Who’sMercedes kissingunder themistletoein Hollyoaks?
Test your TV knowledge with our Mersey quiz
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Ricky Tomlinson on a ‘revealing’ Royle special
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All your festive telly for the next 14 days
TV Guide
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Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide
It’s the end of an era for Doctor Who
DOCTOR’S ORDERS: Bernard Cribbins as Wilfred (Wilf) Mott, David Tennant as The Doctor and John Simm as The Master
OULD this really be the end for the good – and very wide-eyed – Doctor? Yes, it really could. David Tennant bows out after four years of Tardis time-travelling in a two-part special which fans of the ever-popular series have been looking forward to – and also dreading – for months. But, of course, as one Doctor disappears another miraculously appears, with Tennant making way for his successor, Matt Smith. The End of Time will see the Doctor coming up against the more than mischievous Master, played by John Simm – and not even having the dependable Wilf by his side (the brilliant Bernard Cribbins) will be enough to save the Timelord from finally meeting his maker. His final story begins on Christmas Eve, with news that the Master has been re-born, complete with fiendishly evil grin and fiendishly evil intent. The battle between good and evil rages across the capital, all the way to a strange place called Immortality Gate. And it’s not only the Doc
Paddy Shennan looks at what the future holds for our favourite timelord
who’s having a tough time of it, for the earth’s population is being haunted by a very sinister and disturbing dream involving a mystery man’s insane cackling. By the time of the second and concluding episode, things have become grimmer than grim – and not even a dynamic duo consisting of the Doctor and Wilf look like being a match for the forces of evil circling the earth. It may all sound like a nightmare – and it is – but, for Tennant, playing the Doctor has been the exact opposite: “It has been a real dream time of life,” he says. “The Doctor was always my hero. It was watching Doctor Who as a child that made me want to be an actor.” And Tennant, who is moving to California,
where he has been making a pilot comedy drama for NBC called Rex Is Not Your Lawyer (which has absolutely nothing to do with ECHO columnist Rex Makin), is being given a great send-off, courtesy of a powerful story written by Russell T. Davies – and a first-class cast, which, as well as Cribbins and Simm, includes Catherine Tate, Jacqueline King, June Whitfield, David Harewood and Timothy Dalton as The Narrator. There probably won’t be a dry eye in the sci-fi-loving nation when the end comes on New Year’s Day, although some viewers might actually be sick of the sight of the omnipresent Tennant by then – he stars in an array of shows over Christmas, including QI (BBC1, Christmas Eve, 10pm), Catherine Tate: Nan’s Christmas Carol (BBC1, Christmas Day, 10.30pm) and Hamlet (BBC2, Boxing Day, 5.05pm). But remember boys and girls, the Doctor never really dies . . . he just changes appearance. ● Doctor Who: The End Of Time (BBC1, Christmas Day at 6pm and New Year’s Day at 6.40pm)
Great cast adds up to awards success
IT’S just picked up three awards at the British Comedy Awards and Outnumbered is back on our screens for a festive special. The sitcom about the Brockman family has enjoyed three series and is now hoping for a fourth. While mum and dad (Claire Skinner and Hugh Dennis) are given lines during filming, the three children are given the freedom to improvise around a loose idea of where the show’s writers want each scene to go. “Having done three series we’re all quite close now. Hugh and I both feel like parents on set to an extent, we’re very protective of the children,” says Claire Skinner, who plays Sue. When the series finished earlier this year, the Brockmans were facing financial crisis, while Sue’s boss Tyson was revealed to be something of a con artist and not
FAMILY GUY: Hugh Dennis, right, stars in Outnumbered with, from left to right, Tyger Drew-Honey, Claire Skinner, Ramona Marquez and Daniel Roche the perfect colleague he was painted to be. In the Christmas special, which takes place on Boxing Day, we learn Tyson is no longer around, and that Sue is having to work in telesales to make ends meet. “That’s not ideal for her,” says
Claire, “but the main story is about her dad. He’s gone to live in a home, so there’s the whole thing about where he’s going to be on Boxing Day. “It’s suitably chaotic,” she continues, “but it might not be what you expect to see. It’s not
always warm and fuzzy at Christmas is it? There are elements of that fuzziness and light-heartedness, but there also the more fraught moments.” “The joy of Outnumbered is that it’s our little show and it has a mysterious quality,” she explains. “It’s just all been so positive.” Outnumbered storylines might concern everything from a broken dishwasher, to renewing insurance or organising the kids in time to get them to the school play, but it’s nearly always a situation that’s easy to relate to, according to Claire. “Hugh and I will often turn to each other during filming and say ’I’ve just had this argument at home’,” she says, referring to co-star and Mock The Week regular Hugh Dennis, who plays Pete. ● Outnumbered (BBC1, December 27, 10.30pm)
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Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide
I can’t say I’ll be fully dressed all the time T
ELL us it’s not true, Ricky . . . tell us there will be no repeat of last year’s horror show. In the 2008 Christmas special of The Royle Family, Jim Royle didn’t just say “My a***” – he showed it to the nation. Surely we’ll be spared this year – won’t we? “I won’t be fully dressed all the time, I’m not saying any more than that!” reveals Ricky Tomlinson. And referring back to last year’s bottom line, he jokes: “I’m sure the gay community was made up and Pete Price watched it in slow motion and used his still pause button!” Ricky is under orders not to give anything away regarding this year’s special, The Golden Egg Cup, but, after a bit of detective work, allied to the brief details put out by the BBC, the ECHO understands there will be a distinctly none-Christmas feel to proceedings. Jim and Barbara (Sue Johnston) receive money for their 50th wedding anniversary from their son, Antony (Ralf Little, who didn’t feature in The New Sofa episode last Christmas), daughter Denise (Caroline Aherne) and son-in-law Dave (Craig Cash) – but a rift develops over what they should spend it on. Barbara wants to go abroad for the first
Paddy Shennan asks Ricky Tomlinson not to let it all hang out in this year’s Royle Family Christmas Special time (she recalls her honeymoon was in Ormskirk!), while Jim has his heart set on an HD satellite box. In the end, I believe, they compromise – freesat for Jim and a family caravan holiday in Prestatyn to (allegedly) keep Barbara happy. We will see next door neighbours Cheryl (Jessica Hynes) and (her dad) Joe (Peter Martin) – although, sadly, Mary (Doreen Keogh) won’t be around . . . apparently because she has lost all bladder control and has leaked in both the Pound Shop and John Lewis. Ricky won’t discuss the plot, but says: “I can tell you there are many celebrities who will be getting the mickey taken out of them. And, as usual, we had an absolute ball doing it – and, as usual, Craig Cash had to be sent off the set for laughing!” Well, as he co-wrote it with Caroline Aherne and Phil Mealey, he obviously knew what was coming. Three series of The Royle Family were
TV 3
STICKY MOMENT: Sue Johnston as Barbara and Ricky Tomlinson as Jim share a tender moment over the sausages on sticks
broadcast between 1998 and 2000 and, since then, there have only been specials, in 2006, 2008 and, now, 2009 – but Ricky maintains that a further series could happen. He says: “I think there’s plenty of mileage left in The Royle Family and I really do think there could be another series. There are all sorts of things they could talk about – like the new technology there’s been in recent years and next year’s World Cup. “I think that probably there will be a new series – the thing is Caroline has been dead busy (she also co-wrote the film The Fattest Man In Britain, starring Timothy Spall, which can be seen at 9pm on ITV1 on Sunday December 20).” So, having been at the centre of it since it first appreared in 1998, what does Ricky think is the appeal of the show? “Everyone knows someone like Jim and everyone knows, or used to know, someone like Nana. People of all ages come up to me asking for signed photos of Jim and I think they can associate themselves with this ordinary working class family. “Also, I think we like to laugh at people who are a little bit worse off than ourselves.” ● The Royle Family: The Golden Egg Cup (BBC1, Christmas Day, 9pm)
HAPPY HOLIDAYS: Dave, Jim, Denise and Barbara outside their caravan
4 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide
The best TV over the last decade
SUMMING up the television highlights of the Noughties, as the last decade has annoyingly been nicknamed, is no easy task. We could start with the reality television boom, the influx of high-quality American TV or the rise of the celebrity chef. But let’s start with a look at some homegrown talent. Life On Mars (2006) was an original, highly innovative drama starring two of the country’s finest actors, John Simm and Philip Glenister. There’s a US remake, but if you’ve seen it you’ll know it
can’t hold a candle to the BBC’s original version. We can’t leave Doctor Who out either. It might strictly have started in 1963, but Russell T Davies’ 2005 makeover of the franchise captured a new generation of sci-fi fans and has actually managed to improve year on year. We’ve always had a fixation with big American shows in the UK, but that has been taken further since 2000. We simply love big-budget, long-running series from across the pond, whether it’s the thrills and spills of 24 (2002), Prison Break (2006),
BEST OF THE BEST: John Simm as Sam and Phillip Glenister as Gene in Life on Mars was must-see television
Battlestar Galactica (2004), Heroes (2007) or Lost (2005), or the gritty realism of The Wire (BBC Two, 2009), whip-smart political drama like The West Wing (2001), comedies such as Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000, US), Arrested Development (2004), 30 Rock (2007), Scrubs (2001, US) and Ugly Betty (2007), Desperate Housewives (2005) or the simply stunning drama of The Sopranos (1999), we just can’t get enough of US TV. ● The Greatest TV Shows Of The Noughties (Channel 4, December 27, 9pm)
It’s the Ender Archie EASTENDERS is not known for its yuletide cheer and this year is no exception with a scheming Archie getting his comeuppance on Christmas Day. The soap is known for its dramatic festive storylines with a record 30million viewers tuning in to the famous 1986 episode to see Dirty Den hand wife Angie divorce papers. In 2007 an estimated 14.4m held their breath as the affair between Max and daughter-in-law Stacey was revealed when the Branning and Slater clans gathered around the television to watch a family DVD. This became the most watched programme of the year. This Christmas will be no different with the murder of Archie Mitchell (played by Gavin and Stacey’s Larry Lamb). His character has been plotting with Janine to get his hands on the Queen Vic. On Christmas Day he meets a grisly end in the pub. Roxy discovers her sister cradling his bloodied body. But who will be in the frame for his murder? (BBC1, ● EastEnders Christmas Day, 8pm; Boxing Day 7pm)
Catherine Tate’s in a festive spirit C
BAH HUMBUG: Catherine Tate as Nan in a comic take on A Christmas Carol
HARLES Dickens’s infamous character Scrooge has had many incarnations over the years. Actors from Albert Finney to Bill Murray and even Donald Duck’s Uncle Scrooge have all had a crack at portraying the miserly one and now Catherine Tate’s Nan gets the Christmas Carol treatment. In her self-titled sketch show, Catherine Tate’s Nan character is a difficult, sometimes mean and negative grandmother. And her long-suffering grandson Jamie, played by Gavin and Stacey’s Matthew Horne, bears the brunt of her foul mouth. Given Nan’s hard-nosed persona, it seems only natural that Catherine, 41, should turn her into Scrooge for her BBC One Christmas special Catherine Tate:
Nan’s Christmas Carol. But the pensioner’s tough exterior wasn’t the only reason she chose Nan for the role. “I think out of all the characters, Nan’s the one who can sustain a story for a longer period of time,” she says. “She’s also the one I enjoy playing the most. Perhaps it’s because getting the prosthetics on is fun and different. “There’s always a good reception with Nan. I think so many people know someone like her. I hadn’t really planned to do it and then I thought, ’Oh that would be a good idea’ and we did it.” The Scrooge makeover also gave Catherine a chance to explore Nan’s past as the three ghosts of Christmases haunt her. “The ghosts are trying to teach
her a lesson and make her change her ways so her future won’t be as awful as predicted. We get to see Nan as a child, Nan as a young girl, Nan as a middle-aged woman and then we go further into the future where she sees her death. First she’s visited by her dead husband who tells her to expect the three ghosts.” Catherine is a long-term fan of Dickens’s story and says that as a child she used to watch the Albert Finney version on Christmas morning. While the nation will watch Catherine in Nan’s Christmas Carol, they’ll also see her return to her role of Donna Noble in the Dr Who Christmas special, which also sees David Tennant prepare to hand over the time traveller baton to Matt Smith. “David Tennant’s a brilliant
Doctor so I was just delighted to be part of it,” she says. But she is adamant this will be the last episode for Donna. “I don’t think there would be any plans to bring me back to Dr Who. I don’t see how you could. It’s a new doctor now with a new team. I think that’s a given. David’s era is handing over now.” Neither is Catherine planning any more sketch shows in the near future. “I don’t have any plans for a next series. I don’t really plan far in advance. I didn’t even think of doing this Christmas special until September. So I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do next. I think it’s nice to keep flexible and keep open to lots of opportunities.” ● Catherine Tate: Nan’s Christmas Carol (BBC1, December 25, 10.30pm)
Christmas TV Guide Ricky gets a little too up close and personal in Hollyoaks this Christmas
HAT is it about those boys and girls in Hollyoaks? They just can’t keep their hands to themselves. This Christmas it’s Mercedes’ turn to play away, as she and Calvin give in to lust and break poor Malachy’s heart in the process. “They spend a lot of time trying to convince themselves that they’re not right for each other and they need to leave it,” says Jennifer Metcalfe, of her character Mercedes. “They just really fancy each other.” It’s been building up for a while now, with Calvin and Mercedes flirting casually. Of course, she’s married and Calvin (played by Strictly star finalist Ricky Whittle) used to go out with Carmel, Mercedes’ sister. “She knows she shouldn’t go there,” says Jennifer, “but she likes the excitement, and she’s not getting what she needs from Malachy because he’s always working overtime. “She needed a shoulder to cry on after her recent HIV test, so went to Calvin,” she continues. “They’ve never really gotten to know each other before, but they quickly realised they actually really like each other’s company.” Sasha and Mercedes come up with a plan to get more customers into The Loft over Christmas, and eventually settle on a Sexy Santa and Santa-ess contest. Mercedes and Calvin later kiss under the mistletoe, with Spencer witnessing the act and telling Malachy, but he just laughs it off, believing it’s just playful, and if turning a blind eye to such behaviour will keep his wife happy, that’s what he’ll do. Easier said than done, however, and when he walks into a deserted Loft to see Calvin and Mercedes in the throes of passion a few days later, he runs off, devastated. He’s not the only one that’s upset. Jennifer wasn’t overly happy with the storyline when she first heard about it. “I was really disappointed when I found out Mercedes was going to be cheating on Mal,” says 26-year-old Jennifer, “but at the same time I like Mercedes when she’s at her most feisty and naughty. I think,
TV 5
Friday, December 18, 2009
Mercedes shows off her racy side FESTIVE FUN: Jennifer Metcalf, who plays Mercedes, finds love under the mistletoe with Ricky Whittle, right ’Poor Malachy’ personally, but as an actress I think it’s great. “Saying that, It was quite difficult to get my head around the storyline at first because I didn’t think it would happen, for a few reasons,” she says, honestly. “I don’t think he’d fancy Mercedes, and I don’t think she’d really fancy him, despite the looks and things. They’re from two very different places. “Mercedes has gone with Jackie’s ex-partner before and that absolutely ruined her so I don’t think she’d be so stupid to do it again, and I don’t think Calvin would do it to Carmel, but as we’ve played it out it’s become more realistic to us and makes a lot more
sense,” she says. Most girls would love the chance to get close to Ricky Whittle, and while Jennifer is the first to say how good looking her co-star is, she’s not in danger of confusing their scenes together - particularly those of the more raunchy nature with real life. “I’ve just got to grin and bear it,” she says, laughing her filthy laugh. “It’s like, ’Go on then, put your hand there when you have to and give us a snog’. “There’s no passion in it. I don’t find doing love scenes weird at all, though. I think I’ve had to get used to it, maybe more than the rest of the cast, because Mercedes is at it so much.
“There’s no point getting nervous or embarrassed because there’ll probably be another 50 of those scenes before Mercedes’ time is up,” she adds. With a hectic schedule, it’s no surprise Jennifer is looking forward to a break over Christmas, even if she says Christmas Day is her least favourite day of the year. “I just can’t sit still. I’m going to make sure I’ve got a shocking hangover from the night before so I can stay in bed all day,” she says. “There’s nothing to do on Christmas Day, nothing open.
“It’s not that I even want to do anything, but you don’t have the choice. I’ll spend it with my mum and it’ll be lovely seeing my family and stuff, but bring on Boxing Day. “As far as presents go, I’ve a diary on my list from Gemma Merna,” she says, referring to her on-screen sister Carmel. “I’ve not been organised this year at all, so that’s top of my list. Oh, and to kiss someone under the mistletoe. Someone random, someone new.” ● Hollyoaks (C4, Dec 21, 6pm)
Could David be the perfect party Gest? IT’S virtually impossible to have a conversation with David Gest and keep a straight face. Since the quirky American concert promoter won us over in the 2006 series of I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! he’s barely been off our screens and is a regular face in Liverpool where he has hosted several charity auctions. He’s back on TV this Christmas in a special episode of Celebrity Come Dine With Me. A bright red-haired David was matched up with actress and daughter of
Dennis, Hannah Waterman, Loose Women panelist Sherrie Hewson and Irish garden designer Diarmuid Gavin. “I get along with all of them,” says self-professed ’friend of the stars’ David, 56, before admitting he had a soft spot for Sherrie. “I want to produce her on the West End stage, she’s absolutely one of the funniest women I have ever met in my life. “She served her dinner in a mink stole, totally drunk. There’s one scene where she’s covering this cake in icecream and all of a
sudden, she takes two steps to bring it to the table and it falls completely on the floor then she trips and falls on her tushie.” When it was David’s turn to entertain the others, at his vast North London flat, he pulled out all the stops - roping in the Little People of David Land and a surprise Hollywood veteran to hand round nibbles. “I felt more under pressure with the cooking, not the entertaining. I’ve been entertaining all my life. I used to have parties in my house in New York where I’d have
FINE DINING: Pictured: (l-r) Loose Woman Sherrie Hewson, David Gest, Hannah Waterman and Diarmuid Gavin
Whitney Houston, Ashlee Simpson, Michael Jackson. “I hate doing the dishes, that’s why I don’t like to cook, but I still entertain all the time. I have a pretty big living room and if I’m out in Camden, I’ll bring home 40 or 50 people,” he says. David will be staying put in London this Christmas, as he’s due to start work on a new documentary, My Best Friend Michael Jackson. ● Celebrity Come Dine With Me Christmas Special (C4, December 22, 8pm)
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6 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide
Price is right for Ben in Corrie K
ISSING a co-star on your second day at work could be a daunting prospect, especially if it’s Coronation Street beauty Michelle Keegan. But for Ben Price, who had plenty of raunchy scenes as bisexual love rat Conrad Gates in Footballers’ Wives, an on-screen smooch with soap’s sexiest female was easy. “My first week on Footballers’ Wives I was on a private jet with Zoe Lucker, so anything compared with that is pretty tame. “And Michelle is a sweet girl and she’s pretty. I’m sure there are harder days at work!” says Ben, who turns up in Weatherfield this Christmas as a grown-up Nick Tilsley. He first appears in a bar, where he flirts with Michelle’s character Tina McIntyre, unaware her ex is his half-brother David Platt (Jack P Shepherd). The penny drops when they meet again over a family Christmas dinner (“It was the best bit of filming - everyone tucked in!”), leaving poor Tina horrified and Nick quietly amused.
It could be the first of many romantic encounters for charming Nick, who is returning to the cobbles older, wiser and brimming with experience after leaving for a new life in Nottingham five years ago. He made a success of himself in business, and now he’s back to give Joe McIntyre - the new fiance of his mum Gail Platt (Helen Worth) - the once over. Ben says: “He’s going to be much more confident, much more family-oriented. He’s come back to straighten things out. He’s heard a lot about what David’s been doing, and a lot about what’s been going on in the family and he just feels ’Do you know what? I’m the man of the house now’.” One person that certainly needs a firm hand is his troublesome little brother, who has long been the Street’s resident bad boy. Although he won’t go into details, Ben promises Nick will “definitely sort David out”. “Whatever David thinks he’s gone through on this tiny little street, he’s not a man. I make it quite clear it’s all going to stop - I’m sure it’s not, but I make it clear that while
FIRST DAY ON THE JOB: Ben Price as Nick Tilsley and Michelle Keegan as Tina McIntyre
I’m around I’m not going to take any mess. And he’s not going to be nasty to my mum.” The 38-year-old has high hopes for his new alter-ego, and is keen to make him “a very strong character in Corrie”. Newcastle-born Ben met with Corrie producers several times over the course of a year before landing the part of Nick. “I met for different characters but they didn’t fit or weren’t right. They then saw me for this and I did my audition with Jack (P Shepherd), and it felt good. I felt I could really do something with this guy,” he says. Of course, this Christmas will be about family time for Ben, who’s spending it with his brood at his mother-in-law’s. And his plans for relaxing after tucking into the turkey? “Hopefully I can just veg in front of myself on the television as I gather everyone around,” he says. “I should imagine, much to mother-in-law’s chagrin, we’ll be watching me on Coronation Street!”
● Coronation Street (ITV1, December 21, 7.30pm & 8.30pm)
Coping with bereavement
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HRISTMAS is the season of joy and celebration, so being bereaved at this time is especially difficult. Grieving for a loved one may make
you feel a multitude of emotions you do not understand. But, however you feel, it is important to know that everyone deals with grief differently, and that there is no right or wrong way to react.
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That said, experts have identified stages of the grieving process, so, if you are grieving, or if you know someone who is struggling to cope after a death, the following may help you to understand grieving. If a death is sudden and unexpected,
perhaps as the result of a fatal accident or undetected illness, then the shock of the loss can make it hard to understand it has happened. We may feel guilty because we were not there to protect the deceased. Or we may feel anger at what we feel is incompetence of
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medical personnel or others somehow involved in the death. If someone passes away after a long illness, we may feel relief that they are no longer suffering. This does not mean that we will not grieve for them, however. After a family bereavement, we may feel numb. People who seem to ‘carry on as normal’ after the loss of someone close are sometimes misconstrued as being callous when, in reality, their minds are simply not allowing them to
register the fact. People who are bereaved may want to be left alone to mourn in private. This is not to say that they do not need your help. Being there for them when they want to talk about the deceased, or doing jobs that must be done, such as the shopping, will mean a great deal . It is important to let the bereaved cry, if they wish. Never tell them to ‘pull themselves together’, as this is impossible. Grieving takes time. Nature numbs
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us for the first six months or so, after which, reality can kick in, releasing yet more difficult feelings. Helping your loved ones to accept their loss, and to live without the deceased – though never to forget them – will help them move on. Being there for the bereaved at anniversaries and birthdays, will also help them to continue their lives without their loved one.
If you are worried that you or someone you know is finding it impossible to ‘let go’ of someone who has died, and that they appear depressed, unable to sleep or eat, or to think of anything else, then a doctor will be able to recommend a bereavement counsellor, antidepressants, or both. Meeting and talking to others who have been bereaved, might also help.
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TV 7
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide
Tax your TV brain with our Mersey quiz Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without a quiz to accompany your television viewing over the holiday period – so here Paddy Shennan presents the ECHO’s special, Mersey-themed, fun festive quiz for 2009. Good luck . . . and happy viewing! Liverpool-born writer who wrote many of their greatest shows. 15. Kerry Katona will be among the headline-makers featured on Channel Five’s Celebrity Shock List 2009 programme (Christmas Eve). What is the name of the supermarket she USED to advertise on TV? 16. And which year was Kerry crowned Queen of the Jungle on I’m A Celebrity . . . Get Me Out Of Here? 17. Gary Lineker will be seen presenting
Match of The Day over the Christmas period. Which season did he play for Everton? 18. Hollyoaks will be a mainstay of the Channel 4 schedules over Christmas – but in which year did the soap make its TV debut? 19. And which Liverpool company Steve Coogan as Alan Partridge produces the long-running soap? 20. Which year did Paul McCartney first have a hit with Wonderful racecourse? Christmastime? 24.Girls Aloud: Out Of Control – a 21. Steve Coogan: The Inside Story concert at the O2 Arena in London – (BBC2, Monday December 27) is a can again be seen on Sky One on tribute to the man who brought Monday December 28. Which Cheshire us Alan Partridge and a whole town does band member Nicola Roberts host of other characters. But come from? at which Liverpool 25. Your Top 20 venue did he not Celebrity Big Brother go down too well Moments can be seen on in October 2008? Channel 4 on New Year’s 22. The Wire’s Eve. Hopefully, they will Dominic West, who include that hilarious can be seen on The robotic dance by George Graham Norton New Galloway and which Year’s Eve Show on Merseyside singer? BBC1, is to direct an episode of which made-in-Liverpool daytime drama next year? Gary Lineker 23. Channel Five will be broadcasting several Michael Jackson programmes on Monday December 21. Which year did the late King of Pop play a concert at Aintree
1. Barbara. 2. Alan Carr. 3. Ricky Tomlinson’s (Jim Royle’s) bare backside. 4. OBE 5. Morgan Freeman. 6. Heidi Thomas. 7. Adele Roberts. 8. DI Neil Manson. 9. Robert Carlyle. 10. Neil Fitzmaurice. 11.John Lennon’s stepfather, Bobby Dykins. 12. The Everyman Theatre. 13. Jane Russell. 14. Eddie Braben. 15. Iceland. 16. 2004 (series three). 17. 1985-1986. 18. 1995. 19. Lime Pictures. 20. 1979 ( it got to number six). 21. ECHO Arena. 22. Moving On. 23. 1988. 24. Runcorn. 25. Pete Burns.
1. Southport comic Lee Mack’s brilliant BBC1 sitcom, Not Going Out, bows out for good – boo hoo – on Wednesday December 23. Actress Miranda Hart – who has recently enjoyed her own sitcom success – plays his cleaner, but what is her character’s can you name the first name? Southport woman who 2. Cilla Black will be a special appeared in Big Brother guest on the Chatty Man 3? Christmas Special on Channel 8. Liverpool actor Andrew 4 on Tuesday December 22. Lancel will be among the But who is the Chatty Man? contestants taking part in 10 3. Last year’s Royle editions of Celebrity Family Christmas special, Mastermind on BBC1 (his The New Sofa, ended show can be seen on with a sight we all hoped Kerry Katona Monday December we’d never see – what 28). Name the was it? character he plays in The Bill. 4. Ricky’s co-star, Sue Johnston, was 9. The made-in-Liverpool film awarded which honour in the Queen’s The 51st State can be seen on Birthday Honours list in June? Film4 on Wednesday 5. Not to be confused with December 23. Who plays the Liverpool’s very own Winter’s Trail character Felix DeSouza in the of Penguins, ITV1 gives the film film? March Of The Penguins its 10. The first series of BBC1 drama premiere on Boxing Day. But who is Paradox, starring Tamzin Outhwaite, its narrator? ends on Tuesday December 22. 6. Name the Which Liverpool actor played tanker Liverpool-born driver Lister Wells in the first writer of episode? Cranford (a 11. two-parter can Liverpool be seen on BBC1 actor on Sunday David December 20 Morrissey and Sunday narrates December 27). the last The same writer in the was also series of responsible for Coastline the BBC1 drama Cops on Miranda Hart Lilies in 2007. ITV1 on Tuesday 7. The December 22. Greatest TV Shows Of The Name the Noughties (Channel 4, Sunday character he plays December 27) will feature Big in the new film Brother (which might surprise about John some). Liverpool’s Craig Phillips, of Lennon, Nowhere course, won the Boy. first series, 12. Julie Walters and back in Pete Postlethwaite 2000, but will be seen in Victoria Wood With All The Trimmings on BBC2 on Monday December 21. At which Liverpool theatre, back in the 1970s, did they learn their stagecraft? 13. David Gest is among the guests on the Celebrity Come Dine With Me Christmas Special on Channel 4 on Tuesday December 22. Which former Hollywood screen goddess did Gest recently bring over to Liverpool, to attend a concert and awards ceremony? 14. For many comedy fans, Christmas will always mean Morecambe & Wise (you can see their 1973 Christmas special on BBC2 on Boxing Day). Name the
Michael Jackson Craig Phillips
8 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide BBC1
6.00 BREAKFAST (C)(4815426) 10.00 SATURDAY KITCHEN (C)(23447) 11.30 NIGELLA’S CHRISTMAS KITCHEN (R)(C)(1600) 12.00 BBC NEWS; Regional News; Weather. (C)(7830426) 12.15 FOOTBALL FOCUS (C)(6605600) 1.00 OLYMPIA INTERNATIONAL HORSE SHOW (C)(7430877) 1.45 LIVE SWIMMING Day two of the Duel in the Pool. (C)(27213426) 4.30 FINAL SCORE (C)(2585513) 5.25 BBC NEWS; Regional News; Weather. (C)(5154513) 5.45 MERLIN The Great Dragon attacks Camelot. Last in the series. (C)(454161) 6.35 STRICTLY COME DANCING Bruce Forsyth and Tess Daly introduce the final of the contest, in which the two remaining couples vie for the glitterball trophy and Darcey Bussell returns as a guest judge. (C)(1208109)
6.00 CBEEBIES (79971) 7.00 CBBC (6300258) 12.00 BBC SWITCH: THE CUT (C)(9396600) 12.25 BBC SWITCH: THE CUT (C)(9488635) 12.50 BBC SWITCH: THE 5:19 SHOW (C)(4638987) 1.20 GREEK (C)(1017677) 2.10 COAST (C)(58496258) 2.30 GROW YOUR OWN DRUGS FOR CHRISTMAS (R)(C)(39180) 3.30 THE HAIRY BAKERS’ CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (R)(C)(56529) 4.30 FILM: DANCES WITH WOLVES (1990) Oscar-winning Western, starring Kevin Costner. (C)(64513187) 7.20 DAD’S ARMY Frazer is unable to hide his delight when Captain Mainwaring’s disreputable brother gatecrashes a sherry party for local dignitaries. Classic comedy, starring Arthur Lowe. (R)(C)(649242)
5.30 ITV MORNING NEWS (T)(61187) 6.00 GMTV (2522744) 9.25 CITV (8665172) 10.35 FILM: TOOTH (2004) Children’s fantasy adventure, starring Yasmin Paige. (T)(67634513) 12.20 NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(9776548) 12.24 GRANADA WEATHER (T)(9776548) 12.25 BEST EVER FAMILY FILMS (R)(T)(7294513) 1.25 FILM: JACK FROST (1998) Family fantasy drama, starring Michael Keaton. (T)(31063600) 3.15 FILM: SCOOBY-DOO 2: MONSTERS UNLEASHED (2004) Live-action comedy adventure sequel, with Sarah Michelle Gellar. (T)(17712277) 5.00 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(5242722) 5.15 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(8970074) 5.30 KIDS DO THE FUNNIEST THINGS (R)(T)(60548)
6.10 PLANET COOK (R)(T)(1914068) 6.30 YO GABBA GABBA (R)(T)(94635) 7.00 WORLD SPORT (18703) 7.30 FREESPORTS ON 4 (R)(37838) 8.00 THE MORNING LINE (T)(9439548) 8.55 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(3240277) 9.25 T4: PIXIE LOTT TAKES OFF: T4 SPECIAL (R)(T)(7286093) 9.55 T4: 4MUSIC FAVOURITES: ALICIA KEYS (R)(T)(7222529) 10.25 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(2136600) 11.00 T4: THE HOLLYOAKS MUSIC SHOW (T)(6109) 11.30 T4: SHERLOCK HOLMES: T4 PREMIERE SPECIAL (T)(7838) 12.00 T4: 90210 (T)(65068) 1.00 T4: SCRUBS (R)(T)(17074) 1.30 CHANNEL 4 RACING FROM ASCOT AND HAYDOCK PARK Including the 2.35 Ladbroke (H’cap Hurdle) (2m). (T)(97906) 3.30 MY FIRST YEAR (T)(180) 4.00 MY FIRST YEAR (T)(987)
Merlin (5.45pm) The Great Dragon attacks Camelot, so Arthur and Merlin set out to find the last remaining Dragonlord — the only man who can kill such a beast.
Have I Got News... (10.55pm)
Take That: The... (6.30pm)
Dover Castle... (8.00pm)
Knight Rider (5.10pm)
Alexander Armstrong hosts this festive romp through the headlines of 2008, with Noddy Holder and Frank Skinner joining Ian Hislop and Paul Merton.
Footage of the group’s Wembley Stadium shows in July, part of their Circus tour. Songs include Greatest Day, Back for Good, Shine and Never Forget.
Behind the scenes on the restoration of the fortification by English Heritage to the appearance it had immediately after its construction in the 12th century.
New series. Modern update to the Eighties drama, in which former soldier Mike Traceur gets behind the wheel of a revamped KITT battle car.
7.40 CASUALTY Ruth confronts her brother following the discovery he has been stealing from her to fund his drug addiction. May’s frustrations lead her to play a career-threatening trick on Lenny. (C)(257451) 8.30 THE NATIONAL LOTTERY DRAWS (C)(111068) 8.40 STRICTLY COME DANCING As the competition draws to a close, the couples demonstrate their skills in a show dance, before the votes are counted to reveal this year’s champions. Last in the series. (C)(188187) 9.40 LIVE AT THE APOLLO With Rhod Gilbert and John Bishop. (C)(889258) 10.10 BBC NEWS; WEATHER (C)(408567) 10.30 MATCH OF THE DAY Highlights include Arsenal v Hull City; (C) National Lottery Update. (C)(8893819) 11.40 THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE SHOW Highlights of the day’s fixtures. (C)(172548) 12.55 FRIDAY NIGHT WITH JONATHAN ROSS (R)(C) Weatherview. (C)(1451285) 2.00 SIGN ZONE: DEFYING GRAVITY (R)(C)(6881049) 2.45 SIGN ZONE: VICTORIAN FARM CHRISTMAS (R)(C)(435488) 3.45 SIGN ZONE: VICTORIAN FARM CHRISTMAS (R)(C)(424372) 4.45 BBC NEWS (C)(5719339)
8.00 A HISTORY OF SCOTLAND Charting the country’s history since the end of World War One, including a slump that led to nearly half a million Scots emigrating between 1921 and 1934. Last in the series. (R)(C)(7513) 9.00 FILM: BLADE RUNNER: THE FINAL CUT (1982) In a bleak future Los Angeles, a detective is sent to kill a group of renegade androids. Sci-fi thriller, with Harrison Ford and Rutger Hauer. (C)(40825432) 10.55 HAVE I GOT NEWS FOR YOU XMAS 2008 Alexander Armstrong hosts this festive romp through the headlines of 2008, with Noddy Holder and Frank Skinner joining regulars Ian Hislop and Paul Merton. (R)(C)(419600) 11.25 DEFYING GRAVITY The crew’s reaction to learning the true nature of the mission is scrutinised on Earth, as each deals with the revelations in different ways, but must not reveal anything. (C)(429258) 12.10 DEFYING GRAVITY (C)(7216907) 12.50 BBC LEARNING ZONE (C)(3108136) 1.50 FILM: MACBETH (1948) Shakespeare’s tragedy, directed by and starring Orson Welles. (C)(b/w)(654914) 3.35 BBC NEWS (C)(2689730) 4.45 CLOSE
Pick of the day
6.30 TAKE THAT: THE CIRCUS LIVE Footage of the group’s Wembley Stadium shows in July, part of their Circus tour. Songs include Greatest Day, Back for Good, Shine, Never Forget, Patience and Rule the World. (T)(74426) 8.00 STARS ON THE STREET Documentary taking a look at the famous faces who have appeared in Coronation Street over the course of its near 50year history, including Peter Kay, Ian McKellen and Noddy Holder. (T)(7567) 9.00 FILM: LOVE ACTUALLY (2003) Interlinked tales of several people in search of love. British romantic comedy, starring Hugh Grant, Martine McCutcheon, Emma Thompson and Colin Firth. (T)(832635) 11.30 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER; Weather. (T)(996635) 11.45 FILM: READY WHEN YOU ARE, MR MCGILL (2003) A TV director struggles with a disastrous day’s filming, while a keen extra awaits his big moment. Satirical comedy, with Tom Courtenay and Bill Nighy; (T) ITV News Headlines. (944105) 1.35 FILM: IGBY GOES DOWN (2003) Premiere. Black comedy, starring Kieran Culkin. (T)(473136) 3.15 ITV NIGHTSCREEN (79449020)
4.30 MY FIRST YEAR (T)(971) 5.00 COME DINE WITH ME (R)(T)(5258) 5.30 COME DINE WITH ME (R)(T)(451) 6.00 COME DINE WITH ME (R)(T)(364) 6.30 COME DINE WITH ME (R)(T)(616) 7.00 COME DINE WITH ME (R)(T)(8722) 7.30 CHANNEL 4 NEWS (T)(600) 8.00 DOVER CASTLE: A TIME TEAM SPECIAL The restoration of the fortification by English Heritage. (T)(5109) 9.00 WIFE SWAP: THE LAST EPISODE A lady of leisure exchanges lives with a mother of seven from Hull. (T)(2514513) 10.05 WIFE SWAP: THE CELEBRITY EPISODE (R)(T)(1584093) 11.10 WIFE SWAP: THE FIRST EPISODE (R)(T)(647797) 12.15 4MUSIC: LIVE FROM ABBEY ROAD (T)(7194575) 1.20 FILM: THE CHEATERS (1945) Christmas comedy, starring Joseph Schildkraut. (T)(b/w)(3956662) 2.45 DEADLIEST CATCH (T)(2882440) 3.30 THE HILLS (T)(76183594) 3.55 THE HILLS (T)(76168285) 4.25 THE HILLS (T)(57460223) 4.50 ST ELSEWHERE (R)(T)(5812488) 5.35 ONE TREE HILL (T)(8892846)
FIVE 6.00 7.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 1.00 1.30
3.10 3.15
5.10 6.45 6.50
SUNRISE (T)(6264548) MILKSHAKE! (6111180) NFL UK (T)(3266797) GADGET SHOW: GADGET OF THE DECADE (R)(T)(3342161) BRITAIN’S BEST BRAIN (R)(T)(4668364) ANIMAL RESCUE SQUAD (R)(T)(3353277) FILM: THE GNOME-MOBILE (1967) Children’s fantasy, starring Walter Brennan. (T)(62636722) FIVE NEWS (T)(1542180) FILM: MEET THE SANTAS (2005) Fantasy comedy sequel, with Steve Guttenberg. (T)(31329890) KNIGHT RIDER (T)(83193426) FIVE NEWS (T)(4203616) NCIS Gibbs faces an old adversary who has re-emerged with a plan to assassinate the president and taken Kate hostage in a bid to ensure success. Mark Harmon stars. (R)(T)(6573529)
7.40 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST A man kills himself just hours after winning a $40million slotmachine jackpot at a casino, and Catherine vows to solve the Holly Gribbs murder. (R)(T)(5218780) 8.40 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST The violent death of a passenger on a flight to Las Vegas leaves the forensics experts scratching their heads over eyewitness testimonies that conflict with the physical evidence. (R)(T)(6219074) 9.40 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST The battered body of a woman is found in the desert, Nick joins the search for a missing person, while Warrick and Catherine uncover a cache of stolen art. (R)(T)(1116277) 10.40 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST Grissom re-evaluates a case. (R)(T)(6336426) 11.40 WOMEN WHO KILL (R)(T)(3158635) 12.10 SUPERCASINO (70997198) 3.55 ‘TIL DEATH (T)(54949204) 4.20 ‘TIL DEATH (T)(23102049) 4.45 ROUGH GUIDE TO ACTIVITY HOLIDAYS (R)(T)(41052662) 5.00 HANA’S HELPLINE (R)(T)(38943914) 5.10 THE MILKSHAKE! SHOW (R)(T)(63086049) 5.35 THOMAS & FRIENDS (R)(T)(42968933) 5.45 ROARY THE RACING CAR (R)(T)(25836759)
RADIO RADIO 1: FM 97.6-99.8 5.00 Rob da Bank 7.00 Edith Bowman 10.00 Vernon Kay 1.00 Jo Whiley 4.00 Nihal 7.00 Trevor Nelson 9.00 Westwood 11.00 MistaJam 1.00 Fabio and Grooverider 3.00 1Xtra’s Mixtape RADIO 2: FM 88-90.2 6.00 Zoe Ball 8.00 Sounds of the 60s 10.00 Jonathan Ross 1.00 Pick of the Pops 3.00 Dermot O’Leary 6.00 Going Out with Patrick and Gaby 8.00 Paul Gambaccini with America’s Greatest Hits of the Year 10.00 Even Better Than the Real Thing: The Top of the Pops Albums 11.00 Bob Harris 2.00 Richard Allinson RADIO 3: FM 90.2-92.4 7.00 Breakfast 9.00 News; CD Review 12.15 Music Matters
1.00 The Early Music Show 2.00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 3.00 World Routes 4.00 Jazz Library 5.00 Jazz Record Requests 6.00 Opera on 3: Live from the Met 10.10 Between the Ears 10.30 Hear and Now 12.00 Jazz Library 1.00 Through the Night RADIO 4: 198kHz (1515m) FM 92.494.6 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Running Away 6.00 News and Papers 6.07 Open Country 6.30 Farming Today This Week 6.57 Weather 7.00 Today 8.15 (LW) Test Match Special 9.00 (FM) Saturday Live 10.00 (FM) Excess Baggage 10.30 (FM) Here We Come 11.00 (FM) Week in Westminster. With Peter Oborne.
11.30 (FM) From Our Own Correspondent 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 (LW) Test Match Special 12.04 (FM) Money Box 12.30 (FM) The Now Show 12.57 (FM) Weather 1.00 (FM) News 1.10 (FM) Any Questions? 2.00 (FM) Any Answers? 2.30 (FM) The Saturday Play: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 3.30 (FM) Tales from the Stave 4.00 Weekend Woman’s Hour 4.55 1989: Day-by-Day 5.00 Saturday PM 5.30 iPM 5.54 Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 Six O’Clock News 6.15 Loose Ends 7.00 From Fact to Fiction 7.15 Saturday Review 8.00 Archive on 4: A Dog’s Life 9.00 Classic Serial: The Complete Smiley: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
10.00 News and Weather 10.15 Unreliable Evidence 11.00 Brain of Britain 2009 11.30 Adventures in Poetry 12.00 News and Weather 12.30 Pier Shorts 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast RADIO 5: 909kHz (330m) 693kHz (433m) 5.00 Morning Reports 6.00 Weekend Breakfast 9.00 The Danny Baker Show 11.00 Fighting Talk 12.00 5 Live Sport 12.45 5 Live Sport: Premier League 2009-10 3.00 5 Live Sport: Premier League 2009-10 5.00 Sports Report 5.30 5 Live Sport: Premier League 2009-10 7.20 6-0-6 8.30 The Weekend News 10.00 Mark Forrest 1.00 Up All Night
CLASSIC FM: FM 99.9-101.9 7.00 Myleene Klass 9.00 The Classic FM Chart Show 11.00 Classic FM Requests 1.00 Howard Goodall On 3.00 Anne-Marie Minhall 5.00 The New CD Show 6.00 Smooth Classics at Six 9.00 Beyond the Hall of Fame 10.00 Natalie Wheen’s Full Works 12.00 Relaxing Classics 2.00 The A to Z of Classic FM Music 4.00 Tim Lihoreau RADIO MERSEYSIDE: 1485kHz (202m) FM 95.8 6.00 Andy Ball 9.30 Billy Butler 12.00 Merseyside Sport 5.30 On the Beat 8.00 Upfront 10.00 Billy Maher 1.00 Up All Night RADIO CITY: FM 96.7 6.00 Weekend Wake-up 9.00 Top 30 with Matt Wilkins
12.00 Terrace Talk 2.00 Sport 6.00 Dave Graham’s Big Beat 8.00 Les Calvert 10.00 Lee Butler’s Plastic Surgery 12.00 Radio City at Cube 2.00 After Hours 4.00 Michelle Dignan MAGIC 1548: 1548kHz (194m) 6.00 Simon Davies 10.00 Dave Lee Travis 1.00 70s Magic 4.00 80s Magic 6.00 Steppin’ Out 10.00 Vicki Archer 2.00 Magic Through the Night 107.6 JUICE FM: FM 107.6 6.00 Dan Roach 10.00 Mark Kaye 1.00 Steve Timmins 4.00 Liverpool’s Essential 10 5.00 Ian Longo 6.00 Anton Powers 8.00 Dave Whelan 10.00 Ian Longo 12.00 Saturday Night Live 4.00 Non-stop Juice
Friday, December 18, 2009
TV 9
Saturday, December 19 COMEDY 6.00
The Bachelor (1999) With Chris O’Donnell. (19944432) 7.45 Mr Woodcock (2007) With Billy Bob Thornton. (67104987) 9.20 Drillbit Taylor (2008) With Owen Wilson. (92383722) 11.05 St Trinian’s (2007) With Rupert Everett. (70885884) 12.50 Ghost Town (2008) With Ricky Gervais. (95205093) 2.35 Enchanted (2007) With Amy Adams. (37833884) 4.30 Made of Honor (2008) With Patrick Dempsey. (48587432) 6.15 St Trinian’s (2007) Mischievous schoolgirls steal a priceless painting and use the money from its sale to save their beloved St Trinian’s from closure. Comedy inspired by cartoonist Ronald Searle’s colourful characters, starring Rupert Everett, Colin Firth and Russell Brand. (30616451) 8.00 Drillbit Taylor (2008) Three kids hire a low-rent bodyguard to make sure they get through high school in one piece. Comedy, with Owen Wilson, Leslie Mann and Nate Hartley. (36607277) 9.45 Ghost Town (2008) A bad-tempered dentist is able to see ghosts who want him to sort out their unresolved problems. Comedy, with Ricky Gervais and Greg Kinnear. (8401364) 11.30 South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999) Animated musical comedy, with the voice of Trey Parker. (8825819) 1.00 Mr Woodcock (2007) With Billy Bob Thornton. (3444952) 2.35 South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999) With Trey Parker. (8563440) 4.00 Enchanted (2007) With Amy Adams. (8738339)
DRAMA 6.00
The Russell Girl (2008) With Amber Tamblyn. (81481345) 7.45 Joshua (2007) With Sam Rockwell. (8659074) 9.45 A Christmas Wedding (2006) With Sarah Paulson. (66884567) 11.20 Nine Special (11406242) 11.40 Green Card (1990) With Gerard Depardieu. (44072906) 1.30 The Last of the Mohicans (1992) With Daniel Day-Lewis. (6983819) 3.30 Rendition (2007) With Reese Witherspoon. (25263364) 5.40 St Trinian’s 2 Special (5231884) 6.00 Definitely Maybe (2008) A father in the middle of a divorce tells his daughter the story of his life before marriage. Romantic comedy, with Ryan Reynolds and Elizabeth Banks. (1879529) 8.00 W (2008) Biopic of George W Bush, following his pre-political career to his first term as US President. Starring Josh Brolin and Elizabeth Banks. (66370635) 10.15 Man of the Year (2006) With Robin Williams. (3967722) 12.15 The Brave One (2007) With Jodie Foster. (69849198) 2.25 Arlington Road (1999) With Jeff Bridges. (30348556) 4.30 Taken Away (1996) With Michael Tucker. (35111001)
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (1992) With Rebecca De Mornay. (93136890) 9.00 Pale Rider (1985) With Clint Eastwood. (2820635) 11.00 Eagle Eye (2008) With Shia LaBeouf. (8816345) 1.00 The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (1992) With Rebecca De Mornay. (53729364) 2.55 Pale Rider (1985) With Clint Eastwood. (48808242) 4.55 Avatar Special (8365180) 5.25 Vantage Point (2008) With Dennis Quaid. (95035884) 7.00 Eagle Eye (2008) A pair of strangers go on the run after receiving warnings that their lives are in danger. Thriller, with Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monaghan. (7186890) 9.00 Rising Sun (1993) A Los Angeles cop reluctantly teams up with a mysterious detective to investigate the murder of a prostitute in the offices of an Americanbased Japanese company. Thriller, adapted from the novel by Michael Crichton, starring Sean Connery and Wesley Snipes, with Harvey Keitel, Tia Carrere and Tatjana Patitz. (62765987) 11.15 Vantage Point (2008) An assassination attempt against the US president is followed from several perspectives. Thriller, with Dennis Quaid, Matthew Fox and Forest Whitaker. (1755161) 12.50 8 Million Ways to Die (1986) With Jeff Bridges. (5699020) 2.50 The Corruptor (1999) With Chow YunFat. (1825310) 4.45 Billion Dollar Brain (1967) With Michael Caine. (8540372)
G.O.L.D: 6.00 May to December 6.40 As Time Goes By 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine 12.20 The Green Green Grass 2.15 Last of the Summer Wine 4.05 Porridge 5.05 The Green Green Grass 7.00 FILM: Beetlejuice (1988) A dead couple enlist a veteran ghost to teach them how to haunt their former home. Spooky comedy, with Michael Keaton, Geena Davis and Alec Baldwin. 9.00 Porridge 10.00 FILM: Miss Congeniality (2000) A female FBI agent goes undercover at a beauty pageant, which a terrorist has threatened to bomb. Comedy, starring Sandra Bullock and Michael Caine. 12.20 Early Doors 1.40 Murder Most Horrid 2.15 Early Doors 2.45 Starstruck Classics 2.50 Close Up 3.00 Close
SKY SPORTS 1 6.00 Aerobics Oz Style (81242) 6.30 World Sport (70093) 7.00 Premier League Preview (10109) 7.30 Football League Weekend (84364) 8.30 Premier League Preview (61677) 9.00 Soccer AM (491242) 12.00Soccer Saturday (61613) 12.30Live Football Special Portsmouth v Liverpool (Kick-off 12.45pm). (996567) 3.00 Soccer Saturday (83497890) 5.15 Live Saturday Night Football Nottingham Forest v Preston North End (Kick-off 5.20pm). (13395161) 7.30 You’re on Sky Sports! Football comment on the latest issues to arise from the week’s action, assessing the impact of the latest results, talking-points and injury news. (334074) 8.25 Football First Full delayed coverage of one of today’s matches in the Premier League. (60302529) 10.15Football First A chance for viewers to see extended highlights of a Premier League match of their own choice from the latest round of fixtures, including Arsenal v Hull City. (370432) 11.45Football First A chance for viewers to see extended highlights of a Premier League match of their own choice from the latest round of fixtures, including Arsenal v Hull City. (375987) 1.15 Football First (207827) 2.45 Football First (220778) 4.15 Spanish Football (599310) 5.45 Sky Sports Classics (4149556)
IN THE LINE OF FIRE: Vantage Point (Sky Movies Action/Thriller, 11.15pm)
6.00 Live Test Cricket Australia v West Indies. (8545838) 8.00 Live Test Cricket South Africa v England. (1704703) 4.00 Test Cricket Australia v West Indies. (4815068) 5.00 WWE: Smackdown Spectacular wrestling action. (9052123) 7.00 Live Darts The 2010 PDC World Championship. The evening session on day two at Alexandra Palace in London features a preliminary match and four games from the first round. (7888987) 12.00NFL: Total Access The high-profile world of the NFL. (4166372) 1.00 Spanish Football A La Liga match. (30961310) 2.25 Live Test Cricket Australia v West Indies. All the action from the fifth day of the third and final Test, held at the Western Australia Cricket Association Ground in Perth. (14676001)
7.30 Eurogoals Weekend (7554335) 7.40 Luge (6725600) 8.10 Ski Jumping (5787838) 9.00 Live Biathlon (45659) 10.30Alpine Skiing (5124432) 11.15Live Alpine Skiing (8472432) 12.30Wintersports: Breaking the Ice (56424068) 12.45Live Ski Jumping The World Cup meeting from Engelberg in Switzerland. (39745838) 2.30 Live Nordic Combined Skiing The World Cup meeting from Ramsau am Dachstein in Austria. (79154) 3.30 Biathlon (44345) 4.30 Cross-Country Skiing (2487335) 5.25 Wintersports Weekend (2094242) 5.35 Alpine Skiing (282426) 6.30 Live Equestrian The Olympia International Horse Show. (82971118) 10.40Alpine Skiing (775258) 11.10Alpine Skiing (720884) 12.05Bobsleigh (6971440) 1.10 Wintersports Weekend (8610407) 1.15 Close
1.00 Live European Rugby Union (90924762) 3.30 Live European Rugby Union (40032044) 5.45 Live European Rugby Union (82991971) 8.00 Live European
Union Special (27900277) 10.00Golf Night (73898819) 12.00Kiteboarding (42089372) 12.30World Sport (56826594) 1.00 Live NFL (20667643) 4.30 NFL: America’s Game (36192136) 5.30 World Sport (42080001)
SKY SPORTS 3 6.00 Sports Unlimited (56933838) 7.00 Elite League Ice Hockey (90829451) 9.00 WWE: Smackdown (41081884) 11.00Friday Fight Night Another night of hardhitting boxing. (61045223)
TCM 6.55 9.40 12.20 1.00 3.00 5.00 7.35 9.00
11.00 11.35 1.15 3.00 5.00
Gypsy (1962) Musical, starring Natalie Wood. (27650180) The Boy Friend (1971) Musical, starring Twiggy. (87350797) The Screening Room (6034567) The Great Bank Robbery (1969) Western, starring Kim Novak. (8009155) Made in Heaven (1987) Romantic fantasy, starring Timothy Hutton and Kelly McGillis. (8752093) The Prize (1963) Thriller, starring Paul Newman. (25908141) The Naked Hills (1956) Western, starring David Wayne. (3589682) The Butcher’s Wife (1991) A newlywed clairvoyant’s psychic powers enchant her fellow New Yorkers. Romantic comedy, starring Demi Moore and Jeff Daniels. (8712616) The Screening Room (2136093) Quick Change (1990) Comedy, starring Bill Murray and Geena Davis. (5302635) Critic’s Choice (1963) Comedy, starring Bob Hope. (7064827) Teleshopping (9375846) The Great Bank Robbery (1969) Comedy Western, starring Kim Novak. (45770049)
Black Narcissus (1947) Drama, starring Deborah Kerr. (5325074) 1.00 Inspector Gadget (1999) Comedy adventure, starring Matthew Broderick. (50504432) 2.35 Fanny by Gaslight (1944) Drama, starring Phyllis Calvert. (b/w)(73506884) 4.40 Gulliver’s Travels (1939) Animated adventure, with the voice of Sam Parker. (73146432) 6.20 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954) Disney fantasy adventure, starring Kirk Douglas. (78052884) 9.00 The Abyss (1989) Divers encounter an alien life-form while trying to rescue survivors from a stricken submarine. Sci-fi thriller, starring Ed Harris and Michael Biehn. (85199258) 11.50 Solaris (1972) Sci-fi mystery, starring Donatas Banionis. (19907890) 3.15 Close
Cup Cup Cup Rugby
SKY 1 6.00 7.00 7.30 8.00 9.00 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.05 2.50 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00
10.00 12.00 1.00 1.55 2.50 3.45 4.40 5.05
GLADIATORS (95987) FUTURAMA (52161) FUTURAMA (75068) WAYNE ROONEY’S STREET STRIKER (96703) SOCCER AM (857884) FUTURAMA (55161) FUTURAMA (87141) BITE SIZE BRAINIAC (90310426) GEORGE AND THE DRAGON (2004) (46290513) AN ACCIDENTAL CHRISTMAS (2007) Romantic drama, starring Cynthia Gibb. (76242884) FUTURAMA (6068) FUTURAMA (6906) FUTURAMA (3548) FUTURAMA (3161) AVATAR: A NEW DIMENSION A look at James Cameron’s new sci-fi movie. (1513) THE SIMPSONS Part two of two. The would-be killer is revealed. (3242) THE SIMPSONS Homer becomes Mr Burns’ assistant. (7797) FUTURAMA A starship captain is attracted to Leela. (5890) FUTURAMA Fry and Leela become trapped on a planet of humanhating robots. (8797) UK BORDER FORCE Cameras follow the work of staff at the British Commission in Lagos, Nigeria, and staff at a steakhouse in London’s West End are interrogated. (37277) TOP 50 CELEBRITY MELTDOWNS Moments when public figures went off the rails. (15567) ROAD WARS (46204) ROAD WARS (2027515) NIGHT COPS (6455420) ROAD WARS (8663759) PRISON BREAK (6619952) HELLO GOODBYE (77314092) LOST (7249643)
LIVING: 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 I Dream of Jeannie 8.00 Bewitched 9.00 My Wife and Kids 10.00 The Fresh Prince of BelAir 11.00 Will & Grace 12.00 Bewitched 1.00 My Ugly Best Friend 2.00 Nothing to Declare 8.00 Passport Patrol 9.00 Criminal Minds 11.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. Three teenage rappers are murdered. 12.00 Nothing to Declare 1.00 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 2.00 Lipstick Jungle 3.00 Wonder Woman 3.50 Nothing to Declare 4.40 I Dream of Jeannie 5.30 Home Shopping BRAVO: 8.00 Ginx Files 9.00 TNA iMPACT! 11.00 GameFace 11.30 Ginx Files 12.00 The A-Team 2.00 FILM: Chief Crazy Horse (1954) Fact-based Western, telling the story of the Sioux leader who claimed a celebrated victory over General Custer. Starring Victor Mature and Suzan Ball. 3.50 Virgin Media Shorts 2009 4.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 6.00 The ATeam 8.00 Brit Cops: Zero Tolerance. A drunken shoplifter causes trouble. 9.00 TNA iMPACT! Wrestling show. 11.00 1000 Ways to Die 12.00 Sexarama 1.00 Masters of Horror 2.10 Amsterdam Nights 3.00 Alias 4.00 Close 5.00 Home Shopping ITV2: 6.00 Coronation Street 8.10 Emmerdale 11.00 Coronation Street 1.30 The Xtra Factor: Best and Worst 2009 5.30 FILM: Sister Act (1992) A nightclub singer seeks refuge in a convent to avoid her vengeful gangster boyfriend. Musical comedy, starring Whoopi Goldberg and Harvey Keitel. 7.35 Creature Comforts 8.00 Take That: Backstage at the Circus 9.00 The Xtra Factor: Winner’s Story ‘09 10.00 FILM: King Kong (2005) A film crew travels to a mysterious island where the leading lady is carried off by a giant ape. Fantasy adventure, with Naomi Watts and Jack Black. 1.40 The Xtra Factor: Winner’s Story ‘09 2.35 Teleshopping 5.05 Gossip Girl 5.50 ITV2 Nightscreen ITV3: 6.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 6.55 Elementary My Dear Viewer 7.55 The Shackles of Sherlock Holmes 8.55 The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 10.00 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 4.35 Sherlock Holmes: The Last Vampyre 6.40 Sherlock Holmes: The Eligible Bachelor 9.00 FILM: Murder by Decree (1978) Sherlock Holmes tries to uncover the identity of Jack the Ripper. Mystery, starring Christopher Plummer and James Mason. 11.30 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 2.25 Surgical Spirit 2.55 Film File 3.00 Teleshopping DAVE: 7.00 HeadJam 7.40 Should I Worry About? 8.40 James May’s Big Ideas 10.00 Speeders 11.00 Top Gear 1.00 James May’s Big Ideas 2.00 Fifth Gear 3.00 Top Gear 5.00 Top Gear Winter Olympics Special 6.00 Top Gear 7.00 Fifth Gear 7.30 Ray Mears’ World of Survival 8.00 Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends 9.00 Mock the Week 10.20 QI 11.00 Jack Dee Live at the Apollo 12.00 Mock the Week 1.20 QI 2.00 Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends 3.00 Close E4: 6.00 Supernanny USA 7.45 How to Look Good Naked 8.45 Gok’s Fashion Fix 9.55 Beauty & the Geek 10.55 Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious 11.55 Age of Love 1.50 Style Her Famous 2.20 Hollyoaks 4.55 Friends 6.00 Scrubs 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. Sheldon discovers his friends tampered with the Arctic expedition data. 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. Ted puts peanuts in Stella’s dinner, unaware she has an allergy. 8.00 Friends 9.00 The 100 Greatest Stand Ups 1.10 Supernanny USA 2.00 The Class 2.25 How to Look Good Naked 3.20 Hollyoaks MORE4: 9.00 A Place in the Sun 9.30 Time Team 12.35 FILM: The Undefeated (1969) A former Union colonel reluctantly forms an alliance with his one-time Confederate enemy. Western, starring John Wayne and Rock Hudson. 2.55 Grand Designs 8.25 The First Movie. Mark Cousins travels to Goptapa, a Kurdish-Iraqi village on a tributary of the Tigris river, and gives local children a chance to express themselves by making short films. 10.00 Nobel 2009 12.25 Harold Pinter: Nobel Prize Speech 1.20 Nobel 2009 1.55 Time Team 3.55 Close BBC THREE: 7.00 Doctor Who 8.05 FILM: Shanghai Knights (2003) The mismatched duo hunt for a killer on the murky streets of Victorian London. Martial arts comedy sequel, starring Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson. 9.55 Move Like Michael Jackson 12.00 Russell Howard’s Good News Xmas Extra Special 12.45 Family Guy 1.05 American Dad! 1.30 Move Like Michael Jackson 3.30 Russell Howard’s Good News Xmas Extra Special 4.15 Alesha Dixon: Who’s Your Daddy? 5.15 Close
10 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide BBC1
6.00 BREAKFAST (C)(85117933) 7.45 MATCH OF THE DAY (R)(C)(6306730) 9.00 THE ANDREW MARR SHOW (C)(16440) 10.00 FERN BRITTON MEETS SHEILA HANCOCK (C)(64488) 11.00 COUNTRY TRACKS (C)(77952) 12.00 BBC NEWS (C)(9665488) 12.05 CAR BOOTY (C)(6683488) 12.50 MATCH OF THE DAY LIVE Newcastle United v Middlesbrough (Kick-off 1.00pm). (C)(74648469) 3.05 EASTENDERS Omnibus. (C)(99712952) 5.00 THE FIRST CHRISTMAS: A SONGS OF PRAISE SPECIAL (C)(3883846) 5.40 LIFE Hamadryas baboons, Japanese macaques and capuchins are among the creatures explored as the focus turns to apes and monkeys. Last in the series. (R)(C)(807204) 6.30 BBC NEWS; Regional News; Weather. (C)(827)
6.00 CBEEBIES (97827) 7.00 CBBC (867317) 10.00 SOMETHING FOR THE WEEKEND (C)(32575) 11.30 FILM: TIM BURTON’S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS (1993) Animated fantasy, with the voice of Chris Sarandon. (C)(7589198) 12.40 FILM: ONE MAGIC CHRISTMAS (1985) Family drama, starring Mary Steenburgen. (C)(4845933) 2.05 SKI SUNDAY (C)(6125020) 2.50 LIVE OLYMPIA INTERNATIONAL HORSE SHOW The penultimate day at the Olympia Grand Hall in London. (C)(89241440) 4.50 FILM: THE EAGLE HAS LANDED (1976) British World War Two spy adventure, with Michael Caine and Robert Duvall. (C)(30347117) 7.00 JAMES MAY’S TOY STORIES James embarks on a project to build a full-size house from Lego. (C)(8001)
5.30 ITV MORNING NEWS (T)(22001) 6.00 GMTV 6.00 The Fluffy Club. 7.25 Toonattik. (1871056) 9.25 CITV (7841865) 10.10 CORONATION STREET Omnibus. (T)(44325551) 12.25 NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(9662391) 12.29 GRANADA WEATHER (T)(9662391) 12.30 FILM: NATIONAL LAMPOON’S CHRISTMAS VACATION (1989) Comedy, starring Chevy Chase. (T)(71597952) 2.20 TAKE THAT: THE CIRCUS LIVE The group’s Wembley Stadium performances in July. (R)(T)(8741643) 3.50 FILM: JOHNNY ENGLISH (2003) Spy comedy, starring Rowan Atkinson and Natalie Imbruglia. (T)(650865) 5.30 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(546759) 5.45 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(808001)
6.20 PLANET COOK (R)(T)(1903952) 6.40 YO GABBA GABBA (R)(T)(4662223) 7.05 OCEAN RACE (R)(T)(1791759) 8.00 BEACH VOLLEYBALL (R)(T)(9326020) 8.55 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(3144049) 9.25 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(7180865) 9.55 T4: HOLLYOAKS (T)(74314933) 12.25 T4: 90210 (T)(8573730) 1.20 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(52588117) 1.50 T4: UGLY BETTY (R)(T)(3045914) 2.50 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(8024407) 3.20 T4: THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(6532001) 3.50 T4: THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(3924846) 4.25 DEAL OR NO DEAL (T)(3140759) 5.15 FILM: MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (1994) Christmas family drama remake, with Richard Attenborough. (T)(45287643) 7.25 CHANNEL 4 NEWS (T)(226339)
Pick of the day
FIVE 6.00 7.00 10.00 11.45 11.50 12.45 1.40
3.25 3.30
SUNRISE (T)(6151020) MILKSHAKE! (6015952) SHAKE! (76524933) ZOO DAYS Brief highlights from the series. (R)(T)(13316001) CRUSOE New series. Drama, based on Daniel Defoe’s novel. (T)(5369846) CRUSOE Friday and Crusoe defend themselves against the privateers. (T)(1217827) FILM: SCROOGE (1951) Charles Dickens’ fantasy, starring Alastair Sim. (T)(62510730) FIVE NEWS (T)(1441407) FILM: MATILDA (1996) Children’s fantasy comedy, starring Mara Wilson, Pam Ferris and Danny DeVito. (T)(6471643) HEADS OR TAILS New series. A music student joins Justin Lee Collins to take part in the game show in which players could become millionaires on the toss of a coin. (T)(2781310)
Cranford (9.00pm)
James May’s... (7.00pm)
The Fattest... (9.00pm)
Cecil B DeMille... (12.35am)
Crusoe (12.45pm)
First in a two-part festive special. Miss Matty hatches a plot to help some of Cranford’s troubled younger generation. Judi Dench stars.
James embarks on a project to build a full-size house from Lego, enlisting hundreds of people to help and using more than three million toy bricks.
Feature-length comedy drama about the biggest man in the country and his agent, in charge of feeding him up and making sure he retains his title.
Documentary telling the story of Cecil B DeMille, one of Hollywood’s bestknown directors, beginning with a look at his early life.
Friday and Crusoe join forces to defend themselves against the privateers. Starring Philip Winchester and Tongayi Chirisa.
7.00 COUNTRYFILE AT CHRISTMAS Matt Baker and Julia Bradbury head to Adam Henson’s farm in the Cotswolds for a festive dinner, and John Craven meets farmers harvesting their crops through the winter. (R)(C)(7759) 8.00 ANTIQUES ROADSHOW The experts head to Abbotsford, near Melrose in the Scottish borders, where finds include a bottle used by smugglers and a miniature battle scene carved by a World War One prisoner. (C)(6407) 9.00 CRANFORD The period drama set in a Cheshire market town returns for a two-part special. Miss Matty hatches a plot to help some of Cranford’s troubled younger generation. Judi Dench stars. (C)(5662) 10.30 BBC NEWS; Regional News; Weather. (C)(942933) 10.55 FILM: ACE VENTURA: WHEN NATURE CALLS (1995) The pet detective is coaxed out of exile to search for a sacred bat in the African jungle. Comedy, starring Jim Carrey; (C) Weatherview. (C)(1250223) 12.25 SIGN ZONE: GROW YOUR OWN DRUGS FOR CHRISTMAS (R)(C)(1311131) 1.25 SIGN ZONE: HOLBY CITY (R)(C)(3166421) 2.25 SIGN ZONE: MIRANDA (R)(C)(2532266) 2.55 BBC NEWS (C)(54821792)
8.00 TOP GEAR The hosts bid to prove that cars can be art by filling a gallery in Middlesbrough with motoringrelated works — including a few pieces of their own. (C)(4049) 9.00 OZ AND HUGH DRINK TO CHRISTMAS Oz Clarke and Hugh Dennis sample festive drinks past and present, exploring their history before deciding which should be named Britain’s first official Christmas tipple. (C)(4285) 10.00 HAVE I GOT NEWS FOR YOU With guest host Jeremy Clarkson. (R)(C)(74778) 10.30 MATCH OF THE DAY 2 Highlights include West Ham United v Chelsea. Adrian Chiles presents. (C)(14778) 11.30 DARA O BRIAIN TALKS FUNNY: LIVE IN LONDON A performance by the stand-up comedian from the Hammersmith Apollo. (R)(C)(74049) 12.30 ROOM 101 (R)(C)(20605) 1.00 BBC LEARNING ZONE (C)(33353) 2.00 DEFYING GRAVITY (R)(C)(6849063) 2.45 DEFYING GRAVITY (R)(C)(2864044) 3.30 FILM: TO LET (2006) Premiere. Spanish horror, starring Macarena Gomez. (5450334) 4.35 CLOSE
6.00 YOU’VE BEEN FRAMED AND FAMOUS! Harry Hill showcases some of the best celebrity lookalike clips sent in by viewers. (T)(55074) 7.00 WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Radio 2 stars Chris Evans and Terry Wogan are among the celebrity pairings playing for charity in this festive special, with the usual lifelines available to them if they get stuck. (T)(2827) 8.00 AD OF THE DECADE Ben Shephard narrates a countdown of the 20 greatest TV commercials of the past 10 years, featuring interviews with the stars of the ads and a host of celebrities. (T)(1575) 9.00 THE FATTEST MAN IN BRITAIN Feature-length comedy drama about the biggest man in the country and his agent, in charge of feeding him up and making sure he retains his title. (T)(4662) 11.00 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER; Weather. (T)(197117) 11.15 FILM: ANALYZE THIS (1999) A mob boss plagued by anxiety seeks the aid of a reluctant psychiatrist to regain his ruthless edge. Comedy, with Robert De Niro. (T)(374865) 1.05 QUINCY ME (T) ITV News Headlines. (3163334) 2.05 TRAFFIC (R)(T)(9875421) 3.30 ITV NIGHTSCREEN (92995)
7.55 3 MINUTE WONDER: 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS A short festive-themed film. (R)(T)(965001) 8.00 FILM: THE FAMILY MAN (2000) A businessman experiences the life he would have lived if he had not abandoned his girlfriend. Drama, starring Nicolas Cage, Tea Leoni and Don Cheadle. (T)(70140759) 10.20 FATHER TED Fathers Dougal and Ted have their worst Christmas ever by getting lost in a store’s lingerie department, leaving them in a highly embarrassing predicament. Dermot Morgan stars. (R)(T)(1465914) 11.30 SEAN LOCK: STAND UP The award-winning comedian and star of 8 Out of 10 Cats performs his stand-up routine from London’s Hammersmith Apollo, recorded in 2008. (R)(T)(621339) 12.35 CECIL B DEMILLE: AMERICAN EPIC (3019841) 1.50 CECIL B DEMILLE: AMERICAN EPIC (2927131) 3.00 DEADLIEST CATCH (T)(3277976) 3.50 THE TRUTH ABOUT STREET WEAPONS (R)(T)(38097247) 4.00 THE HILLS (T)(57418860) 4.25 THE HILLS (T)(57437995) 4.50 ST ELSEWHERE (R)(T)(5863112) 5.40 ONE TREE HILL (T)(8583131)
6.30 THE GADGET SHOW: WINTER SPECIAL Ortis Deley tests skiing gear at the highaltitude glacial resort of SaasFee in Switzerland, and visits Dubai to explore a futuristic house. (R)(T)(1397020) 6.55 FILM: CHRISTMAS WITH THE KRANKS (2004) A couple decide to give Christmas a miss, prompting their friends to try to make them change their minds. Comedy, with Jamie Lee Curtis and Tim Allen. (T)(59102038) 9.00 FILM: DIRTY DANCING (1987) Romance blossoms as a dance instructor teaches a naive teenager about life and love. Drama, starring Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey. (T)(90639594) 11.05 FILM: AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (2005) Premiere. An evil spirit haunting a 19thcentury family is linked to a witch’s curse. Horror, starring Donald Sutherland and Sissy Spacek. (T)(9597827) 12.50 NFL LIVE A top game. (23345792) 4.40 NFL CLASSIC (R)(83441315) 5.00 HANA’S HELPLINE (R)(T)(38910686) 5.10 THE MILKSHAKE! SHOW (R)(T)(63046421) 5.35 THOMAS & FRIENDS (R)(T)(42935605) 5.45 ROARY THE RACING CAR (R)(T)(25896131)
RADIO RADIO 1: FM 97.6-99.8 5.00 Ras Kwame 7.00 Edith Bowman 10.00 Sara Cox 1.00 Jo Whiley 4.00 Radio 1’s Chart Show with Scott Mills 7.00 Switch with Annie Mac and Nick Grimshaw 10.00 The Surgery on Radio 1 12.00 BBC Radio 1’s Review with Nihal 1.00 Radio 1’s Stories 2.00 Huw Stephens 3.00 In New DJs We Trust 4.00 Dev RADIO 2: FM 88-90.2 5.00 Lynn Parsons 7.00 Good Morning Sunday 9.00 Steve Wright’s Sunday Love Songs 11.00 Michael Ball’s Sunday Brunch 1.00 Elaine Paige on Sunday 3.00 Johnnie Walker’s Sounds of the 70s 5.00 Paul O’Grady 7.00 Cliff Richard and the Shadows in Concert 8.00 Sunday Half Hour 9.00 Russell Davies 10.00 Clare Teal
11.00 The David Jacobs Collection 12.00 Janice Long 3.00 Alex Lester RADIO 3: FM 90.2-92.4 7.00 Breakfast 10.00 Sunday Morning with Iain Burnside 12.00 Christmas Around Europe 4.00 Choral Evensong 5.00 Christmas Around Europe 8.00 Drama on 3 10.00 Sunday Feature 10.45 Words and Music 11.45 Jazz Line-Up 1.00 Through the Night RADIO 4: 198kHz (1515m) FM 92.4-94.6 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 Bells on Sunday 5.45 The Watchdog and the Feral Beast 6.00 News Headlines 6.05 Something Understood 6.35 On Your Farm 6.57 Weather 7.00 News 7.07 Sunday Papers 7.10 Sunday 7.55 Radio 4 Appeal 7.58 Weather 8.00 News
8.07 Sunday Papers 8.10 (LW) Test Match Special 8.10 (FM) Sunday Worship 8.50 (FM) A Point of View 9.00 (FM) Broadcasting House 10.00 (FM) The Archers 11.15 (FM) Desert Island Discs 12.00 (FM) News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 (LW) Test Match Special 12.04 (FM) I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue 12.30 (FM) The Food Programme 12.57 (FM) Weather 1.00 (FM) The World This Weekend 1.30 (FM) Over the Rainbow with Yip Harburg 2.00 (FM) Gardeners’ Question Time 2.45 (FM) Joan Armatrading’s Favourite Choirs 3.00 (FM) Classic Serial: Matilda 4.00 Open Book 4.30 Thomas Lynch’s Season of Innocence 4.55 1989: Day-by-Day 5.00 The New Art of Diplomacy 5.40 From Fact to Fiction
5.54 Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 Six O’Clock News 6.15 Pick of the Week 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Americana 7.45 Sputnik 8.00 More or Less 8.30 Last Word 9.00 Money Box 9.26 Radio 4 Appeal 9.30 In Business 9.59 Weather 10.00 The Westminster Hour 11.00 1989: Day-by-Day 11.30 Something Understood 12.00 News and Weather 12.15 Thinking Allowed 12.45 Bells on Sunday 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast RADIO 5: 909kHz (330m) 693kHz (433m) 5.00 Morning Reports 6.00 Weekend Breakfast 8.30 SportsWeek 9.30 Kate Silverton 11.00 The Christian O’Connell Solution 12.00 5 Live Sport 1.00 5 Live Sport: Championship 2009-10
2.45 5 Live Sport 4.00 5 Live Sport: Premier League 2009-10 6.00 6-0-6 7.30 Donal MacIntyre 8.30 The Weekend News 10.00 Mark Forrest 1.00 Up All Night CLASSIC FM: FM 99.9-101.9 7.00 Myleene Klass 9.00 Laurence LlewelynBowen’s Sunday Spa 11.00 The A to Z of Classic FM Music 1.00 If You Liked That, You’ll Like This 3.00 Anne-Marie Minhall 5.00 Britain’s Biggest Carol Concert 6.00 Smooth Classics at Six 9.00 Enchanted Voices 10.00 Natalie Wheen’s Full Works 12.00 Nick Bailey RADIO MERSEYSIDE: 1485kHz (202m) FM 95.8 6.00 Daybreak 9.00 Maureen Walsh 11.00 M & S Show 1.00 Nickie Mackay and Helen Jones 2.00 Merseyside Sport
6.05 (FM) Sounds Country with Kenny Johnson 8.00 Pool with Dave Monks 10.00 Billy Maher 12.00 Pure Musical Sensations 2.00 Up All Night RADIO CITY: FM 96.7 6.00 Weekend Wake-up 10.00 Rewind 1.00 Entertainment City 4.00 The Big Top 40 Show 7.00 Total Takeover 8.00 Pez Tellett 10.00 Pete Price Unzipped 2.00 Matt Wilkins MAGIC 1548: 1548kHz (194m) 6.00 Simon Davies 10.00 Dave Lee Travis 1.00 60s Magic 4.00 The Jukebox 7.00 Magic at the Movies 10.00 Vicki Archer 2.00 Paul Griffiths 107.6 JUICE FM: FM 107.6 8.00 Kev Seed 12.00 Breakfast — Extra Helping 2.00 Tom Byrne 4.00 Hitlist 7.00 Baz Todd 9.00 Steve Timmins 12.00 Non-stop Juice
Friday, December 18, 2009
Sunday, December 20 COMEDY 6.00
Dan in Real Life (2007) With Steve Carell. (19848204) 7.45 Then She Found Me (2007) With Helen Hunt. (55799961) 9.30 Fool’s Gold (2008) With Matthew McConaughey. (1360488) 11.30 The Love Guru (2008) With Mike Myers. (1630469) 1.00 Get Smart (2008) With Steve Carell. (64608056) 2.55 Another Stakeout (1993) With Emilio Estevez. (49155556) 4.50 Then She Found Me (2007) With Helen Hunt. (48461440) 6.35 Fool’s Gold (2008) Benjamin Finnegan’s single-minded pursuit of a legendary treasure has taken its toll on his marriage, and his wife Tess finally leaves him to start a new life on board the yacht of a globetrotting billionaire. But the bickering pair are reunited when Benjamin finds a new clue to the whereabouts of the elusive fortune, and enlists the help of his spouse’s new boss in locating it. Romantic comedy adventure, with Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson. (63476353) 8.30 The Love Guru (2008) An ice hockey team hire an eccentric spiritual advisor to reunite their star player with his wife. Comedy, with Mike Myers. (1369759) 10.00 Get Smart (2008) A clumsy secret agent battles a sinister terrorist organisation. Comedy, with Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway. (7063001) 12.00 Dan in Real Life (2007) With Steve Carell. (3017112) 1.45 Broadcast News (1987) With Holly Hunter. (48257402) 4.00 Another Stakeout (1993) With Emilio Estevez. (8798711)
DRAMA 6.10 7.45 9.45 11.45 1.55 4.35 7.20
10.50 12.50 2.45 4.30
Cleaverville (2007) With Ever Carradine. (55275407) What Dreams May Come (1998) With Robin Williams. (8553846) Dad (1989) With Jack Lemmon. (3467339) One True Thing (1998) With Renee Zellweger. (96733730) The Color Purple (1985) With Whoopi Goldberg. (81407117) The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007) With Brad Pitt. (91309310) The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008) World War Two drama, with David Thewlis and Asa Butterfield. (64232310) The Hunting Party (2007) Three journalists stationed in Bosnia hatch a plan to capture a notorious war criminal. Comedy thriller, starring Richard Gere and Terrence Howard. (41110594) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2008) With Johnny Depp. (24312827) Working Girl (1988) With Melanie Griffith. (5679266) Foxfire (1996) With Hedy Burress. (2248976) Redemption of the Ghost (2001) With Diane Ladd. (2517624)
F/X2: The Deadly Art of Illusion (1991) With Bryan Brown. (86231407) 8.40 In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale (2007) With Jason Statham. (30219575) 10.50 Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) With Nicolas Cage. (89526223) 12.50 War, Inc (2008) With John Cusack. (48587662) 2.40 Body of Lies (2008) With Leonardo DiCaprio. (13065339) 4.50 Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) With Nicolas Cage. (39036440) 6.50 In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale (2007) An ordinary man sets off in pursuit when an army of bestial warriors take his wife captive. However, the invading hordes and their sorcerous leader have grander ambitions in mind, and the unlikely hero finds himself drawn into a battle to prevent the king of his country from being overthrown. Fantasy adventure, starring Jason Statham and Ray Liotta. (56393020) 9.00 Taken (2008) A former CIA agent goes to desperate lengths to rescue his daughter from sex traffickers. Thriller, starring Liam Neeson and Famke Janssen. (11567827) 10.40 Body of Lies (2008) A CIA agent pursuing a terrorist mastermind begins to realise he can trust no one. Thriller, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe. (78091440) 12.50 The Invasion (2007) With Nicole Kidman. (7478402) 2.35 Mulholland Falls (1995) With Nick Nolte. (4999763) 4.35 Angel Flight Down (1996) With Patricia Kalember. (54370334)
G.O.L.D: 6.00 As Time Goes By 6.40 Ever Decreasing Circles 7.20 As Time Goes By 8.00 The Good Life 8.40 Last of the Summer Wine 11.25 One Foot in the Grave 12.15 To the Manor Born 1.25 The Good Life 2.00 Last of the Summer Wine 3.20 My Family Christmas Special 4.40 One Foot in the Grave 5.30 To the Manor Born 6.50 FILM: Miss Congeniality (2000) A female FBI agent goes undercover at a beauty pageant, which a terrorist has threatened to bomb. Comedy, starring Sandra Bullock and Michael Caine. 9.00 My Family Christmas Special 10.25 Only Fools and Horses 12.15 Murder Most Horrid 12.55 The Two Ronnies 1.55 Early Doors 3.00 Close
SKY SPORTS 1 6.00 Aerobics Oz Style Daily workout from Down Under. (25136) 6.30 Football First (15932) 8.00 Football First A chance for viewers to see a match of their own choice. (15469) 9.30 The Sunday Supplement Reviewing the latest football stories. (44556) 11.00Goals on Sunday A review of yesterday’s football action. (66594) 1.00 Live Super Sunday Wolverhampton Wanderers v Burnley (Kick-off 1.30pm). (523575) 3.30 Live Super Sunday West Ham United v Chelsea (Kick-off 4.00pm). (137952) 6.30 Super Sunday: The Last Word Andy Gray uses an array of stateof-the-art technology and his vast knowledge of the game to examine the key moments from the weekend’s matches. (7575) 7.00 Live Darts The 2010 PDC World Championship. The third day’s play continues with a preliminary match and a further four firstround ties at Alexandra Palace in London. (5855894) 12.00Spanish Football A chance to see a match from La Liga, as Spain’s best teams look to succeed 2008/09 winners Barcelona. (80112) 2.00 Football Special Wolverhampton Wanderers v Burnley and West Ham United v Chelsea. (16421) 3.30 Super Sunday: The Last Word Andy Gray analyses the weekend’s matches. (28570) 4.00 Spanish Football A La Liga match. (45247)
HELPING HAND: The Love Guru (Sky Movies Comedy, 8.30pm)
6.00 Live Test Cricket Australia v West Indies. (8432310) 8.00 Live Test Cricket South Africa v England. (1608575) 4.00 Test Cricket (4875440) 5.00 Canter Banter (2108469) 5.30 Seamaster Sailing (1435469) 6.00 Live Spanish Football Coverage of a match from La Liga, which was won last season by Barcelona after they finished nine points ahead of Real Madrid. (2292204) 8.00 Live Spanish Football A La Liga match. (2204049) 10.00Football Special Wolverhampton Wanderers v Burnley and West Ham United v Chelsea. (9472339) 11.30Super Sunday: The Last Word (6911372) 12.00Test Cricket (4139228) 2.00 Test Cricket (2696624) 3.00 European Rugby Union Special (3906599) 4.00 Test Cricket (8406995)
7.30 Wintersports Weekend (4896551) 7.35 Biathlon (2813136) 8.45 Live Alpine Skiing (6540440) 9.35 Live Alpine Skiing (2881556) 11.00Live Biathlon (6162049) 11.45Live Alpine Skiing Further World Cup coverage from Alta Badia in Italy. (776372) 12.45Live Ski Jumping The World Cup meeting from Engelberg in Switzerland. (39632310) 2.30 Live Nordic Combined Skiing (59488) 3.30 Biathlon (2407) 4.00 Cross-Country Skiing (2509407) 4.55 Wintersports Weekend (5521865) 5.00 Alpine Skiing (9307778) 5.45 Alpine Skiing (266399) 6.30 Live Equestrian The Olympia International Horse Show. (65725830) 10.40Alpine Skiing (805469) 11.25Alpine Skiing (993486) 12.10Alpine Skiing (7486792) 12.45Wintersports Weekend (4024228) 12.50Close
10.30 World Sport (31260136) 11.00 Racing News (73781575) 11.30 Canter Banter (73782204) 12.00 Seamaster Sailing (31251488) 12.30 Live European Cup Rugby Union (34341440) 2.45 Live European Cup Rugby Union (47806989) 5.30 Live NFL (36421827) 9.00 Live NFL (32670952)
12.30 WWE: Experience The latest from Raw and Smackdown. (87460266) 1.30 WWE: Late Night — Afterburn (51766686) 2.30 WWE Vintage Collection Wrestling highlights. (22645421) 3.30 Golf Night (43423179) 5.30 FEI Equestrian World (42057773)
SKY SPORTS 3 6.00 Seamaster Sailing (42090488) 6.30 Wild Spirits (41057827) 7.00 WWE: Afterburn (49817594) 8.00 WWE: Tribute to the Troops (49818223) 9.00 WWE Vintage Collection (42009136) 10.00 Seamaster Sailing (41071407)
TCM 6.35 8.25 11.00 11.35 1.00 3.00 5.05 7.40 9.00 10.55 1.10 3.00 5.00
Made in Heaven (1987) Romantic fantasy, starring Timothy Hutton and Kelly McGillis. (20719643) The Prize (1963) Thriller, starring Paul Newman. (92236310) The Screening Room (6925827) The Naked Hills (1956) Western, starring David Wayne. (95412594) Rampage (1963) Romantic adventure, starring Robert Mitchum. (8076827) The Candidate (1972) Political drama, starring Robert Redford. (32457407) The Silver Chalice (1954) Biblical drama, starring Paul Newman. (50653894) The Golden Arrow (1936) Comedy, starring Bette Davis. (b/w)(5809846) Soapdish (1991) Comedy, with Sally Field, Kevin Kline and Whoopi Goldberg. (69960001) Without Limits (1998) Sporting biopic, starring Billy Crudup. (27834469) The Mackintosh Man (1973) Espionage thriller, starring Paul Newman. (2209957) Teleshopping (9342518) Rampage (1963) Romantic adventure, starring Robert Mitchum. (51566131)
FILMFOUR 11.00 1.00 2.45 4.55 7.00 9.00 10.55 1.15 3.40
The Grass Is Greener (1960) Romantic comedy, starring Cary Grant. (5229846) The Brady Bunch Movie (1995) Comedy, starring Shelley Long. (61201575) Donovan’s Reef (1963) Comedy drama, starring John Wayne and Lee Marvin. (73586020) The Thief of Bagdad (1940) Fantasy adventure, starring Sabu. (80305597) The Wedding Planner (2001) Romantic comedy, with Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey. (6289001) Solaris (2002) Sci-fi drama, starring George Clooney. (29223391) Black Snake Moan (2006) Premiere. Drama, starring Christina Ricci and Samuel L Jackson. (80470594) Night Watch (2004) Russian fantasy, with Konstantin Khabensky. (19331808) Close
SKY 1 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 12.25 2.05 3.20 3.45 5.30 6.00 6.30
8.00 9.00
10.30 11.30 1.00 1.55 2.50 3.45 4.40 5.05
HOUR OF POWER (33643) WAYNE ROONEY’S STREET STRIKER (26440) WAYNE ROONEY’S STREET STRIKER (34469) WAYNE ROONEY’S STREET STRIKER (67198) WWE SUPERSTARS (60466) WWE: EXPERIENCE (11310) FUTURAMA (8338001) AN ACCIDENTAL CHRISTMAS (2007) (714117) CHRISTMAS CAPER (2007) (3057285) FUTURAMA (5268952) THE FLINTSTONES (1994) (499681) THE SIMPSONS (1372) THE SIMPSONS A jailbird gets a job at the school. (8285) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 Noel Edmonds helps make dreams come true for the nation’s most deserving, hard-working and selfless people, rewarding them for their acts of generosity. (34372) GOT TO DANCE New series. Davina McCall hosts the dancing competition. (71117) GEORGE MICHAEL LIVE IN LONDON Performance by the singer-songwriter, filmed at London’s Earls Court in August 2008 as part of his 25 Live tour. Songs include Fastlove, I’m Your Man, Faith and Outside. (56310) BONES Zooey Deschanel guest stars. (41846) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 (66643) GOT TO DANCE (6322727) ROAD WARS (4609372) ROAD WARS (8623131) PRISON BREAK (6686624) ROAD WARS (47809484) LOST (7216315)
LIVING: 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 I Dream of Jeannie 8.00 Bewitched 9.00 My Wife and Kids 10.00 The Fresh Prince of BelAir 11.00 Will & Grace 12.00 Bewitched 1.00 Canada’s Next Top Model 2.00 Passport Patrol 7.00 Nothing to Declare 8.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 9.00 Criminal Minds 10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12.00 Supernatural 2.00 Lipstick Jungle 3.00 Wonder Woman 3.50 Passport Patrol 4.40 I Dream of Jeannie 5.30 Home Shopping BRAVO: 8.00 Ginx Files 9.00 GameFace 9.30 Ginx Files 10.00 TNA Epics 11.00 The ATeam 1.00 FILM: Chief Crazy Horse (1954) Fact-based Western, starring Victor Mature. 2.50 Virgin Media Shorts 2009 3.00 TNA Epics 4.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 6.00 The A-Team 8.00 Trawlers, Rigs & Rescue: North Sea 9.00 Sun, Sea and A&E 10.00 Brit Cops: Zero Tolerance 11.00 Star Trek: Voyager 12.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 1.00 Masters of Horror 2.10 Star Trek: Voyager 3.05 Alias 4.00 Close 5.00 Home Shopping ITV2: 6.00 Emmerdale 8.30 ITV at the Movies 9.00 Creature Comforts 9.20 Gossip Girl 10.20 The Xtra Factor: Best and Worst 2009 2.20 Enter the World of James Cameron 2.50 Animals Do the Funniest Things 3.50 Take That: Backstage at the Circus 4.50 The Xtra Factor: Best and Worst 2009 5.50 The Xtra Factor: Winner’s Story ‘09 6.55 FILM: About a Boy (2002) A selfish womaniser learns a valuable lesson from a lonely youngster. Romantic comedy, starring Hugh Grant, Toni Collette and Nicholas Hoult. 9.00 FILM: What Women Want (2000) A womanising executive accidentally gains the ability to hear the thoughts of the opposite sex. Romantic comedy, starring Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt. 11.35 FILM: The Fugitive (1993) Oscar-winning thriller, starring Harrison Ford. 2.15 Supernatural 2.55 Teleshopping 4.55 Gossip Girl 5.40 ITV2 Nightscreen ITV3: 6.00 Film File 6.10 On the Buses 6.35 The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 7.40 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 9.55 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 12.05 The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 2.20 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 4.40 Sherlock Holmes: The Master Blackmailer 6.55 Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles 9.00 FILM: Sherlock: Case of Evil (2002) Mystery, starring James D’Arcy. 11.00 FILM: Murder by Decree (1978) Sherlock Holmes mystery, starring Christopher Plummer. 1.20 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 3.20 Drama Trails 3.30 Film File 3.40 Emmerdale DAVE: 7.00 School’s Out 7.40 Should I Worry About? 9.00 Top Gear Winter Olympics Special 10.00 Top Gear 11.00 Fifth Gear 12.00 World Rally 1.00 Top Gear Winter Olympics Special 2.00 Top Gear 3.00 Fifth Gear 4.00 Top Gear 6.00 Himalaya with Michael Palin 7.00 James May’s 20th Century 7.40 Have I Got News for You 8.20 QI 9.00 Jack Dee Live at the Apollo 10.00 FILM: Barton Fink (1991) Drama, starring John Turturro. 12.20 QI 1.00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 1.40 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 2.15 The Indestructibles 2.45 Radical Highs 3.00 Close E4: 6.00 Supernanny USA 7.40 How to Look Good Naked 8.45 Style Her Famous 9.10 How to Look Good Naked USA 9.40 The Class 10.35 Roswell 12.35 Dark Angel 2.30 Reaper 4.20 Friends 5.25 FILM: Jingle All the Way (1996) Comedy, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. 7.05 One Tree Hill 8.00 Friends 9.00 Derren Brown: How to Beat a Casino 10.00 FILM: Lucky Number Slevin (2006) Crime thriller, starring Josh Hartnett. 12.15 Sam Taylor Wood’s Nowhere Boy 1.20 Supernanny USA 2.10 The Class 2.35 How to Look Good Naked 3.30 Hollyoaks MORE4: 9.00 Scrapheap Challenge 1.20 How Clean Is Your House? 4.05 Come Dine with Me 6.55 Celebrity Come Dine with Me 8.00 Christmas at River Cottage 9.00 Dispatches 10.00 Gordon Ramsay’s F Word 11.10 Father Ted 11.45 Hung 12.20 Curb Your Enthusiasm 1.00 Deal or No Deal 1.45 Gordon Ramsay’s F Word 2.40 Father Ted 3.10 Hung 3.45 Close BBC THREE: 7.00 Wallace & Gromit: A Grand Day Out 7.25 FILM: Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) Comedy adventure, starring Jim Carrey. 9.00 Move Like Michael Jackson 10.05 Family Guy 10.30 American Dad! 10.50 Russell Howard’s Good News Xmas Special 11.20 Gavin & Stacey 11.50 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 12.20 Move Like Michael Jackson 1.25 Young, Dumb and Living Off Mum 3.25 Russell Howard’s Good News Xmas Special 3.55 Gavin & Stacey 4.25 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 4.55 Close
TV 11
12 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide BBC1
6.00 BREAKFAST (C)(20059686) 9.15 ANIMAL 24:7 (R)(C)(1004599) 10.00 HOMES UNDER THE HAMMER (R)(C) BBC News; Weather. (C)(84792) 11.00 CAR BOOTY (R)(C)(1841) 11.30 CASH IN THE ATTIC (R)(C) BBC News; Weather. (C)(8964353) 12.15 BARGAIN HUNT (R)(C)(6649044) 1.00 BBC NEWS; WEATHER (C)(75044) 1.30 REGIONAL NEWS; Weather. (C)(61177222) 1.45 ONLY FOOLS AND HORSES (R)(C)(4610402) 3.00 KEEPING UP APPEARANCES (R)(C)(8773) 3.30 MURDER, SHE WROTE (R)(C)(3601112) 4.15 ESCAPE TO THE COUNTRY (C)(6245150) 5.00 WEAKEST LINK (R)(C)(2353) 6.00 BBC NEWS; Weather. (C)(624) 6.30 NORTH WEST TONIGHT; Weather. (C)(976) 7.00 THE ONE SHOW (C)(3082)
6.00 CBEEBIES (4139599) 7.05 CBBC (5622773) 8.30 WAINWRIGHT WALKS (R)(C)(73599) 9.00 GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS (R)(C)(7941266) 9.50 FILM: THE BAREFOOT EXECUTIVE (1971) Disney comedy, starring Kurt Russell. (C)(65741044) 11.25 WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? (R)(C)(4354624) 12.25 VICTORIAN FARM (R)(C)(7234131) 1.25 FILM: IN WHICH WE SERVE (1942) British World War Two drama, starring Noel Coward. (C)(b/w)(31010518) 3.15 READY STEADY COOK (C)(9674537) 4.00 COAST (R)(C)(3063) 5.00 JAMES MAY’S TOY STORIES (R)(C)(5745) 6.00 THE HAIRY BIKERS’ TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS Simon King and David Myers cook Christmas-inspired recipes. (R)(C)(55024)
5.30 ITV MORNING NEWS (T)(40957) 6.00 GMTV (T)(5176268) 9.25 THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW (R)(T)(1955995) 10.30 THIS MORNING (T)(24402) 12.30 LOOSE WOMEN (T)(87957) 1.30 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(79572537) 1.55 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(89224773) 2.00 DICKINSON’S REAL DEAL (T)(53334) 3.00 THE ALAN TITCHMARSH SHOW (T)(1082) 3.59 GRANADA WEATHER (T)(5262315) 4.00 MIDSOMER MURDERS (R)(T)(4957) 6.00 GRANADA REPORTS; Weather. (T)(792) 6.30 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(604) 7.00 EMMERDALE Sally concocts a plan to win Ashley back, telling Sandy not to cancel the carol service and insisting she will sort it out. (T)(8150)
6.25 SALI MALI (R)(8721518) 6.30 YO GABBA GABBA (R)(T)(69995) 7.00 FILM: AQUAMARINE (2006) Premiere. Fantasy comedy, starring Sara Paxton and Emma Roberts. (T)(25388976) 8.55 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(3104421) 9.25 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(7157537) 9.55 T4: THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(3847632) 10.30 T4: ST TRINIAN’S 2: T4 PREMIERE SPECIAL (R)(T)(6243773) 11.05 T4: ALEXANDRA BURKE: UNDER THE SKIN (R)(T)(4351537) 12.05 FILM: THE TEN COMMANDMENTS (1956) Biblical epic, starring Charlton Heston. (T)(77737228) 4.10 DEAL OR NO DEAL: SCROOGE OR SANTA (T)(3112976) 5.00 THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(3228) 5.30 THE SIMPSONS Homer joins the power plant’s softball team. (R)(T)(421)
6.00 SUNRISE (T)(6128792) 7.00 MILKSHAKE! (35860353) 10.10 MICHAELA’S ZOO BABIES (R)(T)(5988957) 11.10 CRICKET: HOW THE ASHES WERE WON (T)(9843976) 12.00 FIVE NEWS (T)(36677792) 12.15 ICE ROAD TRUCKERS (R)(T)(7771268) 1.10 CRUSOE (T)(5700228) 2.05 FIVE NEWS UPDATE (T)(54091624) 2.20 FILM: A GRANDPA FOR CHRISTMAS (2007) Family comedy. (T)(9101808) 4.10 FIVE NEWS UPDATE (T)(29119082) 4.25 FILM: THE MUPPET CHRISTMAS CAROL (1992) Puppet comedy, starring Michael Caine. (T)(65168686) 6.00 HEADS OR TAILS A contestant from Birkenhead joins Justin Lee Collins to take part in the game show in which players could become millionaires on the flip of a coin. (T)(4528792)
Pick of the day
EastEnders (8.00pm)
Defying Gravity (11.25pm)
A Night of Heroes... (9.00pm)
Ugly Betty (10.00pm)
Michael Jackson... (10.00pm)
The Mitchells consider their next move after finding out about Ian and Archie’s contract, but as Ronnie and Roxy try to bargain with their father.
The day of the Venus landing arrives — a historic and dangerous event likely to alter many lives. Drama, starring Ron Livingston.
A ceremony from the Imperial War Museum honouring members of Britain’s armed forces and civilians who have provided support.
Wilhelmina blackmails Claire, Betty and Marc fight for the same job, and Justin finds out whether he has made it into performing arts school.
The king of pop’s anniversary concert from 2001, celebrating his 30 years as a solo performer and featuring appearances by Destiny’s Child.
7.30 NIGELLA’S CHRISTMAS KITCHEN The cook searches for culinary inspiration in Paris; (C) BBC News; Regional News. (C)(860) 8.00 EASTENDERS Ronnie and Roxy try to bargain with Archie. (C)(9402) 8.30 A QUESTION OF SPORT Quick-fire quiz. (C)(8537) 9.00 CRIMEWATCH The cold case murder of a mother who was kidnapped from her home at Christmas and burnt to death, and the thugs who ran down a budding footballer in a deliberate hit-and-run. (C)(7155) 10.00 BBC NEWS (C)(559150) 10.25 REGIONAL NEWS; Weather. (C)(413044) 10.35 THE GRAHAM NORTON SHOW The funniest moments from the series. (C)(150976) 11.20 CRIMEWATCH UPDATE Responses to the earlier programme. (C)(621179) 11.35 FILM: TOMBSTONE (1993) Western, starring Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer; (C) Weatherview. (C)(34104599) 1.40 SIGN ZONE: BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE (R)(C)(9131667) 2.10 SIGN ZONE: LIFE (R)(C)(8005174) 3.10 SIGN ZONE: NATURAL WORLD (R)(C)(7621280) 4.00 SIGN ZONE: DEFYING GRAVITY (R)(C)(7387731) 4.45 BBC NEWS (C)(5746483)
7.00 VICTORIAN FARM CHRISTMAS The farmers begin restoring the village blacksmith’s forge by making bricks to repair the chimney, and try to find crackers for the banquet with the help of historian Peter Kimpton. (R)(C)(2063) 8.00 UNIVERSITY CHALLENGE Manchester takes on King’s College, London. (C)(7044) 8.30 VICTORIA WOOD: SEEN ON TV The comedienne reflects on the highlights of her career in television, and contributors including Dawn French, Julie Walters and Roger Moore discuss her enduring appeal. (C)(17402) 10.00 VICTORIA WOOD WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS All-star special. (R)(C)(564995) 10.55 DINNERLADIES The girls attend their works party. (R)(C)(440570) 11.25 DEFYING GRAVITY The day of the Venus landing arrives. (C)(653773) 12.05 DEFYING GRAVITY (C)(8379174) 12.50 BBC LEARNING ZONE (C)(3135280) 1.50 FILM: THE BABY’S ROOM (2006) Premiere. Spanish horror, part of a series of six films, starring Javier Gutierrez and Leonor Watling. (7799777) 3.05 BBC NEWS (C)(381822) 4.45 CLOSE
7.30 CORONATION STREET The prospect of Sarah returning for Gail’s wedding prompts Jason to confess he is still married to her. (T)(228) 8.00 COUNTRYWISE Paul Heiney and the team continue their journey around Britain, visiting Northumberland to see a manmade lake sometimes referred to as as the most tranquil spot in England. (R)(T)(4570) 8.30 CORONATION STREET A drunken Tina is chatted up by a handsome stranger. (T)(3605) 9.00 A NIGHT OF HEROES: MILITARY AWARDS Phillip Schofield and Amanda Holden host a ceremony from the Imperial War Museum honouring outstanding members of Britain’s armed forces and civilians who have provided support. (T)(7402) 10.30 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(81518) 11.00 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(995266) 11.05 FILM: ANALYZE THAT (2002) Comedy sequel, starring Robert De Niro and Billy Crystal. (T)(688150) 12.50 CHRISTMAS TALES: THE LEGENDS OF SANTA (R)(T) ITV News Headlines. (5856342) 1.45 LOOSE WOMEN (R)(9713824) 2.30 THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW (R)(T)(3422938) 3.25 ITV NIGHTSCREEN (66997938)
6.00 HOLLYOAKS Mercedes and Calvin’s affair intensifies at the Dog’s Sexy Santa contest. (T)(334) 6.30 HOLLYOAKS Calvin and Mercedes struggle to control their attraction. (T)(686) 7.00 CHANNEL 4 NEWS (T)(942841) 7.55 3 MINUTE WONDER: 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS Festivethemed film. (R)(T)(497605) 8.00 COME DINE WITH ME AT CHRISTMAS Four amateur cooks create a festive meal. (R)(T)(3179) 9.00 MAN ON EARTH The effects of climate change on three civilisations from the past 2,000 years. (T)(3315) 10.00 UGLY BETTY (T)(6402) 11.00 GORDON RAMSAY’S F WORD Two restaurants specialising in North and South American cuisine compete. (R)(T)(605711) 12.05 KING OF THE HILL (T)(3734700) 12.35 KING OF THE HILL (T)(4628174) 1.00 EUROPEAN POKER TOUR (3146174) 2.05 FILM: LE DIVORCE (2003) Romantic comedy, starring Kate Hudson and Naomi Watts. (744822) 4.05 THE HILLS (T)(57484803) 4.30 ST ELSEWHERE (R)(T)(4427735) 5.20 ONE TREE HILL (T)(2506919)
7.00 STUDIO FIVE’S JACKO TRIBUTE Ian Wright, Melinda Messenger and Kate Walsh present an edition paying tribute to the king of pop, who died in June. (T)(6708537) 8.00 NATURE SHOCK Documentary exploring why the body of a 50-tonne sperm whale being transported for study spontaneously exploded in a busy street in southern Taiwan. (R)(T)(6784957) 9.00 MICHAEL JACKSON: THE LAST DAYS Documentary exploring the circumstances surrounding the death of Michael Jackson in June, featuring interviews with friends, colleagues and experts. (T)(6797421) 10.00 MICHAEL JACKSON: 30TH ANNIVERSARY CONCERT The king of pop’s anniversary concert from 2001, celebrating his 30 years as a solo performer and featuring appearances by Destiny’s Child and Whitney Houston. (T)(9246150) 11.50 MICHAEL JACKSON NOT FOR SALE Exploring the financial highs and lows of the pop legend’s career. (R)(T)(4071131) 12.50 SUPERCASINO (43388377) 4.00 TRUE HORROR: DRACULA (T)(7087358) 4.55 ‘TIL DEATH (T)(83431938) 5.15 BRIAN SEWELL’S GRAND TOUR (R)(T)(4580464)
RADIO RADIO 1: FM 97.6-99.8 6.30 The Chris Moyles Show with Scott Mills 10.00 Fearne Cotton 12.45 Newsbeat 1.00 Greg James 4.00 Sara Cox 7.00 Radio 1’s Festive Festival 11.00 Radio 1’s Stories 12.00 Rock Show with Daniel P Carter 2.00 Punk Show with Mike Davies 4.00 Dev RADIO 2: FM 88-90.2 6.00 Sarah Kennedy: The Dawn Patrol 7.30 Johnnie Walker 9.30 Ken Bruce 12.00 Jeremy Vine 2.00 Craig Charles 5.00 Chris Evans 7.00 U2 at Wembley 8.00 Mark Radcliffe and Stuart Maconie 10.00 Keeping Tradition Alive at Christmas 10.30 Katherine Jenkins’ Classical Christmas 12.00 Janice Long 3.00 Alex Lester
RADIO 3: FM 90.2-92.4 7.00 Breakfast 10.00 Classical Collection 12.00 Composer of the Week: John Rutter; News 1.00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 2.00 Afternoon on 3 5.00 Words and Music 6.15 New Generation Artists 7.00 Performance on 3 8.45 Belief 9.15 BBC Proms 2009 11.15 Jazz on 3 1.00 Through the Night RADIO 4: 198kHz (1515m) FM 92.4-94.6 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Farming Today 6.00 Today 9.00 Start the Week 9.45 (LW) Daily Service 9.45 (FM) Book of the Week: Paw Tracks in the Moonlight 10.00 Woman’s Hour 11.00 Policing Britain 11.30 Giles Wemmbley Hogg Goes Off
12.00 News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 You and Yours 12.57 Weather 1.00 The World at One 1.30 Brain of Britain 2009 2.00 The Archers 2.15 Afternoon Play: McLevy 3.00 Archive on 4: A Dog’s Life 3.45 The Santa Tapes 4.00 The Food Programme 4.30 The Infinite Monkey Cage 4.55 1989: Dayby-Day 5.00 PM 5.54 Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 Six O’Clock News 6.30 I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Front Row 7.45 Someone Like You 8.00 The Things We Forgot to Remember 8.30 Crossing Continents 9.00 Frontiers 9.30 Start the Week 10.00 The World Tonight 10.45 Book at Bedtime: The Ingoldsby Legends
11.00 Word of Mouth 11.30 Take Two 12.00 News and Weather 12.30 Book of the Week: Paw Tracks in the Moonlight 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast RADIO 5: 909kHz (330m) 693kHz (433m) 5.00 Morning Reports 5.30 Wake Up to Money 6.00 5 Live Breakfast 10.00 Victoria Derbyshire 1.00 Colin Murray 4.00 5 Live Drive 7.00 5 Live Sport: The Monday Night Club 8.00 5 Live Sport: Premier League 2009-10. Wigan Athletic v Bolton Wanderers (Kick-off 8.00pm). 10.00 5 Live Sport: Final Whistle. Reaction to the night’s football. 10.30 Richard Bacon 1.00 Up All Night
CLASSIC FM: FM 99.9-101.9 6.00 Classic FM Brighter Breakfast 8.00 Simon Bates 12.00 The Classic FM Most Wanted 1.00 Classic FM Requests 3.00 Mark Forrest 6.00 Smooth Classics at Six. With Margherita Taylor. 9.00 The Full Works. John Brunning presents the Classic FM Christmas Carol Concert recorded at Lichfield Cathedral earlier this month. 11.00 Relaxing Classics. John Brunning presents laid-back classics and standards. 1.00 Nick Bailey RADIO MERSEYSIDE: 1485kHz (202m) FM 95.8 5.00 Steve Coleman 6.00 Tony Snell 10.00 Sean Styles 12.00 Roger Phillips 2.00 Billy Butler 5.00 Claire Hamilton
7.00 Merseyside Sport 9.05 Orient Express 10.00 Linda McDermott 1.00 Up All Night RADIO CITY: FM 96.7 6.00 Rossie and Co 10.00 Rick Vaughn 1.00 Tim Cocker 4.00 Neil Fitzmaurice 7.00 In Demand 10.00 Pete Price 2.00 Matt Wilkins MAGIC 1548: 1548kHz (194m) 6.00 Keiron Fox 10.00 Nick Wright 2.00 Dave Campbell 6.00 60s at Six 7.00 70s at Seven 8.00 Richard Allen 10.00 Norman Ashley 2.00 Paul Griffiths 107.6 JUICE FM: FM 107.6 6.00 Adam and Leanne 10.00 Chris Bovaird 1.00 Baz Todd 4.00 Mark Kaye 7.00 Steve Timmins 11.00 Johnny Collins 1.00 Non-stop Juice
TV 13
Friday, December 18, 2009
Monday, December 21 COMEDY 6.00
Strange Wilderness (2008) With Steve Zahn. (8516605) 7.30 1941 (1979) With Dan Aykroyd. (6052228) 9.30 The Christmas Clause (2008) With Lea Thompson. (40556570) 11.10 27 Dresses (2008) With Katherine Heigl. (49951605) 1.10 The House Bunny (2008) With Anna Faris. (10953112) 2.55 Balls of Fury (2007) With Dan Fogler. (41734402) 4.35 The Christmas Clause (2008) With Lea Thompson. (31057082) 6.15 27 Dresses (2008) Always a bridesmaid but never the bride, singleton Jane is called to her regular role again when her sister announces she is getting married — to a man Jane is secretly in love with. As she wrestles with her feelings, Jane’s predicament attracts the attention of a reporter fascinated by her story. Romantic comedy, starring Katherine Heigl and James Marsden. (6933773) 8.15 The House Bunny (2008) A former Playboy bunny takes over a sorority house, and turns the students’ social lives around. Comedy, starring Anna Faris and Colin Hanks. (36566976) 10.00 Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008) Comedy, with Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks. (4762605) 11.45 Balls of Fury (2007) Comedy, with Dan Fogler and Christopher Walken. (2376976) 1.20 First Sunday (2008) With Ice Cube. (5781174) 3.05 Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008) With Seth Rogen. (2313984) 4.50 1941 (1979) (90668261)
DRAMA 6.30 8.40 9.10 11.00 1.10 3.40 5.30 6.00
12.30 2.25 4.30
Gloria (1980) With Gena Rowlands. (77401228) Avatar Special (2748082) No Reservations (2007) With Catherine Zeta-Jones. (33158131) And Justice for All (1979) With Al Pacino. (83819315) The Sicilian (1987) With Christopher Lambert. (59227605) King of the Hill (1993) With Jesse Bradford. (9757624) Avatar Special (7740247) The Other Boleyn Girl (2008) A bitter rivalry develops between two sisters for the affection of King Henry VIII. Historical drama, with Natalie Portman. (1733773) Changeling (2008) A mother is seemingly reunited with her missing child, but remains adamant he is not her son. Fact-based drama, with Angelina Jolie. (9810995) The Chamber (1996) A lawyer struggles to win a reprieve for his grandfather, a convicted killer on death row. Courtroom thriller, with Chris O’Donnell and Gene Hackman. (2781112) The Border (1982) With Jack Nicholson. (5626174) Inserts (1975) With Richard Dreyfuss. (30202700) A Father’s Son (1999) With John Schneider. (54335261)
Point Last Seen (1998) (81345599) Breach (2007) With Chris Cooper. (58702808) 10.05 Redbelt (2008) With Chiwetel Ejiofor. (43729470) 12.00 Metro (1997) With Eddie Murphy. (63228976) 2.05 Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993) With Jason Scott Lee. (30965711) 4.10 Breach (2007) With Chris Cooper. (18201808) 6.10 Redbelt (2008) A martial arts expert makes a living teaching his skills to others, but his strict principles prevent him competing professionally. After he befriends a movie star, things seem to be looking up. But a run of bad fortune and his wife’s spiralling debts leaves him forced to compromise his ideals and fight in the ring. Drama, starring Chiwetel Ejiofor. (56004402) 8.00 Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993) Biopic of the kung fu movie star, charting his rise to fame amid prejudice and cynicism and his eventual stardom in Hong Kong and later Hollywood. However, he remained haunted by childhood demons until his untimely death in 1973. Starring Jason Scott Lee and Lauren Holly. (19040537) 10.05 Wanted (2008) Action adventure, with James McAvoy and Angelina Jolie. (9775889) 12.00 Eastern Promises (2007) With Viggo Mortensen. (6910087) 1.45 Wanted (2008) With James McAvoy. (24736483) 3.50 Point Last Seen (1998) With Linda Hamilton. (5868280) 5.35 35MM (47795464)
G.O.L.D: 6.00 As Time Goes By 6.40 Last of the Summer Wine 8.35 May to December 9.15 The Two Ronnies 10.20 Steptoe and Son 11.45 Last of the Summer Wine 1.40 FILM: Carry On at Your Convenience (1971) Bawdy comedy, starring Sid James. 3.30 FILM: Carry On Loving (1970) Comedy, starring Sid James. 5.20 FILM: Carry On Again, Doctor (1969) Medical comedy, starring Sid James. 7.10 Only Fools and Horses 11.00 Men Behaving Badly 11.40 Early Doors 1.00 Steptoe and Son 2.10 Close Up 2.20 Men Behaving Badly 3.00 Close
SKY SPORTS 1 6.00 European Rugby Special (97315) 7.00 Test Cricket (63189995) 8.55 Live International Cricket India v Sri Lanka. (58191) 5.00 Soccer AM: The Best Bits Highlights of Saturday’s show. (7841) 6.00 SPL Round-Up A review of the latest round of fixtures from the Scottish top flight, featuring all the goals and interviews with managers and players. (2889) 6.30 Netbusters Action, quotes and bloopers from the Football League. (6841) 7.00 Live Darts The 2010 PDC World Championship. The fourth day’s play at Alexandra Palace in London features a preliminary match and a further four first-round ties. (9150006) 12.00Football League Bournemouth v Notts County. Extended highlights of the League Two clash at Dean Court, featuring two of the division’s promotion candidates. (10087) 1.30 Netbusters Action from the Football League. (96822) 2.00 SPL Round-Up Recent matches from the Scottish top flight. (52087) 2.30 Soccer AM: The Best Bits A look back at some of the highlights of Saturday’s show. (30648) 3.30 Watersports World Highlights of aquatic activities from across the planet, featuring sports such as water skiing, sailing and windsurfing. (35193) 4.30 Netbusters (52990) 5.00 Max Power Motor sport magazine. (23551)
SECRET SOCIETY: Wanted (Sky Movies Action/Thriller, 10.05pm)
SKY SPORTS 2 6.00 Good Morning Sports Fans (9329957) 9.00 Football Special (5634537) 10.30Super Sunday: The Last Word (6107452) 11.00Spanish Football (5611686) 1.00 Football Special (9439624) 2.30 Super Sunday: The Last Word (1424353) 3.00 Spanish Football (7034082) 5.00 NFL (4130957) 6.30 European Rugby Union Special (9005957) 7.30 Live Football League Bournemouth v Notts County (Kick-off 7.45pm). (8470119) 10.00Time of Our Lives Former Ipswich Town players reminisce. (2250228) 11.00Soccer AM: The Best Bits (8654773) 12.00International Cricket (4026700) 2.00 NFL (3995483) 3.30 International Cricket (7909342) 5.30 SPL Round-Up (9486532)
EUROSPORT 7.30 Wintersports Weekend (8191763) 7.35 Nordic Combined Skiing (1808841) 8.15 Ski Jumping (6905860) 9.00 Live Alpine Skiing (32976) 10.00Biathlon (21773) 10.30Biathlon (81179) 11.00Ski Jumping (51402) 12.00Live Alpine Skiing (24696) 1.00 Biathlon (62518) 1.30 Biathlon (86112) 2.00 Ski Jumping (22402) 3.00 Cross-Country Skiing (4828995) 3.45 Biathlon (257957) 4.15 Biathlon (255763) 4.45 Eurogoals: One to One (4045792) 5.00 Eurogoals (9367150) 5.45 Champions Club (518353) 6.30 Eurogoals: One to One (845808) 6.45 Live Equestrian (26264150) 10.35Champions Club (323860) 11.20Eurogoals (850624) 12.00Eurogoals: One to One (4848629) 12.20Close
ITV2: 6.00 Coronation Street 6.55 Emmerdale 7.25 Coleen’s Real Women 9.25 I’m a Celebrity: Unforgettable Trials 10.30 Judge Judy 12.00 Coronation Street 1.00 Emmerdale 1.30 The Jeremy Kyle Show 3.45 Ricki Lake 5.15 Judge Judy 6.15 Creature Comforts 6.30 Jack and the Beanstalk 8.00 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Christmas Special 9.00 FILM: Gremlins (1984) A teenager is given a bizarre creature for Christmas — with horrifying consequences. Comedy horror, starring Zach Galligan and Phoebe Cates. 11.15 Coronation Street 12.15 Enter the World of James Cameron 12.45 The Xtra Factor: Best and Worst 2009 1.40 Emmerdale 2.05 Teleshopping 5.05 Gossip Girl 5.50 ITV2 Nightscreen
Wrestling (49831174) 1.00 WWE Vintage Collection (87426822) 2.00 Live WWE: Late Night — Raw (31599445) 4.15 Soccer AM: The Best Bits (70233716) 5.15 Wild Spirits (14811445) 5.45 Sky Sports Classics (80939087)
ITV3: 6.00 On the Buses 6.30 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 7.30 Hornblower 9.40 FILM: Black Beauty (1994) Family drama, starring Sean Bean. 11.25 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 1.35 Jane Eyre 4.00 FILM: The Adventures of Pinocchio (1996) Family adventure, with Martin Landau. 5.50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 7.55 The Darling Buds of May 9.00 Lewis 11.00 The Bill 12.05 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 2.00 The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 2.55 Film File 3.00 Teleshopping
SKY SPORTS 3 6.00 Aerobics Oz Style (42050860) 6.30 Powder Adventures (41024599) 7.00 Golf Night (90790995) 9.00 European Rugby Special (42076808) 10.00Darts (69121650) 3.00 European Rugby Special (73753792)
4.00 WWE: Raw (74121659) 7.00 WWE: Tribute to the Troops (27851957) 8.00 International Cricket (27864421) 10.00WWE: Late Night — Bottom Line (27850228) 11.00WWE: Late Night — Afterburn (90770131) 12.00Extreme Championship
TCM 6.50 8.55 11.30 12.55 3.00 5.05
7.30 9.00 11.10 1.20 3.00 5.00
The Candidate (1972) Political drama, starring Robert Redford. (45854957) The Silver Chalice (1954) Biblical drama, with Paul Newman. (89847957) The Golden Arrow (1936) Comedy, starring Bette Davis. (b/w)(95480995) Operation Pacific (1951) World War Two adventure, starring John Wayne. (b/w)(60355860) The Barkleys of Broadway (1949) Musical, starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. (32424179) The Sins of Rachel Cade (1961) Romantic drama, starring Angie Dickinson and Roger Moore. (12683228) The Big Night (1951) Thriller, starring John Drew Barrymore. (7620841) Bullitt (1968) Thriller, starring Steve McQueen. (49165860) See You in the Morning (1989) Drama, starring Jeff Bridges. (65576570) The Hand (1981) Horror, starring Michael Caine. (8843795) Teleshopping (9302990) Operation Pacific (1951) World War Two adventure, starring John Wayne. (b/w)(8242648)
FILMFOUR 11.00 1.40 3.35 6.40 9.00 10.45 1.55 3.55
The Quiet Man (1952) Romantic drama, starring John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara. (13975247) A Town Like Alice (1956) Wartime drama, starring Virginia McKenna and Peter Finch. (b/w)(54190624) The Flight of the Phoenix (1965) Adventure, starring James Stewart. (78270781) The Land Girls (1997) British wartime drama, starring Anna Friel. (59242570) John Tucker Must Die (2006) Romantic comedy, with Jesse Metcalfe and Brittany Snow. (73180266) Gangs of New York (2002) Historical drama, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Daniel Day-Lewis. (41249711) Big Trouble in Little China (1986) Fantasy adventure, starring Kurt Russell. (7009377) Close
SKY 1 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 9.30 10.00 11.30 12.30 2.15 2.30 3.30 4.30
7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 10.00 10.10 11.10 11.40 12.40 1.40 2.35 3.30 4.20 5.10
LIVING: 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Bewitched 8.00 Maury 8.55 Celebs Off Duty 9.00 Nothing to Declare 10.00 America’s Next Top Model 11.00 Maury 12.50 Celebs Off Duty 1.00 Charmed 3.00 Ghost Whisperer 4.00 Charmed 6.00 America’s Next Top Model 7.00 Ghost Whisperer 8.00 Medium 9.00 Criminal Minds 10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11.00 CSI: Miami 12.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Medium 3.00 Lipstick Jungle 3.50 Maury 4.40 Charmed 5.30 Home Shopping
GOOD MORNING SPORTS FANS (60247) GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS SMASHED! (60334) OOPS TV (61063) FUTURAMA (17957) FUTURAMA (48315) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 (88841) GOT TO DANCE (97773) FUTURAMA (45238063) BITE SIZE BRAINIAC (63537421) OOPS TV (24228) GOT TO DANCE (73889) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 Noel Edmonds rewards deserving people across the nation. (41112) ARE YOU SMARTER THAN YOUR TEN YEAR OLD? New series. Game show, hosted by Damian Williams. (50150) THE SIMPSONS Venus and Serena Williams guest. (4112) THE SIMPSONS A gay man befriends the family. (1995) MICHAEL JACKSON’S PRIVATE HOME MOVIES The pop star’s personal video collection. (3860) MICHAEL JACKSON’S PRIVATE HOME MOVIES The pop star’s personal video collection. (2995) ROAD WARS Christmas special. (95247) TEN MINUTE TALES New series. Silent drama, starring Timothy Spall. (278808) BONES (389131) MODERN FAMILY (897150) UK BORDER FORCE (924696) ROAD WARS (6936174) ROAD WARS (5500939) DEREK ACORAH (2832396) LOST (1451464) LOST (1286532) LOST (9974006)
BRAVO: 8.00 TNA iMPACT! 10.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 11.00 Star Trek: Voyager 12.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 1.00 The ATeam 2.00 Street Crime UK 3.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 3.30 TNA iMPACT! 5.30 Dog the Bounty Hunter 6.00 The A-Team 7.00 Street Crime UK 9.00 1000 Ways to Die 10.00 100 Men Own My Breasts 11.00 Star Trek: Voyager 12.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 1.00 Masters of Horror 2.10 Star Trek: Voyager 3.05 Alias 4.00 Close 5.00 Home Shopping
DAVE: 7.00 Should I Worry About? 8.00 Top Gear 10.00 Dragons’ Den 11.00 James May’s 20th Century 12.00 Top Gear 2.00 James May’s 20th Century 3.00 Dragons’ Den 4.00 Top Gear 6.00 Dragons’ Den 7.00 James May: My Sisters’ Top Toys 8.20 Have I Got News for You 9.00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 1.40 Man Stroke Woman 2.15 School’s Out 2.45 Radical Highs 3.00 Close E4: 6.00 How to Look Good Naked USA 6.25 One Tree Hill 7.10 Young, Sexy and Rich 8.00 Switched Up! 9.00 Friends 9.25 One Tree Hill 10.20 Gilmore Girls 11.15 Veronica Mars 12.10 Switched Up! 1.10 Scrubs 2.05 Friends 2.35 Hollyoaks 3.05 Gilmore Girls 4.00 Veronica Mars 5.00 Friends 6.00 Scrubs 7.00 Hollyoaks 8.00 Friends 9.00 One Tree Hill 10.00 FILM: The Family Stone (2005) Premiere. A woman struggles to make a good impression on her future in-laws. Comedy drama, starring Sarah Jessica Parker and Dermot Mulroney. 12.05 FILM: Lucky Number Slevin (2006) A case of mistaken identity leaves a man with the job of killing a mob boss. Crime thriller, starring Josh Hartnett and Bruce Willis. 2.15 Scrubs 3.05 Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious 3.45 Young, Sexy and Rich 4.30 How to Look Good Naked USA 4.55 Switched MORE4: 9.00 Deal or No Deal 9.45 Room for Improvement 10.45 Location, Location, Location 11.15 FILM: From Hell to Texas (1958) Western, starring Don Murray. 1.10 Deal or No Deal 2.00 Come Dine with Me 2.30 Coach Trip 3.00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 4.00 How Clean Is Your House? 5.05 Relocation, Relocation 6.05 Deal or No Deal: Scrooge or Santa 7.00 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 8.00 Willie’s Perfect Chocolate Christmas 9.00 The Family at Christmas 10.00 Without a Trace 11.00 The Closer 12.10 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: Global Edition 12.40 The Family at Christmas 1.40 Without a Trace 2.35 The Closer 3.35 Close BBC THREE: 7.00 Merlin 7.45 Merlin Secrets and Magic 8.00 Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers 8.30 Don’t Get Screwed 9.00 Move Like Michael Jackson 10.00 EastEnders 10.35 Family Guy 11.00 American Dad! 11.20 Russell Howard Live 12.30 Russell Howard’s Good News Xmas Special 1.00 Move Like Michael Jackson 2.00 Young, Dumb and Living Off Mum 3.55 Russell Howard’s Good News Xmas Special 4.25 Don’t Get Screwed 4.55 Merlin Secrets and Magic 5.10 Close
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14 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide BBC1
6.00 BREAKFAST (C)(20026358) 9.15 ANIMAL 24:7 (R)(C)(1991071) 10.00 HOMES UNDER THE HAMMER (R)(C) BBC News; Weather. (C)(95358) 11.00 CAR BOOTY (R)(C)(3385) 11.30 CASH IN THE ATTIC (R)(C) BBC News; Weather. (C)(8931025) 12.15 BARGAIN HUNT (C)(6616716) 1.00 BBC NEWS; WEATHER (C)(19938) 1.30 REGIONAL NEWS; Weather. (C)(95472434) 1.45 ONLY FOOLS AND HORSES (R)(C)(4687174) 3.00 KEEPING UP APPEARANCES (R)(C)(7667) 3.30 MURDER, SHE WROTE (R)(C)(3505984) 4.15 ESCAPE TO THE COUNTRY (C)(6212822) 5.00 WEAKEST LINK (R)(C)(8919) 6.00 BBC NEWS; Weather. (C)(445) 6.30 NORTH WEST TONIGHT; Weather. (C)(975) 7.00 THE ONE SHOW Live topical reports. (C)(9648)
6.00 CBEEBIES (51025) 7.00 CBBC (5690174) 8.25 WAINWRIGHT WALKS (R)(C)(3842416) 8.55 GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS (R)(C)(6472532) 9.45 FILM: BLACKBEARD’S GHOST (1967) Disney comedy fantasy, starring Peter Ustinov. (C)(89329984) 11.25 WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? (R)(C)(4321396) 12.25 VICTORIAN FARM (R)(C)(7201803) 1.25 FILM: MERRY CHRISTMAS (2005) Fact-based World War One drama, starring Benno Furmann. (C)(31070990) 3.15 READY STEADY COOK (C)(9641209) 4.00 COAST (R)(C)(9629) 5.00 JAMES MAY’S TOY STORIES (R)(C)(9261) 6.00 TERRY AND JUNE Christmas arrives in the suburbs and the pressure is on Terry to buy June the right present — for the first time in his life. (R)(C)(777)
5.30 ITV MORNING NEWS (T)(60261) 6.00 GMTV (T)(3976880) 9.25 THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW (R)(T)(1922667) 10.30 THIS MORNING (T)(44716) 12.30 LOOSE WOMEN (T)(14551) 1.30 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(79549209) 1.55 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(89291445) 2.00 DICKINSON’S REAL DEAL (R)(T)(64990) 3.00 THE ALAN TITCHMARSH SHOW (T)(7648) 4.00 MIDSOMER MURDERS (R)(T)(6551) 6.00 GRANADA REPORTS; Weather. (T)(613) 6.30 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(193) 7.00 EMMERDALE Ryan tries to hide his guilt around Katie and is relieved when Maisie promises she will not tell anyone about their trip, while Lisa reluctantly agrees to Holly’s request. (T)(4716)
6.05 PLANET COOK (R)(T)(7161209) 6.25 THE TREACLE PEOPLE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (R)(T)(4867342) 6.40 YO GABBA GABBA (T)(8787174) 7.10 MAX BEAR AND THE LUCKY CHARM (R)(T)(7717025) 7.40 FILM: RUGRATS GO WILD (2003) Children’s animated adventure, with the voice of Nancy Cartwright. (T)(3425498) 9.10 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(5140754) 9.45 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(3542880) 10.20 T4: THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(2148445) 10.55 T4: UGLY BETTY Marc and Betty fight for the same job. (R)(T)(2150280) 11.55 FILM: DICK TRACY (1990) Comic-strip adventure, starring Warren Beatty. (T)(97406174) 1.55 FILM: TRISTAN AND ISOLDE (2005) Premiere. Romantic adventure, starring James Franco and Sophia Myles. (T)(13475071)
6.00 SUNRISE (T)(6195464) 7.00 MILKSHAKE! (35837025) 10.10 ANIMAL RESCUE SQUAD (R)(T)(2947261) 10.35 MICHAELA’S ZOO BABIES (R)(T)(7549342) 11.35 FIVE NEWS (T)(53516358) 11.50 ICE ROAD TRUCKERS (R)(T)(5214342) 12.50 CRUSOE (T)(1178984) 1.45 FIVE NEWS UPDATE (T)(88059358) 2.00 FILM: I SAW MOMMY KISSING SANTA CLAUS (2002) Premiere. Comedy, with Connie Sellecca. (T)(9158716) 3.50 FIVE NEWS UPDATE (T)(27430984) 4.05 FILM: SANTA WHO? (2000) Comedy, starring Leslie Nielsen. (T)(66151938) 6.00 HEADS OR TAILS A circus performer tries to win enough money to fund her dream wedding. (T)(4595464) 7.00 STUDIO FIVE’S REALITY TV SPECIAL Topical reports; (T) Five News Update. (T)(6775209)
Paradox (9.00pm)
Mock the Week (9.00pm)
Emmerdale (7.00pm)
Celebrity Come... (8.00pm)
CSI... (9.00pm)
Seeing a young father plummet to his death proves traumatic for Rebecca and her team, especially Christian, who disappears. With Tamzin Outhwaite.
The comedy quiz, featuring Frankie Boyle’s final appearance as a panellist, alongside Hugh Dennis, Russell Howard and Andy Parsons.
Ryan is relieved when Maisie promises she will not tell anyone about their trip. Lisa reluctantly agrees to Holly’s request to be a nude life model.
Hannah Waterman, David Gest, Diarmuid Gavin and Sherrie Hewson host Christmas parties in this festive special of the dining challenge.
Gil Grissom’s most heroic moments, beginning as the team struggles to piece together events leading to the murder of a showgirl.
7.30 EASTENDERS Ronnie has a run-in with Archie, with disastrous results; (C) BBC News; Regional News. (C)(209) 8.00 HOLBY CITY Preparations for his first Christmas with Holly prompt Linden to finally face up to his guilt over his wife’s death. Chrissie announces she is pregnant, and Donna reunites a family. (C)(2445) 9.00 PARADOX When Christian goes missing after seeing a young father plummet to his death, Rebecca races to find him to decipher another set of images before it is too late. Last in the series. (C)(2209) 10.00 BBC NEWS (C)(211434) 10.25 REGIONAL NEWS; Weather. (C)(952938) 10.35 IMAGINE The competitive world of the board game Scrabble. (C)(8732754) 11.40 FILM: HOLIDAY IN HANDCUFFS (2007) Premiere. Romantic comedy, starring Melissa Joan Hart; (C) Weatherview. (C)(416735) 1.15 SIGN ZONE: SEE HEAR (R)(C)(57859) 1.45 SIGN ZONE: RICK STEIN’S CHRISTMAS ODYSSEY (R)(C)(827410) 2.45 SIGN ZONE: WONDERLAND: ALZHEIMER’S: THE MUSICAL (R)(C)(4839588) 3.25 SIGN ZONE: DEFYING GRAVITY (R)(C)(2422762) 4.10 BBC NEWS (C)(255694)
6.30 FILM: DAD’S ARMY (1971) The Home Guard soldiers are tested when they are asked to capture three German aviators. Comedy, with Arthur Lowe, John Le Mesurier and Clive Dunn. (C)(52754) 8.00 THE FUNNY SIDE OF CHRISTMAS Clive Anderson presents a wry look at the TV world’s yuletide traditions, including the making of the annual Blue Peter advent crown, and endless tips on how to cook a turkey. (C)(7777) 9.00 MOCK THE WEEK Topical comedy show, with Dara O Briain. (C)(5613) 9.30 BUZZCOCKS: THE DOCTOR WHO SPECIAL With Bernard Cribbins, Catherine Tate, Jamie Cullum and Jo Whiley. (R)(C)(46483) 10.00 HAVE I GOT A BIT MORE NEWS FOR YOU With Bill Bailey. (C)(339716) 10.45 THE CULTURE SHOW A reevaluation of Michael Jackson’s impact on music. (C)(264087) 11.45 MICHAEL JACKSON LIVE IN BUCHAREST: THE DANGEROUS TOUR The concert from October 1992. (C)(178261) 1.45 MICHAEL JACKSON TOTP2 TRIBUTE Performances by the pop superstar. (R)(C)(8385236) 2.35 BBC NEWS (C)(874897) 4.10 CLOSE
7.30 GRIMEFIGHTERS Restaurant inspectors pay a return visit to a kebab shop with a bad reputation, a litter-picker turns on the Wolverhampton Christmas lights, and an abandoned house is investigated. (T)(377) 8.00 COASTLINE COPS An elite police marine unit in the Solent checks the Queen Mary 2’s hull for terrorist bombs, and an air festival in Suffolk threatens to overwhelm officers. Last in the series. (T)(4613) 9.00 THE BILL Part one of two. Mickey goes undercover as a homeless man after a body is found in the river wearing a tramp’s coat over designer clothes. Millie says goodbye to Sun Hill. (T)(7377) 10.00 ITV NEWS AT TEN AND WEATHER (T)(12984) 10.30 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(962358) 10.35 FILM: BASIC INSTINCT (1992) A hard-drinking cop investigates a grisly murder, only to be drawn into the arms of the chief suspect. Thriller, with Sharon Stone; (T) ITV News Headlines. (23705919) 12.50 NIGHTWATCH WITH STEVE SCOTT: EMERGENCY (R)(T)(5823014) 1.45 LOOSE WOMEN (R)(8372762) 2.35 THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW (R)(T)(3318781) 3.30 ITV NIGHTSCREEN (36385)
Pick of the day
4.10 DEAL OR NO DEAL: SCROOGE OR SANTA (T)(3189648) 5.00 THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(5822) 5.30 THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(342) 6.00 HOLLYOAKS (T)(483) 6.30 HOLLYOAKS (T)(735) 7.00 CHANNEL 4 NEWS (T)(481735) 7.55 3 MINUTE WONDER: 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS (R)(T)(823071) 8.00 CELEBRITY COME DINE WITH ME CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (T)(8483) 9.00 GORDON RAMSAY’S F WORD Peter Andre takes part in the recipe challenge. (T)(9198006) 10.20 ALAN CARR: CHATTY MAN CHRISTMAS SPECIAL With Cilla Black, David Walliams and Justin Lee Collins. (T)(1409358) 11.30 THE BIG BANG THEORY (T)(580938) 11.55 THE BIG BANG THEORY (T)(406532) 12.30 BULLRUN (T)(6140633) 1.05 EUROPEAN POKER TOUR (3025120) 2.05 WORLD SPORT (R)(T)(2491965) 2.35 OCEAN RACE (R)(T)(7060897) 3.25 THE HILLS (T)(16691236) 3.50 THE HILLS (T)(38392994) 4.10 THE HILLS (T)(57385588) 4.35 ST ELSEWHERE (R)(T)(4320878) 5.25 ONE TREE HILL (T)(2492762)
8.00 NATURE SHOCK Exploring extraordinary finds in the animal world, beginning with the story of a hunter who discovered what appeared to be an unknown species in the Canadian Arctic; (R)(T) Five News at 9. (6751629) 9.00 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST William Petersen highlights some of Gil Grissom’s most heroic moments, beginning as the team struggles to piece together events leading to the murder of a showgirl. (R)(T)(6764193) 10.00 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST Investigations at a pottery store murder scene provide the team with clues to an unsolved kidnapping that took place 20 years previously. Drama, starring William Petersen; (R)(T) Five News Update. (T)(6767280) 11.00 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST Catherine investigates a disaster that killed three elderly women, and the team’s efforts to track down a couple’s murderers are hampered by heavy rain. (R)(T)(3198342) 12.00 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST (R)(T)(1508120) 12.55 SUPERCASINO (43267830) 4.00 TRUE HORROR: WEREWOLF (T)(7974830) 4.55 ‘TIL DEATH (T)(83328410) 5.15 BRIAN SEWELL’S GRAND TOUR (R)(T)(4484236)
RADIO RADIO 1: FM 97.6-99.8 6.30 The Chris Moyles Show with Scott Mills 10.00 Fearne Cotton 12.45 Newsbeat 1.00 Greg James 4.00 Sara Cox 7.00 BBC Radio 1’s Review of the Year with Nihal. The host and a panel of guests take a look back at the musical highlights of 2009. 10.00 Nick Grimshaw 12.00 Nihal 2.00 Gilles Peterson 4.00 Dev RADIO 2: FM 88-90.2 6.00 Sarah Kennedy: The Dawn Patrol 7.30 Johnnie Walker 9.30 Ken Bruce 12.00 Jeremy Vine 2.00 Craig Charles 5.00 Chris Evans. Funpacked show. 7.00 Radio 2 Live: Yusuf 8.00 Mark Radcliffe and Stuart Maconie 10.00 Keeping Tradition Alive at Christmas
10.30 The Best Christmas Present Ever 11.30 Hard Times: The Short, Sad Life of Stephen Foster 12.00 Janice Long 3.00 Alex Lester RADIO 3: FM 90.2-92.4 7.00 Breakfast 10.00 Classical Collection 12.00 Composer of the Week: John Rutter 12.00 News 1.00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 2.00 Afternoon on 3 5.00 Words and Music 6.15 New Generation Artists 7.00 Performance on 3 9.00 Belief 9.30 BBC Proms 2009 11.15 Late Junction 1.00 Through the Night RADIO 4: 198kHz (1515m) FM 92.494.6 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Farming Today 6.00 Today
9.00 Defining the Decade 9.45 (LW) Daily Service 9.45 (FM) Book of the Week: Paw Tracks in the Moonlight 10.00 Woman’s Hour 11.00 Towering Ambition 11.30 Li Yuan Chia 12.00 News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 Call You and Yours 12.57 Weather 1.00 The World at One 1.30 Tales from the Stave 2.00 The Archers 2.15 Afternoon Play: The Three Knots 3.00 Home Planet 3.30 Scene of the Crime 3.45 The Santa Tapes 4.00 Word of Mouth 4.30 Great Lives 4.55 1989: Day-by-Day 5.00 PM 5.54 Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 Six O’Clock News 6.30 Sneakiepeeks 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Front Row 7.45 Someone Like You
8.00 The New Art of Diplomacy 8.40 In Touch 9.00 All in the Mind 9.30 Defining the Decade 9.59 Weather 10.00 The World Tonight 10.45 Book at Bedtime: The Ingoldsby Legends 11.00 Vent 11.30 Take Two 12.00 News and Weather 12.30 Book of the Week: Paw Tracks in the Moonlight 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast RADIO 5: 909kHz (330m) 693kHz (433m) 5.00 Morning Reports 5.30 Wake Up to Money 6.00 5 Live Breakfast 10.00 Victoria Derbyshire 1.00 Colin Murray 4.00 5 Live Drive 7.00 5 Live Sport 7.30 5 Live Cricket 9.00 5 Live Sport: The Year of the Cheat. Questioning the integrity of sport.
10.00 5 Live Sport: The Sporting Decade: The Nominations 10.30 Richard Bacon 1.00 Up All Night CLASSIC FM: FM 99.9-101.9 6.00 Classic FM Brighter Breakfast 8.00 Simon Bates 12.00 The Classic FM Most Wanted 1.00 Classic FM Requests 3.00 Mark Forrest 6.00 Smooth Classics at Six. With Margherita Taylor. 9.00 The Full Works 11.00 Relaxing Classics 1.00 Nicola Bonn RADIO MERSEYSIDE: 1485kHz (202m) FM 95.8 5.00 Steve Coleman 6.00 Tony Snell 10.00 Sean Styles 12.00 Roger Phillips 2.00 Billy Butler 5.00 Claire Hamilton 7.00 Merseyside Sport
9.05 Folkscene with Geoff Speed 10.00 Linda McDermott 1.00 Up All Night RADIO CITY: FM 96.7 6.00 Rossie and Co 10.00 Rick Vaughn 1.00 Tim Cocker 4.00 Neil Fitzmaurice 7.00 In Demand 10.00 Pete Price 2.00 Matt Wilkins MAGIC 1548: 1548kHz (194m) 6.00 Keiron Fox 10.00 Nick Wright 2.00 Dave Campbell 6.00 60s at Six 7.00 70s at Seven 8.00 Richard Allen 10.00 Norman Ashley 2.00 Paul Griffiths 107.6 JUICE FM: FM 107.6 6.00 Adam and Leanne 10.00 Chris Bovaird 1.00 Baz Todd 4.00 Mark Kaye 7.00 Steve Timmins 11.00 Johnny Collins 1.00 Non-stop Juice
TV 15
Friday, December 18, 2009
Tuesday December 22 COMEDY 6.55
I Want Candy (2007) With Carmen Electra. (14539193) 8.30 35MM (5016290) 9.00 Dr Dolittle 4: Tail to the Chief (2008) With Kyla Pratt. (62396396) 10.35 Baby Mama (2008) With Tina Fey. (48165209) 12.20 Sex and the City (2008) With Sarah Jessica Parker. (29431822) 2.50 The Women (2008) With Meg Ryan. (37849445) 4.50 The Accidental Husband (2008) With Uma Thurman. (93887764) 6.25 Dr Dolittle 4: Tail to the Chief (2008) The daughter of the famous vet, who has inherited her father’s ability to talk to animals, is summoned to the White House to take care of the president’s dog. Comedy, starring Kyla Pratt and Peter Coyote. (48817547) 8.00 Sex and the City (2008) Fashion-mad journalist Carrie Bradshaw prepares for her wedding, which is becoming an increasingly lavish affair. However, her husband-to-be is having second thoughts, while her friends wrestle with personal crises of their own. Comedy, with Sarah Jessica Parker. (3633735) 10.30 The Women (2008) A group of rich women rallies round when a friend learns of her husband’s affair. Comedy drama remake, starring Meg Ryan and Annette Bening. (8744990) 12.30 Baby Mama (2008) With Tina Fey. (9960052) 2.15 I Want Candy (2007) With Carmen Electra. (3428491) 3.50 The Accidental Husband (2008) With Uma Thurman. (8977965) 5.25 Big Business (1988) With Bette Midler. (83918878)
DRAMA 6.15
The Legend of 1900 (1998) With Tim Roth. (10886667) 8.30 Front of the Class (2008) With Jimmy Wolk. (16328193) 10.10 Rumble Fish (1983) With Matt Dillon. (48595731) 11.50 December Boys (2007) With Daniel Radcliffe. (44994174) 1.40 The Great Gatsby (1974) With Robert Redford. (67489629) 4.05 Brideshead Revisited (2008) With Matthew Goode. (15810396) 6.20 A Christmas Wedding (2006) A couple plan to marry on Christmas day, but a run of bad luck threatens their plans. Romantic comedy, with Sarah Paulson and Eric Mabius. (36063445) 8.00 Thick as Thieves (2009) A thief in debt to the Russian Mob convinces a rookie to help him on one last job. Thriller, with Morgan Freeman. (1705990) 10.00 A Mighty Heart (2007) Drama, based on the true story of Mariane Pearl, whose husband was kidnapped and murdered by a militant group in Pakistan. With Angelina Jolie. (8192218) 12.00 Happiness (1998) With Philip Seymour Hoffman. (1974101) 2.30 Killer: A Journal of Murder (1995) With James Woods. (2114965) 4.15 Loss of Faith (1997) With John Ritter. (6300694)
Southland Tales (2005) With Dwayne Johnson. (81785261) Airport ‘77 (1977) With Jack Lemmon. (71099377) 10.40 Michael Clayton (2007) With George Clooney. (89545358) 12.40 The Game (1997) With Michael Douglas. (64248826) 2.50 Chaos (2005) With Jason Statham. (88896667) 4.40 Michael Clayton (2007) With George Clooney. (31855006) 6.45 I Am Legend (2007) A scientist becomes the last survivor of a virus that turns humans into vampire-like creatures. Sci-fi thriller, starring Will Smith and Alice Braga. (73012483) 8.30 Chaos (2005) A veteran cop and his inexperienced new partner are assigned to investigate a bank heist. At first sight, no money appears to have been stolen. However, it soon emerges that the criminal mastermind behind the robbery had a more complex and profitable scheme in mind — and a possible connection to the detective on his trail. Crime thriller, starring Jason Statham and Ryan Phillippe. (7649984) 10.30 The Glimmer Man (1996) A homicide detective becomes the chief suspect in the case of a series of ritual killings. Thriller, with Steven Seagal. (51023803) 12.05 I Am Legend (2007) With Will Smith. (6806830) 1.50 The Corruptor (1999) With Chow Yun-Fat. (2277385) 3.45 The Glimmer Man (1996) With Steven Seagal. (5360385) 5.20 Airport ‘77 (1977) With Jack Lemmon. (13628656) 8.45
G.O.L.D: 6.00 May to December 6.40 Steptoe and Son 7.20 May to December 8.00 Steptoe and Son 8.40 FILM: Carry On at Your Convenience (1971) Bawdy comedy, starring Sid James. 10.25 FILM: Carry On Loving (1970) Comedy, starring Sid James. 12.10 FILM: Carry On Again, Doctor (1969) Medical comedy, starring Sid James. 2.00 The Vicar of Dibley 6.55 Only Fools and Horses 12.15 A Bit of Fry and Laurie 12.50 Waiting for God 1.30 Early Doors 2.05 A Bit of Fry and Laurie 2.35 The New Adventures of Old Christine 3.00 Close
SKY SPORTS 1 6.00 Good Morning Sports Fans Today’s early stories. (237551) 9.00 Netbusters Action from the Football League. (69223) 9.30 SPL Round-Up Recent matches from the Scottish top flight. (38071) 10.00Darts Day four of the 2010 PDC World Championship. (2320822) 3.00 Netbusters Action from the Football League. (5483) 3.30 Soccer AM: The Best Bits Highlights of Saturday’s show. (48613) 4.30 SPL Round-Up Recent matches from the Scottish top flight. (3700) 5.00 Netbusters Action from the Football League. (4700) 5.30 Football Asia Soccer news from the Far East. (8880) 6.00 Revista De La Liga Mark Bolton presents highlights of the latest La Liga matches in Spain. (20006) 7.00 Live Darts The 2010 PDC World Championship. This evening’s session on day five at Alexandra Palace in London features a preliminary match and a further four first-round ties. (3455218) 12.00Revista De La Liga Highlights from La Liga. (66588) 1.00 A-League (19781) 1.30 Football Asia (50526) 2.00 Revista De La Liga Highlights from La Liga. (95385) 3.00 A-League (76007) 3.30 Football Asia (19878) 4.00 Sports Unlimited (47007) 5.00 Revista De La Liga (87255)
SURVIVOR: I Am Legend (Sky Movies Action/Thriller, 6.45pm)
SKY SPORTS 2 6.00 Aerobics Oz Style (9496919) 6.30 Powder Adventures (6968280) 7.00 WWE: Afterburn (4113280) 8.00 Soccer AM: The Best Bits (4121209) 9.00 Powder Adventures (1856700) 9.30 Seamaster Sailing (3051700) 10.00 Football League (7659629) 11.30 Netbusters (4829261) 12.00 SPL Round-Up (2402844) 12.30 Soccer AM: The Best Bits (4143290) 1.30 Football League (8211984) 3.00 Great Run Series (4830377) 4.00 Powder Adventures (1482377) 4.30 Powerboating (1471261) 5.00 NFL: America’s Game (2154648) 6.00 Sailing (1492754) 6.30 The Dogs (1483006) 7.00 Pool (2228629) 8.00 Trilby Tour Golf The amateur final. (2231193) 10.00 Revista De La Liga (2147700) 11.00 A-League (4747613) 11.30 Football Asia (6955716) 12.00 Trilby Tour Golf (4093472) 2.00 The Dogs (8357675) 2.30 Sports Unlimited (3150149) 3.30 Trilby Tour Golf (7976014) 5.30 The Dogs (9380304)
EUROSPORT 7.35 Eurogoals (1702613) 8.15 Champions Club (6972532) 9.00 F1: The Factory (10939) 9.30 F1: The Factory (36667) 10.00F1: The Factory (49629) 10.30Trial Bikes (67385) 11.30Trial Bikes (73613) 12.30Car Racing (2632551) 1.05 Strongest Man (4393174) 2.00 Strongest Man (40358) 3.00 FIFA 2010 World Cup Preview (80782) 4.30 African Cup of Nations Preview (4024209) 4.45 Destination Dakar (4012464) 5.00 UEFA Champions League Classics (1803) 6.00 UEFA Champions League Classics (8550735) 7.05 Strongest Man (660280) 8.00 Strongest Man (57551) 9.00 Boxing Carl Froch v Jermain Taylor. (23006) 10.30Freeride Spirit Show (889551) 10.45Car Racing (855193) 11.15World Series by Renault (852006) 11.45Eurogoals (228716) 12.30Close
SKY SPORTS 3 6.00 6.30 7.00 8.00 9.00 9.30 10.00 11.00 11.30
Netbusters (42027532) SPL Round-Up (41911071) Max Power (49851938) Great Run Series (49852667) Powerboating (31208396) Canter Banter (35153629) Max Power (90746174) Racing News (73725919) Aerobics Oz Style (73726648)
12.00 Show Jumping (35169280) 1.00 Max Power (35072700) 2.00 Powder Adventures (69740990) 2.30 Wild Spirits (22284377) 3.00 Show Jumping (73720464) 4.00 WWE (69667613) 6.00 Asian Tour Golf (35165464) 7.00 Golf (27828629) 8.00 Revista De La Liga (27837377)
TCM 7.00 9.05 11.25 12.55 3.00 4.55 7.20 9.00 11.20 1.15 3.00 5.00
The Barkleys of Broadway (1949) Musical, starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. (73689938) The Sins of Rachel Cade (1961) Drama, starring Angie Dickinson and Roger Moore. (76522261) The Big Night (1951) Thriller, starring John Drew Barrymore. (79281193) The Asphalt Jungle (1950) Crime thriller, with Sterling Hayden and Marilyn Monroe. (b/w)(60322532) On the Town (1949) Musical, starring Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra and Jules Munshin. (17368648) Hotel (1967) Drama, with Rod Taylor. (29854483) Disorderlies (1987) Musical comedy, starring Damon Wimbley. (31659483) Fearless (1993) Drama, with Jeff Bridges. (17458822) It! (1967) Horror, starring Roddy McDowall. (8945629) Lean on Me (1988) Fact-based drama, starring Morgan Freeman. (7995743) Teleshopping (9206762) The Asphalt Jungle (1950) Crime thriller, with Sterling Hayden and Marilyn Monroe. (b/w)(8139120)
The Sun Shines Bright (1953) Drama, with Charles Winninger. (b/w)(51891984) Yangtse Incident (1957) Fact-based naval adventure, starring the late Richard Todd. (b/w)(88558803) 2.40 The Emperor’s New Clothes (2001) Drama, starring Ian Holm. (73436071) 4.45 The League of Gentlemen (1960) British comedy adventure, starring Jack Hawkins. (b/w)(61242667) 6.55 Young Sherlock Holmes (1985) Detective adventure, starring Nicholas Rowe. (95885629) 9.00 The Wedding Date (2005) Romantic comedy, starring Debra Messing and Dermot Mulroney. (16973087) 10.40 White Noise: The Light (2006) Horror, starring Nathan Fillion. (63774990) 12.35 Once Upon a Time in the West (1969) Western, with Henry Fonda. (84590946) 3.50 Close
9.00 Sports Unlimited (27744613) 10.00 Asian Tour Golf (27747700) 11.00 Golf (90747803) 12.00 Pool (49735946) 1.00 Bowls (43366830) 3.00 Show Jumping (51643781) 4.00 Pool (36035897) 5.00 Powder Adventures (49744694) 5.30 Powerboating (42928217)
SKY 1 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.30 11.30 11.45 1.30 2.30 4.00 5.00 5.30 6.00 7.00 7.30 8.00
10.00 10.10 11.10 11.40 12.40 2.05 3.00 3.25 4.20 5.10
GOOD MORNING SPORTS FANS (80551) GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS SMASHED! (71990) ARE YOU SMARTER THAN YOUR TEN YEAR OLD? (89919) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 (67209) GOT TO DANCE (51629) BITE SIZE BRAINIAC (6347667) FUTURAMA (32444939) OOPS TV (56174) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 (94700) GOT TO DANCE (97667) FUTURAMA (1782) FUTURAMA (6822) ARE YOU SMARTER THAN YOUR TEN YEAR OLD? Game show, hosted by Damian Williams. (87754) THE SIMPSONS Homer is rushed to hospital. (3006) THE SIMPSONS Marge launches an anti-sugar campaign. (5311) GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS SMASHED! Challenge show, with Steve Jones and Konnie Huq. (69777) WAR TORN WARRIORS New series. Injured service personnel climb Everest. (15551) TEN MINUTE TALES Silent drama, starring Liza Tarbuck. (784464) LIE TO ME A farmer protesting outside the White House is alleged to have explosives. (804445) MODERN FAMILY Phil tries to teach his son a lesson in responsibility. (329754) UK BORDER FORCE (512532) UK BORDER FORCE (4413439) DEREK ACORAH (4035410) OOPS TV (90870052) LOST (3305101) LOST (1180304) LOST (9878878)
LIVING: 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Bewitched 8.00 Maury 8.55 Celebs Off Duty 9.00 Nothing to Declare 10.00 America’s Next Top Model 11.00 Maury 12.50 Celebs Off Duty 1.00 Charmed 3.00 Ghost Whisperer 4.00 Charmed 6.00 America’s Next Top Model 7.00 Ghost Whisperer 8.00 Medium 9.00 Criminal Minds 10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11.00 CSI: Miami 12.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Medium 3.00 Lipstick Jungle 3.50 Maury 4.40 Nothing to Declare 5.30 Home Shopping BRAVO: 8.00 TNA iMPACT! 10.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 11.00 Star Trek: Voyager 12.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 1.00 The ATeam 2.00 Street Crime UK 3.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 3.30 TNA iMPACT! 5.30 Dog the Bounty Hunter 6.00 The A-Team 7.00 Street Crime UK 9.00 The Naked Office 10.00 High Seas, High Stakes 10.30 1000 Ways to Die 11.30 Star Trek: Voyager 12.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 1.00 Masters of Horror 2.10 Star Trek: Voyager 3.05 Alias 4.00 Close 5.00 Home Shopping ITV2: 6.00 Coronation Street 6.55 Emmerdale 7.25 Coleen’s Real Women 9.25 I’m a Celebrity: Jungle Gems 10.30 Judge Judy 12.00 Coronation Street 1.00 Emmerdale 1.30 The Jeremy Kyle Show 3.45 Ricki Lake 5.15 Creature Comforts 5.30 Gossip Girl 6.30 Cinderella 8.00 You’ve Been Framed and Famous! 9.00 FILM: King Kong (2005) A film crew travels to a mysterious island where the leading lady is carried off by a giant ape. Fantasy adventure, with Naomi Watts and Jack Black. 12.40 FILM: The Matrix (1999) A computer hacker joins rebels fighting to free the world from a virtual reality fantasy. Sci-fi thriller, with Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne. 3.10 Emmerdale 3.35 Ricki Lake 4.15 Teleshopping 5.15 Gossip Girl ITV3: 6.00 Rising Damp 6.25 On the Buses 7.25 Hornblower 9.35 FILM: Carry On Cowboy (1966) Comedy, starring Sid James. 11.30 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 1.30 Pollyanna 3.30 FILM: Free Willy (1993) Family drama, starring Jason James Richter. 5.45 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9.00 Another Audience with Freddie Starr 10.00 Christmas Lights 11.35 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 12.40 FILM: The Last Tycoon (1976) A 1930s Hollywood tycoon falls in love with the double of his dead wife. Drama, starring Robert De Niro, Tony Curtis and Jack Nicholson. 2.50 Film File 3.00 Teleshopping DAVE: 7.00 Fifth Gear 8.00 Top Gear 10.00 James May: My Sisters’ Top Toys 11.00 Ray Mears’ World of Survival 11.30 Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 12.00 Top Gear 2.00 James May: My Sisters’ Top Toys 3.00 Ray Mears’ World of Survival 3.30 Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 4.00 Top Gear 6.00 Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 7.00 Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den 8.20 Have I Got News for You 9.00 That Mitchell and Webb Look 2.15 Should I Worry About? 2.40 Radical Highs 3.00 Close E4: 6.00 How to Look Good Naked USA 6.25 One Tree Hill 7.10 Young, Sexy and Busted 8.00 Switched Up! 8.55 Friends 9.25 One Tree Hill 10.20 Gilmore Girls 11.15 Veronica Mars 12.10 Switched Up! 1.10 Scrubs 2.05 Friends 2.35 Hollyoaks 3.05 Gilmore Girls 4.05 Veronica Mars 5.00 Friends 6.00 Scrubs 7.00 Hollyoaks 8.40 Friends 9.45 100 Greatest Kids’ TV Shows 11.30 Alan Carr’s Celebrity Ding Dong Christmas Special 12.20 Scrubs 1.20 Beauty & the Geek 2.50 Alan Carr’s Celebrity Ding Dong Christmas Special 3.30 Age of Love 4.15 How to Look Good Naked USA 4.35 Switched MORE4: 9.00 Deal or No Deal 9.45 Room for Improvement 10.45 Location, Location, Location 11.15 FILM: Carry On Up the Khyber (1968) Comedy, starring Sid James. 1.00 National Gallery 1.10 Deal or No Deal 2.00 Come Dine with Me 2.30 Coach Trip 3.00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 4.00 How Clean Is Your House? 5.05 Relocation, Relocation 6.05 Deal or No Deal: Scrooge or Santa 7.00 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 8.00 Christmas at River Cottage 9.00 Heston’s Christmas Feast 10.00 True Stories: Encounters at the End of the World 12.10 Christmas at River Cottage 1.15 True Stories: Encounters at the End of the World 3.15 Heston’s Christmas Feast 4.15 Close BBC THREE: 7.00 Doctor Who 8.00 Shrek the Halls 8.25 FILM: Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) Three orphans are sent to live with their uncle, who wants to kill them for the inheritance. Comedy, starring Jim Carrey. 10.00 EastEnders 10.30 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 11.00 Family Guy 11.45 Kill It, Cook It, Eat It: Christmas Special 12.45 The Real Hustle: Twelve Scams of Christmas 1.45 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 2.15 Young, Dumb and Living Off Mum 4.10 Kill It, Cook It, Eat It: Christmas Special 5.10 Close
Nickelback 17 January
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Kelly Clarkson
9 February
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13 March
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16 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide BBC1
6.00 BREAKFAST (C)(20913830) 9.15 ANIMAL 24:7 (R)(C)(1968743) 10.00 HOMES UNDER THE HAMMER (R)(C) BBC News; Weather. (C)(59052) 11.00 CAR BOOTY (R)(C)(9439) 11.30 CASH IN THE ATTIC (R)(C) BBC News; Weather. (C)(8835897) 12.15 BARGAIN HUNT (R)(C)(6510588) 1.00 BBC NEWS; WEATHER (C)(40304) 1.30 REGIONAL NEWS; Weather. (C)(64721746) 1.45 ONLY FOOLS AND HORSES (R)(C)(4581946) 3.00 KEEPING UP APPEARANCES (R)(C)(6743) 3.30 MURDER, SHE WROTE (R)(C)(3572656) 4.15 ESCAPE TO THE COUNTRY (R)(C)(6116694) 5.00 WEAKEST LINK (R)(C)(4633) 6.00 BBC NEWS; Weather. (C)(694) 6.30 NORTH WEST TONIGHT; Weather. (C)(946) 7.00 THE ONE SHOW (C)(1052)
6.00 CBEEBIES (4093743) 7.05 CBBC (5593217) 8.30 WAINWRIGHT WALKS (R)(C)(57507) 9.00 GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS (R)(C)(7805410) 9.50 FILM: CINDERELLA (1965) Fairy-tale musical, with Lesley Ann Warren and Ginger Rogers. (C)(5653526) 11.10 WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? (R)(C)(4296656) 12.10 VICTORIAN FARM (R)(C)(7109491) 1.10 FILM: CARVE HER NAME WITH PRIDE (1958) World War Two drama, starring Virginia McKenna. (C)(b/w)(33539588) 3.05 READY STEADY COOK (C)(9549897) 3.50 COAST (R)(C)(8546033) 4.50 JAMES MAY’S TOY STORIES (R)(C)(2492859) 5.50 RICK STEIN’S CHRISTMAS ODYSSEY (R)(C)(123694) 6.50 PORRIDGE The inmates plan a Christmas escape. (R)(C)(791520)
ITV1 GRANADA 5.30 ITV MORNING NEWS (T)(31255) 6.00 GMTV (T)(2225192) 9.25 THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW (R)(T)(1826439) 10.30 THIS MORNING (T)(99762) 12.30 LOOSE WOMEN (T)(52217) 1.30 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(79436781) 1.55 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(89195217) 2.00 DICKINSON’S REAL DEAL (T)(28694) 3.00 THE ALAN TITCHMARSH SHOW (T)(9052) 4.00 MIDSOMER MURDERS (R)(T)(5255) 6.00 GRANADA REPORTS; Weather. (T)(762) 6.30 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(994) 7.00 EMMERDALE Maisie struggles to hide the truth when Katie asks if she can remember anything from the previous night, and Sally continues to take care of Ashley. (T)(6120)
CHANNEL 4 6.10 PLANET COOK (R)(T)(1812656) 6.30 YO GABBA GABBA (R)(T)(34255) 7.00 WILDE STORIES (R)(T)(2785033) 7.25 FAMOUS FRED (R)(T)(7599897) 8.00 LOST AND FOUND (R)(T)(43304) 8.30 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(42675) 9.00 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(66255) 9.30 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(64385) 10.00 T4: THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(25507) 10.30 T4: PINK: FUNHOUSE LIVE (T)(5222694) 11.35 T4: AVATAR FILM SPECIAL (R)(T)(5823236) 12.05 FILM: JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH (1996) Children’s fantasy, with Paul Terry. (T)(8351149) 1.35 COME DINE WITH ME (R)(T)(5328255) 2.10 COME DINE WITH ME (R)(T)(96841323) 2.40 COME DINE WITH ME (R)(T)(8958410)
FIVE 6.00 SUNRISE (T)(6099236) 7.00 MILKSHAKE! (35731897) 10.10 ANIMAL RESCUE SQUAD Protecting animals in the UK and abroad. (R)(T)(2841033) 10.35 MICHAELA’S ZOO BABIES Mary the giraffe goes into labour. (R)(T)(7516014) 11.35 FIVE NEWS (T)(53403830) 11.50 ICE ROAD TRUCKERS The drivers dismantle a drilling station. (R)(T)(5281014) 12.50 CRUSOE Friday and Crusoe find an abandoned boat. (T)(1145656) 1.45 FIVE NEWS UPDATE (T)(88946830) 2.00 FILM: ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS (2007) Drama, starring Gail O’Grady and Jimmy ‘Jax’ Pinchak. (T)(9052588) 3.50 FIVE NEWS UPDATE (T)(27407656) 4.05 FILM: MRS MIRACLE (2009) Premiere. Family drama, starring Doris Roberts. (T)(66048410)
Big Top (7.30pm)
Russell Howard... (10.00pm)
The Nolans... (8.00pm)
River Cottage... (8.00pm)
Christmas Comedy... (9.00pm)
Circus Maestro wins the contract to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics, along with a £20,000 development grant.
A performance by the comedian, a regular on Mock the Week, recorded at the Bloomsbury Theatre in London during his sell-out 2007 tour.
Documentary following singing sisters the Nolans as they prepare for their 30th anniversary comeback tour, recalling their early career.
Hugh FearnleyWhittingstall holds a celebratory dinner for the people who have made the greatest contribution to the cottage’s success.
Countdown of the funniest scenes from festive shows, featuring moments from Morecambe and Wise and The Office.
7.30 BIG TOP Lizzie is forced to spring her father from prison; (C) BBC News; Regional News. (C)(830) 8.00 WATERLOO ROAD Rachel accompanies Lindsay to court for her mother’s trial, but after a grilling in the witness box, the girl breaks down and finally confesses all to her headmistress. (C)(8439) 9.00 SPOOKS The Nightingale group plans to kill Pakistan’s president at talks designed to stop the conflict between his country and India escalating into nuclear war. Last in the series. (C)(8675) 10.00 BBC NEWS (C)(417120) 10.25 REGIONAL NEWS; Weather. (C)(371014) 10.35 THE NATIONAL LOTTERY DRAWS More fortunes are made. (C)(208520) 10.45 NOT GOING OUT Lee’s father turns up. Last in the series. (C)(586025) 11.15 FILM: SIX DAYS, SEVEN NIGHTS (1998) Adventure, with Harrison Ford; (C) National Lottery Update and Weatherview. (C)(807743) 12.55 SIGN ZONE: COUNTRYFILE AT CHRISTMAS (R)(C)(3007453) 1.55 SIGN ZONE: COUNTRY TRACKS (R)(C)(8578144) 2.50 SIGN ZONE: CRANFORD (R)(C)(4054811) 4.20 BBC NEWS (C)(820502)
7.30 TOTP2 XMAS 2009 Mark Radcliffe presents a selection of seasonal classics including songs by the Pogues and Kirsty MacColl, Wizzard, Slade, Wham!, Mariah Carey and many more. (C)(95236) 9.00 THE GRUMPY GUIDE TO CHRISTMAS Geoffrey Palmer narrates as real-life Scrooges, including Ozzy Osbourne, Al Murray, Ronni Ancona and John Thomson, vent their collective spleen about the festive season. (C)(6217) 10.00 RUSSELL HOWARD LIVE A performance by the comedian, recorded at the Bloomsbury Theatre in London during his sell-out 2007 tour. (C)(4957439) 11.10 QI XL Jo Brand, Rob Brydon and Jimmy Carr join regular panellist Alan Davies and host Stephen Fry to answer questions on the subject of geography. (C)(240743) 11.55 MOCK THE WEEK Topical comedy show, with Dara O Briain. (R)(C)(641588) 12.25 HAVE I GOT NEWS FOR YOU (R)(C)(3706927) 12.55 THE RULES OF FILM NOIR (C)(3005095) 1.55 FILM: THE RECKLESS MOMENT (1949) Drama, starring James Mason, Joan Bennett and Geraldine Brooks. (b/w)(9546231) 3.15 BBC NEWS (C)(338521) 4.15 CLOSE
7.30 HARRY HILL’S TV BURP Compilation episode with highlights from previous series, including appearances by Ray Mears, Nick Baker and Paul Burrell. (R)(T)(526) 8.00 THE NOLANS: IN THE MOOD FOR DANCING Documentary following singing sisters the Nolans as they prepare for their 30th anniversary comeback tour, recalling their childhood, early career and preparations for the shows. (T)(3507) 9.00 FILM: BRIDGET JONES: THE EDGE OF REASON (2004) The journalist’s new romance looks set to be short-lived when an old flame shows up. Romantic comedy, with Renee Zellweger, Colin Firth and Hugh Grant. (T)(6694) 11.00 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(419781) 11.25 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(856323) 11.35 CHRISTMAS TALES: ANGELS Fiona Phillips explores the history of angels. Last in the series. (T)(999507) 12.30 FILM: STEALING CHRISTMAS (2003) Crime comedy, starring Tony Danza and Lea Thompson; (T) ITV News Headlines. (73076) 2.00 LOOSE WOMEN Topical debate. (R)(5072328) 2.50 THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW (R)(T)(2710279) 3.40 ITV NIGHTSCREEN (332637)
Pick of the day
3.10 COME DINE WITH ME (R)(T)(7599491) 3.40 COME DINE WITH ME (R)(T)(2381946) 4.10 DEAL OR NO DEAL: SCROOGE OR SANTA (T)(3076120) 5.00 THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(4526) 5.30 THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(491) 6.00 HOLLYOAKS (T)(304) 6.30 HOLLYOAKS (T)(656) 7.00 CHANNEL 4 NEWS (T)(826859) 7.55 3 MINUTE WONDER: 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS (R)(T)(362965) 8.00 RIVER COTTAGE HEROES Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall holds a celebratory dinner. (T)(1149) 9.00 THE FAMILY The day of the wedding arrives. Last in the series. (T)(1385) 10.00 TRUE BLOOD Last in the series. (T)(4942507) 11.10 GORDON RAMSAY’S F WORD (R)(T)(482217) 12.30 4MUSIC: EDITORS LIVE AT FABRIC (R)(T)(93057) 1.00 4MUSIC: THIS WEEK’S 4MUSIC TOP 20 (774637) 2.50 DEADLIEST CATCH (T)(2701521) 3.40 THE TRUTH ABOUT STREET WEAPONS (R)(T)(38939279) 3.50 THE HILLS (T)(62697106) 4.10 THE HILLS (T)(57345960) 4.35 ST ELSEWHERE (R)(T)(5722811) 5.20 ONE TREE HILL (T)(9232618)
6.00 HEADS OR TAILS A contestant from Salford joins Justin Lee Collins to take part in the game show in which members of the public are given the chance to become millionaires. (T)(4499236) 7.00 STUDIO FIVE’S BEST BITS Ian Wright, Melinda Messenger and Kate Walsh host the magazine show featuring location reports, celebrity interviews and showbiz gossip. (T)(6662781) 8.00 GIANT SNAKE INVASION WITH NIGEL MARVEN Investigation into Florida’s growing problem with Burmese pythons, whose rapid increase is threatening a unique ecosystem. Includes film of a python strike slowed down 200 times. (T)(6648101) 9.00 GREATEST CHRISTMAS COMEDY MOMENTS Countdown of the funniest scenes from comedy shows broadcast at Christmas, featuring memorable moments from Morecambe and Wise, Only Fools and Horses, and The Office. (R)(T)(71366385) 12.05 POKER Heat five of the World Open V. (T)(27191892) 1.35 SUPERCASINO Live interactive gaming. (96601328) 4.00 CATHOUSE (T)(7941502) 4.55 ‘TIL DEATH (T)(83395182) 5.15 BRIAN SEWELL’S GRAND TOUR (R)(T)(4451908)
RADIO RADIO 1: FM 97.6-99.8 6.30 The Chris Moyles Show with Scott Mills 10.00 Fearne Cotton 12.45 Newsbeat 1.00 Greg James 4.00 Sara Cox 7.00 Huw Stephens 9.00 David Hooper’s Disgusting Electronica 10.00 Nick Grimshaw 12.00 Huw Stephens 2.00 Mary Anne Hobbs 4.00 Dev RADIO 2: FM 88-90.2 6.00 Sarah Kennedy: The Dawn Patrol 7.30 Johnnie Walker 9.30 Ken Bruce 12.00 Jeremy Vine 2.00 Craig Charles 5.00 Chris Evans 7.00 Radio 2 Live: Spandau Ballet 8.00 Mark Radcliffe and Stuart Maconie 10.00 Keeping Tradition Alive at Christmas 10.30 Galton and Simpson’s Half Hour. You’ll Never Walk Alone.
11.00 A Swinging Christmas 12.00 Janice Long 3.00 Alex Lester RADIO 3: FM 90.2-92.4 7.00 Breakfast 10.00 Classical Collection 12.00 Composer of the Week: John Rutter 12.00 News 1.00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 2.00 Afternoon on 3 4.00 Choral Evening Prayer 5.00 Words and Music 6.15 New Generation Artists 7.00 Performance on 3 9.15 Belief 9.45 BBC Proms 2009 11.15 Late Junction 1.00 Through the Night RADIO 4: 198kHz (1515m) FM 92.494.6 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Farming Today 6.00 Today 9.00 Midweek 9.45 (LW) Daily Service
9.45 (FM) Book of the Week: Paw Tracks in the Moonlight 10.00 Woman’s Hour 11.00 In Living Memory 11.30 Ballylenon 12.00 News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 You and Yours 12.57 Weather 1.00 The World at One 1.30 The Media Show 2.00 The Archers 2.15 Afternoon Play: Black Hearts in Battersea 3.00 Money Box Live 3.27 Radio 4 Appeal 3.30 Scene of the Crime 3.45 The Santa Tapes 4.00 Thinking Allowed 4.30 All in the Mind 4.55 1989: Day-by-Day 5.00 PM 5.54 Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 Six O’Clock News 6.30 Laura Solon: Talking and Not Talking 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Front Row 7.45 Someone Like You
8.00 Unreliable Evidence 8.45 The Watchdog and the Feral Beast 9.00 The Infinite Monkey Cage. Last in the series. 9.30 Midweek 9.59 Weather 10.00 The World Tonight 10.45 Book at Bedtime: The Ingoldsby Legends 11.00 Bespoken Word 11.15 All Bar Luke 11.30 Take Two 12.00 News and Weather 12.30 Book of the Week: Paw Tracks in the Moonlight 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast RADIO 5: 909kHz (330m) 693kHz (433m) 5.00 Morning Reports 5.30 Wake Up to Money 6.00 5 Live Breakfast 10.00 Victoria Derbyshire 1.00 Colin Murray 4.00 5 Live Drive 7.00 5 Live Sport: The Sporting
Decade: The Debate 9.00 5 Live Sport: The Sporting Decade: The Decision 9.30 5 Live Sport: The Sporting Decade: The Reaction 10.30 Jonathan Overend 1.00 Up All Night CLASSIC FM: FM 99.9-101.9 6.00 Classic FM Brighter Breakfast 8.00 Simon Bates 12.00 The Classic FM Most Wanted 1.00 Classic FM Requests 3.00 Mark Forrest 6.00 Smooth Carols 9.00 The Full Works 11.00 Relaxing Classics 1.00 Nicola Bonn RADIO MERSEYSIDE: 1485kHz (202m) FM 95.8 5.00 Steve Coleman 6.00 Tony Snell 10.00 Sean Styles 12.00 Lee Bennion 2.00 Billy Butler 5.00 Claire Hamilton 7.00 Merseyside Sport
9.00 The Phillips Hour 10.00 Linda McDermott 1.00 Up All Night RADIO CITY: FM 96.7 6.00 Rossie and Co 10.00 Rick Vaughn 1.00 Tim Cocker 4.00 Neil Fitzmaurice 7.00 In Demand 10.00 Pete Price 2.00 Matt Wilkins MAGIC 1548: 1548kHz (194m) 6.00 Keiron Fox 10.00 Nick Wright 2.00 Dave Campbell 6.00 60s at Six 7.00 70s at Seven 8.00 Richard Allen 10.00 Norman Ashley 2.00 Paul Griffiths 107.6 JUICE FM: FM 107.6 6.00 Adam and Leanne 10.00 Chris Bovaird 1.00 Baz Todd 4.00 Mark Kaye 7.00 Steve Timmins 11.00 Johnny Collins 1.00 Non-stop Juice
Friday, December 18, 2009
TV 17
Wednesday, December 23 COMEDY 7.10 8.45 9.00 10.45 12.30 2.30 4.30 6.15
1.45 3.20 5.05
The Christmas Clause (2008) With Lea Thompson. (46512033) St Trinian’s 2 Special (3447439) Wayne’s World (1992) With Mike Myers. (83822588) Wayne’s World 2 (1993) With Mike Myers. (48043033) Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) With Jason Segel. (9001491) The Heartbreak Kid (2007) With Ben Stiller. (6927588) Wayne’s World (1992) With Mike Myers. (48312120) Wayne’s World 2 (1993) Heavy metal fanatics Wayne and Garth are inspired to stage a Woodstock-style rock festival. Comedy sequel, starring Mike Myers and Dana Carvey. (30458439) Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) A man takes a holiday in Hawaii after a break-up, only to find his ex staying at the same resort. Comedy, with Jason Segel and Kristen Bell. (4880033) Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008) The stoner duo are mistaken for terrorists en route to Amsterdam and are sent to the infamous prison camp. Comedy sequel, with John Cho and Kal Penn. (4633149) The Heartbreak Kid (2007) A 40-yearold bachelor proposes to his girlfriend of several weeks, but lives to regret it. Romantic comedy, with Ben Stiller and Michelle Monaghan. (4160410) The Christmas Clause (2008) With Lea Thompson. (9480637) Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008) With Kal Penn. (3858960) Carry On Columbus (1992) With Jim Dale. (83974434)
DRAMA 6.00
The Trench (1999) With Daniel Craig. (81216033) 7.45 Ride with the Devil (1999) With Tobey Maguire. (89276439) 10.05 I Could Never Be Your Woman (2007) With Michelle Pfeiffer. (47683859) 11.50 The Savages (2007) With Laura Linney. (17507491) 1.50 In the Land of Women (2007) With Adam Brody. (46409781) 3.35 Charlie Wilson’s War (2007) With Tom Hanks. (9603859) 5.25 Sherlock Holmes Special (7068255) 5.45 The Express (2008) With Rob Brown. (79410507) 8.00 Apollo 13 (1995) Fact-based drama about the efforts to return the crew of the Apollo 13 lunar mission to Earth after an explosion. With Tom Hanks and Kevin Bacon. (93866061) 10.25 Deception (2008) A bored accountant is inducted into a secret underground sex club — but ends up accused of murder. Thriller, starring Hugh Jackman and Ewan McGregor. (7161781) 12.15 Home of the Brave (2006) With Samuel L Jackson. (6880892) 2.05 Sherlock Holmes Special (73852144) 2.25 Body Shots (1999) With Sean Patrick Flanery. (3670811) 4.15 Miracle in the Woods (1997) With Meredith Baxter. (6377366)
ACTION/THRILLER Turbulence 2: Fear of Flying (1999) With Tom Berenger. (88330033) 9.10 Butterfly on a Wheel (2007) With Pierce Brosnan. (12436656) 10.50 Airport 1975 (1974) With Charlton Heston. (19380052) 12.40 The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (1992) With Rebecca De Mornay. (64230697) 2.40 Demolition Man (1993) With Sylvester Stallone. (48722878) 4.40 Butterfly on a Wheel (2007) With Pierce Brosnan. (17888149) 6.20 Hitman (2007) A genetically engineered assassin becomes the target after he fails to complete a kill. Action thriller, starring Timothy Olyphant and Dougray Scott. (36963491) 8.00 Demolition Man (1993) Maverick cop John Spartan is sentenced to be frozen alive for a crime he did not commit. Sci-fi comedy thriller, starring Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes and Sandra Bullock. (1612236) 10.00 The Crew (2008) A crime boss prepares for a heist, but his partners in crime are planning to betray him. Crime drama, with Scot Williams and Kenny Doughty. (27740859) 12.05 Hitman (2007) A genetically engineered assassin becomes the target after he fails to complete a kill. Action thriller, starring Timothy Olyphant. (4548960) 1.40 The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (1992) With Rebecca De Mornay. (2257521) 3.30 Turbulence 2: Fear of Flying (1999) With Tom Berenger. (4464989) 5.25 Airport 1975 (1974) With Charlton Heston. (83497811)
G.O.L.D: 6.00 May to December 6.40 Posh Nosh 6.55 Waiting for God 7.35 Steptoe and Son 8.15 The Vicar of Dibley 7.35 Only Fools and Horses 10.50 Absolutely Fabulous 12.30 Early Doors 1.10 The New Adventures of Old Christine 1.35 Absolutely Fabulous 3.00 Close
SKY SPORTS 1 6.00 Good Morning Sports Fans Today’s early stories. (670217) 9.00 Revista De La Liga Highlights from La Liga. (89830) 10.00Darts Day five of the 2010 PDC World Championship. (2224694) 3.00 Football Asia Soccer news from the Far East. (1859) 3.30 Revista De La Liga Highlights from La Liga. (82507) 4.30 Transworld Sport Action and features. (68656) 5.30 A-League The latest round of matches in Australia’s top-flight football league. (3946) 6.00 Super League Eddie Hemmings and Mike Stephenson take a look back at Super League XIV, focusing on the best tries scored on the road to the Grand Final. (2089) 6.30 FIFA Futbol Mundial International football magazine featuring the best action from across the globe. (4439) 7.00 Live Darts The 2010 PDC World Championship. The first round reaches its conclusion on day six at Alexandra Palace in London. (6209930) 12.00FIFA Futbol Mundial International football magazine. (10250) 12.30Rugby Union The School of Hard Knocks. (99076) 2.30 FIFA Futbol Mundial (31540) 3.00 Transworld Sport Action and features. (89873) 4.00 Super League (10057) 4.30 Transworld Sport Action and features. (39366) 5.30 FIFA Futbol Mundial (28279)
MISTAKEN: Harold & Kumar Escape from … (Sky Movies Comedy, 10.00pm)
6.00 Aerobics Oz Style (9383491) 6.30 Powder Adventures (6862052) 7.00 WWE Vintage Collection (4017052) 8.00 Golf (4018781) 9.00 US Open Golf (9309439) 10.00A-League (6853304) 10.30Sailing (9751976) 11.00Trilby Tour Golf (5575830) 1.00 Revista De La Liga (3027743) 2.00 A-League (2048033) 2.30 The Dogs (1395897) 3.00 Sports Unlimited (4734149) 4.00 Bowls (2038656) 6.00 Golf (3047507) 7.00 US Open Golf (2115101) 8.00 Trilby Tour Golf The pro final. (2135965) 10.00Rugby Union (4726120) 12.00Trilby Tour Golf (4060144) 2.00 US Open Golf (2527540) 3.00 Show Jumping (3837415) 4.00 Trilby Tour Golf (8337811)
7.15 Freeride Spirit Show (9659675) 7.30 FIFA 2010 World Cup Preview (6409025) 7.45 FIFA 2010 World Cup Preview (5954930) 8.00 Timbersports World Championship (22472) 8.30 Incredible Dog Challenge (8641863) 9.35 Strongest Man (6688930) 10.30Trial Bikes (68439) 11.30Trial Bikes (50007) 12.30Drag Racing (78149) 1.00 Alpine Skiing (66304) 2.00 Bobsleigh (97762) 3.00 Bobsleigh (52014) 4.00 Skeleton (71149) 5.00 UEFA Cup Classics (8697) 6.00 UEFA Champions League Classics (86168) 7.00 Tennis Stories (96830) 8.30 Justine Henin Special (853052) 8.50 Race of Champions (8924651) 10.20Drag Racing (329526) 10.50Poker (855439) 11.50Ten Pin Bowling (240588) 12.55Close
3.00 4.00 5.00
10.00 US Open Golf (27714472) 11.00 Golf (90641675) 12.00 Transworld Sport (49702618) 1.00 Watersports World (87397366) 2.00 Max Power (31430724) 3.00 Ten Pin Bowling (51610453) 4.00 Watersports World (36002569) 5.00 Max Power (82202502)
SKY SPORTS 3 6.00 7.00 8.00 10.00 11.00 11.30 12.00 2.00
Sports Unlimited (56768526) Revista De La Liga (49748410) Bowls (41909236) Golf (90640946) Racing News (73612491) Aerobics Oz Style (73613120) Bowls (41999859) US Open Golf (41903052)
6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 9.30
Asian Tour Golf (73624236) US Open Golf (73603743) WWE: Bottom Line (69654149) WWE: Afterburn (35069236) Ten Pin Bowling (27715101) Transworld Sport (27731149) Powder Adventures (73632255) FIFA Futbol Mundial (35064781)
TCM 7.00 8.50 11.15 1.00 3.00 4.55 6.30
9.00 11.05 1.05 3.00 5.00
On the Town (1949) Musical, starring Gene Kelly. (87963781) Hotel (1967) Drama, with Rod Taylor. (29277946) Disorderlies (1987) Musical comedy, starring Damon Wimbley. (93979930) Hooper (1978) Comedy, starring Burt Reynolds. (8907743) Jack Frost (1998) Fantasy drama, starring Michael Keaton. (17255120) Fort Worth (1951) Western drama, starring Randolph Scott. (77582304) The Madwoman of Chaillot (1969) A company’s plans to drill for oil under the streets of Paris are foiled by the actions of an eccentric countess. Drama, starring Katharine Hepburn. (4668897) Something to Talk About (1995) Romantic drama, starring Julia Roberts. (43994859) Fathers’ Day (1997) Comedy, starring Robin Williams and Billy Crystal. (8384491) The Terminal Man (1974) Sci-fi drama, starring George Segal. (6682298) Teleshopping (9273434) Hooper (1978) Comedy, starring Burt Reynolds. (51428927)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) John Ford’s Western, starring James Stewart. (b/w)(90644694) 1.20 Gulliver’s Travels (1939) Animated adventure, with the voice of Sam Parker. (50326656) 2.55 The Brady Bunch Movie (1995) Comedy based on the Seventies sitcom, starring Shelley Long. (96402743) 5.10 CutThroat Island (1995) Adventure, starring Geena Davis. (88458304) 7.05 America’s Sweethearts (2001) Romantic comedy, with John Cusack and Julia Roberts. (39966762) 9.00 The Truman Show (1998) Media satire, starring Jim Carrey. (29161507) 10.55 The 51st State (2001) Action comedy, starring Samuel L Jackson. (62692965) 12.40 Lantana (2001) Drama, starring Geoffrey Rush. (55620328) 3.15 Close
SKY 1 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 10.15 12.00 1.30 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 10.00 10.10 11.10 11.40 1.10 2.05 3.00 3.25 4.20 5.10
LIVING: 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Bewitched 8.00 Maury 8.55 Celebs Off Duty 9.00 Nothing to Declare 10.00 America’s Next Top Model 11.00 Maury 12.50 Celebs Off Duty 1.00 Charmed 3.00 Ghost Whisperer 4.00 Charmed 6.00 America’s Next Top Model 7.00 Ghost Whisperer 8.00 Medium 9.00 Criminal Minds 10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11.00 CSI: Miami 12.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Medium 3.00 Lipstick Jungle 3.50 Wonder Woman 4.40 Nothing to Declare 5.30 Home Shopping
A&E is for life threatening conditions and emergencies
BRAVO: 8.00 TNA iMPACT! 10.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 11.00 Star Trek: Voyager 12.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 1.00 The ATeam 2.00 Street Crime UK 3.00 TNA iMPACT! 5.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 6.00 The A-Team 7.00 Street Crime UK 8.00 Sun, Sea and A&E 9.00 MacIntyre’s Underworld 10.00 I Sleep with Strangers 11.00 Star Trek: Voyager 12.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 1.00 Masters of Horror 2.10 Star Trek: Voyager 3.05 Alias 4.00 Close 5.00 Home Shopping ITV2: 6.00 Emmerdale 6.30 Coleen’s Real Women 9.25 I’m a Celebrity: Jungle Kings and Queens 10.30 Judge Judy 12.00 Creature Comforts 12.30 Emmerdale 1.00 ITV at the Movies 1.30 The Jeremy Kyle Show 3.45 Ricki Lake 5.15 Judge Judy 6.15 Creature Comforts 6.30 Dick Whittington 8.00 Gossip Girl 9.00 FILM: Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) A cyborg is sent back in time to protect the future saviour of the human race. Sci-fi thriller sequel, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong and Robert Patrick. 11.45 FILM: The Matrix Reloaded (2003) The freedom fighters return to the virtual world to end the war with the machines. Sci-fi thriller sequel, starring Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss and Hugo Weaving. 2.20 Emmerdale 2.45 Teleshopping 4.45 Gossip Girl 5.30 ITV2 Nightscreen ITV3: 6.00 Film File 6.10 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 7.10 On the Buses 7.40 Hornblower 9.50 FILM: Carry On Jack (1963) British naval comedy, with Bernard Cribbins. 11.40 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 1.50 Jane Austen’s Emma 4.10 FILM: Free Willy 3: The Rescue (1997) Family adventure, starring Jason James Richter. 5.50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 10.00 A Touch of Frost 12.05 FILM: The Ice Harvest (2005) A world-weary lawyer plans to rob his criminal employers on Christmas Eve. Comedy thriller, with John Cusack and Billy Bob Thornton. 1.45 On the Buses 2.35 Surgical Spirit 3.00 Teleshopping DAVE: 7.00 Dragons’ Den 8.00 Top Gear 10.00 James May’s Top Toys 11.00 Dragons’ Den 12.00 Top Gear 2.00 James May’s Top Toys 3.00 Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends 4.00 Top Gear 6.00 Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends 7.00 Dragons’ Den — Christmas Special 9.00 Red Dwarf 11.00 Red Dwarf Special: Smeg Ups 11.40 Red Dwarf 1.40 Red Dwarf Special: Smeg Ups 2.10 Dead Ringers 2.40 Radical Highs 3.00 Close E4: 6.00 How to Look Good Naked USA 6.25 One Tree Hill 7.10 Young, Sexy and Soapy 8.05 Switched Up! 9.00 Friends 9.30 One Tree Hill 10.30 Gilmore Girls 11.20 Veronica Mars 12.10 Switched Up! 1.05 Scrubs 2.05 Hollyoaks 3.05 Gilmore Girls 4.00 Veronica Mars 5.00 Friends 6.00 Scrubs 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 My Name Is Earl 8.00 Friends 9.00 100 Greatest Kids’ TV Shows 11.15 Misfits 12.15 My Name Is Earl 12.40 Scrubs 1.40 Dark Angel 3.10 Young, Sexy and Busted 3.55 Young, Sexy and Soapy 4.40 How to Look Good Naked USA 5.00 Switched MORE4: 9.00 Deal or No Deal 9.45 Room for Improvement 10.45 Location, Location, Location 11.15 FILM: Young at Heart (1954) Three sisters fall for a composer lodging with them — until a lonely pianist arrives on the scene. Musical romance, with Frank Sinatra and Doris Day. 1.30 3 Minute Wonder: Self Portraits 1.40 Deal or No Deal 2.30 Coach Trip 3.00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 4.00 How Clean Is Your House? 5.05 Relocation, Relocation 6.05 Deal or No Deal: Scrooge or Santa 7.00 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 8.00 Jamie Cooks Christmas 9.00 Celebrity Come Dine with Me Christmas Special 10.05 FILM: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) A legendary warrior goes in search of the gifted thief who has stolen his sacred sword. Martial arts drama, starring Chow Yun-Fat and Michelle Yeoh. 12.25 Celebrity Come Dine with Me Christmas Special 1.30 Jamie Cooks Christmas 2.30 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 3.25 Relocation, Relocation 4.25 Close BBC THREE: 7.00 Doctor Who 8.00 FILM: Shanghai Noon (2000) A 19th-century imperial guard to the Emperor of China is flung into the Wild West on a rescue mission. Comedy, starring Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson. 9.45 the noughties — was that it? 10.00 Ballet Boyz — The Rite of Spring 11.00 Family Guy 11.45 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 12.45 Spooks 1.45 Move Like Michael Jackson 2.45 Ballet Boyz — The Rite of Spring 3.45 Ideal 4.15 Doctor Who Confidential 5.15 Close
For fast, effective, expert advice Go to the right place
18 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide BBC1
6.00 BREAKFAST (C)(51207786) 8.50 CBBC (53857811) 10.25 FILM: HOME ON THE RANGE (2004) Disney animated comedy, with the voice of Roseanne Barr. (C)(6378618) 11.35 FILM: THE SANTA CLAUSE 3: THE ESCAPE CLAUSE (2006) Premiere. Christmas fantasy comedy sequel, starring Tim Allen. (C)(6998434) 1.00 BBC NEWS; WEATHER (C)(26523142) 1.10 REGIONAL NEWS; Weather. (C)(83547434) 1.15 THE TWO RONNIES CHRISTMAS SKETCHBOOK (R)(C)(837796) 2.15 FILM: THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE (2005) Children’s fantasy adventure, starring Tilda Swinton. (C)(51875714) 4.25 FILM: OVER THE HEDGE (2006) Premiere. Animated comedy, with the voice of Bruce Willis. (C)(6269366)
6.00 CBEEBIES (4060415) 7.05 CBBC (5560989) 8.30 WAINWRIGHT WALKS (R)(C)(51873) 9.00 GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS (R)(C)(7872182) 9.50 FILM: PINOCCHIO (2002) Premiere. Fantasy adventure, with Roberto Benigni. Dubbed in English. (C)(65696540) 11.30 COAST (R)(C)(8932989) 11.50 FILM: SOUTH PACIFIC (1958) Wartime romantic musical, starring Mitzi Gaynor and Rossano Brazzi. (C)(64285057) 2.15 THE TSARINA’S SLIPPERS (C)(45640347) 4.45 JAMES MAY’S TOY STORIES (R)(C)(856502) 5.45 DAD’S ARMY (R)(C)(252502) 6.15 CAROLS FROM KING’S A selection of much-loved music from the Chapel of King’s College, Cambridge, including In the Bleak Midwinter, Silent Night, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and O Come All Ye Faithful. (C)(6713144)
5.25 CITV (7480231) 5.55 ITV MORNING NEWS (T)(7504347) 6.00 GMTV (T)(6520304) 9.25 CHRISTMAS COOKS CHALLENGE (T)(4031724) 10.25 FILM: CURIOUS GEORGE (2006) Premiere. Animated adventure, with the voice of Will Ferrell. (T)(46031960) 12.00 BEST EVER CHRISTMAS FILMS (R)(T)(83960) 1.00 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(90428958) 1.10 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(83532502) 1.15 AGATHA CHRISTIE’S POIROT (R)(T)(963786) 3.15 THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP (R)(T)(976250) 5.15 CREATURE COMFORTS (R)(T)(257057) 5.45 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(720279) 6.00 FILM: CORPSE BRIDE (2005) Premiere. Stop-motion spooky animated fantasy, with the voice of Johnny Depp. (T)(22057)
6.10 PLANET COOK (R)(T)(1889328) 6.30 YO GABBA GABBA (R)(T)(54569) 7.00 WILDE STORIES (R)(T)(70095) 7.30 THE BEAR (R)(T)(59502) 8.00 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(87298) 8.30 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(6051163) 9.05 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(1920182) 9.35 T4: THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(4196124) 10.10 T4: JLS CHRISTMAS CRACKERS (R)(T)(6375521) 11.15 T4: SHOOTING CHERYL COLE (R)(T)(103637) 11.45 FILM: THE NATIVITY STORY (2006) Premiere. Drama, starring Keisha Castle-Hughes. (T)(15038417) 1.35 THE SNOWMAN (R)(T)(5395927) 2.10 FILM: THREE MEN AND A BABY (1987) Comedy, starring Tom Selleck, Ted Danson and Steve Guttenberg. (T)(162250) 4.10 JAMIE’S FAMILY CHRISTMAS (R)(T)(5197057) 4.40 JAMIE’S FAMILY CHRISTMAS (R)(T)(8404182)
6.00 SUNRISE (T)(6066908) 7.00 MILKSHAKE! (48669076) 10.40 MICHAELA’S ZOO BABIES Millie the marmoset gives birth to triplets. (R)(T)(7582057) 11.40 FIVE NEWS (T)(53477415) 11.55 ICE ROAD TRUCKERS Two trucks transport a 135ft derrick to a new site. (R)(T)(5257057) 12.55 CRUSOE Cannibals arrive on the island. (T)(1144927) 1.50 FIVE NEWS UPDATE (T)(88938811) 2.05 FILM: ANGEL IN THE FAMILY (2004) Drama, starring Meredith Baxter. (T)(9011231) 3.55 FIVE NEWS UPDATE (T)(27406927) 4.10 FILM: THE CHRISTMAS BOX (1995) Drama, starring Richard Thomas. (T)(66012095) 6.05 HEADS OR TAILS A security guard from Bristol tries his luck at the game show, hoping to set up a scheme to help disadvantaged kids try extreme sports. Justin Lee Collins presents. (T)(4958927)
Pick of the day
Victoria Wood’s... (9.00pm)
Carols from... (6.15pm)
Coronation Street (8.30pm)
Deal or No Deal... (6.45pm)
Celebrity Shock... (9.00pm)
The comedienne makes a welcome return to the small screen with this festive special that promises to cram an entire night’s Christmas viewing into 60 minutes.
A selection of much-loved music from the Chapel of King’s College, Cambridge, including In the Bleak Midwinter, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.
David is not pleased by Nick’s return. Molly angrily ends her affair with Kevin, Rosie receives an impressive array of presents for her birthday.
A festive edition of the game show. Contestants are given the opportunity to win cash prizes, but the Banker tries to ruin their Christmas.
Countdown of the year’s headlinegrabbing celebrity incidents, featuring the likes of Katie Price and Peter Andre.
5.45 FILM: SHREK 2 (2004) Animated adventure sequel, with the voice of Mike Myers. (C)(6461076) 7.10 BBC NEWS; Regional News; Weather. (C)(286366) 7.30 EASTENDERS The Mitchells are evicted from the pub; (C) BBC News; Regional News. (C)(279) 8.00 MY FAMILY The Harpers celebrate Christmas 2039, with an 80-year-old Ben as grumpy as ever. (C)(6665) 9.00 VICTORIA WOOD’S MIDLIFE CHRISTMAS Festive skits, songs and sketches with the comedienne and friends. (C)(6809) 10.00 QI With David Tennant, Bill Bailey and Lee Mack. (C)(65076) 10.30 LIVE AT THE APOLLO With Ed Byrne, Adam Hills and Gina Yashere. (C)(74724) 11.00 THE IMPRESSIONS SHOW WITH CULSHAW AND STEPHENSON (C)(7106) 11.30 BBC NEWS; WEATHER (C)(242811) 11.45 CHRISTMAS MIDNIGHT MASS FROM WESTMINSTER CATHEDRAL The first Mass of Christmas; (C) Skiing Weatherview. (C)(153908) 1.05 FILM: SERENDIPITY (2001) Romantic drama, starring Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack. (C)(3824019) 2.30 BBC NEWS (C)(1108212)
7.30 THE GOOD LIFE Margo and Jerry are forced to spend Christmas with the Goods. Seasonal special from 1977, with Richard Briers. (R)(C)(521) 8.00 VICTORIAN FARM CHRISTMAS Ruth Goodman joins food historian Ivan Day to make a Dickens-style Christmas pudding, and the team gathers for a festive celebration in the school hall. Last in the series. (C)(8057) 9.00 FILM: THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES (2002) Holmes and Watson investigate tales of a mysterious hound terrorising a family on Dartmoor. Mystery, starring Richard Roxburgh and Ian Hart. (C)(12614076) 10.40 THE GRUMPY GUIDE TO CHRISTMAS Geoffrey Palmer narrates as real-life Scrooges, including Ozzy Osbourne, Al Murray, Ronni Ancona and John Thomson, vent their collective spleen about the festive season. (R)(C)(452786) 11.40 THE FUNNY SIDE OF CHRISTMAS Clive Anderson examines the TV world’s yuletide traditions. (R)(C)(144540) 12.40 COMEDY SONGS — THE POP YEARS (C)(9392729) 2.10 FILM: GILDA (1946) Thriller, starring Rita Hayworth and Glenn Ford. (C)(b/w)(104800) 3.55 CLOSE
7.30 YOU’VE BEEN FRAMED! CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Harry Hill narrates a festive edition of the camcorder show, featuring Christmas catastrophes, stumbling Santas, ungrateful urchins and faulty fairy lights. (R)(T)(347) 8.00 EMMERDALE Cain goes on the warpath. (T)(1434) 8.30 CORONATION STREET David is not pleased by Nick’s return. (T)(4499) 9.00 TAGGART Burke investigates a crime writer whose debut novel includes a detailed description of a murder identical to that of a real-life unsolved case. Guest starring Finlay Robertson. (T)(5347) 10.00 ITV NEWS AT TEN AND WEATHER (T)(693714) 10.15 CHRISTMAS CAROLS WITH THE TROOPS Service for British soldiers serving in Afghanistan from St Clement Danes church in London. (T)(136250) 11.15 FILM: SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE (1998) Period romantic comedy, starring Joseph Fiennes and Gwyneth Paltrow. (T)(24220989) 1.20 CHRISTMAS TALES: THE STORY OF THE TREE (R)(T) ITV News Headlines. (9524496) 2.15 MOTORSPORT UK (T)(5055651) 3.05 ITV NIGHTSCREEN (75543458)
5.10 JAMIE’S FAMILY CHRISTMAS (R)(T)(7669434) 5.45 JAMIE’S FAMILY CHRISTMAS (R)(T)(287298) 6.15 JAMIE’S FAMILY CHRISTMAS (R)(T)(279279) 6.45 DEAL OR NO DEAL: SCROOGE OR SANTA Festive edition of the game show. (T)(861434) 7.45 CHANNEL 4 NEWS (T)(599502) 8.00 HESTON’S CHRISTMAS FEAST A festive feast inspired by dishes of the past. (R)(T)(6453) 9.00 THE SECRET MILLIONAIRE A taxi company owner goes undercover in Newcastle. (T)(3989) 10.00 CELEBRITY COME DINE WITH ME CHRISTMAS SPECIAL With Hannah Waterman, David Gest, Diarmuid Gavin and Sherrie Hewson. (R)(T)(1387182) 11.05 ALAN CARR: CHATTY MAN CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (R)(T)(705778) 12.10 FILM: SLITHER (2006) Premiere. Comedy horror, with Nathan Fillion. (T)(271699) 1.55 DISPATCHES: TERROR IN MUMBAI (R)(T)(8561854) 2.50 DEADLIEST CATCH (T)(2787941) 3.35 THE HILLS (T)(76057125) 4.00 THE HILLS (T)(57332496) 4.20 ST ELSEWHERE (R)(T)(8902767) 5.10 ONE TREE HILL (T)(9203106)
7.05 FILM: A CHRISTMAS CAROL (1999) Miserly Ebenezer Scrooge loathes the Christmas season until one night he is visited by a three ghosts who try to make him change his ways with visions of his past, his present — and the fate that awaits him if he keeps up his cold-hearted behaviour. Adaptation of Dickens’ classic tale, starring Patrick Stewart, Richard E Grant, Joel Grey, Ian McNeice and Saskia Reeves. (T)(88409873) 9.00 CELEBRITY SHOCK LIST 2009 Countdown of the year’s headline-grabbing celebrity incidents, featuring the likes of Katie Price and Peter Andre, Madonna, Kerry Katona, and the death of Michael Jackson. (T)(90537182) 11.05 SIMON COWELL: WHERE DID IT ALL GO RIGHT? Profile of the TV and music industry entrepreneur who has been involved in a succession of talent shows and engineered numerous popular hits. (R)(T)(8088705) 12.05 SUPERCASINO Live interactive gaming. (99049816) 4.00 CATHOUSE A portrait of life inside one of America’s legal brothels, Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada. (T)(7918274) 4.55 ‘TIL DEATH (T)(83362854) 5.15 BRIAN SEWELL’S GRAND TOUR (R)(T)(4411380)
RADIO RADIO 1: FM 97.6-99.8 6.30 The Chris Moyles Show with Scott Mills 10.00 Fearne Cotton 1.00 Greg James 4.00 Sara Cox 7.00 Kissy Sell Out 9.00 In New DJs We Trust 10.00 In New DJs We Trust 11.00 In New DJs We Trust 12.00 In New DJs We Trust 1.00 In New DJs We Trust 2.00 Annie Nightingale 4.00 Huw Stephens’ Weird and Wonderful Christmas RADIO 2: FM 88-90.2 6.00 Sarah Kennedy: The Dawn Patrol 7.30 Johnnie Walker 9.30 Ken Bruce 12.00 Alan Carr’s Office Party 2.00 Craig Charles 5.00 Chris Evans 7.00 Radio 2 Live: Manilow at Proms in the Park 8.00 Robbie Williams’ Line of Enquiry 10.00 Keeping Tradition Alive at Christmas
10.30 Galton and Simpson’s Half Hour 11.00 Brass and Carols 12.00 Liza Tarbuck’s Christmas Wrapping 4.00 Roger Royle RADIO 3: FM 90.2-92.4 7.00 Breakfast 10.00 Classical Collection 12.00 Composer of the Week: John Rutter 12.00 News 1.00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 2.00 Afternoon on 3 5.15 Words and Music 6.15 New Generation Artists 7.00 Performance on 3 9.00 Belief 9.30 BBC Proms 2009 11.15 Late Junction 1.00 Through the Night RADIO 4: 198kHz (1515m) FM 92.494.6 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Farming Today 6.00 Today 9.00 In Our Time 9.45 (LW) Daily Service
9.45 (FM) Book of the Week: Paw Tracks in the Moonlight 10.00 Woman’s Hour 11.00 Crossing Continents 11.30 The Frost Collection 12.00 News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 You and Yours 12.57 Weather 1.00 The World at One 1.30 Questions, Questions 2.00 The Archers 2.15 Afternoon Play: Black Hearts in Battersea 3.00 A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols 4.30 The Material World 4.55 1989: Day-by-Day 5.00 PM 5.54 Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 Six O’Clock News 6.15 The News at Bedtime 6.30 Andy Zaltzman’s History of the Third Millennium, Series 1 of 100 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Front Row 7.45 Someone Like You
8.00 That Reminds Me 8.30 In Business 9.00 What Scientists Believe 9.30 In Our Time 9.59 Weather 10.00 The World Tonight 10.45 Book at Bedtime: The Ingoldsby Legends 11.00 Chain Reaction 11.30 Midnight Mass 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast RADIO 5: 909kHz (330m) 693kHz (433m) 5.00 Morning Reports 5.30 Wake Up to Money 6.00 5 Live Breakfast 10.00 Phil Williams 1.00 Colin Murray 4.00 5 Live Drive. 6.00 James — My Alcoholic Friend 7.00 5 Live Sport: The Headline Hour 8.00 5 Live Sport: Review of the Year. Presented by Matt Dawson. 10.00 Murray and Lovejoy’s Sports Express
10.30 Jonathan Overend 1.00 Up All Night 4.00 James — My Alcoholic Friend CLASSIC FM: FM 99.9-101.9 6.00 Classic FM Brighter Breakfast 8.00 Simon Bates 12.00 Jamie Crick’s Christmas Eve Requests 3.00 Mark Forrest’s Christmas Eve Requests. 6.00 Smooth Carols. With Margherita Taylor. 9.00 The Full Works 11.00 Relaxing Classics 2.00 Story of Carols 4.00 Tim Lihoreau RADIO MERSEYSIDE: 1485kHz (202m) FM 95.8 5.00 Steve Coleman 6.00 Tony Snell 10.00 Sean Styles 12.00 Lee Bennion 2.00 Billy Butler 5.00 Carol Service 6.30 Wayne Clarke
9.00 Folkscene with Stan Ambrose 10.00 Linda McDermott 1.00 Up All Night RADIO CITY: FM 96.7 6.00 Rossie and Co 10.00 Rick Vaughn 1.00 Tim Cocker 4.00 Neil Fitzmaurice 7.00 In Demand 10.00 Pete Price 2.00 Vicky Warham MAGIC 1548: 1548kHz (194m) 6.00 Keiron Fox 10.00 Nick Wright 2.00 Dave Campbell 6.00 60s at Six 7.00 70s at Seven 8.00 Richard Allen 10.00 Norman Ashley 2.00 Paul Griffiths 107.6 JUICE FM: FM 107.6 6.00 Adam and Leanne 10.00 Chris Bovaird 1.00 Baz Todd 4.00 Mark Kaye 7.00 Steve Timmins 11.00 Chalk and Cheese 1.00 Non-stop Juice
TV 19
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas Eve COMEDY 6.45
Billy Madison (1995) With Adam Sandler. (14404453) 8.20 Enchanted (2007) With Amy Adams. (61660724) 10.15 This Christmas (2007) With Delroy Lindo. (46973637) 12.20 Meet the Parents (2000) With Robert De Niro. (6600057) 2.15 Juno (2007) With Ellen Page. (5337453) 3.55 This Christmas (2007) With Delroy Lindo. (93808892) 6.00 Enchanted (2007) An eternally cheerful fairytale princess is magically transported from her cartoon world to the grim reality of present-day New York — where happy endings are far from guaranteed. Luckily, a lawyer and his daughter come to the her aid and romance blossoms. Part-animated fantasy comedy spoofing Disney movies, starring Amy Adams. (4845960) 8.00 You Don’t Mess with the Zohan (2008) An Israeli Special Agent fakes his death and starts a new life as a New York hair stylist. Comedy, with Adam Sandler. (4857705) 10.00 Meet the Parents (2000) A male nurse tries to impress his girlfriend’s father — a former CIA agent who does not suffer fools. Comedy, with Ben Stiller. (4516231) 11.55 Juno (2007) A teenager who falls pregnant after sleeping with her friend looks for the perfect parents to adopt her baby. Comedy, with Ellen Page and Michael Cera. (4092144) 1.35 You Don’t Mess with the Zohan (2008) With Adam Sandler. (3060361) 3.30 The Hottie and the Nottie (2008) With Paris Hilton. (5052212) 5.05 Coneheads (1993) With Dan Aykroyd. (48404941)
DRAMA 6.00
Breaking Away (1979) With Dennis Christopher. (35782163) 7.50 The Last of the Mohicans (1992) With Daniel Day-Lewis. (55174892) 9.50 Sleuth (2007) With Michael Caine. (8859989) 11.20 Georgia Rule (2007) With Jane Fonda. (58374163) 1.20 When a Man Loves a Woman (1994) With Andy Garcia. (78342347) 3.30 Green Card (1990) With Gerard Depardieu. (9664960) 5.20 Scent of a Woman (1992) With Al Pacino. (71156705) 8.00 Definitely Maybe (2008) A father in the middle of a divorce tells his daughter the story of his life before marriage. Romantic comedy, with Ryan Reynolds and Abigail Breslin, with Rachel Weisz, Isla Fisher and Elizabeth Banks as the three possibilities. (1676434) 10.00 Pride and Glory (2008) A family of cops is thrown into turmoil when corruption is uncovered in their department. Thriller, starring Colin Farrell and Edward Norton. (30891908) 12.15 The Brave One (2007) With Jodie Foster. (69714458) 2.25 In the Name of the Father (1993) With Daniel Day-Lewis. (23935106) 4.45 The End of Eden (1996) With Jennie Garth. (54183800)
Cleaner (2007) With Samuel L Jackson. (56659347) 8.50 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) With Harrison Ford. (90977347) 10.55 Vantage Point (2008) With Dennis Quaid. (58366144) 12.30 RocknRolla (2008) With Gerard Butler. (6043908) 2.30 Street Kings (2008) With Keanu Reeves. (21282786) 4.20 Vantage Point (2008) With Dennis Quaid. (39954892) 5.55 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) With Harrison Ford. (93126298) 8.00 RocknRolla (2008) A Russian mob boss sets up a profitable real estate scam in London and soon every criminal in the city is after their share. The gangster’s accountant hires a trio of crooks to take her boss’s millions, while a rock star with a penchant for faking his own death causes further mayhem by stealing a valuable painting. Guy Ritchie’s crime comedy, starring Gerard Butler. (1689908) 10.00 War (2007) An FBI agent vows to get revenge on the mysterious assassin who murdered his family and partner. Martial arts thriller, with Jet Li. (7122892) 11.50 Cleaner (2007) A police crime-scene cleaner realises someone is using him to destroy evidence. Crime thriller, starring Samuel L Jackson. (7090960) 1.25 War (2007) With Jet Li. (4859090) 3.20 Body of Evidence (1992) With Madonna. (8716729) 5.15 Angel Flight Down (1996) With Patricia Kalember. (83451019)
G.O.L.D: 6.00 The Dick Emery Show 6.15 Steptoe and Son 6.50 Waiting for God 7.30 Posh Nosh 7.45 Steptoe and Son 8.55 The Dick Emery Show 9.05 The Vicar of Dibley 3.30 Morecambe and Wise — The Greatest Moment 5.00 Wallace & Gromit: A Grand Day Out 5.35 Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers 6.15 Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave 7.00 Blackadder’s Christmas Carol 8.00 Only Fools and Horses 12.00 Men Behaving Badly 1.00 Hippies 1.40 Men Behaving Badly 2.30 Hippies 3.00 Close
SKY SPORTS 1 6.00 Super League (21366) 6.30 FIFA Futbol Mundial (1917665) 7.55 Transworld Sport (3989163) 8.55 Live International Cricket India v Sri Lanka. (76415) 5.00 Premier League World (5298) 5.30 The Rugby Club (99540) 6.30 Football League Weekend A look ahead to the weekend’s fixtures in the Championship. (61279) 7.30 Premier League Preview A look ahead to the Boxing Day fixtures, including Birmingham City v Chelsea, Liverpool v Wolverhampton Wanderers and Manchester City v Stoke City. (5927) 8.00 Soccer Saturday Special Jeff Stelling presents a Christmas edition of the show, testing the cooking skills of Matt Le Tissier, Paul Merson, Phil Thompson and Charlie Nicholas. (90601) 10.00Where Are They Now? Festive edition of the programme looking at the lives of Premier League stars of yesteryear since they retired from the spotlight. (27366) 11.00Football League Weekend A look ahead to the weekend’s fixtures in the Championship. (56453) 12.00Soccer Saturday Special (57980) 2.00 Where Are They Now? (59583) 3.00 Premier League Preview (37187) 3.30 Football League Weekend (20767) 4.30 Where Are They Now? (59670) 5.30 Premier League Preview (78816)
CRIME TIME: RocknRolla (Sky Movies Action/Thriller, 8.00pm)
6.00 Good Morning Sports Fans (8347298) 8.00 Transworld Sport (4085453) 9.00 USPGA Championship Golf (9369811) 10.00Darts (4590724) 3.00 Ten Pin Bowling (4794521) 4.00 Powder Adventures (1346521) 4.30 FIFA Futbol Mundial (1342705) 5.00 Hong Kong Sixes (2018892) 6.00 USPGA Championship Golf (3014279) 7.00 Hong Kong Sixes From the Kowloon Cricket Club. (2182873) 8.00 The Ashes Regained (2102637) 10.00International Cricket (4793892) 12.00The Rugby Club (4031632) 1.00 The Ashes Regained (7922293) 3.00 International Cricket (8223729) 5.00 Super League (4040380) 5.30 Powder Adventures (9324748)
7.30 FIFA 2010 World Cup Preview (5710427) 7.45 FIFA 2010 World Cup Preview (9259142) 8.00 Timbersports World Championship (40328) 8.30 Incredible Dog Challenge (4006665) 9.35 Strongest Man (4380582) 10.30Trial Bikes (33322) 12.30Car Racing (98453) 1.00 Figure Skating (11892) 3.00 French Open Tennis (72328) 4.00 Equestrian (84163) 5.00 UEFA Champions League Classics (9873) 6.00 UEFA Champions League Classics (73144) 7.00 Cycling: Tour de France (3142) 7.30 Planet Armstrong (2845) 8.00 World Touring Car Championship (22811) 9.00 Rallying (80347) 9.30 Inside the Team (12502) 10.30Car Racing (53892) 11.00Strongest Man (41521) 12.00Eurogoals: One to One (7443632) 12.15African Cup of Nations Preview (7466583) 12.30Close
10.00 WWE: Late Night — Raw (73690279) 12.00 Extreme Championship Wrestling (49762090) 1.00 USPGA Championship Golf (87364038) 2.00 Steve Davis’ Greatest Snooker Trickshots (82275458) 4.00 USPGA Championship Golf (36062941) 5.00 The Rugby Club (82279274)
SKY SPORTS 3 6.00 7.00
Transworld Sport (56735298) Watersports World (49715182) 8.00 Ten Pin Bowling (49716811) 9.00 Aerobics (31162540) 9.30 Watersports World (22584366) 10.30 Transworld Sport (88748892) 11.30 Aerobics (73680892) 12.00 Watersports World (35030724)
2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00
Transworld Sport (35016144) USPGA Championship Golf (41970724) Watersports World (73691908) Race World (73670415) WWE Vintage Collection (69614521) Greatest Snooker Trickshots (27790892) Netball (27702637)
TCM 6.55 8.50 10.25 1.00 3.00 5.05 7.25 9.00 11.50 1.45 3.00 5.00
Jack Frost (1998) Fantasy drama, starring Michael Keaton. (20633279) Fort Worth (1951) Western drama, starring Randolph Scott. (20449163) The Madwoman of Chaillot (1969) Drama, starring Katharine Hepburn. (31895989) The Shop Around the Corner (1940) Romantic comedy, starring James Stewart. (b/w)(8974415) The Philadelphia Story (1940) Romantic comedy, starring Katharine Hepburn. (b/w)(32355095) Selena (1997) Musical biopic, starring Jennifer Lopez. (87391095) Murder, She Said (1961) Miss Marple whodunit, starring Margaret Rutherford. (b/w)(35020960) The Towering Inferno (1974) Disaster epic, starring Paul Newman. (60433434) Dark City (1998) Sci-fi thriller, starring Rufus Sewell. (9497255) Village of the Damned (1960) Thriller, with George Sanders. (b/w)(70086980) Teleshopping (9240106) The Shop Around the Corner (1940) Comedy, starring James Stewart and Margaret Sullavan. (b/w)(51495699)
Donovan’s Reef (1963) Comedy drama, with John Wayne. (90876163) Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989) Animated fantasy, with the voice of Kirsten Dunst. (86465724) 3.15 An Affair to Remember (1957) Drama, starring Cary Grant. (48277057) 5.30 Miracle on 34th Street (1947) Christmas drama, starring Edmund Gwenn. (b/w)(25340095) 7.20 Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd (2003) Comedy prequel, with Eric Christian Olsen. (82160279) 9.00 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) British comedy, starring Hugh Grant. (78292618) 11.15 District 13 (2004) Futuristic thriller, starring Cyril Raffaelli. (1509989) 12.55 Black Christmas (1974) Horror, starring Olivia Hussey. (17272583) 3.05 Close
SKY 1 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 2.00 2.15 4.00 5.00 5.30 6.00
7.30 8.30 9.00
10.00 10.10 11.10 11.40 12.40 1.40 2.35 3.30 4.20 5.10
GOOD MORNING SPORTS FANS (55811) GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS SMASHED! (55908) OOPS TV (56637) ARE YOU SMARTER THAN YOUR TEN YEAR OLD? (89366) TERRY PRATCHETT’S HOGFATHER (46453) TERRY PRATCHETT’S HOGFATHER (67057) BITE SIZE BRAINIAC (33859144) THE FLINTSTONES (1994) (139057) GOT TO DANCE (48347) THE SIMPSONS (4540) THE SIMPSONS (4892) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 Noel Edmonds helps make dreams come true for the nation’s most deserving, hard-working and selfless people, rewarding them for their acts of generosity. (71347) GOT TO DANCE Davina McCall hosts the dancing competition. (55892) THE SIMPSONS Marge goes on a girls’ night out. (9231) BONES The murder of a department store Santa is investigated. (73521) TEN MINUTE TALES Silent drama, starring Paterson Joseph. (659724) BONES An unidentified body is discovered in a bomb shelter. (786095) MODERN FAMILY Mitchell and Claire’s mother visits. (261786) ROAD WARS (470502) ROAD WARS (6867090) ROSS KEMP ON GANGS (6954075) DEREK ACORAH (2763212) LOST (1382380) LOST (1124748) LOST (9805922)
LIVING: 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Bewitched 8.00 Maury 8.55 Celebs Off Duty 9.00 Nothing to Declare 10.00 America’s Next Top Model 11.00 Maury 12.50 Celebs Off Duty 1.00 Charmed 3.00 Ghost Whisperer 4.00 Charmed 6.00 America’s Next Top Model 7.00 Ghost Whisperer 8.00 Medium 9.00 Criminal Minds 10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11.00 CSI: Miami 12.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Medium 3.00 Lipstick Jungle 3.50 Maury 4.40 Nothing to Declare 5.30 Home Shopping BRAVO: 8.00 TNA iMPACT! 10.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 11.00 Star Trek: Voyager 12.00 FILM: A Bridge Too Far (1977) Fact-based drama recreating the World War Two battle for Arnhem. Starring Dirk Bogarde, Robert Redford, Anthony Hopkins and Michael Caine. 3.30 The A-Team 4.30 Street Crime UK 5.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 6.00 Street Crime UK 7.30 High Seas, High Stakes 8.00 FILM: A Bridge Too Far (1977) Fact-based drama recreating the World War Two battle for Arnhem. Starring Dirk Bogarde, Robert Redford, Anthony Hopkins and Michael Caine. 11.30 Deadliest Warrior 12.30 Sexarama 1.00 Masters of Horror 2.10 Deadliest Warrior 3.05 Alias 4.00 Close 5.00 Home Shopping ITV2: 6.00 Emmerdale 6.30 Coleen’s Real Women 9.25 Airline at Christmas 10.25 Stars on the Street 11.25 You’ve Been Framed and Famous! 12.30 Emmerdale 1.05 Creature Comforts 1.15 Dick Whittington 2.55 Cinderella 4.30 Jack and the Beanstalk 6.05 Aladdin 7.40 Creature Comforts 8.00 FILM: The Dukes of Hazzard (2005) Bo and Luke Duke discover a plot to strip-mine their entire town. Comedy adaptation of the TV series, with Seann William Scott and Johnny Knoxville. 10.10 FILM: Gremlins (1984) A teenager is given a bizarre creature for Christmas — with horrifying consequences. Comedy horror, starring Zach Galligan and Phoebe Cates. 12.20 Coronation Street 12.50 FILM: The Matrix Revolutions (2003) Freedom fighters Neo and Trinity battle to bring the war between man and machine to an end. Sci-fi sequel, starring Keanu Reeves and CarrieAnne Moss. 3.10 Emmerdale 3.35 Supernatural 4.20 Sally Jessy Raphael 5.00 Gossip Girl 5.45 ITV2 Nightscreen ITV3: 6.00 Film File 6.10 On the Buses 7.05 Rising Damp 7.30 The Darling Buds of May 8.35 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 12.50 The Flint Street Nativity 2.05 Christmas Lights 3.40 A Christmas Carol 5.15 Rising Damp 5.45 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9.00 FILM: Overboard (1987) A spoilt heiress suffering from amnesia is taken in by a carpenter claiming to be her husband. Comedy, starring Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. 11.20 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 1.25 A Christmas Carol 2.40 Drama Trails 2.50 Film File 3.00 Teleshopping
Music by
DAVE: 7.00 Dragons’ Den 8.00 Top Gear 10.00 Dragons’ Den — Christmas Special 12.00 Top Gear 2.00 Trawlermen 2.40 Have I Got News for You 3.20 QI 4.00 Top Gear 6.00 Stephen Fry in America 7.00 Trawlermen 7.40 Have I Got News for You 8.20 QI 9.00 The Office 11.10 QI XL 12.10 The Office 2.20 Man Stroke Woman 3.00 Close E4: 6.00 Earthsea 7.40 Hercules 9.20 King Solomon’s Mines 12.40 Olive the Other Reindeer 1.40 Hollyoaks 3.25 FILM: Jingle All the Way (1996) A workaholic father competes with rival parents to get his son a popular action figure for Christmas. Comedy, with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sinbad. 5.05 Friends 9.00 The Big Bang Theory 9.30 How I Met Your Mother 10.00 My Name Is Earl 10.30 The Big Bang Theory 11.00 How I Met Your Mother 11.30 Fonejacker Christmas Special 12.00 Russell Brand’s Christmas Ponderland 12.35 My Name Is Earl 1.05 The Big Bang Theory 1.30 How I Met Your Mother 2.00 King Solomon’s Mines 4.45 Switched MORE4: 9.00 Deal or No Deal 9.45 Room for Improvement 10.45 Location, Location, Location 11.15 FILM: Freaky Friday (1976) A mother and daughter magically switch bodies for a day and gain an insight into each other’s lives. Comedy, with Jodie Foster and Barbara Harris. 1.10 Deal or No Deal 2.00 Come Dine with Me 4.00 Kirstie’s Homemade Christmas 7.00 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 8.05 The 100 Greatest Christmas Moments 12.05 Father Ted Christmas Special 1.15 Deal or No Deal: Scrooge or Santa 2.20 Come Dine with Me 3.25 Father Ted Christmas Special 4.35 Close BBC THREE: 7.00 Doctor Who. One-off special. The Time Lord is caught in a terrifying situation on Mars. 8.00 the noughties — was that it? Part one of two. The social and cultural changes of the past decade. 10.30 EastEnders 11.05 Family Guy 11.50 American Dad! 12.35 the noughties — was that it? 3.05 Move Like Michael Jackson 4.15 The Real Hustle: Twelve Scams of Christmas 5.15 Close
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20 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide BBC1
6.00 BREAKFAST (C)(20957274) 9.15 INGENIOUS (C)(215651) 10.15 CHRISTMAS DAY EUCHARIST (C)(206903) 11.15 CBBC (5838361) 12.10 BBC NEWS; WEATHER (C)(5501038) 12.25 FILM: THE SANTA CLAUSE (1994) Fantasy comedy, starring Tim Allen. (C)(670274) 2.00 TOP OF THE POPS CHRISTMAS 2009 (C)(48458) 3.00 THE QUEEN (C)(5408458) 3.10 FILM: THE INCREDIBLES (2004) Premiere. Pixar’s animated adventure, with the voice of Craig T Nelson. (C)(17580670) 4.55 SHREK THE HALLS (R)(C)(9241903) 5.20 BBC NEWS (C)(5497922) 5.30 THE GRUFFALO (C)(651) 6.00 DOCTOR WHO David Tennant takes his final trip in the Tardis in the first of a two-part special, which sees the return of the Master. John Simm and Bernard Cribbins guest star. (C)(11152)
6.00 CBEEBIES (74941) 7.30 CBBC (71800) 8.30 WAINWRIGHT WALKS (R)(C)(95767) 9.00 GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS (R)(C)(7849854) 9.50 FILM: HEIDI (2005) Premiere. Children’s drama, starring Emma Bolger and Max von Sydow. (C)(65663212) 11.30 STAR OF BETHLEHEM (R)(C)(57187) 12.30 FILM: KISS ME KATE (1953) Musical comedy, starring Howard Keel and Kathryn Grayson. (C)(65193941) 2.15 FILM: WHITE CHRISTMAS (1954) Musical, starring Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. (C)(940545) 4.10 LA BOHEME (C)(54263748) 6.00 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF A CHRISTMAS MASTERPIECE: THE MYSTIC NATIVITY The darker side of Botticelli’s masterpiece. (C)(752380) 6.50 THE QUEEN Her Majesty’s annual address. (R)(C)(352293)
5.25 CITV (7457903) 5.55 ITV MORNING NEWS (T)(7571019) 6.00 GMTV (7217036) 9.25 CHRISTMAS COOKS CHALLENGE (T)(4008496) 10.25 CREATURE COMFORTS (R)(T)(1861293) 10.55 FILM: SANTA CLAUS: THE MOVIE (1985) Adventure, with Dudley Moore. (T)(50543564) 1.00 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(38228570) 1.10 FILM: THE POLAR EXPRESS (2004) Animated adventure, with the voice of Tom Hanks. (T)(31917477) 3.00 THE QUEEN (T)(5426854) 3.10 YOU’VE BEEN FRAMED AT CHRISTMAS! (T)(7535293) 3.40 FILM: HAPPY FEET (2006) Premiere. Animated adventure, with the voice of Elijah Wood. (T)(184187) 5.40 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(963477) 6.00 EMMERDALE Hour-long edition. (T)(27800)
6.00 YO GABBA GABBA (R)(T)(63854) 6.30 LITTLE WOLF’S BOOK OF BADNESS (R)(T)(49187) 7.00 WILDE STORIES (R)(T)(72903) 7.30 OLIVE THE OTHER REINDEER (R)(T)(8080729) 8.25 T4: THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(6991980) 8.55 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(6979854) 10.00 T4: THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(6003651) 10.35 T4: BEYONCE: I AM YOURS — AN INTIMATE PERFORMANCE FROM WYNN, LAS VEGAS (T)(5265309) 11.40 FILM: HONEY, I BLEW UP THE KID (1992) Comedy, with Rick Moranis. (T)(24260293) 1.25 ONLY WHEN I DANCE (T)(25831699) 3.00 THE ALTERNATIVE CHRISTMAS MESSAGE (T)(5424496) 3.10 DEAL OR NO DEAL: SCROOGE OR SANTA (T)(9976867)
Pick of the day
FIVE 6.00 SUNRISE (T)(6026380) 7.00 MILKSHAKE! (3793545) 10.20 ANIMAL RESCUE SQUAD (R)(T)(7328106) 10.50 MICHAELA’S ZOO BABIES (R)(T)(7574038) 11.50 POLAR BEAR ADVENTURE WITH NIGEL MARVEN (R)(T)(5225458) 12.50 ICE ROAD TRUCKERS The rig move reaches a crucial stage. (R)(T)(7549038) 1.50 CRUSOE Friday catches a mystery illness. (T)(5186632) 2.50 FIVE NEWS (T)(9895090) 3.05 FILM: CALL ME CLAUS (2001) Christmas family drama, starring Whoopi Goldberg. (T)(31109038) 5.00 HEADS OR TAILS With a personal trainer from west London. (T)(7277477) 6.00 FILM: HIGH SOCIETY (1956) A playboy composer tries to stop his ex-wife from remarrying. Comedy, starring Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra and Grace Kelly. (T)(6681816)
Strictly Come... (7.00pm)
James May’s... (7.00pm)
Agatha Christie’s... (9.00pm)
David Blaine... (12.10am)
The Abba Years (9.00pm)
An end-of-year extravaganza in which former favourites Austin Healey, Gethin Jones and Rachel Stevens compete against this year’s top contestants.
The presenter tries to build the world’s longestever model railway track, covering a 10-mile route between two Devon towns. Last in the series.
The dapper sleuth attends a North African archaeological dig and uncovers a wealth of suspects when an aristocrat’s wife is stabbed to death.
The showman’s endurance test, when he stood immobile inside a six-ton block of ice, bringing New York’s Times Square to a standstill.
The success of the Swedish group, exploring the flamboyant outfits, hit records, successful spinoffs, marriages and break-ups.
7.00 STRICTLY COME DANCING CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Six celebrities compete in an endof-year extravaganza. (C)(6421) 8.00 EASTENDERS Hour-long edition. Time finally runs out for Archie when he ends up on the floor of the Vic, about to meet a grisly end. Jack, Janine, Ronnie, Roxy, Phil and Peggy are all suspects. (C)(6699) 9.00 THE ROYLE FAMILY The clan returns in another one-off special. Jim and Barbara cannot decide how to spend a cash windfall — a holiday or a satellite HD system. Sue Johnston and Ricky Tomlinson star. (C)(6835) 10.00 GAVIN & STACEY The gang descends on the beach. (C)(92670) 10.30 CATHERINE TATE: NAN’S CHRISTMAS CAROL The foulmouthed OAP stars in her own festive special. (C)(246632) 11.20 BBC NEWS; WEATHER (C)(886564) 11.30 ON CHRISTMAS NIGHT Actress Julie Fernandez reads the story of the Nativity. (C)(817729) 11.35 THE NATIONAL LOTTERY EUROMILLIONS DRAW Coverage of the draw. (C)(206877) 11.45 FILM: SPEED (1994) Action thriller, starring Keanu Reeves; (C) Weatherview. (C)(917729) 1.40 BBC NEWS (C)(39648336)
7.00 JAMES MAY’S TOY STORIES The presenter tries to build the world’s longest-ever model railway track, covering a 10mile route between two Devon towns. Last in the series. (C)(8293) 8.00 DAD’S ARMY Mainwaring organises a Christmas treat. (R)(C)(2922) 8.30 BLACKADDER THE THIRD The Prince Regent chooses a bride. (R)(C)(8729) 9.00 TOP GEAR The hosts bid to prove that cars can be art by filling a gallery in Middlesbrough with motoringrelated works — including a few pieces of their own. (R)(C)(4477) 10.00 OZ AND HUGH DRINK TO CHRISTMAS Oz Clarke and Hugh Dennis sample festive drinks past and present, exploring their history before deciding which should be named Britain’s first official Christmas tipple. (R)(C)(7564) 11.00 THE FUNNY SIDE OF CHAT The most entertaining moments in chat shows. (C)(96583) 12.00 QI (R)(C)(14084) 12.30 NEVER MIND THE BUZZCOCKS: WHERE ARE THEY NOW? (C)(73249) 1.00 TOTP2 XMAS 2009 (R)(C)(26201) 2.30 STELLA STREET: THE MOVIE (R)(C)(3015323) 3.50 CLOSE
7.00 CORONATION STREET Kevin’s plans to come clean about his affair are overshadowed by shocking news from Sally. Tina is embarrassed to share Christmas dinner with Nick — the man she kissed on Monday. (T)(2019) 8.00 ALL STAR MR & MRS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Actress Joan Collins and husband Percy Gibson, singer Emma Bunton and partner Jade Jones, and Coronation Street actor Andy Whyment and wife Nichola take part in the domestic quiz. (T)(1767) 9.00 AGATHA CHRISTIE’S POIROT The dapper sleuth attends a North African archaeological dig and uncovers a wealth of suspects when an aristocrat’s wife is stabbed to death. Drama, with David Suchet. (T)(4854) 11.00 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(518651) 11.15 FILM: GLADIATOR (2000) A Roman general becomes a gladiator and seeks revenge for the death of his wife and child. Oscar-winning epic, with Russell Crowe; (T) ITV News Headlines. (53619038) 2.05 FILM: ONE MILLION YEARS BC (1966) Hammer prehistoric adventure, starring Raquel Welch. (T)(655539) 3.50 ITV NIGHTSCREEN (375997)
4.15 FILM: ANNIE (1982) John Huston’s musical, with Albert Finney. (T)(83769699) 6.35 THE SECRET MILLIONAIRE CHANGED MY LIFE Entrepreneur Gary Eastwood returns to Blackpool. (R)(T)(1053651) 7.40 CHANNEL 4 NEWS (T)(398380) 7.45 KATIE: MY BEAUTIFUL FACE The victim of an acid attack tells her story. (R)(T)(366670) 8.50 THE ALTERNATIVE CHRISTMAS MESSAGE The traditional counterpoint to the Queen’s broadcast. (R)(T)(470570) 9.00 FILM: GREY GARDENS (2009) Premiere. Fact-based drama about the eccentric and reclusive aunt and first cousin of Jackie Kennedy Onassis. With Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange. (T)(13150212) 11.05 LEE EVANS: BIG — LIVE AT THE O2 The comedian performs at the London arena. (R)(T)(586632) 12.10 DAVID BLAINE: FROZEN IN TIME (R)(T)(1117317) 1.10 A BEAR’S CHRIMBO: TOP 20 (T)(632607) 3.00 DEADLIEST CATCH (T)(7469442) 3.45 THE HILLS (T)(76940881) 4.10 THE HILLS (T)(57216404) 4.35 ST ELSEWHERE (R)(T)(4251794) 5.25 ONE TREE HILL (T)(2330978)
8.00 GADGET SHOW: GADGET OF THE DECADE The presenters and celebrity guests Robson Green, Ian Wright and Danny Wallace examine devices from the past 10 years, before revealing which one viewers have voted the best. (R)(T)(6682545) 9.00 THE ABBA YEARS The success of the Swedish group, exploring the flamboyant outfits, hit records, successful spin-offs, marriages and break-ups. Featuring interviews with the band members. (R)(T)(6602309) 10.00 MAMMA MIA!: WHERE DID IT ALL GO RIGHT? Documentary about the success of musical Mamma Mia!, examining how the three women behind the film battled powerful individuals in Hollywood to make their dream a reality. (R)(T)(6605496) 11.00 FILM: ABBA: THE MOVIE (1977) A DJ continually tries and fails to get an interview with the Swedish group. A mix of comedy and concert footage, with Robert Hughes and Stig Anderson. (T)(5951274) 12.50 SUPERCASINO Live interactive gaming. (43113065) 4.00 CATHOUSE (T)(7812046) 4.55 ‘TIL DEATH (T)(83266626) 5.15 BRIAN SEWELL’S GRAND TOUR (R)(T)(4315152)
RADIO RADIO 1: FM 97.6-99.8 6.00 Greg James 10.00 The Tinsel Takeover 1.00 The Tinsel Takeover 4.00 Radio 1’s Stories 7.00 Radio 1’s Stories 10.00 Radio 1’s Stories 12.00 Radio 1’s Stories 1.00 Radio 1’s Stories 2.00 Radio 1’s Essential Mix RADIO 2: FM 88-90.2 7.00 Good Morning Christmas 9.00 Junior Choice Christmas Special 11.00 Paul O’Grady 1.00 A Magical Manilow Christmas 3.00 The Queen 3.05 Jack and Jo’s Yo Ho Ho 5.00 Parky’s Jazzy Christmas 7.00 Dermot O’Leary’s Time Capsules 8.00 Suzi’s Motown 10.00 Galton and Simpson’s Half Hour 10.30 Very Nearly an Armful: The Galton and Simpson Story 11.30 Galton and Simpson’s Half Hour 12.00 Mark Lamarr 3.00 Richard Allinson
RADIO 3: FM 90.2-92.4 7.00 Breakfast 10.00 Classical Collection 12.00 Composer of the Week: John Rutter; News 1.00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 2.00 A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols 3.40 Afternoon on 3 5.00 Words and Music 6.15 New Generation Artists 7.00 Performance on 3 9.45 Belief 10.45 Dies Natalis 11.15 World on 3 1.00 Through the Night RADIO 4: 198kHz (1515m) FM 92.4-94.6 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Farming Today 6.00 A Laureate’s Legacy: The Poetry Archive 7.00 Bryn Terfel Masters Wine 7.30 The Museum of Curiosity 8.00 Desert Island Discs 8.45 The Santa Tapes 9.00 Christmas Service 9.45 Book of the Week: Paw Tracks in the Moonlight 10.00 Woman’s Hour
11.00 A Funny Sort of Sound 11.30 Count Arthur Strong’s Radio Show! 12.00 News 12.01 (LW) Shipping 12.04 Loose Ends 1.00 With Great Pleasure at Christmas 2.00 The Archers 2.15 Afternoon Play: The No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency 3.00 The Queen 3.07 News 3.15 Afternoon Play: The No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency 4.00 Frequently Asked Questions 4.30 The Film Programme 4.55 1989: Day-by-Day 5.00 Pick of the Year 5.54 Shipping 5.57 Weather 6.00 News 6.15 The News at Bedtime 6.30 The Now Show 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Front Row 7.45 Someone Like You 8.00 The Anniversary Anniversary 8.50 A Point of View 9.00 The Friday Play: The Late Mr Shakespeare 9.59 Weather 10.00 News
10.15 We Three Kings 10.45 Book at Bedtime 11.00 Great Lives 11.30 Music Group 12.00 News and Weather 12.15 Christmas Meditation 12.30 Book of the Week 12.48 Shipping 1.00 World Service 5.20 Shipping RADIO 5: 909kHz (330m) 693kHz (433m) 5.00 5 Live Sport: Review of the Year 7.00 5 Live Breakfast 9.00 Wallace and Bacon 11.00 Nolan’s Big Quiz of the Year 12.00 Snapshot Christmas 1.00 Best of Simon Mayo 3.00 5 Live News, including the Queen’s Speech 4.00 Justin Moorhouse’s Triumphs and Turkeys 5.00 In Search of the Real Drogba 6.00 5 Live News 7.00 Ashes Review 8.00 Mark Chapman’s World Cup Years 9.00 Jenson Button — Champion of the World 10.00 Best of Stephen Nolan
12.00 Justin Moorhouse’s Triumphs and Turkeys 1.00 Up All Night 4.00 Best of Simon Mayo CLASSIC FM: FM 99.9-101.9 7.00 Mark Forrest 9.00 Jamie Crick’s Christmas Requests 12.00 The Nation’s Favourite Carol 3.00 Queen’s Speech/Tim Lihoreau 4.00 Story of Carols 6.00 Smooth Carols 9.00 The Full Works 11.00 Relaxing Classics 2.00 Howard Goodall 4.00 Tim Lihoreau RADIO MERSEYSIDE: 1485kHz (202m) FM 95.8 6.00 Early Breakfast 8.00 Christmas Morning Service 9.00 Sean Styles 12.00 Linda’s Yuletide Express 2.00 Billy Butler 4.00 Kenny Everett’s Christmas Cracker 5.00 Winter’s Tales 6.00 Carol Concert 7.00 It’s Love That Really Counts
9.05 Royal Court 70th Birthday 10.00 Late Night Live 1.00 Up All Night RADIO CITY: FM 96.7 6.00 Rossie and Co 10.00 Rick Vaughn 1.00 Tim Cocker 4.00 Neil Fitzmaurice 7.00 In Demand 10.00 Lee Butler’s Plastic Surgery 12.00 Cream 2.00 After Hours 4.00 Michelle Dignan MAGIC 1548: 1548kHz (194m) 6.00 Keiron Fox 10.00 Nick Wright 2.00 Dave Campbell 6.00 60s 7.00 70s 8.00 Richard Allen 10.00 Vicki Archer 2.00 Magic Overnight 107.6 JUICE FM: FM 107.6 6.00 Adam and Leanne 10.00 Chris Bovaird 1.00 Baz Todd 4.00 Mark Kaye 6.00 Anton Powers 8.00 Denny Dowd 10.00 Steve Parry 12.00 Friday Night Live 2.00 Thomas Tuft 4.00 Non-stop Juice
TV 21
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas Day COMEDY 6.40
Problem Child (1990) With John Ritter. (2649449) 8.05 The Christmas Clause (2008) With Lea Thompson. (75737854) 9.40 St Trinian’s (2007) With Rupert Everett. (40474922) 11.25 How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008) With Simon Pegg. (37933632) 1.20 The Christmas Clause (2008) With Lea Thompson. (32884361) 2.55 Problem Child (1990) With John Ritter. (6109038) 4.20 St Trinian’s (2007) With Rupert Everett. (22681816) 6.10 Beverly Hills Cop (1984) A fast-talking Detroit cop goes to Los Angeles to track down the killers of his best friend. Comedy thriller, starring Eddie Murphy and Judge Reinhold. (52568212) 8.00 How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008) A self-promoting writer at a fashion magazine struggles to adapt to the world of celebrity. Comedy, with Simon Pegg. (4824477) 10.00 In Bruges (2008) Two hitmen embark on a series of surreal misadventures while lying low in Belgium. Crime comedy, starring Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson. (4651545) 11.50 American Pie (1999) Four teenage boys make a pact to lose their virginity before the high-school prom. Comingof-age comedy starring Jason Biggs and Shannon Elizabeth. (4060545) 1.30 American Pie 2 (2001) With Jason Biggs. (8745309) 3.20 In Bruges (2008) With Colin Farrell. (2223317) 5.10 Down Periscope (1996) With Kelsey Grammer. (83837959)
DRAMA 6.30
Out of Africa (1985) With Meryl Streep. (75804651) 9.15 Thick as Thieves (2009) With Morgan Freeman. (33071038) 11.00 A Christmas Wedding (2006) With Sarah Paulson. (24075187) 12.45 The American President (1995) With Michael Douglas. (1532361) 2.45 The Duchess (2008) With Keira Knightley. (1552125) 4.45 The Jane Austen Book Club (2007) With Kathy Baker. (4197800) 6.45 PS I Love You (2007) A widow receives a series of encouraging letters her husband sent to her before he died. Romantic drama, starring Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler. (30822090) 9.00 The Duchess (2008) An 18th-century duchess endures a troubled marriage and has an affair with a politician. Drama, with Keira Knightley. (1642477) 11.00 Thick as Thieves (2009) A thief in debt to the Russian Mob convinces a rookie to help him on one last job. Thriller, with Morgan Freeman. (1777816) 12.50 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2008) With Johnny Depp. (5462978) 2.50 The Bone Collector (1999) With Denzel Washington. (75951775) 5.00 The Patron Saint of Liars (1997) With Ellen Burstyn. (83347862)
Babylon AD (2008) With Vin Diesel. (56621564) 8.35 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008) With Brendan Fraser. (66440403) 10.35 Die Hard 2 (1990) With Bruce Willis. (69464651) 12.50 Death Race (2008) With Jason Statham. (41280372) 2.50 Iron Man (2008) With Robert Downey Jr. (44119564) 5.00 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008) With Brendan Fraser. (7762854) 7.00 Death Race (2008) A crooked prison warden coerces a convict into taking part in a deadly car race. Sci-fi thriller, starring Jason Statham and Joan Allen. (7955922) 9.00 Iron Man (2008) An arms manufacturer is taken hostage by a terrorist group and wisens to the fact that the weapons his company build have been falling into the wrong hands. Using his engineering skills to construct a hi-tech armoured suit, he escapes and puts his new weapons to good use to fight evil across the globe. Superhero adventure, starring Robert Downey Jr, Jeff Bridges and Gwyneth Paltrow. (62543767) 11.10 Die Hard 2 (1990) A tough cop singlehandedly takes on a terrorist gang in control of an airport. Action thriller sequel, with Bruce Willis. (22757767) 1.20 Kill Switch (2008) With Steven Seagal. (4846881) 3.00 The Condemned (2007) With Steve Austin. (8623065) 4.55 Point Last Seen (1998) With Linda Hamilton. (13578607)
G.O.L.D: 6.00 Steptoe and Son 6.35 The Dick Emery Show 6.45 Steptoe and Son 7.20 Posh Nosh 7.35 Steptoe and Son 8.10 The Dick Emery Show 8.20 Steptoe and Son 9.30 Morecambe and Wise — The Greatest Moment 11.05 Wallace & Gromit: A Grand Day Out 11.40 Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers 12.20 Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave 1.00 Blackadder’s Christmas Carol 2.00 Only Fools and Horses 12.40 Gimme Gimme Gimme 1.15 Hippies 1.55 Gimme Gimme Gimme 2.25 Hippies 3.00 Close
SKY SPORTS 1 7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans (56903) 9.00 Premier League Preview (81125) 9.30 Net Crackers (96545) 10.00Soccer AM (16309) 12.00Champions League Greatest Goals (19496) 1.00 Soccer Saturday Special (22458) 3.00 Net Crackers (1477) 3.30 Premier League Preview (9125) 4.00 Soccer AM A Christmas special. (5293) 6.00 Champions League Greatest Goals A countdown of the best goals from the competition’s illustrious history. (73980) 7.00 Net Crackers Action, quotes and bloopers from the Football League, showing the funny side of the beautiful game in this Christmas special. (3458) 7.30 Soccer AM Helen Chamberlain and Max Rushden present a seasonal special of football, comedy and chat. (31980) 9.30 Premier League Preview A look ahead to the Boxing Day fixtures, including Birmingham City v Chelsea, Liverpool v Wolverhampton Wanderers and Manchester City v Stoke City. (10125) 10.00The Ashes Regained The story of how England overcame Australia on home soil for the second Ashes series in succession to recapture the famous urn. (174767) 11.55Live Test Cricket Australia v Pakistan. The three-match series gets under way with day one of the First Test at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. (55705380)
SUIT UP: Iron Man (Sky Movies Action/Thriller, 9.00pm)
6.00 The Ashes Regained (8307670) 8.00 Where Are They Now? (4052125) 9.00 Ice Skating (9336583) 10.00Ice Skating (8551632) 11.00The Ashes Regained (5519274) 1.00 Rugby Union (3061187) 2.00 Golf (6898477) 3.00 US Open Golf (4761293) 4.00 USPGA Championship Golf (4677800) 5.00 The Ashes Regained (2301895) 7.00 Rugby Union The Bermuda World Rugby Classic. (7501038) 8.30 Super League A look back at the best tries from Super League XIV. (2081748) 9.00 Tight Lines The weekly fishing show. (2155729) 10.00Rugby Union (9347699) 11.30Super League (6886632) 12.00Live NFL Tennessee Titans v San Diego Chargers (Kick-off 12.30am). (3083591) 4.00 Ice Skating (3227688) 5.00 Ice Skating (5838862)
7.30 FIFA 2010 World Cup Preview (4009449) 7.45 FIFA 2010 World Cup Preview (3554354) 8.00 Cycling: Tour de France (86670) 8.30 Incredible Dog Challenge (8301877) 9.35 Strongest Man (4288354) 10.30Trial Bikes (82019) 11.30Trial Bikes (31187) 12.30Marangoni Ultimate Street Car (92729) 1.00 Figure Skating (40854) 3.00 US Open Tennis (86962) 4.00 Cycling (95729) 5.00 UEFA Champions League Classics (8075) 6.00 UEFA Champions League Classics (73908) 7.00 British Superbikes (40767) 8.00 World Superbikes Three classic races from 2009. (20699) 9.30 MotoGP The top five races of 2009. (18941) 11.30Motocross (905903) 12.35Freeride Spirit Show (9549620) 12.45Close
2.00 Ice Skating (41947496) 3.00 WWE: Raw (43310651) 5.00 Ice Skating (69681293) 6.00 Ice Skating (35096380) 7.00 Tight Lines (27759545) 8.00 Ice Skating (27768293) 9.00 Ice Skating (27755729) 10.00WWE: Late Night — Smackdown (73650651)
12.00WWE: Late Night — Bottom Line (49666862) 1.00 Tight Lines (87251510) 2.00 Rugby Union (51570881) 3.30 Elite League Ice Hockey (43225539) 5.30 Powder Adventures (42859133)
SKY SPORTS 3 6.00 Aerobics Oz Style (42965748) 6.30 Powder Adventures (41922187) 7.00 WWE: Raw (90698583) 9.00 Steve Davis’ Greatest Snooker Trickshots (41923816) 11.00Netball (79866485) 1.00 Ice Skating (35083816)
TCM 6.55 9.05 11.30 1.05 3.00 5.10 7.00 9.00
11.25 1.05 3.00 5.00
The Philadelphia Story (1940) Romantic comedy, starring Katharine Hepburn. (b/w)(45773038) Selena (1997) Musical biopic, starring Jennifer Lopez. (68035477) Murder, She Said (1961) Miss Marple whodunit, starring Margaret Rutherford. (b/w)(73068038) A Night at the Opera (1935) Comedy, with the Marx Brothers. (b/w)(24231651) An American in Paris (1951) Musical, starring Gene Kelly. (51285748) Protocol (1984) Comedy, starring Goldie Hawn. (79776125) Wild Wild West (1999) Sci-fi Western comedy, starring Will Smith. (5396748) ‘10’ (1979) A songwriter is spurned by his partner and sets off on an obsessive quest to be near his perfect woman. Comedy, with Dudley Moore. (38142212) Westworld (1973) Sci-fi thriller, starring Yul Brynner. (7635019) Rollover (1981) Thriller, starring Jane Fonda. (6546442) Teleshopping (9144978) A Night at the Opera (1935) Comedy, starring the Marx Brothers. (b/w)(51368591)
Christmas Carol: The Movie (2001) Animated drama, with the voice of Simon Callow. (29588106) 12.35 Porridge (1979) Prison comedy, starring Ronnie Barker. (49396854) 2.25 Lassie (2005) Family adventure, starring Peter O’Toole. (3980767) 4.15 Time Bandits (1981) Fantasy comedy, starring Craig Warnock. (65638903) 6.35 The Family Man (2000) Drama, starring Nicolas Cage. (73102361) 9.00 Elf (2003) Comedy, starring Will Ferrell. (29114699) 10.50 Final Destination 3 (2006) Horror sequel, starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead. (62637038) 12.35 A Dirty Shame (2004) Comedy, starring Tracey Ullman. (2661978) 2.15 Persona (1966) Drama, with Bibi Andersson. (b/w)(1578713) 4.00 Close
SKY 1 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.30 12.30 2.00 3.00 4.30 5.30 6.00 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.10 11.10 11.40 1.10 2.05 3.00 3.20 4.15 5.10
WWE SUPERSTARS (75125) BRAINIAC CHRISTMAS CRACKER (66564) GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS SMASHED! (67293) OOPS TV (42570) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 (93729) GOT TO DANCE (19941) GIRLS ALOUD: OUT OF CONTROL (98458) GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS SMASHED! (82816) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 (47038) GOT TO DANCE (70854) THE SIMPSONS (5318) ARE YOU SMARTER THAN YOUR TEN YEAR OLD? Game show, hosted by Damian Williams. (69800) THE SIMPSONS Lisa becomes a Buddhist. (3670) THE SIMPSONS The children are trapped in school. (7535) MODERN FAMILY The family has a barbecue at Gloria and Jay’s house. (9090) MODERN FAMILY The first day of school arrives. (8125) MODERN FAMILY Manny takes up fencing with the whole family’s support. (71125) MODERN FAMILY Guest starring Edward Norton. (44545) TEN MINUTE TALES (574800) GOT TO DANCE (218699) MODERN FAMILY (793380) GEORGE MICHAEL LIVE IN LONDON (416309) ROAD WARS (8425751) ROSS KEMP ON GANGS (4973626) BITE SIZE BRAINIAC (10347152) DEREK ACORAH (3244046) LOST (9429355) LOST (9709794)
LIVING: 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Bewitched 8.00 Maury 8.55 Celebs Off Duty 9.00 Bewitched 10.00 Will & Grace 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Four Weddings 1.00 Charmed 3.00 Ghost Whisperer 4.00 Charmed 6.00 Criminal Minds 7.00 Ghost Whisperer 8.00 Medium 9.00 Criminal Minds 10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11.00 CSI: Miami 12.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Medium 3.00 Lipstick Jungle 3.50 Wonder Woman 5.30 Home Shopping BRAVO: 8.00 TNA Epics 9.00 UK’s Strongest Man 2009 7.00 Street Crime UK 9.00 FILM: Rocky (1976) A struggling boxer gets an unexpected shot at the world heavyweight championship. Oscar-winning drama, with Sylvester Stallone and Burgess Meredith. 11.20 Virgin Media Shorts 2009 11.30 Deadliest Warrior 12.30 Sexarama 1.00 Masters of Horror 2.10 UK’s Strongest Man 2009 3.05 Alias 4.00 Close 5.00 Home Shopping ITV2: 6.00 Coronation Street 6.25 Emmerdale 6.55 Judge Judy 7.20 Creature Comforts 7.40 I’m a Celebrity: Jungle Gems 8.40 The Xtra Factor: Best and Worst 2009 1.40 The Xtra Factor: Winner’s Story ‘09 2.40 Stars on the Street 3.40 Coronation Street 4.10 Emmerdale 4.40 Creature Comforts 4.55 FILM: About a Boy (2002) Romantic comedy, starring Hugh Grant and Toni Collette. 7.00 FILM: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989) An American householder finds his festive plans thrown in disarray by a succession of annoying visitors. Comedy, with Chevy Chase and Beverly D’Angelo. 9.00 FILM: Love Actually (2003) Interlinked tales of several people in search of love. Romantic comedy, starring Hugh Grant, Martine McCutcheon, Emma Thompson and Colin Firth. 11.40 Coronation Street 12.40 Emmerdale 1.40 I’m a Celebrity: Unforgettable Trials 2.40 FILM: Bottoms Up (2006) Comedy, starring Jason Mewes and Paris Hilton. 4.15 I’m a Celebrity: Jungle Kings and Queens 5.00 Gossip Girl 5.50 Creature Comforts ITV3: 6.00 Film File 6.10 FILM: Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) Musical, starring Ted Neeley. 8.15 A Christmas Carol 9.55 The Darling Buds of May 11.00 Pollyanna 1.10 Rising Damp 1.40 FILM: Carry On Cruising (1962) Comedy, starring Sid James. 3.30 FILM: Carry On Cowboy (1966) Comedy, starring Sid James. 5.25 FILM: On the Buses (1971) Comedy, starring Reg Varney. 7.15 FILM: Mutiny on the Buses (1972) Comedy, starring Reg Varney. 9.00 FILM: Holiday On the Buses (1973) Two bus drivers find work at a holiday resort, but fall foul of the security officer — their old inspector. Comedy, with Reg Varney and Bob Grant. 10.50 FILM: The Best of Benny Hill (1974) Compilation of the comedian’s sketches. 12.30 Christmas Lights 2.00 Rising Damp 2.30 On the Buses 3.20 Drama Trails 3.30 Emmerdale
Music by
DAVE: 7.00 Top Gear 10.00 Stephen Fry in America 11.00 Top Gear 2.00 Trawlermen 2.40 Have I Got News for You 3.20 QI 4.00 Top Gear 6.00 Stephen Fry in America 7.00 Trawlermen 7.40 Have I Got News for You 8.20 QI 9.00 QI XL 12.00 Live at the Apollo 1.00 QI XL 3.00 Close E4: 6.00 Earthsea 7.35 Hercules 9.15 FILM: The Sword of Xanten (2004) Fantasy, starring Benno Furmann. 11.05 Merlin’s Apprentice 2.35 Lost and Found 3.05 Friends 7.05 FILM: Picture Perfect (1997) An executive hires a man to pose as her fiance in an effort to improve her image at work. Romantic comedy, with Jennifer Aniston and Kevin Bacon. 9.00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man Christmas Special 10.00 The Inbetweeners 1.30 Walliams and Lucas: New Heroes of Comedy 2.35 Earthsea 5.30 Switched MORE4: 9.00 Deal or No Deal 9.45 Room for Improvement 10.45 Location, Location, Location 11.15 FILM: The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill, But Came Down a Mountain (1995) Comedy drama, starring Hugh Grant. 1.10 FILM: The Nutcracker (1993) Adaptation of Tchaikovsky’s ballet, starring Jessica Lynn Cohen. 3.00 The 100 Greatest Christmas Moments 7.00 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 8.00 Making War Horse 9.00 The Royal Ballet in Cuba 10.40 Strictly Bolshoi 12.20 Lee Mack Live 1.25 Deal or No Deal: Scrooge or Santa 2.30 The Royal Ballet in Cuba 4.10 Close BBC THREE: 7.00 Doctor Who Confidential 8.00 Top of the Pops Christmas 2009 9.00 FILM: Billy Elliot (2000) Comedy drama, starring Jamie Bell. 10.45 Shrek the Halls 11.05 Jack-Jack Attack 11.15 Family Guy 12.00 EastEnders 1.00 Gavin & Stacey 1.30 Russell Howard’s Good News Xmas Special 2.00 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 3.00 Top of the Pops Christmas 2009 4.00 Gavin & Stacey 4.30 Russell Howard’s Good News Xmas Special 5.00 Close
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22 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide BBC1
6.00 BREAKFAST (C)(4644930) 10.00 SATURDAY KITCHEN (C)(65534572) 11.40 FILM: HERBIE: FULLY LOADED (2005) Comedy sequel, starring Lindsay Lohan. (C)(58505572) 1.15 BBC NEWS; Regional News; Weather. (C)(10622751) 1.30 FILM: BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA (2006) Premiere. Fantasy drama, starring Josh Hutcherson. (C)(47794) 3.00 FILM: FLUSHED AWAY (2006) Premiere. Animated adventure, featuring the voice of Hugh Jackman. (C)(6025713) 4.20 BBC NEWS; Regional News; Weather. (C)(6344107) 4.40 FILM: WALLACE AND GROMIT IN THE CURSE OF THE WERE-RABBIT (2005) Animation, with the voice of Peter Sallis. (C)(4723997) 6.00 TOTAL WIPEOUT CELEBRITY SPECIAL Richard Hammond presents the first of two celebrity specials. (C)(52046)
6.00 CBEEBIES (77065) 7.00 CBBC (4651220) 10.50 LIVING FAMOUSLY (R)(C)(2968201) 11.50 BBC PROMS 2009 (C)(53774794) 1.55 FILM: AN AMERICAN IN PARIS (1951) Gershwin romantic musical, starring Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron. (C)(56340978) 3.45 SOME MOTHERS DO ‘AVE ‘EM Frank has flying lessons. (R)(C)(7951591) 4.30 FINAL SCORE (C)(6058355) 5.05 HAMLET Shakespeare’s tragedy, starring David Tennant and Patrick Stewart. (C)(50156152) 8.10 VICTORIAN FARM CHRISTMAS Ruth Goodman joins food historian Ivan Day to make a Dickens-style Christmas pudding, and the team gathers for a festive celebration in the school hall. Last in the series. (R)(C)(534152)
5.25 CITV (7351775) 5.55 ITV MORNING NEWS (T)(7468591) 6.00 GMTV (9174828) 9.25 CHRISTMAS COOKS CHALLENGE (T)(4902268) 10.25 ALL STAR MR & MRS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (R)(T)(2588572) 11.25 I DREAMED A DREAM: THE SUSAN BOYLE STORY (R)(T)(4143510) 12.25 NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(5488133) 12.40 FILM: RACING STRIPES (2004) Family adventure, starring Hayden Panettiere. (T)(71362268) 2.30 GOODNIGHT MISTER TOM Wartime family drama, starring John Thaw. (R)(T)(82552355) 4.40 FILM: MARCH OF THE PENGUINS (2005) Premiere. Oscar-winning documentary, narrated by Morgan Freeman. (T)(29724978) 6.15 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(770355)
6.10 SALI MALI (R)(T)(8533355) 6.15 PLANET COOK (R)(T)(1775171) 6.35 YO GABBA GABBA (R)(T)(4416046) 7.00 FREESPORTS ON 4 (R)(T)(55930) 8.00 THE MORNING LINE (T)(9195152) 8.55 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(3906881) 9.25 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(7959997) 9.55 T4: T4’S STARS OF 2009 (R)(T)(19234607) 11.55 T4: 90210 (T)(2742220) 12.50 T4: SCRUBS (R)(T)(4396959) 1.20 T4: SCRUBS (R)(T)(52357249) 1.50 CHANNEL 4 RACING FROM KEMPTON PARK, WETHERBY AND WINCANTON Including the 3.05 William Hill King George VI Chase (3m). (T)(13383046) 4.05 CELEBRITY COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(5052930) 4.35 CELEBRITY COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(8376355)
Pick of the day
FIVE 6.00 7.00 10.00 11.00
1.00 2.50 6.20
7.10 7.15
SUNRISE (T)(6920152) MILKSHAKE! (6884084) NFL UK (T)(3095201) FILM: THE ANGEL OF PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE (1996) Depression-era drama, starring Diana Scarwid. (T)(9844572) FILM: SNOW WHITE (2001) Fairy-tale fantasy, starring Kristin Kreuk. (T)(77583571) TITANIC (T)(35483404) HEADS OR TAILS Former footballer Ian Rush helps a Liverpool air hostess try to win big money on the game show where winners are decided on the toss of a coin. Justin Lee Collins presents. (T)(8783997) FIVE NEWS (T)(4891317) CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST The team discovers a severed head in the boot of a stolen car and a torso in the middle of the desert. Meanwhile, Warrick deals with the murder of a gang member. (R)(T)(8601626)
Total Wipeout... (6.00pm)
Hamlet (5.05pm)
Ant & Dec’s... (7.30pm)
Decoded: Dan... (9.00pm)
Heads or Tails (6.20pm)
The first of two celebrity specials with contestants including actor Joe Swash, choreographer Kevin Adams and vocal coach Carrie Grant.
David Tennant reprises the title role in the Shakespeare’s tragedy, with Patrick Stewart as Claudius and Penny Downie as Gertrude.
With Robbie Williams, Amanda Holden, Piers Morgan and the Saturdays dropping in for a mixture of songs, sketches and games.
Tony Robinson sets out to discover the truth behind claims about the Freemasons of Washington, DC in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol.
Ian Rush helps a Liverpool air hostess try to win big money on the game show where winners are decided on the toss of a coin.
9.10 THE MORECAMBE AND WISE CHRISTMAS SHOW Festive fun with the everpopular comedy duo and guests Vanessa Redgrave, Hannah Gordon, Rudolf Nureyev, Laurence Olivier and Andre Previn, all proving they are game for a laugh. (R)(C)(2354133) 10.15 THE STORY OF SLAPSTICK The evolution of physical comedy, from silent films to surrealism, sketches and sitcoms, featuring the Chaplin classics, Monty Python and Bottom. (C)(419274) 11.15 THE YOUNG ONES Neil falls ill, and medical student Vyvyan demonstrates his unique bedside manner by suggesting a cure involving six-inch nails. (R)(C)(403794) 11.45 SHOOTING STARS Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer return for the anarchic quiz. Christine Bleakley, Paddy McGuinness and DJ Ironik join captains Jack Dee and Ulrika Jonsson this week. (R)(C)(402065) 12.15 FILM: CARRY ON FOLLOW THAT CAMEL (1966) Comedy, with Phil Silvers, Jim Dale and Kenneth Williams. (C)(295824) 1.50 FILM: BUILD MY GALLOWS HIGH (1947) Film noir, starring Robert Mitchum. (C)(b/w)(8851805) 3.20 CLOSE
6.30 HARRY HILL’S TV BURP REVIEW OF THE YEAR Memorable small-screen moments from 2009. (T)(133) 7.00 YOU’VE BEEN FRAMED AT CHRISTMAS! Festive faux pas and seasonal slip-ups. (T)(3084) 7.30 ANT & DEC’S CHRISTMAS SHOW The Geordie duo present this festive special, with Robbie Williams, Amanda Holden, Piers Morgan and the Saturdays dropping in for a mixture of songs, sketches and games. (T)(629591) 8.45 ALL STAR FAMILY FORTUNES CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Teams from Coronation Street and Emmerdale compete. (T)(413355) 9.30 THE ALL STAR IMPRESSIONS SHOW Celebrities including Ulrika Jonsson, David Gest, Tim Healy, Les Dennis, Eamonn Holmes and Joe Pasquale impersonate a range of familiar faces. (T)(18794) 10.30 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(445171) 10.45 ABOVE SUSPICION Detective drama, by Lynda La Plante. (T)(89644688) 12.40 FILM: THE GRADUATE (1967) Oscar-winning comedy drama, starring Dustin Hoffman; (T) ITV News Headlines. (614060) 2.25 SIX DEGREES (R)(T)(6624756) 3.10 ITV NIGHTSCREEN (79286553)
7.00 EASTENDERS Roxy finds her sister cradling their bloodied father in the Vic and Ronnie is later revealed to be the prime suspect in Archie’s murder when she is arrested by two police officers. (C)(5688) 7.30 FILM: PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD’S END (2007) Premiere. The heroes set out to rescue Captain Jack Sparrow from the land of the dead. Fantasy adventure sequel, starring Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Orlando Bloom and Chow YunFat. (C)(37206249) 10.05 THE NATIONAL LOTTERY DRAWS With Carole Machin. (C)(965317) 10.15 BBC NEWS; Weather. (C)(789084) 10.25 MATCH OF THE DAY Gary Lineker presents highlights of today’s Premier League fixtures, including Birmingham City v Chelsea and Fulham v Tottenham Hotspur; (C) National Lottery Update. (C)(4242220) 11.50 THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE SHOW Including highlights of Queens Park Rangers v Bristol City; (C) Weatherview. (C)(382978) 1.10 FILM: BULL DURHAM (1988) Baseball comedy drama, starring Kevin Costner and Susan Sarandon. (C)(403602) 2.55 BBC NEWS (C)(54690824)
5.05 CELEBRITY COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(1125794) 5.35 CELEBRITY COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(238133) 6.05 DEAL OR NO DEAL Game show, with Noel Edmonds. (T)(742978) 7.05 CHANNEL 4 NEWS (T)(583201) 7.10 FILM: CROCODILE DUNDEE (1986) Comedy, starring Paul Hogan and Linda Kozlowski. (T)(37001607) 9.00 DECODED: DAN BROWN’S LOST SYMBOL Tony Robinson searches for the truth behind Dan Brown’s latest blockbuster. (T)(1959) 10.00 THE REAL DA VINCI CODE Tony Robinson searches for the Holy Grail. (R)(T)(1258626) 11.05 THE BIG FAT QUIZ OF THE YEAR 2005 Celebrity game show, hosted by Jimmy Carr. (R)(T)(847201) 1.05 FILM: AEON FLUX (2005) Premiere. Sci-fi adventure, with Charlize Theron. (518008) 2.40 THE TRUTH ABOUT STREET WEAPONS (R)(T)(7630350) 2.50 THE DEAD ZONE (R)(T)(2658485) 3.35 THE HILLS (T)(76928669) 4.00 THE HILLS (T)(57287992) 4.25 THE HILLS (T)(57206027) 4.50 ST ELSEWHERE (R)(T)(5632244) 5.40 ONE TREE HILL (T)(8352263)
8.05 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST Grissom is unconvinced that a death on a building site was suicide, while Catherine and Nick doubt a psychiatrist’s claim that a youngster died during an epileptic seizure. (R)(T)(3455268) 9.05 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST A rare-book restorer’s body is found locked inside a temperature-controlled cage, and the only witness is an autistic employee with a photographic memory. (R)(T)(3330978) 10.05 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST Grissom meets a perceptive dominatrix. Crime drama, starring William Petersen. (R)(T)(8676065) 11.05 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST A serial killer preys on victims who share a birthday. (R)(T)(8961084) 12.00 SUPERCASINO (4653534) 4.00 HOUSE DOCTOR (R)(T)(23928089) 4.25 HOUSE DOCTOR (R)(T)(23930824) 4.50 ROUGH GUIDE TO SHORT BREAKS (R)(T)(10052737) 5.00 HANA’S HELPLINE (R)(T)(38789718) 5.10 THE MILKSHAKE! SHOW (R)(T)(63815553) 5.35 THOMAS & FRIENDS (R)(T)(42704737) 5.45 ROARY THE RACING CAR (R)(T)(25665263)
RADIO RADIO 1: FM 97.6-99.8 5.00 Radio 1’s Essential Mix 7.00 Max 10.00 Vernon Kay 1.00 Radio 1 at the Movies with James King 4.00 Radio 1’s Big Weekend Rewind 7.00 1Xtra Live 9.00 1Xtra Live 11.00 Most Hip-Hop 3.00 Jaguar Skills’ History of Hip-Hop 4.00 Ras Kwame RADIO 2: FM 88-90.2 6.00 Lynn Parsons 8.00 Sounds of the 60s 10.00 David Tennant and Catherine Tate 1.00 Pick of the Pops 3.00 Sting: On a Winter’s Day 5.00 Bon Jovi’s Guide to Rock with Richie Sambora 7.00 Radio 2 Live: Bon Jovi 8.00 The Record Producers 9.00 BBC Electric Proms: Smokey Robinson 10.00 Gospel According to the King 11.00 Bob Harris 2.00 Richard Allinson
RADIO 3: FM 90.2-92.4 7.00 Breakfast 9.00 News; CD Review 12.15 Music Matters; News 1.00 The Early Music Show 2.00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 3.00 World Routes 4.00 Jazz Library 5.00 Jazz Record Requests 6.00 Opera on 3: Live from the Met 8.00 BBC Proms 2009 9.30 The Wire 10.30 Hear and Now 12.00 Jazz Library 1.00 Through the Night RADIO 4: 198kHz (1515m) FM 92.4-94.6 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Running Away 6.00 News Summary 6.07 Open Country 6.30 Farming Today This Week 6.57 Weather 7.00 Today 7.45 (LW) Test Match Special 9.00 (FM) Saturday Live
10.00 (FM) Excess Baggage Quiz 10.30 (FM) Brandreth’s Pills 11.00 (FM) Beyond Westminster 11.30 (FM) From Our Own Correspondent 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 (LW) Test Match Special 12.04 (FM) Money Box 12.30 (FM) The Now Show 12.57 (FM) Weather 1.00 (FM) News 1.15 (FM) News Review of the Year 2.00 (FM) Tales from the Stave 2.30 (FM) The Saturday Play: Educating Rita 3.30 (LW) Tales from the Stave 4.00 Weekend Woman’s Hour 4.55 1989: Day-byDay 5.00 Saturday PM 5.30 iPM 5.54 Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 Six O’Clock News 6.15 Loose Ends 7.00 From Fact to Fiction 7.15 Saturday Review
8.00 Archive on 4: Doctor Who: The Lost Episodes 9.00 Classic Serial: Matilda 10.00 News 10.05 Pick of the Year 11.00 Brain of Britain 2009 11.30 Thomas Lynch’s Season of Innocence 12.00 News and Weather 12.15 Street Circus 12.30 Pier Shorts 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast RADIO 5: 909kHz (330m) 693kHz (433m) 6.00 Ashes Review 7.00 Weekend Breakfast 9.00 Dan Walker 11.00 Fighting Talk 12.00 5 Live Sport 12.45 5 Live Sport: Premier League 2009-10 3.00 5 Live Sport: Premier League 2009-10 5.00 Sports Report 5.30 5 Live Sport: Premier League 2009-10 7.30 6-0-6
8.30 The Weekend News 10.00 Mark Forrest 1.00 Up All Night 4.00 Jenson Button — Champion of the World CLASSIC FM: FM 99.9-101.9 7.00 Myleene Klass 9.00 The Classic FM Chart Show 11.00 The Christmas Chart 1.00 Howard Goodall Christmas 3.00 Anne-Marie Minhall 5.00 Enchanted Voices 6.00 Smooth Carols 9.00 Classic Ephemera 10.00 Natalie Wheen’s Full Works 12.00 Relaxing Classics 2.00 The A to Z of Classic FM Music 4.00 Tim Lihoreau RADIO MERSEYSIDE: 1485kHz (202m) FM 95.8 6.00 Andy Ball 9.30 Billy Butler 12.00 Roger Lyon 2.00 Merseyside Sport 8.00 Upfront 10.00 Billy Maher 1.00 Up All Night
RADIO CITY: FM 96.7 6.00 Weekend Wake-up 9.00 Top 30 with Matt Wilkins 12.00 Terrace Talk 2.00 Sport 6.00 Dave Graham’s Big Beat 8.00 Les Calvert 10.00 Lee Butler’s Plastic Surgery 12.00 Radio City at Cube 2.00 After Hours 4.00 Michelle Dignan MAGIC 1548: 1548kHz (194m) 6.00 Simon Davies 10.00 Dave Lee Travis 1.00 70s Magic 4.00 80s Magic 6.00 Steppin’ Out 10.00 Vicki Archer 2.00 Magic Through the Night 107.6 JUICE FM: FM 107.6 6.00 Dan Roach 10.00 Mark Kaye 1.00 Steve Timmins 4.00 Liverpool’s Essential 10 5.00 Ian Longo 6.00 Anton Powers 8.00 Dave Whelan 10.00 Ian Longo 12.00 Saturday Night Live 4.00 Juice
TV 23
Friday, December 18, 2009
Saturday, December 26 COMEDY 6.50
The Game Plan (2007) With Dwayne Johnson. (20245220) 8.45 Trading Places (1983) With Dan Aykroyd. (5143423) 10.45 Role Models (2008) With Paul Rudd. (48981249) 12.30 Brewster’s Millions (1985) With Richard Pryor. (95958133) 2.15 The Game Plan (2007) With Dwayne Johnson. (4580133) 4.15 Fool’s Gold (2008) With Matthew McConaughey. (6755997) 6.15 Beverly Hills Cop II (1987) The wisecracking cop returns to Los Angeles to investigate a spate of violent robberies. Comedy adventure sequel, with Eddie Murphy and Judge Reinhold. (30389355) 8.00 Role Models (2008) Two irresponsible men are forced to look after troubled kids after a brush with the law. Comedy, with Paul Rudd and Seann William Scott. (36363881) 9.45 Trading Places (1983) Two billionaire brothers arrange for a stockbroker and a homeless conman to swap places. Comedy, starring Dan Aykroyd, Eddie Murphy, Jamie Lee Curtis, Ralph Bellamy, Don Ameche, Denholm Elliott and James Belushi. (4088862) 11.45 The Heartbreak Kid (2007) A 40-yearold bachelor proposes to his girlfriend of several weeks, but lives to regret it. Romantic comedy, with Ben Stiller and Michelle Monaghan. (4008626) 1.45 Fool’s Gold (2008) With Matthew McConaughey. (5674076) 3.40 Brewster’s Millions (1985) With Richard Pryor. (3259466) 5.25 It Takes Two (1996) With Kirstie Alley. (83816466)
DRAMA 6.45
On Broadway (2007) With Joey McIntyre. (52459268) 8.30 A Christmas Wedding (2006) With Sarah Paulson. (8575046) 10.00 Sherlock Holmes Special (1500572) 10.15 Charlie Wilson’s War (2007) With Tom Hanks. (47510959) 12.00 Changeling (2008) With Angelina Jolie. (5195591) 2.30 The Bucket List (2008) With Jack Nicholson. (88614065) 4.15 The Other Boleyn Girl (2008) With Natalie Portman. (4165201) 6.15 Nights in Rodanthe (2008) An unhappily married woman falls in love with a man trying to reconcile with his son. Romantic drama, starring Richard Gere and Diane Lane. (27214591) 8.00 Changeling (2008) A mother is seemingly reunited with her missing child, but remains adamant he is not her son. Fact-based drama, with Angelina Jolie and John Malkovich. (9612355) 10.30 Coyote Ugly (2000) With Piper Perabo. (66253713) 12.15 What’s Love Got to Do with It (1993) With Angela Bassett. (8370331) 2.15 The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981) With Jack Nicholson. (30188176) 4.20 Malpractice (2001) With Gabrielle Carteris. (8576027)
The Italian Job (1969) With Michael Caine. (52432591) 8.15 The Mummy (1999) With Brendan Fraser. (81959930) 10.20 Rumble in the Bronx (1995) With Jackie Chan. (89375591) 11.55 Hancock (2008) With Will Smith. (54366065) 1.35 The Bank Job (2008) With Jason Statham. (79090152) 3.30 The Italian Job (1969) With Michael Caine. (6601715) 5.15 The Mummy (1999) A soldier of fortune battles the awakened spirit of an ancient Egyptian high priest. Action adventure, starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. (20270959) 7.20 Hancock (2008) A PR executive becomes intent on transforming the public face of a hard-drinking superhero. Comedy, starring Will Smith, Jason Bateman and Charlize Theron. (64081688) 9.00 Taken (2008) A former CIA agent goes to desperate lengths to rescue his daughter from sex traffickers. Thriller, starring Liam Neeson and Famke Janssen. (11336959) 10.40 Rumble in the Bronx (1995) A Hong Kong cop defends a New York neighbourhood from a vicious biker gang. Martial arts adventure, starring Jackie Chan and Anita Mui. (80022152) 12.15 Taken (2008) With Liam Neeson. (6700602) 2.00 F/X: Murder by Illusion (1986) With Bryan Brown. (2226553) 4.00 Avatar Special (2588027) 4.30 The Return of the Musketeers (1989) With Oliver Reed. (52806843)
G.O.L.D: 6.00 Steptoe and Son 7.10 Only Fools and Horses 12.00 Gimme Gimme Gimme 12.40 Hippies 1.20 Waiting for God 2.00 Gimme Gimme Gimme 2.30 Hippies 3.00 Close
SKY SPORTS 1 6.00 Live Test Cricket Australia v Pakistan. (92881) 7.30 Super League A look back at the best tries from Super League XIV. (93930) 8.00 Net Crackers Action from the Football League. (68030) 8.30 Premier League Preview (18571) 9.00 Soccer AM With Max Rushden and Helen Chamberlain. (796794) 12.00Soccer Saturday A look ahead to the Boxing Day fixtures. (16317) 12.30Live Football League Sheffield Wednesday v Newcastle United (Kickoff 12.45pm). (195881) 3.00 Soccer Saturday Up-tothe-minute scores. (383959) 5.30 Live Saturday Night Football Leicester City v Sheffield United (Kick-off 6.00pm). This evening’s Championship fixture comes from the Walkers Stadium. (72312201) 8.25 Football First Full delayed coverage of one of today’s matches in the Premier League. (60068133) 10.15Football First A chance for viewers to see extended highlights of a Premier League match of their own choice from the Boxing Day list of fixtures, including Birmingham City v Chelsea. (500626) 11.45Football First A chance for viewers to see extended highlights of a Premier League match of their own choice from the Boxing Day list of fixtures, including Birmingham City v Chelsea. (598881) 1.15 Football First (502379) 2.45 Football First (585602) 4.15 Football First (878824) 5.45 Sky Sports Classics (4978060)
LIVING: 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 I Dream of Jeannie 8.00 Bewitched 9.00 My Wife and Kids 10.00 The Fresh Prince of BelAir 11.00 Four Weddings 4.00 FILM: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) Children’s musical adventure, starring Dick Van Dyke. 7.00 Ghost Whisperer 8.00 Medium 9.00 Criminal Minds 10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11.00 CSI: Miami 12.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Medium 3.00 Lipstick Jungle 3.50 Wonder Woman 4.40 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 5.30 Home Shopping
DOUBLE TROUBLE: Trading Places (Sky Movies Comedy, 9.45pm)
SKY SPORTS 2 6.00 Super League (9221607) 6.30 Golf (2469572) 7.30 Live Test Cricket South Africa v England. (1467220) 3.30 Super League (1298930) 4.00 Live Premiership Rugby Union Worcester Warriors v Northampton Saints (Kick-off 4.15pm). (5734201) 6.30 Knockouts of 2009 A look at the best knockouts of the year. (1218794) 7.00 Test Cricket Australia v Pakistan. (2053317) 8.00 Test Cricket South Africa v England. Action from the opening day’s play of the Second Test, held at Kingsmead in Durban, where the teams drew when they last met here in 2004. (2066881) 10.00Living With The Pride A review of the British & Irish Lions’ 2009 tour. (4664336) 12.00Live Test Cricket Australia v Pakistan. (9251379)
EUROSPORT 7.30 FIFA 2010 World Cup Preview (7853161) 7.45 FIFA 2010 World Cup Preview (2803666) 8.00 Planet Armstrong (31626) 8.30 Incredible Dog Challenge (7650189) 9.35 Strongest Man (3537666) 10.30Race of Champions (20775) 11.30Race of Champions (81411) 12.30World Superbikes (81688) 2.00 MotoGP (76688) 4.00 British Superbikes (42133) 5.00 UEFA Champions League Classics (7341) 6.00 UEFA Cup Classics Zenit St Petersburg v Rangers. (64442) 7.00 Athletics (71133) 8.00 Strongest Man (80881) 9.00 On Tour with Mark Cavendish (77317) 10.00Cycling: Tour de France (35442) 10.30Planet Armstrong (11862) 11.00Fight Club (10404) 1.00 Close
SKY SPORTS 3 6.00 Sports Unlimited (56699442) 7.00 Football League Weekend (49686626) 8.00 Tight Lines (49687355) 9.00 NFL: America’s Game (42878268) 10.00 WWE: Smackdown (35991881) 12.00 WWE: Bottom Line (35901268)
1.00 NFL (41821404) 3.00 NFL: Total Access (73555152) 4.00 WWE: Smackdown (69565201) 6.00 WWE: Bottom Line (35990152) 7.00 NFL (90583607) 9.00 WWE: Late Night — Superstars (27642201) 10.00 Extreme Championship
TCM 6.50
An American in Paris (1951) Musical, starring Gene Kelly. (45670997) 9.00 Protocol (1984) Comedy, starring Goldie Hawn. (8867171) 11.00 Wild Wild West (1999) Sci-fi Western comedy, starring Will Smith. (65155539) 1.05 Posse (1975) Western, starring Kirk Douglas. (24135423) 3.00 Rebel Without a Cause (1955) Drama, starring James Dean. (32226539) 5.05 My Giant (1998) Comedy, with Billy Crystal. (77405201) 7.05 The Big Trees (1952) Romantic Western, starring Kirk Douglas and Eve Miller. (43481510) 9.00 The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994) Three drag queens set off across the Australian Outback for a gig in Alice Springs. Comedy, starring Terence Stamp, Guy Pearce and Hugo Weaving. (8478220) 11.00 Caddyshack II (1988) Comedy sequel, starring Jackie Mason. (8235171) 12.55 The First Deadly Sin (1980) Thriller, starring Frank Sinatra. (27239260) 3.00 Teleshopping (9104350) 5.00 Posse (1975) Western, starring Kirk Douglas. (51335263)
The Thief of Bagdad (1940) Fantasy adventure, starring Sabu. (5098978) The Family Man (2000) Drama, starring Nicolas Cage. (76386404) 3.20 Inspector Gadget (1999) Comedy, starring Matthew Broderick. (95406171) 4.55 School of Rock (2003) Comedy, starring Jack Black. (58608369) 7.00 The Wedding Planner (2001) Romantic comedy, starring Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey. (6058133) 9.00 X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) Superhero adventure sequel, starring Hugh Jackman. (6064442) 11.00 Kung Fu Hustle (2004) Comedy adventure, starring Stephen Chow. (1766084) 12.55 Black Snake Moan (2006) Drama, starring Christina Ricci. (39004244) 3.25 Close 1.00
11.00 1.00 2.00 2.30 4.30 5.00
Wrestling (27652688) WWE: Late Night — Smackdown (43213794) WWE: Late Night — Bottom Line (87228282) Knockouts of 2009 (19251350) NFL (51534089) Knockouts of 2009 (12376008) Sports Unlimited (82140718)
SKY 1 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 12.00 12.20 2.00 3.30 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 7.00 7.30
9.00 10.00 10.10 11.10 11.40 12.10 1.10 2.05 3.00 3.50 4.40 5.05
BRAINIAC: SCIENCE ABUSE (13881) GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS SMASHED! (13978) OOPS TV (14607) SOCCER AM (150978) BITE SIZE BRAINIAC (9029152) CHRISTMAS CAPER (2007) (595084) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 (88881) GOT TO DANCE (19133) FUTURAMA (1510) THE SIMPSONS Lisa grows jealous of a new girl in town. (2510) THE SIMPSONS (2862) ARE YOU SMARTER THAN YOUR TEN YEAR OLD? Game show, hosted by Damian Williams. (35274) THE SIMPSONS With the voices of ‘N Sync. (9046) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 Noel Edmonds rewards deserving people across the nation. (19336) GOT TO DANCE Davina McCall hosts the dancing competition. (31591) TEN MINUTE TALES Silent drama about a lonely dog. (526442) WAR TORN WARRIORS Injured service personnel climb Everest. (644065) MODERN FAMILY The first day of school arrives. (152084) ROSS KEMP: BEHIND THE STORY Part one of three. The actor talks to Dermot Murnaghan. (671794) ROSS KEMP REMEMBERS AFGHANISTAN (1097553) UK BORDER FORCE (2720963) ROAD WARS (4940398) PRISON BREAK (3200602) PRISON BREAK (1233060) HELLO GOODBYE (79912076) LOST (7085447)
BRAVO: 8.00 GameFace 8.30 Ginx Files 9.00 World’s Strongest Man 1.00 World’s Strongest Man: 30 Years of Pain 2.00 World’s Strongest Man 6.00 World’s Strongest Man: 30 Years of Pain 7.00 World’s Strongest Man 8.00 FILM: Rocky (1976) A struggling boxer gets an unexpected shot at the world heavyweight championship. Oscar-winning drama, with Sylvester Stallone and Burgess Meredith. 10.20 Virgin Media Shorts 2009 10.30 FILM: Rocky II (1979) The boxer is tempted back into the ring for another shot at Apollo Creed’s heavyweight title. Drama sequel, with Sylvester Stallone and Talia Shire. 12.50 Virgin Media Shorts 2009 1.00 Masters of Horror 2.10 UK’s Strongest Man 2009 3.05 Alias 4.00 Close 5.00 Home Shopping ITV2: 6.00 Coronation Street 8.10 Emmerdale 11.05 Coronation Street 1.35 Stars on the Street 2.40 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Christmas Special 3.40 You’ve Been Framed and Famous! 4.40 Coronation Street 5.40 Emmerdale 6.40 Creature Comforts 7.25 FILM: Jack Frost (1998) A dead father takes over the body of a snowman to spend one last Christmas with his son. Fantasy drama, starring Michael Keaton and Kelly Preston. 9.30 FILM: Notting Hill (1999) A recently divorced bookshop owner finds love with a glamorous Hollywood film star. Romantic comedy, starring Hugh Grant, Julia Roberts and Rhys Ifans. 11.55 Harry Hill’s TV Burp Review of the Year 12.25 FILM: The Fugitive (1993) A doctor falsely accused of murder is forced to go on the run to prove his innocence. Thriller, with Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones. 3.00 Teleshopping 5.00 Gossip Girl 5.45 ITV2 Nightscreen ITV3: 6.00 Film File 6.10 Rising Damp 6.35 The Flint Street Nativity 7.50 Goodnight Sweetheart 8.55 Jane Eyre 11.15 Jane Austen’s Emma 1.35 FILM: The NeverEnding Story (1984) Fantasy adventure, starring Barret Oliver. 3.25 Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles 5.30 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 10.00 FILM: Smokey and the Bandit (1977) A maverick driver is chased across America by a sheriff while delivering a consignment of beer. Comedy, starring Burt Reynolds and Jackie Gleason. 11.55 FILM: Clue (1985) A bizarre butler invites six strangers to a mansion where murder ensues. Comedy based on the game Cluedo, starring Tim Curry and Christopher Lloyd. 1.45 Goodnight Sweetheart 2.35 On the Buses 3.00 Teleshopping DAVE: 7.00 Top Gear 10.00 Stephen Fry in America 11.00 Top Gear 2.00 Trawlermen 2.40 Have I Got News for You 3.20 QI 4.00 Top Gear 5.00 Top Gear: Polar Challenge 6.00 Stephen Fry in America 7.40 Have I Got News for You 8.20 Trawlermen 9.00 QI 9.40 Have I Got News for You 10.20 Mock the Week 11.40 QI 12.20 Have I Got News for You 1.00 Mock the Week 2.15 Man Stroke Woman 2.45 Radical Highs 3.00 Close E4: 6.00 Supernanny USA 7.40 How to Look Good Naked 8.40 Gok’s Fashion Fix 9.45 Beauty & the Geek 10.45 Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious 11.45 Style Her Famous 12.10 The Sword of Xanten 2.00 Hollyoaks 5.00 Friends 6.00 Scrubs 7.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.30 How I Met Your Mother 8.00 Friends 9.00 Peep Show 12.20 Sacha Baron Cohen: New Hero of Comedy 1.25 Supernanny USA 2.05 How to Look Good Naked 3.00 Hollyoaks MORE4: 9.00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 10.00 Time Team 3.05 FILM: On the Town (1949) Musical, starring Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra and Jules Munshin. 5.00 FILM: The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) Oscarwinning World War Two drama, starring Alec Guinness. 8.05 FILM: Strictly Ballroom (1992) A ballroom dancer, shunned for his unconventional style, tries to win a championship title. Australian comedy, with Paul Mercurio and Tara Morice. 10.00 The Car Man 11.45 Eddie Izzard: Dress to Kill 1.05 Deal or No Deal 2.10 FILM: Strictly Ballroom (1992) Australian dance comedy, starring Paul Mercurio. 4.05 Close BBC THREE: 7.00 The Gruffalo 7.30 EastEnders: The Sins of Archie Mitchell 8.25 FILM: Father of the Bride (1991) A doting father struggles to come to terms with the idea of his daughter getting married. Comedy remake, starring Steve Martin and Diane Keaton. 10.05 Family Guy 10.50 EastEnders 11.20 EastEnders: The Sins of Archie Mitchell 12.15 FILM: Father of the Bride Part II (1995) Comedy sequel, starring Steve Martin. 1.55 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 2.55 the noughties — was that it? 5.25 Close
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24 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide BBC1 6.00 BREAKFAST (C)(92140737) 7.50 MATCH OF THE DAY (R)(C)(9865602) 9.15 FILM: SPIRIT: STALLION OF THE CIMARRON (2002) Animated adventure, with the voice of Matt Damon. (C)(4310718) 10.30 FILM: PAULIE (1998) Family adventure, starring Gena Rowlands. (C)(7327282) 11.55 BBC NEWS; WEATHER FOR THE WEEK AHEAD (C)(2380398) 12.05 EASTENDERS (C)(83172602) 3.05 FILM: CHICKEN RUN (2000) Animated comedy, with the voices of Mel Gibson and Julia Sawalha. (C)(6091756) 4.25 SONGS OF PRAISE (C)(2304640) 5.00 WEAKEST LINK (C)(9263) 6.00 BBC NEWS; Regional News; Weather. (C)(534) 6.30 COMIC RELIEF: THE NET RESULT Celebrities help to distribute mosquito nets in Uganda. (C)(54447)
Pick of the day
BBC2 6.00 7.00 10.00 10.30 11.55 1.45 3.35 4.35
CBEEBIES (71331) CBBC (314669) ANIMAL PARK (R)(C)(36669) THE PIXAR STORY (C)(7325824) FILM: GIGI (1958) Oscarwinning romantic musical, with Leslie Caron. (C)(50082517) CAMPION (R)(C)(56326398) COAST (R)(C)(8689911) FILM: THE HEROES OF TELEMARK (1965) World War Two thriller, starring Kirk Douglas. (C)(30193398) JAMES MAY’S TOY STORIES The presenter tries to build the world’s longest-ever model railway track, covering a 10mile route between two Devon towns. Last in the series. (R)(C)(259640) TOP GEAR BOLIVIA SPECIAL Jeremy Clarkson and James May drive 4x4s from the rainforest of the Amazon basin on a road trip to Chile, tackling one of the world’s most dangerous roads. (C)(417263)
5.25 CITV (7328447) 5.55 ITV MORNING NEWS (T)(7435263) 6.00 GMTV (7974440) 9.25 THE PLANET’S FUNNIEST ANIMALS (T)(7928027) 9.55 CORONATION STREET (T)(68242534) 12.10 FILM: HOME ALONE 4 (2002) Comedy sequel, starring Mike Weinberg. (T)(472114) 1.50 NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(62692263) 1.59 GRANADA WEATHER (T)(89093805) 2.00 ANT & DEC’S CHRISTMAS SHOW (R)(T)(8031973) 3.15 FILM: THE SCORPION KING (2002) Fantasy action adventure, starring Dwayne Johnson. (T)(17445553) 5.00 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(5982398) 5.15 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(8603350) 5.30 HARRY HILL’S TV BURP REVIEW OF THE YEAR (R)(T)(319)
6.25 THE TREACLE PEOPLE (R)(T)(4741350) 6.35 YO GABBA GABBA (R)(T)(4483718) 7.00 OCEAN RACE (R)(T)(1521992) 7.55 THE GREAT SWIM SERIES (R)(T)(8947060) 8.55 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(3973553) 9.25 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(7926669) 9.55 T4: CHIPMUNK: T4 SPECIAL (T)(1140404) 10.30 T4: HOLLYOAKS (T)(374517) 1.30 T4: 90210 (T)(9602244) 2.35 T4: FRIENDS Ross plans his future with Rachel. (R)(T)(3863737) 3.10 T4: 4MUSIC FAVOURITES: BLACK EYED PEAS (R)(T)(8694843) 3.45 T4: THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(3763737) 4.20 T4: THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(5043282) 4.50 FILM: CROCODILE DUNDEE II (1988) Comedy adventure sequel, starring Paul Hogan. (T)(32169398) 6.50 CHANNEL 4 NEWS (T)(238669)
FIVE 6.00 7.00 10.00 11.45 12.30
5.50 6.00 7.00
SUNRISE (T)(6997824) MILKSHAKE! (6851756) SHAKE! (76360737) FESTIVE CONCERT WITH ANDRE RIEU (T)(5529737) FILM: ALICE IN WONDERLAND (1999) Fantasy, starring Tina Majorino and Whoopi Goldberg. (T)(92378669) FILM: THE REMAINS OF THE DAY (1993) Period drama, starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson. (T)(73806089) FIVE NEWS (T)(3924992) HEADS OR TAILS Game show, hosted by Justin Lee Collins. (T)(4397824) MAMMA MIA!: WHERE DID IT ALL GO RIGHT? Documentary about the success of musical Mamma Mia!, examining how the three women behind the film battled powerful individuals in Hollywood to make their dream a reality. (R)(T)(6577669)
Cranford (9.00pm)
Steve Coogan... (9.00pm)
Dancing on Ice... (6.00pm)
The Greatest... (9.00pm)
Thirteen: Conspiracy (9.00pm)
The women are put out when Mrs Jamieson suggests none of them is of high enough social standing to meet new arrival Lady Glenmire.
Tribute to the comedian who brought the world Alan Partridge and Paul and Pauline Calf. Contributors include Vic and Bob, Rob Brydon and Victoria Wood.
Documentary celebrating the 25th anniversary of the ice dancing performance that won Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean gold at the Winter Olympics.
As the year 2010 approaches, this new documentary reveals the results of a nationwide poll to find the 20 most popular programmes of the decade.
When the first female US president is assassinated, a man with amnesia becomes the scapegoat for the crime.
9.00 STEVE COOGAN: THE INSIDE STORY Tribute to the comedian who brought the world Alan Partridge, Paul and Pauline Calf, and Tony Ferrino. Contributors include Vic and Bob, Rob Brydon, Victoria Wood and Julia Davis. (C)(8485) 10.00 KNOWING ME, KNOWING YULE — WITH ALAN PARTRIDGE The chat show host throws a seasonal house party, set in an exact replica of his Norwich home, where guests include a crossdressing celebrity chef. With Steve Coogan. (R)(C)(694640) 10.45 MATCH OF THE DAY 2 Adrian Chiles presents highlights of today’s two top-flight matches — Arsenal v Aston Villa and Hull City v Manchester United. (C)(125195) 11.35 I’M ALAN PARTRIDGE Reduced to living in a roadside motel and presenting an earlymorning programme on Radio Norwich, Alan dreams of launching a new BBC show. (R)(C)(551911) 12.05 I’M ALAN PARTRIDGE (R)(C)(3681664) 12.35 QI (R)(C)(5479770) 1.05 DEFYING GRAVITY (R)(C)(9323751) 1.45 FILM: FAREWELL MY LOVELY (1944) Drama, with Dick Powell. (C)(b/w)(527461) 3.20 BBC NEWS (C)(3020428) 3.55 CLOSE
6.00 DANCING ON ICE: THE STORY OF BOLERO WITH TORVILL AND DEAN Documentary originally shown to mark the 25th anniversary of the ice dancing performance that won Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean gold at the Winter Olympics in Sarajevo. (R)(T)(81008) 7.00 MIDSOMER MURDERS A fatal explosion at a haulage yard proves a difficult case for Barnaby, whose suspects include several Territorial Army soldiers, a ruthless businessman and a grieving mother. (R)(T)(69485) 9.00 FILM: THE HOLIDAY (2006) Premiere. Two single women living on opposite sides of the Atlantic swap houses for Christmas. Romantic comedy, starring Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jack Black and Jude Law. (T)(57459176) 11.35 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER; Weather. (T)(617176) 11.50 FILM: MERMAIDS (1990) An eccentric woman and her religious teenage daughter find romance when starting over in a new town. Comedy, with Cher, Winona Ryder and Bob Hoskins. (T)(694911) 1.40 PREMIERSHIP RUGBY UNION ITV News Headlines. (8473645) 2.35 TRAFFIC (R)(T)(4942022) 4.00 ITV NIGHTSCREEN (2598225)
7.00 TSUNAMI: WHERE WAS GOD? Former Dominican Friar Mark Dowd travels to Thailand, India and Indonesia to discover how survivors of the 2004 tsunami have reconciled the disaster with their religious beliefs. (R)(T)(67027) 9.00 THE GREATEST TV SHOWS OF THE NOUGHTIES As the year 2010 approaches, this new documentary explores TV viewing habits over the past 10 years, and reveals the results of a nationwide poll to find the 20 most popular programmes of the decade. Among the shows in contention are Doctor Who, The Wire, Planet Earth, The Apprentice, Big Brother and Friends. (T)(68035602) 10.35 THE BIG FAT QUIZ OF THE YEAR 2006 Jimmy Carr is joined by Jonathan Ross, David Walliams, Russell Brand, Rob Brydon, Noel Fielding and Cat Deeley to take a tonguein-cheek look at the events of 2006. (R)(T)(65649553) 12.40 HITS AND HEADLINES: CHRISTMAS NUMBER ONES 95-08 (870356) 2.35 DEADLIEST CATCH (T)(7935157) 3.25 THE TRUTH ABOUT STREET WEAPONS (R)(T)(94342193) 3.35 THE HILLS (T)(7681393) 4.20 THE HILLS (T)(57274428) 4.45 THE HILLS (T)(55420312) 5.10 ONE TREE HILL (T)(9143770)
7.30 CELEBRITY MASTERMIND New series. John Humphrys puts musician Goldie, presenter Paul O’Grady, former Olympian Gail Emms and foodie Loyd Grossman through their paces. (C)(398) 8.00 CASUALTY The trainees are hailed as heroes and May finally feels like a doctor after saving the victims of a car accident. Adam snaps when Sean goes too far, and Ruth lets her guard down. (C)(7379) 9.00 CRANFORD Conclusion of the two-part special. The women are put out when Mrs Jamieson suggests none of them is of high enough social standing to meet new arrival Lady Glenmire. (C)(9244) 10.30 OUTNUMBERED CHRISTMAS SPECIAL The family’s Christmas is marred by burglars — and a missing hamster. (C)(917263) 11.10 BBC NEWS; Regional News; Weather. (C)(685282) 11.30 FILM: AMERICAN FLYERS (1985) Drama, starring Kevin Costner and David Grant; (C) Weatherview. (C)(520737) 1.25 SIGN ZONE: HOLBY CITY (R)(C)(3902225) 2.25 FILM: BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA (2006) Fantasy drama, starring Josh Hutcherson and AnnaSophia Robb. (C)(9602577) 3.55 BBC NEWS (C)(47814954)
8.00 THE ABBA YEARS The success of the Swedish group, exploring the flamboyant outfits, hit records, successful spinoffs, marriages and break-ups. Featuring interviews with the band members. (R)(T)(6553089) 9.00 THIRTEEN: CONSPIRACY Security forces around the US are on high alert when the first female president is shot dead by a sniper, but the assassin manages to flee the scene. Months later, a man with amnesia is targeted by special ops agents, and as he becomes the scapegoat for the crime, he begins to piece together fragments of his identity and uncovers a conspiracy to bring down the government. (T)(61627888) 11.45 BOURNE IDENTITY: THE TRUE STORY Doug Liman, director of 2002 thriller The Bourne Identity, reveals the inspiration for the film and how meetings with a real assassin helped to create the title character. (T)(6313992) 12.45 NFL LIVE (23182225) 4.40 NFL CLASSIC (R)(83287119) 5.00 HANA’S HELPLINE (R)(T)(38749190) 5.10 THE MILKSHAKE! SHOW (R)(T)(63882225) 5.35 THOMAS & FRIENDS (R)(T)(42771409) 5.45 ROARY THE RACING CAR (R)(T)(25632935)
RADIO RADIO 1: FM 97.6-99.8 7.00 Max 10.00 JLS — 2009 In Their Own Words 1.00 Radio 1 at the Movies with James King 4.00 Radio 1’s Chart Show with Dev 7.00 Switch with Annie Mac and Nick Grimshaw 10.00 The Surgery on Radio 1 12.00 Radio 1’s Essential Mix 2.00 1Xtra’s Mixtape 4.00 Andy C’s Drum ‘n’ Bass Top 40 RADIO 2: FM 88-90.2 5.00 Lynn Parsons 7.00 Good Morning Sunday 9.00 Ronan Keating 11.00 Richard Madeley 1.00 Elaine Paige on Sunday 3.00 Pirate Johnnie Walker 5.00 Paul O’Grady 7.00 Alan Titchmarsh 8.30 Sunday Half Hour 9.00 Russell Davies 10.00 Clare Teal 11.00 The David Jacobs Collection 12.00 Craig Charles 4.00 Alex Lester
RADIO 3: FM 90.2-92.4 7.00 Breakfast 10.00 Sunday Morning with Iain Burnside and Suzy Klein 12.00 Private Passions; News 1.00 The Early Music Show 2.00 Radio 3 Requests 4.00 Choral Evening Prayer 5.00 Discovering Music 6.30 The Choir 8.00 Drama on 3 9.30 Sunday Feature 10.15 Words and Music 11.30 Jazz Line-Up 1.00 Through the Night RADIO 4: 198kHz (1515m) FM 92.4-94.6 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 Bells on Sunday 5.45 The Watchdog and the Feral Beast 6.00 News Headlines 6.05 Something Understood 6.35 On Your Farm 6.57 Weather 7.00 News 7.07 Sunday Papers 7.10 Sunday 7.55 Radio 4 Appeal 7.58 Weather 7.59 (LW) Test Match Special 8.00 (FM) News 8.07 (FM) Sunday Papers
8.10 (FM) Sunday Worship 8.50 (FM) A Point of View 9.00 (FM) Broadcasting House 10.00 (FM) The Archers 11.15 (FM) Desert Island Discs 12.00 (FM) News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 (LW) Test Match Special 12.04 (FM) I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue 12.30 (FM) The Food Programme 12.57 (FM) Weather 1.00 (FM) The World This Weekend 1.30 (FM) On the Outside It Looked Like an Old-Fashioned Police Box 2.00 (FM) Gardeners’ Question Time 2.45 (FM) Joan Armatrading’s Favourite Choirs 3.00 (FM) Classic Serial: Matilda 4.00 Open Book 4.30 The Kalevala: Finland’s National Epic 4.55 1989: Day-by-Day 5.00 The New Art of Diplomacy 5.40 From Fact to Fiction 5.54 Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 Six O’Clock News
6.15 Pick of the Week 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Americana 7.45 An Italian Bestiary 8.00 Walking on the Moon 9.00 Money Box 9.26 Radio 4 Appeal 9.30 In Business 9.59 Weather 10.00 News 10.10 News Review of the Year 11.00 1989: Day-by-Day 11.30 Something Understood 12.00 News and Weather 12.15 Thinking Allowed 12.45 Bells on Sunday 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast RADIO 5: 909kHz (330m) 693kHz (433m) 5.00 Morning Reports 6.00 Weekend Breakfast 8.30 Best of Sportsweek 9.30 Kate Silverton 11.00 The Christian O’Connell New Year Solution 12.00 5 Live Sport 1.30 5 Live Sport: Premier League 2009-10 4.00 5 Live Sport: Premier League 2009-10 6.00 6-0-6
7.30 Nolan’s Big Quiz of the Year 8.30 The Weekend News 10.00 Mark Forrest 1.00 Up All Night 4.00 The Christian O’Connell New Year Solution CLASSIC FM: FM 99.9-101.9 7.00 Myleene Klass 9.00 Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen’s Sunday Spa 11.00 The A to Z of Classic FM Music 1.00 If You Liked That, You’ll Like This 3.00 AnneMarie Minhall 6.00 Smooth Classics at Six 9.00 Classic FM Magazine 10.00 Natalie Wheen’s Full Works 12.00 Relaxing Classics 2.00 Nick Bailey RADIO MERSEYSIDE: 1485kHz (202m) FM 95.8 6.00 Daybreak 9.00 Maureen Walsh 11.00 M & S Show. With Sean Styles and Willie Miller. 1.00 Nickie Mackay and Helen Jones 3.00 Frankie Connor 5.00 Made in England
6.05 Sounds Country with Kenny Johnson 8.00 The Pool with Dave Monks 10.00 Billy Maher 12.00 Pure Musical Sensations 2.00 Up All Night RADIO CITY: FM 96.7 6.00 Weekend Wake-up 10.00 Rewind 1.00 Entertainment City 4.00 The Big Top 40 Show 7.00 Total Takeover 8.00 Pez Tellett 10.00 Pete Price Unzipped 2.00 Matt Wilkins MAGIC 1548: 1548kHz (194m) 6.00 Simon Davies 10.00 Dave Lee Travis 1.00 60s Magic 4.00 The Jukebox 7.00 Magic at the Movies 10.00 Vicki Archer 2.00 Paul Griffiths 107.6 JUICE FM: FM 107.6 8.00 Kev Seed 12.00 Breakfast — Extra Helping 2.00 Tom Byrne 4.00 Hitlist 7.00 Baz Todd 9.00 Steve Timmins 12.00 Non-stop Juice
Friday, December 18, 2009
Sunday, December 27 COMEDY 7.10
The Christmas Clause (2008) With Lea Thompson. (66108805) 8.55 Sherlock Holmes Special (3325263) 9.15 Over Her Dead Body (2008) With Eva Longoria Parker. (92002805) 10.55 Tropic Thunder: The Director’s Cut (2008) With Ben Stiller. (30534737) 1.00 Be Kind Rewind (2008) With Jack Black. (10726060) 2.45 The Christmas Clause (2008) With Lea Thompson. (66517447) 4.30 Over Her Dead Body (2008) With Eva Longoria Parker. (31827843) 6.10 Beverly Hills Cop III (1994) Maverick cop Axel Foley’s investigation into a colleague’s murder leads him to a theme park. Comedy sequel, with Eddie Murphy. (52439756) 8.00 Tropic Thunder: The Director’s Cut (2008) While filming his Vietnam epic, director Damien Cockburn finds the picture behind schedule and overbudget. Taking the advice of a grizzled war veteran, he drops the actors into a jungle with the intention of filming them guerilla-style, but the group are oblivious when the warfare surrounding them turns out to be real. Extended version of the comedy, directed by and starring Ben Stiller. (15440553) 10.05 Pineapple Express (2008) A potsmoking slacker and his dealer get implicated in a gangland murder. Action comedy, with Seth Rogen. (4453718) 12.00 Be Kind Rewind (2008) With Jack Black. (3853916) 1.45 35MM (5999409) 2.15 Pineapple Express (2008) With Seth Rogen. (5073751) 4.10 Leap of Faith (1992) With Steve Martin. (3821480)
DRAMA 6.00
Lions for Lambs (2007) With Robert Redford. (55015027) 7.35 The Last of the Mohicans (1992) With Daniel Day-Lewis. (56598282) 9.35 PS I Love You (2007) With Hilary Swank. (42135602) 11.45 Schindler’s List (1993) With Liam Neeson. (63065640) 3.00 The Last of the Mohicans (1992) With Daniel Day-Lewis. (1664824) 5.00 Rules of Engagement (2000) With Tommy Lee Jones. (83429911) 7.10 No Reservations (2007) A fusspot chef is made guardian to her niece and falls for a laid-back colleague. Comedy, with Catherine Zeta-Jones. (69685911) 9.00 PS I Love You (2007) A widow receives a series of encouraging letters her husband sent to her before he died. Romantic drama, starring Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler. (62401737) 11.10 When a Man Loves a Woman (1994) A man’s marriage is shattered by his wife’s alcoholism, prompting him to take desperate measures to help her. Drama, with Andy Garcia. (22615737) 1.20 A Civil Action (1998) With John Travolta. (8329515) 3.20 Body Shots (1999) With Sean Patrick Flanery. (8674799) 5.15 Gideon (1999) With Christopher Lambert. (83379461)
Copperhead (2008) With Brad Johnson. (52408534) Butterfly on a Wheel (2007) With Pierce Brosnan. (57191553) 10.10 I Am Legend (2007) With Will Smith. (47584534) 11.55 Babylon AD (2008) With Vin Diesel. (78288263) 1.40 Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) With Nicolas Cage. (23325534) 3.40 I Am Legend (2007) With Will Smith. (8001391) 5.25 Babylon AD (2008) With Vin Diesel. (95831060) 7.00 Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) A veteran car thief is forced out of retirement to steal 50 top-of-the-range vehicles in exchange for his brother’s life. While his sibling is held hostage by a sadistic gangster, he assembles his former cronies to help — but with the clock ticking and just a few days to pull off the daunting task, there seems little chance of success. Thriller, starring Nicolas Cage. (7826466) 9.00 Bangkok Dangerous (2008) A hitman travels to Thailand to murder four people, but falls for a deaf girl. Thriller, starring Nicolas Cage. (69095331) 10.45 Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) The detectives set their sights on a diplomat plotting to smuggle drugs into America. Thriller, starring Mel Gibson. (3602843) 12.45 Bangkok Dangerous (2008) With Nicolas Cage. (1886409) 2.35 The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (1992) With Rebecca De Mornay. (75912886) 4.40 Copperhead (2008) With Brad Johnson. (54108119) 8.20
G.O.L.D: 6.00 Waiting for God 6.40 The Good Life 7.20 The Two Ronnies: Old Fashioned Mystery 8.40 The Thin Blue Line 10.00 Blackadder the Third 10.40 Blackadder Goes Forth 11.20 Last of the Summer Wine 12.40 Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? 2.00 The Good Life 2.40 The Two Ronnies: Old Fashioned Mystery 4.00 Posh Nosh 4.10 The Thin Blue Line 5.35 Blackadder the Third 6.15 Blackadder Goes Forth 6.55 The Green Green Grass 7.55 Only Fools and Horses 9.00 The Royle Family 2.35 The New Adventures of Old Christine 3.00 Close
SKY SPORTS 1 6.00 Aerobics Oz Style (92350) 6.30 Football First (95756) 8.00 Football First (99973) 9.30 The Sunday Supplement (28060) 11.00Goals on Sunday A review of yesterday’s football action. (33718) 1.00 Live Super Sunday Arsenal v Aston Villa (Kick-off 1.30pm). (819379) 3.30 Live Super Sunday Hull City v Manchester United (Kick-off 4.00pm). The second Premier League match of the day takes place at the Kingston Communications Stadium. (423756) 6.30 Super Sunday: The Last Word Andy Gray uses an array of stateof-the-art technology and his vast knowledge of the game to examine the key moments from the weekend’s matches. (3379) 7.00 Live Darts The 2010 PDC World Championship. The seventh day resumes with a further three second-round matches at Alexandra Palace in London. (1341805) 11.00Knockouts of 2009 A look at the best knockouts of the year, featuring the likes of Manny Pacquiao and Amir Khan. (85398) 11.30Super League Eddie Hemmings and Mike Stephenson take a look back at Super League XIV, focusing on the best tries scored on the road to the Grand Final. (836832) 11.55Live Test Cricket Australia v Pakistan. The three-match series continues with day three of the First Test at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. (55676824)
SABOTAGE: Over Her Dead Body (Sky Movies Comedy, 4.30pm)
6.00 Live Test Cricket Australia v Pakistan. (3203008) 7.30 Live Test Cricket South Africa v England. (1434992) 3.30 Knockouts of 2009 (1265602) 4.00 Live Premiership Rugby Union Harlequins v London Wasps (Kick-off 4.15pm). (5701973) 6.30 Test Cricket (9139756) 8.00 Test Cricket (2033553) 10.00Living With The Pride (2012060) 11.00Football Special (5272027) 12.30Super Sunday: The Last Word (9194683) 1.00 Scottish Premier League Football Hibernian v Rangers. (7417645) 1.30 Champions League Greatest Goals (3745480) 2.30 Football Special (2416480) 4.00 Super Sunday: The Last Word (8246515) 4.30 Premiership Rugby Union (3250916)
7.30 World Touring Car Championship (46850) 8.30 World Superbikes (98843) 9.30 MotoGP (86379) 10.30Cycling: Tour de France (47737) 11.00Strongest Man (24350) 12.00Strongest Man (62534) 1.00 Swimming (71282) 2.00 Dancing (95350) 3.00 Alpine Skiing (50602) 4.00 Ski Jumping (9354350) 4.45 Wintersports: Breaking the Ice (4814824) 5.00 UEFA Cup Classics (9447) 6.00 UEFA Cup Classics Liverpool v Alaves. (68718) 7.00 Ski Jumping A profile of the Four Hills tournament. (579355) 7.45 Wintersports: Breaking the Ice A profile of German ski jumper Martin Schmitt. (176640) 8.00 Fight Club The K1 World Grand Prix final. (61504447) 10.55Boxing Carl Froch v Jermain Taylor. (68003114) 12.40Close
11.30 Live Scottish Premier League Football (19329485) 2.30 Knockouts of 2009 (22086737) 3.00 WWE Vintage Collection (73522824) 4.00 Test Cricket Australia v Pakistan. (56646350) 5.30 Live NFL (36250331) 9.00 Live NFL (32416756)
12.30 Premiership Rugby Union (57563770) 2.00 Living With The Pride (31338312) 3.00 Knockouts of 2009 (12335751) 3.30 Powerboating (19238409) 4.00 Champions League Greatest Goals (36900157) 5.00 WWE Special (82100190)
SKY SPORTS 3 6.00 Premiership Rugby Union (36919805) 7.30 Knockouts of 2009 (90542350) 8.00 WWE: Afterburn (49654027) 9.00 WWE Vintage Collection (42838640) 10.00 Watersports World (90548534) 11.00 Racing News (73527379)
TCM 6.50 9.00 11.05 1.00 3.00 5.30 9.00
12.00 2.00 3.00 5.00
Rebel Without a Cause (1955) Drama, starring James Dean. (45647669) My Giant (1998) Comedy, with Billy Crystal. (92705114) The Big Trees (1952) Romantic Western, starring Kirk Douglas and Eve Miller. (17171824) The Time Machine (1960) Sci-fi adventure, starring Rod Taylor. (8805331) The Champ (1979) Drama, starring Jon Voight. (7147260) Mutiny on the Bounty (1962) Maritime adventure, starring Marlon Brando. (9389244) Apocalypse Now (1979) An army captain is sent on a disturbing mission to assassinate a renegade colonel in Cambodia. Vietnam War drama, with Martin Sheen. (9582422) Heart of Darkness (1993) Drama, with Tim Roth and John Malkovich. (1557024) Mark of the Vampire (1935) Horror, starring Lionel Barrymore. (b/w)(4734916) Teleshopping (9171022) The Time Machine (1960) Adventure, starring Rod Taylor. (8004480)
Miracle on 34th Street (1947) Christmas drama, starring Edmund Gwenn. (b/w)(5058350) 1.00 CutThroat Island (1995) Adventure, starring Geena Davis. (76353176) 3.20 The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959) Sherlock Holmes mystery, starring Peter Cushing. (51717319) 5.05 Young Sherlock Holmes (1985) Detective adventure, starring Nicholas Rowe. (39310398) 7.15 Bedazzled (2000) Fantasy comedy, starring Brendan Fraser. (76189911) 9.00 John Tucker Must Die (2006) Comedy, starring Jesse Metcalfe. (29069195) 10.55 Backbeat (1993) Biopic of original Beatle Stuart Sutcliffe, starring Stephen Dorff. (63571805) 12.50 Once Upon a Time in the West (1969) Western, with Henry Fonda. (84453461) 4.00 Close
SKY 1 6.00 7.00 8.00 8.15 10.00 11.00 12.00 2.05 2.30 3.30 4.30 6.00 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30
9.00 9.30 10.00 10.10 11.10 11.40 12.10 1.10 2.10 3.00 3.50 4.40 5.35
HOUR OF POWER (33195) GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS SMASHED! (17244) BITE SIZE BRAINIAC (6724263) FUTURAMA (46695447) WWE SUPERSTARS (82350) WWE: EXPERIENCE (68094) SKELLIG (60971553) GREASE: THE SCHOOL MUSICAL (79983282) GREASE: THE SCHOOL MUSICAL (13114) BONES (53027) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 (14060) GOT TO DANCE Davina McCall hosts the dancing competition. (35260) THE SIMPSONS The Rolling Stones request Homer’s help. (4350) THE SIMPSONS Bart legally separates from his parents. (8805) MODERN FAMILY Luke’s birthday party goes badly. (7918) MODERN FAMILY Seasonal special. Claire and Phil threaten to cancel their festive celebrations. (9805) THE SIMPSONS Homer is prescribed a marijuana-based medication. (46485) THE SIMPSONS The greatest love stories of all time. (19805) TEN MINUTE TALES (279058) WAR TORN WARRIORS (169379) MODERN FAMILY (644060) ROSS KEMP: BEHIND THE STORY (187350) ROSS KEMP REMEMBERS GANGS (1064225) UK BORDER FORCE (7638454) ROAD WARS (9949916) LOST (3277374) LOST (1200732) LOST (5875428) HELLO GOODBYE (4113596)
LIVING: 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 I Dream of Jeannie 8.00 Bewitched 9.00 My Wife and Kids 10.00 The Fresh Prince of BelAir 11.00 FILM: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) Children’s musical adventure, starring Dick Van Dyke. 2.00 Will & Grace 3.00 Ghost Whisperer 4.00 FILM: The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter (1991) Children’s fantasy adventure, with Jonathan Brandis. 5.45 Celebs Off Duty 6.00 Will & Grace 7.00 Ghost Whisperer 8.00 Medium 9.00 Criminal Minds 10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11.00 CSI: Miami 12.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Medium 3.00 Lipstick Jungle 3.50 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 4.40 Charmed 5.30 Home Shopping BRAVO: 8.00 TNA Wrestling 11.30 TNA iMPACT! 1.30 GameFace 2.00 World’s Strongest Man 3.00 FILM: The Cimarron Kid (1952) Western, starring Audie Murphy. 4.50 Virgin Media Shorts 2009 5.00 High Seas, High Stakes 5.30 Street Crime UK 6.00 Trawlers, Rigs & Rescue: North Sea 7.00 World’s Strongest Man 8.00 FILM: Rocky II (1979) The boxer is tempted back into the ring for another shot at Apollo Creed’s heavyweight title. Drama sequel, with Sylvester Stallone and Talia Shire. 10.20 Virgin Media Shorts 2009 10.30 FILM: Rocky III (1982) Boxing champion Rocky Balboa’s title is threatened by a challenge from a brutal contender. Drama, with Sylvester Stallone, Mr T and Burgess Meredith. 12.30 Sexarama 1.00 Masters of Horror 2.10 UK’s Strongest Man 3.05 Alias 4.00 Close 5.00 Home Shopping ITV2: 6.00 Emmerdale 8.50 Gossip Girl 9.50 Creature Comforts 10.00 I Dreamed a Dream: The Susan Boyle Story 11.00 Cheryl Cole’s Night In 12.00 All Star Family Fortunes Christmas Special 12.45 Creature Comforts 1.00 Harry Hill’s TV Burp Review of the Year 1.30 Take That Come to Town 2.30 Take That: Backstage at the Circus 3.30 Take That: The Circus Live 5.00 FILM: Casper (1995) Family comedy, starring Christina Ricci. 7.00 FILM: The Polar Express (2004) A boy doubts the existence of Father Christmas, until a magical train takes him to the North Pole. Animated adventure, with the voice of Tom Hanks. 9.00 New You’ve Been Framed! 10.00 FILM: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989) Comedy, starring Chevy Chase. 12.00 FILM: Throw Momma from the Train (1987) Black comedy, directed by and starring Danny DeVito. 1.40 Ghosthunting with Coronation Street 3.20 Teleshopping 4.50 Gossip Girl 5.35 ITV2 Nightscreen ITV3: 6.00 Film File 6.10 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 8.10 Agatha Christie’s The Secret Adversary 10.35 Agatha Christie’s Sparkling Cyanide 12.40 Goodbye Mr Chips 2.50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 7.00 Torvill and Dean’s Dancing on Ice: The Bolero Tour Live 8.00 An Audience with Donny and Marie 9.00 A Touch of Frost 12.25 FILM: The Odd Couple II (1998) Comedy sequel, starring Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau. 2.05 Wycliffe 2.55 On the Buses 3.20 Film File 3.30 Emmerdale DAVE: 7.00 Should I Worry About? 8.00 Top Gear 9.00 Top Gear: Polar Challenge 10.00 Stephen Fry in America 11.00 Ray Mears Goes Walkabout 12.00 Top Gear 1.00 Top Gear: Polar Challenge 2.00 Trawlermen 2.40 Have I Got News for You 3.20 QI 4.00 Top Gear 6.00 Stephen Fry in America 7.00 Trawlermen 7.40 Have I Got News for You 8.20 QI 9.00 Little Britain Abroad 10.20 Little Britain 11.40 Little Britain Abroad 1.00 Little Britain 2.15 School’s Out 2.45 Radical Highs 3.00 Close E4: 6.00 Supernanny USA 7.50 How to Look Good Naked 8.50 Style Her Famous 9.50 The Class 10.20 Roswell 12.15 Dark Angel 2.15 Reaper 4.05 Friends 5.05 FILM: Picture Perfect (1997) Romantic comedy, with Jennifer Aniston and Kevin Bacon. 7.00 One Tree Hill 8.00 Friends 9.00 Peep Show 12.10 Ricky Gervais Live: Animals 1.40 Supernanny USA 2.00 How to Look Good Naked 2.55 Hollyoaks MORE4: 9.00 A Place in the Sun 9.30 Scrapheap Challenge 1.45 How Clean Is Your House? 4.30 Come Dine with Me 7.20 Jamie at Home 7.55 River Cottage Heroes 9.00 Snowstorm: Britain’s Big Freeze 10.00 Gordon Ramsay’s F Word. Peter Andre takes part in the recipe challenge. 11.25 Father Ted 11.55 Curb Your Enthusiasm 12.35 River Cottage Heroes 1.35 Snowstorm: Britain’s Big Freeze 2.35 Gordon Ramsay’s F Word 4.00 Close BBC THREE: 7.00 Doctor Who. First in a two-part special marking David Tennant’s departure. 8.00 Snog, Marry, Avoid? — Top Ten Shockers. Jenny Frost counts down some of the show’s toughest make-unders. 9.00 Most Annoying People 2009 11.30 Family Guy 12.15 Gavin & Stacey 12.45 Most Annoying People 2009 3.15 Gavin & Stacey 3.45 Snog, Marry, Avoid? — Top Ten Shockers 4.45 Don’t Get Screwed 5.15 Close
TV 25
26 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide BBC1
6.00 BREAKFAST (C)(813935) 9.00 CBBC (41138) 10.00 FILM: EIGHT BELOW (2006) Adventure, starring Paul Walker. (C)(87684225) 11.50 KEEPING UP APPEARANCES (R)(C)(2785935) 12.50 BBC NEWS; WEATHER (C)(92368664) 1.00 REGIONAL NEWS; Weather. (C)(83456138) 1.05 FILM: THE PRINCESS DIARIES (2001) Family comedy, starring Anne Hathaway. (C)(33418041) 2.55 FILM: 101 DALMATIANS (1996) Disney comedy adventure remake, starring Glenn Close. (C)(30575119) 4.30 FINAL SCORE (C)(90190) 5.30 WEAKEST LINK (R)(C)(339393) 6.20 BBC NEWS; Weather. (C)(320374) 6.50 NORTH WEST TONIGHT; Weather. (C)(751515) 7.00 WALLACE & GROMIT: A MATTER OF LOAF AND DEATH (R)(C)(9886)
6.00 CBEEBIES (29635) 7.00 CBBC (40596) 8.30 WAINWRIGHT WALKS (R)(C)(73041) 9.00 GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS (R)(C)(7770770) 9.50 ANIMAL PARK (R)(C)(5728664) 10.50 WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? (R)(C)(2902645) 11.50 COAST (R)(C)(2783577) 12.50 RACING FROM CHEPSTOW Including the 2.10 Coral Welsh National Handicap Chase (3m 5f 110yds). (C)(74475515) 3.05 FILM: RIO LOBO (1970) Howard Hawks’ Western, with John Wayne. (C)(99516770) 5.00 FLOG IT! (R)(C)(7664) 5.30 ESCAPE TO THE COUNTRY (R)(C)(603480) 6.15 FILM: JUST LIKE HEAVEN (2005) A doctor dies in a car crash but her spirit is reluctant to leave the world behind. Romantic drama, starring Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo. (C)(217503)
5.25 CITV (7395119) 5.55 ITV MORNING NEWS (T)(7402935) 6.00 GMTV (1279652) 9.25 DICKINSON’S REAL DEAL (R)(T)(4939312) 10.25 ALL STAR FAMILY FORTUNES CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (R)(T)(6923886) 11.10 STARS ON THE STREET (R)(T)(4181770) 12.10 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(7618206) 12.30 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(92377312) 12.35 FILM: CARRY ON CLEO (1964) British comedy, starring Sid James. (T)(98030645) 2.15 AGATHA CHRISTIE’S POIROT (R)(T)(73697022) 4.20 FILM: PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (2005) Period drama, starring Keira Knightley. (T)(68636867) 6.30 GRANADA REPORTS; Weather. (T)(922916) 6.45 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(945867)
5.55 SALI MALI (R)(T)(7400577) 6.00 PLANET COOK (R)(T)(7924770) 6.20 YO GABBA GABBA (R)(T)(7935886) 6.45 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND (R)(T)(4467770) 7.10 FRASIER (R)(T)(2641645) 7.35 WILL & GRACE (R)(T)(6585954) 8.00 ACCORDING TO JIM (T)(6090139) 8.25 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(3840616) 8.55 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(3940225) 9.25 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(7986041) 9.55 T4: 90210 (T)(5712003) 10.55 T4: 4MUSIC FAVOURITES: ROBBIE WILLIAMS (R)(T)(1436003) 12.00 T4: 4MUSIC FAVOURITES: SHAKIRA (T)(9161916) 12.25 FILM: ANNA AND THE KING (1999) Period drama, starring Jodie Foster and Chow Yun-Fat. (T)(91125935) 3.05 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(8631374)
6.00 SUNRISE (T)(6964596) 7.00 MILKSHAKE! (35606157) 10.15 MICHAELA’S ZOO BABIES (R)(T)(5086312) 11.15 ANIMAL RESCUE SQUAD (R)(T)(7211181) 11.45 ICE ROAD TRUCKERS (R)(T)(5081867) 12.45 CRUSOE (T)(5722461) 1.45 FIVE NEWS (T)(88811190) 2.00 MERLIN Sam Neill stars in this feature-length adventure of knights and sorcery, in which the legendary wizard takes on the evil Mab. With Miranda Richardson and Helena Bonham Carter. (R)(T)(99627683) 5.35 KNIGHT RIDER (T)(2104138) 6.30 HEADS OR TAILS An accounts manager from St Neots, Cambridgeshire, joins Justin Lee Collins to take part in the game show in which players could become millionaires on the toss of a coin. (T)(1787119) 7.30 FIVE NEWS WITH MATT BARBET (T)(8389867)
The Day of the Triffids (9.00pm)
Not Again: Not the... (9.00pm)
Englishman in New... (9.00pm)
Man on Earth (8.00pm)
Heads or Tails (6.30pm)
Two-part drama. The discovery of a renewable energy source in the form of plants called triffids has devastating consequences for the human race.
The story of the comedy sketch show, which launched the careers of Rowan Atkinson, Griff Rhys Jones, Mel Smith and Pamela Stephenson.
Quentin Crisp sets off on the journey of a lifetime to the Big Apple, where the Americans embrace the openly gay writer and his waspish ways.
Examining societies that have flourished as a result of climate change, including the Hauri people of Peru and those living in medieval Europe.
An accounts manager from Cambridgeshire, take part in the game show in which players could become millionaires on the toss of a coin.
7.30 BIG TOP Plonky comes down with a mysterious virus. (C)(119) 8.00 EASTENDERS The police begin asking questions around the Square and Ronnie is released after being held at the station. (C)(5206) 8.30 CELEBRITY MASTERMIND With Darren Bennett, Stuart Maconie, Linda Papadopoulos and Andrew Lancel. (C)(7041) 9.00 THE DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS Two-part apocalyptic drama. The discovery of a renewable energy source in the form of plants called triffids has devastating consequences for the human race. Dougray Scott stars. (C)(8138) 10.30 BBC NEWS (C)(458645) 10.45 REGIONAL NEWS; Weather. (C)(745683) 10.50 MATCH OF THE DAY Including action from Chelsea v Fulham. Gary Lineker presents. (C)(8573003) 12.00 THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE SHOW (C) Weatherview. (C)(9551788) 1.20 SIGN ZONE: JAMES MAY’S TOY STORIES (R)(C)(3807726) 2.20 SIGN ZONE: VICTORIAN FARM CHRISTMAS (R)(C)(8768691) 3.20 SIGN ZONE: DEFYING GRAVITY (R)(C)(2292523) 4.05 SIGN ZONE: DEFYING GRAVITY (R)(C)(5389356) 4.50 BBC NEWS (C)(2064707)
7.45 TOP GEAR BOLIVIA SPECIAL Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May drive 4x4s from the rainforest of the Amazon basin on a road trip to Chile, tackling one of the world’s most dangerous roads. (R)(C)(932577) 9.00 NOT AGAIN: NOT THE NINE O’CLOCK NEWS The inside story of the anarchic comedy sketch show, which ran from 1979 to 1982 and launched the careers of Rowan Atkinson, Griff Rhys Jones, Mel Smith and Pamela Stephenson. (C)(9480) 10.30 NOT THE NINE O’CLOCK NEWS Sketch show. (R)(C)(737003) 10.55 DARA O BRIAIN LIVE FROM THE THEATRE ROYAL The finale of the Irish comedian’s sell-out 100-date tour of the UK and Ireland, recorded in front of 2,500 fans at London’s Theatre Royal on Drury Lane in 2006. (R)(C)(370138) 11.55 THE FUNNY SIDE OF CHAT The most entertaining moments in chat shows. (R)(C)(780634) 12.55 DEFYING GRAVITY (R)(C)(1088287) 1.40 FILM: DEAD RECKONING (1947) Murder mystery, starring Humphrey Bogart. (C)(b/w)(987894) 3.15 BBC NEWS (C)(878813) 4.50 CLOSE
Pick of the day
7.00 EMMERDALE Cain and Charity visit the Dingles to drop the bombshell of their engagement. (T)(4954) 7.30 CORONATION STREET Kevin is shocked at how close he came to ending his marriage. (T)(515) 8.00 COUNTRYWISE Paul Heiney visits the Lake District. (R)(T)(8454) 8.30 CORONATION STREET Kevin unburdens himself to Bill. (T)(9409) 9.00 AN ENGLISHMAN IN NEW YORK John Hurt reprises his role as Quentin Crisp in this sequel to 1975 drama The Naked Civil Servant, following the waspish English eccentric’s latter years in America. (T)(3206) 10.30 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER; Weather. (T)(476041) 10.45 THE ROYAL SHAKESPEARE COMPANY: THE SOUTH BANK SHOW Behind the scenes of the RSC’s production of The Grain Storm. Last-ever edition. (T)(269931) 11.45 FILM: THE PIANIST (2002) Oscar-winning wartime drama, starring Adrien Brody, Thomas Kretschmann and Frank Finlay. (T)(67893751) 2.20 SIX DEGREES (R)(T) ITV News Headlines. (6669829) 3.05 THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW (R)(T)(3992233) 4.00 ITV NIGHTSCREEN (2492097)
3.40 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(2256206) 4.10 DEAL OR NO DEAL: SCROOGE OR SANTA (T)(6075393) 4.55 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(9597461) 5.30 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(480) 6.00 THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(393) 6.30 HOLLYOAKS (T)(645) 7.00 CHANNEL 4 NEWS (T)(265393) 7.10 BRITAIN’S WORST WEATHER (R)(T)(526312) 8.00 MAN ON EARTH (T)(5393) 9.00 THE GREATEST SONGS OF THE NOUGHTIES Music trends of the past 10 years. (T)(1848) 10.30 THE BIG FAT QUIZ OF THE YEAR 2007 Hosted by Jimmy Carr, with Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand. (R)(T)(23584428) 12.40 LIVE FROM ABBEY ROAD: TRIBUTE TO THE BEATLES (T)(5694504) 1.35 THE SECRETS OF THE AUSTRIAN CELLAR (R)(T)(8383078) 2.30 DEADLIEST CATCH (T)(7903558) 3.20 THE HILLS (T)(27052875) 3.40 THE HILLS (T)(76889726) 4.05 THE HILLS (T)(57166455) 4.25 ST ELSEWHERE (R)(T)(9989310) 5.10 ONE TREE HILL (T)(9047542)
8.00 COWBOY BUILDERS Melinda Messenger and Dominic Littlewood come to the aid of Jenni Rossi, whose kitchen was wrecked to the point of being condemned after she paid £26,000 for an extension; (R)(T) Five News at 9. (6513461) 9.00 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST A bus crash leaves nine people dead, and the finger of blame points immediately to the driver — until a surprise discovery indicates foul play. (R)(T)(6533225) 10.00 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST Movie star Tom Haviland is implicated in a murder at his luxurious penthouse suite. Although the actor protests his innocence, evidence suggests otherwise; (R)(T) Five News Update. (6536312) 11.00 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST Sara and Jim investigate the death of a womanising dwarf who has been found hanged, while Catherine conducts inquiries into the death of a robber, only to find herself under attack. (R)(T)(8906157) 11.55 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST A taxi driver is falsely branded a murderer. (R)(T)(4816206) 12.55 SUPERCASINO Live interactive gaming. (43036962) 4.05 CCTV CITIES (T)(8133702) 4.50 ‘TIL DEATH (T)(32479639) 5.15 BRIAN SEWELL’S GRAND TOUR (R)(T)(4253368)
RADIO RADIO 1: FM 97.6-99.8 6.00 Dev 10.00 Fearne Cotton 12.00 Radio 1 Live — Coldplay 1.00 Nihal — The Chart of the Decade 4.00 Westwood 7.00 Radio 1 Live — The Live Lounge Tour 10.00 Rob da Bank and Friends 12.00 The Essential Mix 2.00 1Xtra’s Mixtape 4.00 Rusko’s Dubstep Top 40 RADIO 2: FM 88-90.2 7.30 Johnnie and Tiggy Walker’s Bank Holiday Breakfast Show 9.30 Richard Allinson 12.00 The People’s Classical Chart 2.00 The Great British Songbook of the 60s 5.00 BBC Electric Proms: Dame Shirley Bassey 6.00 Robbie Williams’ Line of Enquiry 8.00 6 on 2: Dave Pearce 10.00 Big Band Special
10.30 Radio 2 Live: Michael Buble 11.30 Elvis: Movie King or Celluloid Sellout? 12.00 Craig Charles 4.00 Alex Lester RADIO 3: FM 90.2-92.4 7.00 Breakfast 10.00 Classical Collection 12.00 Composer of the Week: Richard Wagner; News 1.00 Afternoon on 3 5.00 Words and Music 6.15 New Generation Artists 7.30 Performance on 3 9.30 Between the Ears 10.00 BBC Proms 2009 11.15 Jazz on 3 1.00 Through the Night RADIO 4: 198kHz (1515m) FM 92.4-94.6 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Farming Today 6.00 Today 7.45 (LW) Test Match Special 9.00 (FM) Start the Week 9.45 (LW) Daily Service. Led by Dr Michael Ford.
9.45 (FM) Book of the Week: Vincent van Gogh — The Letters 10.00 (LW) Test Match Special 10.00 (FM) Woman’s Hour 11.00 (FM) Living with the In-Laws 11.30 (FM) Giles Wemmbley Hogg Goes Off 12.00 (FM) News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 (LW) Test Match Special 12.04 (FM) You and Yours 12.57 (FM) Weather 1.00 (FM) The World at One 1.30 (FM) Brain of Britain 2009 2.00 (FM) The Archers 2.15 (FM) Afternoon Play: McLevy 3.00 (FM) Archive on 4: Doctor Who: The Lost Episodes 3.45 A View Through a Lens 4.00 The Food Programme 4.30 Beyond Belief 4.55 1989: Day-by-Day 5.00 PM 5.54 Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 Six O’Clock News 6.15 The News at Bedtime
6.30 The Unbelievable Truth — New Year’s Special 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Front Row 7.45 My Mad Grandad 8.00 The Things We Forgot to Remember 8.30 Crossing Continents 9.00 Dragons’ Lab 9.30 Start the Week 10.00 The World Tonight 10.45 Book at Bedtime: The True Deceiver 11.00 Word of Mouth 11.30 A Life with — Microbes 12.00 News and Weather 12.15 Dear Darwin 12.30 Book of the Week: Vincent van Gogh — The Letters 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast RADIO 5: 909kHz (330m) 693kHz (433m) 5.00 Morning Reports 6.00 5 Live Breakfast 10.00 The Danny Baker Show 12.00 5 Live Sport
12.45 5 Live Sport: Premier League 2009-10 3.00 5 Live Sport: Premier League 2009-10 5.20 5 Live Sport: Championship 2009-10 7.10 5 Live Sport: The Monday Night Club 7.45 5 Live Sport: Premier League 2009-10 9.40 5 Live Sport: Final Whistle 10.30 Jonathan Overend 1.00 Up All Night CLASSIC FM: FM 99.9-101.9 6.00 AnneMarie Minhall 8.00 Mark Forrest 12.00 The Classic FM Most Wanted 3.00 Tim Lihoreau 6.00 Smooth Classics at Six 9.00 The Full Works 11.00 Relaxing Classics 1.00 Nick Bailey RADIO MERSEYSIDE: 1485kHz (202m) FM 95.8 6.00 Helen Jones 10.00 Sean Styles 12.00 Summer of ‘84 2.00 Merseyside Sport
6.00 Live at the BBC 8.00 It’s Love That Really Counts 9.05 Orient Express 10.00 Linda McDermott 1.00 Up All Night RADIO CITY: FM 96.7 6.00 Rossie and Co 10.00 Rick Vaughn 1.00 Tim Cocker 4.00 Neil Fitzmaurice 7.00 In Demand 10.00 Pete Price 2.00 Matt Wilkins MAGIC 1548: 1548kHz (194m) 6.00 Keiron Fox 10.00 Nick Wright 2.00 Dave Campbell 6.00 60s 7.00 70s 8.00 Richard Allen 10.00 Norman Ashley 2.00 Paul Griffiths 107.6 JUICE FM: FM 107.6 6.00 Adam and Leanne 10.00 Chris Bovaird 1.00 Baz Todd 4.00 Mark Kaye 7.00 Steve Timmins 11.00 Johnny Collins 1.00 Non-stop Juice
TV 27
Friday, December 18, 2009
Monday, December 28 COMEDY 6.05
Leave it to Beaver (1997) With Janine Turner. (80713765) 7.40 Bowfinger (1999) With Steve Martin. (80242616) 9.25 South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999) With Trey Parker. (1400157) 10.55 This Christmas (2007) With Delroy Lindo. (30501409) 1.00 Step Brothers (2008) With Will Ferrell. (22006472) 2.50 Superhero Movie (2008) With Drake Bell. (9049732) 4.20 Disaster Movie (2008) With Matt Lanter. (55604022) 5.55 This Christmas (2007) With Delroy Lindo. (48486954) 8.00 Step Brothers (2008) Brennan and Dale are two 40-year-old men who never left their parents’ homes, living a life of extended childhood. All that changes when Brennan’s mother marries Dale’s father and the spoiled pair are grudgingly forced to share a room. Comedy, starring Will Ferrell and John C Reilly. (4755393) 10.00 Superhero Movie (2008) A high-school student develops strange powers after being bitten by a radioactive dragonfly. Comic-book movie spoof, with Drake Bell and Sara Paxton. (4242190) 11.30 Disaster Movie (2008) A group of misfits battles to save the Earth from a series of natural disasters. Spoof comedy, starring Matt Lanter and Vanessa Minnillo. (4997645) 1.05 South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999) With Trey Parker. (7137078) 2.35 Bowfinger (1999) (3148233) 4.20 35MM (73357320) 4.50 Leave it to Beaver (1997) With Janine Turner. (49409833)
DRAMA 7.00
Breaking Away (1979) With Dennis Christopher. (88223799) 8.45 W (2008) With Josh Brolin. (69966041) 11.00 The Jane Austen Book Club (2007) With Kathy Baker. (62736409) 12.50 Frankie and Johnny (1991) With Michelle Pfeiffer. (88034454) 2.50 Rendition (2007) With Reese Witherspoon. (44044206) 5.00 The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008) With David Thewlis. (33316616) 6.40 The Jane Austen Book Club (2007) Members of a book club find their own lives beginning to mirror the plots of Jane Austen’s novels. Romantic comedy, with Kathy Baker and Maria Bello. (61002138) 8.30 W (2008) Biopic of George W Bush, following his pre-political career to his first term as US President. With Josh Brolin and Elizabeth Banks. (36871848) 10.45 Varsity Blues (1999) A reserve quarterback is drafted onto an American school’s football team, but his attitude causes problems. Drama, starring Jon Voight. (33166916) 12.35 Arlington Road (1999) With Jeff Bridges. (20262320) 2.40 Working Girl (1988) With Melanie Griffith. (6191946) 4.40 One Special Night (1999) With James Garner. (35817233)
ACTION/THRILLER 6.25 8.25 10.25 12.20 2.20 4.10 6.00
2.00 4.40
Next of Kin (1989) With Patrick Swayze. (81791867) RocknRolla (2008) With Gerard Butler. (58536867) I Am Legend (2007) With Will Smith. (88380062) Double Jeopardy (1999) With Ashley Judd. (8010867) Knight Rider 2000 (1991) With David Hasselhoff. (8073935) The Mechanik (2005) With Dolph Lundgren. (75732886) RocknRolla (2008) A Russian mob boss sets up a profitable real estate scam in London and soon every criminal in the city is after their share. Guy Ritchie’s crime comedy, starring Gerard Butler, Tom Wilkinson and Thandie Newton. (1575751) Double Jeopardy (1999) A woman seeks revenge on her husband for faking his death and framing her for his murder. Thriller, starring Ashley Judd, Tommy Lee Jones, Bruce Greenwood and Annabeth Gish. (1587596) Marked for Death (1990) A former narcotics agent searches for an elusive drug kingpin who has tried to kill his family. Action thriller, starring Steven Seagal, Basil Wallace and Joanna Pacula. (9759916) The Game (1997) A selfish investment banker gets caught up in a complex psychological game that soon turns deadly. Thriller, starring Michael Douglas and Sean Penn. (37528645) Sleepers (1996) With Brad Pitt and Robert De Niro. (90261851) Knight Rider 2000 (1991) With David Hasselhoff. (35454078)
G.O.L.D: 6.00 Last of the Summer Wine 7.20 Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? 8.40 The Thin Blue Line 10.00 Yes, Prime Minister 11.20 Last of the Summer Wine 12.40 Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? 2.00 The Green Green Grass 3.00 Only Fools and Horses 4.10 The Thin Blue Line 5.30 Yes, Prime Minister 6.50 FILM: Jack (1996) Drama, starring Robin Williams. 9.00 The Royle Family 10.55 The Royle Family: The Queen of Sheba 12.15 The Fast Show 1.30 The Royle Family 2.40 Close Up 3.00 Close
SKY SPORTS 1 6.00 Live Test Cricket Australia v Pakistan. (49799) 7.30 Live Test Cricket South Africa v England. (3705848) 12.30Live Football Special Tottenham Hotspur v West Ham United (Kickoff 12.45pm). (119461) 3.00 Soccer Special Update on today’s games. (83104138) 5.15 Live Football League Newcastle United v Derby County (Kick-off 5.20pm). (13002409) 7.30 Live Football Special Wolverhampton Wanderers v Manchester City (Kick-off 7.45pm). All the action from tonight’s Premier League clash at Molineux. (650393) 10.30Football First A chance for viewers to see extended highlights of a Premier League match of their own choice from the latest round of fixtures, including Chelsea v Fulham. (68954) 12.00Football First A chance for viewers to see extended highlights of a Premier League match of their own choice from the latest round of fixtures, including Chelsea v Fulham. (27829) 1.30 Football First A chance for viewers to see extended highlights of a Premier League match of their own choice from the latest round of fixtures, including Chelsea v Fulham. (53900) 3.00 Football First A chance for viewers to see a match of their own choice. (14900) 4.30 Soccer AM: The Best Bits Highlights of Saturday’s show. (66962) 5.30 FIFA Futbol Mundial International football magazine. (57233)
REVENGE: Double Jeopardy (Sky Movies Action/Thriller, 8.00pm)
7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans (8403041) 9.00 Super League (4105472) 9.30 Soccer AM: The Best Bits (3026138) 10.30Soccer Extra (3732916) 12.30Super League (3904848) 1.00 Live Darts Day eight of the 2010 PDC World Championship. (4034312) 5.00 Knockouts of 2009 (2904645) 5.30 NFL A match from the NFL. (3262751) 7.00 Live Darts The 2010 PDC World Championship. The evening session of day eight at Alexandra Palace, featuring another three secondround matches. (7305008) 11.00Soccer AM: The Best Bits A look back at some of the highlights of Saturday’s show. (8490577) 12.00Live Test Cricket Australia v Pakistan. (9115523)
7.30 Ski Jumping (8158799) 8.15 Alpine Skiing (586751) 9.15 Live Alpine Skiing Women’s World Cup coverage from Lienz in Austria. (582935) 10.15WATTS Eurosport highlights. (4350312) 10.30Ski Jumping (5824480) 11.15Wintersports: Breaking the Ice (8014770) 11.30Alpine Skiing (8709225) 12.15Live Alpine Skiing Further World Cup coverage from Lienz in Austria. (874428) 1.15 Ski Jumping (9088393) 2.30 Ski Jumping (1260848) 3.15 Live Ski Jumping World Cup qualifying from Oberstdorf in Germany. (65150428) 5.00 Live Biathlon The World Team Challenge. (53848) 7.00 Ski Jumping (8442409) 8.05 Alpine Skiing (757041) 9.05 Alpine Skiing Action from an exhibition event in Italy. (986732) 10.05Ski Jumping (8644596) 11.10Dancing (789022) 12.10Cycling: Tour de France (6402504) 12.40Close
12.30Live Test Cricket (19367645) 3.30 Test Cricket (22462190) 4.30 Wild Spirits (22033645) 5.00 WWE: Raw (31078157) 7.00 Test Cricket (24459732) 10.00Time of Our Lives (27689732) 11.00WWE Special (90516935)
12.00WWE: Late Night — Bottom Line (49504078) 1.00 WWE: Late Night — Afterburn (87199726) 2.00 Live WWE: Late Night — Raw (31262349) 4.15 Max Power (70999320) 5.15 Wild Spirits (14584349) 5.45 Sky Sports Classics (80695691)
SKY SPORTS 3 6.00 Aerobics Oz Style (42896664) 6.30 Powder Adventures (41853003) 7.00 WWE: Bottom Line (49613770) 8.00 WWE Special (49621799) 9.00 Snooker (41854732) 11.00NFL (88633916)
TCM 7.00 9.25 1.00 3.00 5.15 7.05
10.55 3.00 5.00
The Champ (1979) Drama, starring Jon Voight. (31425867) Mutiny on the Bounty (1962) Adventure, starring Marlon Brando. (97127393) The Story of Mankind (1957) Fantasy drama, starring Ronald Colman. (8872003) Meet Me in St Louis (1944) Musical, starring Judy Garland. (82456374) Elvis on Tour (1972) Performances by rock ‘n’ roll’s biggest superstar. (79606312) Jack Frost (1998) A dead father takes over the body of a snowman to spend one last Christmas with his son. Fantasy drama, starring Michael Keaton and Kelly Preston. (43425954) Money Talks (1997) A journalist offers to shelter a fugitive for the weekend, but the plan soon goes awry. Comedy, starring Charlie Sheen and Chris Tucker. (69773577) Gods and Generals (2003) American Civil War drama prequel, starring Stephen Lang. (62776225) Teleshopping (9075894) The Story of Mankind (1957) Drama, starring Ronald Colman. (51393287)
The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959) Mystery, with Peter Cushing. (89429515) 12.45 Lassie (2005) Family adventure, starring Peter O’Toole. (49223954) 2.35 The League of Gentlemen (1960) British comedy adventure, starring Jack Hawkins. (b/w)(96306515) 4.45 The Poseidon Adventure (1972) Disaster movie. (70128886) 7.05 America’s Sweethearts (2001) Romantic comedy, with John Cusack and Julia Roberts. (39831022) 9.00 Don’t Say a Word (2001) Thriller, starring Michael Douglas. (78109954) 11.10 Saw II (2005) Horror sequel, starring Donnie Wahlberg. (4666119) 12.55 The Marine (2006) Premiere. Action thriller, starring John Cena. (4254894) 2.45 Autobiography of a Princess (1975) Drama. (4529504) 4.00 Close
SKY 1 6.00 7.00 8.00 8.15 10.00 11.30 12.30 2.30 4.30 6.00 7.00 7.30 8.00 9.30 10.00 10.10 11.10 11.40 12.10 1.10 2.05 3.00 3.25 4.15 5.10
GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS SMASHED! (37461) GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS SMASHED! (44848) BITE SIZE BRAINIAC (6791935) FUTURAMA (46662119) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 (88393) GOT TO DANCE (27765) TERRY PRATCHETT’S THE COLOUR OF MAGIC (54119) TERRY PRATCHETT’S THE COLOUR OF MAGIC Conclusion of the comic drama. (10664) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 (58954) ARE YOU SMARTER THAN YOUR TEN YEAR OLD? Game show, hosted by Damian Williams. (41954) THE SIMPSONS Featuring the voice of Michelle Pfeiffer. (1356) THE SIMPSONS Springfield gets a new telephone code. (9139) GIRLS ALOUD: OUT OF CONTROL The girl group in concert at the O2 Arena in May. (53409) MODERN FAMILY Guest starring Edward Norton. (53799) TEN MINUTE TALES (531374) UK BORDER FORCE The UK Border Agency investigates sham weddings. (668645) MODERN FAMILY Luke’s birthday party goes badly. (176664) ROSS KEMP: BEHIND THE STORY (693916) ROSS KEMP REMEMBERS PIRATES (1968097) ROAD WARS (5374487) DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS (4804542) ROAD WARS (90649184) LOST (5196639) LOST (9350271) DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS US (9630610)
LIVING: 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Bewitched 8.00 Maury 8.55 Celebs Off Duty 9.00 Nothing to Declare 10.00 America’s Next Top Model 11.00 FILM: The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter (1991) Children’s fantasy adventure, with Jonathan Brandis. 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 1.00 Will & Grace 2.00 Ghost Whisperer 3.00 FILM: The NeverEnding Story III: The Escape from Fantasia (1994) Fantasy adventure, starring Jason James Richter. 5.00 Will & Grace 6.00 America’s Next Top Model 7.00 Ghost Whisperer 8.00 Medium 9.00 Criminal Minds 10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11.00 CSI: Miami 12.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Medium 3.00 Lipstick Jungle 3.50 Maury 4.40 Nothing to Declare 5.30 Home Shopping BRAVO: 8.00 TNA Epics 9.00 World’s Strongest Man 10.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 11.00 When Sport Goes Bad 12.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 1.00 World’s Strongest Man 2.00 Street Crime UK 3.00 Martial Law 4.00 The A-Team 5.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 6.00 Street Crime UK 7.00 World’s Strongest Man 8.00 FILM: Rocky III (1982) Boxing drama, starring Sylvester Stallone. 10.00 FILM: Rocky IV (1985) Boxing drama, starring Sylvester Stallone. 11.50 Virgin Media Shorts 2009 12.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 1.00 Masters of Horror 2.10 When Sport Goes Bad 3.00 Alias 4.00 Close 5.00 Home Shopping ITV2: 6.00 Coronation Street 6.55 Emmerdale 8.00 Coleen’s Real Women 9.00 Paris Hilton’s British Best Friend 10.00 Britain’s Got More Talent 11.00 JLS Revealed 12.00 Creature Comforts 12.30 Coronation Street 1.35 Emmerdale 2.40 All Star Mr & Mrs Christmas Special 3.40 All Star Family Fortunes Christmas Special 4.20 Ant & Dec’s Christmas Show 5.35 Creature Comforts 5.45 FILM: Peter Pan (2003) Fantasy adventure, with Jeremy Sumpter and Rachel Hurd-Wood. 8.00 New You’ve Been Framed! 9.00 FILM: The Matrix (1999) Sci-fi action thriller, starring Keanu Reeves. 11.45 Coronation Street 12.45 Ghosthunting with Radio One 2.40 Emmerdale 3.00 Teleshopping 5.00 Gossip Girl 5.55 ITV2 Nightscreen ITV3: 6.00 Film File 6.10 On the Buses 7.05 Agatha Christie’s Sparkling Cyanide 9.10 Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles 11.15 FILM: The Adventures of Pinocchio (1996) Family adventure, with Martin Landau. 1.05 FILM: Free Willy (1993) Family drama, starring Jason James Richter. 3.15 FILM: March of the Penguins (2005) Oscar-winning documentary, narrated by Morgan Freeman. 4.55 Torvill and Dean’s Dancing on Ice: The Bolero Tour Live 5.55 Agatha Christie’s Marple 7.55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9.00 FILM: Uncle Buck (1989) Family comedy, starring John Candy. 11.00 The Bill 12.05 FILM: Sleuth (1972) Mystery, starring Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine. 2.35 On the Buses 3.00 Teleshopping DAVE: 7.00 Dragons’ Den 8.00 Top Gear 10.00 Stephen Fry in America 11.00 Dragons’ Den 12.00 Top Gear 2.00 Trawlermen 2.40 Have I Got News for You 3.20 QI 4.00 Top Gear 6.00 Stephen Fry in America 7.00 Trawlermen 7.40 Have I Got News for You 8.20 QI 9.00 Have I Got News for You 3.00 Close E4: 6.00 How to Look Good Naked USA 6.20 One Tree Hill 7.10 Running in Heels 8.00 Switched Up! 8.55 Friends 9.25 One Tree Hill 10.20 Gilmore Girls 11.15 Veronica Mars 12.10 Running in Heels 1.05 Scrubs 2.05 Friends 2.35 Hollyoaks: The Good, the Bad and the Gorgeous 3.05 Gilmore Girls 4.00 Veronica Mars 5.00 Friends 6.00 Scrubs 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 My Name Is Earl 8.00 Friends 9.00 Your Top 20 Celebrity Big Brother Moments 10.05 Hollyoaks: The Good, the Bad and the Gorgeous 11.10 Hollyoaks Later 12.20 My Name Is Earl 12.50 Scrubs 1.45 Hollyoaks: The Good, the Bad and the Gorgeous 2.40 The Class 3.00 Hollyoaks Later 3.55 Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious 4.40 How to Look Good Naked USA 5.05 Switched MORE4: 9.00 Deal or No Deal 9.45 Room for Improvement 10.45 Location, Location, Location 11.15 FILM: Carry On Up the Khyber (1968) Comedy, starring Sid James. 1.00 Come Dine with Me 1.35 ER 2.30 Previously on ER 3.30 ER 5.15 FILM: Singin’ in the Rain (1952) Musical comedy, starring Gene Kelly. 7.15 Come Dine with Me 10.00 Without a Trace 11.00 The Closer 12.00 Deal or No Deal: Scrooge or Santa 12.50 Previously on ER 1.50 Without a Trace 2.45 The Closer 3.45 Close BBC THREE: 7.00 the noughties — was that it? 7.15 FILM: Father of the Bride (1991) Comedy, starring Steve Martin. 9.00 Most Annoying People 2009 11.30 EastEnders 12.00 Family Guy 12.45 Most Annoying People 2009 3.15 Paparazzi: Next Generation 4.15 The World’s Strictest Parents 5.15 Close
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28 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide BBC1
6.00 BREAKFAST (C)(85906829) 7.40 MATCH OF THE DAY (R)(C)(6023455) 8.50 CBBC (7342320) 9.50 FILM: THE JUNGLE BOOK 2 (2003) Animated adventure sequel, with the voice of Haley Joel Osment. (C)(9407726) 10.55 FILM: RETURN TO NEVER LAND (2002) Disney animated sequel to Peter Pan, with the voice of Harriet Owen. (C)(1347165) 12.00 ‘ALLO ‘ALLO! (R)(C)(8287981) 12.50 BBC NEWS; WEATHER (C)(92262436) 1.00 REGIONAL NEWS; Weather. (C)(83343610) 1.05 FILM: HONEY, I SHRUNK THE KIDS (1989) Comedy, with Rick Moranis. (C)(9337726) 2.35 FILM: 102 DALMATIANS (2000) Adventure sequel, with Glenn Close. (C)(34674829) 4.10 FILM: SISTER ACT 2: BACK IN THE HABIT (1993) Comedy sequel, starring Whoopi Goldberg. (C)(40553894)
6.00 CBEEBIES (55349) 7.00 CBBC (97900) 8.30 WAINWRIGHT WALKS (R)(C)(98207) 9.00 GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS (R)(C)(7665894) 9.55 ANIMAL PARK (R)(C)(6811252) 10.40 WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? (R)(C)(2814436) 11.40 VICTORIAN FARM (R)(C)(8801146) 12.40 COAST (R)(C)(6826356) 1.40 ESCAPE TO THE COUNTRY (R)(C)(3399320) 2.25 FLOG IT! (R)(C)(6812504) 3.10 READY STEADY COOK (R)(C)(9308542) 3.55 CAMPION (R)(C)(724894) 5.45 ESCAPE TO THE COUNTRY (R)(C)(147829) 6.30 FILM: MISS POTTER (2006) Beatrix Potter falls in love while trying to find a publisher for her work. Biographical period drama, starring Renee Zellweger and Ewan McGregor. (C)(56078)
5.25 CITV (7282691) 5.55 ITV MORNING NEWS (T)(7306707) 6.00 GMTV (T)(3495344) 9.25 DICKINSON’S REAL DEAL (R)(7882271) 9.55 FILM: MURDER, SHE WROTE: THE CELTIC RIDDLE (2003) Mystery, with Angela Lansbury. (T)(65491097) 11.35 MARTIN CLUNES: A MAN AND HIS DOGS (R)(T)(8902829) 12.35 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(87028610) 12.45 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(92276639) 12.50 FILM: DEATH ON THE NILE (1978) Mystery, with Peter Ustinov. (T)(65344766) 3.30 MIDSOMER MURDERS (R)(T)(81441) 5.30 THE COLOUR OF MONEY (T)(66726) 6.30 GRANADA REPORTS; Weather. (T)(398900) 6.45 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(388523)
5.55 YO GABBA GABBA (R)(T)(9261271) 6.25 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND (R)(T)(1602271) 6.45 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND (R)(T)(4361542) 7.10 FRASIER (R)(T)(2545417) 7.35 WILL & GRACE (R)(T)(6489726) 8.00 WILL & GRACE (R)(T)(23542) 8.30 ACCORDING TO JIM (T)(22813) 9.00 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(5884146) 9.35 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(7821894) 10.05 T4: 90210 (T)(2429875) 11.05 T4: LILY ALLEN SPECIAL: UNDER THE SKIN (R)(T)(4084813) 12.05 A PLACE IN THE SUN: HOME OR AWAY (R)(T)(5718455) 1.10 FILM: DREAMER: INSPIRED BY A TRUE STORY (2005) Premiere. Family drama, starring Kurt Russell. (T)(33393788) 3.05 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(8535146)
6.00 SUNRISE (T)(6868368) 7.00 MILKSHAKE! (35673829) 10.15 MICHAELA’S ZOO BABIES (R)(T)(5980184) 11.15 ANIMAL RESCUE SQUAD The owners of an injured dog are sought. (R)(T)(9501423) 11.45 ICE ROAD TRUCKERS Alex faces the end of his season on the ice. (R)(T)(5985639) 12.45 CRUSOE The castaway discusses Friday’s past. (T)(5626233) 1.45 FIVE NEWS (T)(88715962) 2.00 JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS Adventure, starring Jason London. (T)(99521455) 5.35 KNIGHT RIDER Mike goes undercover in a drag racing gang. (T)(2240455) 6.35 HEADS OR TAILS Andrea McClean and Joe Swash join Justin Lee Collins as a woman sets out to achieve one of her lifetime goals — winning a fortune on a TV game show. Last in the series. (T)(6724542)
Celebrity Mastermind (7.00pm)
The Many Faces... (9.00pm)
Emmerdale (7.00pm)
Alan Carr: Chatty... (10.20pm)
John Cleese’s... (12.05am)
Alastair Stewart, Steve Backshall, Dave Vitty, better known as Radio 1’s Comedy Dave, and Saira Khan answer John Humphrys’ questions.
The comedy actress tells the story of her career, focusing on her early days in the West End and her TV and radio performances.
Katie tries to find out why Maisie disappeared the previous night, but her conversation with Ryan is interrupted by Natasha.
Alan presents his second festive show, chatting to David Tennant, Catherine Tate and Davina McCall., while Spandau Ballet provide the music.
Another chance to see the former Python discuss his favourite comedians, including Spike Milligan, Peter Cook and Bill Hicks.
5.55 WALLACE & GROMIT: A GRAND DAY OUT (R)(C)(287977) 6.20 BBC NEWS; Weather. (C)(772788) 6.50 NORTH WEST TONIGHT; Weather. (C)(187981) 7.00 CELEBRITY MASTERMIND (C)(8962) 7.30 EASTENDERS (C)(368) 8.00 HOLBY CITY News comes through that Faye has been charged with Archie’s murder. (C)(5349) 9.00 THE DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS Conclusion. A visitor from London causes problems. (C)(5982) 10.30 BBC NEWS (C)(904829) 10.45 REGIONAL NEWS; Weather. (C)(195639) 10.50 STING’S WINTER SONGBOOK The musician performs at Durham Cathedral. (C)(716981) 11.50 FILM: THE BIG EASY (1987) Romantic crime thriller, starring Dennis Quaid, Ellen Barkin and Ned Beatty; (C) Weatherview. (C)(543233) 1.35 SIGN ZONE: OZ AND HUGH DRINK TO CHRISTMAS (R)(C)(5806856) 2.35 SIGN ZONE: THE PRIVATE LIFE OF A CHRISTMAS MASTERPIECE: THE MYSTIC NATIVITY (R)(C)(7873363) 3.25 SIGN ZONE: ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (R)(C)(2845092) 4.25 BBC NEWS (C)(418856)
8.00 THIS IS YOUR LIFE: JUNE WHITFIELD OBE Michael Aspel pays tribute to the comedy actress. (R)(C)(5252) 8.30 CHRISTMAS TERRY AND JUNE The duo land the role of the pantomime cow, and when a fire breaks out they find themselves unable to get out of the costume. (R)(C)(7287) 9.00 THE MANY FACES OF JUNE WHITFIELD The comedy actress tells the story of her career, focusing on her early days in the West End, her illfated Broadway debut and her TV and radio performances. (C)(6455) 10.00 ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS Special one-off edition in which the oldest swingers in town visit New York, hoping to take the fashion world by storm and find Edina’s longlost son Serge in the process. (R)(C)(293455) 10.55 QI XL With David Tennant and Bill Bailey. (C)(876962) 11.40 I’M ALAN PARTRIDGE Alan insults Norfolk’s farmers. (R)(C)(418252) 12.10 STEVE COOGAN: THE INSIDE STORY (R)(C)(1020837) 1.10 FILM: THE BIG COMBO (1955) Gangster thriller, starring Cornel Wilde. (C)(b/w)(3614634) 2.35 BBC NEWS (C)(795276) 4.25 CLOSE
7.00 EMMERDALE Katie tries to find out why Maisie disappeared the previous night, but her conversation with Ryan is interrupted by Natasha, who insists the couple join her for a drink. (T)(6558) 7.30 GRIMEFIGHTERS Series following specialist clean-up teams. (T)(436) 8.00 FUNNIEST EVER YOU’VE BEEN FRAMED! Featuring beautiful babies, dotty dogs and holiday hiccups. Narrated by Harry Hill. (R)(T)(4207) 9.00 THE BILL Conclusion. After another night on the streets, Mickey learns a second downand-out has been murdered. Property developer Greg Simm falls under suspicion. Ralph Ineson guest stars. (T)(3981) 10.00 ITV NEWS AT TEN AND WEATHER (T)(48748) 10.30 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(185252) 10.35 FILM: DIE ANOTHER DAY (2002) James Bond’s pursuit of a terrorist leads to a billionaire with a devastating orbital weapon. Spy adventure, starring Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry. (T)(79320225) 1.00 PREMIERSHIP RUGBY UNION (R) ITV News Headlines. (79653) 2.00 SIX DEGREES (R)(T)(6543837) 2.45 THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW (R)(T)(7888295) 3.40 ITV NIGHTSCREEN (189547)
Pick of the day
3.40 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(2150078) 4.10 DEAL OR NO DEAL: SCROOGE OR SANTA (T)(6979165) 4.55 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(9491233) 5.30 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(829) 6.00 THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(542) 6.30 HOLLYOAKS (T)(894) 7.00 CHANNEL 4 NEWS (T)(4900) 7.30 JAMIE AT HOME (R)(T)(338) 8.00 RIVER COTTAGE HEROES (R)(T)(4287) 9.00 GORDON RAMSAY’S F WORD (T)(9854610) 10.20 ALAN CARR: CHATTY MAN NEW YEAR’S SPECIAL (T)(1165962) 11.30 KING OF THE HILL (T)(87349) 12.00 KING OF THE HILL (T)(98092) 12.30 FILM: AND WHEN DID YOU LAST SEE YOUR FATHER? (2007) Premiere. Autobiographical drama, with Jim Broadbent and Colin Firth. (T)(536540) 2.10 THE TRUTH ABOUT STREET WEAPONS (R)(T)(6704635) 2.20 DEADLIEST CATCH (T)(5852566) 3.10 THE HILLS (T)(27038295) 3.30 THE HILLS (T)(76850214) 3.55 THE HILLS (T)(13340699) 4.20 ST ELSEWHERE (R)(T)(2834081) 5.05 ONE TREE HILL (T)(4370498)
7.30 FIVE NEWS WITH MATT BARBET (T)(8283639) 8.00 COWBOY BUILDERS Melinda Messenger and Dominic Littlewood help homeowners who have fallen victim to unreliable workmen. In this episode they meet an Eastbourne man whose loft conversion was botched; (R)(T) Five News at 9. (6417233) 9.00 CELEBRITY SHOCK LIST 2009 Countdown of the year’s headline-grabbing celebrity incidents, featuring the likes of Katie Price and Peter Andre, Madonna, Kerry Katona, and the death of Michael Jackson. (R)(T)(90339542) 11.05 MICHAEL JACKSON: THE LAST DAYS Documentary exploring the circumstances surrounding the death of Michael Jackson in June, featuring interviews with Jackson’s former manager Frank DiLeo, chef Kai Chase, nurse practitioner Cherilyn Lee and friends, colleagues and experts. (R)(T)(8880165) 12.05 JOHN CLEESE’S COMEDY HEROES The former Python’s favourites. (R)(T)(86226127) 1.10 SUPERCASINO (25839818) 4.00 VICE SQUAD Officers discover a makeshift dungeon. Last in the series. (T)(8111635) 4.50 ‘TIL DEATH (T)(32439011) 5.15 BRIAN SEWELL’S GRAND TOUR (R)(T)(4213740)
RADIO RADIO 1: FM 97.6-99.8 6.00 Dev 10.00 Fearne Cotton 12.00 Radio 1 Live — Arctic Monkeys 1.00 Nihal — The Chart of the Decade 4.00 Westwood 7.00 Radio 1 Live — Muse Night 10.00 Rob da Bank and Friends 12.00 The Essential Mix 2.00 1Xtra’s Mixtape 4.00 The A to Z of High Contrast RADIO 2: FM 88-90.2 7.30 Johnnie Walker 9.30 Richard Allinson 12.00 Jeremy Vine 2.00 The Great British Songbook of the 70s 5.00 Who on Who? 6.00 The Class of 2009 8.00 6 on 2: Craig Charles 10.00 Nigel Ogden: The Organist Entertains 10.30 Elvis and Dewey: Red, Hot and Blue 11.30 Elvis: Movie King or Celluloid Sellout? 12.00 Craig
Charles 4.00 Alex Lester RADIO 3: FM 90.2-92.4 7.00 Breakfast 10.00 Classical Collection 12.00 Composer of the Week: Richard Wagner 12.00 News 1.00 Afternoon on 3 5.00 Words and Music 6.15 New Generation Artists 7.30 Performance on 3 9.45 Between the Ears 10.15 BBC Proms 2009 11.15 Late Junction 1.00 Through the Night RADIO 4: 198kHz (1515m) FM 92.494.6 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Farming Today 6.00 Today 7.45 (LW) Test Match Special 9.00 (FM) Defining the Decade 9.45 (LW) Daily Service 9.45 (FM) Book of the Week: Vincent van Gogh — The Letters 10.00 (LW) Test Match Special
10.00 (FM) Woman’s Hour 11.00 (FM) Affluent Workers Revisited, Revisited 11.30 (FM) Van Gogh: Seeing Red 12.00 (FM) News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 (LW) Test Match Special 12.04 (FM) Call You and Yours 12.57 (FM) Weather 1.00 (FM) The World at One 1.30 (FM) Bach Fever! 2.00 (FM) The Archers 2.15 (FM) Afternoon Play: Cattle Market 3.00 (FM) Home Planet 3.30 Bright Young Things 3.45 A View Through a Lens 4.00 Word of Mouth 4.30 Great Lives 4.55 1989: Day-by-Day 5.00 PM 5.54 Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 Six O’Clock News 6.15 The News at Bedtime 6.30 Sneakiepeeks 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Front Row 7.45 My Mad Grandad
8.00 From Tsunami to Drought 8.40 In Touch 9.00 Case Notes 9.30 Defining the Decade 9.59 Weather 10.00 The World Tonight 10.45 Book at Bedtime: The True Deceiver 11.00 Vent 11.30 A Life with — Loons 12.00 News and Weather 12.15 Dear Darwin 12.30 Book of the Week: Vincent van Gogh — The Letters 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast RADIO 5: 909kHz (330m) 693kHz (433m) 5.00 Morning Reports 5.30 Wake Up to Money 6.00 5 Live Breakfast 10.00 Victoria Derbyshire 1.00 Phil Williams 4.00 5 Live Drive 7.00 5 Live Sport 7.45 5 Live Sport: Premier League 2009-10
9.40 5 Live Sport: Final Whistle 10.30 Jonathan Overend 1.00 Up All Night CLASSIC FM: FM 99.9-101.9 6.00 Classic FM Brighter Breakfast 8.00 Simon Bates 12.00 The Classic FM Most Wanted 1.00 Classic FM Requests 3.00 Mark Forrest 6.00 Smooth Classics at Six 9.00 The Full Works. Music from the autumn season at Liverpool’s Philharmonic Hall. 11.00 Relaxing Classics 1.00 Nicola Bonn RADIO MERSEYSIDE: 1485kHz (202m) FM 95.8 5.00 Steve Coleman 6.00 Tony Snell 10.00 Sean Styles 12.00 Billy Butler 2.00 Frankie Connor 5.00 Lucinda Moore 7.00 Merseyside Sport
10.00 Linda McDermott 1.00 Up All Night RADIO CITY: FM 96.7 6.00 Rossie and Co 10.00 Rick Vaughn 1.00 Tim Cocker 4.00 Neil Fitzmaurice 7.00 In Demand 10.00 Pete Price 2.00 Matt Wilkins MAGIC 1548: 1548kHz (194m) 6.00 Keiron Fox 10.00 Nick Wright 2.00 Dave Campbell 6.00 60s at Six 7.00 70s at Seven 8.00 Richard Allen 10.00 Norman Ashley 2.00 Paul Griffiths 107.6 JUICE FM: FM 107.6 6.00 Adam and Leanne 10.00 Chris Bovaird 1.00 Baz Todd 4.00 Mark Kaye 7.00 Steve Timmins 11.00 Johnny Collins 1.00 Non-stop Juice
TV 29
Friday, December 18, 2009
Tuesday, December 29 COMEDY 6.30 8.05 8.25 10.10 11.55 1.40 3.15 4.45 6.15
11.25 1.00 2.35 4.10
The Christmas Clause (2008) With Lea Thompson. (65442788) The Top 10 Show (7246287) American Pie (1999) With Jason Biggs. (45192252) Galaxy Quest (1999) With Tim Allen. (23622184) What Happens in Vegas (2008) With Cameron Diaz. (32406368) The Christmas Clause (2008) With Lea Thompson. (52153900) Police Academy II: Their First Assignment (1985) With Steve Guttenberg. (4470959) Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol (1987) With Steve Guttenberg. (3864639) Galaxy Quest (1999) Aliens mistake a cancelled sci-fi TV show for reality, and seek the stars’ aid in an intergalactic battle. Comedy, with Tim Allen and Sigourney Weaver. (30210271) What Happens in Vegas (2008) Two strangers wake up after a drunken night in the clubs of Las Vegas to find they are married. Romantic comedy, with Cameron Diaz. (36201097) American Pie (1999) Four teenage boys make a pact to lose their virginity before the high-school prom. Comingof-age comedy starring Jason Biggs and Shannon Elizabeth. (3049455) Balls of Fury (2007) With Dan Fogler. (3416165) Hot Rod (2007) With Andy Samberg. (3111672) Police Academy II: Their First Assignment (1985) With Steve Guttenberg. (2479498) McHale’s Navy (1997) With Tom Arnold. (3792924)
DRAMA 6.20 8.10 10.10 12.15 2.15 5.00 7.00
1.40 3.40 5.30
On Broadway (2007) With Joey McIntyre. (35677287) Definitely Maybe (2008) With Ryan Reynolds. (58421981) The American President (1995) With Michael Douglas. (56174523) The Chamber (1996) With Chris O’Donnell. (1375078) Out of Africa (1985) With Meryl Streep. (82157726) Definitely Maybe (2008) With Ryan Reynolds. (7591368) The Savages (2007) A sister and brother are reunited when they are left to care for their elderly father. Comedy drama, with Laura Linney. (7784436) The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007) A young recruit joins the notorious outlaw and his gang, only to ultimately betray and murder him. Western, starring Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck. (33233900) Indecent Proposal (1993) A billionaire offers a penniless architect’s wife $1million to spend a night with her. Drama, with Robert Redford. (3770875) We Own the Night (2007) With Joaquin Phoenix. (5126127) Joshua (2007) With Sam Rockwell. (9699276) Miracle on the 17th Green (1999) With Robert Urich. (58474030)
ACTION/THRILLER 6.30 7.30 9.30 11.45 1.55 3.55 5.55 8.00
2.50 4.55
The Science of Superman (4854184) Billion Dollar Brain (1967) With Michael Caine. (7493707) Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993) With Jason Scott Lee. (71256879) No Country for Old Men (2007) With Josh Brolin. (96446252) Pale Rider (1985) With Clint Eastwood. (79932184) Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) With Nicolas Cage. (8178720) Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993) With Jason Scott Lee. (93091558) No Country for Old Men (2007) A Texan hunter takes a stash of money from a botched drugs deal , only to end up pursued across the state by an implacable hitman with no qualms about killing anyone who gets in his way. Elsewhere, a world-weary sheriff struggles to make sense of the escalating chain of violence. The Coen Brothers’ Oscar-winning crime thriller, starring Josh Brolin, Tommy Lee Jones, Kelly Macdonald and Javier Bardem. (19773813) Training Day (2001) A cop spends his first day in narcotics, partnering a seasoned officer with unconventional tactics. Thriller, with Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke. (27501962) American Gangster (2007) Fact-based crime drama about Seventies drug kingpin Frank Lucas and the cop assigned to bring him down. Starring Denzel Washington. (23933634) Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) With Nicolas Cage. (75871585) Billion Dollar Brain (1967) With Michael Caine. (35433585)
G.O.L.D: 6.00 Last of the Summer Wine 7.20 Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? 8.40 The Thin Blue Line 10.00 Blackadder Goes Forth 11.20 Last of the Summer Wine 12.40 Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? 2.00 FILM: Jack (1996) Drama, starring Robin Williams. 4.10 The Thin Blue Line 5.30 Blackadder Goes Forth 6.55 The Fast Show 9.00 The Royle Family: The Queen of Sheba 10.20 The Royle Family 12.15 The Fast Show 1.30 The Royle Family 2.10 Hippies 2.40 Close Up 3.00 Close
SKY SPORTS 1 6.00 Aerobics Oz Style (50320) 6.30 Powder Adventures (76271) 7.00 FIFA Futbol Mundial (89287) 7.30 Live Test Cricket South Africa v England. (6337349) 3.30 Test Cricket (55455) 4.30 Football Asia (9504) 5.00 Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker (2349) 6.00 A-League The latest round of matches in Australia’s top-flight football league. (5177) 6.30 SPL Round-Up Recent matches from the Scottish top flight. (1349) 7.00 Netbusters Action from the Football League. (3078) 7.30 Live Football Special Aston Villa v Liverpool (Kick-off 7.45pm). This evening’s Premier League match comes from Villa Park, where the Villans have not beaten the Reds in the league since 1998. (63321542) 10.15Football Special Aston Villa v Liverpool and Bolton Wanderers v Hull City. (367788) 11.15SPL Round-Up Recent matches from the Scottish top flight. (198784) 11.45Netbusters Action from the Football League. (548225) 12.15A-League (772721) 12.45Football Special (388566) 1.45 Football Asia (777276) 2.15 SPL Round-Up (792585) 2.45 Netbusters (791856) 3.15 Football Special (398943) 4.15 Football Asia (192540) 4.45 SPL Round-Up (542081) 5.15 Netbusters (792504) 5.45 Sky Sports Classics (4816276)
SERVING UP A TREAT: Balls of Fury (Sky Movies Comedy, 11.25pm)
6.00 Live Test Cricket Australia v Pakistan. (3167252) 7.30 Wild Spirits (8397436) 8.00 WWE: Afterburn (4887813) 9.00 Soccer AM: The Best Bits (9161271) 10.00Football First (7315233) 11.30Football First (9752813) 1.00 Live Darts Day nine of the 2010 PDC World Championship. (4938184) 5.00 NFL: America’s Game (2810252) 6.00 The Dogs The latest greyhound news. (1238558) 6.30 Knockouts of 2009 A look at the best knockouts of the year. (1149610) 7.00 Live Darts Day nine of the 2010 PDC World Championship. (3674120) 11.00NFL: America’s Game (8394349) 12.00Live Test Cricket Australia v Pakistan. (9182295)
7.30 Ski Jumping (75610) 8.30 Alpine Skiing (8163233) 9.15 Live Alpine Skiing (9944392) 10.00Ski Jumping (52691) 10.30Wintersports: Breaking the Ice (6955833) 10.45Live Alpine Skiing (526504) 12.15Live Alpine Skiing Further women’s World Cup coverage from Lienz in Austria. (200894) 1.15 Ski Jumping (5929639) 2.00 Wintersports: Breaking the Ice (29819252) 2.15 Ski Jumping (393558) 3.15 Live Ski Jumping World Cup coverage from Oberstdorf in Germany. (118894) 5.15 Alpine Skiing (9095981) 6.00 UEFA Champions League Classics (33078) 7.00 Ski Jumping (73097) 8.00 Alpine Skiing (59417) 9.00 Alpine Skiing (62981) 10.00Freeride Spirit Show Extreme sports action. (536894) 10.15Dakar Rally (798748) 10.45Ski Jumping (469784) 11.30Dancing (38879) 12.30Close
1.00 Football First (75816833) 4.00 Soccer AM: The Best Bits (73472875) 5.00 WWE: Smackdown (31045829) 7.00 Test Cricket (27584233) 8.00 Test Cricket (27504097) 10.00Time of Our Lives (27583504)
11.00Pool The World Cup of Pool. (90410707) 12.00Max Power (49564450) 1.00 Sports Unlimited (87166498) 2.00 Snooker (82077818) 4.00 Pool (36864301) 5.00 Powder Adventures (49580498) 5.30 The Dogs (42757721)
SKY SPORTS 3 6.00 Good Morning Sports Fans (80457829) 9.00 Snooker (41758504) 11.00Racing News (73481523) 11.30Aerobics Oz Style Daily workout from Down Under. (73482252) 12.00Show Jumping (35832184)
TCM 6.55 9.10 11.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 6.45
9.00 10.55 12.35 3.00 5.00
Meet Me in St Louis (1944) Musical, starring Judy Garland. (82478829) Elvis on Tour (1972) Performances by rock ‘n’ roll’s biggest superstar. (16088981) Jack Frost (1998) Fantasy drama, starring Michael Keaton. (4243097) Bombers B-52 (1957) Drama, starring Karl Malden. (8776875) Forever Young (1992) Romantic fantasy, starring Mel Gibson. (8356813) Carson City (1952) Western, starring Randolph Scott. (79598349) The Password Is Courage (1962) Fact-based World War Two comedy drama, starring Dirk Bogarde. (b/w)(67524691) Showtime (2002) Comedy, starring Robert De Niro. (69677349) Jackie Chan’s First Strike (1996) Martial arts adventure, starring Jackie Chan. (60821417) Mutiny on the Bounty (1935) Oscarwinning seafaring drama, with Charles Laughton. (b/w)(26813672) Teleshopping (9042566) Bombers B-52 (1957) Drama, with Karl Malden and Natalie Wood. (8975924)
FILMFOUR 11.00 12.50 3.00 4.55 7.00
9.00 10.55 1.10 3.15
Porridge (1979) Prison comedy, starring Ronnie Barker. (51637788) An Affair to Remember (1957) Drama, starring Cary Grant. (26739788) Revenge of the Pink Panther (1978) Comedy sequel, starring Peter Sellers. (56314356) Scrooged (1988) Christmas comedy, starring Bill Murray. (99052405) Three Men and a Baby (1987) Three bachelors have their lives changed forever when they find a baby on their doorstep. Comedy, with Tom Selleck, Ted Danson. (6996349) The Truman Show (1998) Media satire, starring Jim Carrey. (29930639) The Conversation (1974) Thriller, starring Gene Hackman. (37933748) One Hour Photo (2002) Thriller, starring Robin Williams. (65405301) Close
SKY 1 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.45 1.15 1.30 3.00 4.00 6.00 7.00 7.30 8.00
9.30 10.00 10.10 11.10 11.40 12.10 1.10 2.05 3.00 3.25 4.20 5.10
GOOD MORNING SPORTS FANS (91165) GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS SMASHED! (91252) OOPS TV (92981) ARE YOU SMARTER THAN YOUR TEN YEAR OLD? (25610) GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS SMASHED! (46558) THE LIBRARIAN: RETURN TO KING SOLOMON’S MINES (2006) (25419851) FUTURAMA (357981) FUTURAMA (50164639) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 (50788) GOT TO DANCE (89146) DRAGONHEART (1996) Adventure, starring Dennis Quaid. (1455) ARE YOU SMARTER THAN YOUR TEN YEAR OLD? Game show, hosted by Damian Williams. (98368) THE SIMPSONS Bart creates a comic strip. (2320) THE SIMPSONS With the voice of Barry White. (6875) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 Noel Edmonds rewards deserving people across the nation. (36423) MODERN FAMILY (93813) TEN MINUTE TALES (907368) UK BORDER FORCE (766469) NAKED BRITAIN (615558) NAKED BRITAIN (197120) ROAD WARS (1935769) ROAD WARS (9679699) DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS (4871214) ROAD WARS (90616856) DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS US (3141905) DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS US (1926108) DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS US (9607382)
LIVING: 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Bewitched 8.00 Maury 8.55 Celebs Off Duty 9.00 Nothing to Declare 10.00 America’s Next Top Model 11.00 FILM: The NeverEnding Story III: The Escape from Fantasia (1994) Fantasy adventure, starring Jason James Richter. 1.00 Will & Grace 2.00 Ghost Whisperer 3.00 FILM: Drop Dead Fred (1991) Chaotic comedy, starring Rik Mayall. 5.00 Will & Grace 6.00 America’s Next Top Model 7.00 Ghost Whisperer 8.00 Medium 9.00 Criminal Minds 10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11.00 CSI: Miami 12.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Medium 3.00 Lipstick Jungle 3.50 Maury 4.40 Nothing to Declare 5.30 Home Shopping BRAVO: 8.00 TNA Epics 9.00 World’s Strongest Man 10.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 11.00 When Sport Goes Bad 12.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 1.00 World’s Strongest Man 2.00 Street Crime UK 3.00 Martial Law 4.00 The ATeam 5.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 6.00 Street Crime UK 7.00 World’s Strongest Man 8.00 FILM: Rocky IV (1985) Boxing drama, starring Sylvester Stallone. 9.50 Virgin Media Shorts 2009 10.00 FILM: Rocky V (1990) Boxing drama sequel, starring Sylvester Stallone. 12.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 1.00 Masters of Horror 2.10 When Sport Goes Bad 3.00 Alias 4.00 Close 5.00 Home Shopping ITV2: 6.00 Coronation Street 6.55 Emmerdale 7.25 Paris Hilton’s British Best Friend 9.30 Creature Comforts 9.55 Britain’s Got More Talent 10.55 Fearne and — Paris Hilton 11.55 I Dreamed a Dream: The Susan Boyle Story 12.55 Coronation Street 1.55 Emmerdale 2.25 Ant & Dec’s Christmas Show 3.40 Gossip Girl 4.40 Harry Hill’s TV Burp Review of the Year 5.10 New You’ve Been Framed! 6.10 FILM: Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) Animated adventure sequel, with the voice of Ray Romano. 8.00 Fearne and — Paris Hilton 9.00 FILM: The Matrix Reloaded (2003) Sci-fi thriller sequel, starring Keanu Reeves. 11.45 Ghosthunting with Louis Walsh and Boyzone 1.45 Emmerdale 2.10 Teleshopping 5.10 Gossip Girl ITV3: 6.00 On the Buses 6.55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 8.00 Goodbye Mr Chips 10.15 FILM: Carry On Jack (1963) British naval comedy, with Bernard Cribbins. 12.05 Sherlock Holmes: The Last Vampyre 2.15 FILM: Free Willy 3: The Rescue (1997) Family adventure, starring Jason James Richter. 4.00 FILM: The NeverEnding Story (1984) Fantasy adventure, starring Barret Oliver. 5.50 Agatha Christie’s Marple 7.55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9.00 FILM: The Witches of Eastwick (1987) Fantasy comedy, starring Jack Nicholson. 11.25 FILM: Shakespeare in Love (1998) Period romantic comedy, starring Joseph Fiennes and Gwyneth Paltrow. 1.45 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 2.35 On the Buses 3.00 Teleshopping DAVE: 7.00 Fifth Gear 8.00 Top Gear 10.00 Stephen Fry in America 11.00 Fifth Gear 12.00 Top Gear 2.00 Trawlermen 3.20 QI 4.00 Top Gear 6.00 Stephen Fry in America 7.00 Trawlermen 8.20 QI 9.00 That Mitchell and Webb Look 2.20 Totally Viral 2.45 Radical Highs 3.00 Close E4: 6.00 How to Look Good Naked USA 6.25 One Tree Hill 7.10 Running in Heels 8.05 Switched Up! 9.00 Friends 9.30 One Tree Hill 10.25 Gilmore Girls 11.15 Veronica Mars 12.10 Running in Heels 1.05 Scrubs 2.05 Friends 2.35 Hollyoaks 3.05 Gilmore Girls 4.00 Veronica Mars 5.00 Friends 6.00 Scrubs 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 My Name Is Earl 8.00 Friends 9.00 The Greatest TV Shows of the Noughties 10.40 Rude Tube 11.10 Hollyoaks Later 12.15 My Name Is Earl 12.45 Scrubs 1.40 The Greatest TV Shows of the Noughties 3.05 Hollyoaks Later 4.05 Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious 4.45 How to Look Good Naked USA 5.10 Switched MORE4: 9.00 Deal or No Deal 9.45 Room for Improvement 10.45 Location, Location, Location 11.15 FILM: The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill, But Came Down a Mountain (1995) Comedy drama, starring Hugh Grant. 1.10 Come Dine with Me 1.40 Deal or No Deal 2.30 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 3.35 FILM: Singin’ in the Rain (1952) Musical comedy, with Gene Kelly. 5.40 Kevin McCloud’s Grand Tour 7.55 Grand Designs 9.00 Country House Rescue 10.00 True Stories: Cat Dancers 11.40 Omid Djalili — No Agenda 12.45 Deal or No Deal: Scrooge or Santa 1.35 True Stories: Cat Dancers 3.15 Close BBC THREE: 7.00 Cars Toons 7.15 FILM: Shanghai Noon (2000) Western comedy, starring Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson. 9.00 FILM: Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995) Action thriller, starring Bruce Willis. 11.00 EastEnders 11.30 Family Guy 12.15 FILM: Billy Elliot (2000) Comedy drama, starring Jamie Bell. 2.00 Being Human 5.00 Close
Eric G. Milton
Jewellers and Pawnbrokers Established 1932
OPEN: MONDAY - SATURDAY 9.00am-5.00pm 74-76 County Road, Walton, Liverpool
Tel: 0151 525 6066
30 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide BBC1 6.00 BREAKFAST (C)(797943) 9.00 CBBC (92818) 10.00 FILM: PIGLET’S BIG MOVIE (2003) Premiere. Animated adventure, with the voice of John Fiedler. (C)(5564498) 11.10 FILM: THE TIGGER MOVIE (2000) Disney animated adventure, with the voice of Jim Cummings. (C)(9261634) 12.20 FILM: HOMEWARD BOUND II: LOST IN SAN FRANCISCO (1996) Animal adventure sequel, with the voice of Michael J Fox. (C)(2609769) 1.45 BBC NEWS; WEATHER (C)(62548498) 1.55 REGIONAL NEWS; Weather. (C)(89939653) 2.00 FILM: THE SHAGGY DOG (2006) Comedy remake, starring Tim Allen. (C)(172837) 3.35 FILM: MARY POPPINS (1964) Disney musical fantasy, with Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke. (C)(42160108) 5.50 WALLACE & GROMIT: A CLOSE SHAVE (R)(C)(404634)
Pick of the day
6.00 CBEEBIES (66905) 7.00 CBBC (55586) 8.30 WAINWRIGHT WALKS (R)(C)(31011) 9.00 GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS (R)(C)(7641214) 9.50 ANIMAL PARK (C)(6889653) 10.35 WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? (R)(C)(2882837) 11.35 VICTORIAN FARM (R)(C)(8879547) 12.35 COAST (R)(C)(9771027) 1.35 CAMPION (R)(C)(56251030) 3.25 READY STEADY COOK (R)(C)(7109837) 4.10 ARE YOU BEING SERVED? (R)(C)(1267818) 4.45 FLOG IT! (R)(C)(4651214) 5.30 A CHILD’S CHRISTMASES IN WALES (R)(C)(66276) 6.30 SPRINGWATCH CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 2009 The Springwatch and Autumnwatch team presents highlights from the 2009 series, and offers updates on some of the animal characters featured. (C)(67634)
5.25 CITV (7259363) 5.55 ITV MORNING NEWS (T)(7373479) 6.00 GMTV (T)(4823176) 9.25 DICKINSON’S REAL DEAL (R)(T)(4800856) 10.25 FILM: MURDER, SHE WROTE: THE LAST FREE MAN (2001) Detective drama, starring Angela Lansbury. (T)(17074160) 12.05 MARTIN CLUNES: A MAN AND HIS DOGS (R)(T)(7933450) 1.05 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(56754740) 1.25 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(12546566) 1.30 FILM: THE MIRROR CRACK’D (1980) Agatha Christie mystery, starring Angela Lansbury. (T)(55568) 3.30 LEWIS (R)(T)(18837) 5.30 ALL THE QUEEN’S HORSES WITH ALAN TITCHMARSH (R)(T)(86030) 6.30 GRANADA REPORTS; Weather. (T)(813214)
5.55 THE TREACLE PEOPLE (R)(T)(4385214) 6.05 YO GABBA GABBA (R)(T)(7389030) 6.35 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND (R)(T)(1985189) 6.55 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND (R)(T)(4334498) 7.20 FRASIER (R)(T)(2534301) 7.45 WILL & GRACE (R)(T)(6445382) 8.10 ACCORDING TO JIM (T)(8999360) 8.40 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(4890479) 9.15 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(956721) 9.45 T4: 90210 (T)(2327276) 10.35 T4: JLS LOVE JACKO: TOP 10 (R)(T)(2877905) 11.35 T4: THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(5652740) 12.05 FILM: BATTLE OF THE BULGE (1965) World War Two drama, starring Robert Shaw and Henry Fonda. (T)(83036856) 3.05 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(8502818)
6.00 SUNRISE (T)(6828740) 7.00 MILKSHAKE! (35560301) 10.15 MICHAELA’S ZOO BABIES A Bactrian camel’s behaviour causes concern. (R)(T)(5957856) 11.15 PENGUIN ADVENTURE WITH NIGEL MARVEN Filming animals in South Georgia. (R)(T)(5946740) 12.15 ICE ROAD TRUCKERS Hugh takes a novice under his wing. (R)(T)(5694634) 1.15 CRUSOE Susannah mysteriously arrives on the island. (T)(5690818) 2.15 FIVE NEWS (T)(82955924) 2.30 FILM: MOBY DICK (1998) An obsessive captain is hell-bent on killing the great white whale that tore off his leg. Adventure, with Patrick Stewart and Henry Thomas. (T)(74449276) 5.05 KNIGHT RIDER Michael goes undercover to break up a terrorist cell. (T)(7111653) 6.00 FIVE NEWS WITH MATT BARBET (T)(8230547)
The Turn of the... (9.00pm)
Three Men Go to... (9.00pm)
Piers Morgan’s... (9.00pm)
The Turin Shroud... (8.00pm)
Heads or Tails... (7.30pm)
Adaptation of Henry James’ 1898 tale of a governess who suspects the children in her charge are harbouring a secret.
Dara O Briain, Griff Rhys Jones and Rory McGrath take to the water in this two-part special, making their way from Dublin to Limerick.
Looking back at the events and news that dominated 2009, with contributions by guests including Louis Walsh and Alastair Campbell.
A look at new research casting fresh light on the shroud’s origins — apparently contradicting the carbon dating that suggested it was a medieval hoax.
A celebrity special, featuring John Thomson and Denise Van Outen, aided by Christopher Biggins, Ricky Hatton and Jennie McAlpine.
6.20 BBC NEWS; Weather. (C)(211672) 6.50 NORTH WEST TONIGHT; Weather. (C)(619585) 7.00 BIG TOP Erasmus’s criminal past catches up with him. Last in the series. (C)(2924) 7.30 CELEBRITY MASTERMIND With Joe Pasquale, Roger Black, Tony Audenshaw and Diane Louise Jordan. (C)(189) 8.00 WATERLOO ROAD The day of the talent contest arrives. (C)(5585) 9.00 THE TURN OF THE SCREW Chilling period drama, starring Michelle Dockery and Sue Johnston. (C)(4740) 10.30 BBC NEWS (C)(349943) 10.45 REGIONAL NEWS; Weather. (C)(603653) 10.50 THE NATIONAL LOTTERY DRAWS More fortunes are made. (C)(691818) 11.00 VICTORIA WOOD: WHAT LARKS! Behind the scenes of the comedienne’s Christmas special. (C)(538905) 11.45 FILM 2009 WITH JONATHAN ROSS A review of the year’s biggest and best film releases; (C) National Lottery Update. (C)(319301) 12.15 FILM: THE GINGERBREAD MAN (1998) Legal thriller, with Kenneth Branagh; (C) Weatherview. (C)(922851) 2.10 SIGN ZONE: CRANFORD (R)(C)(9544509) 3.40 BBC NEWS (10950219)
8.00 JAMES MAY’S TOY STORIES James embarks on a project to build a full-size house from Lego, enlisting hundreds of people to help the construction using more than three million toy bricks. (R)(C)(3127) 9.00 THREE MEN GO TO IRELAND Dara O Briain, Griff Rhys Jones and Rory McGrath take to the water in this two-part special, making their way along the waterways of Ireland from Dublin to Limerick. (C)(3363) 10.00 2009 UNWRAPPED WITH MIRANDA HART The comedienne hosts a satirical look at 2009, using a mix of archive footage and specially shot material to present a range of invented events. (C)(6450) 11.00 NEVER MIND THE BUZZCOCKS: WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Highlights and outtakes from the latest series, plus a chance to see how some of the guest hosts’ lives have changed after appearing on the show. (R)(C)(3498) 11.30 I’M ALAN PARTRIDGE Alan seeks excitement. (R)(C)(10127) 12.00 GRUMPY OLD NEW YEAR (R)(C)(1001702) 12.55 FILM: ON DANGEROUS GROUND (1951) Thriller, starring Robert Ryan. (C)(b/w)(3702509) 2.15 BBC NEWS (C)(9551899) 3.40 CLOSE
6.45 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(803837) 7.00 GRIMEFIGHTERS Series following specialist clean-up teams. (T)(7092) 7.30 EMMERDALE Natasha spots a To Let sign outside Faye’s house and decides to bid her good riddance. Inside, Mark is mortified to see his wife knocking and quickly escapes through the back door. (T)(585) 8.00 COUNTRYWISE One-hour special in which Paul Heiney journeys through Yorkshire and Lancashire, looking at whether an age-old rivalry still exists between the two neighbouring regions. (T)(4063) 9.00 PIERS MORGAN’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR The presenter and journalist looks back at the events and news that dominated 2009, with contributions by guests including Louis Walsh, Alastair Campbell and Amanda Holden. (T)(6108) 10.30 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(651160) 11.05 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(140769) 11.10 FILM: END OF DAYS (1999) Adventure, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. (T)(24083450) 1.15 SIX DEGREES (R)(T) ITV News Headlines. (6126696) 2.05 THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW (R)(T)(8710054) 3.00 ITV NIGHTSCREEN (700702)
3.40 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(2110450) 4.10 DEAL OR NO DEAL: SCROOGE OR SANTA (T)(6946837) 4.55 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(9468905) 5.30 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(450) 6.00 THE SIMPSONS Milhouse and his mother leave Springfield. (R)(T)(363) 6.30 HOLLYOAKS Lydia begins to grow suspicious of Zoe. (T)(943) 7.00 CHANNEL 4 NEWS (T)(5634) 7.30 MY FATHER THE MERCENARY (R)(T)(127) 8.00 THE TURIN SHROUD: THE NEW EVIDENCE Recent research casting fresh light on the shroud’s origins. (T)(8295) 9.00 TSUNAMI: CAUGHT ON CAMERA The story of the 2004 Boxing Day tragedy. (T)(68973818) 10.35 BIG FAT QUIZ OF THE YEAR 2008 (R)(T)(23445585) 12.45 GREY GARDENS (T)(533141) 2.25 STRANGE LITTLE GIRLS (R)(T)(b/w)(5859144) 2.40 4MUSIC: THIS WEEK’S 4MUSIC TOP 20 (592696) 4.25 THE HILLS (T)(57104615) 4.50 ST ELSEWHERE (R)(T)(4136431) 5.45 PLANET COOK (R)(T)(1905899)
6.30 COWBOY BUILDERS Melinda Messenger and Dominic Littlewood come to the aid of HR manager Sheila from Warrington, who paid £43,000 for an extension that was left a wreck by builders. (R)(T)(1641363) 7.30 HEADS OR TAILS: CELEBRITY SPECIAL Justin Lee Collins hosts a celebrity special, featuring John Thomson and Denise Van Outen, aided by Christopher Biggins, Ricky Hatton, Jennie McAlpine and Antony Worrall Thompson. (T)(2454214) 9.00 GREATEST CHRISTMAS COMEDY MOMENTS Countdown of the funniest scenes from comedy shows broadcast at Christmas, featuring memorable moments from Morecambe and Wise, Only Fools and Horses, and The Office. (R)(T)(9088653) 12.00 POKER Highlights of the World Series of Poker. (T)(3070122) 1.35 SUPERCASINO Live interactive gaming. (96430832) 4.00 FARMER WANTS A WIFE A man from Norfolk looks for love. Last in the series. (T)(7787306) 4.55 ‘TIL DEATH Eddie feels rejected. (T)(83131986) 5.15 BRIAN SEWELL’S GRAND TOUR Exploring the east coast of Italy. (R)(T)(4280412)
RADIO RADIO 1: FM 97.6-99.8 6.00 Dev 10.00 Fearne Cotton 12.00 Radio 1 Live — Dizzee Rascal 1.00 Nihal — The Chart of the Decade 4.00 Westwood 7.00 Radio 1 Live — Robbie Williams 10.00 Rob da Bank and Friends 12.00 The Essential Mix 2.00 1Xtra’s Mixtape 4.00 Rob’s A to Z of Hip-Hop RADIO 2: FM 88-90.2 7.30 Johnnie Walker 9.30 Richard Allinson 12.00 Jeremy Vine 2.00 The Great British Songbook of the 80s 5.00 The Beatles: Here, There and Everywhere 6.00 Best of Maida Vale 8.00 6 on 2: Huey Morgan 10.00 Children in Need Rocks the Royal Albert Hall 11.00 Elaine Paige Meets Marvin Hamlisch 12.00 Craig
Charles 4.00 Alex Lester RADIO 3: FM 90.2-92.4 7.00 Breakfast 10.00 Classical Collection 12.00 Composer of the Week: Richard Wagner; News 1.00 Afternoon on 3 4.00 Choral Evensong 5.00 Words and Music 6.15 New Generation Artists 7.30 Performance on 3 9.30 Between the Ears 10.00 BBC Proms 2009 11.15 Late Junction 1.00 Through the Night RADIO 4: 198kHz (1515m) FM 92.494.6 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Farming Today 6.00 Today 7.45 (LW) Test Match Special 9.00 (FM) Midweek 9.45 (LW) Daily Service 9.45 (FM) Book of the Week: Vincent van Gogh — The Letters
10.00 (LW) Test Match Special 10.00 (FM) Woman’s Hour 11.00 (FM) UK Confidential 12.00 (FM) News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 (LW) Test Match Special 12.04 (FM) You and Yours 12.57 (FM) Weather 1.00 (FM) The World at One 1.30 (FM) The Media Show 2.00 (FM) The Archers 2.15 (FM) Afternoon Play: What Did I Say? 3.00 (FM) Money Box Live 3.30 Bright Young Things 3.45 A View Through a Lens 4.00 Thinking Allowed 4.30 Case Notes 4.55 1989: Day-by-Day 5.00 PM 5.54 Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 Six O’Clock News 6.15 The News at Bedtime 6.30 Ayres on the Air 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Front Row
7.45 My Mad Grandad 8.00 Unreliable Evidence 8.45 The Watchdog and the Feral Beast 9.00 The Eureka Years at Christmas 9.30 Midweek 9.59 Weather 10.00 The World Tonight 10.45 Book at Bedtime: The True Deceiver 11.00 All Bar Luke — Christmas Special 11.30 A Life with — Ospreys 12.00 News and Weather 12.15 Dear Darwin 12.30 Book of the Week: Vincent van Gogh — The Letters 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast RADIO 5: 909kHz (330m) 693kHz (433m) 5.00 Morning Reports 5.30 Wake Up to Money 6.00 5 Live Breakfast 10.00 Victoria Derbyshire 1.00 Phil Williams
4.00 5 Live Drive 7.00 5 Live Sport 7.45 5 Live Sport: Premier League 2009-10 9.40 5 Live Sport: Final Whistle 10.30 Jonathan Overend 1.00 Up All Night CLASSIC FM: FM 99.9-101.9 6.00 Classic FM Brighter Breakfast 8.00 Simon Bates 12.00 The Classic FM Most Wanted 1.00 Classic FM Requests 3.00 Mark Forrest 6.00 Smooth Carols 9.00 The Full Works 11.00 Relaxing Classics 1.00 Nicola Bonn RADIO MERSEYSIDE: 1485kHz (202m) FM 95.8 5.00 Steve Coleman 6.00 Tony Snell 10.00 Sean Styles 12.00 Billy Butler 2.00 Frankie Connor 5.00 Lucinda Moore 7.00 Merseyside Sport
9.00 Made in England 10.00 Linda McDermott 1.00 Up All Night RADIO CITY: FM 96.7 6.00 Rossie and Co 10.00 Rick Vaughn 1.00 Tim Cocker 4.00 Neil Fitzmaurice 7.00 In Demand 10.00 Pete Price 2.00 Matt Wilkins MAGIC 1548: 1548kHz (194m) 6.00 Keiron Fox 10.00 Nick Wright 2.00 Dave Campbell 6.00 60s at Six 7.00 70s at Seven 8.00 Richard Allen 10.00 Norman Ashley 2.00 Paul Griffiths 107.6 JUICE FM: FM 107.6 6.00 Adam and Leanne 10.00 Chris Bovaird 1.00 Baz Todd 4.00 Mark Kaye 7.00 Steve Timmins 11.00 Johnny Collins 1.00 Non-stop Juice
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 30 COMEDY 6.05
The Muse (1999) With Albert Brooks. (19523943) 7.45 The Top 10 Show (5431769) 8.00 Made of Honor (2008) With Patrick Dempsey. (45157189) 9.45 Meet Dave (2008) With Eddie Murphy. (11178108) 11.20 St Trinian’s (2007) With Rupert Everett. (23459092) 1.05 American Pie 2 (2001) With Jason Biggs. (26000437) 2.55 The Hottie and the Nottie (2008) With Paris Hilton. (14971769) 4.30 Made of Honor (2008) With Patrick Dempsey. (48158924) 6.15 St Trinian’s (2007) Mischievous schoolgirls hatch a daring plan to save their boarding school from closure. Comedy, with Rupert Everett, Colin Firth and Gemma Arterton. (30287943) 8.00 Meet Dave (2008) A tiny alien crew are not prepared for their human-shaped spaceship falling in love. Sci-fi comedy, with Eddie Murphy. (36278769) 9.45 American Pie 2 (2001) The hapless teenagers hope to broaden their sexual horizons over the course of a summer. Comedy, with Jason Biggs. (8063108) 11.35 Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008) The stoner duo are mistaken for terrorists en route to Amsterdam and are sent to the infamous prison camp. Comedy sequel, with John Cho and Kal Penn. (8949586) 1.20 The Hottie and the Nottie (2008) With Paris Hilton. (3854702) 2.55 Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008) With Kal Penn. (7057141) 4.40 The Muse (1999) With Albert Brooks. (91704865)
DRAMA 7.15
A Christmas Wedding (2006) With Sarah Paulson. (56415905) 8.50 Empire of the Sun (1987) With Christian Bale. (91115818) 11.30 The Bone Collector (1999) With Denzel Washington. (8477450) 1.30 Man of the Year (2006) With Robin Williams. (6547011) 3.30 Brideshead Revisited (2008) With Matthew Goode. (25825108) 5.45 Across the Universe (2005) With Evan Rachel Wood. (79249011) 8.00 Man of the Year (2006) When TV talkshow host Tom Dobbs decides on a whim to run for president, his legions of fans launch a campaign to support him, resulting in his appointment as the US head of state. Political comedy, with Robin Williams, Christopher Walken, Laura Linney and Jeff Goldblum. (1445566) 10.00 3:10 to Yuma (2007) A rancher agrees to escort an outlaw to a station in time for the train that will take him to jail. Western, starring Russell Crowe and Christian Bale. (27597769) 12.10 What’s Love Got to Do with It (1993) With Angela Bassett. (50904870) 2.15 Happiness (1998) With Philip Seymour Hoffman. (14784764) 4.45 Pride and Prejudice (2003) With Kam Heskin. (54025832)
Metro (1997) With Eddie Murphy. (41318856) 9.00 F/X: Murder by Illusion (1986) With Bryan Brown. (31215540) 10.55 The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior (2008) With Michael Copon. (19125127) 12.45 Babylon AD (2008) With Vin Diesel. (97620566) 2.25 In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale (2007) With Jason Statham. (30643547) 4.35 The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior (2008) With Michael Copon. (64682363) 6.25 Babylon AD (2008) A mercenary is hired to protect a girl, unaware she is the key to mankind’s salvation. Sci-fi adventure, with Vin Diesel and Michelle Yeoh. (88373924) 8.00 88 Minutes (2007) A psychologist helping the FBI catch a serial killer is warned that he will die in 88 minutes. Thriller, starring Al Pacino and Alicia Witt. (1441740) 10.00 Shaft (2000) A cop quits the force to bring a racist murderer to justice on his own terms. Thriller remake, starring Samuel L Jackson and Christian Bale. (7900672) 11.45 F/X: Murder by Illusion (1986) A special-effects expert is hired to stage the mock killing of a gangster — but gets double-crossed. Thriller, starring Bryan Brown. (3539943) 1.45 Shaft (2000) With Samuel L Jackson. (2083948) 3.40 35MM (59026580) 4.10 Angel Flight Down (1996) With Patricia Kalember. (4853667)
G.O.L.D: 6.00 Last of the Summer Wine 7.20 Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? 8.40 The Thin Blue Line 10.00 Yes, Prime Minister 11.20 Last of the Summer Wine 12.40 Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? 2.00 The Vicar of Dibley Top 40 Moments 4.00 The Thin Blue Line 5.30 Yes, Prime Minister 7.00 Blackadder Exclusive: The Whole Rotten Saga 9.00 The Royle Family 11.00 Fawlty Towers — Re-opened 1.00 The Vicar of Dibley Top 40 Moments 3.00 Close
SKY SPORTS 1 6.00 Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker (53479) 7.00 Netbusters (49473) 7.30 Live Test Cricket South Africa v England. (6397721) 3.30 Test Cricket (59721) 4.30 A-League (1108) 5.00 Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker (4943) 6.00 Netbusters Action, quotes and bloopers from the Football League. (5301) 6.30 FIFA Futbol Mundial International football magazine featuring the best action from across the globe. (6653) 7.00 Goles Y Goles Y Goles Presented by Mark Bolton, with guest Guillem Balague. (5672) 7.30 Live Football Special Portsmouth v Arsenal (Kick-off 7.45pm). All the action from this evening’s Premier League match at Fratton Park, as struggling Pompey entertain the Gunners. (63398214) 10.15Football Special Manchester United v Wigan Athletic and Portsmouth v Arsenal. (808030) 11.15FIFA Futbol Mundial International football magazine. (589108) 11.45Goles Y Goles Y Goles Action from La Liga. (588479) 12.15Football Special (895851) 1.15 FIFA Futbol Mundial (200509) 1.45 Goles Y Goles Y Goles (292580) 2.15 Time of Our Lives (815615) 3.15 Football Special (811899) 4.15 A-League (583344) 4.45 FIFA Futbol Mundial (582615) 5.15 Goles Y Goles Y Goles (589528) 5.45 Sky Sports Classics (4883948)
OUT OF THIS WORLD: Meet Dave (Sky Movies Comedy, 8.00pm)
6.00 Live Test Cricket Australia v Pakistan. (3134924) 7.30 The Dogs (8364108) 8.00 WWE Vintage Collection (4854585) 9.00 Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker (9138943) 10.00IRB Rugby Sevens The Dubai Sevens. (5938301) 1.00 Live Darts Day 10 of the 2010 PDC World Championship. (4905856) 5.00 Powder Adventures (2875189) 5.30 Rugby Union (3133295) 7.00 Live Darts The 2010 PDC World Championship. The evening session of day 10 at Alexandra Palace, featuring the conclusive three matches from the third round. (4454932) 11.00Rugby Union The Bermuda World Rugby Classic. (5103943) 12.30Test Cricket (5171344) 2.30 Test Cricket (3956325) 3.30 Women’s Cricket Special (3951870) 4.30 Rugby Union (3181832)
7.30 Freeride Spirit Show (8007009) 7.45 Dakar Rally (447617) 8.15 Ski Jumping (76501818) 10.00Tennis Stories (99479) 11.30Alpine Skiing (91011) 12.30Alpine Skiing (46769) 1.30 Ski Jumping (47498) 2.30 On Tour with Mark Cavendish (28566) 3.30 MotoGP (1585) 4.00 Cycling: Tour de France (5932) 4.30 World Superbikes (51818) 5.30 Destination Dakar (402301) 5.45 Destination Dakar (771943) 6.00 Destination Dakar (534160) 6.15 Destination Dakar (562943) 6.30 Destination Dakar (935522) 6.45 Destination Dakar (680455) 7.00 Live Figure Skating (511450) 10.00Wintersports: Breaking the Ice (783295) 10.20Dancing (985479) 11.20Dancing (668301) 1.20 Close
3.30 A-League (22929498) 4.00 WWE: Bottom Line (73449547) 5.00 WWE: Afterburn (69483653) 6.00 Watersports World (35898740) 7.00 Women’s Cricket Special (27551905) 8.00 Test Cricket South Africa v England. (27571769)
10.00 Time of Our Lives (27550276) 11.00 Women’s Cricket Special (90487479) 12.00 Powder Adventures (42723764) 12.30 IRB Rugby Sevens (32306325) 3.30 Snooker (43190899) 5.30 Powder Adventures (42724493)
SKY SPORTS 3 6.00 Good Morning Sports Fans (80344301) 9.00 Snooker (41725276) 11.00 Racing News (73458295) 11.30 The Dogs (73459924) 12.00 Football Special (35809856) 1.00 A-League (90493030) 1.30 SPL Round-Up (35889092) 2.00 Netbusters (69480566) 2.30 Football Special (57438030)
TCM 7.00 9.00 10.45
1.00 3.00 4.40 6.20 9.00 12.00 1.45 3.00 5.00
Forever Young (1992) Romantic fantasy, starring Mel Gibson. (5107856) Carson City (1952) Western, starring Randolph Scott. (16042189) The Password Is Courage (1962) Fact-based World War Two comedy drama, starring Dirk Bogarde. (b/w)(30874634) The Defector (1966) Cold War thriller, starring Montgomery Clift. (8743547) Murder, She Said (1961) Miss Marple whodunit, starring Margaret Rutherford. (b/w)(70011740) Murder at the Gallop (1963) Miss Marple mystery, starring Margaret Rutherford. (b/w)(25893585) The Silver Chalice (1954) Biblical drama, starring Paul Newman. (83089189) Boogie Nights (1997) Drama, starring Mark Wahlberg. (6431158) Mad Dog and Glory (1993) Drama, starring Robert De Niro. (6024509) Fort Vengeance (1953) Western, starring James Craig. (48389752) Teleshopping (9019238) The Defector (1966) Cold War thriller, starring Montgomery Clift. (8942696)
Revenge of the Pink Panther (1978) Comedy, with Peter Sellers. (51611740) 12.55 Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989) Animated fantasy, with the voice of Kirsten Dunst. (99197160) 3.00 Doctor Dolittle (1967) Musical, starring Rex Harrison. (60487189) 5.45 P’Tang Yang Kipperbang (1982) Drama, with John Albasiny. (73803585) 7.20 Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd (2003) Comedy prequel, starring Eric Christian Olsen and Derek Richardson. (82922011) 9.00 Dreamgirls (2006) Musical drama, starring Jamie Foxx and Beyonce Knowles. (45001276) 11.35 Pathfinder (2007) Premiere. Adventure, starring Karl Urban. (1408585) 1.30 Lake Tahoe (2008) Drama, starring Diego Catano. (6834431) 3.20 Close
SKY 1 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.45 1.15 2.15 3.15 4.15 6.00 7.00 7.30 8.00 9.00 10.00 10.10 11.10 11.40 12.40 1.35 2.30 3.25 4.20 5.10
GOOD MORNING SPORTS FANS (36491) GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS SMASHED! (73978) OOPS TV (23437) ARE YOU SMARTER THAN YOUR TEN YEAR OLD? (36276) GEORGE AND THE DRAGON (2004) (30033653) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 (416108) GOT TO DANCE (192856) GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS SMASHED! (183108) OOPS TV (172092) THE LIBRARIAN: THE CURSE OF THE JUDAS CHALICE (2008) (55222011) ARE YOU SMARTER THAN YOUR TEN YEAR OLD? Game show, hosted by Damian Williams. (92634) THE SIMPSONS With the voices of Paul and Linda McCartney. (7634) THE SIMPSONS With guest star Eric Idle. (7127) GOT TO DANCE Davina McCall hosts the dancing competition. (40295) BONES Booth becomes a suspect in a murder investigation. (60059) TEN MINUTE TALES (422672) UK BORDER FORCE A pregnant woman causes a flight to be delayed. (559943) NAKED BRITAIN (266504) ROAD WARS (243450) ROAD WARS (5086122) DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS (3607108) ROAD WARS (2533073) DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS US (3118677) DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS US (1986580) DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS US (9674054)
LIVING: 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Bewitched 8.00 Maury 8.55 Celebs Off Duty 9.00 Nothing to Declare 10.00 America’s Next Top Model 11.00 FILM: Drop Dead Fred (1991) Chaotic comedy, starring Rik Mayall. 1.00 Will & Grace 2.00 Ghost Whisperer 3.00 FILM: Little Shop of Horrors (1986) Comedy musical, starring Rick Moranis. 5.00 Will & Grace 6.00 America’s Next Top Model 7.00 Ghost Whisperer 8.00 Medium 9.00 Criminal Minds 10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11.00 CSI: Miami 12.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Medium 3.00 Lipstick Jungle 3.50 Maury 4.40 Nothing to Declare 5.30 Home Shopping BRAVO: 8.00 TNA Epics 9.00 World’s Strongest Man 10.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 11.00 When Sport Goes Bad 12.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 1.00 World’s Strongest Man 2.00 Street Crime UK 3.00 Martial Law 4.00 The A-Team 5.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 6.00 Street Crime UK 7.00 World’s Strongest Man 8.00 FILM: Rocky V (1990) Boxing drama sequel, starring Sylvester Stallone. 9.50 Virgin Media Shorts 2009 10.00 Deadliest Warrior 11.00 Star Trek: Voyager 12.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 1.00 Masters of Horror 2.10 When Sport Goes Bad 3.00 Alias 4.00 Close 5.00 Home Shopping ITV2: 6.00 Emmerdale 6.30 Paris Hilton’s British Best Friend 9.25 Creature Comforts 9.55 Britain’s Got More Talent 10.55 Fearne and — Peaches Geldof 12.00 Emmerdale 12.30 Stars on the Street 1.30 The Xtra Factor: Winner’s Story ‘09 2.30 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Christmas Special 3.30 All Star Mr & Mrs Christmas Special 4.30 All Star Family Fortunes Christmas Special 5.15 Creature Comforts 5.30 Harry Hill’s TV Burp Review of the Year 6.00 FILM: The Polar Express (2004) Animated adventure, with the voice of Tom Hanks. 8.00 Fearne and — Peaches Geldof 9.00 FILM: The Matrix Revolutions (2003) Freedom fighters Neo and Trinity battle to bring the war between man and machine to an end. Sci-fi sequel, starring Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss. 11.40 Ghosthunting with the Happy Mondays 1.40 Emmerdale 2.00 Teleshopping 5.00 Gossip Girl 5.45 ITV2 Nightscreen ITV3: 6.00 Film File 6.10 On the Buses 7.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 8.00 The Turn of the Screw 10.05 FILM: Carry On Cruising (1962) Comedy, starring Sid James. 11.55 Sherlock Holmes: The Master Blackmailer 2.15 FILM: On the Buses (1971) Comedy, starring Reg Varney. 4.05 FILM: Mutiny on the Buses (1972) Comedy, starring Reg Varney. 5.50 Agatha Christie’s Marple 7.55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 10.00 Midsomer Murders 12.00 Sherlock Holmes: The Eligible Bachelor 2.00 Goodnight Sweetheart 2.55 Film File 3.00 Teleshopping DAVE: 7.00 Dragons’ Den 8.00 Top Gear 10.00 Fifth Gear 11.00 Dragons’ Den 12.00 Top Gear 2.00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 2.40 Have I Got News for You 3.20 QI 4.00 Top Gear 6.00 Dragons’ Den 7.00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 7.40 Have I Got News for You 8.20 QI 9.00 Live at the Apollo 10.00 Jack Dee Live at the Apollo 12.00 Live at the Apollo 1.00 Jack Dee Live at the Apollo 3.00 Close E4: 6.00 How to Look Good Naked USA 6.25 One Tree Hill 7.10 Running in Heels 8.00 Young, Sexy and Sporty 8.55 Friends 9.25 One Tree Hill 10.20 Gilmore Girls 11.10 Veronica Mars 12.05 Running in Heels 1.05 Scrubs 2.05 Friends 2.35 Hollyoaks 3.05 Gilmore Girls 4.00 Veronica Mars 5.00 Friends 6.00 Scrubs 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 My Name Is Earl 8.00 Friends 9.00 The Greatest Songs of the Noughties 10.40 Rude Tube 11.10 Hollyoaks Later 12.15 My Name Is Earl 12.45 Scrubs 1.45 The Greatest Songs of the Noughties 3.15 Hollyoaks Later 4.10 Dark Angel 4.55 How to Look Good Naked USA 5.20 Switched MORE4: 9.00 Deal or No Deal 9.45 Room for Improvement 10.45 FILM: How to Steal a Million (1966) Crime comedy, starring Peter O’Toole. 1.05 3 Minute Wonder: Self Portraits 1.10 Come Dine with Me 1.40 Deal or No Deal 2.30 FILM: The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) Oscar-winning World War Two drama, starring Alec Guinness. 5.45 Kevin McCloud’s Grand Tour 7.55 Grand Designs 9.00 Katie: My Beautiful Face 10.00 Farrah’s Story 11.45 Farrah Fawcett: A Life 12.45 FILM: The Net (1995) Thriller, starring Sandra Bullock. 2.55 Deal or No Deal: Scrooge or Santa 3.45 Close BBC THREE: 7.00 Pixar Picks 7.15 FILM: Father of the Bride Part II (1995) Comedy sequel, starring Steve Martin. 9.00 FILM: The Terminator (1984) Sci-fi thriller, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. 10.45 Family Guy 11.30 FILM: Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995) Action thriller, starring Bruce Willis. 1.30 Being Human 4.25 Being Human Unearthed 5.25 Close
TV 31
32 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide BBC1 6.00 BREAKFAST (C)(296219) 9.00 CBBC (7601696) 9.55 FILM: THE MAGIC ROUNDABOUT (2005) Animated adventure, with the voice of Ian McKellen. (C)(5450431) 11.15 FILM: FLUBBER (1997) Children’s comedy remake, starring Robin Williams. (C)(1187967) 12.40 FILM: THE ANT BULLY (2006) Premiere. Animated adventure, with the voice of Julia Roberts. (C)(4590431) 2.00 BBC NEWS; WEATHER (C)(28003290) 2.10 REGIONAL NEWS; Weather. (C)(70987122) 2.15 FILM: THE PRINCESS DIARIES 2: ROYAL ENGAGEMENT (2004) Family comedy sequel, starring Anne Hathaway. (C)(890141) 4.00 FILM: MADAGASCAR (2005) Animated adventure, with the voice of Ben Stiller. (C)(6086035)
6.00 CBEEBIES (54829) 7.00 CBBC (28870) 8.30 WAINWRIGHT WALKS (R)(C)(42677) 9.00 GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS (R)(C)(7618986) 9.50 ANIMAL PARK (R)(C)(6856325) 10.35 WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? (R)(C)(2859509) 11.35 VICTORIAN FARM (R)(C)(8846219) 12.35 COAST (R)(C)(3076239) 1.35 DIAGNOSIS MURDER (R)(C)(4448290) 2.20 FLOG IT! (R)(C)(6857677) 3.05 READY STEADY COOK (C)(9345073) 3.50 CAMPION Feature-length mystery, starring Peter Davison. (R)(C)(763783) 5.40 ESCAPE TO THE COUNTRY Properties with equestrian facilities. (C)(854798) 6.25 ARE YOU BEING SERVED? The staff members compete to win a bonus by playing Father Christmas. (R)(C)(700561)
5.30 ITV MORNING NEWS (T)(19035) 6.00 GMTV (T)(8128388) 9.25 DICKINSON’S REAL DEAL (R)(T)(4877528) 10.25 FILM: MURDER, SHE WROTE: A STORY TO DIE FOR (2000) Mystery, starring Angela Lansbury. (T)(17041832) 12.05 WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (R)(T)(7900122) 1.05 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(56721412) 1.25 GRANADA NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(12513238) 1.30 FILM: MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (1974) Agatha Christie mystery, starring Albert Finney. (T)(39731238) 3.55 FILM: SUPERMAN (1978) Comic-strip adventure, starring Christopher Reeve. (T)(75423493) 6.30 GRANADA REPORTS; Weather. (T)(305290)
6.05 YO GABBA GABBA (R)(T)(7356702) 6.35 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND (R)(T)(1945561) 6.55 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND (R)(T)(4394870) 7.20 FRASIER (R)(T)(3882696) 7.40 WILL & GRACE (R)(T)(6413783) 8.05 ACCORDING TO JIM (T)(8894716) 8.30 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(2674851) 8.55 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(4855306) 9.30 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(82783) 10.00 T4: 90210 (T)(2476783) 10.55 T4: THE WORLD’S GREATEST POP STAR: BEYONCE (R)(T)(1374219) 12.00 A PLACE IN THE SUN: HOME OR AWAY (R)(T)(5753528) 1.05 FILM: ROMANCING THE STONE (1984) Comedy adventure, starring Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner. (T)(62040073) 3.05 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(8562290)
6.00 SUNRISE (T)(6895412) 7.00 MILKSHAKE! (3562677) 10.30 ZOO DAYS Brief highlights from the series. (R)(T)(74803122) 10.50 MICHAELA’S ZOO BABIES A raccoon gives birth to its first litter. (R)(T)(7336870) 11.50 ICE ROAD TRUCKERS Eric and Hugh compete to haul the most loads. (R)(T)(5087290) 12.50 CRUSOE A warrior steals a lock of Crusoe’s hair. (T)(1941832) 1.45 FIVE NEWS (T)(88759306) 2.00 FILM: JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH (1999) A party of explorers traverses a mysterious land beneath the surface of the Earth. Adventure, starring Treat Williams and Jeremy London. (T)(4913832) 5.30 KNIGHT RIDER Mike is poisoned while working undercover. (T)(2045431) 6.20 FIVE NEWS WITH MATT BARBET (T)(4411801)
EastEnders (7.30pm)
Jools’ Annual... (11.00pm)
Coronation Street (8.30pm)
Your Top 20... (9.00pm)
Michael Jackson... (9.00pm)
Ricky makes a proper marriage proposal to Bianca, while Christian returns to the Square and threatens to sabotage Syed and Amira’s big day.
Jools Holland brings in the New Year with performances by Tom Jones, Boy George, Dizzee Rascal, Roger Daltrey, Lily Allen and Paolo Nutini.
Molly uses the New Year’s Eve party to try to lure Kevin away from Sally. Steve confronts Becky when he learns of her unwillingness to have children.
Highlights from the celebrity version of the reality show. Featuring interviews with Pete Burns, John McCririck and Vanessa Feltz.
The king of pop’s anniversary concert from 2001, celebrating his 30 years as a solo performer and featuring appearances by Destiny’s Child.
5.20 WALLACE & GROMIT: THE WRONG TROUSERS (R)(C)(6795493) 5.50 BBC NEWS; Weather. (C)(945986) 6.20 NORTH WEST TONIGHT; Weather. (C)(976677) 6.30 TOP OF THE POPS NEW YEAR’S EVE 2009 With Robbie Williams, Shakira, Tinchy Stryder featuring N-Dubz, and Calvin Harris. (C)(50677) 7.30 EASTENDERS Syed fails to obtain Qadim’s blessing. (C)(238) 8.00 FILM: PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CHEST (2006) Captain Jack Sparrow battles to save his soul from the legendary Davy Jones. Swashbuckling adventure sequel, starring Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. (C)(70884141) 10.20 BBC NEWS; Weather. (C)(455621) 10.40 THE GRAHAM NORTON NEW YEAR’S EVE SHOW With Sarah Jessica Parker, Dominic West and Joan Rivers. Last in the series. (C)(2291967) 11.45 NEW YEAR LIVE 2009 Coverage of the celebrations from London. (C)(825967) 12.15 FILM: BANDITS (2001) Comedy crime adventure, starring Bruce Willis; (C) Skiing Weatherview. (C)(78174536) 2.20 BBC NEWS (C)(84050178)
6.55 FILM: EASY VIRTUE (2008) Premiere. An Englishman in the 1920s marries a brash American woman, to the horror of his family. Romantic comedy, with Jessica Biel and Ben Barnes. (C)(7876677) 8.25 DINNERLADIES The crew prepares for the millennium dinner, but Tony makes a discovery on the fire escape which puts a damper on the festivities. (R)(C)(474306) 9.00 FILM: THE PAINTED VEIL (2006) Premiere. An English doctor in Twenties China ends his wife’s adulterous affair by making her accompany him on a perilous journey to a remote disease-ravaged village. Period drama based on W Somerset Maugham’s novel, starring Edward Norton, Naomi Watts, Liev Schreiber, Diana Rigg and Toby Jones. (C)(7948) 11.00 JOOLS’ ANNUAL HOOTENANNY 2009 Jools Holland brings in the New Year with performances by Tom Jones, Boy George, Dizzee Rascal, Roger Daltrey, Lily Allen, Paolo Nutini, Dave Edmunds and Kasabian. (C)(14554238) 1.20 GLASTONBURY 2009 (R)(C)(57743352) 3.25 FILM: THEY LIVE BY NIGHT (1948) Drama, starring Farley Granger. (C)(b/w)(6445064) 4.55 CLOSE
6.45 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(328141) 7.00 EMMERDALE Ryan fails to persuade Katie to go to Sheffield with him for New Year’s Eve, ruining his chances of staying clear of Maisie. Val and Viv rope Jamie into sampling the new B&B menu. (T)(4528) 7.30 RIVER MONSTERS Reports of attacks by sharks in fresh water. Last in the series. (R)(T)(306) 8.00 EMMERDALE Maisie makes suggestive comments to Ryan in front of Katie. (T)(7108) 8.30 CORONATION STREET Molly tries to lure Kevin away from Sally. (T)(2783) 9.00 SLEEP WITH ME A couple are lured into a mysterious woman’s seductive and menacing game. Thriller, with Adrian Lester. (T)(68942948) 10.35 AD OF THE DECADE Countdown of the 20 greatest TV commercials of the past 10 years. (R)(T)(743035) 11.35 ITV NEWS: COUNTDOWN TO 2010 Alastair Stewart presents the day’s headlines and the major stories of 2009. (T)(451967) 12.05 FILM: MIDNIGHT RUN (1988) Comedy thriller, starring Robert De Niro; (T) ITV News Headlines. (84340468) 2.25 SIX DEGREES (R)(T)(7228081) 3.10 ITV NIGHTSCREEN (81895284)
3.40 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(2187122) 4.10 DEAL OR NO DEAL (T)(6913509) 4.55 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(9435677) 5.30 COME DINE WITH ME EXTRA PORTIONS (R)(T)(899) 6.00 THE SIMPSONS (R)(T)(412) 6.30 HOLLYOAKS (T)(764) 7.00 CHANNEL 4 NEWS (T)(5870) 7.30 THE GREATEST SONGS OF THE NOUGHTIES The best music of the past 10 years. (R)(T)(91412) 9.00 YOUR TOP 20 CELEBRITY BIG BROTHER MOMENTS Highlights from the celebrity version of the reality show. (T)(2493) 10.00 THE GREATEST TV SHOWS OF THE NOUGHTIES (R)(T)(839734) 11.45 ALAN CARR: CHATTY MAN NEW YEAR’S SPECIAL (R)(T)(401561) 12.45 HITS AND HEADLINES: CHRISTMAS NUMBER ONES 95-08 (R)(567772) 2.40 ONE MINUTE PAST MIDNIGHT (R)(T)(8054913) 2.50 FILM: SOUTH OF ST LOUIS (1948) Western. (T)(1174642) 4.20 ST ELSEWHERE (R)(T)(5211284) 5.05 AGE OF LOVE (R)(T)(2397492) 5.50 THE TREACLE PEOPLE (R)(T)(7356979)
Pick of the day
6.50 FILM: WHITE HUNTER BLACK HEART (1990) A director travels to Africa to make his next feature but becomes obsessed with hunting an elephant. Factbased drama, starring Clint Eastwood. (T)(60765851) 9.00 MICHAEL JACKSON: 30TH ANNIVERSARY CONCERT The king of pop’s anniversary concert from 2001, celebrating his 30 years as a solo performer and featuring appearances by Destiny’s Child and Whitney Houston. (R)(T)(27960899) 10.50 THE CHERYL COLE FACTOR Documentary about the X Factor judge and Girls Aloud singer, who went from controversial reality show superstar to national treasure. (R)(T)(1481948) 11.45 THE SEXY ADS SHOW Spencer Brown presents more racy adverts from around the globe, featuring an insect able to identify humans who have just had sex and a video game based on male toilet habits. (R)(T)(7377325) 12.15 SUPERCASINO Live interactive gaming. (42342064) 4.00 THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS: THE TRUE STORY The inspiration behind the 1991 movie. (T)(1502994) 4.55 ‘TIL DEATH (T)(64910791) 5.15 BRIAN SEWELL’S GRAND TOUR (R)(T)(2614284)
RADIO RADIO 1: FM 97.6-99.8 6.00 Dev 10.00 Fearne Cotton 12.00 Radio 1 Live — Lily Allen 1.00 Nihal — The Chart of the Decade 4.00 Westwood 7.00 Annie Mac 9.00 MistaJam. The DJ hosts the final party of the decade as 1Xtra and Radio 1 come together to countdown the final minutes of 2009. 12.01 New Year Live RADIO 2: FM 88-90.2 7.30 Johnnie Walker 9.30 Richard Allinson 12.00 Jeremy Vine 2.00 The Great British Songbook of the 90s 5.00 The Beatles: Here, There and Everywhere 6.00 Chaka Khan 8.00 Mika 10.00 Dave Pearce: New Year’s Eve 1.00 Craig Charles 4.00 Alex Lester
RADIO 3: FM 90.2-92.4 7.00 Composer of the Year 10.00 Composer of the Year 2.00 Composer of the Year 6.30 Composer of the Year? You Choose! 7.45 Composer of the Year 9.15 BBC Proms 2009 12.00 Late Junction 1.00 Through the Night RADIO 4: 198kHz (1515m) FM 92.494.6 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Farming Today 6.00 Today 9.00 In Our Time 9.45 (LW) Daily Service 9.45 (FM) Book of the Week: Vincent van Gogh — The Letters 10.00 Woman’s Hour 11.00 Crossing Continents 11.30 The Frost Collection 12.00 News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 You and Yours 12.57 Weather
1.00 The World at One 1.30 Questions, Questions 2.00 The Archers 2.15 Afternoon Play: Fireworks at the Villa Lucia 3.00 Open Country 3.27 Radio 4 Appeal 3.30 Bright Young Things 3.45 A View Through a Lens 4.00 Open Book 4.30 The Material World 4.55 1989: Day-by-Day 5.00 PM 5.54 Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 Six O’Clock News 6.15 The News at Bedtime 6.30 Andy Zaltzman’s History of the Third Millennium, Series 1 of 100 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Front Row 7.45 My Mad Grandad 8.00 The Report 8.30 In Business 9.00 Legion of Swine 9.30 In Our Time 9.59 Weather 10.00 The World Tonight
10.45 Book at Bedtime: The True Deceiver 11.00 UK Confidential 12.00 News and Weather 12.15 Dear Darwin 12.30 Book of the Week: Vincent van Gogh — The Letters 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast RADIO 5: 909kHz (330m) 693kHz (433m) 5.00 Morning Reports 5.30 Wake Up to Money 6.00 5 Live Breakfast 10.00 Victoria Derbyshire 1.00 Phil Williams 4.00 5 Live Drive 6.00 5 Live News Review of the Year 8.00 The Keiser’s Business Guide to 2010 9.00 Web 2009 With Helen and Olly 10.30 Stephen Nolan and Ranvir Singh 1.00 Up All Night 4.00 Frontline 09
CLASSIC FM: FM 99.9-101.9 6.00 Classic FM Brighter Breakfast 8.00 Simon Bates 12.00 The Classic FM Most Wanted 1.00 Jamie Crick Dial a Carol 3.00 Mark Forrest Dial a Carol 6.00 Smooth Classics at Six. With Margherita Taylor. 9.00 The Full Works. J Strauss (son). 11.00 Simon Bates New Year’s Eve Special 2.00 Story of Carols 4.00 Tim Lihoreau RADIO MERSEYSIDE: 1485kHz (202m) FM 95.8 5.00 Steve Coleman 6.00 Tony Snell 10.00 Sean Styles 12.00 Billy Butler 2.00 Frankie Connor 5.00 Roger Lyon 7.00 It’s Love That Really Counts 9.00 Folkscene with Stan Ambrose
10.00 Linda McDermott 1.00 Up All Night RADIO CITY: FM 96.7 6.00 Rossie and Co 10.00 Rick Vaughn 1.00 Tim Cocker 4.00 Neil Fitzmaurice 7.00 In Demand 10.00 Pete Price 2.00 Vicky Warham MAGIC 1548: 1548kHz (194m) 6.00 Keiron Fox 10.00 Nick Wright 2.00 Dave Campbell 6.00 60s at Six 7.00 70s at Seven 8.00 Richard Allen 10.00 Norman Ashley 2.00 Paul Griffiths 107.6 JUICE FM: FM 107.6 6.00 Adam and Leanne 10.00 Chris Bovaird 1.00 Baz Todd 4.00 Mark Kaye 7.00 Steve Timmins 11.00 Chalk and Cheese 1.00 Non-stop Juice
TV 33
Friday, December 18, 2009
New Year’s Eve
1.30 3.00 4.45 6.45
1.10 2.55 4.40
DRAMA 6.30
The Preacher’s Wife (1996) With Whitney Houston. (77178948) 8.40 Sherlock Holmes Special (2678685) 9.00 The Express (2008) With Rob Brown. (51180141) 11.20 The Mexican (2001) With Brad Pitt. (83506899) 1.30 Cast Away (2000) With Tom Hanks. (8333783) 4.00 December Boys (2007) With Daniel Radcliffe. (75643948) 5.50 The Preacher’s Wife (1996) With Whitney Houston. (79224702) 8.00 Cast Away (2000) A manager for American courier service FedEx has to fend for himself when a plane crash leaves him stranded on a desert island. Initially panic-stricken, he overcomes his terror to survive for four years on his own. Adventure drama, starring Tom Hanks, Helen Hunt, Nick Searcy, Lari White and Chris Noth. (9587615) 10.30 21 (2008) A brilliant but hard-up student agrees to be inducted into a card-counting scam to raise money for college. Drama, with Kevin Spacey and Jim Sturgess. (78766702) 12.40 Deception (2008) With Hugh Jackman. (7958062) 2.30 Rumble Fish (1983) (5854523) 4.10 Redemption of the Ghost (2001) With Diane Ladd. (5714826)
ACTION/THRILLER 6.00 8.20 10.25 10.40 12.40 1.10 3.05 5.05 7.25
12.05 2.05
The Hunt for Red October (1990) With Sean Connery. (50400561) The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (1992) With Rebecca De Mornay. (81854431) Sherlock Holmes Special (1490141) Never Back Down (2008) With Sean Faris. (89245306) 35MM (25270509) 88 Minutes (2007) (53356412) War, Inc (2008) With John Cusack. (58362412) The Hunt for Red October (1990) With Sean Connery. (15154275) The Dark Knight (2008) In the sequel to Batman Begins, the masked hero finds a new ally in his war on organised crime in Gotham City’s crusading new district attorney, Harvey Dent. However, both men are pushed to their limits by the rise of the Joker, a criminal mastermind spreading chaos and destruction throughout the city for his own amusement. Comic-book thriller, starring Christian Bale, Aaron Eckhart and Heath Ledger. (53765290) The Crew (2008) A crime boss prepares for a heist, but his partners in crime are planning to betray him. Crime drama, with Scot Williams and Kenny Doughty. (27546035) Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) With Mel Gibson. (7001352) Never Back Down (2008) A rebellious teenager learns to combine different fighting styles from a martial arts expert. Drama, starring Sean Faris and Djimon Hounsou. (71034130) Airport 1975 (1974) With Charlton Heston. (3227159)
ANARCHY: The Dark Knight (Sky Movies Action/Thriller, 7.25pm)
6.00 Aerobics Oz Style (9196967) 6.30 Powder Adventures (6675528) 7.00 WWE: Experience (4820528) 8.00 Ten Pin Bowling (4821257) 9.00 Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker (9105615) 10.00IRB Rugby Sevens (5905073) 1.00 Darts (4972528) 5.00 Strongest Man (2854696) 6.00 Speedway A review of the 2009 Elite League season, which Poole Pirates entered as the defending champions. (2936696) 8.00 Super League Eddie Hemmings takes a look back at the 2009 season, as Leeds Rhinos aimed for their third consecutive title. (2931141) 10.00Horse of the Year Show (4539696) 12.00Speedway (8029352) 2.00 Tennis (8440739) 4.00 Super League (4997623)
7.30 Ski Jumping (13870) 8.30 MotoGP (89141) 9.30 World Superbikes (42696) 11.00Champions Tour Golf (20580) 12.00Ski Jumping (1622580) 12.45Live Ski Jumping World Cup qualifying from Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Germany. (830219) 2.15 US Open Tennis (251528) 3.15 French Open Tennis (240412) 4.15 Figure Skating (248509) 6.15 Ski Jumping (291685) 7.15 Alpine Skiing The men’s World Cup downhill from Bormio in Italy. (891649) 8.15 World Superbikes Three classic races from 2009. (903764) 9.45 MotoGP The top five races of the 2009 season, featuring highlights from Jerez, Donington Park, Le Mans, Catalunya and Mugello. (515783) 11.45British Superbikes A review of the 2009 season. (769801) 12.50Close
1.00 FIFA Futbol Mundial (90460702) 1.30 Rugby Union (49200325) 3.00 Transworld Sport (73420412) 4.00 Ten Pin Bowling (73416219) 5.00 WWE Vintage Collection (69450325) 6.00 Horse of the Year
Show (27536696) 8.00 Ice Skating (27531141) 10.00WWE: Late Night — Raw (73429783) 12.00 Extreme Championship Wrestling (96953604) 1.00 IRB Rugby Sevens (71182028) 4.00 Ice Skating (93896246) 5.00 Ice Skating (85123159)
SKY SPORTS 3 6.00 Women’s Cricket Special (56564702) 7.00 Test Cricket (90467615) 9.00 Snooker (41792948) 11.00Racing News (73425967) 11.30Aerobics Oz Style (73426696) 12.00Football Special (35876528)
TCM 7.00 8.40 10.20 1.00 3.00 4.50 6.40 9.00 11.00 12.55 3.00 5.00
Murder, She Said (1961) Miss Marple whodunit, starring Margaret Rutherford. (b/w)(54394783) Murder at the Gallop (1963) Miss Marple mystery, starring Margaret Rutherford. (b/w)(91702141) The Silver Chalice (1954) Biblical drama, with Paul Newman. (29030346) The Great Bank Robbery (1969) Western, starring Kim Novak. (8710219) Murder Ahoy (1964) Mystery, starring Margaret Rutherford. (b/w)(17077344) Murder Most Foul (1964) Agatha Christie whodunit, with Margaret Rutherford. (b/w)(27859257) Clash of the Titans (1981) Mythical adventure, starring Harry Hamlin. (69785073) The Lost Boys (1987) Comedy horror, starring Kiefer Sutherland. (8343580) Spawn (1997) Comic-book adventure, with Michael Jai White. (8100431) The Hill (1965) Prison camp drama, starring Sean Connery. (b/w)(77953401) Teleshopping (8360913) Thunder Over the Plains (1953) Western, starring Randolph Scott. (82903915)
Carry On Dick (1974) Comedy, starring Sid James. (51688412) 12.55 High Anxiety (1977) Spoof Hitchcock thriller, starring Mel Brooks. (88257122) 2.45 McLintock! (1963) Comedy Western, starring John Wayne. (62901412) 5.15 Elf (2003) Comedy. (6496967) 7.15 Bedazzled (2000) Fantasy comedy, starring Brendan Fraser. (76094899) 9.00 X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) The mutant heroes battle old ally Jean Grey, returned from the dead as the destructive Phoenix. Superhero sequel, with Hugh Jackman. (6939702) 11.00 Final Destination 3 (2006) Horror sequel, starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead. (4591851) 12.45 Ashes of Time Redux (1994) Wong Kar-Wai’s drama, starring Leslie Cheung. (7776517) 2.45 Close
SKY 1 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 1.00 1.30 2.00 3.00 4.30 6.00 7.00 7.30 8.00 10.00 10.10 11.40 2.10 3.05 3.30 4.20 5.10
LIVING: 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Bewitched 8.00 Maury 8.55 Celebs Off Duty 9.00 Nothing to Declare 10.00 America’s Next Top Model 11.00 FILM: Little Shop of Horrors (1986) Comedy musical, starring Rick Moranis. 1.00 Will & Grace 2.00 Ghost Whisperer 3.00 FILM: Three Amigos! (1986) Comedy Western, starring Steve Martin, Chevy Chase and Martin Short. 5.10 Celebs Off Duty 5.30 Will & Grace 6.00 America’s Next Top Model 7.00 Ghost Whisperer 8.00 Medium 9.00 Criminal Minds 10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11.00 CSI: Miami 12.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Medium 3.00 Lipstick Jungle 3.50 Maury 4.40 Nothing to Declare 5.30 Home Shopping BRAVO: 8.00 TNA Epics 9.00 World’s Strongest Man: 30 Years of Pain 10.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 11.00 When Sport Goes Bad 12.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 1.00 World’s Strongest Man: 30 Years of Pain 2.00 Street Crime UK 3.00 Martial Law 4.00 The A-Team 5.00 Dog the Bounty Hunter 6.00 Street Crime UK 7.00 World’s Strongest Man: 30 Years of Pain 8.00 Brit Cops: Zero Tolerance 9.00 1000 Ways to Die 1.00 Masters of Horror 2.10 When Sport Goes Bad 3.00 Alias 4.00 Close 5.00 Home Shopping ITV2: 6.00 Emmerdale 6.30 Paris Hilton’s British Best Friend 8.25 Judge Judy 8.55 Britain’s Got More Talent: Most Talented 9.55 The Xtra Factor: Winner’s Story ‘09 10.55 Fearne and — Alesha Dixon 11.55 Emmerdale 12.30 All Star Mr & Mrs Christmas Special 1.30 FILM: Peter Pan (2003) Fantasy adventure, with Jeremy Sumpter and Rachel Hurd-Wood. 3.40 Take That Come to Town 4.40 Cheryl Cole’s Night In 5.40 Creature Comforts 5.55 FILM: Jack Frost (1998) Family fantasy drama, starring Michael Keaton. 8.00 Fearne and — Alesha Dixon 9.00 FILM: Love Actually (2003) Interlinked tales of several people in search of love. British romantic comedy, starring Hugh Grant, Martine McCutcheon, Emma Thompson and Colin Firth. 11.45 Take That: The Circus Live 1.15 Take That: Backstage at the Circus 2.15 Coronation Street 2.40 Emmerdale 3.30 Britain’s Got More Talent: Most Talented 4.20 I’m a Celebrity: Unforgettable Trials 5.10 I’m a Celebrity: Jungle Kings and Queens
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ITV3: 6.00 Film File 6.10 On the Buses 7.00 Goodnight Sweetheart 8.00 Bertie and Elizabeth 10.15 FILM: Holiday On the Buses (1973) Comedy, starring Reg Varney. 11.55 Sherlock Holmes: The Eligible Bachelor 2.15 FILM: Garfield (2004) Comedy, with the voice of Bill Murray. 3.45 FILM: Overboard (1987) Comedy, starring Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. 6.00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 8.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9.00 Celebrating the Carpenters 10.00 An Audience with Lionel Richie 11.05 An Audience with Cliff Richard 12.10 Another Audience with Dame Edna Everage 1.10 Sherlock Holmes: The Eligible Bachelor 3.00 Teleshopping DAVE: 7.00 Ray Mears’ Bushcraft 8.00 Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 9.00 Top Gear 10.00 James May’s 20th Century 10.40 Dragons’ Den Around the World 12.00 Top Gear 2.00 James May’s 20th Century 2.40 Have I Got News for You 3.20 QI 4.00 Top Gear 6.00 Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 7.00 James May’s 20th Century 7.40 Have I Got News for You 8.20 QI 9.00 QI XL 12.00 FILM: This Is Spinal Tap (1984) Spoof rock documentary, starring Christopher Guest. 1.40 QI XL 2.30 Totally Viral 3.00 Close E4: 6.00 How to Look Good Naked USA 6.25 One Tree Hill 7.10 Running in Heels 8.00 Young, Sexy and Hollywood 8.55 Friends 9.25 One Tree Hill 10.20 Gilmore Girls 11.10 Veronica Mars 12.10 Running in Heels 1.05 Scrubs 2.05 Friends 2.35 Hollyoaks 3.05 Gilmore Girls 4.00 Veronica Mars 5.00 Friends 6.00 Scrubs 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 My Name Is Earl 8.00 Friends 9.00 The Big Bang Theory 9.30 How I Met Your Mother 10.00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man New Year’s Special 11.10 Hollyoaks Later 12.15 My Name Is Earl 12.45 Scrubs 1.40 Roswell 3.05 Hollyoaks Later 4.00 Age of Love 4.45 How to Look Good Naked USA 5.10 Switched MORE4: 9.00 Deal or No Deal 9.45 Location, Location, Location 10.15 FILM: Battle of the Bulge (1965) World War Two drama, starring Robert Shaw. 1.25 Come Dine with Me 2.00 Deal or No Deal 2.45 The 100 Greatest Musicals 7.55 Grand Designs 9.00 Father Ted 9.35 Black Books 10.00 The IT Crowd 10.35 Father Ted 11.05 Black Books 11.35 The IT Crowd 12.10 Bill Bailey: Tinselworm 1.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 2.10 Deal or No Deal 2.55 Close BBC THREE: 7.00 Politicians’ Outtakes 7.30 Most Annoying People 2009 10.00 EastEnders 10.30 Family Guy 11.15 Russell Howard Live 12.25 Most Annoying People 2009 2.55 Katie Price: The Jordan Years 3.55 EastEnders: The Sins of Archie Mitchell 4.55 Politicians’ Outtakes 5.25 Close
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6.00 Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker (66493) 7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans (36141) 9.00 FIFA Futbol Mundial (36677) 9.30 Football Special (73851) 10.30Goles Y Goles Y Goles (25561) 11.00Live Tennis Day one of the World Tennis Championship. (9453967) 3.00 FIFA Futbol Mundial (2967) 3.30 Premier League World (5783) 4.00 Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker (73509) 5.00 Premier League World (7412) 5.30 The Rugby Club (80344) 6.30 SPL Round-Up (2219) 7.00 Time of Our Lives Former players reminisce about the favourite moments of their football careers. Presented by Jeff Stelling. (98239) 8.00 Ryder Cup 2010: Monty’s Mission A look at how European captain Colin Montgomerie is preparing for next year’s event at the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport, Wales. (15073) 10.00Time of Our Lives Former players reminisce. (94580) 11.00Fights of 2009 A look back some of the best bouts from the past 12 months, including Manny Pacquiao v Miguel Cotto, Shane Mosley v Antonio Margarito and Juan Manuel Marquez v Juan Diaz. (41870) 1.00 Ryder Cup 2010: Monty’s Mission (86826) 3.00 Fights of 2009 (47197) 5.00 Time of Our Lives (36994)
8.15 10.15
Housesitter (1991) With Steve Martin. (98274734) Fool’s Gold (2008) With Matthew McConaughey. (5019412) Meet the Spartans (2008) With Sean Maguire. (9756696) The House Bunny (2008) With Anna Faris. (32444528) Ghost Dad (1990) With Bill Cosby. (6732412) Brewster’s Millions (1985) With Richard Pryor. (84403290) Fool’s Gold (2008) With Matthew McConaughey. (6629528) Meet the Spartans (2008) A fearless king defends his country against invaders, but finds himself short of warriors. Comedy spoof of 300, with Sean Maguire. (3888219) The House Bunny (2008) A former Playboy bunny takes over a sorority house, and turns the students’ social lives around. Comedy, starring Anna Faris and Colin Hanks. (36233696) Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008) Two friends plan to make a porn film, but are forced to rethink their feelings for each other. Comedy, with Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks. (4439325) Richard Pryor Live on the Sunset Strip (1982) The comedian’s performance at the Hollywood Palladium in 1981. Topics include his drug addiction, a trip to Africa and entertaining the Mafia. (6628528) Brewster’s Millions (1985) With Richard Pryor. (6507791) Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008) With Seth Rogen. (2616178) Stepping Out (1991) With Liza Minnelli. (13986438)
Marsh Lane
G.O.L.D: 6.00 Last of the Summer Wine 7.25 Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? 8.40 The Thin Blue Line 10.00 Blackadder Goes Forth 11.20 Last of the Summer Wine 12.40 Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? 2.00 Blackadder Exclusive: The Whole Rotten Saga 4.00 The Thin Blue Line 5.30 Blackadder Goes Forth 7.00 Fawlty Towers — Re-opened 9.00 Fawlty Towers 2.20 Hippies 3.00 Close
OPENING TIMES Mon-Fri 9am-6pm Sat 9am-5am Sun 10am-4pm
34 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas TV Guide BBC1 6.00 BREAKFAST (C)(527710) 9.00 CBBC (8322159) 9.45 FILM: THE SWORD IN THE STONE (1963) Disney animated adventure, with the voice of Ricky Sorenson. (C)(6021220) 11.05 FILM: MUPPET TREASURE ISLAND (1996) Comedy, with Tim Curry. (C)(3894642) 12.35 THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY’S NEW YEAR MESSAGE (C)(99491420) 12.40 BBC NEWS; WEATHER (C)(99412913) 12.50 REGIONAL NEWS; Weather. (C)(67266401) 12.55 DOCTOR WHO (R)(C)(1159802) 1.55 FILM: SHARK TALE (2004) Animated adventure, with the voice of Will Smith. (C)(7909555) 3.15 FILM: SUPERMAN RETURNS (2006) Adventure, starring Brandon Routh. (C)(53638536) 5.40 BBC NEWS; Weather. (C)(484739)
6.00 CBEEBIES (59062) 7.00 CBBC (8237449) 8.25 WAINWRIGHT WALKS (R)(C)(6351642) 8.55 GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS (R)(C)(3355791) 9.45 ANIMAL PARK (R)(C)(730178) 10.15 WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? (R)(C)(133401) 11.15 NEW YEAR’S DAY CONCERT (C)(3270449) 12.40 FILM: BIG JAKE (1971) Western, starring John Wayne. (C)(22361791) 2.25 FILM: THE GUNS OF NAVARONE (1961) World War Two adventure, starring Gregory Peck. (C)(47630913) 4.55 THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY’S NEW YEAR MESSAGE (R)(C)(5788197) 5.00 FUNNY WOMEN: MOLLIE SUGDEN (R)(C)(9623) 5.30 FUNNY TURNS: JOHN INMAN (R)(C)(78) 6.00 ARE YOU BEING SERVED? Festive edition of the Seventies comedy. (R)(C)(91)
5.30 ITV MORNING NEWS (T)(34587) 6.00 GMTV (8722710) 9.25 DICKINSON’S REAL DEAL (R)(T)(4892604) 10.25 FILM: CARRY ON SCREAMING (1966) British spoof horror, starring Kenneth Williams. (T)(21870284) 12.15 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(7123791) 12.30 FILM: SOME LIKE IT HOT (1959) Romantic comedy, with Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe. (T)(b/w)(71741062) 2.50 THE RAILWAY CHILDREN Family drama, starring Jenny Agutter. (R)(T)(87015082) 4.50 FILM: WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY (1971) Musical adventure, with Gene Wilder. (T)(77684246) 6.40 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (T)(185642) 7.00 EMMERDALE Ryan jumps at the chance to go to Home Farm with Katie. (T)(6913)
6.05 SALI MALI (R)(T)(5133082) 6.10 PLANET COOK (R)(T)(7554536) 6.30 YO GABBA GABBA (R)(T)(4683159) 6.55 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND (R)(T)(4695994) 7.20 FILM: THE SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS MOVIE (2004) Children’s animated comedy, with the voice of Tom Kenny. (T)(4266449) 8.50 T4: FRIENDS (R)(T)(3776246) 9.55 T4: 90210 (T)(5506807) 10.50 T4: MARIAH CAREY SPECIAL: UNDER THE SKIN (T)(3863772) 11.55 A PLACE IN THE SUN: HOME OR AWAY (T)(5448371) 12.55 JAMIE AT HOME (R)(T)(5196330) 1.30 CHANNEL 4 RACING FROM CHELTENHAM, EXETER AND CATTERICK Including the 3.20 New Year Hurdle (2m 4 1/2f). (T)(759062) 4.00 DEAL OR NO DEAL: NEW YEAR SPECIAL (6888)
6.00 MILKSHAKE! (22575284) 10.15 ANIMAL RESCUE SQUAD (R)(T)(3627130) 10.45 ICE ROAD TRUCKERS (R)(T)(2892352) 11.45 CRUSOE (R)(T)(2898536) 12.45 FILM: THE MUPPETS’ WIZARD OF OZ (2005) Musical comedy fantasy, with Kermit and company. (T)(40208820) 2.40 THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ: THE MAKING OF A MOVIE CLASSIC (R)(T)(25646178) 3.50 FILM: THE WIZARD OF OZ (1939) Musical fantasy, starring Judy Garland. (T)(5668246) 5.50 FIVE NEWS UPDATE (T)(8581333) 6.00 KNIGHT RIDER Mike infiltrates a right-wing militia group to investigate a stolen triggering device, while Zoe offers to teach Billy selfdefence. Justin Bruening stars. (T)(8300710)
Doctor Who (12.55pm)
The Story of Are... (6.30pm)
Agatha Christie’s... (9.00pm)
The Big Fat Quiz... (9.05pm)
Wonderful Wizard... (2.40pm)
David Tennant takes his final trip in the Tardis in this special, which sees the return of the Master. John Simm and Bernard Cribbins guest star.
Cast, crew and writers of the TV sitcom look back on its 13-year run, to coincide with the colourisation of the black and white pilot episode.
The elderly investigates when a friend suspects foul play at the family home — and soon a theatrical performance for the guests leads to murder.
Jimmy Carr is joined by three teams of celebrities for the seasonal entertainment quiz. look back on events of the past year.
Examining the extraordinary success of 1939 musical The Wizard of Oz, which follows, featuring behindthe-scenes footage.
6.00 NORTH WEST TONIGHT; Weather. (C)(832888) 6.10 EASTENDERS Christian comes clean to Zainab. (C)(493913) 6.40 DOCTOR WHO David Tennant’s final appearance as the Doctor. (C)(8276081) 7.55 EASTENDERS Syed confesses the truth to Zainab. (C)(465062) 8.30 CELEBRITY MASTERMIND With Ed Byrne, John Bishop, Anneka Rice and Tristan Gemmill. (C)(6772) 9.00 GAVIN & STACEY Nessa and Dave’s wedding day arrives. Last in the series. (C)(2062) 9.30 QI With Graham Norton, David Mitchell, Dara O Briain and Alan Davies. (C)(32536) 10.00 LIVE AT THE APOLLO With Alistair McGowan, Kevin Bridges and Reginald D Hunter. Last in the series. (C)(17739) 10.30 BBC NEWS; Weather. (C)(767604) 10.45 THE NATIONAL LOTTERY EUROMILLIONS DRAW Carole Machin presents the draw. (C)(830943) 10.55 FILM: SWEET HOME ALABAMA (2002) A designer returns to her home town to finalise her divorce, but still has feelings for her husband. Comedy, starring Reese Witherspoon and Josh Lucas; (C) Weatherview. (C)(40854975) 12.40 BBC NEWS (C)(87539869)
6.30 THE STORY OF ARE YOU BEING SERVED? Examining the appeal of the TV sitcom. (C)(26081) 7.30 ARE YOU BEING SERVED? Pilot episode of the vintage department store comedy, shown for the first time in a new colourised version. (R)(C)(5) 8.00 THREE MEN GO TO IRELAND Part two of two. The companions sail down the Shannon before visiting an allegedly haunted castle and Rory McGrath decides to host his own poetry festival in Limerick. (C)(8739) 9.00 FILM: THE GOOD SHEPHERD (2006) Premiere. A CIA worker faces a terrible choice between national security and the safety of his family. Spy drama, starring Matt Damon, Robert De Niro and Angelina Jolie. (C)(53413178) 11.40 I’M ALAN PARTRIDGE Alan meets his biggest fan. (R)(C)(728975) 12.10 I’M ALAN PARTRIDGE (R)(C)(1699647) 12.40 2009 UNWRAPPED WITH MIRANDA HART (R)(C)(9761005) 1.40 FILM: CROSSFIRE (1947) Drama, starring Robert Mitchum and Robert Young. (C)(b/w)(4961463) 3.05 CLOSE
Pick of the day
7.30 CORONATION STREET Steve and Becky wonder if their marriage was a mistake. (T)(81) 8.00 COUNTRYWISE Paul Heiney visits East Anglia to celebrate the birthday of Suffolk’s John Constable, one of Britain’s best-loved landscape painters, and Bettany Hughes explores the Fens. (R)(T)(2333) 8.30 CORONATION STREET Unable to agree with Steve about babies, Becky announces she is going to sleep on the sofa, and Audrey’s pleasant evening with Lewis prompts her to make Gail a surprising offer. (T)(1468) 9.00 AGATHA CHRISTIE’S MARPLE The elderly sleuth investigates when an old friend suspects foul play at the family home — and soon a theatrical performance for the guests leads to murder. Julia McKenzie stars. (T)(8352) 11.00 ITV NEWS AND WEATHER (934449) 11.15 PIERS MORGAN’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR The events that dominated 2009. (R)(T)(445178) 12.45 FILM: CONNIE AND CARLA (2004) Premiere. Comedy, starring Toni Collette, Nia Vardalos and David Duchovny; (T) ITV News Headlines. (252482) 2.25 SIX DEGREES (R)(T)(7295753) 3.10 ITV NIGHTSCREEN (81862956)
5.00 COME DINE WITH ME (R)(T)(3826) 6.00 THE SIMPSONS Homer is jailed for 10 years. (R)(T)(59) 6.30 HOLLYOAKS The villagers come to terms with the previous night’s violence. (T)(9) 7.00 CHANNEL 4 NEWS (T)(498888) 7.05 FILM: THE ITALIAN JOB (1969) A crook puts together a foolproof plan to steal £4million in gold and make a quick getaway in a fleet of Minis. Crime comedy, starring Michael Caine. (T)(35068212) 9.05 THE BIG FAT QUIZ OF THE YEAR 2009 Jimmy Carr is joined by Russell Brand, Charlie Brooker, Jonathan Ross, David Mitchell and Rob Brydon for the quiz show looking back on events of the past year. (T)(75548081) 11.10 GORDON RAMSAY’S F WORD Greek restaurant Retsina and Moroccan establishment Doukan prepare sardines, prawn and mussel tagine, a mixed grill and a spiced apple cake in the final heat. (R)(T)(865265) 12.35 RUDE TUBE (R)(T)(9757802) 1.35 THE LAST DRAGON (R)(T)(137260) 3.30 BEACH VOLLEYBALL (T)(8554937) 4.20 ST ELSEWHERE (R)(T)(5288956) 5.05 AGE OF LOVE (R)(T)(8209734) 5.25 ONE TREE HILL (T)(4692424)
7.00 COWBOY BUILDERS Melinda Messenger and Dominic Littlewood help a couple in Leeds who paid £22,500 for a loft conversion, only for the builders to neglect to install a vital supporting beam; (R)(T) Five News Update. (T)(2987807) 8.00 THE LION CUB FROM HARRODS Documentary telling the story of two Australian furniture salesmen who bought a lion cub from Harrods in 1969 and raised it themselves. (R)(T)(2996555) 9.00 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST Sara is used as bait to trap an elusive serial killer who is obviously well versed in forensic procedure and knows how to plant false evidence at crime scenes. (R)(T)(2976791) 10.00 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST Part one of two. Grissom announces he is leaving the team and tries to crack his final case, involving a copycat killer and the discovery of a decomposed body. (R)(T)(2986178) 11.00 CSI: GRISSOM’S GREATEST Part two of two. The hunt for the copycat serial killer continues. (R)(T)(6117913) 12.00 SUPERCASINO (6365376) 4.00 THE FBI FILES (R)(T)(2577043) 4.50 HOUSE DOCTOR (R)(T)(65701840) 5.15 BRIAN SEWELL’S GRAND TOUR (R)(T)(2681956)
RADIO RADIO 1: FM 97.6-99.8 5.00 Rob da Bank 7.00 Chris Moyles’ All Day Breakfast 10.00 Chris Moyles’ All Day Breakfast 1.00 Chris Moyles’ All Day Breakfast 4.00 Chris Moyles’ All Day Breakfast 7.00 Huw Stephens 11.00 Judge Jules 1.00 Kutski 3.00 In New DJs We Trust 4.00 In New DJs We Trust RADIO 2: FM 88-90.2 7.30 Johnnie Walker 9.30 Richard Allinson 12.00 Patrick Kielty 2.00 The Great British Songbook of the 00s 5.00 In the Lounge 7.00 Don’t Start Me Talking About Elvis 7.30 Ella, Aretha, Dusty and Me 9.30 Listen to the Band 10.00 Jeff Wayne’s The War of the Worlds 12.00 Mark Lamarr 3.00 Richard Allinson
RADIO 3: FM 90.2-92.4 7.00 Breakfast 10.15 New Year’s Day Concert from Vienna; News 1.00 Afternoon on 3 5.00 Words and Music 6.15 New Generation Artists 7.30 Performance on 3. Beethoven. 10.00 Not the Messiah 11.30 World on 3 1.00 Through the Night RADIO 4: 198kHz (1515m) FM 92.494.6 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Farming Today 6.00 Today 9.00 Desert Island Discs 9.45 (LW) Act of Worship 9.45 (FM) Book of the Week: Vincent van Gogh — The Letters 10.00 Woman’s Hour 11.00 Spitting in Russian 11.30 Count Arthur Strong’s Radio Show! 12.00 News
12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 Food and Farming Awards 12.57 Weather 1.00 The World at One 1.30 More or Less 2.00 The Archers 2.15 Afternoon Play: Lamia 3.00 Gardeners’ Question Time 3.45 A View Through a Lens 4.00 Last Word 4.30 The Film Programme 4.55 1989: Day-by-Day 5.00 PM 5.54 Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 Six O’Clock News 6.15 The News at Bedtime 6.30 The Now Show 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Front Row 7.45 My Mad Grandad 8.00 Correspondents’ Look Ahead 8.50 A Point of View 9.00 The Friday Play: Big in Samoa 9.59 Weather 10.00 The World Tonight 10.45 Book at Bedtime: The True Deceiver
11.00 Great Lives 11.30 The Music Group 12.00 News and Weather 12.15 Dear Darwin 12.30 Book of the Week: Vincent van Gogh — The Letters 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast RADIO 5: 909kHz (330m) 693kHz (433m) 5.00 5 Live News Review of the Year 7.00 5 Live Breakfast 10.00 Rachel Burden 1.00 In Search of the Real Drogba 2.00 Kermode and Mayo’s Films of the Year 4.00 5 Live Drive 6.00 Peter Allen’s Year with the Troops 7.00 5 Live Sport: Kicking Off with Colin Murray. The weekend preview show. 9.30 Murray and Lovejoy’s Sports Express 10.00 Nick Ravenscroft 1.00 Up All Night
CLASSIC FM: FM 99.9-101.9 7.00 Mark Forrest 9.00 Jamie Crick Dial a Carol 12.00 The New CD Show of the Year 2.00 Specialist Chart of the Year 6.00 Smooth Carols. Margherita Taylor presents another three hours of the smoothest carols. 9.00 The Full Works. Chopin. 12.00 Relaxing Classics 2.00 Howard Goodall. Musical journey on a specific theme. On 4.00 Tim Lihoreau RADIO MERSEYSIDE: 1485kHz (202m) FM 95.8 6.00 Helen Jones 9.00 Frankie Connor 12.00 Roger Lyon 2.00 Billy Butler 5.00 Live at the BBC 7.00 It’s Love That Really Counts 9.05 Open House 10.00 Late Night Live 1.00 Up All Night
RADIO CITY: FM 96.7 6.00 Rossie and Co 10.00 Rick Vaughn 1.00 Tim Cocker 4.00 Neil Fitzmaurice 7.00 In Demand 10.00 Lee Butler’s Plastic Surgery 12.00 Cream 2.00 After Hours 4.00 Michelle Dignan MAGIC 1548: 1548kHz (194m) 6.00 Keiron Fox 10.00 Nick Wright 2.00 Dave Campbell 6.00 60s 7.00 70s 8.00 Richard Allen 10.00 Vicki Archer 2.00 Magic Overnight 107.6 JUICE FM: FM 107.6 6.00 Adam and Leanne 10.00 Chris Bovaird 1.00 Baz Todd 4.00 Mark Kaye 6.00 Anton Powers 8.00 Denny Dowd 10.00 Steve Parry 12.00 Friday Night Live 2.00 Thomas Tuft 4.00 Non-stop Juice
Friday, December 18, 2009
New Year’s Day COMEDY 6.35 7.05 8.50 10.50 12.50 2.35 4.15
1.25 2.55 4.30 5.00
35MM (85117913) Juno (2007) With Ellen Page. (21238604) Tropic Thunder (2008) With Ben Stiller. (31544555) Get Smart (2008) With Steve Carell. (77810159) Drillbit Taylor (2008) With Owen Wilson. (12738604) The Christmas Clause (2008) With Lea Thompson. (45148420) Juno (2007) A teenager who falls pregnant after sleeping with her friend looks for the perfect parents to adopt her baby. Comedy, with Ellen Page and Michael Cera. (86873081) Tropic Thunder (2008) The cast of a Vietnam War movie is unknowingly caught up in a real-life conflict. Comedy, with Ben Stiller. (3416449) Get Smart (2008) A clumsy secret agent battles a sinister terrorist organisation. Comedy, based on the 1960s TV series, with Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway. (3411994) Drillbit Taylor (2008) Three kids hire a low-rent bodyguard to make sure they get through high school in one piece. Comedy, with Owen Wilson. (8959197) Blazing Saddles (1974) A black sheriff and an alcoholic gunfighter join forces to foil a crooked attorney. Mel Brooks’ Western spoof, starring Cleavon Little and Gene Wilder. (4002802) Bulletproof (1996) With Adam Sandler. (5479043) Code Name: The Cleaner (2007) With Cedric the Entertainer. (7517043) 35MM (3406260) Daddy Day Camp (2007) With Cuba Gooding Jr. (76134024)
DRAMA 6.05
Daydream Believers: The Monkees Story (2000) With LB Fisher. (67768371) 7.45 The Other Boleyn Girl (2008) With Natalie Portman. (3170623) 9.45 Green Card (1990) With Gerard Depardieu. (87024420) 11.35 Apollo 13 (1995) With Tom Hanks. (56185772) 2.00 The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008) With David Thewlis. (3505642) 3.40 Definitely Maybe (2008) With Ryan Reynolds. (6732492) 5.40 Apollo 13 (1995) With Tom Hanks. (18322449) 8.00 W (2008) Biopic of George W Bush, following his pre-political career to his first term as US President. Starring Josh Brolin. (95308826) 10.10 Vantage Point (2008) With Dennis Quaid. (2771739) 11.50 No Country for Old Men (2007) A hunter takes the money left at the scene of a botched drugs deal, but a hitman is soon on his trail. Thriller, with Josh Brolin and Javier Bardem. (69047994) 2.00 My Kingdom (2001) With Richard Harris. (4011937) 4.00 The Top 10 Show (74563598) 4.20 Yesterday’s Children (2000) With Jane Seymour. (2043685)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995) With Paul Freeman. (55542791) 8.00 Street Kings (2008) With Keanu Reeves. (5507604) 10.00 The Incredible Hulk (2008) With Edward Norton. (57259178) 11.55 The Dark Knight (2008) With Christian Bale. (65086178) 2.30 Chaos (2005) With Jason Statham. (84673062) 4.20 Hitman (2007) With Timothy Olyphant. (42848352) 6.00 The Incredible Hulk (2008) A scientist who turns into a monster when angry is hunted by a general who wants to use him as a weapon. Comic-book adventure, starring Edward Norton. (7870401) 8.00 Chaos (2005) Two cops take on the mysterious criminal behind a series of hi-tech heists. Crime thriller, with Jason Statham and Wesley Snipes. (7882246) 10.00 Con Air (1997) A parolee hitches a ride home on a maximum-security flight conveying some of America’s deadliest criminals, and when they hijack the plane in mid-flight he is forced to intervene. Action thriller, with Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, John Malkovich and Steve Buscemi. (6682536) 12.00 Hitman (2007) With Timothy Olyphant. (7123666) 1.35 Street Kings (2008) With Keanu Reeves. (8382276) 3.30 Con Air (1997) With Nicolas Cage. (5343314) 5.30 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995) With Paul Freeman. (37561647)
G.O.L.D: 6.00 Close Up 6.20 Last of the Summer Wine 7.40 Citizen Smith 9.00 Only Fools and Horses 9.00 FILM: The Wedding Singer (1998) Romantic comedy, starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. 10.50 FILM: Mr Deeds (2002) Comedy, starring Adam Sandler and Winona Ryder. 12.50 The New Adventures of Old Christine 2.20 Citizen Smith 3.00 Close
SKY SPORTS 1 6.00 Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker (26772) 7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans Today’s early stories. (69888) 9.00 Time of Our Lives Former players reminisce. (75536) 10.00Ryder Cup 2010: Monty’s Mission Colin Montgomerie’s preparations for the event. (33884) 12.00How the 2009 ICC World Twenty20 Was Won The story of last year’s championship. (42623) 2.00 Live Darts The first two 2010 PDC World Championship quarterfinals. (901623) 5.00 Live Premiership Rugby Union Sale Sharks v Harlequins (Kick-off 5.30pm). (667517) 7.30 Live Darts The 2010 PDC World Championship. The two remaining quarter-finals take place at Alexandra Palace in London tonight. (631352) 10.30Goles Y Goles Y Goles Memorable goals, spectacular saves and captivating moments of skill from the Spanish top flight. Presented by Mark Bolton, with guest Guillem Balague. (85352) 11.00Football League Weekend A look ahead to the weekend’s fixtures in League One and League Two, including interviews with managers and players. (72352) 12.00Rugby Union (82753) 12.30Goles Y Goles Y Goles (59937) 1.00 Darts (6668024) 4.00 Football League Weekend (38463) 5.00 Goles Y Goles Y Goles (93956) 5.30 Rugby Union (83482)
FLIGHT PLAN: Con Air (Sky Movies Action/Thriller, 10.00pm)
6.00 Aerobics Oz Style (9517807) 6.30 Powder Adventures (6748710) 7.00 WWE: Raw (9794888) 9.00 Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker (9526555) 10.00Women’s Cricket Special (9706623) 11.00Live Tennis (1720401) 3.00 Premier League World (5957064) 3.30 Fights of 2009 (8850265) 5.30 Goles Y Goles Y Goles (9883401) 6.00 Football League Weekend (5299371) 7.00 Goles Y Goles Y Goles (4503165) 7.30 Rugby Union (9800178) 8.00 Fights of 2009 (6000979) 10.00Rugby Union (2783265) 10.30Premiership Rugby Union (4295159) 12.00How the 2009 ICC World Twenty20 Was Won (8096024) 2.00 Tennis (8400111) 4.00 Premiership Rugby Union (5968463) 5.30 Powder Adventures (9574192)
7.30 Ski Jumping (33081) 9.00 Alpine Skiing (60604) 10.00Alpine Skiing (66791) 11.00US Tour Golf (86555) 12.00Ski Jumping (5824642) 12.45Live Ski Jumping World Cup coverage from Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Germany. (693913) 2.45 Live Cross-Country Skiing Tour de Ski coverage from Oberhof in Germany. (275791) 3.15 WATTS (3218449) 4.00 Live Cross-Country Skiing Tour de Ski coverage from Oberhof. (9420) 4.30 World Superbikes Three classic races from 2009. (38888) 5.30 MotoGP The top five races of 2009. (20333) 6.30 Dakar Rally (7449) 7.00 Dakar Rally (58536) 8.00 Race of Champions (67284) 9.00 Race of Champions (47420) 10.00Ski Jumping (1699536) 11.15Freeride Spirit Show (566197) 11.30Dakar Rally (72623) 12.30Close
12.00 Super League (78111159) 2.00 WWE: Raw (20653623) 4.00 Ice Skating (88684826) 6.00 Ryder Cup 2010: Monty’s Mission (20640159) 8.00 How the 2009 ICC World Twenty20 Was Won (20645604)
10.00 WWE: Late Night — Smackdown (62174333) 12.00 WWE: Late Night — Bottom Line (96920376) 1.00 Tight Lines (15201802) 2.00 Elite League Ice Hockey (85112043) 4.00 Strongest Man (93863918) 5.00 Tight Lines (85183531)
SKY SPORTS 3 6.00 The Rugby Club (62884197) 7.00 Horse of the Year Show A review of the 2009 event. (60162130) 9.00 Snooker (78101772) 11.00 Racing News (62170517) 11.30 SPL Round-Up (62171246)
TCM 6.25 7.00
The Screening Room (3849791) Charro (1969) Western, starring Elvis Presley. (84469739) 8.50 The Screening Room (1118994) 9.25 Thunder Over the Plains (1953) Western, starring Randolph Scott. (91075888) 11.05 Charro (1969) Western, starring Elvis Presley. (69865449) 1.00 The Road to Hong Kong (1962) Comedy, starring Bing Crosby and Bob Hope. (b/w)(6974159) 3.00 The Apartment (1960) Comedy drama, starring Jack Lemmon. (b/w)(23438081) 5.25 Carson City (1952) Western, starring Randolph Scott. (77094401) 7.05 Once Upon a Crime (1992) Comedy, with Sean Young. (98010710) 9.00 Reversal of Fortune (1990) Drama, starring Jeremy Irons. (38065623) 11.10 So Fine (1981) Comedy, starring Ryan O’Neal. (7622468) 1.00 Reversal of Fortune (1990) Drama, starring Jeremy Irons. (8917024) 3.00 Teleshopping (8337685) 5.00 The Road to Hong Kong (1962) Comedy, starring Bing Crosby and Bob Hope. (b/w)(14617005)
FILMFOUR Batman (1966) Comedy adventure, starring Adam West and Burt Ward. (86150449) 1.05 Inspector Gadget (1999) Adventure, starring Matthew Broderick. (20102420) 2.40 The Poseidon Adventure (1972) Disaster movie, starring Gene Hackman. (19301420) 4.55 Aquamarine (2006) Fantasy comedy, starring Sara Paxton and Emma Roberts. (88836371) 6.55 School of Rock (2003) Comedy, starring Jack Black. (85534178) 9.00 There’s Something About Mary (1998) Comedy, starring Cameron Diaz and Ben Stiller. (86578449) 11.15 Underworld: Evolution (2006) Horror, starring Kate Beckinsale. (68115325) 1.20 The Innocents (1961) Horror, starring Deborah Kerr. (b/w)(64054550) 3.30 Close
SKY 1 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.30 12.30 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30
9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 1.00 1.55 2.50 3.15 4.10 5.05
WWE SUPERSTARS (97246) GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS SMASHED! (22517) OOPS TV (23246) ARE YOU SMARTER THAN YOUR TEN YEAR OLD? (37352) NOEL’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 2009 (86474) GOT TO DANCE (79284) OOPS TV (46130) FUTURAMA (80197) FUTURAMA (8807) FUTURAMA (7284) DRAGONHEART (1996) (27159) GOT TO DANCE Davina McCall hosts the dancing competition. (1994) ARE YOU SMARTER THAN YOUR TEN YEAR OLD? Game show, hosted by Damian Williams. (66517) THE SIMPSONS Bart and Milhouse vie for a film role. (2623) THE SIMPSONS Bart falls for Rainier Wolfcastle’s daughter. (5449) MICHAEL JACKSON’S PRIVATE HOME MOVIES The pop star’s personal video collection. (1371) MICHAEL JACKSON’S PRIVATE HOME MOVIES The pop star’s personal video collection. (7178) BONES Investigating the death of a promotions model. (98130) LIE TO ME The Lightman Group helps track down a missing girl. (23497) UK BORDER FORCE (43826) ROAD WARS (39734) ROAD WARS (7664024) DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS (4122956) ROAD WARS (4217753) NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH (2684734) DOM JOLY’S HAPPY HOUR (7882314) ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A 10 YEAR OLD? (1878463)
LIVING: 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Bewitched 8.00 Maury 8.55 Liv for Gossip 9.00 Nothing to Declare 10.00 America’s Next Top Model 11.00 FILM: Three Amigos! (1986) Comedy Western, starring Steve Martin, Chevy Chase and Martin Short. 1.10 Celebs Off Duty 1.30 Will & Grace 2.00 Ghost Whisperer 3.00 FILM: Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) Superhero adventure sequel, starring Christopher Reeve. 4.55 Celebs Off Duty 5.00 Will & Grace 6.00 America’s Next Top Model 7.00 Ghost Whisperer 8.00 Medium 9.00 Criminal Minds 10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11.00 CSI: Miami 12.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Medium 3.00 The Bachelor USA 3.50 Maury 4.40 Nothing to Declare 5.30 Home Shopping BRAVO: 8.00 UK’s Strongest Man 2009 9.00 World’s Strongest Man 2009 10.00 UK’s Strongest Man 2009 11.00 World’s Strongest Man 12.00 UK’s Strongest Man 2009 1.00 World’s Strongest Man 2009 2.00 UK’s Strongest Man 2009 3.00 World’s Strongest Man 4.00 UK’s Strongest Man 2009 5.00 World’s Strongest Man 6.00 UK’s Strongest Man 2009 7.00 World’s Strongest Man 2009 8.00 UK’s Strongest Man 2009 9.00 1000 Ways to Die 11.00 Star Trek: Voyager 12.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 1.00 1000 Ways to Die 3.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation 4.00 Close 5.00 Home Shopping ITV2: 6.00 Coronation Street 6.25 Emmerdale 7.20 Britain’s Got More Talent 10.20 I’m a Celebrity: Unforgettable Trials 11.20 I’m a Celebrity: Jungle Gems 12.20 I’m a Celebrity: Jungle Kings and Queens 1.20 Coronation Street 1.50 Emmerdale 2.50 FILM: Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) Animated adventure sequel, with the voice of Ray Romano. 4.40 Creature Comforts 4.50 Ant & Dec’s Christmas Show 6.05 Harry Hill’s TV Burp Review of the Year 6.40 FILM: Casper (1995) Family comedy, starring Christina Ricci. 8.35 Creature Comforts 9.00 FILM: The Holiday (2006) Romantic comedy, starring Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet. 11.50 FILM: Notting Hill (1999) Romantic comedy, starring Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. 2.15 Coronation Street 3.05 Emmerdale 3.30 The Office: An American Workplace 4.40 Teleshopping 5.40 ITV2 Nightscreen ITV3: 6.00 Film File 6.10 Another Audience with Dame Edna Everage 7.05 An Audience with Cliff Richard 8.10 FILM: Garfield (2004) Comedy, with the voice of Bill Murray. 9.40 Sherlock Holmes: The Sign of Four 11.55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 1.00 Goodnight Mister Tom 3.15 FILM: Carry On Cleo (1964) 5.10 FILM: Death on the Nile (1978) 8.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 9.00 FILM: Smokey and the Bandit (1977) 10.55 FILM: The Witches of Eastwick (1987) 1.20 FILM: Nora Roberts’ Northern Lights (2009) 3.00 On the Buses 3.25 Film File 3.40 Emmerdale DAVE: 7.00 Dragons’ Den Around the World 8.00 Top Gear 11.00 Speed 11.40 Have I Got News for You 12.20 QI 1.00 Fifth Gear 1.30 Top Gear 6.00 Dragons’ Den 7.00 Speed 7.40 Have I Got News for You 8.20 QI 9.00 FILM: This Is Spinal Tap (1984) Spoof rock documentary, starring Christopher Guest. 10.40 FILM: Hannibal (2001) Thriller sequel, starring Anthony Hopkins. 1.20 Dead Ringers 2.30 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 3.00 Close E4: 6.00 How to Look Good Naked USA 6.25 One Tree Hill 7.10 Running in Heels 8.05 Young, Sexy and Cookin’ 9.00 Friends 9.25 One Tree Hill 10.20 Gilmore Girls 11.20 Veronica Mars 12.10 Running in Heels 1.05 Scrubs 2.05 Friends 2.35 Hollyoaks 3.05 Gilmore Girls 4.00 Veronica Mars 5.00 Friends 6.00 Scrubs 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 My Name Is Earl 8.00 Friends 9.00 FILM: Mean Girls (2004) Comedy, starring Lindsay Lohan. 11.00 E4’s Great Big Ruddy New Year Preview 11.05 Hollyoaks Later 12.10 My Name Is Earl 12.40 Scrubs 1.35 Reaper 3.05 Hollyoaks Later 4.00 Beauty & the Geek 4.40 How to Look Good Naked USA 5.05 Switched MORE4: 9.00 Deal or No Deal 9.45 FILM: A Room with a View (1986) Period drama, starring Helena Bonham Carter. 12.00 100 Greatest Family Films — Part One 3.05 100 Greatest Family Films — Part Two 6.10 Come Dine with Me 9.00 Father Ted 9.35 Black Books 10.05 The IT Crowd 10.40 Father Ted 11.10 Black Books 11.45 The IT Crowd 12.15 Bill Bailey Live: Part Troll 1.55 Father Ted 2.25 Black Books 2.55 The IT Crowd 3.20 Deal or No Deal 4.05 Close BBC THREE: 7.00 Top of the Pops New Year’s Eve 2009 7.55 Doctor Who Confidential 8.55 Doctor Who’s Greatest Moments: The Doctor 9.30 Gavin & Stacey: The Outtakes 10.00 EastEnders 11.10 Family Guy 11.55 FILM: The Terminator (1984) Sci-fi thriller, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. 1.35 Gavin & Stacey 2.05 Gavin & Stacey: The Outtakes 2.35 Trimming the Fat 2.55 Where Have I Been All Your Life 3.10 Top of the Pops New Year’s Eve 2009 4.05 Doctor Who Confidential 5.05 Greek Uncovered 5.20 Close
TV 35
36 TV
Friday, December 18, 2009
! E E R F e show!
c i O d e G t i s i v S t ID ’s mos
d K l r o w e h t to
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