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Number 577 . Kansas Angus Association . March/April 2012

Association NEWS Two Commercial Angus & Angus-Influence Female Sales Planned for Spring

Kansas to Host National Angus Conference and Tour— October 2-5

Junction City Sale is March 23, Sale in Fort Scott , April 18

The Kansas Angus Association is proud to partner with the American Angus Association to host the 2012 National Angus Conference and Tour October 2-5 , 2012. The event will bring together producers and Angus enthusiasts from across the United States to enjoy presentations and workshops featuring leading industry speakers, a trade show and the opportunity to tour Kansas ranches. The conference headquarters will be the Doubletree Hotel( formerly Wichita Airport Hilton) in Wichita. The complete conference schedule, tour itinerary and registration information will be announced in early June and will be available at and in the June issue of the Angus Journal. Participants will be required to register through the American Angus Association.

The Kansas Angus Association (KAA) is excited to announce that new sales will be added to the existing sales sponsored for commercial Angus and Angusinfluenced females . A sale will again this year be held at JC Livestock Sales, Junction City on Saturday March, 23 at 1:30 pm. A new sale will be held in Fort Scott at the Fort Scott Livestock Market on Wednesday, April 18 at 1 pm. The KAA currently seeking consignments of commercial Angus and Angus-influenced young age cows, pairs, bred heifers, and open heifers for both spring sales. Females must be consigned in minimum five head lots. Maximum age of females for the Junction City sale is eight years and females accepted for the Ft. Scott must be seven years of age or younger. To qualify for these special sales, the females must meet Certified Angus Beef ® live specifications: be predominately black hided; black white faces and /or “baldies” will be accepted; have typical beeftype conformation (no visible dairy influence); and be without long floppy ear and hump (no visible Brahman influence). The sales welcome bred cows and heifers; fall pairs, and open heifers.

The KAA will host the trade show during the conference on October 2nd and 3rd at the Doubletree Hotel. A limited number of booth spaces are available at $350 per 10 foot space. To receive trade show booth space information contact Anne Lampe, KAA secretary/manager at

Kansas Angus Association members will have the opportunity to display cattle at the following host ranches: McCurry Brothers Angus, Sedgwick; Sankey’s 6N Ranch, Council Grove, Fink Beef Genetics, Randolph and Gardiner Angus Ranch, Angus seedstock producers are encouraged to help inform their commercial bull Ashland. Space and number of cattle will be limited, to apply to display cattle customers of this sale as an option for producers to market source verified Angus replacement females. Consigners do not have to be members of the Kansas Angus contact Anne at, 620-874-4273. Those displaying cattle will we required to pay a $250 fee, fees will be used for tour costs incurred by KAA. Association. Please see page 15 of this issue for consignment criteria and an entry form for the Ft. Scott sale. For more information on the Ft. Scott Sale contact chairman Ron Hinrichsen at (785) 770-0222 or Matt Caldwell at (913) 755-1105. Contact chairman Chad Johnson for more information and entry forms for the Junction City sale at (620) 767-2650 The sales are sponsored by the Kansas Angus Association. Other KAA commercial female sales are scheduled for November 21 in LaCrosse and December 1 in Pratt.

Compiling List of Private Treaty Sale Offerings The KAA is compiling a list of members with PRIVATE TREATY bull and female sale offerings this spring and fall. Please send farm/ranch name; location; number of bulls offered; number of females offered and brief description ( example 30 yearling bulls; 25 registered open heifer) and begin sale date to Anne at (email preferred) or 620-872-3915 phone/fax. The KAA office occasionally gets requests from producers looking to buy private treaty. The list will be available upon request and may be used on the website and in other KAA communications. Our goal is to serve all members and promote Kansas Angus genetics. Those selling private treaty may also want to look at our KAN and e-advertisement opportunities. As always, members with auction sales may submit their sale date for listing on KAA calendar, see page 12.

Scholarship opportunity for High School Seniors 2012 The application deadline for 2012 Ks Angus Auxiliary scholarships is April 15. High school student that are currently seniors are eligible to apply. The top boy and top girl applicants are eligible for national competition. Applications must be submitted to state chairman Shelly Janssen,1356 Ave M, Ellsworth, Ks 67439.An application and guidelines are available at

Consignment form and criteria for new KAA sponsored Commercial Angus & Angus- Influence Female Sale on page 15. Consignments due April 4 Sale April 18 Ft. Scott

1 March/April 2012 Kansas Angus News

Kansas Angus Association The President’ s Pen Greetings everyone, The sale season is in full swing and I hope everyone will take a little time to go and support your fellow Angus breeders who are having sales, even if you don’t need to buy anything. The discussions of all things cattle and particularly all things Angus, that go on at sales and such functions are some of the most educational as well as entertaining things we do all spring. Besides, your friends and neighbors in the Angus business will appreciate you showing up to add your prestige to the crowd and help fill the bleachers.

Official Publication of the Kansas Angus Association, Inc.

Those of you who enjoy calving in January and February should be wrapped up and know what your spring calf crop will look like. At least through the middle of February this has been about the easiest winter I can remember and it would have been a great year to calve in January. Some famous cow man once said, when January is good for calving, it’s good. But when January is bad it’s a disaster. What a sharp contrast from last year to this. As far as most of us are concerned, it couldn’t have come at a better time with the short hay supplies and high feed prices.

Full Page ….$325 b/w Full page 4 color…. $350 1/2 Page….$165 b/w; 4c $190 1/3 Page….$120 b/w ; 4c $145 1/4 Page….$85 b/w; 4c $100 Column Inch….$12 Card Ad..$25 /issue

As an association, we haven’t put much emphasis on membership procurement for several years. Regardless of the negative effects of the genetic defects and the economy over the past several years, we still have by far the most complete and popular beef breed going. There is no reason for not having a lot more paid members in our state association. I hope that every one of us will have our antenna up, searching for people who should be members, and we will not be shy about mentioning that fact to them, and then following up with an application. Compared to similar publications, just the Kansas Angus News subscription is worth the price of membership. There are a lot of members of the American association that are not members of our state association. If we had most of those we could more than double in membership. Also if you have suggestions as to how we can make our membership more valuable to producers, please offer your suggestions to any officer or board member. See you on the Angus Trail.

Tim Benton

Notes & News from Anne With hopes that spring is just around the corner, I chose the cover photo featuring Angus cattle grazing on green grass. As you anticipate spring rains, warmer days and green grass take a minute to read this issue of the Kansas Angus News. On page 1, two new KAA sponsored commercial Angus female sales are announced. It is the KAA’s mission to promote Angus genetics and to increase demand Angus cattle in Kansas; the board of directors believe that sponsoring these commercial Angus female sales does both. Many of commercial Angus and Angus-influenced females selling will be sired by or bred to registered Angus bulls produced or owned by Kansas breeders. New sales in Ft. Scott and LaCrosse will be held in addition to our long standing sales in Junction City and Pratt. Also on page 1, you will find brief information on the upcoming National Angus Conference and Tour, mark the dates on your calendar and watch for the complete schedule of events and registration information in early summer.

Anne Anne S. Lampe, Ks Angus News, editor ; Ks Angus Association, Secretary/Manager , 620-874-4273 cell, 620-872-3915 home/office

Join the Kansas Angus Association fan page on Facebook. Post photos, share info, post website links, network with Angus enthusiasts.

Association News…………………………....….….1 Editors Notes, KAA, KAN Info…….…...…….......2 Angus Industry………………………………….....4 Showring Purple………………………………..….6 Annual Meeting, Banquet & Jr Show Honors..…...8 KJAA …………………………………..……..….10 Auxiliary…………………………………….…...10 Ks Angus Calendar …………………………….. 12 Everett & Bonnie Benoit are Honorary Members...18


Anne Lampe, Editor 5201 E Rd 110 Scott City, Ks 67871 (620)872-3915 phone/fax (620)874-4273 cell

Email: Advertising Rates

Photos Add Photos ……………… $5/photo No photo charge for camera ready ads Discounts for year contract 1/4 page and larger prepaid. Discounts for multiple full page ad in same issue. Classified Advertising : $2 per word. 10 word minimum. No logos , graphics or display ads in classified section.

Other Services KAA Mailing List (member use)……….$100 Mailing List (non member use)………..$150 Private Treaty Commission ……….5% Website Block Ads E– Classifieds

Catalog inserts welcome.

Kansas Angus Association President 2012

In this Issue

May/June 2012 issue ad/copy deadline : April 10

Annual Meeting & Banquet, Jr. Show Highlights Page 8

New Spring Commercial Female Sale in Ft. Scott

Page 15

Benoit’s are KAA Honorary Members Page 18

- Photo and design by Anne Lampe.

2 March/April 2012 Kansas Angus News

Terms: All accounts that are 60 days or more past due will be assed interest at a monthly rate of 1–1/2% (18% annually). Accounts 90 days past must be paid before further advertising will be accepted. Any member 3 months or more in arrears in the payment of dues or assessments shall be dropped from the roll with the membership year beginning with the annual meeting. (KAA By-Laws: Art III, Sec 4) Any claims or statements of the writers or advertisers in this publication represent their own opinions and are not necessarily those of the editor or of the officers and directors of the Kansas Angus Association. Kansas Angus Association Board of Directors

President :Tim Benton, Garnett Vice President : Craig Rucker , Burdett Secretary/Mgr: Anne Lampe, Scott City (620) 872-3915 Treasurer: Robert Bailey ,3990 Highway K68 Quenemo, Ks 66528,(785) 828-3338 Past President: Joe Hite, Valley Center

District Directors Term Expires # 1 Neal Haverkamp, Bern ……………….….……...2013 # 2 Sharee Sankey, Council Grove………..…….….....2014 # 3 Matt Perrier, Eureka……………………..………….2014 # 4 Doug Benoit, Esbon ..……………….…….….........2013 # 5 Mark Rohr, Hays………………….....…………...... 2015 # 6 Shane Prill, Wichita…………………….…………....2013 # 7 Larry Lundgren, Gove………...………………...…..2013 # 8 JR “Rusty” Williams, Hugoton………………...…...2013 Directors At Large (Commercial) Harold Hazelton, McPherson……………………..……...2013 Howard Woodbury, Quenemo…………………........…..2014 Rick Cornwell St. John ……………..……….………. .2015 Directors At Large (Purebred) Brandon New, Leavenworth………………….………....2014 Stuart Rose, Cheney…….…………………..……. …....2015 Ron Hinrichsen, Westmoreland……………… ……….2013 The KAA board meets quarterly in February, May, September and December. Members are welcome to attend meetings. Contact Anne Lampe for meeting dates. Next Board of Directors meetings: May 15 September 13, December 1

ANGUS INDUSTRY -News provided by American Angus Association ® and Certified Angus Beef® American Angus Association® Updates Program Name to Tonya Amen Joins the Angus Genetics Inc.® Angus Genetics Inc. (AGI) welcomes Tonya Amen as the new Genetic Service MaternalPlus ®

Angus voluntary inventory system receives name revision. The American Angus Association®’s newly introduced PathfinderPlus program, a voluntary, inventory-based reporting system aimed at increasing reproductive trait data, will now be known as MaternalPlus. After suggestions from Association members, the Board of Directors decided this week to change the name to avoid confusion with the previously established Pathfinder program started in 1978 in an effort to identify superior cows in the breed. MaternalPlus contains PathfinderPlus capabilities to capture additional reproductive trait data and to ultimately expand reproductive and lifetime productivity tools, such as longevity measures. “The change is in name only,” says Bill Bowman, Association chief operating officer and director of performance programs. “The MaternalPlus program serves as a unique system that allows us to effectively capture reproductive trait data while providing participants with additional information at weaning processing time, such as calving ease, birth weight and weaning weight EPDs for calves out of inventoried cows.” Breeders interested in participating in MaternalPlus can enroll through AAA Login, available at “MaternalPlus is the most comprehensive route to generate reproductive selection tools on your herd,” Bowman says. “The program is streamlined to capture the necessary data for genetic predictions to assist you and your customers.” Contact the American Angus Association at 816-383-5100 or visit for more information.

NJAA Board of Directors Attend YBIC The National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) Board of Directors attended the 2012 Youth Beef Industry Congress (YBIC), Feb. 2-4 in Nashville, Tenn. The biennial event, themed “Hitting the High Note,” gathered more than 125 junior beef breed and state cattlemen organizations. The YBIC conference is a great opportunity for the NJAA Board of Directors to create relationships amongst fellow beef leaders and industry professionals who will help them lead to a better future,” says Robin Ruff, director of junior activities. “The junior board today will be the beef industry leaders of tomorrow, and we need to prepare them with the adequate knowledge and experience to make them successful.” Designed for youth leaders in the beef industry, the 2012 YBIC was sponsored by the U.S. Beef Breeds Council and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA). The YBIC conference was held in conjunction with the 2012 Cattlemen’s Convention and featured youth’s involvement in the future of agriculture. “People don’t care how much you know, but want to know how much you care,” said Andrew McCrea, keynote leadership speaker and teambuilding facilitator for YBIC from Maysville, Mo. McCrea informed attendees of the role they can play as the next generation of beef leaders. During teambuilding session, juniors were able to meet new people from across the nation. They also participated in a beef quiz bowl game to test their industry knowledge. On Thursday night, NJAA Directors met with Nashville’s entertainment correspondent Ashlie Kolb and Neil Mylet, founders of LoadOut Technologies. As young professionals, Ashlie and Neil encouraged the audience to follow their dreams. Friday morning began with a research panel addressing feed efficiency. Speakers were Dr. Matt Spangler, University of Nebraska; Dr. Dan Shike, University of Illinois; and Dr. Bob Weaber, Kansas State University. The panel also covered future challenges for the industry, including the increased food production needed to feed the world population expected to double by 2050. Following the panel, the group went to the Cattle Industry Convention to visit the Cattlemen to Cattlemen television set, participate in a trade-show scavenger hunt, and listen to NCBA staff members talk about involvement in the organization. Friday evening ended with “Cowboy’s Night at the Grand Ole Opry.” Attendees listened to country music legends Charlie Pride, The Oak Ridge Boys, Del McCoury band, Josh Turner and more. Troy and Stacy Hadrick, cattle ranchers from Faulkton, S.D., met with the group on Saturday and spoke on behalf of their company, Advocates for Agriculture, and explained how to prepare a 30-second elevator speech. Angus junior members and advisors participating in the event were: Clay Williams, Georgia; Austin Brandt, Iowa; Alisha Nord, Minnesota; Lindsey Grimes, Ohio; Garrett Knebel, Indiana; Shane Clary, Virginia; JanLee Rowlett, Tennessee; Sally Yon, South Carolina; Meghan Blythe, Kansas; Kelli Retallick, Wisconsin; Megan Ahearn, Texas; and Jennifer Ewing, Illinois.

4 March/April 2012 Kansas Angus News

Director. A wholly owned subsidiary of the American Angus Association , AGI provides a conduit to develop and implement new technologies for genetic selection tools. In joining the Angus team, Amen assists in coordinating genetic education and outreach programs tailored to Angus breeders and commercial cattle producers. In addition, Amen will interface with Association entities to enhance strategic development of predictable supply chains using the available technologies and networks. “Tonya will be a great asset to our team as we continue to look to the future of genetic evaluation programs, and the need for education and outreach to our members and the beef industry,” says Bill Bowman, Association chief operating officer and AGI director. Amen is a native of Colorado and received a bachelor’s degree in animal science from Texas Tech University. She also earned a master’s degree and Ph.D. in animal breeding from Texas A&M University. For the past two years, Amen served as a cattle genetics specialist in the southeastern U.S. with Pfizer Animal Genetics. Prior to Pfizer, Amen served as an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin in River Falls. Amen is also active in industry activities and currently serves on the NCBA’s Young Producers Council.

New Young Stockmen’s Academy Class Meets In Topeka Twenty young cattlemen and women from across the state met in Topeka February 15-16 for the first installment of the 2012 Kansas Livestock Association (KLA) Young Stockmen’s Academy (YSA). Vista from Merck Animal Health once again is partnering with the association to host these members for an in-depth look into KLA and the beef industry. A series of four seminars will be held throughout the year in various locations in Kansas. During the two-day session, attendees were exposed to advocacy training, the legislative process and services provided by KLA. As part of an interactive training session led by KLA staff, White City rancher and beef advocate Debbie Lyons-Blythe and WIBW-Topeka farm broadcasters Kelly Lenz and Greg Akagi, the group was given an overview of the various media outlets available to help tell the beef production story. Lyons-Blythe shared how she has implemented advocacy into her daily routine through the use of her blog, “Life on a Kansas Cattle Ranch”; Facebook and Twitter. In addition, YSA members attended a Senate Natural Resources Committee meeting at the Capitol and participated in a financial planning seminar conducted by Kennedy and Coe, LLC, that focused on debt management and planning for the future of the family business. Attendees also took part in KLA’s legislative meeting, where they and other members determined positions on individual bills under consideration by the Kansas Legislature. The 2012 class includes Shea Baird, Levant; Beau Beyer, Le Roy; Tyler Breeden, Quinter; Brett Brownback, Centerville; Brandi Buzzard, Manhattan; Lance Cline, Onaga; Bo Downing, Longton; Calder Keller, Oakley; Tyler Leonhard, Manhattan; Leanne Litton, Beloit; Drew Obermeyer, Marysville; Kyra O’ Brien, Hepler; Alycia Penewit, Satanta; Wyatt Rundel, Wichita; Garrett Schultz, Manhattan; Nathan Simmons, Hesston; Sam States, Logan; Kiley Stinson, Allen; Andrea Stroberg, Manhattan; and Chelsea Townsend, Larned. The second installment of the YSA class will be held in June. Members will have the opportunity to learn more about the agribusiness and retail beef industries. More information about YSA can be found at KLA is a trade organization representing the business interests of members at both the state and federal levels. Voluntary dues dollars paid by producers are used for programs that benefit KLA members in the areas of legislative representation, regulatory assistance, legal troubleshooting, communications and the advancement of youth. --- release provided by Kansas Livestock Association .


Cornwell Farms 414 N 30th Ave St. John, Ks 67576 phone: Rick-620-546-3466, or 620-549-6349 30 head of 16 to 18-month-old fall yearling registered Angus bulls available now. Sired by: Connealy Reflection; Net Present Value; TC Rito 416; Sedgwicks 263C 848U; Sedgwicks Powerstroke 750S. Complete performance and EPD's available. All bulls are AMF, NHF, CAF, and M1F.

Green Garden Angus Calving Ease



53rd Annual Sale April 2, 2012

1:00 p.m.

at the farm 1 1/2 mile south of Lorraine, Kansas

For a Sale Booklet contact:

The Janssen Family Dick & Shelly Ben & Anisha Elizabeth, Cassie & Billy

Selling: 120 Angus Bulls

1356 Ave. M Ellsworth, KS 67439 785-472-3752


EST 1932

Gardens Prime Star 89L 16962698 9/5/10 EPDs as of 2/14/2012

CED +9 Carcass EPDs CW Marb RE +18 +.98 +.52

Production EPDs Birth WW YW +1.1 +44 +81 Fat +.036

$W +30.51

$F +23.43

Maternal EPDs Scrotal CEM Milk $EN +.72 +10 +19 +6.99 $Values $G $QG $YG $B +41.99 +37.03 +4.96 +68.60

Calving Ease: Average Birth EPD on the bulls selling is + 0.5

Lot 1 Gardens Prime Star 89L 16962698

Gardens StarTime B70L 16962702 9/22/10 Production EPDs CED Birth WW YW +14 -2.4 +38 +73 Carcass EPDs Marb RE Fat $W $F +1.15 +.44 +.040 +29.18 +17.66

EPDs as of 2/14/2012

CW +18

Maternal EPDs Scrotal CEM Milk $EN +.58 +14 +15 +13.07 $Values $G $QG $YG $B +42.92 +39.53 +3.39 +69.31

Carcass: Average Marbling EPD on the bulls selling is +.92

Lot 8 Gardens StarTime B70L 16962702

Gardens Wave L55 16904728 8/23/10 Production EPDs CED Birth WW YW +9 +.6 +34 +66 Carcass EPDs Marb RE Fat $W $F +1.36 +.41 +.029 +24.50 +12.30

EPDs as of 2/14/2012

CW +16

Maternal EPDs Scrotal CEM Milk $EN N/A +13 +12 +19.36 $Values $G $QG $YG $B +46.97 +42.20 +4.77 +71.23

$Values Average $EN is 12.84 Average $Beef is 59.45

Lot 14 Gardens Wave L55 16904728

be a DNA test for gain and grade available soon. You can wait for that test or you can buy already proven carcass genetics (marbling and ribeye) at !" #

% & & '(()* , - / 67'' : (6*';

< * = 67'7 , - / / > % ! * , 100% CAB brand and CAB < with 45% of the pen hitting the Prime upper deck in grade.

Videos of the Sale Bulls will be available for viewing on our website the week before the sale. We will also be live on the internet on sale day with DVAuction.

Showring purple Kansans at the Backdrop Sankeys Justified 101 won grand champion bull at the 2012 Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show's Roll of Victory (ROV) Angus Show, Jan. 28 in Fort Worth, Texas. Chris & Sharon Sankey, Council Grove, Kan., and Foster Campbell II, Bossier City, La., own the January 2011 son of Sankeys Lazer 609 of 6N. He was earlier named junior calf champion. Dan Moser, Westmoreland, Kan., evaluated the 119 entries. McCurry Miss Wix 9081 won senior champion female at the 2012 Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show's Roll of Victory (ROV) Angus Show, Jackson Wingert, Ottawa, Kan., owns the winning female. Photos by Shelia Stannard, American Angus Association.

6 March/April 2012 Kansas Angus News

Our focus is on


No Holes and No Surprises!

Hinkson Angus Ranch Tuesday March

20, 2012 1 p.m.

" # $ % $ & ' &

( “51 years of Optimum Performance Genetics!�


Annual Meeting, Banquet and Junior Show Highlights January 21- 22

Tanner Rayl, Hutchinson, left, received the Kenneth & Lorene Moore Scholarship Shelly Janssen, Kansas Angus Auxiliary scholarship chairman presented the scholarship.

Everett & Bonnie Benoit, Esbon, were named Honorary Members. Pictured from left are Lori Fink and Mary McCurry, committee members and Everett and Bonnie Benoit.. See page18 for Benoit story. Right photo– the Benoit family.

Winners in the Angus cattle judging contest were 1st –Eva Hinrichsen, Westmoreland; 2nd– Luke Prill, Wichita and 3rd –Caleb Flory, Baldwin City. Glen Toews topped the adult division. The contest is sponsored by the KAA and coordinated by the Hutchinson Community College Livestock Judging Team.

Miss Kansas Angus 2011, Ester McCabe assisted with the successful and popular Auxiliary scholarship fund raiser

The KAA closed its first ever Online Auction during the banquet. offering 10 embryo and semen lots . Jones Stewart Angus Ranch, Washington consigned the top selling semen lot selling six straws of Gambles Hot Rod to Big Timber Cattle Co. , Lithia, Fla. at $350 per straw. Co-high sellers in the embryo offering were consignments from April Valley Farms, Leavenworth and DVAR, Larned. The mating of SAV Iron Mountain 8066 and AVF Sara 0082 sold for $525 per embryo to DVAR, Larned was cosigned by April Valley Farms. Scott Webb, Denver City, Tex. selected the embryo package of DVAR Blackcap 982 747 x Summitcrest Complete IP55 for Chelsey Figge, Onaga, left, was crowned 2012 Miss $525 per embryo, the package was consigned by Kansas Angus Also pictured is Esther McCabe, 2011 DVAR. hosted the online sale. Miss Kansas Angus.

Champions Selected in Junior Show Kansas junior Angus members led 101 entries at the 2012 Kansas Angus Futurity Junior Show, Jan. 22 in Hutchinson, Kan. Brent Murphy, Houstonia, Mo., evaluated the 58 owned females, 23 bred-and-owned Matt Caldwell, American Angus Association females, seven bred-and-owned bulls, two cow-calf pair, regional manager gave program on the and 11 steers before naming champions. Grubbs Miss PathfinderPlus program ( now MaternalPlus) Newsbreak 111 was named grand champion owned following the annual meeting. female after first winning junior calf champion. Eva Hinrichsen, Westmoreland, Kan., owns the March 2011 daughter of B C Lookout 7024. Bar S Pride 1607 claimed reserve grand champion owned female honors. Grady Dickerson, Paradise, Kan., owns the April 2011 daughter of B C Lookout 7024. She first won the reserve junior calf champion title. Mackenzie Flory, Baldwin City, Kan., led May-Way Primrose 113 to grand champion bred-and-owned female honors. The March 2011 Junior Show-Supreme Champion– May-Way Bismarck 057 daughter of S A V Bismarck 5682 first won junior calf champion. Avf Blackcap 5670 won the reserve grand owned by Kenzie Flory, Baldwin City. champion bred-and-owned female title after being selected as senior calf champion. Cody Theis, Leavenworth, Kan., owns the November 2010 daughter of Limestone Jupiter U449. May-Way Bismarck 057 claimed grand champion bred-and-owned bull honors. Mackenzie Flory, Baldwin City, Kan., owns the October 2010 son of S A V Bismarck 5682. AVF Iron Mountain 9081 was selected as the reserve grand champion bred-and-owned bull. Cody Theis, Leavenworth, Kan., owns the February 2011 son of S A V Iron Mountain 8066. Jackson Wingert, Ottawa, Kan., showed the grand champion cow-calf pair. McCurry Miss Wix 9081 is an October 2009 daughter of Marands M-W Assassin 518. Her calf is a September 2011 daughter of S A V Final Answer 0035. EXAR Forever Lady 81410 claimed reserve grand champion cow-calf pair. Britt Bair, Hutchinson, Kan., owns the September 2008 daughter of BT Crossover 758N. A December 2011 heifer calf sired by DB Lookout W350 completes the winning pair. Bar S New Day 1578 claimed grand champion steer honors. Grady Dickerson, Paradise, Kan., owns the April 2011 son of Msar New Day 2525.Tanner Hite, Valley Center, Kan., led HDCC Jack Sparrow to the reserve grand champion steer title. He is a February 2011 son of EXAR Pit Boss 409. Photos of junior show will be published in May/June Kansas Angus News.

8 March/April 2012 Kansas Angus News

Noon s Thursday s March 22nd, 2012 At the Farm s Elk City, KS McCabe - LOF Iron Mountain Y01


McCabe Werner Iron Mtn 1313

750+ Head Sell

AAA# 17116346


Sire... S A V Iron Mountain 8066 BW








250 head of Angus & Hereford Bulls

AAA# 17030623

Sire... S A V Iron Mountain 8066 BW

McCabe Pitts Pioneer 0209




MGS... O C C Emblazon 854E YW




McCabe LHF Brutus 0140 Over 500 Commercial Females

EPDs as of 1-29-12. AAA# 17064363

Sire... 3 ! 6 0IONEER BW




MGS... ' ! 2 'RID -AKER YW



AHA# 43170233

Sire... UPS Brutus





MGS... CJH Harland 408






McCabe Genetics Offer: Call or Visit our Website for more information. Randy McCabe home Flinton McCabe Ethan McCabe

620.332.4244 620.633.5303 620.332.4498 620.636.0545

6075 CR 1950 s Elk City, KS 67344


email: g


V i s i t u s a t w w w. m c c a b e g e n e t i c s . c o m

KS Junior Angus Association Dear KJAA Members, I write this message while I sit in the library working on my statistics homework. As I work through these math problems, I am struck by how much easier it is to find the answer when more information is provided. The value of information is ever increasing in our world and industry today. It is coming up on breeding season for the beef industry and that means time to make decisions that will impact your future show heifer, your family’s herd, and the productivity of our entire industry. Luckily, we do not have to make these tough decisions blind. The American Angus Association has the largest breed database available that provides producers with tools to help make decisions regarding genetic selection. This breeding season I encourage you as members to familiarize yourself with a few of the tools that we as Angus producers have access to such as Expected Progeny Differences, Angus Sire Evaluation Report, and $Values. Not only is this information practical and beneficial in making decisions that impact our future productivity, but soon we will be the ones making the breeding selections. Good luck this spring! Let me know if there is ever anything I can help you with. Sincerely,

Meghan Blythe KJAA OFFICERS 2011- 2012 President: Meghan Blythe, White City President Elect: Hannah McCabe, Elk City Vice President: Mackenzie Flory, Baldwin City Treasurer: Esther McCabe, Elk City Secretary: Trent Blythe, White City Reporter: Evan Woodbury, Quenemo Historian: Lauren Herman, Kingman Membership Directors: Hadley DeHoff, Tonganoxie & Cody Thies, Leavenworth Past President: : Courtenay Dehoff, Tonganoxie

Note these Dates & Deadlines x

April 15– Scholarship deadline for High School Seniors application online at State Chairman- Shelly Janssen.


May 1-Deadline for Angus Foundation Scholarships x May 25– deadline for Preview show entries x June 1& 2– KJAA Preview Show-

Hutchinson x June 1– NJAS entry deadline x July 15-21– National Jr Angus Show, Louisville, KY The May/June issue will feature info for KJAA members– watch for Preview Show entry form & schedule. Award applications and more…..

DIRECTORS District 1: Cale Hinrichsen, Westmoreland District 2: Tyler Blythe, White City District 5: Grady Dickerson, Paradise District 6: Jennifer Hager, Hutchinson District 7: Miles Pearson, Scott City District 8: Quannah Gardiner, Ashland At-Large: Megan Green, Leavenworth, Anna Carpenter, Wamego, Jackson Wingert, Ottawa

ADVISORS Jason & Wendy Flory…………………….……(785))979-2923 Jerry & Tonya Theis………….………………..(913)683-0775 Ken & Jackie Ottensmeier ………………..(913)796-6994 Anne Lampe (620)872-3915; (620)874-4273 cell

Kansas Angus Auxiliary Spring is right around the corner as we look forward to it. It’s refreshing to see the earth The Kansas Angus Auxiliary - Ways and Means project. green up and baby calves romping around. And with that, the preparation for cattle sales are GREAT GIFT IDEA! underway once again! I hope you can take in some sales and show support for our great Tray– approx 13.5” x 9.5 . Design is 4 heifers behind fence with red industry. background and white border. Platter– approx 14” x 10” with beautiful First Angus in the US With spring comes a busy time, and I want to encourage the high school seniors to finish design. their scholarship application and mail it soon. Please note the deadline for Kansas is April Sell for $30 each plus shipping. Each is constructed of sturdy, 15. dishwasher safe, melamine. To order or for more information contact the Auxiliary Ways & Means chairman, Mary McCurry, 11913 E Illinois As the auxiliary encourages and supports our juniors, I would like to encourage each and Ave, Burrton, Ks 67020,620-463-7752, every one of you to help support the auxiliary with your dues and if you can, your presence. It encourages all of us to pull together and work as a team. May you enjoy the beauty and warmth of the spring.

Varee McCabe , President Kansas Angus Auxiliary

High School Seniors 2012– The application deadline for 2012 Ks Angus Auxiliary scholarships is April 15. Top boy and top girl applicants are eligible for national competition. Applications must be submitted to state chairman Shelly Janssen,1356 Ave M, Ellsworth, Ks 67439. Application available at 10 March/April 2012 Kansas Angus News

Order today for Wedding, Mother’s or Father's Day Gifts!

KS Angus Auxiliary Leaders President -Varee McCabe …….. 620.633.5303 Vice President- Karen Santee….620.596.2532 Secretary-Jackie Ottensmeier …..913.796-6994 Treasurer- Lori Fink……. 785.532.8171 Reporter– Megin Gaede….620.802.1482 Past V. President/Advisor- Sandy Lundgren .. 785.878.3630 Hospitality Chairman– Melissa Cozzitorto Miss Ks Angus Program Chairman– Anne Lampe Ways & Means Chairman– Mary McCurry Scholarship Committee 2012– Chairman: Shelly Janssen; Lynne Hinrichsen, Rhonda McCurry

MOLITOR ANGUS RANCH 33rd Annual Production Sale “High-Performing Cattle Backed by Generations of Calving-Ease Traits� YEARS OF "REEDING 1UALITY !NGUS #ATTLE s

3ATURDAY -ARCH s P M s AT THE 2ANCH 5 miles north and 2 1/2 west of Zenda, KS or 9 miles west, 9 miles south and 2 1/2 west of Kingman, KS

This year’s strong offering of herd bull prospects is the product of 60 years of breeding quality Angus cattle by the Molitor Family. Similar to last year’s sale offering will be sons of SAV Final Answer 0035 (18 sons), Mytty In Focus (10 sons), HARB Pendleton 765 JH (8 sons), SAF Connection (6 sons) & Connealy Contrast (2 sons). Molitor In Focus 968-001 17125080 BW +.5 WW +56 YW +101 MILK +28 -ARB ) 2% ) " This son of Mytty In Focus had our top 205 adj. wt. WR 117

The sale will also feature the progeny of our 4 Junior Herd Sires. s (! "ROADCAST 2EG



Molitor Pendleton 722-751 17128333 BW +1.0 WW +56 YW +99 MILK +31 -ARB ) 2% ) An eye appealing son of Pendleton with an In Focus dam. WR 106

s 36& !NSWER 7 2EG

36& S ND HIGH SELLING BULL IN SONS Molitor 713 Focus 832-231 17131026 BW +1.1 WW +52 YW +99 MILK +29 -ARB ) 2% ) " Sired by BPF In Focus 713 with the dam by Coal Bank. A maternal brother was lot 1 in 2011. WR 106


-OLITOR S HIGH SELLING BULL IN SONS Join us March 17, 2012, for our 33rd Annual Sale from a time-tested operation.

-OLITOR %DUCATOR 17131032 BW -.3 WW +46 YW +93 MILK +31 -ARB ) 2% ) " ! SON OF -OLITOR %DUCATOR OUT OF A .EW $ESIGN PathďŹ nderÂŽ cow. WR 101

110 Bulls Sell 0ERFORMANCE s #ALVING %ASE (IGH #ARCASS 4RAITS s 'ENTLE $ISPOSITIONS Molitor Broadcast 4006-1061 17128360 BW +2.4 WW +53 YW +95 MILK +30 -ARB ) 2% ) " 3IRED BY (! "ROADCAST WITH THE DAM HAVING A 72 ON CALVES 72

!VERAGE %0$S BW +.4 WW +50 Milk +25 YW +92 Register for Online bidding:

-OLITOR %Fl CIENT 17128353 BW +2.5 WW +52 YW +95 MILK +30 -ARB ) 2% ) " ! STOUT SON OF (!2" %Fl CIENT *( OUT OF PathďŹ nderÂŽ dam. WR 116

%0$S AS OF

s /THER -AIN 3ERVICE 3IRES s BPF In Focus 713– 15 sons HCC 1407 Design 4004 – 8 sons Molitor Danny Boy 1138 – 5 sons Molitor Educator 509 – 10 sons CAR EfďŹ cient 534 – 6 sons

Richard or Mike Molitor (620) 243-6335 Fax (620) 243-7533 Cell (620) 243-3081 11558 S.W. 90th St. Zenda, KS 67159 %MAIL MOLANGUS ONLINEZENDA NET

Ks Angus Calendar– 03/01/12

JMB Angus Bull Sale

03/02/12 03/03/12


Sharon Springs, KS


Lindell Angus Bull Sale

Leonardville, KS

Kansas State Un. Sale

Manhattan, KS


Sunflower Genetics Production Sale

Maple Hill, KS

Laflin Angus Ranch

Olsburg, KS


KAA Commercial Female Sale

Junction City, KS


Lazy H Ranch Bull Sale

Hays, KS


Double Feature Sale/Alcove Cattle Co

Washington, KS


Lyons Ranch Sale

Manhattan, KS


Oleen Bros. Best of Both Worlds Sale

Dwight, KS


Poland Angus Ranch

Isabel, KS


Total Package Bull Sale

Freedom, OK


Spring Valley Farms Bull Sale

Agra, KS


Beran Bros. Sale

Claflin, KS


Good Farms Bull Sale

Olsburg, Ks


Black Velvet Cattle Sale

at Mankato Livestock Commission, Mankato, KS


Bar S Ranch Sale

Paradise, KS


Larson Angus Ranch Bull Sale

Sharon Springs, KS


Mill Brae Ranch Sale

Maple Hill, KS


McCurry Angus Ranch Bull Sale

Burrton, KS


Rinkes Cattle Co Open House Sale

Holton, KS


New Haven Angus Sale

Leavenworth, KS


Woody Ranch Angus Sale

Barnard, KS


Green Garden Angus Sale

Ellsworth, KS


Don Johnson’s Bull & Female Sale

Salina, KS


Kansas Bull Test Sale

Beloit, KS


Rock'n R Angus Ranch Sale

Plainville, KS



Stucky Ranch Sale

Kingman, KS


Gardiner Angus Ranch Sale Ohlde Cattle Co. Bull Sale

Ashland, KS Marysville, KS


Benoit Angus Ranch Sale

Esbon, KS


KAA Commercial Female Sale

Fort Scott, KS


BJ Angus Genetics Sale

Manhattan, KS


KJAA Preview Show

Hutchinson, KS

03/17/12 03/18/12

Zenda, KS Leavenworth, KS sale at (Saint Joseph, MO)

9/24/2012 10/2-5/2012

Gardiner Angus Ranch Bull Sale National Angus Conference & Tour

Ashland, KS headquarters: Wichita, KS


Molitor Angus Farm Sale April Valley Farm PT Bull & Female Sale R&L Angus Ranch Bull Sale

Westmoreland, KS


Proven Brands of KS Angus Female Sale

Kingman, KS


Hinkson Angus Ranch Sale

Cottonwood Falls, KS


McCurry Angus Ranch Female Sale

Burrton, KS


Mid-Kansas Angus Breeders' Sale

La Crosse, KS


Fink Beef Genetics Bull Sale

Randolph, KS


Woodbury Farms/May-Way Farms


Downey Ranch Inc Sale

Wamego, KS


Jones Stewart Angus Ranch Sale

at Overbrook Livestock Commission, Overbrook, KS Benkelman, NE


Dalebanks Angus Bull Sale

Eureka, KS


McCabe Genetics Bull & Comm. Female Sale

Elk City, KS


Hedgewood Prairie Angus & Friends Sale

Enterprise, KS

KAA Commercial Female Sale

LaCrosse, KS

21st KAA Commercial Female Sale

Pratt, KS

KAA members submit your sale or event date to Length of calendar in each issue at discretion of editor.

11/21/2012 12/1/2012

12 March/April 2012 Kansas Angus News




TC EZ MONEY 029 014AN00376 Reg# 16734459 Right Answer x New Design 205

r &; .POFZ XBT B GFBUVSFE BOE IJHI TFMMJOH CVMM BU UIF 2011 TC Ranch Sale, NE. r )F XBT BO FYUSFNFMZ QPQVMBS NFNCFS PG 5$ 3BODIhT 2011 Denver Carload. r &; .POFZ JT CSFE UP CF BO PVUTUBOEJOH DBMWJOH FBTF TJSF having a 77-pound BW (89 ratio), +14 CED (top 1%) and -0.6 BW (top 10%). CED 14 .35

BW -.6 .43

WW 62 .35

YW 108 .36

RADG .13 .35

SC 1.03 .43

DOC 3 .24

CEM 13 .14

MILK MARB 35 .55 .20 .36

RE .31 .30

$W 41.32

$F 45.25

$G 24.41

$B 68.36 As of 02/08/2012

MOGCK 463& 4)05 014AN00320 Reg# 15899735 In Focus x Pay Day


BW -1.7 .83

WW 65 .75

YW 110 .65

RADG .16 .38

SC 1.51 .69

DOC 16 .31

CEM 13 .18

MILK MARB 33 .38 .23 .44

RE .58 .42

$W 45.22

$F 46.21

$G 29.54

$QG 21.48

$B 72.49 As of 02/08/2012

CONNEALY FINAL SOLUTION 014AN00387 Reg# 16447791 Answer 71 x Danny Boy


BW -1.1 .65

WW 64 .53

YW 114 .41

RADG .17 .17

SC 1.60 .54

DOC 4 .16

CEM 9 .10

MILK MARB 22 .34 .15 .29

RE .74 .28

$W 38.15

$F 51.32

$G 26.10

$QG 20.00

As of 02/08/2012

Call today for your FREE copy of the 2012 Beef Sire Directory! 800-451-9275 RICK PINKERMAN Regional Sales Mgr. 660.425.1090 RICK MIX Disctrict Sales Mgr. 620.224.9423 4)"8/ 30: Disctrict Sales Mgr. 785.737.3107 )"30-% .*--&3 Reg. Beef Specialist 970.481.3921




$B 72.81

WWW.ACCELGEN.COM WESLEY DOTSON Enid 580.541.3799 KELLY KENNEDY Solider 785.364.6082 ERIC PETERSON -JOETCPSH TIM RIPPE Ludell 785-626-4515 ."3, 30)3 )BZT

Kansas Angus Association Sponsored Commercial Angus & Angus-Influence Going to Grass- Female Sale

Ft. Scott Livestock, Ft. Scott, KS April 18, 2012— 1:00 p.m. The Kansas Angus Association is proud to sponsor a Commercial Angus Female Sale in Ft. Scott. We are in search of high quality, young age pairs, fall bred cows , bred heifers and open heifers to offer at this sale. If you are interested in consigning cattle to this sale, please complete the attached entry form and mail to the address shown at the bottom of the form. Using this form, an information handout will be compiled on all consignments which will be available to buyers on sale day and will be mailed on request. We will also be advertising the sale consignments in farm publications throughout the area on Angus internet emails. In order to advertise your consignments and compile and sale list handout and mailer, we ask that you return the completed form by April 4, 2012. The earlier we receive your entry form, the better we can generate interest in your cattle. Consignment Criteria and Delivery Times The sale welcomes spring pairs ,bred cows and heifers to calve in late spring of 2012; bred cows and heifers to calve in the fall of 2012; and open heifers. To insure the quality of this special sale, we have made the following guidelines. 1. Females must meet Certified Angus Beef ®live specifications: be predominately black hided (black white faces and/or “baldies” are accepted). 2. Females must have typical beef-type conformation (no visible dairy influence); and be without long floppy ear and hump (no visible Brahman influence). 3. Maximum age—No older than 7 years-old. Minimum consignment of five head. 4. All females must be pregnancy checked (except open heifers) within 30 days of the sale. Pregnancy checking will be the responsibility of the consignor. An official health paper from the veterinarian must accompany cattle, complete with pregnancy check results within 30 days of the sale. Cattle may be pregnancy checked by Ft Scott Livestock by request only, an must be indicated on registration form. PT is $3 per head. Open females will sell guaranteed by the seller to be open. 5. Cattle should be at the sale facility by 1:00 p.m. on Tues,. April 17 or by noon if Ft Scott will be pregnancy checking your cattle. This will give buyers a chance to see your cattle. Selling Fees Cost will be regular sale barn expense plus a 1.5% commission for the Kansas Angus Association to cover special sale advertising. There will also be a per head charge for “No Sale” animals, which will include Ft Scott no-sale charge plus $5 to go the KAA. Entry Information Please complete entry online at or use the attached form as you would like information to appear on the handout sheet that will be available at the sale and mailed upon request. Please note that it will be your responsibility as seller to make sure the information you report is accurate. The Kansas Angus Association provides this information as a service and is not liable for its accuracy. Please enter by April 4 The earlier we receive your entry form, the better we can generate interest in your cattle.

COMPLETE THIS ENTRY FORM OR SUBMIT ONLINE AT WWW.KANSASANGUS.ORG by April 4 ( please print or type) Instructions: This information will be compiled and listed in special advertisements, in a sale day listing, Angus email advertising and will be supplied to potential buyers upon request. Entries will be listed on the American Angus Association AngusSourceSM website if the AngusSourceSM tags are used and information supplied.

Name _____________________________________________ Farm/Ranch _______________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip_______________________________________________Phone( )________________Email ____________________ Bloodlines of sires used in past:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Comments on feed yard history of calves or mates to females selling: _______________________________________________________


Sires of Heifers/Cows:

Service Sires/Sire of Calves:

Total Head: _________________ Age: ________________ _________________________________ ____________________________ Calving Due Dates: ______to _____________ _________________________________ ____________________________ AI Bred: Yes No _________________________________ _______________________________ Pregnancy check to AI: Yes No _________________________________ _______________________________ Synchronized: Yes No _________________________________ _______________________________ Individual ID: Yes No _________________________________ _______________________________ Do you want Ft Scott Livestock to PREG CHECK this group? _______ If not, pregnancy check date: ________________(must be after March 18) Are these females official calf hood vaccinated (OCV)? Yes / No (Please circle one.) Please list all vaccinations and pour-on, etc. used on these females in 2012 __________________________________________________


Total Head:_________ Age: ________________Individual ID:



Sires of Heifers:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please check one: ______I guarantee these heifers to be open; -ORAre these heifers official calf hood vaccinated (OCV)? ______Ft Scott Livestock to pregnancy check these heifers. Yes / No (Please circle one.) Please list all vaccinations and pour-on, etc. used on these females in 2012.__________________________________________________ Are consignments enrolled and tagged in the AngusSource® Program?


For Information Contact the sale committee: Ron Hinrichsen—Sale chairman………………...(785)-770-0222, Matt Caldwell , American Angus Association regional mgr. …………..…..(913)755-1105 Tim Benton………………………..………………………………………..... (785)448-4297 Larry Gilliland……………………...………………………………..……... (785)547-2558


( if yes please send enrollment verification in with entry)

Please return by April 4 to: Ron Hinrichsen, 13080 Christian Rd., Westmoreland, Ks 66549, Fax 785-776-4182 Or Use online submission form at

Zagar Angus Farm 557 East 610 Ave. Girard, Ks 66743 (620)724-4086 Herd Sires: JAK 022 Prompter C34 , Sydgen Massive 9518, Sydgen 1386 Design 3389, Checkerhill Madrid N11, Sydgen 2088 Focus 9003

16 March/April 2012 Kansas Angus News

17 March/April 2012 Kansas Angus News

Everett & Bonnie Benoit Named Ks Angus Association Honorary Members Everett and Bonnie Benoit of Benoit Angus, Esbon, Kansas were honored as the 2011 honorary members of the Kansas Angus Association on January 21, 2012 during the annual KAA banquet in Hutchinson . Former KAA president and 2000 honorary member Jan Lyons of Lyons Ranch, Manhattan introduced Everett and Bonnie. Jan shared with banquet attendees the Benoit’s contributions and dedication to the Angus breed. Honorary membership are bestowed to those selected the committee and board of directors “to those who, by work and deed, have contributed to the improvement of Angus cattle and the livestock industry in the state of Kansas.” Following Jan’s comments Doug Benoit read the following tribute to his parents and shared family and ranch photos via a video presentation. Everett and Bonnie Benoit Written and presented by Doug Benoit.

Benoit Angus ranch is located along Kansas highway 36, near Esbon in North Central Kansas. Benoit Angus currently manages around 7,000 acres of owned and leased land in Smith and Jewell counties. The ranch runs 500 spring cows and 50 fall cows on approximately 4,500 acres of grass. In addition to raising cattle, we grow wheat, corn, milo, soybeans, alfalfa and cane feed. Early childhood. Everett Benoit was born in 1938 to the late Archie and Rosalie Beneath. He had two sisters, Betty Anne and Yvonne and one brother, Philip. The family initially lived north of Damar Kansas, which is approximately 30 miles East of Hill City. Dad started school in Zurich, Kansas and upon entering school Dad only spoke French. Luckily, Dad’s first teacher spoke both French and English and was able to get the Benoit family to start speaking a little more English. In 1946, grandpa Archie bought a half section of ground south of Esbon. This half section of ground is where Dad grew up and is where my parent’s current residence is today. Dad went to Esbon High School and graduated in 1956. Life as a teen. While going to school, Dad worked for grandpa Archie and numerous other farmers in the Esbon area. It was during this time that he learned about sacrifice and the benefits that come with putting in a full day’s work. There was one farmer, Stanley Marr, that Dad especially liked working for. Stanley owned and operated Marr Angus; while working for Stanley that Dad developed his love for the Angus cattle breed. After graduating from high school, Dad didn’t know what he wanted to do, and like many young men during the late 50’s, he decided to join the Army and support his country. In the army he became part of the 82nd Airborne Division stationed in Fort Bragg NC where he frequently parachuted from planes. Dad told us a story of jumping from the planes that they told them to look straight ahead and to make sure you bend your knees when you land because the impact on your legs was like jumping off of a 14 foot high building. Well, Dad had his knee replaced this past summer so maybe the plane jumping had something to do with this. He told us he jumped 14 times in his army career. In 1958, grandpa Archie injured his hand and needed additional assistance on the farm. At this time, Dad was given his early release from the army and returned to Esbon and assisted grandpa, when needed, on the farm. Benoit Angus was soon to begin. Benoit Angus Beginnings. Dad got started in the Angus business in 1961; he had saved money and

was able to buy six Angus Heifers from Stanley Marr. Dad was finally beginning his dream. In 1963, he was able to purchase some ground next to Esbon that would become the initial home place for Benoit Angus. This land was purchased from Bill Lewis who was another local farmer that Dad worked for in his early years. My brother Chad currently lives on this land. Dad eventually would purchase three pieces of land owned by farmers he had worked for in his younger days. These gentlemen had made it known to their families that they wanted Dad to have the first chance at purchasing their land. I believe that they chose to do this because of their admiration to Dad for his work ethic and passion for farming and ranching. In 1965, Dad married my mother Bonnie Baker She joined Dad on the farm next to Esbon. Mom worked for the Rural Electric Company in Mankato when they met and after marriage she began to do the book keeping duties, advertising, cooking for various groups and helpers and becoming one of the best mothers possible. She also worked at a local bank for ten years while still taking care of her other duties. Parenthood started in 1966, when my oldest sister Michelle was born. In 1967, Debbie was born, me in ‘69, Chad in ‘71, and finally Nicole in 1976.

proved to be excellent selections. Among these were :CH Stacker, Hilltop Skylar, RR Scotchcap 1483,Finks Stepahead, Gardens EXT 4137, and HA Power Alliance1025. Benoit Angus has also raised several high performance bulls themselves, to include E&B 1680 Precision 1023 purchased by Dalebanks Angus and later by ABS Global and E&B Blueprint691, also purchased by ABS in 2007. E&B Asti 659, E&B New Design 435 and E&B New Design 3133 are just a few of the many top notch herd bulls sold to other purebred breeders across the United States. Benoit Angus has also raised and sold some elite cows that have topped purebred female sales around the country .Cows including E&B Lady Scotchcap 75, E&B Lady Traveler 61, E&B Lady Ext 174 , E&B Lady Precision 15, are just a few of the cows that we have sold to other purebred breeders that have become major money makers for their operations.

Benoit Angus brought cattle to the Denver National Western Stock show in 1992 and 1995. In 1995.Benot Angus exhibited the reserve champion pen of three When Stanley Marr retired in 1969, Dad picked out bulls and was beaten only by a pen of bulls that was and bought an additional 20 cows. Stanley passed sired by our own herd bull, CH Stacker 7040. We have away in 1971 and at the funeral Mrs. Marr told Dad participated in three Kansas Angus tours since 1970 that when, Stanley sold dad his initial six heifers in and were chosen as the host for the 2005 tour. Each 1961 that he told dad he could pick six heifers from his tour was such a wonderful experience and a great calf crop. Stanley told Mrs. Marr at the time of opportunity to visit with other cattlemen and women purchase that he was going to let him pick them out throughout the state. Dad served as the Kansas Angus and that Everett would never be able to pick out the Association district four director and served his term best ones. Well, at the funeral that day she told dad with the same admiration and integrity in which he has that Stanley said that he had picked out his six best run his cattle operation. He speaks very fondly of his days on the board and of the Angus friends that he heifers calves. met and associated with. In the early 70’s, Dad was one of the first to participate in the Beloit Bull Test; he was elected to the Beloit Family Life. In closing, Dad and Mom’s Bull Test Board of Directors. From 1971 to 1989, accomplishments are outstanding and as you can see Benoit Angus only missed one of the Beloit bull test. their hard work has paid off over the years. Still to this Benoit Angus received many sire group awards at the day, as Chad, and I are working to help keep this bull test and had many top selling bulls . He also business going, we marvel at the fact that they are still participated in the Kansas Beef Expo, the Potwin Bull going strong and still keep involved in everything that test and the Franklin, Nebraska, and Smith Center, goes on. The business that they have built starting Kansas, show and sales in the late 70’s and early with absolutely nothing and slowly building the herd to eighties. These events brought many private treaty where it is today is very impressive. The friendships sales from bull buyers throughout the area. With Dad‘s we have built with other Angus breeders and our own herd becoming bigger it became very time consuming customers is something, I know, Mom and Dad will for private treaty sales so the decision was made to cherish forever. Dad is as driven to succeed person start an annual production bull sale. This is also the that you will ever find. This work ethic along with time when Dad and Mom built their house and sale honesty and integrity has made this business go. We barn on the same land that Dad’s parents initially have many bull customers today, which started bought in 1946.In 1990, the first Benoit Angus purchasing bulls from Dad in the Beloit bull tests in the Production Sale was held, selling 80 bulls . In 1990, early 70’s. Mom and Dad have been such an there were fifteen production sales in the state of inspiration for my family and have given my family Kansas. The production sales have been very such a wonderful place for my kids to grow up and be beneficial in promoting the Benoit Angus brand. We a part of something special. Benoit Angus is a family business and if you ask Mom and Dad what their have sold bulls in twenty states biggest accomplishment and fulfillment has been; I Dad began using AI in the mid to late ‘70’s but was a guarantee you it would be their parenting and family firm believer in having top notch herd bulls. His first values that they have installed in each of us kids. I herd bull purchased was S&W Duke from northwest think these final pictures will show you the love and Nebraska. Dad purchased several bulls which proved affection that they have for each of us and with each to be excellent selections. He loves studying pedigrees other. The presentation ended with a video featuring treasured and researches each herd bull purchase with a family photos set the song “The House We Built” by Brooks & passion. Dad has purchase several herd bulls which

18 March/April 2012 Kansas Angus News


Our Angus Family Don LaDoyt Good, master motivator to his family, students, staff, colleagues, and many in the livestock industry died at home on the afternoon of February 14, 2012. Jane Swick Good, love of his life for 64 years, preceded him in death by just 2 months. Don was born October 8, 1921. Don started his 40-year career at Kansas State University. His first position was to coach the livestock judging team, manage the purebred beef herds, and teach/ advise students. As judging team coach, he won 14 major contests in 18 years. He was named department head of Animal Husbandry at KSU in 1966 and served in that capacity until his retirement in 1987. Survivors include his three children: Linda (and Joe Mikols), East Lansing, MI; Craig (and Amy), Olsburg, KS; and Gary (at Kansas Neurological Institute), Topeka, KS; Two beloved grandchildren: Laura (and Isidro Linan Jimenez), Abu Dhabi, UAE, and Grant, Mound Ridge, KS. Siblings include: Byron H. Good (Helen), Lansing, MI deceased; Paul L. Good (Alice) both deceased, Van Wert, OH; Elizabeth Owsley (Clarence, deceased), Eureka, IL; and Fred C. Good (Judy), Charlotte, MI. Don was named a honorary member of the Kansas Angus Association in 1980.

19 March/April 2012 Kansas Angus News

The Only Angus Sale Managers in Business Nine Consecutive Decades 3-Mar 3-Mar 6-Mar 9-Mar 10-Mar 10-Mar 10-Mar (N) 12-Mar (N) 17-Mar 17-Mar 17-Mar

Tom Burke 816/853-2697

18-Mar 20-Mar 21-Mar 24-Mar 24-Mar 24-Mar 25-Mar 25-Mar 26-Mar 29-Mar 29-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar

30-Mar (N) 31-Mar 31-Mar 816/520-6447 1-Apr 2-Apr (N) 3-Apr (N) 4-Apr 5-Apr 6-Apr 7-Apr 7-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 15-Apr 15-Apr 21-Apr (N) Jeremy Haag 22-Apr 22-Apr 816/516-1309 23-Apr 24-Apr 27-Apr 28-Apr 28-Apr 29-Apr

Kurt Schaff

Double R Bar Ranch Angus Bull Sale, Plymouth, IN Wood Angus Farm Production Sale, Willow Springs, NC Jindra Angus 12th Annual Production Sale, Clarkson, NE, Sale at Creighton, NE Curtin's Blue Ston Angus Farm Production Sale, Blue Mound, IL Sunnyhill Angus 22nd Annual Production Sale, Fairview, IL Tennessee Agribition Angus Sale, Lebanon, TN SF Farms 11th Annual Performance-Tested Angus Bull Sale, Princeton, KS Cane Ridge Cattle Angus Sale, Paris, KY 41st Annual Carolina Angus Breeders Futurity, Garrison Livestock Sale Arena, Clemson University, Clemson, SC Molitor Angus Farm 33rd Anniversary Sale, Zenda, KS Ward Angus Ranch Blue Ribbon Genetics & Guests Production Sale, Liberty, UT, Sale at Anderson Livestock Auctions, Willard, UT April Valley Farm Performance-Tested Angus Bull & Female Sale, Leavenworth, KS, sale at St. Joseph, MO Quirk Land and Cattle Sale, Hastings, NE Minnesota Angus Breeders State Sale, Olmstead County Fairgrounds, Rochester, MN Kramer Farms Performance-Tested Angus Bull & Female Sale, Farina, IL Sauk Valley Angus Bull & Female Sale, Rock Falls, IL Whitestone Pasture Performance-Tested Angus Bull Sale, Aldie, VA Leary Brothers Angus Sale, Caledonia, MN Womack's Angus National Junior Heifer Calf Sale, Pembroke, KY Iron Mountain Performance-Tested Angus Bull Sale, Belle Fourche, SD Glasoe Angus Production Sale, Wild Rose, ND, Sale at Sitting Bull Livestock Auction, Williston, ND Hardy Angus Ranch "Cattleman's Kind" Annual Bull and Female Sale, Woodward, OK McCurry Angus Ranch Bull Sale, Burrton, KS O'Neal Angus and Gage Cattle Company Complete & Total Dispersal, Charleston, Arkansas, Sale at Jubilee Farms, Caulksville, AR Miller's Prairie View Angus Production Sale, Gridley, IL Maifeld/O'Neill Angus Bull Sale, Centerville, IA Smith Angus Sale, Wadley, GA Arkansas State Angus Sale, Ozark, AR Brockmere Farms 18th Annual Angus Bull & Female Sale, Brookfield, MO, sale at New Cambria, MO Joe Hammell's Freeburg Ridge Angus Performance-Tested Bull Sale, Caledonia, MN GS Ridge Top Ranch Performance-Tested Bull Sale, Dunlap Sale Facility, Dunlap, IA Green Meadows Angus Production Sale, Madisonville, TX Georgia Beef Expo Angus Sale, Perry, GA Angus Opportunity 23rd Anniversary Sale, at Buckner & Jeffries Angus Farm, Canmer, KY Grassy Valley Performance-Tested Angus Bull & Female Sale, Greeneville, TN Buford Ranches 4th Annual Spring Angus Female and Bull Sale, Welch, OK Griswold Cattle Company, Grass to Grid Bull Sale, Stillwater, OK, sale at Follet, TX Seldom Rest Top 20 Angus Show Heifer Sale, Niles, MI Champion Hill Angus Production Sale, Bidwell, OH Midwest Angus and All Black Sale, Chana, IL Wisconsin Angus Breeders Futurity Sale, Grant County Fairgrounds, Lancaster, WI National Angus Sale, Reno, NV Quintin Smith Family / Destiny Angus / Craigmore Farm and Guests Angus Sale, Lebanon, TN Kensington Complete Angus Cow Herd Dispersal, Molena, GA Diamond J Angus Sale, Mandan, ND McKean Brothers Performance-Tested Angus Bull & Female Sale, Mercer, PA Florida Angus Surf and Turf Female Sale, Marianna, FL Tanner Farms Angus Production Sale, Shuqualak, MS Northern Indiana Angus Breeders Sale, Logansport, IN


P O Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089 816/532 816/532--0811 Fax: 816/532 816/532--0851

Cattle for sale? If you have a herd of cattle for sale, whether it is a complete herd or a group of cattle, call us TODAY. We will be glad to come to your farm or ranch at NO OBLIGATION to advise you on the best way to merchandise them. Make your next Angus sale a Hall of Fame Sale! Visit our website for current sale listings

For information contact Anne at




Also selling a Select Group of Commercial Angus Heifers

Kansas Angus Association

Most are AI-Sired or ET calves!

SELLING: 40 Angus, Simmental and SimmAngus Bulls Yearlings to 18-Month-Old Bulls



In our New Heated Sale Facility

Leonardville, KS




Number 577 March/April 2012

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