Quality Assurance and Enhancement
Information for Internal Moderators and Primary Partnership Schools
Introduction Liverpool Hope University is strongly committed to partnership–led teacher education. The Partnership shares a vision and commitment built on values of mutual respect to support the development of high quality teachers. We recognise that the quality of our students gaining Qualified Teacher Status is dependent on the valuable work carried out in schools and ensuring a collaborative approach is maintained at every stage of the management and delivery process. We are committed to a process of continuous monitoring and review. The continuing dialogue with our partners is a key driver for our improvement. We set ourselves the highest targets in the training of the next generation of teachers. We are committed to being fully transparent with our partnership colleagues and as part of that are ensuring that the moderation process captures the quality of the work being undertaken and is shared openly with schools. We undertake moderation to ensure all aspects of the partnership are developed to achieve the best outcomes for trainees and therefore for schools. LHU moderators are chosen for their skills and abilities in working with schools in a supportive way, while also acting as a critical friend. Our expectation of moderation is that it adds value to the partnership and is not an onerous burden on schools but a constructive dialogue.
Contents Section 1 Internal Moderation Overview ......................................................................................................................4 Roles and Responsibilities of Internal Moderators ....................................................................................... 4 Level 1 .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Level 2 .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Internal Moderation Team .............................................................................................................................4
Section 2 School Visits ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Partnership ................................................................................................................................................... 6 Trainee Moderation and Notice to Improve .................................................................................................. 6
Section 3 Selection of Schools0 ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Timescales .................................................................................................................................................... 7 The Internal Moderation Visit: • Before the visit ........................................................................................................................................ 7 • During the visit ....................................................................................................................................... 7 • Following the visit ................................................................................................................................... 7 Quality Assurance of Internal Moderation .................................................................................................... 7
Section 4 Appendices .................................................................................................................................................... 9 Partnership Pledge ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Quality of Professional Learning Self Evaluation ............................................................................................... 12 Notice of Internal Moderation Visit – Exemplar Letter to Headteacher .............................................................. 17 Exemplar Agenda for Visit .............................................................................................................................. 18 Primary Partnership and Placement Moderation Form ....................................................................................... 19 Primary Trainee: Notice to Improve Moderation Form ........................................................................................ 23 Lead Internal Moderator Report ....................................................................................................................... 25 Summary of Internal Moderation Visits ............................................................................................................. 28 Moodle Information ...................................................................................................................................... 30 3
Section 1 Internal Moderation overview Moderation visits take place during the school year, generally when trainees are placed in schools and cover aspects such as the quality of our partnership with schools as well as monitoring the progress of trainees giving cause for concern. The approach that is taken during the visit is to discuss the Quality of Professional Learning Self Evaluation (see Appendix 2). All schools will be visited over the next five years and we aim to visit a sample of up to 30 schools per year.
Role and responsibilities of Internal Moderators The panel of Internal Moderators are appointed by the Liverpool Hope Partnership and employed by Liverpool Hope University to act as a critical friend in the quality assurance of partnership work and the judgements of trainees against the Teachers’ Standards. There are two levels of moderator Level 1 which consists of a small team of Primary Internal Moderators appointed (from across the partnership + wider) to undertake moderation of a designated sample of schools and trainees (circa 10%) to ensure and assure that assessments are appropriate and that the principles of the LHU partnership pledge are upheld. Internal Moderators may also be called in to monitor the progress of trainees giving cause for concern and to make recommendations to the Professional Learning Exam Panel and Course Examination Board should such a student be deemed to be failing to make progress against the Professional Teachers’ Standards. Areas of good practice and innovation in partnership working, especially mentoring are highlighted and subsequently shared across the wider partnership and to external audiences. This is highlighted through discussion of aspects of the QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation. Level 2 which consists of an Internal Moderation Panel, who have oversight of the systems and processes for IM, and who also review the outputs and outcomes from IM activities. This provides assurance on the reliability, accuracy and consistency of assessments of trainee teachers across all programmes. Recommendations from school and internal moderators to make to enhance the trainee learning experience are also discussed. The Internal Moderation Panel is made up of the Lead Moderator, Heads of Programmes, and representation from the Partnership Team and the Senior Partnership Advisor. Minutes from the Internal Moderation Panel will feed into the Primary Steering Committee.
The Internal Moderation Team Andrew Redman – Lead Moderator Andrew Redman has been the head teacher at Burtonwood Community Primary School in Warrington for the last seven years. He has extensive experience in developing teachers at all stages of their career through performance management, lesson observations and professional development. He has also been seconded to work at another primary school in Warrington to ensure their continued development. He has worked as an external moderator for Hope University for the last two years and is actively involved in the mentoring of students at Burtonwood.
Eileen Robb Eileen Robb is a retired Headteacher. She worked at Christ the King Catholic Primary School as Headteacher for 17 years. She has worked for Hope University as an External Moderator since taking up her Headship at Christ the King. After retiring Eileen worked for Wirral and Cheshire Authorities as Caretaker Headteacher in 3 schools whilst the position of Headteacher was advertised. She is also a coach/mentor for newly appointed Headteachers, a Section 48 Inspector for the Diocese of Shrewsbury and a Foundation Governor for 2 Wirral schools.
Eileen McBirnie Eileen McBirnie is a retired Headteacher with 34 years of experience in education, 21 years of which, in Senior Management roles. She has a total of 14 years of experience as a Primary School Headteacher and has been a Moderator for Liverpool Hope University since 1998.
Ruth Town Ruth Town is a serving Headteacher at St Michael in the Hamlet Primary School and has been in this role since 2008. She has a total of 11 years of experience as a Headteacher. Ruth was also the Chair at the Liverpool Primary Headteacher Association between 2012 and 2014; and the Vice-Chair at the Liverpool Learning Partnership and will become Chair from September 2015.
Diane Shaw Diane Shaw was Headteacher at Childwall C of E Primary School for 15 years before retiring in July 2015. She has served on the University Council and is currently Chair of the Primary Steering Committee, within the School of Teacher Education at Liverpool Hope University.
Section 2 School visits Partnership School visits undertaken by moderators to sample the quality of partnership working and extent of the schools commitment to the LHU pledge (See Appendix 1) take place throughout the year. Schools are reviewed at the end of the academic year and this information is used to determine which schools are visited. More information on school reviews can be found in the ‘Selection of Schools’ section of this document. All schools however will be visited over time through a rolling programme of sampling visits. The focus of the visit will be to test out and discuss aspects of the QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation.
Trainee Moderation and Notice to Improve Notice to improve visits and trainee sampling visits may take place in conjunction with, instead of, or in addition to a partnership visit. Both trainee moderation and notice to improve visits follow the format laid down by LHU policies and procedures and use the Primary Trainee: Placement Moderation Form and/or Primary Trainee: Notice to Improve Moderation Form (see Appendices 3 & 4). The roles and responsibilities for Internal Moderators may include: • detailed scrutiny of a sample of trainees, including judgements by an assessor of those on the pass/fail borderline, or likely to fail • joint observations of trainees’ teaching • discussions by relevant staff of all the evidence available, including that derived from trainees’ previous experience and achievement • arrangements for feeding back information to the partnership about the accuracy and consistency of assessment arrangements and about elements of good practice to support improvements • work scrutiny • review of primary school trainee induction documents • feedback on progress of NQTs and areas for support
Section 3 Selection of Schools LHU will aim to visit 30 schools each year for approximately half a day. An annual review of schools will take place to decide the schools to be visited based on • concerns about the partnership which schools have identified using the QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation • concerns about trainees placed in the school • length of the partnership with the school e.g. a new school, change of mentor, Headteacher. • a rolling programme of visits to ensure every school is visited over time (4/5 years)
Timescales Moderation visits will be carried out across the school year during periods when trainees are on placement with a sample of schools being visited in the autumn, spring and summer terms. Schools will be informed of visits in advance via letter and email to the Headteacher. LHU will aim to inform schools at least two weeks in advance of a moderation visit.
The Internal Moderation Visit Before the visit Moderators need to be familiar with: • Internal Moderation Framework • QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation • Programme Handbook • Standards for the Award of QTS • Relevant school information (available in the documentation pack provided to Moderators before the visit)
During the Internal Moderation Visit Our visits are very important in ensuring quality assurance and checking that the school provision meets the partnership requirements and LHU pledge. The aim of the visit is to help schools get better at what they do and celebrate partnership working rather than to criticise existing provision. This will ensure the very best experience for our schools and trainees. Depending on the nature of the visit Internal Moderators will consider the quality of partnership working through discussion of the QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation and/or trainee performance and notice to improve. An exemplar agenda for the visit will be provided in the documentation pack (See Appendix 3).
Following the visit Internal moderation provides a system of checks and balances within the LHU Partnership to ensure that trainees in different settings are assessed accurately and reliably. LHU is repsonsible for ensuring that arrangements for internal moderation are in place and that they work effectively.
Schools and trainees will receive written feedback within four weeks of the date of the moderation visit.
Quality Assurance of Internal Moderation All work undertaken during the year in the Liverpool Hope ITE Partnership is subject to scrutiny by evaluation systems, internal moderation and examination. All of this reports to Programme Steering Committees and Faculty Board. These systems and activities ensure that trainees in different settings are assessed accurately and reliably. Information from Internal Moderation feeds into professional learning moderation meetings and Exam Panels and Boards where final judgments are made about students having met the Professional Teachers’ Standards and the grade they have achieved. Written work, including The Hope Teacher Profile or e-profile, is internally moderated during the year and some sampling of teaching will also be undertaken by Internal Moderators. The Partnership Advisers will act as critical observers of partnership procedures and quality assurance of Level 1 internal moderation will be undertaken as deemed necessary by members of the Level 2 moderation panel. All judgements made about any aspect of trainees’ work are provisional and may be altered at the time of the final examination by the Examination Board
Section 4 Appendices • Partnership Pledge • Quality of Professional Learning Self Evaluation • Notice of Internal Moderation Visit – Exemplar Letter to Headteacher • Exemplar Agenda for Visit • Primary Partnership and Placement Moderation Form • Primary Trainee: Notice to Improve Moderation Form • Lead Internal Moderator Report • Summary of Internal Moderation Visits • Moodle Information
Appendix 1 Liverpool Hope University Partnership Pledge Our pledge to the Liverpool Hope Partnership: • Commitment to the development of the Hope Teacher and the vision of the Hope Partnership • Opportunities to work with a range of high quality Hope Teacher Trainees • Access to high quality Professional support and curriculum expertise • Access to relevant university based teaching sessions • Opportunities for research and collaborative projects to inform evidence based practice. • Support and preparation for Ofsted inspections and schools at risk or in challenging circumstances • A Core Support and Development package of 4 days across each year: -
Mentor Level 1 Development Day
Partnership Learning Day ( covering key government priority areas e.g. Assessment)
Partnership Conference Day and celebration Dinner
NQT Induction Tutor Development Day
• Free twilight CPDL events including Subject Knowledge Focus Week • Subsidised Masters modules based around evidence and enquiry based research, relevant to classroom practice and innovation.
Your pledge to the Liverpool Hope Partnership: • Commitment to the development of the Hope Teacher and the vision of the Hope Partnership • Provision of high quality professional placement experiences • Opportunities for an expansive range of flexible trainee learning experiences within placements • Engagement in provision of additional non assessed learning opportunities where possible • Opportunities to observe and learn outstanding practitioners • Value the importance of excellent mentoring and commit to attendance and dissemination of annual development events • Commitment to provide a thorough induction into the school • Openness to share expertise and innovative practice across the partnership
Liverpool Hope University ITE Partnership Pledge We, at ..................................................................................................... School, pledge our commitment to working in partnership with Liverpool Hope University, investing in the future of the teaching profession and in accordance with the criteria set out in the Liverpool Hope ITE Partnership Agreement*
Headteacher Signature: ................................................................................................................................................ Chair of Governors Signature: ..................................................................................................................................... Date: ................................................................................................................................................................................
We, at Liverpool Hope University, pledge our commitment to working in partnership with you
Dr Jane Moore Head of School
Dr Jane Moore Head of School
*The Partnership Agreement can be found on the ITE Partnership Moodle
Students receive constructive feedback on their teaching which has a positive impact on their progress to becoming a good or outstanding teacher
Weekly reviews refer to the Training Plan and are used to secure student progress
The school/setting regularly and consistently evaluates their school-led training and sets targets for development and improvement
Embedded Partnership School
Partnership School
Date: …………………………………………
Please leave this completed form with the PLC in school. Please return a copy to the Partnership Office at Hope.
Professional Tutor signature: ……………………………………………………………….....……………… Date: …………………………………………
PLC/Mentor/Class Teacher signature: …………………………………………………........……………..
Headteacher signature: ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Date: …………………………………………
Please identify here any areas of best practice:
Lead Partnership School
Using the criteria overleaf, agree you current level of Partnership School
The school/setting always ensures early identification and action for trainees requiring improvement and is confident in raising a Notice to Improve
(iii) Carrying out student evaluations of mentoring
(ii) Undertaking joint observations
The school consistently monitors and evaluates mentoring and training by (i) Evaluating the quality of lesson observation forms
The school/setting always ensures that each student receives the minimum requirement of at least one weekly formal observation
Mentor development sessions at Hope, through cluster meetings or in your school or via Moodle have had a positive impact on your understanding of the requirements to support ITE students and your ability to support them to make good progress
The school/setting regularly shares school-led evaluations with the University staff
The e-Profile has been used to personalise training for the student
Induction for students is effectively organised and has a positive impact on students’ progress?
Strongly agree
Name of School: …………………..................……………… Professional Tutor: ………………………………………………… Mentor/Class Teacher: ……………………........……………………….
Appendix 2 QA of Professional Learning: Self-evaluation to be completed by PLC and Professional Tutor
Embedded Partnership School/ Professional Learning Setting
• Is fully committed and implements all areas of the LHU pledge, sharing its practice with other partner schools.
• Rigorously evaluates all aspects of provision ensuring that feedback contributes to improvement planning.
• Has implemented aspects of the LHU pledge.
• Regularly evaluates all aspects of provision ensuring that feedback contributes to improvement planning.
• Consistently participates in Partnership events including cluster meetings.
• Is involved in Selection and Interviewing.
• Consistently participates in and contributes to Partnership events including cluster meetings and/or University based sessions.
• Is willing to be involved in Selection and Interviewing.
• Trainees have regular opportunities to attend whole school meetings and staff training.
• Trainees have regular opportunities to gain knowledge of the wider life of the school / school’s workforce.
• The trainee entitlement is always met.
• Actively participates in Partnership Committees and working groups.
School’s strategic involvement with LHU
• Trainees have regular opportunities to attend whole school meetings and staff training and their contributions are valued.
• Trainees have regular opportunities to gain knowledge of the wider school’s workforce and links with outside bodies.
• The trainee entitlement is always met and, at times, exceeded, with a positive impact on outcomes for trainees and pupils.
• Following a comprehensive induction, within • Following an appropriate, induction to the school a progressive the whole school an appropriate, progressive timetable is created and is personalised to timetable is created. the trainees’ needs. • Trainees participate in high quality training across all of the school’s • Trainees participate in excellent quality key stages. training across all of the school’s key stages.
School-Based Training opportunities
Lead Partnership School/Professional Learning Setting
• Has agreed to the principles of the LHU pledge.
• Participates in partnership events and evaluation.
• The trainee entitlement is met.
• Trainees participate in training.
• An appropriate, progressive timetable is provided.
• An induction to the school takes place.
Partnership School/ Professional Learning Setting
Supporting Evidence in preparation for IM Visit
Continued overleaf
Internal Moderator Summary of Discussion
All Schools within the Partnership share: a commitment to Excellence in ITE and to developing good or outstanding Hope Teachers “who take a full part in professional school life and teach with ‘moral purpose, the whole child’. (OFSTED 2012)
Liverpool Hope University - Evaluation Criteria for Schools (Primary)
• The Professional Learning Coordinator and some Class Mentors have been trained and are aware of their role in relation to supporting trainees.
• Is fully aware of the importance of early identification of issues and action for trainees. Raises Notice to Improve independently and is confident in following the LHU implementation procedures.
• Meets with trainees and CMs, normally at review points, to collaboratively review and set targets, based on a full understanding of trainees’ needs.
• Undertakes collaborative activities with CMs and is thus fully aware of all CM strengths and areas for development. Seeks ways of addressing these through a range of strategies/support.
• Has robust QA procedures in place which ensure high quality mentoring based on the criteria set out below.
• Leads a regular programme of schoolled sessions that make use of specialist knowledge from within or beyond the school’s workforce and which is systematically evaluated and reviewed to promote high quality outcomes.
• Leads a planned programme of Induction activities for all trainees, which is regularly evaluated.
• Is fully aware of the importance of early identification of issues and action for trainees. Raises Notice to Improve independently and is confident in following the LHU implementation procedures.
• Is aware of CM strengths and areas for development for quality assurance purposes and shares best practice.
• Has secure knowledge of trainees’ progress and supports CMs in personalising provision to meet their needs.
• Has QA procedures in place which ensure high quality mentoring based on the criteria set out below.
• Leads a programme of School led sessions for all trainees.
• Leads a regular programme of School led sessions, which make use of specialist knowledge from amongst the school’s workforce and is responsive to trainee needs.
• Is fully aware of the importance of early identification of issues and action for trainees. Raises Notice to Improve and follows the LHU implementation procedures.
• Monitors the work of CMs based on the criteria below.
• Monitors the progress of trainees.
• Leads a programme of Induction activities for all trainees.
• Leads a planned programme of Induction for all trainees.
Expertise of the Professional Learning Coordinator in training, assessment and Quality Assurance
• The Professional Learning Coordinator and • The Professional Learning all Class Mentors (CMs) have been trained Coordinator and Class Mentors and demonstrate an excellent knowledge of have been trained and demonstrate their roles in developing trainees to become a secure knowledge of their roles good or outstanding trainees The PLC and in developing good or outstanding CMs make effective use of opportunities to trainees. update their mentoring knowledge and skills. • The PLC and CMs sometimes make use of opportunities to update their mentoring knowledge and skills.
Mentor Knowledge and Training
Sign Name: ...………………………………………………………………………………………………
Print Name: ...………………………………………………………………………………………………
Professional Tutor Comments (if required)
Sign Name: ...……………………………………………………………………………………
Print Name: ...……………………………………………………………………………………
Overall, I agree/disagree that the school’s self-evaluation is robust and that their Description of partnership is accurate.
Internal Moderator
Additional issues raised by Internal Moderator
Areas for Development
Resources/Support Needs
Deadline/Review date
Internal Moderator (if applicable): ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...............……………….
Name of School: ………………………………..……… PPT: ……….…………………………………... PLC: …………..……………………….…………
Action Plan for Development
Appendix 3 Notice of Internal Moderation Visit
30th September 2015
Dear <INSERT NAME OF HEAD TEACHER>, NOTICE OF INTERNAL MODERATION VISIT The next Internal Moderation exercise at Liverpool Hope University will begin w/c Monday 27th April 2015. Your school has been selected to take part in this round of moderation and will be visited on: <INSERT DATE AND TIME> Your Internal Moderator will be: <INSERT NAME OF MODERATOR> School visits, undertaken by moderators to sample the quality of this aspect of partnership working, take place throughout the academic year. Schools are reviewed at the end of each academic year and this information is used to determine which schools are visited. All schools however, will be visited over time through a rolling programme of sampling visits. The focus of the visit will be to test out and discuss aspects of the QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation and to give schools an opportunity to give us feedback. School will be paid a contribution to supply cover at the rate of ÂŁ70 for a single morning or afternoon session or ÂŁ140 for a full day. This payment will support the release of the Professional Learning Coordinator/Student Mentor to meet with the Internal Moderator. Please find enclosed the Internal Moderation Framework and a copy of the QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation so that you can prepare for the visit. Best wishes, Louise Daley MA; BA (Hons) Partnership Administration and Support Manager
School of Teacher Education Faculty of Education, EDEN Building, Liverpool Hope University, Hope Park, Liverpool, L16 9JD T: 0151 291 2044/3062 E: partnershipoffice@hope.ac.uk 17
Appendix 4 Internal moderation visit – exemplar agenda
This agenda is for illustration purposes; the format is flexible and can be adjusted to suit the type of visit. <INSERT NAME OF HEAD TEACHER>, <INSERT SCHOOL ADDRESS> <INSERT DATE AND TIME OF VISIT> <INSERT NAME OF MODERATOR> <INSERT TYPE OF VISIT (Notice to Improve; Trainee Sampling; Partnership Visit)
1. Meeting with Head Teacher/Professional Learning Coordinator 2. Discussion around QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation; Trainee Induction; School Evaluations 3. Meet with trainees placed at school and scrutinise a sample of Hope Teacher Profiles 4. Conduct a trainee observation in conjunction with the PLC/Class Mentor 5. Meet NQTs and discuss progress, targets and areas for support 6. Complete the QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation with the Head Teacher/PLC
School of Teacher Education Faculty of Education, EDEN Building, Liverpool Hope University, Hope Park, Liverpool, L16 9JD T: 0151 291 2044/3062 E: partnershipoffice@hope.ac.uk 18
Appendix 5 Primary Partnership and Trainee Placement Moderation Form Part A: Partnership Moderation (linked to Self Evaluation [Yellow Form]) Name of Internal Moderator: Name of School: Is the school deemed to be in challenging circumstances (Pupil Premium Yes: is at least 25%)?
Date of Moderation visit: Evidence Base â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Partnership Self Evaluation Form (Yellow Form) Please indicate who you spoke with during the visit Headteacher
Professional Learning Coordinator
Mentor/Class Teacher
Other Are there any changes to information provided that the partnership team need to be aware of, e.g new Headteacher, name of PLC, NQTs:
Comments from the school regarding LHU partnership:
Has the school requested any support from LHU?
Areas of best practice worth sharing:
Overall comments on LHU and School Partnership:
Signed: ............................................................................................. (Internal Moderator)
Part B: Primary Trainee Placement Sampling Moderation (if applicable) Name of Internal Moderator:
Trainee Name:
Trainee ID
Course and Year/Subject
Name of School:
Date of Moderation visit:
Evidence Base, moderated against the 2012 Standards and Hope’s Assessment Descriptors Yes
Observation forms and weekly reviews seen Trainee receives constructive feedback on their teaching which has a positive impact on their progress to becoming a good or outstanding teacher Weekly reviews refer to the Training Plan and are used to secure trainee’s progress Review form completed by school (if applicable) Hope Teacher Profile seen Planning/Evaluations file seen, including observation and progress over time Assessment file seen Discussion with PPT took place Discussion with PLC/Mentor took place Moderation of Professional Standards Yes
Did you conduct a joint observation? Did the school mentor’s judgement make appropriate and accurate use of the assessment criteria? Is the level of grades consistent across the range of schools visited? Is the level of support offered to students by the school appropriate? Please circle agreed overall lesson grade
Please circle agreed PPL grade at time of visit
Quality of Training Indicators Trainee demonstrates good subject and curriculum knowledge
Professional Files
Professional Files
Professional Files
Professional Files
Trainee demonstrates good phase expertise Comment
Trainee demonstrates the ability to use a range of teaching and learning strategies to good effect. Comment
Trainee can accurately assess pupil progress
Trainee uses assessment evidence to ensure all learners make at least expected progress
Professional Files
Professional Files
Professional Files
Professional Files
Trainee is confident and positive in managing behaviour and discipline in line with school policy and ethos Comment
Good quality oral and written feedback is used to set well-focused developmental targets that support trainee to improve their practice. Comment
Assessment of trainee is accurate and consistent. Comment
Signed: ................................................................................... (Professional Learning Coordinator) Signed: ................................................................................... (Professional Tutor) Signed: ................................................................................... (Internal Moderator) 22
Appendix 6 Notice to Improve Moderation Form
Name of Internal Moderator: Student Name:
Student ID
Course and Year/Subject
Name of School: Date of Moderation visit:
NATURE OF ISSUE(s): as alerted through Notice to Improve Poor interaction with peers/colleagues
Poor professional qualities(see Professional Standards)
Poor subject knowledge
Poor planning
Poor relationships / engagement with pupils
Poor classroom management
Other (please specify below)
Lack of punctuality/poor attendance
Poor engagement with course/attitude
Evidence Base, moderated against the 2012 Standards and Hopeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Assessment Descriptors Did you access the following information Observation forms and weekly reviews
Notice to Improve Sections A, B and C Arrangements for School Visits? Review form completed by school Discussion with student PPPD file Planning/Evaluations file Assessment file Discussion with PPT Discussion with PLC/Mentor Moderation of Professional Standards Yes Did you conduct a joint observation? Did the school mentorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s judgement make appropriate and accurate use of the assessment criteria? Is the level of grades consistent across the range of schools visited? Is the level of support offered to students by the school appropriate? 23
Please provide comment and/or recommendations regarding Notice to Improve and moderation of professional standards.
Signed: ................................................................................... (Professional Learning Coordinator) Signed: ................................................................................... (Professional Tutor) Signed: ................................................................................... (Internal Moderator)
Teachersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Standards 2012
Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils
Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils
Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge
Plan and teach well-structured lessons
Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils
Make accurate and productive use of assessment
Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment
Fulfil wider professional responsibilities
Teachers uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school, by:
Teachers must have proper and professional regard for the ethos, policies and practices of the school in which they teach, and maintain high standards in their own attendance and punctuality.
Teachers must have an understanding of, and always act within, the statutory frameworks which set out their professional duties and responsibilities.
Appendix 7 Lead Internal Moderator Report SECTION A: Name of Lead Internal Moderator: Names of Moderators involved in moderation:
Overview of Provision Observed by Internal Moderators Number of partnership and trainee sampling visits: Number of Notice to Improve visits: Number of lessons observed:
Comments regarding procedures, availability of information or documentation
SECTION B: In this section you are asked to provide additional comment on key aspects associated with the quality of the student experience within the partnership. Comments could include: · The arrangements in place between the University and its Partner Schools and relationships across the partnership · The strengths and weaknesses of the students’ teaching with respect to knowledge, conceptual grasp or application of skills · Areas of good practice and innovation in mentoring which you have observed and which it would be valuable to draw to the attention of the wider partnership and to external audiences · Recommendations you wish to make to enhance the student learning experience on the programme · Recommendations you wish to make regarding the moderation process
SECTION C: Overview of Term of Office (where appropriate) On completion of your term of office, please provide an overview, including any recommendations you wish to make.
OFFICE USE Date report submitted to Partnership Manager
Date report submitted to Primary Steering Committee
Date report submitted to Faculty Board
Appendix 8 Summary of Internal Moderation Visits
Name of Internal Moderator: Schools visited:
Number of Notice to Improve visits: Schools involved:
Name of School: Meeting with Head Teacher/Professional Learning Coordinator? Discussion around QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation; Trainee Induction; School Evaluations? Complete the QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation with the Head Teacher/PLC? Meet with trainees placed at school and scrutinise a sample of Hope Teacher Profiles? Conduct a trainee observation in conjunction with the PLC/Class Mentor? Meet NQTs and discuss progress, targets and areas for support?
Name of School: Meeting with Head Teacher/Professional Learning Coordinator? Discussion around QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation; Trainee Induction; School Evaluations? Complete the QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation with the Head Teacher/PLC? Meet with trainees placed at school and scrutinise a sample of Hope Teacher Profiles? Conduct a trainee observation in conjunction with the PLC/Class Mentor? Meet NQTs and discuss progress, targets and areas for support? 28
Name of School: Meeting with Head Teacher/Professional Learning Coordinator? Discussion around QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation; Trainee Induction; School Evaluations? Complete the QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation with the Head Teacher/PLC? Meet with trainees placed at school and scrutinise a sample of Hope Teacher Profiles? Conduct a trainee observation in conjunction with the PLC/Class Mentor? Meet NQTs and discuss progress, targets and areas for support?
Name of School: Meeting with Head Teacher/Professional Learning Coordinator? Discussion around QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation; Trainee Induction; School Evaluations? Complete the QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation with the Head Teacher/PLC? Meet with trainees placed at school and scrutinise a sample of Hope Teacher Profiles? Conduct a trainee observation in conjunction with the PLC/Class Mentor? Meet NQTs and discuss progress, targets and areas for support? Name of School: Meeting with Head Teacher/Professional Learning Coordinator? Discussion around QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation; Trainee Induction; School Evaluations? Complete the QA of Professional Learning Self Evaluation with the Head Teacher/PLC? Meet with trainees placed at school and scrutinise a sample of Hope Teacher Profiles? Conduct a trainee observation in conjunction with the PLC/Class Mentor? Meet NQTs and discuss progress, targets and areas for support?
Appendix 9 Summary of Internal Moderation Visits
Your Moodle Login has changed
From 2015/2016 your Liverpool Hope University Moodle login will be: Username: partnership Password: LivHope@1516 You can log in at: https://moodle.hope.ac.uk