncut 2.55 Desperate Housewives 3.35 90210 4.20 One Tree Hill 5.00 Switched MORE4 SKY: 138 FV: 14 8.55 Location, Location, Location 10.00 Four in a Bed 10.35 River Cottage Bites 10.50 A Place in the Sun 11.25 FILM: D-Day, the Sixth of June (1956) (PG) 1.30 The Real Vikings: A Time Team Special 2.30 The Secrets of Westminster Abbey: A Time Team Special 3.35 Four Rooms 4.40 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 5.45 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 6.50 Come Dine with Me 7.55 Grand Designs 9.00 Thelma’s Gypsy Girls 10.05 The Closer
11.05 Homeland 12.05 Thelma’s Gypsy Girls 1.10 The Closer 2.05 Brothers & Sisters 3.00 Homeland FILM4 SKY: 315 FV: 15 11.00 A Letter to Elia 12.15 Bad Day at Black Rock (1955) (PG) 1.55 The Password Is Courage (1962) (U). Fact-based Second World War comedy drama, starring Dirk Bogarde. 4.10 Zulu (1964) (PG). Factbased historical drama, starring Michael Caine. 6.55 St Trinian’s 2: The Legend of Fritton’s Gold (2009) (PG). Comedy sequel, starring Rupert Everett. 9.00 The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) (12). Sci-fi remake, starring Keanu Reeves. 11.05 Saw (2004) (18). Horror, starring Cary Elwes. 1.10 Quills (2000) (18). Drama, starring Geoffrey Rush. DAVE SKY: 111 FV: 12 7.15 Top Gear 8.00 Top Gear: Polar Challenge 9.00 Top Gear India Special 11.00 Shooting Stars 11.40 Have I Got News for You 12.20 QI 1.00 Top Gear: Polar Challenge 2.00 Top Gear India Special 4.00 Shooting Stars 4.40 Have I Got News for You 5.20 QI 6.00 Top Gear: Polar Challenge 7.00 Top Gear India Special 9.00 Red Dwarf 2.05 The Bubble 2.35 Fifth Gear 3.00 Close.
ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6
6.00 Emmerdale 6.25 Coronation Street 6.55 Life’s Funniest Moments 7.15 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 8.05 Judge Judy 9.25 The Real Housewives of Orange County 10.30 Beauty and the Geek 11.30 Judge Judy 12.00 Emmerdale 12.30 Coronation Street 1.00 The Corrie Years 1.30 The Jeremy Kyle Show 3.40 The Real Housewives of Orange County 4.40 Beauty and the Geek 5.30 Judge Judy 6.00 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 7.00 You’ve Been Framed! 8.00 The X Factor USA 10.00 Celebrity Juice 10.45 FILM: The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) (12). Spy thriller sequel, starring Matt Damon. 1.00 The Only Way Is Essex 1.45 Winners & Losers 2.30 Teleshopping ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 Heartbeat 6.55 The Royal 8.00 Dr Quinn: Medicine Woman 9.00 The Store 10.00 Only When I Laugh 10.35 Home to Roost 11.05 Rising Damp 11.35 Kavanagh QC 1.15 Heartbeat 2.15 The Royal 3.20 Murder, She Wrote 4.20 Rising Damp 4.55 Home to Roost 5.25 Only When I Laugh 5.55 Heartbeat 7.00 Murder, She Wrote
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SKY1 SKY: 106 6.00 Best of Oops TV 7.00 Modern Family 7.30 The Middle 8.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 9.00 Road Wars 10.00 Lie to Me 11.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 12.00 Stargate SG-1 2.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 3.00 Stargate SG-1 5.00 Futurama 6.00 Last Man Standing 6.30 Raising Hope 7.00 The Simpsons 8.00 Road Wars. Police officers combat vehicle crime. 9.00 Moone Boy 9.30 Trollied 10.00 A League of Their Own 12.00 UK Border Force 1.00 Road Wars 3.30 Futurama: Welcome to the World of Tomorrow 3.40 UK Border Force 4.35 Best of Oops TV 5.30 Airline SKY ATLANTIC SKY: 108 6.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 7.00 Star Trek: Voyager 8.00 The X Files 9.00 ER 10.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 12.00 Star Trek: Voyager 1.00 ER 2.00 House 4.00 Star Trek: Voyager 5.00 ER 6.00 House 8.00 The Petrol Age 9.00 The British 10.00 Ronna and Beverly 11.00 Hunderby 11.30 Blue Bloods 12.30 The British 1.30 The Wire 2.45 Boardwalk Empire 4.00 Love/Lust and Comfort Food 5.00 The X Files
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Friday 5 tv post culture BBC1
Channel 4
Channel 5
6.00 Breakfast (T) 9.15 Helicopter Heroes (T) 10.00 Homes Under the Hammer; (T) BBC News; Weather. (T) 11.00 Britain’s Empty Homes A 1930s semi-detached home. (T) 11.30 Cash in the Attic; (T)(R) BBC News; Weather. (T) 12.15 Bargain Hunt (T) 1.00 BBC News; Weather (T) 1.30 Regional News; Weather (T) 1.45 Doctors (T) 2.15 Only Fools and Horses (T)(R) 3.05 CBBC 5.15 Pointless Quiz show, hosted by Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman. (T) 6.00 BBC News; Weather (T) 6.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather (T)
6.00 CBeebies 7.00 CBBC 8.25 CBeebies 11.30 BBC World News (T) 12.00 Daily Politics (T) 1.00 Animal Park Keepers catch the rare sight of an eland antelope birth. (T) (R) 1.30 To Buy or Not to Buy (T)(R) 2.15 Weakest Link (T)(R) 3.00 Wanted Down Under (T)(R) 3.45 Helicopter Heroes (T)(R) 4.30 Flog It! The team unearths antiques in Barrow-in-Furness. (T)(R) 5.15 Antiques Road Trip (T) 6.00 Eggheads (T) 6.30 How We Won the War Jules Hudson’s journey ends in north-west England. Last in the series. (T)
6.00 Daybreak (T) 8.30 Lorraine (T) 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show (T) 10.30 This Morning (T) 12.30 Loose Women Caroline Flack has news from The X Factor. (T) 1.30 ITV News (T) 1.55 Regional News; Weather (T) 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal (T) 3.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show With Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli. (T) 3.59 Regional Weather (T) 4.00 May the Best House Win British expats open their doors in Almeria, Spain. (T) 5.00 The Chase Quiz show, hosted by Bradley Walsh. (T) 6.00 Regional News; Weather (T) 6.30 ITV News (T)
6.05 The Treacle People (T)(R) 6.15 The Hoobs (T)(R) 7.05 Freshly Squeezed (T) 7.35 According to Jim (T)(R) 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond (T)(R) 8.55 Frasier (T)(R) 10.00 Undercover Boss USA (T)(R) 11.00 A Place in the Sun (T) 12.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary (T) 12.05 River Cottage Veg Heroes (T)(R) 12.30 Come Dine with Me (T) (R) 3.10 Countdown (T) 4.00 Deal or No Deal (T) 5.00 Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course (T) 5.30 Come Dine with Me (T) 6.00 The Simpsons (T)(R) 6.30 Hollyoaks (T) 6.55 (T)
6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 The Wright Stuff 11.10 The Hotel Inspector (T) (R) 12.10 5 News Lunchtime (T) 12.15 Chinese Food in Minutes (T) (R) 12.20 CSI: Miami (T)(R) 1.15 Home and Away (T) 1.45 Neighbours (T) 2.15 CSI: NY (T)(R) 3.05 FILM Vinegar Hill (2005) (PG) Drama, starring Mary-Louise Parker and Tom Skerritt. (T) 4.55 Chinese Food in Minutes (T)(R) 5.00 5 News at 5 (T) 5.30 Neighbours Chris asks Aidan to give their relationship another chance. (T)(R) 6.00 Home and Away (T)(R) 6.30 5 News at 6.30 (T)
7.00 7.55
Strictly Come Dancing, 9pm
7 8 9 10 11 AFTER
The One Show Hosted by Chris Evans and Alex Jones. (T) Cash Britain Gez finds a violin that he believes to be a priceless Stradivarius. Last in the series; (T) BBC News; Regional News (T)
Piers Morgan’s Life Stories: Ronan Keating, 9pm
Servants: The True Story of Life Below Stairs, 9pm
Escape to the Country A couple expecting their fourth child, who have already viewed more than 30 properties, receive help from Denise Nurse in their search for a family home in Worcestershire. (T)(R)
Being Liverpool, 9pm
Baggage, 8pm
Emmerdale The police question Cameron about the break-in. (T) Coronation Street Maria looks to Marcus for support as she prepares for her test results. (T)
Channel 4 News (T) Channel 4 Presents – Oscar Record-breaking South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius reflects on the London 2012 Paralympic Games. (T)
Heroes of the Skies An airman who made an extraordinary attempt to save his comrades; (T)(R) 5 News Update (T)
8.00 EastEnders Lola is caught in a desperate situation. (T) 8.30 Miranda Tilly and Penny organise a charity winetasting event, prompting Miranda to do something for a good cause. (T)(R)
8.00 Mastermind With questions on Caspar David Friedrich and Ian Botham. (T) 8.30 Gardeners’ World Monty Don demonstrates gardening jobs that can be done in early autumn. (T)
8.00 Island Hospital A paramedic takes part in a training mission at sea. (T) 8.30 Coronation Street Marcus and Maria try to rationalise what happened between them. (T)
8.00 Baggage Gok Wan hosts the dating game in which contestants reveal embarrassing facts about themselves, hoping to be picked by a fellow singleton for a romantic holiday. (T)
8.00 Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers Neil Shakeshaft’s driving skills are pushed to the limit as he takes charge of a 61ft road train; (T) 5 News at 9 (T)
9.00 Strictly Come Dancing New series. Bruce Forsyth and Tess Daly host the first of this weekend’s two live shows, with six of the 14 couples performing either a waltz or a cha-cha-cha tonight. (T)
9.00 Servants: The True Story of Life Below Stairs Pamela Cox unearths tales of servant rebellion during the Edwardian era, as employees began to question the merits of a life spent in service. (T)
9.00 Piers Morgan’s Life Stories: Ronan Keating The pop star reflects on his life and career in the music industry, including his success with Boyzone and his anguish over the 2009 death of Stephen Gately. (T)
9.00 Hotel GB The experiment concludes as Gordon Ramsay and Mary Portas discover which of their teams has managed to raise the most money for charity. Last in the series. (T)
9.00 Being Liverpool The squad return to England following their pre-season tour to America, and prepare to face FC Gomel in the third qualifying round of the UEFA Europa League. (T)
10.00 BBC News (T) 10.25 Regional News; Weather (T) 10.35 John Bishop: The Sunshine Tour The stand-up star in performance, with a selection of anecdotes reflecting on fame. (T)
10.00 QI Stephen Fry poses obscure questions about jobs to Sarah Millican, David Mitchell, the Rev Richard Coles and regular panellist Alan Davies. (T) 10.30 Newsnight (T)
10.35 Alan Carr: Chatty Man The comedian chats to Paddy McGuinness, host of ITV1’s raucous dating show Take Me Out. (T)
11.50 The National Lottery Friday Night Draws Scott Mills presents the Thunderball, EuroMillions and Millionaire Raffle draws. (T) 11.55 EastEnders Omnibus. (T)
11.00 The Review Show A discussion of JK Rowling’s novel The Casual Vacancy. (T) 11.45 Weather (T) 11.50 Later with Jools Holland (T)
10.00 ITV News and Weather (T) 10.30 Regional News; Weather (T) 10.35 FILM American Gangster (2007) (18) The story of 1970s drug kingpin Frank Lucas, whose innovative methods of smuggling heroin into the US made him one of the leading figures in the New York underworld. Ridley Scott’s fact-based crime drama, starring Denzel Washington, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Josh Brolin. (T)
11.40 Rude Tube Alex Zane and his talking computer showcase 50 videos found online that feature a range of bizarre stunts, including an unorthodox way of eating a tomato. (T)(R)
10.00 FILM Into the Blue (2005) (15) Divers looking for sunken treasure in the Bahamas discover the submerged wreckage of a plane with a stash of cocaine hidden inside it. Eager to make the most of the opportunity, they devise a plan to sell the drugs – but their scheme attracts the attention of a ruthless narcotics dealer. Action thriller, starring Paul Walker and Jessica Alba. (T)
1.50 Weatherview (T) 1.55 Sign Zone: The Hairy Bikers’ Bakeation. The duo bake their way through France. (T)(R) 2.55 Question Time (T) (R) 3.55 Rip Off Britain (T)(R) 4.40 BBC News (T)
12.55 FILM Goodbye Solo (2008) (15) A taxi driver realises his elderly passenger intends to commit suicide at the end of their journey, and tries to change his mind. Drama, with Red West. 2.20 BBC News (T) 4.40 Close
1.20 The Store; ITV News Headlines. 2.55 FILM Columbo: A Stitch in Crime (1973) (PG) Detective drama, with Peter Falk and Leonard Nimoy. (T) 4.10 ITV Nightscreen 5.30 ITV Morning News (T)
12.45 Random Acts (T) 12.50 The Simpsons (T)(R) 1.15 My Name Is Earl (T)(R) 2.00 Napoleon Dynamite (T) 2.25 Allen Gregory (T) 2.45 Charlie’s Angels (T)(R) 3.30 St Elsewhere 4.15 Deal or No Deal (R)
12.10 SuperCasino Live interactive gaming. 3.55 Motorsport Mundial. A round-up of motorsport news. 4.20 House Doctor (T)(R) 4.45 Michaela’s Wild Challenge (T)(R) 5.10 Wildlife SOS (T)(R) 5.35 Wildlife SOS (T)(R)
5.55 Heartbeat 7.00 Murder, She Wrote 8.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9.00 Crime Connections 10.00 Taggart 11.00 Law & Order: UK 12.05 Monk 1.00 Numb3rs 1.45 Murder, She Wrote 2.40 Only When I Laugh 3.10 ITV3 Nightscreen 3.40 Emmerdale BBC3 SKY: 115 FV: 7 7.00 Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel 7.15 Doctor Who 8.00 Be Your Own Boss 9.00 Unzipped 9.45 Russell Howard’s Good News Extra 10.30 EastEnders 11.00 Cuckoo 11.30 Family Guy 12.15 American Dad! 1.00 Unzipped 1.45 Russell Howard’s Good News Extra 2.30 Cuckoo 3.00 Be Your Own Boss 4.00 Close. BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 World News Today; Weather 7.30 Leeds International Piano Competition 2012 8.30 Sounds of the 70s 2 Troubadours – Peaceful Easy Feeling 9.00 Mr Blue Sky: The Story of Jeff Lynne and ELO 10.00 ELO Live at Wembley 11.00 Rock Family Trees 11.50 Jeff Lynne Acoustic: Live from Bungalow Palace 12.20 Mr Blue Sky: The Story of Jeff Lynne and ELO 1.20 ELO Live at Wembley
2.20 Rock Family Trees 3.10 Sounds of the 70s 2 Troubadours — Peaceful Easy Feeling 3.40 Close. E4 SKY: 136 FV: 28 6.00 Switched 6.45 Smallville 7.25 One Tree Hill 8.15 Rules of Engagement 9.10 Smallville 10.05 Ugly Betty 11.05 Desperate Housewives 12.00 Scrubs 12.30 Hollyoaks 1.00 How I Met Your Mother 2.00 The Big Bang Theory 3.00 Rules of Engagement 4.00 Ugly Betty 5.00 How I Met Your Mother 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 FILM: Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) (PG) 9.30 FILM: Assault on Precinct 13 (2005) (15) 11.40 Revenge 12.40 The Big Bang Theory 1.35 Meet the Parents 2.35 Balls of Steel Australia 3.35 Scrubs 3.55 90210 4.35 One Tree Hill 5.20 Switched MORE4 SKY: 138 FV: 14 8.55 Location, Location, Location 10.00 Four in a Bed 10.35 River Cottage Bites 10.50 A Place in the Sun 11.25 FILM: Rio Grande (1950) (U). Western, starring John Wayne. 1.30 Time Team 3.35 Relocation, Relocation 4.40 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 5.45 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun
6.50 Come Dine with Me 7.55 Grand Designs 9.00 FILM: Changing Lanes (2002) (15). Revenge thriller, starring Samuel L Jackson and Ben Affleck. 11.05 Homeland 12.10 Come Dine with Me 1.15 Embarrassing Bodies 2.20 Homeland 3.30 Close. FILM4 SKY: 315 FV: 15 11.00 The Fighting Kentuckian (1949) (U) 1.00 Stalag 17 (1953) (PG) 3.25 Quo Vadis (1951) (PG) 6.40 The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) (12). Scifi remake, starring Keanu Reeves. 9.00 Definitely, Maybe (2008) (12). Romantic comedy, with Ryan Reynolds. 11.10 Babylon AD (2008) (12). Sci-fi adventure, starring Vin Diesel. 12.55 Lemming (2005) (15) 3.35 Close. DAVE SKY: 111 FV: 12 7.10 Dragons’ Den 9.00 Fifth Gear 10.00 Top Gear 11.00 The Gadget Show 12.00 Dragons’ Den 1.00 Top Gear 3.00 Traffic Cops 4.00 Top Gear 5.00 Red Bull X-Fighters 2012 6.00 Top Gear 7.00 Traffic Cops 8.00 Top Gear 9.00 Not Going Out 10.20 Mock the Week 11.40 Men Behaving Badly 12.40 Not Going Out 2.00 Mock the Week 2.30 Peep Show 3.00 Close.
ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6 6.00 Emmerdale 6.55 Life’s Funniest Moments 7.15 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 8.05 Judge Judy 9.25 The Real Housewives of Orange County 10.30 Beauty and the Geek 11.30 Judge Judy 12.00 Emmerdale 1.00 Judge Judy 1.30 The Jeremy Kyle Show 3.40 The Real Housewives of Orange County 4.40 Beauty and the Geek 5.30 Judge Judy 6.00 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 7.00 Top Dog Model 8.00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 8.30 You’ve Been Framed! 9.00 The X Factor USA 10.00 FILM: American Pie 2 (2001) (15). Comedy sequel, starring Jason Biggs. 12.05 Mark Wright’s Hollywood Nights 1.05 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 1.30 Coronation Street 2.25 Teleshopping 5.55 ITV2 Nightscreen ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 Heartbeat 6.55 The Royal 8.00 Dr Quinn: Medicine Woman 9.00 The Store 10.00 Only When I Laugh 10.35 Home to Roost 11.05 Rising Damp 11.35 Kavanagh QC 1.15 Heartbeat 2.15 The Royal 3.20 Murder, She Wrote 4.20 Rising Damp 4.55 Home to Roost 5.25 Only When I Laugh
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sq. metre THE MOTOWN recliner sofa with sound system. MRP £1329. 10 YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL SOFAS. Shown with THE STUDIO stripe carpet. After Promotion £23.00 sq. metre. SAVE OVER 60%!
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SKY1 SKY: 106 6.00 Best of Oops TV 7.00 Modern Family 7.30 The Middle 8.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 9.00 Futurama 9.10 Road Wars 10.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 12.00 Stargate SG-1 2.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 3.00 Stargate SG-1 5.00 Futurama 6.00 Last Man Standing 6.30 The Simpsons 7.30 The Middle 8.00 Modern Family 8.30 Spy 9.00 Trollied 9.30 Moone Boy 10.00 Walking and Talking 10.30 An Idiot Abroad 2 11.30 Moone Boy 12.00 Road Wars 1.30 The Good Guys 2.30 UK Border Force 3.25 Road Wars 4.25 Futurama: Welcome to the World of Tomorrow 4.35 Best of Oops TV 5.30 Airline SKY ATLANTIC SKY: 108 6.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 7.00 Star Trek: Voyager 8.00 The X Files 9.00 ER 10.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 12.00 Star Trek: Voyager 1.00 ER 2.00 House 4.00 Star Trek: Voyager 5.00 ER 6.00 House 8.00 Blue Bloods 9.00 Boardwalk Empire 10.15 The Wire 11.30 The British 12.30 Blue Bloods 1.30 The Petrol Age 2.30 The Wire 3.45 Blue Bloods: Meet the Characters 4.00 Love/ Lust and Holiday Feasts 5.00 The X Files
Thursday, October 4, 2012
post culture
Saturday 6 BBC2
Channel 4
Channel 5
6.00 Breakfast (T) 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Live (T) 11.30 Nigellissima (T)(R) 12.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather (T) 12.15 Football Focus (T) 1.00 Formula 1: Japanese Grand Prix Qualifying Highlights (T) 2.15 Bargain Hunt Scouring for antiques in Grimsthorpe, Lincolnshire. (T) 3.15 Escape to the Country (T)(R) 4.00 Final Score (T) 5.10 BBC News; Regional News; Weather (T) 5.30 All New Total Wipeout (T) 6.30 Strictly Come Dancing The remainder of the couples take to the floor in the second live show. (T)
6.00 CBeebies 7.00 CBBC 12.05 Animal Park Tales of ghostly happenings at Longleat House. (T)(R) 1.05 FILM Tarzan’s Greatest Adventure (1959) (PG) Jungle adventure, starring Gordon Scott. (T) 2.30 FILM The Lizzie McGuire Movie (2003) (U) Children’s adventure, with Hilary Duff. (T) 4.00 FILM Easy Virtue (2008) (PG) Romantic period comedy, starring Jessica Biel and Ben Barnes. (T) 5.30 Wartime Farm How British farmers reacted to shortages in 1942. (T)(R) 6.30 Flog It! From Tunbridge Wells, Kent. (T)(R)
6.00 CITV: CITV 9.25 ITV News (T) 9.30 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 11.20 The X Factor (T)(R) 12.40 ITV News; Weather (T) 12.45 FILM Jurassic Park (1993) (PG) Action adventure, starring Sam Neill. (T) 3.00 FILM Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999) (U) Sci-fi prequel, starring Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor. (T) 5.35 Regional News; Weather (T) 5.45 ITV News (T) 6.00 New You’ve Been Framed! (T) 6.30 Fool Britannia Hidden-camera pranks, with Dom Joly. (T)
6.05 The Hoobs (T)(R) 6.30 British F3 (T) 6.55 International Volleyball (T)(R) 7.50 Channel 4 Presents – Jonnie (T)(R) 7.55 The Morning Line (T) 8.55 T4: Adele: Real Stories (T) 10.00 T4: Justin Bieber: London Live (T)(R) 10.50 T4: Revenge (T) 11.50 T4: Suburgatory (T) 12.20 T4: The Big Bang Theory (T)(R) 1.20 T4: The Simpsons (T)(R) 1.55 Channel 4 Racing (T) 3.55 Come Dine with Me: Ireland (T) 5.25 Come Dine with Me: Ireland (T) 5.55 Come Dine with Me: Ireland (T) 6.25 Channel 4 News (T) 6.55 (T)
6.00 Milkshake! 10.00 Power Rangers Samurai (T) 10.35 Batman: The Brave and the Bold (T) 11.10 Looney Tunes (T)(R) 11.20 Looney Tunes (T)(R) 11.30 FILM The Towering Inferno (1974) (15) Disaster movie, starring Paul Newman and Steve McQueen. (T) 2.40 FILM 55 Days at Peking (1963) (U) Fact-based period drama, starring Charlton Heston. (T) 5.40 FILM Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990) (12) Joe Dante’s comedy sequel, starring Zach Galligan, Phoebe Cates, John Glover and Christopher Lee. (T)
7.50 7.55
Merlin, 7.45pm
7 8
Merlin New series. King Arthur and his knights travel to the frozen north in search of several men who have disappeared, only for Merlin to find himself battling fate itself. (T)
The X Factor, 8pm
Arena: Magical Mystery Tour Revisited, 9.45pm
Dad’s Army Jones buys a load of black-market pigeons from wheeler-dealer Walker – but is horrified to discover the unfortunate birds were taken from Trafalgar Square. (T)(R)
CSI: Miami, 10.20pm
The Million Pound Drop Live, 9pm
Take Me Out New series. A postman, a personal trainer, a musician and a student try to impress a new line-up of 30 single women. Dating show, hosted by Paddy McGuinness. (T)
8.00 The X Factor Thousands of aspiring pop stars turned up at the auditions, more than 200 battled it out at boot camp and the best of those made it through to the judges’ houses. Now, the competition really begins as the final 12 perform live for the judges and millions of viewers at home, and things are a little different this year as the contestants are allowed to sing their own material to stand out from their rivals. (T)
Jaws: The Great White Myth The story of how Steven Spielberg’s 1975 blockbuster about a great white shark had a massive impact on the world’s oceans and their inhabitants. (T)
8.30 The National Lottery: Secret Fortune High-tension quiz show, presented by Nick Knowles. Sisters Sonia and Soraya play together in a bid to win the top prize of £100,000. (T)
8.00 Servants: The True Story of Life Below Stairs Pamela Cox unearths tales of servant rebellion during the Edwardian era, as employees began to question the merits of a life spent in service. (T)(R) 9.00 QI XL With Katy Brand, Sue Perkins and David Mitchell. (T) 9.45 Arena: Magical Mystery Tour Revisited The impact of the Beatles’ 1967 TV film. (T)
9.20 Casualty Denise announces she is leaving Holby with the children, leading a devastated Linda to throw herself into her work, while a patient alerts the staff to a thief in the ED. (T) 10.10 BBC News; Weather (T) 10.30 Match of the Day Including highlights of Manchester City v Sunderland; (T) National Lottery Update (T)
10.45 FILM Magical Mystery Tour (1967) (12) The passengers on a coach trip have a variety of strange experiences under the influence of a group of wizards. Musical comedy, starring the Beatles. (T)
10.20 The Jonathan Ross Show Actor, author and QI host Stephen Fry talks about his personal life and current projects, and American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift discusses her new album. (T)
11.50 The Football League Show Highlights of today’s games in the Championship, League One and League Two. (T)
11.40 How the Brits Rocked America: Go West British bands’ attempts to find success in the USA. (T)(R)
11.20 ITV News; Weather (T) 11.40 FILM Before Sunset (2004) (15) Sequel to romantic drama Before Sunrise, starring Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. (T)
10.35 FILM Panic Room (2002) (15) A single mother is determined to keep her daughter safe from harm when burglars break into their home. The pair hide out in a specially constructed sealed room, but the shelter becomes a prison when the robbers refuse to leave empty-handed. Thriller directed by David Fincher, starring Jodie Foster and Kristen Stewart. (T)
1.05 Weatherview (T) 1.10 BBC News (T)
12.40 Sings the Beatles Memorable covers of classic songs by the group. (T)(R) 1.40 FILM Daddy and Them (2002) (15) Black comedy, starring Billy Bob Thornton. With Jim Varney and Laura Dern. (T)
1.00 The Store; ITV News Headlines. 3.00 Ladette to Lady: Australia. Eight brash Australian girls are trained to become ladies. (T)(R) 3.50 ITV Nightscreen 5.30 ITV Morning News (T)
12.45 FILM Sancharram (2004) (PG) Premiere. Romantic drama, with Suhasini V Nair and Shrruiti Menon. 2.45 Hollyoaks. Omnibus. (T) 4.50 Deal or No Deal (T)(R) 5.45 Countdown (T)(R)
5.50 Murder, She Wrote 6.50 Foyle’s War 9.00 Vera 11.00 Crime Connections 12.05 FILM: Fierce Creatures (1997) (12). Comedy, starring John Cleese. 1.45 Flowers Uncut with Jeff Leatham 2.05 ITV3 Nightscreen 2.30 Teleshopping BBC3 SKY: 115 FV: 7 7.00 Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel 8.00 Top Gear 9.00 Live at the Apollo 9.45 Russell Howard’s Good News 10.20 All American Dad Weekend 1.45 Family Guy 2.30 Don’t Tell the Bride 3.25 Russell Howard’s Good News 3.55 Close. BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 Human Planet 8.00 Explosions: How We Shook the World 9.00 Inspector Montalbano 10.40 The Story of Light Entertainment 12.10 Top of the Pops: 1977 12.55 Love and Marriage: A 20th Century Romance 1.55 Human Planet 2.55 Explosions: How We Shook the World 3.55 Close. E4 SKY: 136 FV: 28 6.00 Switched 6.25 Heartland 7.10 Life Unexpected 7.55 Gok’s Clothes Roadshow: Get the Look for Less 9.00 Supernanny US. A couple with children from previous relationships.
10.00 Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance 11.00 Gok’s Clothes Roadshow: Get the Look for Less 12.05 Supernanny US 1.00 How I Met Your Mother 2.00 Scrubs 3.00 Desperate Housewives 4.00 Revenge 5.00 How I Met Your Mother 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.30 Rules of Engagement 8.30 Suburgatory 9.00 David Blaine’s Street Magic 10.00 FILM: Sex Drive (2008) (15). Comedy, starring Josh Zuckerman. 12.15 The Inbetweeners 1.25 The Big Bang Theory 2.20 The Cleveland Show 2.45 Franklin & Bash 3.25 The Secret Life of Us 4.10 One Tree Hill 4.55 Switched MORE4 SKY: 138 FV: 14 8.55 Time Team 10.00 Nelson’s Hospital: A Time Team Special 11.05 The Real Vikings: A Time Team Special 12.05 The Secrets of Westminster Abbey: A Time Team Special 1.15 FILM: The Devil at Four O’Clock (1961) (PG). Adventure, starring Spencer Tracy, Frank Sinatra and Kerwin Mathews. 3.40 Location, Location, Location 7.55 The Mayan Apocalypse 2012 9.00 The Pillars of the Earth 10.05 Homeland 11.55 Embarrassing Bodies 12.55 The Killing 1.55 Homeland 3.40 Close.
FILM4 SKY: 315 FV: 15
ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6
6.00 Coronation Street 8.10 Emmerdale 11.10 Girlfri3nds 12.00 The Only Way Is Essex 1.25 The X Factor USA 4.20 The X Factor 5.40 FILM: Free Willy (1993) (PG). A boy befriends a captive killer whale, but when he learns the animal is to be killed, he makes plans to release it into the ocean. Drama, with Jason James Richter and Lori Petty. 8.00 FILM: Back to the Future (1985) (12). A teenager travels back in time and gets stuck in the 1950s – where he has to make sure his parents fall in love. Sci-fi comedy adventure, with Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd. 10.20 The Xtra Factor 11.20 Take Me Out — The Gossip 12.05 Celebrity Juice 12.50 The X Factor 3.00 Teleshopping ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 Film File 6.10 Agatha Christie’s Partners in Crime 7.05 FILM: The Magnificent Two (1967) (U). A pair of travelling salesmen become embroiled in political shenanigans in South America. Comedy, with Morecambe and Wise. Including FYI Daily. 9.10 The House of Eliott 11.25 Pie in the Sky 1.35 Inspector Morse 3.40 Agatha Christie’s Poirot
8.00 Comedy World Cup Andy Parsons, Jon Richardson and the Chuckle Brothers take on Omid Djalili, Daniel Sloss and Joe Pasquale as the comedy quiz tournament continues. (T) 9.00 The Million Pound Drop Live Keith Lemon and Patsy Kensit team up for the quiz in which contestants can win £1million, but lose money for giving incorrect answers. Davina McCall asks the questions. (T)
11.00 Carry On Doctor (1967) (PG). Comedy, starring Jim Dale. 1.00 Zulu (1964) (PG). Factbased historical drama, starring Michael Caine. 3.45 Meet Dave (2008) (PG). Sci-fi comedy, starring Eddie Murphy. 5.30 Bride Wars (2008) (12). Comedy, starring Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway. 7.20 The Man (2005) (12). Comedy, starring Samuel L Jackson and Eugene Levy. 9.00 Mission: Impossible 2 (2000) (15). A secret agent battles a former spy-turned-criminal mastermind intent on stealing a deadly man-made virus. John Woo’s action thriller sequel, starring Tom Cruise and Dougray Scott. 11.25 Saw II (2005) (18). Horror sequel, starring Donnie Wahlberg. 1.15 In the Cut (2003) (18). Thriller, starring Meg Ryan. 3.40 Close. DAVE SKY: 111 FV: 12 7.10 Carpool 8.00 Robot Wars Extreme 9.00 Top Gear 11.00 Fifth Gear 12.00 Top Gear 2.00 Man v Food 3.00 QI 5.00 Top Gear 7.00 Man v Food 8.00 QI 8.40 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 9.20 Mock the Week 10.00 Red Dwarf 10.40 QI 12.00 The Armstrong & Miller Show 1.50 Peep Show
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5 News Weekend (T) FILM Battle of Britain (1969) (PG) In 1940, the Luftwaffe launches a campaign of aerial attacks against Britain to gain control of the skies ahead of a planned land invasion. Under the leadership of Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding, the RAF mounts a determined defence over the summer and autumn, despite being heavily outnumbered and forced to match inexperienced pilots against German veterans. Second World War drama, starring Laurence Olivier, Michael Caine, Robert Shaw, Christopher Plummer, Harry Andrews, Trevor Howard and Curt Jurgens. (T)
10.20 CSI: Miami The team investigates the assassination of a billionaire, and Loman discovers the killing may be linked to a prototype for a revolutionary new bullet. (T) 11.15 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Grissom, Greg and Warrick investigate the death of a psychic who was shot in her occult shop. (T)(R) 12.15 SuperCasino 4.00 HouseBusters 4.25 Divine Designs 4.50 Rough Guide to Beaches (T)(R) 5.00 Hana’s Helpline 5.10 Milkshake! Show (T)(R) 5.35 Thomas & Friends (T)(R) 5.45 Roary the Racing Car (R)
SKY1 SKY: 106
6.00 Safebreakers 7.00 The 10th Kingdom 8.00 Road Wars 9.00 WWE Superstars 10.00 Soccer AM 12.00 Skyfall On Set 12.30 Ashley Banjo’s Secret Street Crew 1.30 Best of Oops TV 2.30 Last Man Standing 3.30 Modern Family 6.00 Terra Nova 8.00 Road Wars 9.00 FILM: Ocean’s Thirteen (2007) (PG). The thieves need the help of an enemy to get even with a casino boss who has conned one of the team. Comedy crime caper sequel, starring George Clooney, Al Pacino, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Andy Garcia. 11.20 Road Wars 1.20 Brit Cops: Law & Disorder 2.15 Road Wars 4.05 UK Border Force 5.05 Crash Test Dummies SKY ATLANTIC SKY: 108 6.00 Inside the Actors Studio 7.00 The British 8.00 The Petrol Age 9.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 2.00 Seinfeld 3.00 ER 8.00 The British 9.00 Boardwalk Empire 10.15 House of Lies 11.00 Ronna and Beverly 12.00 Hunderby 12.30 Boardwalk Empire 1.45 The Sopranos 3.00 The Wire 4.15 Love/Lust and Power Couples 5.10 Love/Lust and Holiday Feasts
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Sunday 7 tv post culture BBC2
Channel 4
Channel 5
6.00 Breakfast (T) 7.35 Match of the Day (T)(R) 9.00 The Andrew Marr Show (T) 10.00 Sunday Morning Live (T) 11.00 Sunday Politics; (T) Weather for the Week Ahead. (T) 12.20 Bargain Hunt Two all-male teams compete at Portobello Market in London. (T)(R) 1.20 Cash in the Attic (T)(R) 2.05 Formula 1: Japanese Grand Prix Highlights (T) 4.05 A Question of Sport: 2012 Olympics Special (T)(R) 4.40 Points of View (T) 4.55 Songs of Praise (T) 5.30 Planet Earth Live: A Meerkat’s Tale (T) 6.30 BBC News; Regional News; Weather (T)
6.00 CBeebies 7.00 CBBC 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites (T) 11.30 The Great British Bake Off The quarter-finalists tackle biscuitbased challenges. (T)(R) 12.30 FILM Safari (1956) (U) Adventure, starring Victor Mature. (T) 1.55 FILM The Long Ships (1963) (PG) Adventure, starring Richard Widmark and Sidney Poitier. (T) 4.00 Flog It! From Chippenham, Wiltshire. (T)(R) 5.00 Rugby League Highlights of the Super League Grand Final. (T) 6.00 Great Barrier Reef Creatures that travel thousands of miles to visit the reef. Last in the series. (T)(R)
6.00 CITV: CITV 9.25 ITV News (T) 9.30 House Gift (T)(R) 10.25 There’s No Taste Like Home (T)(R) 11.30 Dickinson’s Real Deal (T)(R) 12.30 ITV News; Weather (T) 12.40 Murder, She Wrote (T)(R) 1.40 The X Factor The final 12 perform in the first live studio round. (T)(R) 3.55 The Home of Fabulous Cakes Fiona Cairns reveals how to make sweet treats inspired by garden vegetables. (T) 5.00 Downton Abbey (T)(R) 6.00 Cornwall with Caroline Quentin (T) (R) 6.30 Regional News; Weather (T) 6.40 ITV News (T) 6.55 The Chase: Celebrity Special (T)
6.30 Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard (T)(R) 6.35 The Hoobs (T)(R) 7.00 London Triathlon (T) 7.55 Channel 4 Presents — Lee (T)(R) 8.00 Will & Grace (T)(R) 8.30 Will & Grace (T) (R) 8.55 Frasier (T)(R) 9.25 Frasier (T)(R) 10.00 Sunday Brunch (T) 12.35 The Big Bang Theory (T)(R) 1.05 The Big Bang Theory (T)(R) 1.30 The Simpsons (T)(R) 2.05 The Simpsons (T)(R) 2.35 FILM My Best Friend’s Wedding (1997) (12) (T) 4.35 Deal or No Deal (T) 5.35 FILM Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) (U) Animated adventure, with the voice of John Leguizamo. (T)
6.00 Milkshake! 10.00 Power Rangers Samurai (T) 10.35 Batman: The Brave and the Bold (T) 11.05 Looney Tunes (T)(R) 11.10 Extraordinary Dogs (T)(R) 11.40 Inside Hollywood (R) 11.50 Dallas (T)(R) 12.50 FILM The Cannonball Run (1981) (PG) Comedy, starring Burt Reynolds, Roger Moore and Dom DeLuise. (T) 2.45 FILM Hell to Eternity (1960) (12) Wartime drama, with David Janssen, Jeffrey Hunter, Vic Damone and Patricia Owens. (T) 5.10 FILM MacArthur (1977) (PG) Biopic, starring Gregory Peck and Ed Flanders. (T)
7.20 7.50
7.35 7.40
Andrew Marr’s History of the World, 9pm
7 8
Countryfile Matt Baker explores Northumberland’s bloody past, revealing why farmers had to build fortified houses, and Adam Henson finds out if dung beetles could help boost his crops. (T)
The Chase: Celebrity Special, 6.55pm
Built in Britain, 8pm
Extraordinary Dogs, 11.10am
Homeland, 9pm
Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson and James May pay tribute to Swedish car manufacturer Saab, and Doctor Who star Matt Smith gets behind the wheel of the Reasonably Priced Car. (T)(R)
Channel 4 News (T) A dating coach talks about relationships. (T) The Political Slot With Stratford-on-Avon MP Nadhim Zahawi. (T)
8.00 Antiques Roadshow New series. Fiona Bruce and the experts visit RAF Marham in Norfolk, home to the force’s longest-serving squadron, which this year celebrates its centenary. (T)
8.00 Built in Britain Part one of two. Evan Davis explores the engineering challenges facing 21st-century Britain and goes behind the scenes of projects updating the nation’s infrastructure. (T)
8.00 The X Factor Results Dermot O’Leary reveals the results of the public vote and the acts in the bottom two have to sing for survival. With performances by Leona Lewis and Ne-Yo. (T)
8.00 Kevin McCloud’s Man Made Home An experiment where dog excrement is used to create methane. (T)
9.00 Andrew Marr’s History of the World The spiritual revolutions that shook the world between 300BC and 700AD. (T)
9.00 Dragons’ Den Two graduates seek funding for their update of a 200-year-old invention, which they believe will create a new form of street advertising. (T)
9.00 Downton Abbey Branson’s political views land him in trouble, Ethel makes a difficult decision about her son’s future, Anna is dispirited by Bates’ silence, and Carson begins recruiting a footman. (T)
9.00 Homeland New series. Return of the award-winning thriller starring Claire Danes and Damian Lewis. Carrie’s mental health begins to improve — until an old asset resurfaces. (T)
10.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather (T) 10.25 Match of the Day 2 Including highlights of Newcastle United v Manchester United. (T)
10.05 ITV News; Weather (T) 10.20 The Classic Brit Awards 2012 Myleene Klass hosts the ceremony from the Royal Albert Hall in the presence of the Duchess of Cornwall. (T)
10.00 Mock the Week With guests Ed Byrne, Alun Cochrane and Gary Delaney. (T)(R) 10.30 Never Mind the Buzzcocks With Wretch 32, Gareth Malone and guest host Example. (T)(R)
11.45 FILM Halloween H20 (1998) (18) Horror sequel, starring Jamie Lee Curtis, Janet Leigh, Josh Hartnett and Michelle Williams. (T)
11.00 FILM The Quiet American (2002) (15) Drama based on Graham Greene’s novel, starring Michael Caine, Brendan Fraser and Do Thi Hai Yen. (T)
11.50 Premiership Rugby Union Action from the latest topflight fixtures, including Sale Sharks v Leicester Tigers, Gloucester v Bath and London Welsh v Saracens. (T)
10.05 Friday Night Dinner New series. Return of the comedy, starring Simon Bird and Tom Rosenthal. (T) 10.35 FILM Bruno (2009) (18) A gay Austrian fashion journalist becomes a public hate figure in his own country, and heads to America in search of celebrity with his adoring assistant in tow. Spoof documentary, starring Sacha Baron Cohen and Gustaf Hammarsten. (T)
1.05 The Sky at Night (T) 1.25 Weatherview (T) 1.30 Sign Zone: Andrew Marr’s History of the World (T)(R) 2.30 Holby City (T)(R) 3.30 The Paradise (T)(R) 4.30 BBC News (T)
12.35 Formula 1: Japanese Grand Prix Highlights Jake Humphrey introduces action from the Suzuka Circuit, where the 15th round of the season took place. (T)(R) 2.35 BBC News (T) 4.10 Close
12.35 The Store; ITV News Headlines. 2.40 British Superbike Championship Highlights (T) 3.30 Motorsport UK. Highlights from Knockhill. 4.20 ITV Nightscreen 5.30 ITV Morning News (T)
12.10 Comedy World Cup (T)(R) 1.05 American Football Live (T) 4.45 Grudge Match (T)(R) 4.50 Deal or No Deal. Game show, with Noel Edmonds. (T)(R) 5.45 Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard (T)(R)
6.55 Lewis 9.00 An Audience with Lionel Richie 10.05 FILM: Arthur (1981) (15). Comedy, starring Dudley Moore, Liza Minnelli and an Oscar-winning John Gielgud. Including FYI Daily. 12.10 Cracker 1.10 FILM: Sophie’s Choice (1982) (15). Emotional drama, starring Meryl Streep. 3.00 ITV3 Nightscreen 3.40 Emmerdale BBC3 SKY: 115 FV: 7 7.00 Be Your Own Boss 8.00 Gavin & Stacey 9.00 All American Dad Weekend 10.00 American Dad! 10.45 Family Guy 11.25 Cuckoo 11.55 Russell Howard’s Good News 12.25 Gavin & Stacey 1.25 7/7 Bombings: Conspiracy Road Trip 2.20 Be Your Own Boss 3.20 Cuckoo 3.50 Close. BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 Julia Bradbury’s Canal Walks 7.30 The Story of Light Entertainment 9.00 Neil Diamond: Solitary Man 10.00 Love Me Do 62 11.00 The Best of Kenny Everett’s Television Shows — Part 1 11.35 Best Possible Taste: The Kenny Everett Story 1.00 The Best of Kenny Everett’s Television Shows — Part 2 1.35 Mr Blue Sky: The Story of Jeff Lynne and ELO 2.35 ELO Live at Wembley 3.35 Close.
E4 SKY: 136 FV: 28
2.45 The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958) (U). Arabian fantasy adventure, with Kerwin Mathews. 4.30 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) (PG). Sci-fi adventure sequel, starring William Shatner. 6.55 She’s the Man (2006) (12). Romantic comedy, starring Amanda Bynes and Channing Tatum. 9.00 Keeping Mum (2005) (15). Comedy, starring Rowan Atkinson, Kristin Scott Thomas and Maggie Smith. 11.05 The Escapist (2008) (15). British jail-break thriller, starring Brian Cox. 1.05 William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet (1996) (12). Romantic drama, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. 3.30 Close. DAVE SKY: 111 FV: 12 7.15 India with Sanjeev Bhaskar 8.00 Top Gear 10.00 Man v Food Greatest Moments 11.00 Man v Food 12.00 Top Gear 2.00 Man v Food Greatest Moments 3.00 India with Sanjeev Bhaskar 4.00 Top Gear 5.00 Red Bull Cliff Diving 2012 5.30 Seaside Rescue 6.00 Top Gear 7.00 Man v Food Greatest Moments 8.00 India with Sanjeev Bhaskar 9.00 Russell Howard’s Good News Extra 2.35 Fifth Gear 3.00 Close.
ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6
6.00 Emmerdale 8.45 Coronation Street 11.15 The X Factor 1.40 Top Dog Model 2.40 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 2.50 FILM: Peter Pan (2003) (PG). Fantasy adventure, with Jeremy Sumpter and Rachel Hurd-Wood. 5.00 Take Me Out 6.05 Take Me Out — The Gossip 6.50 FILM: Back to the Future Part II (1989) (PG). Teenager Marty McFly travels into the future to save his kids from a terrible fate and ends up changing history. Sci-fi comedy sequel, with Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd. Including FYI Daily. 9.00 The Xtra Factor 10.00 The Only Way Is Essex 10.45 Girlfri3nds 11.45 Fearne and James Blunt 12.40 A Night with Beyoncé 1.45 Sextuplets — The Little Lambs 2.35 Teleshopping 5.35 ITV2 Nightscreen ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 Film File 6.10 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 8.20 Heartbeat 10.30 FILM: Agatha Christie’s Murder with Mirrors (1985) (PG). Mystery, starring Helen Hayes. 12.25 Hornblower 2.35 The Darling Buds of May 4.50 FILM: The Intelligence Men (1965) (U). Comedy, starring Morecambe and Wise.
6.00 Switched 6.50 One Tree Hill 7.45 T4: Scrubs 8.40 T4: Hollyoaks 11.20 T4: T4: Watch 11.40 T4: Smallville 12.35 T4: Rules of Engagement 1.35 T4: T4: Listen 1.55 T4: How I Met Your Mother 2.20 T4: Scrubs 3.20 Ugly Betty 4.15 New Girl 4.40 Suburgatory 5.10 Revenge 6.10 The Big Bang Theory 8.00 FILM: Crocodile Dundee (1986) (15). Comedy, starring Paul Hogan. 10.00 2 Broke Girls 10.30 The Inbetweeners 11.35 New Girl 12.05 The Cleveland Show 12.35 Meet the Parents 1.35 The Event 2.20 Dirty Sexy Money 3.00 Hollyoaks 5.05 Switched MORE4 SKY: 138 FV: 14 8.55 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 11.05 River Cottage Bites 11.25 Time Team 2.30 Come Dine with Me 5.10 Four in a Bed 7.55 River Cottage Veg 9.00 24 Hours in A&E 10.00 Father Ted 11.10 Embarrassing Bodies 12.15 24 Hours in A&E 1.15 Father Ted 2.25 Embarrassing Bodies 3.20 Close. FILM4 SKY: 315 FV: 15 11.00 Hills of Home (1948) (U) 1.00 Five Children and It (2004) (U). Fantasy, with Kenneth Branagh.
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sq. metre THE MOTOWN recliner sofa with sound system. MRP £1329. 10 YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL SOFAS. Shown with THE STUDIO stripe carpet. After Promotion £23.00 sq. metre. SAVE OVER 60%!
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5 News Weekend (T) FILM Dumb and Dumber (1994) (12) Dimwitted Rhode Island limousine driver Lloyd Christmas and his equally vacuous friend Harry Dunne embark on a disaster-fraught cross-country trip to Aspen, where they hope to reunite a briefcase with its lady owner. However, the pair are unaware the case contains a $1million ransom they would have been better leaving well alone. Farrelly brothers comedy, starring Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, Lauren Holly, Teri Garr and Mike Starr. (T)
10.00 FILM Shoot ‘Em Up (2007) (18) Premiere. A mysterious stranger delivers a baby, which he then has to protect from a horde of assassins. Action adventure, starring Clive Owen. (T) 11.45 FILM Kill Switch (2008) (18) Action adventure, starring Clive Owen, Paul Giamatti and Monica Bellucci. (T)
1.35 SuperCasino 4.00 The FBI Files (T)(R) 4.50 Rough Guide to Cities (T) (R) 5.00 Hana’s Helpline (T)(R) 5.10 The Milkshake! Show (T)(R) 5.35 Thomas & Friends (T)(R) 5.45 Roary the Racing Car (T)(R)
SKY1 SKY: 106
6.00 Hour of Power 7.00 The 10th Kingdom 8.00 Best of Oops TV 10.00 WWE Superstars 11.00 WWE: Experience 12.00 Ashley Banjo’s Secret Street Crew 1.00 Last Man Standing 2.30 The Middle 5.00 The Simpsons 6.30 Raising Hope 7.00 The Glee Project 8.00 A League of Their Own. With Gael Clichy and Dara O Briain. 9.00 Strike Back: Vengeance. Section 20 storms Knox’s facility. 10.00 Game of Thrones 11.15 Ross Kemp: Extreme World 12.15 A League of Their Own 1.15 Road Wars 2.55 Brit Cops: Law & Disorder 3.45 Road Wars 4.15 UK Border Force 5.05 Crash Test Dummies SKY ATLANTIC SKY: 108 6.00 The X Files 11.00 Seinfeld 12.00 The Petrol Age 1.00 The British 2.00 Star Trek: Voyager 7.00 The British 8.00 The Petrol Age 9.00 Awake 10.00 Blue Bloods 11.00 Friday Night Lights 12.00 Mad Men 1.00 Flight of the Conchords 1.35 The British 2.35 The Petrol Age 3.35 The Mortified Sessions 4.00 Love/Lust and Lingerie 5.00 Love/Lust and Power Couples
Thursday, October 4, 2012
post culture
Monday 8
EastEnders, 8pm
7 8 9 10 11 AFTER
6.00 Breakfast (T) 9.15 Helicopter Heroes A dog causes problems for the paramedics. (T) 10.00 Homes Under the Hammer Properties in Staffordshire, Kent and West Yorkshire; (T) BBC News; Weather. (T) 11.00 Britain’s Empty Homes (T) 11.30 Cash in the Attic; (T)(R) BBC News; Weather. (T) 12.15 Bargain Hunt (T) 1.00 BBC News; Weather (T) 1.30 Regional News; Weather (T) 1.45 Doctors (T) 2.15 Only Fools and Horses (T)(R) 3.05 CBBC 5.15 Pointless (T) 6.00 BBC News; Weather (T) 6.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather (T)
7.00 7.30
The One Show Hosted by Alex Jones and Matt Baker. (T) Fake Britain Fraudsters who take driving tests for other people; (T) BBC News; Regional News (T)
Channel 4
Channel 5
6.00 CBeebies 7.00 CBBC 8.25 CBeebies 11.00 Daily Politics Conference Special (T) 1.00 Restoration Roadshow (T)(R) 1.30 To Buy or Not to Buy (T)(R) 2.15 Weakest Link (T)(R) 3.00 Wanted Down Under (T)(R) 3.45 Paul Martin’s Handmade Revolution (T) 4.30 Breakaway New series. Game show, hosted by Nick Hancock. (T) 5.15 Antiques Road Trip (T) 6.00 Eggheads Quiz show, hosted by Jeremy Vine. (T) 6.30 Strictly Come Dancing — It Takes Two New series. Zoe Ball looks back at the weekend’s highlights. (T)
6.00 Daybreak (T) 8.30 Lorraine (T) 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show (T) 10.30 This Morning (T) 12.30 Loose Women With David Essex and Lemar. (T) 1.30 ITV News (T) 1.55 Regional News; Weather (T) 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal David Dickinson heads to Crewe in Cheshire. (T) 3.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show With Robert Powell. (T) 3.59 Regional Weather (T) 4.00 May the Best House Win Vive la France Four properties in Vienne, western France. (T) 5.00 The Chase (T) 6.00 Regional News; Weather (T) 6.30 ITV News (T)
6.05 The Treacle People (T)(R) 6.15 The Hoobs (T)(R) 7.05 Freshly Squeezed (T) 7.35 According to Jim (T)(R) 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond (T)(R) 9.00 Frasier (T)(R) 10.00 Undercover Boss USA (T) 11.00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun (T) 12.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary (T) 12.05 Come Dine with Me (T) 1.35 Come Dine with Me (T) 2.05 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent (T)(R) 3.10 Countdown (T) 4.00 Deal or No Deal (T) 5.00 Come Dine with Me (T)(R) 6.00 The Simpsons (T)(R) 6.30 Hollyoaks (T)
6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 The Wright Stuff 11.10 Trisha (T) 12.00 Inside Hollywood 12.10 5 News Lunchtime (T) 12.15 CSI: Miami (T) (R) 1.15 Home and Away (T) 1.45 Neighbours (T) 2.15 CSI: NY Danny is suspected of killing a police officer. (T)(R) 3.15 FILM Wild Hearts (2006) (PG) Drama, starring Richard Thomas. (T) 4.55 Chinese Food in Minutes Oriental cooking. (T)(R) 5.00 5 News at 5 (T) 5.30 Neighbours (T)(R) 6.00 Home and Away Ruby hatches a plan to get Indi out of Romeo’s life for good. (T) (R) 6.30 5 News at 6.30 (T)
The Many Faces of June Whitfield The comedy actress tells the story of her career, focusing on her early days in the West End, her ill-fated Broadway debut and her TV and radio performances. (T)(R)
7.00 7.30
Classic Car Rescue, 8pm
8 Out of 10 Cats, 10pm
Monroe, 9pm
Wonderland: I Was Once a Beauty Queen, 9pm
Emmerdale Chas makes a confession about the burglary. (T) Coronation Street Deirdre decides to track Ken’s movements. (T)
7.00 7.55
Channel 4 News (T) (T)
Being Liverpool The squad return to England following their pre-season tour to America; (T)(R) 5 News Update (T)
8.00 EastEnders Cora persuades Lola to fight for her daughter. (T) 8.30 Return of the Supergrass — Panorama The new wave of criminals giving evidence against their own in court. (T)
8.00 University Challenge With teams from the University of Bath and the University of Liverpool. (T) 8.30 Nigellissima Featuring pork loin stuffed with oregano and Parma ham. (T)
8.00 Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs A couple hope to adopt Paul’s favourite dog. (T) 8.30 Coronation Street Deirdre confronts Ken about his friendship with Wendy. (T)
8.00 Secrets of Your Boss’s Pay: Channel 4 Dispatches Michael Darrington investigates executive salaries. (T) 8.30 Food Unwrapped Seafood sticks and British wine. (T)
8.00 Classic Car Rescue Bernie Fineman and Mario Pacione get to grips with one of the most popular sportscars in British motoring history as they try to restore a rusting MGB GT; (T) 5 News at 9 (T)
9.00 New Tricks Sandra and the team unearth the 10-year-old case of a poet from Belfast whose burnt body was found in the scrapyard of a known gangster. (T)
9.00 Wonderland: I Was Once a Beauty Queen Interviews with former British beauty pageant winners. (T)
9.00 Monroe The neurosurgeon finds himself having to choose between trainees Springer and Wilson, and operates on a woman with a brain tumour in one of his most challenging cases to date. (T)
9.00 999: What’s Your Emergency? Dealing with money-related issues. (T)
10.00 BBC News (T) 10.25 Regional News; Weather (T) 10.35 The Town That Never Retired Part one of two. Fourteen pensioners return to full-time work. (T)(R)
10.00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks Another round of the comedy music quiz, as a guest host tests the pop knowledge of teams captained by Phill Jupitus and Noel Fielding. (T) 10.30 Newsnight; (T) Weather (T)
10.00 ITV News and Weather (T) 10.30 Regional News; Weather (T) 10.35 The Great Train Robbery Exploring the August 1963 heist, featuring interviews with key figures. (T)
10.00 8 Out of 10 Cats New series. Irreverent panel show, hosted by Jimmy Carr. (T) 10.50 Alan Carr: Chatty Man With Paddy McGuinness, Conor Maynard and the Dragons’ Den panellists. (T)(R)
9.00 FILM Step Brothers (2008) (15) Brennan and Dale are two 40-year-old men who have never flown the nest. All that changes when Brennan’s mother marries Dale’s father, and the spoiled sons are forced to share a room. They take an instant dislike to each other, but when their longsuffering parents finally insist they find jobs, they learn to work together. Comedy, with Will Ferrell, John C Reilly and Mary Steenburgen. (T)
11.35 FILM Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003) (12) Period drama, with Scarlett Johansson, Colin Firth, Tom Wilkinson, Judy Parfitt and Cillian Murphy. (T)
11.20 Today at Conference Highlights from the Conservative Party Conference. (T) 11.50 Dragons’ Den (T)(R)
11.35 Grimefighters A run-down bric-a-brac shop is raided. Narrated by John Sergeant. (T)(R)
11.55 Random Acts Established artists and amateurs showcase their three-minute films, chosen for bold and original expressions of creativity. (T)
11.00 FILM Kingdom of Heaven (2005) (15) Ridley Scott’s historical epic, starring Orlando Bloom, Eva Green, Liam Neeson and Edward Norton. (T)
1.10 Weatherview (T) 1.15 Sign Zone: Wartime Farm. Conditions faced by British farmers in 1940. (T) (R) 2.15 China on Four Wheels (T)(R) 3.15 Masters of Money (T)(R) 4.15 BBC News (T)
12.50 Richard Hammond’s Crash Course The host heads to a salvage yard in Louisiana. Last in the series. (T) 1.40 BBC News (T) 4.00 BBC Learning Zone (T)
12.05 Jackpot247; ITV News Headlines. 3.00 Champions League Weekly (T) 3.25 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. 4.35 The Jeremy Kyle Show (T)(R) 5.30 ITV Morning News (T)
12.00 Shameless (T)(R) 1.00 The Good Wife (T) 1.40 The Good Wife (T) 2.25 FILM Ask the Dust (2006) (15) (T) 4.20 Enough (T)(R) 4.25 Deal or No Deal (T)(R) 5.20 Countdown (T)(R)
1.40 SuperCasino 3.55 Great Scientists. Profile of the philosopher Aristotle. (T)(R) 4.20 House Doctor (T)(R) 4.45 Michaela’s Wild Challenge (T)(R) 5.10 Wildlife SOS (T)(R) 5.35 Wildlife SOS (T)(R)
10.00 Scott & Bailey 11.00 Law & Order: UK 12.00 Wycliffe 1.10 Only When I Laugh 1.35 Home to Roost 2.05 ITV3 Nightscreen 2.30 Teleshopping BBC3 SKY: 115 FV: 7 7.00 Don’t Tell the Bride 8.00 One Direction at the Radio 1 Teen Awards 9.00 Creationism: Conspiracy Road Trip 10.00 Russell Howard’s Good News 10.30 EastEnders 11.00 Family Guy 11.45 American Dad Weekend Viewers’ Vote No 10 12.10 American Dad Weekend Viewers’ Vote No 9 12.30 Creationism: Conspiracy Road Trip 1.30 One Direction at the Radio 1 Teen Awards 2.30 Russell Howard’s Good News 3.00 Be Your Own Boss BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 World News Today; Weather 7.30 Tales from the National Parks 8.30 Only Connect 9.00 Magnificent Machines: The Golden Age of the British Sports Car 10.00 Ford’s Dagenham Dream 11.00 The Shock of the New 12.00 The Man Who Sculpted Hares: Barry Flanagan, A Life 1.00 Only Connect 1.30 Tales from the National Parks 2.30 Magnificent Machines: The Golden Age of the British Sports Car 3.30 Close.
E4 SKY: 136 FV: 28
10.40 Embarrassing Bodies 11.40 Come Dine with Me 12.50 Grand Designs Australia 1.55 Win a Baby 2.25 Embarrassing Bodies 3.30 Close. FILM4 SKY: 315 FV: 15 11.00 Drums Along the Mohawk (1939) (PG) 1.05 The Password Is Courage (1962) (U) 3.20 Bad Day at Black Rock (1955) (PG) 5.00 Anastasia (1956) (U) 7.05 Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging (2008) (12) 9.00 The Ugly Truth (2009) (15). Romantic comedy, starring Gerard Butler. 10.50 On the Road Interview Special 11.00 The Motorcycle Diaries (2004) (15) 1.30 The Exiles (1961) (12) DAVE SKY: 111 FV: 12 7.10 Dragons’ Den 9.00 Top Gear 11.00 The Gadget Show 12.00 Red Bull Cliff Diving 2012 12.30 Seaside Rescue 1.00 Top Gear 3.00 Traffic Cops 4.00 Shooting Stars 4.40 Have I Got News for You 5.20 QI 6.00 Top Gear 7.00 Traffic Cops 8.00 Red Bull X-Fighters 2012 9.00 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 11.00 Frank Skinner’s Opinionated 11.40 QI 12.20 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 2.00 Shooting Stars 2.30 Frank Skinner’s Opinionated 3.00 Close.
ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6
6.00 Emmerdale 6.25 Coronation Street 7.15 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 8.05 Judge Judy 9.25 The Real Housewives of Orange County 10.30 Beauty and the Geek 11.30 Judge Judy 12.00 Emmerdale 12.30 Coronation Street 1.30 The Jeremy Kyle Show 3.40 The Real Housewives of Orange County 4.40 Beauty and the Geek 5.30 Judge Judy 6.00 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 7.00 The X Factor Results 8.00 The Xtra Factor 9.00 FILM: The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) (12) 11.15 Celebrity Juice 12.00 The Only Way Is Essex 12.45 Sleep Walkers: Secrets of the Night 1.40 Coronation Street 2.30 Teleshopping ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 Heartbeat 6.55 The Royal 8.00 Dr Quinn: Medicine Woman 9.00 The Store 10.00 Only When I Laugh 10.35 Home to Roost 11.05 Rising Damp 11.35 Kavanagh QC 1.15 Heartbeat 2.15 The Royal 3.20 Murder, She Wrote 4.20 Rising Damp 4.55 Home to Roost 5.25 Only When I Laugh 5.55 Heartbeat 6.55 Murder, She Wrote 7.55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9.00 Martina Cole’s Lady Killers
6.00 Switched 6.45 Smallville 7.25 One Tree Hill 8.10 Scrubs 9.10 Smallville 10.10 Ugly Betty 11.05 Desperate Housewives 12.00 Scrubs 12.30 Hollyoaks 1.00 How I Met Your Mother 2.00 The Big Bang Theory 3.00 Desperate Housewives 4.00 Ugly Betty 5.00 How I Met Your Mother 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 How I Met Your Mother 8.00 New Girl 8.30 Suburgatory 9.00 Revenge 10.00 50 Greatest Plastic Surgery Shockers 12.05 The Big Bang Theory 1.00 How I Met Your Mother 1.30 Scrubs 2.00 Rude Tube 2.55 Balls of Steel Australia 3.50 My Name Is Earl 4.35 90210 MORE4 SKY: 138 FV: 14 8.55 Location, Location, Location 10.00 Four in a Bed 10.35 Location, Location, Location 11.05 Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard 11.30 FILM: Indiscreet (1958) (PG) 1.30 Time Team 3.35 Four Rooms 4.40 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 5.45 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 6.50 Come Dine with Me 7.55 Grand Designs 9.00 Grand Designs Australia 10.05 Win a Baby
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sq. metre THE MOTOWN recliner sofa with sound system. MRP £1329. 10 YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL SOFAS. Shown with THE STUDIO stripe carpet. After Promotion £23.00 sq. metre. SAVE OVER 60%!
For your nearest store or to order online visit or call 0800 731 0048
SKY1 SKY: 106
6.00 Best of Oops TV 7.00 Modern Family 7.30 The Middle 8.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 9.00 Road Wars 10.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 12.00 Stargate SG-1 2.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 3.00 Stargate SG-1 5.00 Futurama 6.00 Last Man Standing 6.30 The Simpsons 8.00 A League of Their Own 9.00 An Idiot Abroad 2. Karl Pilkington watches whales in Alaska. 10.00 Ross Kemp: Extreme World 11.00 Road Wars 12.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 1.00 Road Wars 2.00 99 Most Bizarre 3.45 UK Border Force 4.35 Best of Oops TV 5.30 Airline SKY ATLANTIC SKY: 108 6.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 7.00 Star Trek: Voyager 8.00 The X Files 9.00 ER 10.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 12.00 Star Trek: Voyager 1.00 ER 2.00 House 4.00 Star Trek: Voyager 5.00 ER 6.00 House 8.00 Seinfeld 9.00 Ronna and Beverly 10.00 Hunderby 10.30 Flight of the Conchords 11.05 Seinfeld 12.05 Ronna and Beverly 1.05 Hunderby 1.35 Flight of the Conchords 2.10 The X Files 4.05 Love/Lust and the Little Black Dress 5.00 The X Files
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Tuesday 9 BBC2
Channel 4
Channel 5
6.00 Breakfast (T) 9.15 Helicopter Heroes (T) 10.00 Homes Under the Hammer; (T)(R) BBC News; Weather. (T) 11.00 Britain’s Empty Homes (T) 11.30 Cash in the Attic; (T)(R) BBC News; Weather. (T) 12.15 Bargain Hunt (T)(R) 1.00 BBC News; Weather (T) 1.30 Regional News; Weather (T) 1.45 Doctors (T) 2.15 Only Fools and Horses Del becomes a showbiz manager. (T)(R) 3.05 CBBC 5.15 Pointless Quiz show, hosted by Alexander Armstrong. (T) 6.00 BBC News; Weather (T) 6.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather (T)
6.00 CBeebies 7.00 CBBC 8.25 CBeebies 11.30 BBC World News (T) 12.00 Daily Politics Conference Special (T) 1.00 Restoration Roadshow (T)(R) 1.30 To Buy or Not to Buy (T)(R) 2.15 Weakest Link (T)(R) 3.00 Wanted Down Under (T)(R) 3.45 Paul Martin’s Handmade Revolution (T) 4.30 Breakaway (T) 5.15 Antiques Road Trip James Braxton and Charles Hanson head to the Isle of Wight. (T) 6.00 Eggheads Quiz show. (T) 6.30 Strictly Come Dancing – It Takes Two Karen Hardy analyses the couples’ choreography. (T)
6.00 Daybreak (T) 8.30 Lorraine (T) 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show (T) 10.30 This Morning (T) 12.30 Loose Women With singer Chris de Burgh. (T) 1.30 ITV News (T) 1.55 Regional News; Weather (T) 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal (T) 3.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show Features, music and conversation. (T) 3.59 Regional Weather (T) 4.00 May the Best House Win – Viva Espana Four homeowners compete in Torrevieja, Spain. (T) 5.00 The Chase Quiz show, hosted by Bradley Walsh. (T) 6.00 Regional News; Weather (T) 6.30 ITV News (T)
6.05 The Treacle People (T)(R) 6.15 The Hoobs (T)(R) 7.05 Freshly Squeezed (T) 7.35 According to Jim (T)(R) 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond (T)(R) 9.00 Frasier (T)(R) 10.00 Undercover Boss USA (T) 11.00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun (T) 12.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary (T) 12.05 Come Dine with Me (T) 2.05 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent (T)(R) 3.10 Countdown Word game, with Matt Allwright in Dictionary Corner. (T) 4.00 Deal or No Deal (T) 5.00 Come Dine with Me (T)(R) 6.00 The Simpsons (T)(R) 6.30 Hollyoaks (T)
6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 The Wright Stuff 11.10 Trisha (T) 12.00 Looney Tunes (T)(R) 12.10 5 News Lunchtime (T) 12.15 CSI: Miami (T) (R) 1.15 Home and Away (T) 1.45 Neighbours (T) 2.15 CSI: NY Mac’s testimony at a murder trial is questioned by the defendant. (T)(R) 3.10 FILM Unstable (2009) (12) Thriller, starring Shiri Appleby. (T) 4.55 Looney Tunes (T)(R) 5.00 5 News at 5 (T) 5.30 Neighbours Andrew’s desperation puts Aidan in a difficult position. (T)(R) 6.00 Home and Away (T)(R) 6.30 5 News at 6.30 (T)
7.00 7.55
The Paradise, 9pm
7 8 9 10 11 AFTER
tv post culture
The One Show Another mix of nationwide reports and live studio-based chat, hosted by Matt Baker and Alex Jones. (T) EastEnders Phil refuses to help Lola and Billy; (T) BBC News; Regional News (T)
The Martin Lewis Money Show, 7.30pm
Later Live – with Jools Holland, 10pm
The Story of Wales: Furnace of Change Huw Edwards focuses on the Industrial Revolution as he continues his exploration of Welsh history. (T)
Emergency Bikers Mark Hayes tries to treat a protester suffering a suspected heart attack; (T)(R) 5 News Update (T)
9.00 Jewish Mum of the Year New series. Competition in which eight women compete for the title. Their first challenge is to organise a bar mitzvah to impress judges Tracy-Ann Oberman and Dovid Katz. (T)
9.00 Person of Interest Reese and Finch are taken aback when the machine’s latest number belongs to Joss Carter – the detective who is perilously close to uncovering their secret operation. (T)
10.10 ITV News (T) 10.40 Regional News; Weather (T) 10.45 FILM Parenthood (1989) (15) An anxious family man struggles to be a better parent to his three children than his own father was to him. Comedy drama, starring Steve Martin, Keanu Reeves, Mary Steenburgen, Jason Robards and Dianne Wiest. (T)
10.00 Fresh Meat New series. Kingsley reinvents himself for spring term. (T) 10.55 8 Out of 10 Cats Irreverent panel show, hosted by Jimmy Carr. (T)(R)
10.00 CSI: NY Mac uncovers a murder on board a commercial flight from New York to Washington DC and sets up a makeshift crime lab using hastily improvised apparatus to catch the killer. (T)(R)
11.45 Random Acts (T) 11.50 C4 Comedy Presents: Them from That Thing Part one of two. Sketch show, starring Kayvan Novak and Sally Phillips. (T)(R)
11.00 CSI: NY A murder leaves the chief of police feeling nervous. Crime drama, starring Gary Sinise. (T)(R) 11.55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (T)(R)
12.50 BBC News (T) 4.00 BBC Learning Zone (T)
1.00 Jackpot247; ITV News Headlines. 3.00 Golden Balls. Game show, hosted by Jasper Carrott. (T) (R) 3.50 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. 5.30 ITV Morning News (T)
12.25 European Poker Tour 1.20 Hannah 1.25 KOTV Boxing Weekly 1.55 Sailing 2.20 International Volleyball 3.10 Bullrun 3.40 British F3 4.05 Ironman 2012 4.35 FIM Superbike World Championship 2012 5.00 Brief Encounters of the Sporting Mind 5.10 London Triathlon
12.45 Forensic Files (T)(R) 1.10 SuperCasino 3.55 Great Scientists (T)(R) 4.20 House Doctor (T)(R) 4.45 Michaela’s Wild Challenge (T)(R) 5.10 Wildlife SOS (T)(R) 5.35 Wildlife SOS (T)(R)
11.00 Law & Order: UK 12.05 Cracker 1.10 Monk 1.55 Film File 2.00 ITV3 Nightscreen 2.30 Teleshopping BBC3 SKY: 115 FV: 7 7.00 Total Wipeout 8.00 Creationism: Conspiracy Road Trip 9.00 Don’t Tell the Bride 10.00 Cuckoo 10.30 EastEnders 11.00 Family Guy 11.45 American Dad Weekend Viewers’ Vote No 8 12.10 American Dad Weekend Viewers’ Vote No 7 12.30 Cuckoo 1.00 Don’t Tell the Bride 2.00 Russell Howard’s Good News 2.30 Celebrity B****slap News 2.50 Creationism: Conspiracy Road Trip 3.50 Close. BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 World News Today; Weather 7.30 Great British Railway Journeys 8.00 Lost Cities of the Ancients 9.00 Dinosaurs, Myths and Monsters 10.00 Lilyhammer 10.45 Edna O’Brien: Life Stories 11.40 Lost Cities of the Ancients 12.40 Inspector Montalbano 2.20 Dinosaurs, Myths and Monsters E4 SKY: 136 FV: 28 6.00 Switched 6.45 Smallville 7.25 One Tree Hill 8.10 Scrubs 9.10 Smallville 10.10 Ugly Betty
11.05 Desperate Housewives 12.00 Scrubs 12.30 Hollyoaks 1.00 How I Met Your Mother 2.00 The Big Bang Theory 3.00 Desperate Housewives 4.00 Ugly Betty 5.00 How I Met Your Mother 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 How I Met Your Mother 8.30 The Big Bang Theory 9.00 New Girl 9.30 Suburgatory 10.00 The Cleveland Show 11.00 Rude Tube 12.00 The Big Bang Theory 1.00 Rude Tube: Viral Ads 2.05 The Ricky Gervais Show 2.30 How I Met Your Mother 2.55 Scrubs 3.20 90210 4.00 One Tree Hill 4.40 Being Erica 5.20 Switched MORE4 SKY: 138 FV: 14 8.55 Location, Location, Location 10.00 Four in a Bed 10.35 Location, Location, Location 11.10 River Cottage Bites 11.20 FILM: Sands of Iwo Jima (1949) (PG). Second World War adventure, starring John Wayne. 1.30 Time Team 3.35 Four Rooms 4.40 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 5.45 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 6.50 Come Dine with Me 7.55 Grand Designs 9.00 The World’s Largest Snake 10.00 Jews at Ten 10.35 Curb Your Enthusiasm 11.15 Embarrassing Bodies
12.15 The Mayan Apocalypse 2012 1.20 Jews at Ten 1.50 Curb Your Enthusiasm 2.25 Embarrassing Bodies 3.30 Close. FILM4 SKY: 315 FV: 15 11.00 Stalag 17 (1953) (PG) 1.20 Winchester ‘73 (1950) (U). Western, starring James Stewart. 3.10 They Who Dare (1954) (U). Second World War drama, starring Dirk Bogarde. 5.20 Titanic (1997) (12). Romantic drama, starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio. 9.00 Transporter 2 (2005) (15). Action thriller sequel, starring Jason Statham. 10.40 Unfaithful (2002) (15). Thriller, starring Diane Lane. 1.05 And When Did You Last See Your Father? (2007) (12) 3.05 Close. DAVE SKY: 111 FV: 12 7.10 Dragons’ Den 9.00 Top Gear 11.00 The Gadget Show 12.00 Dragons’ Den 1.00 Top Gear 3.00 Traffic Cops 4.00 Shooting Stars 4.40 Have I Got News for You 5.20 QI 6.00 Top Gear 7.00 Traffic Cops 8.00 Top Gear 9.00 QI XL 11.00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 11.40 QI 12.20 QI XL 1.20 Shooting Stars 1.50 Have I Got News for You 2.20 Peep Show 3.00 Close.
9.00 The Paradise A baby is abandoned in the store, and Moray’s first thought is to turn the child’s appearance into a marketing opportunity. Miss Audrey bans Denise from sharing any more ideas. (T)
9.00 Ian Hislop’s Stiff Upper Lip – An Emotional History of Britain Victorian attitudes to emotion and stoicism. (T)
10.00 BBC News (T) 10.25 Regional News; Weather; (T) National Lottery Update (T) 10.35 The Town That Never Retired Part two of two. The OAP workers are pitted against young job-seekers. (T)(R)
10.00 Later Live – with Jools Holland With John Cale, Jessie Ware, the Vaccines, Sharon Van Etten and Beth Hart. (T) 10.30 Newsnight; (T) Weather (T)
11.35 FILM Wonder Boys (2000) (15) Drama, starring Michael Douglas, Tobey Maguire, Frances McDormand, Robert Downey Jr, Katie Holmes and Rip Torn. (T)
11.20 Today at Conference From the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham. (T) 11.50 The Choir: Sing While You Work (T)(R)
1.20 Weatherview (T) 1.25 Sign Zone: Watchdog (T)(R) 2.25 The Town That Never Retired (T)(R) 3.25 Celebrity MasterChef. Two of the final eight contestants are eliminated. (T)(R) 3.55 BBC News (T)
Channel 4 News (T) A woman explains why she left the Jehovah’s Witness faith. (T)
8.00 The Hollywood Hillside Strangler: Born to Kill? The crimes of serial killers Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono; (T) 5 News Update (T)
8.00 The Great British Bake Off The four remaining contestants vie for a place in the final, tackling three classic patisserie confections – petits fours, choux gateaux, and fraisier cakes. (T)
6.00 Emmerdale 6.25 Coronation Street 7.15 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 8.05 Judge Judy 9.25 The Real Housewives of Orange County 10.30 Beauty and the Geek 11.30 Judge Judy 12.00 Emmerdale 12.30 Coronation Street 1.30 The Jeremy Kyle Show 3.40 The Real Housewives of Orange County 4.40 Beauty and the Geek 5.30 Judge Judy 6.00 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 7.00 Take Me Out 8.00 Take Me Out — The Gossip 8.45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 9.00 FILM: Sleepy Hollow (1999) (15) 11.10 Girlfri3nds 12.05 The X Factor Results 1.05 The Xtra Factor 2.05 Life’s Funniest Moments 2.30 Teleshopping ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 Heartbeat 6.55 The Royal 8.00 Dr Quinn: Medicine Woman 9.00 The Store 10.00 Only When I Laugh 10.35 Home to Roost 11.05 Rising Damp 11.40 Kavanagh QC 1.15 Heartbeat 2.15 The Royal 3.20 Murder, She Wrote 4.20 Rising Damp 4.55 Home to Roost 5.25 Only When I Laugh 5.55 Heartbeat 7.00 Murder, She Wrote 8.00 Midsomer Murders 10.00 Above Suspicion: Deadly Intent
Emmerdale Charity and Carl shake on a deal. (T) The Martin Lewis Money Show The financial journalist presents money-saving tips to help consumers cope with the current economic climate. (T)
8.00 Double Your House for Half the Money Helping families in Buckinghamshire and London. (T)
8.00 Holby City Chrissie’s hopes for a quiet wedding are thwarted when the secret gets out, and she begins to have second thoughts. Luc catches Eddi stealing drugs from a patient. (T)
ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6
Person of Interest, 9pm
Fresh Meat, 10pm
8.00 FILM Mamma Mia! (2008) (PG) A former member of a singing trio running a hotel on a Greek island is reunited with her old bandmates for her daughter’s wedding – but is surprised when three of her old flames also show up unexpectedly. The three men have been invited by the bride, who wants to find out which one of them is her father. Musical comedy, with a soundtrack of Abba songs, starring Meryl Streep. (T)
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sq. metre THE MOTOWN recliner sofa with sound system. MRP £1329. 10 YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL SOFAS. Shown with THE STUDIO stripe carpet. After Promotion £23.00 sq. metre. SAVE OVER 60%!
For your nearest store or to order online visit or call 0800 731 0048
SKY1 SKY: 106
6.00 Best of Oops TV 7.00 Modern Family 7.30 The Middle 8.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 9.00 Road Wars 10.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 12.00 Stargate SG-1 2.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 3.00 Stargate SG-1 5.00 Futurama 6.00 Last Man Standing 6.30 The Simpsons 8.00 Road Wars 9.00 Strike Back: Vengeance 10.00 FILM: Ocean’s Thirteen (2007) (PG). Comedy crime caper sequel, with George Clooney. 12.20 Road Wars 3.05 UK Border Force 4.45 Best of Oops TV 5.35 Airline SKY ATLANTIC SKY: 108 6.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 7.00 Star Trek: Voyager 8.00 The X Files 9.00 ER 10.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 12.00 Star Trek: Voyager 1.00 ER 2.00 House 4.00 Star Trek: Voyager 5.00 ER 6.00 House 8.00 Friday Night Lights 9.00 Awake 10.00 House of Lies 10.35 Nurse Jackie 11.10 Mad Men 12.10 The Sopranos 1.25 The British 2.25 The Mortified Sessions 2.55 Blue Bloods: Meet the Characters 3.05 Love/Lust and the Little Black Dress 4.00 Love/Lust and the Bikini 5.00 The X Files
Thursday, October 4, 2012
post culture
Wednesday 10 BBC2
Channel 4
Channel 5
6.00 Breakfast (T) 9.15 Helicopter Heroes (T) 10.00 Homes Under the Hammer; (T) BBC News; Weather. (T) 11.00 Britain’s Empty Homes (T) 11.30 Cash in the Attic; (T)(R) BBC News; Weather. (T) 12.15 Bargain Hunt (T) 1.00 BBC News; Weather (T) 1.30 Regional News; Weather (T) 1.45 Doctors (T) 2.15 Only Fools and Horses (T)(R) 3.05 CBBC 5.15 Pointless Quiz show, withy Alexander Armstrong. (T) 6.00 BBC News; Weather (T) 6.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather (T) 6.55 Party Political Broadcast By the Conservative Party. (T)(R)
6.00 CBeebies 7.00 CBBC 8.25 CBeebies 11.00 Daily Politics Conference Special (T) 1.00 See Hear (T) 1.30 To Buy or Not to Buy (T)(R) 2.10 Weakest Link (T)(R) 2.55 Wanted Down Under (T)(R) 3.40 Paul Martin’s Handmade Revolution (T) 4.25 Breakaway (T) 5.10 Antiques Road Trip Antiques experts compete to make the most money at auction. (T) 5.55 Party Political Broadcast By the Conservative Party. (T) 6.00 Eggheads Quiz show, hosted by Jeremy Vine. (T) 6.30 Strictly Come Dancing – It Takes Two (T)
6.00 Daybreak (T) 8.30 Lorraine (T) 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show (T) 10.30 This Morning (T) 12.30 Loose Women (T) 1.30 ITV News (T) 1.55 Regional News; Weather (T) 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal (T) 3.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show (T) 3.59 Regional Weather (T) 4.00 May the Best House Win Vive la France Four homeowners invite cameras into their Dordogne properties. (T) 5.00 The Chase Quiz show, hosted by Bradley Walsh. (T) 6.00 Regional News; Weather (T) 6.25 Party Political Broadcast By the Conservative Party. (T) 6.30 ITV News (T)
6.05 The Treacle People (T)(R) 6.15 The Hoobs (T)(R) 7.05 Freshly Squeezed (T) 7.35 According to Jim (T)(R) 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond (T)(R) 9.00 Frasier (T)(R) 10.00 Undercover Boss USA (T) 11.00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun (T) 12.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary (T) 12.05 Come Dine with Me (T) 1.05 Come Dine with Me (T) 1.35 Come Dine with Me (T) 2.05 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent (T)(R) 3.10 Countdown (T) 4.00 Deal or No Deal (T) 5.00 Come Dine with Me (T)(R) 6.00 The Simpsons (T)(R) 6.30 Hollyoaks (T)
6.00 Milkshake! 9.15 The Wright Stuff 11.10 Trisha (T) 12.00 Looney Tunes (T)(R) 12.10 5 News Lunchtime (T) 12.15 CSI: Miami (T) (R) 1.15 Home and Away (T) 1.45 Neighbours (T) 2.15 CSI: NY Mac gets caught up in a shooting. (T)(R) 3.10 FILM Hidden Places (2006) (PG) Romantic drama, with Sydney Penny and Jason Gedrick. (T) 4.55 Looney Tunes (T)(R) 5.00 5 News at 5 (T) 5.30 Neighbours Lucas urges Toadie to defend Chris in court. (T) (R) 6.00 Home and Away Ruby decides whether to turn herself in. (T)(R) 6.30 5 News at 6.30 (T)
Emmerdale Jimmy tries to put Carl off the idea of pursuing a relationship with Chas. (T) Coronation Street Sally tries to make peace between Michelle and Ryan. (T)
7.00 7.55
Channel 4 News (T) (T)
Who Do You Think You Are?, 9pm
7 8 9 10 11 AFTER
The One Show Matt Baker and Alex Jones present the live magazine show featuring topical reports from around the UK and big-name studio guests; (T) BBC News; Regional News (T)
DCI Banks, 9pm
Great British Food Revival, 8pm
The Story of Wales: A New Beginning Huw Edwards continues his exploration of Welsh history by analysing the boom of the coal industry, and its equally dramatic demise. (T)
New Emergency Bikers, 8pm
Grand Designs, 9pm
Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers Neil Shakeshaft’s driving skills are pushed to the limit as he takes charge of a 61ft road train; (T)(R) 5 News Update (T)
8.00 Watchdog Anne Robinson and the team investigate why home-owners face a hike in insurance premiums to cover potential flood damage – even if their properties are in lowrisk areas. (T)
8.00 Great British Food Revival New series. The show exploring British produce returns. Michel Roux Jr uncovers the past, present and future of strawberries, and James Martin celebrates watercress. (T)
8.00 All Star Mr & Mrs With Celebrity Big Brother finalist Martin Kemp and wife Shirlie Holliman, actress Jennifer Ellison and husband Rob, and magician Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee. (T)
The Food Hospital The brainenhancing power of blueberries, a cholesterol-lowering food plan for an obese actor worried about his health and claims that onions could rival aspirin as a blood thinner. (T)
8.00 New Emergency Bikers Policewoman Lucy Watson is called out to assist a lorry driver stuck in the Essex salt marshes after being caught by the tide; (T) 5 News at 9 (T)
9.00 Who Do You Think You Are? Actress Celia Imrie, who comes from a long line of aristocrats on her mother’s side, traces her illustrious heritage, uncovering tales of political intrigue and treason. (T)
9.00 Welcome to India Following three people who make their living from recycling in Kolkata and Mumbai, including a man who renders beef fat into tallow and a woman facing pressure from gangsters. (T)
9.00 DCI Banks New series. Part one of two. The detective goes in search of his estranged brother, just as new recruit Helen Morton finds evidence linking Banks to the body of a murder victim. (T)
9.00 Grand Designs Kevin McCloud follows Lysette and Nigel Offley, who are knocking down an old Thames boathouse and constructing a cutting-edge home in its place. (T)
9.00 Dallas Harris Ryland withdraws his oil tankers from Southfork, putting JR’s plans in jeopardy – but he turns the situation to his advantage by challenging John Ross to find a solution. (T)
10.00 BBC News (T) 10.25 Regional News; Weather (T) 10.35 The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws Presented by OJ Borg. (T) 10.45 Not Going Out Lee checks himself for lumps. (T)(R)
10.00 The Culture Show Tom Dyckhoff examines the six buildings shortlisted for this year’s Stirling Prize for architecture. (T) 10.30 Newsnight; (T) Weather (T)
10.00 ITV News and Weather (T) 10.30 Regional News; Weather (T) 10.35 Exposure An investigation into bribes offered to foreign government officials by some of Britain’s best-known companies. (T)
10.00 Shameless Karen suspects Jamie is cheating and turns to Gloria for help, unaware she is the other woman, while Marty proposes to Kelly, but a letter from his children may cause problems. (T)
10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Benson tries to help a woman who was beaten and raped. (T)(R) 10.55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The team searches for a teenager. (T)(R)
11.15 FILM Sliding Doors (1998) (15) A London woman’s entire future hinges on a seemingly minor but pivotal moment. Drama, with Gwyneth Paltrow; (T) National Lottery Update (T)
11.20 Today at Conference (T) 11.50 FILM Storyville: Tabloid – Sex in Chains (2010) (15) Premiere. Errol Morris’ documentary about a notorious kidnapping case. (T)
11.35 Take Me Out A postman, a personal trainer, a musician and a student try to impress a new line-up of 30 single women. Dating show, hosted by Paddy McGuinness. (T)(R)
11.05 Random Acts Short creative films. (T) 11.10 2 Broke Girls The friends face a difficult and demanding order. (T) 11.40 New Girl (T)(R)
11.55 The Hollywood Hillside Strangler: Born to Kill? The crimes of serial killers Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono. (T)(R)
12.50 Weatherview (T) 12.55 Sign Zone: See Hear (T)(R) 1.25 Hilary Devey’s Women at the Top (T)(R) 2.25 Cash Britain (T)(R) 2.55 Celebrity MasterChef (T)(R) 3.55 BBC News (T)
1.15 BBC News (T) 3.55 BBC Learning Zone (T)
12.30 Jackpot247; ITV News Headlines. 3.00 British Touring Car Championship Highlights. Round nine of the season from Silverstone. 4.15 ITV Nightscreen 5.30 ITV Morning News (T)
12.10 Music on 4: Mercury Prize: 2012 Albums of the Year Live 12.25 Mercury Prize 12.40 Ellie Goulding 1.10 Spotlight 1.25 Style Studio 2.00 FILM My Brother Nikhil (2005) (PG) 4.05 Deal or No Deal
12.45 SuperCasino 3.55 Great Scientists. Isaac Newton’s revolutionary theories. (T)(R) 4.20 House Doctor (T)(R) 4.45 Michaela’s Wild Challenge (T)(R) 5.10 Wildlife SOS (T)(R) 5.35 Wildlife SOS (T)(R)
10.00 Whitechapel 11.00 Law & Order: UK 12.05 Monk 1.00 Murder, She Wrote 1.50 Film File 2.00 ITV3 Nightscreen 2.30 Teleshopping BBC3 SKY: 115 FV: 7 7.00 Top Gear 8.00 Gavin & Stacey 9.00 Be Your Own Boss 10.00 Unzipped 10.45 Family Guy 11.30 American Dad Weekend Viewers’ Vote No 6 11.55 American Dad Weekend Viewers’ Vote No 5 12.15 Unzipped 1.00 Be Your Own Boss 2.00 Gavin & Stacey 2.55 Don’t Tell the Bride 3.55 Close. BBC4 SKY: 116 FV: 9 7.00 World News Today; Weather 7.30 Great British Railway Journeys 8.00 20th Century Battlefields 9.00 Treasures of Chinese Porcelain 10.00 Magnificent Machines: The Golden Age of the British Sports Car 11.00 Human Planet 12.00 Tales from the National Parks 1.00 20th Century Battlefields 2.00 Treasures of Chinese Porcelain 3.00 Close. E4 SKY: 136 FV: 28 6.00 Switched 6.45 Smallville 7.25 One Tree Hill 8.10 Scrubs 9.10 Smallville 10.10 Ugly Betty 11.05 Desperate Housewives 12.00 Scrubs
12.30 Hollyoaks 1.00 How I Met Your Mother 2.00 The Big Bang Theory 3.00 Desperate Housewives 4.00 Ugly Betty 5.00 How I Met Your Mother 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 How I Met Your Mother 8.00 The Big Bang Theory 8.30 2 Broke Girls 9.00 Meet the Parents 10.00 Rude Tube: Viral Ads 11.05 Shameless 12.05 The Big Bang Theory 1.10 How I Met Your Mother 1.40 Scrubs 2.05 The IT Crowd 2.35 90210 3.15 One Tree Hill 4.00 Being Erica 4.40 Switched MORE4 SKY: 138 FV: 14 8.55 Location, Location, Location 10.00 Four in a Bed 10.35 Location, Location, Location 11.10 River Cottage Bites 11.25 FILM: Heaven Knows, Mr Allison (1957) (PG). Second World War romantic drama, starring Robert Mitchum and Deborah Kerr. 1.30 Time Team 3.35 Four Rooms 4.40 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 5.45 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 6.50 Come Dine with Me 7.55 The World’s Largest Snake 9.00 24 Hours in A&E 10.00 Thelma’s Gypsy Girls 11.25 Embarrassing Bodies 12.25 24 Hours in A&E 1.30 Thelma’s Gypsy Girls 2.55 Embarrassing Bodies 3.50 Close.
FILM4 SKY: 315 FV: 15
ITV2 SKY: 118 FV: 6
6.00 Emmerdale 6.25 Nanny 911 7.15 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 8.05 Judge Judy 9.25 The Real Housewives of Orange County 10.30 Beauty and the Geek 11.30 Judge Judy 12.00 Emmerdale 12.30 Nanny 911 1.30 The Jeremy Kyle Show 3.40 The Real Housewives of Orange County 4.40 Beauty and the Geek 5.30 Judge Judy 6.00 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 7.00 You’ve Been Framed! 8.00 Top Dog Model 9.00 Girlfri3nds 10.00 The Only Way Is Essex 10.45 FILM: American Pie 2 (2001) (15). Comedy sequel, starring Jason Biggs. 12.55 Winners & Losers 1.45 Coronation Street 2.10 Teleshopping 5.40 ITV2 Nightscreen ITV3 SKY: 119 FV: 10 6.00 Heartbeat 6.55 The Royal 8.00 Dr Quinn: Medicine Woman 9.00 The Store 10.00 Only When I Laugh 10.35 Home to Roost 11.05 Rising Damp 11.35 Kavanagh QC 1.15 Heartbeat 2.15 The Royal 3.20 Murder, She Wrote 4.20 Rising Damp 4.50 Home to Roost 5.20 Only When I Laugh 5.55 Heartbeat 6.55 Murder, She Wrote 7.55 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 9.00 Super Sleuths
11.00 All About Eve (1950) (U). Drama, starring Bette Davis. 1.45 The Shepherd of the Hills (1941) (PG). Western, starring John Wayne. 3.40 Quo Vadis (1951) (PG). Historical epic, starring Robert Taylor. 6.55 Definitely, Maybe (2008) (12). Romantic comedy, with Ryan Reynolds. 9.00 The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) (12). A scientist tries to persuade an alien visitor to Earth that the human race should be allowed to survive. Sci-fi remake, starring Keanu Reeves. 11.05 We 3 (2011) (15). Premiere. Drama, starring Gabriel Godoy. 12.40 Courage Under Fire (1996) (15). First Gulf War drama, starring Denzel Washington. 3.10 Close. DAVE SKY: 111 FV: 12 7.10 Dragons’ Den 9.00 Top Gear 11.00 The Gadget Show 12.00 Red Bull X-Fighters 2012 1.00 Top Gear 3.00 Traffic Cops 4.00 Top Gear 6.00 Traffic Cops 7.00 Have I Got News for You 7.40 QI 8.20 Red Dwarf 9.00 Russell Howard’s Good News 10.00 Russell Howard Live 11.30 QI 12.10 Red Bull X-Fighters 2012 1.10 Russell Howard’s Good News 2.00 Peep Show 2.30 Gears and Tears
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SKY1 SKY: 106
6.00 Best of Oops TV 7.00 Modern Family 7.30 The Middle 8.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 9.00 Road Wars 10.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 12.00 Stargate SG-1 2.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 3.00 Stargate SG-1 5.00 Futurama 6.00 Last Man Standing 6.30 The Simpsons 8.00 The Glee Project 9.00 A League of Their Own. With Tinchy Stryder and Clare Balding. 9.30 Trollied 10.00 An Idiot Abroad 2 11.00 Road Wars 12.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 1.00 Road Wars 2.45 UK Border Force 4.35 Best of Oops TV 5.30 Airline SKY ATLANTIC SKY: 108 6.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 7.00 Star Trek: Voyager 8.00 The X Files 9.00 ER 10.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 12.00 Star Trek: Voyager 1.00 ER 2.00 House 4.00 Star Trek: Voyager 5.00 ER 6.00 House 8.00 The British 9.00 The Sopranos 10.05 Boardwalk Empire 11.20 Ronna and Beverly 12.20 The British 1.20 The Sopranos 2.25 The Petrol Age 3.20 Blue Bloods: Meet the Characters 3.30 The Mortified Sessions 4.00 Love/Lust and Heels 5.00 The X Files