Number 582 . Kansas Angus Association January 2013
2013 Miss American Angus Esther McCabe Elk City, KS
Benoit Angus Ranch
24th Annual Production Sale Thursday, March 21, 2013 • 1:00 p.m. CDT At the Ranch on US Hwy. 36 - 10¾ miles west of Mankato, Kansas
SELLING 150 BULLS Selling approximately:
• 150 Registered Angus Fall and Spring Bulls • 2012 Top Supreme Heifers Sitz Upward 307R
Also Selling Herd Bulls from these Top Sires:
Reg. #14963730 DOB: 3/12/05 BW +2.4 WW +70 YW +134 Milk +42 Marb +.35 RE +.76 Fat -.005 $W +48.61 $F +73.00 $G +24.18 $B +79.22 Selling 14 bulls!
E&B New Design 3133 E&B 5096 Midland 8164 Sinclair Just In Time 4RT19 S Chisum 0383 E&B Genetics By Design 609 LaGrand in Focus 8021 E&B Heureka 090
S A V Final Answer 0035 Reg. #13592905 DOB: 2/22/00 BW –1.0 WW +60 YW +104 Milk +26 Marb +.52 RE +.42 Fat +.043 $W +55.62 $F +41.58 $G +28.18 $B +60.16 Selling 20 bulls!
Reg. #16640664 Selling 12 bulls with adj. weaning weight of 108
Very proud of this herd bull and calves!
Reg. #16766320 DOB: 1/08/10 BW +2.3 WW +53 YW +99 Milk +29 Marb +.69 RE +.60 Fat +.035 $W +34.37 $F +39.01 $G +34.39 $B +74.87 Selling 7 sons with adjusted weaning weight of 106! Sold in our 2011 sale to Lienemann Cattle Company, Princeton, NE.
4 Free delivery 4 Complete AHIR Records 4 Fertility Tested 4 Carcass Ultrasound Data 4 First Breeding Season Guarantee 4 Repeat Buyer Discounts
And from these AI Sires: HA Image Maker 0415 SAV Pioneer E&B 1680 Precision 1023 Summitcrest Complete E&B Blueprint 691 Sitz Wisdom Connealy Final Product Connealy Stimules 8419 Connealy Right Answer 746 Sitz Dash
Visitors always welcome!
For information or sale book, call 1-888-870-BULL Benoit Angus
Everett & Bonnie Benoit 621 Hwy. 36, Esbon, KS 66941 (785) 725-3231 • (785) 545-6248 - Everett cell Doug Benoit (785) 725-6211 • (785) 545-6806 cell Chad Benoit (785) 725-3005 • (785) 545-8095 cell E-mail:
Association News Annual Kansas Angus Association Meeting, Banquet, & Futurity Junior Show January 26-27, 2013
Plan to attend Annual Meeting, Banquet & Junior Show
Amen to Present Annual Meeting Program
Tonya Amen is the genetic services director for Angus Genetics Inc. Amen assists in coordinating genetic education and outreach programs tailored to Angus breeders and commercial cattle producers. In addition, she interacts with Association entities to enhance strategic development of predictable supply chains using the available technologies and networks. Amen is a native of Colorado and received a bachelor’s degree in animal science from Texas Tech University. She also earned a master’s degree and a doctorate in animal breeding from Texas A&M University. For the past two years, Amen served as a cattle genetics specialist in the southeastern United States with Pfizer Animal Genetics. Prior to Pfizer, Amen served as an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin in River Falls. She is also active in industry activities and currently serves on the NCBA Young Producers Council.
The Ks Angus Association annual meeting and banquet will be held Saturday, January 26, 2013. The meetings and educational presentations are on Saturday, January 26 in the Prairie Pavilion on the Kansas State Fairgrounds (KSF) in Hutchinson beginning at 11 am. The annual banquet which will include a social hour, the Kansas Angus Auxiliary scholarship auction, honorary member induction, KAA Directory page auction and Miss Kansas Angus crowning is at the Ramada Inn and Conference Center. Adults tickets at $25 each and will include a generous buffet featuring Certified Angus Beef ® Prime Rib, children 12 and under may choose a burger and fries meal for $6 each. The judging contest and Amen’s program will include the Association’s MaternalPlus program, utilizing junior will be held on Sunday, January 27 at 9 am ; the junior show includes genomic enhanced EPD’s and GeneMax . classes for registered Angus owned heifers, bred and owned heifers and bulls, steers and cow/calf pairs as well as commercial purebred and steers and predominantly black Angus based cross bred steers. The entry deadline for the junior show is January 10, late entries are not accepted. Look for the junior show entry form and banquet reservation submission, hotel info and complete schedule of events at or in this issue of the Kansas Angus News. Friday January 25 3 pm- Barn and tie outs open to receive Junior Show cattle, Ks State Fairgrounds Saturday, January 26 11 am - Ks Angus Auxiliary meeting– Fairgrounds - Prairie Pavilion 12:30 pm— KAA Annual Meeting—Prairie Pavilion Meeting Room 1:30 pm Educational program TBA 2:00 pm- All junior show cattle on fairgrounds 2 pm to 3 pm -Junior Show check in 4– KJAA meeting – Prairie Pavilion 6:00 pm– KAA pre banquet social -Ramada Hotel & Conference Center (cash bar) 6:30 pm– KAA Annual Banquet ( Honorary member induction, Auxiliary scholarship auction, Miss Ks Angus crowning; Directory Ad auction, KJAA semen auction) Ramada Hotel & Conference Center- Ticket required Adults $25 , children 12 and under $6. Reservations requested, pay at the door. Adult Hospitality room- following banquet, Ramada Hotel, Celebration Suite Sunday, January 27 8 am – Registration for Judging Contest- adults and juniors 9 am – Ks Angus Futurity Jr Angus Show and Judging Contest
Check out the offering Bids open January 14 Close January 28
Hotel Headquarters
Ramada Hotel & Conference Center . 620-669-9311 .Reserve by Jan 10 to receive block rate- $73 standard room . Ask for Ks Angus Assn rate.
Items needed for annual Auxiliary Scholarship Auction and Hospitality Don’t forget to bring an item for the annual Auxiliary Auction to benefit the scholarship program to be held during the Annual Banquet on January 26. Unique items with Angus or western themes as well as baked goods and hand crafted items usually sell well.
The KAA Auxiliary will host hospitality on Saturday, January 26, 2013, for members during meetings and educational workshops being held throughout the day at the Kansas State Fairgrounds, Prairie Pavilion. Please bring to snacks and baked goodies to Prairie Pavilion office by 10am Saturday. There is no need to individually wrap or bag. Thank you so much for your generous contributions. Ks Angus Auxiliary
Annual KAA Banquet Reservation Saturday, Jan. 26. 2013
______ Number of adults or teens ______Number of children 12 and under Name( please print) ___________________________________________________ Farm/Ranch________________________________________ City__________________ST_______ Phone___________________ Email__________________. By Jan. 20. Location: Ramada Hotel and Convention Center ( formerly Grand Prairie Hotel) Adults $25—Certified Angus Beef ®Prime Rib Buffet , Children 12 and under $6 each—burger & fries meal Make Banquet Reservations Online! Or mail to: Ks Angus Association, 5201 E Rd 110, Scott City, Ks 67671. FAX 620-872-3915 1 ▪ January 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News
Kansas Angus Association The President’ s Pen
Greetings and a Happy Angus New Year to everyone, As we near the time I refer to as the “dead of winter”, I have to say that most of us could use a little more winter. We all hate to see big snow storms and especially ice storms, but most people are about to the point of saying “whatever it takes to get some moisture” (and especially some runoff). Maybe because time seems to go faster as we get older or maybe just because winters haven’t been as bad, but it seems like winters don’t drag on like they did in the 1970s and early 80s when I was first out of college and ranching with my parents. We still had the Futurity in early December then and we usually had our first winter storm about that time. Then January and February were a succession of large snows every 10 days or 2 weeks with brief spells in between to catch up and repair feeding and snow removal equipment. Those two months seemed to go on forever. I hope everyone is making plans to head to Hutchinson for the KAA Annual Meeting, Banquet, and Junior Show. There are always several items of important business to be taken care of for your association, not the least of which is the annual election. We will also have an interesting educational presentation by Tonya Amen. Last but certainly not least, the social aspect of catching up with what is going on in the lives of friends we haven’t seen for a while, and discussing what is happening with their Angus cattle. This will be my last President’s column to write for the Kansas Angus News as I prepare to pass the torch of the Association to a new president at the annual meeting. I count it a distinct privilege to have served as your president for the past year. I appreciate all the help and cooperation I have received from our officers, board members, and general membership who have helped make our association activities a success in 2012. Let’s keep on keeping on. See you on the Angus Trail,
Tim Benton
Kansas Angus Association President 2012
It’s a new year! Whether or not we have made a resolution or set goals for the coming year, each of us wants to make a difference. That “difference” can be as varied as each one of our lives are– for some that difference can be made in our family, in others in business and for some in the lives of others. Ask yourself, “What difference do I want to make and how will I do it?” Since everyone that will read this is involved someway in the Angus industry, here are a few suggestions for 2013 on making a difference within our Angus family and industry. Become a mentor to a junior or new Angus breeder Educate yourself on a new or unfamiliar farming, ranching or American Angus Association “tool” Share your Angus “story” with others Become involved in your local, state or national Angus organization Advocate for agriculture, Angus and beef– become an “ag-vocate” Attend or participate an Angus event or sale that you never have before Be aware and open -look for ways to make a difference As you are striving to make a difference, I can almost assure you that you will be rewarded with a “difference” in your own life. Happy New Year,
Anne S. Lampe, Ks Angus News, editor ; Ks Angus Association, Secretary/Manager
Association News, Annul Meeting ,Banquet & Jr Show Planned …….. ....….….1 Editors Notes, KAA, KAN Info…….…...…….........2 Angus Industry………………………………..........4 1278 Head sell in 21st KAA Sale, Pratt, KS…….....6
Anne Lampe, Editor 5201 E Rd 110▪ Scott City, Ks 67871 (620)872-3915 phone/fax▪ (620)874-4273 cell
Email: Advertising Rates Full Page ….$325 b/w Full page 4 color…. $350 1/2 Page….$165 b/w; 4c $190 1/3 Page….$120 b/w ; 4c $145 1/4 Page….$85 b/w; 4c $100 Column Inch….$12 Card Ad..$25 /issue Photos Add Photos ……………… $5/photo No photo charge for camera ready ads Discounts for year contract 1/4 page and larger prepaid. Discounts for multiple full page ad in same issue. Classified Advertising : $2 per word. 10 word minimum. No logos , graphics or display ads in classified section.
Other Services KAA Mailing List (member use)……….$100 Mailing List (non member use)………..$150 Private Treaty Commission ……….5% Website Block Ads E– Classifieds
Catalog inserts welcome.
Notes & News from Anne Make a Difference
In this Issue
Official Publication of the Kansas Angus Association, Inc.
February 2013 issue ad/copy deadline : January 10
Esther McCabe is Miss American Angus………...8 KJAA……………………………………………...10 Auxiliary…………………………………….…...18 Showring Purple………………………………….22 KAA Minutes…………………………………….22
Cover - Photo and design by Anne Lampe. Esther McCabe, Elk City, Kansas is the 2013 Miss American Angus. See page 8 for more photos and Esther’s competition speech. 2 ▪ January 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News
Terms: All accounts that are 60 days or more past due will be assed interest at a monthly rate of 1–1/2% (18% annually). Accounts 90 days past must be paid before further advertising will be accepted. Any member 3 months or more in arrears in the payment of dues or assessments shall be dropped from the roll with the membership year beginning with the annual meeting. (KAA By-Laws: Art III, Sec 4) Any claims or statements of the writers or advertisers in this publication represent their own opinions and are not necessarily those of the editor or of the officers and directors of the Kansas Angus Association. Kansas Angus Association Board of Directors
President :Tim Benton, Garnett Vice President : Craig Rucker , Burdett Secretary/Mgr: Anne Lampe, Scott City (620) 872-3915 Treasurer: Robert Bailey ,3990 Highway K68 Quenemo, Ks 66528,(785) 828-3338 Past President: Joe Hite, Valley Center
District Directors Term Expires # 1 Neal Haverkamp, Bern ……………….….……...2013 # 2 Sharee Sankey, Council Grove………..…….….....2014 # 3 Matt Perrier, Eureka……………………..………….2014 # 4 Doug Benoit, Esbon ..……………….…….….........2013 # 5 Mark Rohr, Hays………………….....…………...... 2015 # 6 Shane Prill, Wichita…………………….…………....2013 # 7 Larry Lundgren, Gove………...………………...…..2013 # 8 JR “Rusty” Williams, Hugoton………………...…...2013 Directors At Large (Commercial) Harold Hazelton, McPherson……………………..……...2013 Howard Woodbury, Quenemo…………………........…..2014 Rick Cornwell St. John ……………..……….………. .2015 Directors At Large (Purebred) Brandon New, Leavenworth………………….………....2014 Stuart Rose, Cheney…….…………………..……. …....2015 Ron Hinrichsen, Westmoreland……………… ……….2013 The KAA board meets quarterly in February, May, September and December. Members are welcome to attend meetings. Contact Anne Lampe for meeting dates.
MILL BRAE RANCH Predictable Genetics Bull & Female Sale Saturday, March 9, 2013 • 12:30 p.m. • At the Ranch • Maple Hill, KS
Mill Brae CC&7 2140
Mill Brae Final Product 2075 CED BW
+64 +113 N/A
+.3 top 20%
top 2%
top 3%
Adj. WW
WR 110
CEM +10
Milk +27
top 20%
top 20%
Marb I+.42
RE I+.37
top 25%
top 25%
+64 +114 N/A top 2%
CEM +8
top 2%
Adj. WW
+55 +102 I+1.42 top 15%
Adj. WW
Marb I+.54
RE I+.62
top 1%
top 25%
top 15%
top 25%
Marb I+.47
RE I+.34
top 2%
top 5%
Milk +34
top 3%
+63 +109 N/A
top 3%
$W $F $G $B +30.40 +45.51 +26.26 +64.77
CEM +9
Adj. WW
+58 +102 N/A
top 20%
top 10%
top 15%
Adj. WW
CEM +12
Milk +36
Marb I+.55
top 4%
top 1%
top 25%
Milk +30
Marb I+.46
RE I+.64
topo 10%
RE I+.46
$W $F $G $B +33.58 +40.20 +32.00 +67.15 top 15%
top 25%
Mill Brae Bismarck 2179 CED BW
I+6 I+1.6
I+51 I+94 I+1.13
top 15%
$W $F $G $B +34.74 +45.95 +25.09 +69.44 top 3%
+10 +.2
top 2%
top 10%
top 5%
CED BW top 10%
Mill Brae Final Product 2047
Milk +29
top 3%
CEM +9
top 25%
$W $F $G $B +33.01 +51.32 +32.60 +79.13 top 15%
top 3%
Mill Brae Protégé 2045 CED BW
top 20%
$W $F $G $B +33.49 +50.14 +22.84 +63.97 top 10%
Mill Brae Aberdeen 2011
CEM +9
Adj. WW
top 20%
Milk +31
Marb I+.26
RE I+.41
top 10%
top 15%
$W $F $G $B +36.93 +34.35 +21.56 +57.80 top 3%
EPDs current as of 11/26/12 140 easy-calving bulls (HEIFER BULLS) with tremendous growth guaranteed to sire efficient, money-making, market-topping calves. 40 replacement females designed to mature into top producers under range conditions
Sired By Protégé • Bismarck • Final Product • Aberdeen • CC&7 • Dash • 062 • Stimulus • Frontman
MILL BRAE RANCH LLC Predictable Genetics for Practical Cattlemen T.D. Steele, Partner Roger D. Steele, Partner Clint Michaelis, Herdsman SEE MORE AT:
Mark Nikkel, Managing Partner 15670 Cattlemen Rd. Maple Hill, KS 66507 (785) 256-4327 / (785) 256-4349 fax
ANGUS INDUSTRY Reduce Cow Costs, Increase Revenue
-News provided by American Angus Association ® & Certified Angus Beef, LLC
What makes a big difference, and what doesn’t. Property taxes don’t mind if your cows are black or white or red. Ranches must have fences, pickups and equipment, regardless of what the calves weigh at weaning. “Fixed cost doesn’t care whether you’ve got 400 cows, 200 cows, 60 cows or 2 cows. It’s going to be the same,” says Stan Bevers, Texas A & M University beef economist. “The only way to drive down the impact is to get more cows.” As the industry anxiously awaits a drought reversal and herd rebuilding, many experts say now is the time to analyze overall carrying expenses. “One of the problems that we run into is that guys don’t calculate their cow costs, so things get out of perspective,” says Jim McGrann, emeritus ranch management economist at Texas A & M. “They will try to save in areas where it’s not going to make that big of a difference.” McGrann implemented the management program know as Standardized Performance Analysis (SPA) in the 1990s, to help producers benchmark their herd against others. Bevers now manages that program, which shows an average annual cost of $590.85 for a cow in 2012. “I started in 1989. Then, the average cost was about a dollar per day, so we haven’t quite doubled, but it’s getting close,” he says. Each year, he adds, the largest components are labor, management, depreciation and feed. It’s important to keep vehicle and equipment cost in check, McGrann says. “But everything else is more of a question of execution of a good plan and watching how they spend their money.” A key is keeping a focus on reproduction. “Cost control is more closely related to making sure they don’t hurt reproduction,” he says. “For example, if they don’t feed right, they are going to hurt reproduction. If they don’t get high calf crops relative to their exposed females, they can never have a low cost operation.” Scott Brown, University of Missouri ag economist, points to a tool developed by colleague Brent Carpenter that is designed to help determine what one could pay for a female.” Losing a calf in one of her first three or four years reduces what you should pay for her by more than $600,” he says, noting that predictable calving-ease genetics may provide some risk protection. “If you’re not a cost-effective producer, you’re not going to be in business regardless,” Brown says. “But many of those costs you don’t have much control over because of your cow choice. I think there is a lot more gain to be had on the revenue side than the expense side.” When rain comes, the decisions made in the rebuilding process could have a huge impact on future production. “Really the market is telling you that you have to have cattle that will grade and yield and be taken to a pretty heavy weight,” McGrann says. That all starts with genetics, and better bulls come with a higher price tag. But McGrann says that shouldn’t scare a producer. “When I’m purchasing a bull, it will have an economic life of anywhere from three to five years,” he says. “When you put it in the proper perspective—what does it means in terms of depreciation per female serviced—it’s really a low cost number.” A $3,100 bull servicing 25 cows per year for 5 years averages out to a $45.49 annual service cost per cow exposed. That’ just 7.6% of total cow costs. Spend another $400 on a bull and that number increases less than $4, at 8.2% of total cow costs. Increasing by $1,000 to buy the bull for $4,100 would figure out to a $55.29 service charge, or 9.2% of cow costs. That’s holding everything else equal. What if those genetics are more expensive because they’re more reliable, more efficient or help cut costs in other ways? Looking at the revenue side helps prove the value. “What’s it really mean if I get another 10 or 20 pounds of weaning weight on those calves?” Brown asks. In terms of cow costs, the Missouri calculator says you could pay $175 more for a cow if she weans 20-lb. heavier calves. “The chance to improve genetics in your herd should be something that everyone is looking at,” Brown says. In his definition, that would fall into several categories: mothering ability and calving ease, growth and carcass quality. “Bulls that are going to have maternal traits would be a big piece of that,” says James Henderson, of Bradley 3 Ranch in the lower Texas panhandle. The seedstock Angus breeder has been focused on a cow that works in the mesquite brush environmental they call home. Structural soundness is a bare minimum, but after that he suggests commercial Angus producers look at benchmarking tools like the SPA program they’ve participated in since its inception, as well as recent advancements like the GeneMax DNA test from Certified Angus Beef. “We’ve found that our high marbling cattle are our easiest keeping cattle,” Henderson says. “I think marbling may be a more valuable reproductive trait than it is a carcass trait.” When he hears people assigning a negative correlation to the two, he wonders if they’re confusing marbling and milk. “In the Angus breed, there are a lot of high-marbling cattle that are also high milk—it’s pretty easy to misread which one of those traits is costing you money,” he says. “High-milk cows are going
4 ▪ January 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News
to be much more expensive to maintain and rebreed, but high-marbling cows, in my experience, are the ones that survive in tough times.” McGrann says the records don’t dispute that: “I’ve probably done as much individual producer analysis as anybody in the country, from a business perspective, and I’ve found no relationship between quality of the calf and cost of production.”
Action on AM, NH and CA Genetic Defect Policies On September 13, 2012, the Board of Directors of the Association voted to amend certain portions of its policies related to AM, NH and CA, effective immediately. The Association’s administrative implementation of these changes will begin immediately, but with the complexities involved it will require some time to execute. Once implemented, in order for any potential carrier bull to be eligible for registration, such animal must be tested and found to be free of that genetic defect. Similarly, in order to be eligible for registration, all potential carrier females must be tested. Tested females will be registered regardless of test Results—but the pedigree of any carrier female will display a special “Carrier” designation denoting its carrier status. This action effectively removes those dates now contained in Section II. A. 2. of the three abovereferenced genetic defect policies on females, conforming these policies to the Board’s more recent approach to other recessive genetic policy. For more information visit
Angus Offers Internship Opportunities
Apply By February 5 The future of the cattle business is built on student leaders focused on keeping the industry strong. And to be successful, it takes practice. To provide that needed experience, the American Angus Association® and its entities offer paid internships programs for college students. Available internships offer students experience in the industry and the chance to gain real-world working knowledge — a must-have in today’s competitive market. Deadlines and details for each internship is listed below. Angus Internships The American Angus Association Activities and Events Department is offering, for the first time, an internship that focuses on event planning to a college sophomore, junior or senior who has agricultural interests The qualified candidate should be available to start the position on or before June 1, 2013. Some travel is likely. To apply, send a cover letter, resume and references to Shelia Stannard, director of activities and events, American Angus Association, 3201 Frederick Ave., Saint Joseph, MO 64506, or email Applications due Feb. 5, 2013. The American Angus Association Junior Activities Department provides a college sophomore, junior or senior an outstanding opportunity to assist with preparations, communications and correspondence for junior shows and events. A cover letter, resume and references are due Feb. 5, 2013, to Robin Ruff, director of junior activities, American Angus Association, 3201 Frederick Ave., Saint Joseph, MO 64506. For more information, contact Ruff at 816-383-5100 or The American Angus Association Communications and Public Relations Department is accepting applications from college juniors or seniors studying journalism, agricultural communications or related fields. Applications are due Feb. 5, 2013. To apply, send a cover letter, resume, references and writing samples to Jena Thompson, assistant director of public relations, American Angus Association, 3201 Frederick Ave., Saint Joseph, MO 64506. For more information, contact Thompson at 816-383-5100 Angus Productions Inc. offers a college student the opportunity to be part of the editorial team of various publications. This 10-week, writing-intensive internship offers the selected intern an opportunity to participate in producing various publications, including the Angus Journal, the Angus Journal digital replica, the Angus Beef Bulletin (ABB), the ABB EXTRA, the Angus e-List, editorial websites, and social media efforts. Applications are due Feb. 5, 2013. To apply, send a cover letter, resume and writing samples to Shauna Hermel, editor, Angus Productions Inc., 3201 Frederick Ave., Saint Joseph, MO 64506. For more information, contact Hermel at (816) 383-5270 or For more information visit
Untitled-2 1
12/6/12 10:06 PM
Selling 100 Angus & A+PLUSBalancer BULLS
Spring Valley, LTD
23rd Annual Production Sale 8FE t .BSDI t Q N t "HSB
SAV Final Answer
“Genetics second to none, backed by one of the best guarantees combined with affordable prices!�
Additional sires include: Dash, Brilliance, Mainline, New Day 454, Frontman, Trendsetter, and Granite We ask you to give us a chance to earn your business!
lley, LT rinAg+PVLa p U S Balanc D / S us ers
g An
Building Better Beef
Catalog available online at
1278 head Sell in 21st KAA Commercial Female Sale
Pratt, Ks Drought, anticipated high prices and cattlemen looking for quality Angus-influenced females all contributed to the highest grossing and largest offering in the 21 year history of the Kansas Angus Association sponsored commercial female sale in Pratt, Kansas on December 1, 2012. Producers from Kansas and Oklahoma offered 1278 Angus and Angus-influenced females Reserved but active bidding by a large crowd pushed the sale to a record gross of $1,646,105.00. Sale averages: 49 Fall pairs 187 Bred cows 543 Bred heifers 499 Open heifers 1278 head sold Top selling lots: Luke Hoeme, Preston, Ks Cornwell Farms, St. John, Ks Jack Schlessinger, Claflin, Ks Bernie Stegman, Spearville, Ks Sale gross $1,646,105.00
Lynn & Lori Ferguson 785-638-2857 Agra, Kansas
ĹťAmerican Angus Association regional manager Matt Caldwell accepts bids during the sale in Pratt. ĹşAl l seats were filled on sale day at Pratt Livestock.
$1803 $1669 $1406 $965 10 bred cows 9 fall pairs 6 bred heifers 47 open heifers
$2000 $1850 $1675 $1200
ĹťSeveral large groups of heifers like this one were offered.
Advertise with us‌ Include your ad in the
Kansas Angus News this spring.
February 2013– ads due Jan 10 March/April 2013– ads due Feb 10 See page 2 for rate information. Send ad or ad info to
6 Ɠ January 2013 ŀ Kansas Angus News
COW CAMP RANCH Annual Spring Bull Sale Friday, February 22nd, 2013
1 pm CST @ the Ranch
Singletary - PB Simmental Sire
Graduate - SimAngus Sire
27 sons selling
15 sons selling BALDYS
Expedition - SimAngus Sire
Dual Focus - SimAngus Sire
REDS 31 sons selling E - Z - 3 - PB Simmental Sire
13 sons selling For a free catalog send us an email at or give us a call at 785-983-4483. Videos will be available prior to the sale online at
12 sons selling COW CAMP RANCH Marty Ropp 406-581-7835
Kent, Mark & Nolan Brunner 3553 Upland Rd Lost Springs, KS 66859
Esther McCabe is Miss American Angus "Will the Circle be Unbroken" By Esther McCabe, Speech presented in Miss American Angus competition.
Lets take a step back in time to 1951. Lucille Ball and Arthur Godfry were the television celebrities of the day. The average home cost $9,000 and the average income was $3,500. However, maybe more important to all of us here today is the fact that the American Angus Association issued the very first junior membership in 1951. Of course at that time, there was not a Junior Activities Department and certainly not a National Junior Angus Show or LEAD conference for these new members to attend; but for a $5 membership these juniors were allowed to own and transfer cattle into their name just like members of the regular American Angus Association. Since that first membership, nearly 80,000 have been issued. To put that into perspective, that is enough people to fill two average sized football stadiums! Even without the advantages and opportunities that come with belonging to the National Junior Angus Association that we often take for granted today, these juniors would have the hands-on experience and education to be ambassadors for the beef industry regardless of the profession or vocation that they chose. As we bring this same principle into modern times, the possibilities and opportunities are much more exciting. Thankfully, the American Angus Association viewed “their collective responsibility” to the Junior Angus program and more opportunities were added. In addition to the show ring, today we learn Angus history, animal science and agricultural facts to compete in quiz bowls. We stand up in front of adults who are the leaders of our breed and are very successful in their own lives to give speeches and sales talks. We have experience with real life events from interviews and resumes to how to prepare different cuts of meat to their full potential. We see the results of carcass evaluations and how they are relevant to the industry. We also make friends with people from all over the country and have the opportunity to know some of the most successful people in the Angus breed. From the age of nine throughout our teenage years, we stay in high gear looking forward to the next event and how we can be more involved. Then the sun comes up one morning, just like any other day but a major change takes place. Because of our twenty-first birthday, we can no longer participate in the junior program. But because of the junior program, we are armed to go forward into whatever our chosen field may be. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” This means that the values, morals, core beliefs, and knowledge that we gain when we are young will carry us forward. Through out the Junior Angus experience, we are preparing for our future and the challenges that it will bring to utilize “our collective responsibility” in everyday life. Just think of the doctor in New York City or the lawyer in Los Angeles who went through the Junior Angus program experience and how different their circle of acquaintances would be from most of us in telling about their beef story or defending the industry from inaccurate accusations from media or welfare groups. Former South African President, Nelson Mandela, who is considered to be one of the most influential statesmen of all time is quoted as saying, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” How about the incredible influence a schoolteacher could have on a classroom after going through the junior program; what a ripple effect might that teacher have in the span his or her career. We are blessed to have the largest, most progressive beef breed association in the world coupled with the strength of Angus Productions Incorporated, Angus Genetics Inc., and Certified Angus Beef. In addition, we have the American Angus Auxiliary and the Angus Foundation who have made available incredible scholarships to help many of us prepare for our future. One gets the feeling that when you are involved with “Team Angus” you are only limited by your dreams. Each one of these entities plays a critical part on the ultimate success of the breed. Albert Einstein once said, “One should never expect to take more from life than they are willing to give.” I believe it is “our collective responsibility” to make sure this incredible experience can continue for generations to come and that they are prepared for the challenges they will face. Each one of us in this have benefited in some way from the junior program. I seriously doubt when the first American Angus Association junior membership was issued in 1951, anyone could have predicted the influence that decision would eventually have across our nation and even around the world. Many of our lives here today would be very different without the National Junior Angus Association and the programs
that support it. I am proud to be from a very small town in southeast Kansas that is full of salt of the earth kind of people that would do anything they could for someone. I will have lifelong friends from my hometown. However, because of the National Junior Angus Association, I have a much larger circle. I have had the privilege to travel from California to Pennsylvania and from Wisconsin to Georgia. I have had the opportunity to stand in front of an audience and speak about our industry. I have also received significant financial support to further my education. All of this and much more have been provided by my involvement National Junior Angus Association. One of my favorite quotes is by Abraham Lincoln but it is so simple, is almost seems childish is. “Whatever you are, be a good one.” Whatever that maybe in my case, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the National Junior Angus Association to do my part in “our collective responsibility.” Editor’s note: each contestant presented a speech in the competition with same the topic “our collective responsibility.”
2013 Miss American Angus Crowned
Esther McCabe, Kansas, to serve the Angus breed throughout the upcoming year. In the showring there are several things to capture the crowd’s attention —wellgroomed cattle, the judge's pace, green jackets and Angus royalty. But, there is one that stands out from the rest, literally. The 2013 Miss American Angus, with her sparkling crown and poised stance, measures up to 6’3”; taller than many showmen. Although height is not all that sets her apart, it’s also her indisputable enthusiasm for the Angus industry and laid back, but confident attitude. Esther McCabe, Elk City, Kan., was crowned as the 2013 Miss American Angus Monday, Nov. 12 during the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, Ky. She succeeds 2012 Miss American Angus Brooke Harward, Richfield, N.C. A sophomore at Butler Community College, McCabe is pursuing a career in pharmacy. She will transfer to Kansas State University next fall to complete her degree in food science and minor in animal sciences and industry. “While filling out the Miss American Angus application form, I realized that the person I am today is because of the opportunities the American Angus Association® and National Junior Angus Association has given me,” McCabe says. “Serving as Miss American Angus is a way to give back and make a difference, especially in the lives of younger women in the breed so they too can become more involved.” Hosted by the American Angus Auxiliary, the annual Miss American Angus contest provides one Angus junior an opportunity to serve as a breed ambassador and assist with shows, educational events, and field days to educate others about the beef industry, and benefits of Angus genetics. Five young women vying for the crown completed a written test, delivered a prepared speech, completed an interview and answered impromptu questions from a panel of judges. Competing this year were Esther McCabe, Elk City, Kan.; Kendra Merriman, Lowell, Mich.; Kayla Widerman, Good Hope, Ill.; Tylee Williams, Clarendon, Texas, and Emily Velisek, Gaithersburg, Md. McCabe was crowned prior to the announcement of grand champion bull during the Super-Point Roll of Victory (ROV) Angus Bull Show at the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center (KFEC). McCabe is the daughter of Randel and Varee McCabe, and is the youngest of four children, Flinton, Ethan and Hannah, who are all involved in the day-to-day operations of McCabe Genetics. “Each one of us has our strengths and weaknesses while working on the farm,” McCabe says. “It makes us all work together in order to get everything done.” During her year of service, McCabe hopes to become acquainted with more people involved in the Angus breed and to broaden her industry knowledge: “I hope to represent the breed in a way that people from other breeds and consumers are intrigued and want to learn more,” McCabe says. Juges for the Miss American Angus contest were Susan Rhode, Gower, Mo.; Bud Smith, Russell Springs, Ky.; and Heather Shultz, Jefferson, Ga. Photos: top -Esther and 2012 Miss American Angus, Brooke Harward just after crowning . Top inset– Receiving the official crown pin. Right– Randy, Hannah, Esther and Varee McCabe. Photos by Anne Lampe
8 ▪ January 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News
+.7 +56 +102 +45
+1.1 +62 +136 +31
39tahl Annu PRODUCTION SALE February 27, 2013
Wednesday 12:30 PM CST
1 1/2 miles east of Franklin & 1/4 mile south
TC Romeo 917
+3.8 +70 +124 +38
Sydgen Doc 9017
Connealy Right Answer 746
BW -.4; WW +66; YW +120; Milk +33; Marb +.62; RE +.22 BW WW YW Milk
-.6 +44 +90 +30
-.5 +53 +102 +26
TC Ranch has...
Connealy Thunder
Connealy Irish 0204
ith Coming to you wetics Time-Tested Gen
• 63 years of “Total Commitment” to the Angus Breed • 51 years performance records • A herd bull battery second to none • First-year breeding guarantee • Volume selection • Carcass and performance data • Free bull delivery
Vin-Mar Focus In 8847
-.6 +67 +121 +29
250 HEAD
185 Yearling Bulls 25 Fall Yearling Bulls 40 Heifer calves
Dru Uden 308/470-0740 (888) TC BULLS 1524 G Rd. • Franklin NE 68939 E-mail:
KS Junior Angus Association Dear KJAA Members,
Snow, baby calves, and new goals are a few things that can be used to describe the month of January. I've never been big on New Years resolutions (I like my cake a little too much to ever succeed) but I fully support setting new goals for yourself. In fact this is something that I don't limit to just the first of the year, but rather I update and 'reset' as needed throughout the year. Setting a goal is the beginning to accomplishing something new and achieving a new dream. I challenge you to step outside your comfort zone and set a goal to try that new contest at nationals this summer, or set the goal to work with your heifers for 15 extra minutes every evening. Setting a new, small goal today can be the beginning of something incredible in the future. I hope to see many of on January 26 and 27 in Hutchison for the all of the angus activities and especially the junior meeting and show. Hannah McCabe, KJAA President
Change in NJAS Deadlines May 15 is entry and ownership deadline for NJAS 2013 in Kansas City. May 15 is also the deadline for photography, writing, cook-off, graphic design and video contests. May 25 is deadline for prepared public speaking. NJAS 2013 July 5-11– Kansas City, MO for more info
KJAA OFFICERS 2012-13 President: : Hannah McCabe, Elk City,, 620-636-0125 President Elect: Mackenzie Flory, Baldwin City Vice President: Cody Thies, Leavenworth Treasurer: Esther McCabe, Elk City Secretary: Jackson Wingert, Ottawa Reporter: Megan Green, Leavenworth Historian: Chelsey Figge, Onaga Membership Directors: Caleb Flory, Baldwin City & Grady Dickerson, Paradise Past President: : Meghan Blythe, White City DIRECTORS District 1: Claire Wingert, Ottawa District 2: Eric Blythe, White City District 4: Baili, Kerth District 5: Bryce Maneth District 6: Luke Sankey, Andale District 8: Quannah Gardiner, Ashland At-Large: Cale Hinrichsen, Sydnee Shive ADVISORS Jerry & Tonya Theis………….………………..(913) 683-0775 Ken & Jackie Ottensmeier ………… ……..(913)796-6994 Meghan Blythe………………………..…… .(785)466-3115 Anne Lampe………………………… … ..(620)872-3915 (620)872-3915; (620)874-4273 cell
Facebook: Kansas Angus Association
KJAA Minutes The Annual Meeting of the Kansas Junior Angus Association was called to order on June 1, 2012 at 11:20 am by President Meghan Blythe at the Kansas State Fairgrounds, Hutchinson, Ks. A roll call sheet was signed by 43 members. New KJAA members were introduced as well as those who are showing at the Preview Show for the first time. The minutes were approved as printed in the May/June Kansas Angus News on the Junior Page. Allie Blythe moved to approve, Jackson Wingert seconded, and the motion carried. Treasurer Esther McCabe reported we have a balance of $3,242.82 in checking and $3,302.45 in a CD. Clay Pelton moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Cale Hinrichsen seconded it, and the motion passed. President Elect Hannah McCabe talked about the contests at the state level. They will begin with the herdsmanship quiz and winners will be announced at the picnic awards ceremony tonight. Vice President Kenzie Flory reported on the plans for the booth and stall display at NJAS. She said they are working on multiple ideas and they are not final at this point. If you would like to stall beside someone specific, please sign up today. Also, she said the stall signs will be $6.50 for NJAS and she will print them. Historian Lauren Herman said she is nearly done with the state scrapbook but she still needs some specific pictures. It will be ready for competition at NJAS. Esther McCabe reported on the state mentoring program. She paired up protégés and mentors for the 2012 year and they are to meet after the meeting. For advisor reports Jerry and Tonya Theis have booked a block of rooms at NJAS for the Kansas delegation at the Comfort Inn. If you need a room, talk to them. Jason and Wendy Flory said that juniors can still enter posters at NJAS, even if they are not attending. Also she said that if you want to give a speech, you can send in your outline by June 10. Also the resumes are due for the Career Development contest by June 10. They also encouraged the Kansas juniors to attend LEAD in Colorado. Pre-registrations are due June 15. Anne Lampe said that applications for writers and photographers for The Scoop are due June 25. She encouraged juniors to apply for the Ambassador program as well. She also said to look ahead in your calendars to 2013—the Preview Show is always the 1st Saturday in June. So mark your calendars now! Meghan Blythe talked about the NJAS community service project. She also encouraged everyone to participate in the mentoring program at NJAS. For Unfinished business, the T-shirt committee said they are working on a design. We can either have the association pay for the shirts, or each person can pay part of the cost. Cody Theis moved that each person pays $10 per shirt, and the KJAA will pay the rest, if any further cost. It was seconded and carried. Under New Business, Meghan said that a sign up sheet is available for anyone wanting to participate in the Team Fitting Contest. Chelsey Figge moved we allot $200 for booth expenses for NJAS. Jackson seconded it and the motion passed. Jackson moved we award $100 stipend for each showmanship representative to NJAS and voting delegates to the Annual Meeting. Eva Hinrichsen seconded it and the motion passed. Tyler Blythe moved that each member pay for their stall signs. It is expected to be $6.50. It was seconded and passed. Kenzie Flory moved to set a budget for reimbursements for the scrapbook at $100. It was seconded and passed. Chelsey Figge and Eva Hinrichsen volunteered to find a silent auction item for the Angus Foundation at NJAS. The following committee appointments were made: Carcass Group: Esther McCabe, Luke Sankey, helped by Randy McCabe. Quiz Bowl sign up: Cody Theis and Jackson Wingert, assisted by Jerry Theis. Community Service Project: Allie Blythe, Kenzie Flory and Alexandria Cozzitorto. Herdsmanship: Jackson Wingert and Luke Sankey. Cody Theis moved to add a Pee Wee showmanship class to the Preview Show. Currently, we have a Novice class. One is for juniors under 8 yrs, who do have an animal showing at the show, and the other is for juniors under 8 yrs who do not have an animal showing. Jackson seconded the motion and it carried. The officer slate was presented by the Nominating Committee. It was accepted by Unanimous Ballot. President Hannah McCabe; President Elect Kenzie Flory; Vice President Cody Theis; Secretary Jackson Wingert; Treasurer Esther McCabe; Reporter Megan Green; Historian Chelsey Figge; Membership Directors Caleb Flory and Grady Dickerson; Advisor Meghan Blythe. Directors elected were: District 1 Claire Wingert; District 2 Eric Blythe; District 5 Bryce Maneth; District 6 Luke Sankey; District 4 Baili Kerth; District 8 Quanah Gardiner. At large: Sydnee Shive and Cale Hinrichsen. Meghan had a special presentation to our outgoing advisors Jason & Wendy Flory. She thanked them for 3 years of service to the KJAA. For announcements, Hannah reminded everyone of the times for contests today. Also, remember the show is a no-fit show. Be sure to check the rules. Dennis Rayl is serving breakfast in the morning. Jason Flory said that Debbie Lyons-Blythe was recently selected national Farm Mom of the Year. Wendy Flory said to talk to her if your heifers need their feet trimmed. Cody & Jerry Theis said to talk to them if you are interested in information about the Northeast Kansas Jr Angus Show. Anna Carpenter moved to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded and passed. (approval pending)
KJAA MEETING ▪ Saturday, January 26 ▪ Hutchinson See page 1 for meeting, cattle check-in and show schedule.
Angus Scholarships
The Angus Foundation offers general scholarships to students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in higher education. Eligible Angus youth meeting the qualifications for the Angus Foundation’s 2013 Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarship Programs will be considered by the Angus Foundation’s Scholarship Selection Committee. As in past years, other specific and special criteria scholarships administered by the Angus Foundation will also be available. Scholarship recipients will be recognized at the 2013 NJAS in Kansas City, Mo. Applications will be available online beginning Dec. 1, 2012. For more information, contact Milford Jenkins, Angus Foundation president, at 816-383-5100 or The American Angus Auxiliary and Kansas Angus Auxiliary offers scholarships to graduating high school seniors. Applicants must first qualify on the state level prior to entering the national competition with one male and one female applicant from each state eligible for national competition. The application is online at For more information on the Kansas scholarship and qualifying for national competition contact state Chairperson Lynne Hinrichsen 785-7700014. The Kansas scholarship deadline is April 1, 2013.
10 ▪ January 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News
“High Performing Cattle Backed by Generations of Calving Ease Traits” 61 years of Breeding Quality Angus Cattle ♣ 1952-2013
Saturday, March 16, 2013 ♣ 1 p.m. ♣ at the Ranch 5 miles north and 2 1/2 west of Zenda, KS or 9 miles west, 9 miles south and 2 1/2 west of Kingman, KS
Hoover Dam
Reg # 16124994 BW –.1 WW +49 YW +96 Milk +37 Marb +.65 RE +1.06 $B +76.93 Selling: 27 sons
This year’s sale will feature the first progeny that we have offered sired by Hoover Dam and Connealy Right Answer 746. Progeny of these sires are sale highlights across the country. Also, our top sire for weaning weights this year, LD Emblazon 999, will have his first 10 sons offered for sale. Again this year, sons of these popular bloodlines will sell: In Focus, Final Answer, Pendleton, Connealy Contrast, Connection, CAR Efficient 534, Molitor Educator 509, and others by our calving ease and performance service sires.
Connealy Right Answer 746 Reg # 15832750 BW –.4 WW +66 YW +120 Milk +33 Marb +.63 RE +.21 $B +66.99 Selling: 11sons
The female offering will be 30 fancy open replacement heifers from the heart of our herd. Join us March 16, 2013 for our 34th Annual Sale from a time tested operation. Connealy Contrast
Reg # 15150605 BW –1.2 WW +41 YW +84 Milk +21 Marb +.43 RE +.74 $B +77.68 Selling: 10 sons
HARB Pendleton 765 J H
Bulls Sell
Reg # 15313140 BW +0 WW +57 YW +105 Milk +34 Marb +.49 RE +.18 $B +61.87 Selling: 7 sons; 9 grandsons
30 Females Sell
Performance • Calving Ease High Carcass Traits • Gentle Dispositions
CAR Efficient 534
Register for Online bidding:
Reg # 15170660 BW –1.0 WW +55 YW +107 Milk +33 Marb +.08 RE +.34 $B +51.96 Selling: 10 sons 7 grandsons
Molitor Educator 509
Reg # 16511920 BW –2.8 WW +54 YW +104 Milk +30 Marb +.23 RE +.03 $B +54.23 Selling: 9 sons
♣Other Main Service Sires♣ SVF Answer W132- 12 sons LD Emblazon 999- 10 sons Mytty In Focus- 7 sons SAV Final Answer 0035- 2 sons SAF Connection- 5 sons HARB Efficient 819 JH- 7 sons HCC 1407 Design 4004- 4 sons HA Broadcast 9339-7 sons Molitor Danny Boy 1138- 2 sons
For Information contact:
Founding member of:
All Cattle AM,NH,CA Free
♣ Free delivery on 3 or more lots within 300 miles
Richard or Mike Molitor (620) 243-6335 Fax (620) 243-7533 Cell (620) 243-3081 11558 S.W. 90th St. Zenda, KS 67159 Email:
reg#: 15885405 | 014AN00317 TOTAL 410 x LEAD ON
BW 2.3 .85
WW 66 .78
YW 124 .65
SC .89 .63
DOC 27 .37
CEM 11 .26
MILK 24 .30
MARB .94 .44
RE .83 .42
$W $F $G $B 30.61 62.41 48.86 90.38 As of 11/30/2012
TEN X 7008 S A
reg#: 15719841 | 014A00377 IN FOCUS x ADAPTOR
BW .1 .85
WW 63 .80
YW 128 .70
SC .28 .76
DOC 21 .68
CEM 10 .33
MILK 35 .43
MARB 1.03 .44
RE .54 .41
$W $F $G $B 37.93 68.84 40.65 93.39 As of 11/30/2012
reg#: 17028951 | 014AN00396 CONSENSUS x PREDESTINED
BW .7 .42
WW 68 .34
YW 120 .35
SC .86 .43
DOC 6 .26
CEM 11 .11
MILK 26 .18
MARB .81 .37
RE .46 .31
$W $F $G $B 46.64 56.61 31.31 81.07 As of 11/30/2012
reg#: 16908920 | 014A00395 PIONEER x ANALYST
BW 2.2 .42
WW 62 .34
YW 108 .35
SC .10 .33
DOC 3 .27
CEM 7 .17
MILK 34 .22
MARB .72 .37
RE .75 .32
$W $F $G $B 41.91 45.25 37.16 79.57 As of 11/30/2012
Contact your local accelerated genetics Representative today! RICK PINKerman Reg. Sales Manger 660.425.1090
wesley dotson Enid 580.541.3799
eric peterson Lindsborg 785.227.5414
shawn roy Disctrict Sales Mgr. 785.737.3107
kelly kennedy Solider 785.364.6082
Tim Rippe Ludell 785-626-4515
mark rohr Hays 785.432.1107
KSAngus_Jan2012.indd 1
12/21/12 8:49 AM
Friday, February 15, 2013 12:30 PM Central Time At the ranch 10 south & 3.5 miles west of Gove
55 Angus Bulls 35 Yearlings & 20 Virgin 2’s
Featuring top A.I. sires SAV Final Answer, TC Aberdeen & more!
Also Selling... 30 Yrlg Heifers At the ranch or on the website...visitors are always welcome! Make plans to be with us in February for good cattle and good fellowship.
Larry & Anita Lundgren & family 3633 County Rd. I, Gove, KS 67736 785-938-4404: home 785-673-9047: Larry cell
Our Angus Family Send your “Our Angus Family” announcements to Births, deaths, weddings, honors….
14 ▪ January 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News
The Only Angus Sale Managers in Business Nine Consecutive Decades
Tom Burke 816/853-2697
Nebraska Cornhusker Angus Sale, at the Auction Market, Fairbury, NE
Mill Bar Angus 14th Annual Production Sale, Hayes Center, NE, sale at McCook, NE
Kansas Angus Futurity Online Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Hutchinson, KS)
Spring Valley Ranch Production Sale, Bassett, NE
Knop Angus Online Production Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Ida Grove, IA)
Leroy Boeckel Performance-Tested Bull & Female Sale, Hazen, ND, sale at Mandan, ND
Mohnen Angus Performance-Tested Bull Sale, White Lake, SD
Schaff Angus Valley Sale, St. Anthony, ND
Carter Family Angus Ranch Bull Sale, Julesburg, CO
Carlson Angus Production Sale, Regent, ND, sale at Dickinson, ND
SandPoint Cattle Company Angus Bull Sale, Lodgepole, NE
East Tennessee Angus Association 95th Annual Sale, at Roane State Community College, Harriman, TN
Schiefelbein Angus Sale, Kimball, MN
Woodruff Angus Annual Production Sale, Milton, IA, sale at Bloomfield, IA
Byergo Angus Sale, Savannah, MO
Nathan Palm Angus Bull and Female Sale, Estelline, SD, sale at Watertown, SD
Albrecht/Penz President's Day Angus Bull and Commercial Female Sale, at the Clay Freeny Ranch, Caddo, OK
Koupal Angus Ranch Spring Bull and Female Sale, Dante, SD
22-23 Feb
58th Annual Illinois Angus Breeder's Futurity, Illinois State Fairgrounds, Springfield, IL
Penner Ranch Angus Bull Sale, Sulphur, OK
Rock'n R Angus Ranch Production Sale, Plainville, KS
Conley Angus Online Bull Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Clarksdale, MO)
Kurt Schaff 816/520-6447
Jeremy Haag 816/516-1309
P O Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089 ▪ 816/532 816/532--0811 ▪ Fax: 816/532 816/532--0851 ▪
Cattle for sale? If you have a herd of cattle for sale, whether it is a complete herd or a group of cattle, call us TODAY. We will be glad to come to your farm or ranch at NO OBLIGATION to advise you on the best way to merchandise them. Make your next Angus sale a Hall of Fame Sale! Visit our website for current sale listings
Zagar Angus Farm 557 East 610 Ave. ▪ Girard, Ks 66743 (620)724-4086
Herd Sires: JAK 022 Prompter C34 , Sydgen Massive 9518, Sydgen 1386 Design 3389, Checkerhill Madrid N11, Sydgen 2088 Focus 9003
16 ▪ January 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News
17 ▪ January 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News
Kansas Angus Auxiliary I would like to take this time to say thank you for allowing me to serve as your Kansas Angus Auxiliary President. It has been an honor to work and serve with such outstanding members. This Auxiliary has a passion to strive for the best in all things.
Dear Angus Family and Friends, I hope everyone had wonderful holidays!
The Kansas Angus Association annual banquet is almost here. This is always an exciting and fun-filled event. The fund raising auctions at the end of the evening are fun and are sure to bring a smile. Please add to this excitement by bringing your item(s) for the Auxiliary's' part of the auctions. The scholarships awarded each year to high school seniors are funded thru this event.
It has been an amazing year as the Kansas Angus Queen 2012! And I thank everyone that has made it such a great year. This year wouldn’t have been as good Also, please bring your favorite "goodies" for the hospitality room the without the people along the Auxiliary hosts at the fairgrounds while the meetings are going on. Your way. I would like to thank my help is always appreciated. mom and dad for encouraging me to take the chance and apply. If you are not yet a member, consider joining. It is also time to renew our They are two of the most dues for the current members. Get involved and enjoy the Angus wonderful people in my life. fellowship!! Second, I would like to thank my Join us in Hutchison for our meeting on January 26. See page 1 for sister, Kady. Without her, my life schedule. would be completely upside down. Next, I would like to thank one of the busiest and best Varee McCabe Chelsea Figge, Onaga, Kansas people in the world, Mrs. Anne Kansas Angus Auxiliary President 2012 Miss Kansas Angus Lampe! She has helped me in Attention 2013 High School Seniors ways that I don’t think she knows. The American Angus Auxiliary and Kansas Angus Auxiliary offers A great big thank you goes to Ester McCabe for being my mentor this year. I scholarships to graduating high school seniors. Applicants must first qualify on would also like to put in a special thanks to the Hinrichsen and the Hager the state level prior to entering the national competition with one male and one families, without them I wouldn’t be where I am today or the person I am today. female applicant from each state eligible for national competition. The application is online at For more information on Last and certainly not least I would like to thank all of my second moms, dads, grandpas and grandmas and anyone else I know I would forget. the Kansas scholarship and qualifying for national competition contact state Chairperson Lynne Hinrichsen 785-770-0014. The Kansas scholarship deadline is April 1, 2013.
KS Angus Auxiliary Leaders President -Varee McCabe …….. 620.633.5303 Vice President- Karen Santee….620.596.2532 Secretary-Jackie Ottensmeier …..913.796-6994 Treasurer- Lori Fink……. 785.532.8171 Reporter– Megin O’Brien….620.802.1482 Past V. President/Advisor- Sandy Lundgren .. 785.878.3630 Hospitality Chairman– Melissa Cozzitorto Miss Ks Angus Program Chairman– Anne Lampe Ways & Means Chairman– Mary McCurry
2012 was a busy year as your Queen. I went to many shows and sales throughout the state. Each one was an unforgettable experience. During this year, I have also met many memorable people and new friends that will last a lifetime. Thank you again for such an amazing year! I hope that I see all of you at the Futurity! Yours Truly,
Chelsey Figge
Miss Kansas Angus 2012
Thank you Kansas Angus breeders, Auxiliary members and friends for your support during my term as president of the American Angus Auxiliary mere words cannot express the heartfelt appreciation I have for each one of you. Sincerely, Anne Lampe, American Angus Auxiliary President 2011-2012 Thank you to these generous sponsors of the 2012 American Angus Auxiliary Breakfast
Kansas Angus Auxiliary Ag Press April Valley Farms Bar S Ranch Benoit Angus BJ Angus Genetics Cloverdale Angus Dalebanks Angus
Fink Beef Genetics Green Garden Angus JMB Angus June Hagenbuch Louisiana Jr. Angus Association May Way Farms McCabe Genetics McCurry Angus Ranch
18 ▪ January 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News
McCurry Brothers Angus Mill Creek Ranch Millbrae Ranch New Haven Angus Farm Pam Bailey R & L Angus Roussel's Jewelry & Gifts Sandhill Angus
Sankey's 6N Ranch Stucky Ranch Tom Burke- American Angus Hall of Fame
72nd Annual Sale Wednesday, February 20, 2013 1 pm ▪ Buffalo, Oklahoma At the Fairgrounds Pavilion
ANGUS BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Selling 45 Registered Angus Bulls 24 Open Females 4 Bred Females 1 Pair For a sale book contact O K & T Angus Breeders Association Dennie Jenkins RR 2 Box 111, Gage, OK 73843 580-938-2777 ▪ 580-938-1094 cell Or Bill Majors ▪ 580– 762-3555
19 ▪ January 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News
Poland Angus Ranch Hosts Annual EPD Judging Contest
Isabel, Kansas The twentieth annual Poland Angus Ranch EPD Judging contest on October 10, 2012 was enjoyed by a record 306 contestants. Contestants came from 19 FFA chapters and 4 county 4-H groups. Contestants placed 6 classes of Angus females and 2 classes of Angus bulls, along with giving either two sets of oral reasons, or answering two sets of questions. Contestants evaluated each class for phenotype and genotype for their suitability to meet the requirements of the written scenario. The Winfield FFA, led by Sam Solomon, won the FFA “A” team division, followed closely by Buhler, Pretty Prairie, Moundridge, Dodge City, South Barber, Hillsboro, Newton, Marion, and Ellsworth. The top 10 individuals in the “A” team division were Sam Solomon, Winfield, Davie Dukehart, Buhler, Greg Schlickau, Pretty Prairie, Ty Neinke, Ellsworth, Brome Stohly, Newton, Taylor Fisher, Dodge City, Karl Bengston, Inman, Shaily Harshbarger, Winfield, Bailey Peterson, Buhler, and Aaron Maleker, Marion. In the FFA “B” team division, Wyatt Fiedler, Moundridge led his team to a first place finish, followed by Buhler, Chaparral, Kingman, and Claflin. Joining Feidler on the first place team was Desmond Fidey, 6th, and placing 8th, Seth Deiderich, Moundridge. Other top individuals in the “B” team division were Eric Moore, Pretty Pr, 2nd, Clay Holcomb, South Barber, 3rd, Dalton Ruberts, Buhler, Angela Rodriguez, Buhler, Paige Miller, Buhler, and Nate Dick, Buhler 9th and Luke Verning, Buhler, 10th . Results for the Senior 4-H division : Thadd Robison from Kingman Co. placed as the top individual and led his team to a first place finish followed by the team from Reno County, second, and Barber County, third. Other top individuals were Haley Keeler, Reno County, Seth Krehbiel, Kingman, Sierra Cargill, Barber, Caitlin Schlickau, Reno, Cade Lonker, Barber, Kelly Krehbiel, Kingman, Cody McKinnis, Reno, Caleb Krehbiel, Kingman, and Claire Krehbiel, Reno. Results for the 4-H Junior division: Amy Westerman placed as the high individual and led her Ellsworth County team to a first place finish. Reno County placed second, and Barber County placed third. Top individuals in the 4-H Juniors were Kale Watchous, Harvey Co., Sidney Willson, Ellsworth, Lane Watchous, Harvey, Kolby Davis, Ellsworth, Jeanna Haase, Ellsworth, Hannah Willson, Ellsworth, Brenna Kirkbride, Reno, Taylor Zamizla, Ellsworth, and Nicole Haase, Ellsworth. Top individuals in the Beginning division were Colby Snyder, Allie Hoch, Brent Theurer, Callan Smith, Camryn Smith, Regan Poland, Faith Poland, Noah Goss, Tucker Uhl, and Zebediah Poland. The Polands would like to thank the many people that helped to make this contest a success and we look forward to doing it again next year. (submitted by Richard Poland, Poland Angus Ranch)
Angus Winners at 80th Junior Livestock Show
The 80th Kansas Junior Livestock Show (KJLS) added to the event’s memorable history with a 25-year high in livestock numbers and stiff competition for auction premiums and scholarships. The show took place September 21-24 in Wichita. A total of 704 Kansas youth exhibited 1,453 head of livestock. The show is sponsored by the Kansas Livestock Association, Kansas State University and the Agri-Business Council of Wichita. Sarah Pelton, Paradise, showed the champion Angus steer, while the reserve Angus was owned by Luke Sankey of Andale. The champion Angus heifer was shown by Brandon Olivier, Harper. Megan Green, Leavenworth, exhibited the reserve Angus female.
It does not seem possible but it is already time to be thinking about our spring production sale. We will be selling 175 Angus bulls and 75 Hereford bulls. There will be a nice selection of strong aged, forage developed bulls in the offering. Also selling will be 750 commercial females that would include open heifers ready to breed, heifers bred to calve in the fall and spring pairs. Please call if we can be of service.
Champion cattle showman in the senior division was Hadley Schotte from Marysville, with Taylor Nikkel from Maple Hill earning top junior cattle showmanship honors. Senior division winners following Schotte, in order of finish, were: Casey Jensen, Courtland; Jake Nikkel, McPherson; Maggie Schotte, Marysville; and Luke Sankey, Andale. Rounding out the top five in the junior division were: Grady Dickerson, Paradise; Luke Prill, Wichita; Madison Loschke, Carbondale; and Mason Runft, Scandia.
6087 CR 1950 Elk City, KS 67344 (620) 633-5303—home (620) 332-4244– Randy McCabe (620) 332-4498– Flinton McCabe
20 ▪ January 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News
ANGUS 2013
High Plains Journal and Midwest Ag Journal, in cooperation with the American Angus Association, brings you ANGUS 2013. This special Angus feature will be published in the February 18, 2013 issue and puts your ad in the hands of the Journal’s 120,000 farmer and rancher readers. In addition to the center-spread placement, this special piece will be placed online at
You can’t put a price on exposure and exposure in ANGUS 2013 is second to none.
We’re here to help you make the best better. Find out more about ANGUS 2013.
Contact your regional Journal livestock representative or contact the Journal Livestock office toll free at 1-800-452-7171, ext. 1860 or e-mail
Showring purple Kansans at the Backdrop B C Lookout 7024 won Roll of Victory (ROV) sire of the year at the 2012 North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) Super Point Roll of Victory (ROV) Angus Show, Nov. 1213 in Louisville, Ky. William Conley, Clarksdale, Mo.; McCurry Bros., Sedgwick, Kan.; and Limestone LLC, Perkins, Okla., owns the winning bull. Pictured from left are American Angus Association Director of Activities and Events Shelia Stannard; Pam, Greg and Anna McCurry; Miss American Angus Brooke Harward; and Brad McCurry. Sankeys Justified 101 won Roll of Victory (ROV) junior bull calf champion of the year . Chris & Sharee Sankey, Council Grove, Kan., and Foster Campbell II, Bossier City, La., own the winning bull. Pictured from left are American Angus Association Director of Activities and Events Shelia Stannard; Sharee and Chris Sankey; and Miss American Angus Brooke Harward. Sankeys Erica 525 won Roll of Victory (ROV) dam of the year Chris & Sharee Sankey, Council Grove, Kan., own the winning female. Photos by American Angus Association
Buffalos Pro Bull BN88 won Roll of Victory (ROV) reserve senior bull of the year W.G. Schermer Jr., Clarion, Iowa; Black Velvet Cattle, Mankato, Kan.; and Richardson Cattle Co., Fairland, Okla., own the winning bull. Pictured from left are American Angus Association Director of Activities and Events Shelia Stannard; Angie, Bill, and Nancy Schermer; Debra and Richard Bartholomew; and Miss American Angus Brooke Harward. McCurry Miss Wix 9081 won Roll of Victory (ROV) senior champion female of the year at the 2012 Jackson Wingert, Ottawa, Kan., owns the winning female. Accepting the award John ,Melody & Aubree McCurry.
Kansas Angus Association Minutes
9/13/12, Hutchinson, Ks The Kansas Angus Association board of directors met for its quarterly meeting on September 13, 2012 following the open Angus show in the meeting room of the Prairie Pavilion, Ks State Fairgrounds. President Tim Benton presided. Board members present: Tim Benton, Craig Rucker, Howard Woodbury, Matt Perrier, Joe Hite, Harold Hazelton, Brandon New, Larry Lundgren, Rick Cornwell, Neal Haverkamp, Stuart Rose, Mark Rohr, Bob Bailey and Anne Lampe. AAA regional manager Matt Caldwell was also in attendance. Minutes: Craig Rucker moved to approve the minutes of the May 2012 meting as emailed, printed and distributed. Second by Matt Perrier. Vote, passed unanimously. Anne Lampe read two thank you notes from Meghan Blythe. One note thanked the KAA for their support of the Preview Show and the other acknowledging the KAA as she was the recipient of the 2012 KAA Angus Foundation scholarship. Anne Lampe gave her secretary/manager report. She updated the board on the progress and planning of the National Angus Conference and Tour. Currently 23 members plan to display cattle during the tour in addition to the host ranches; display fee is $250 payable to the KAA and will go to our hosting the dinner in Cottonwood Falls. 20 of the 25 trade show booth spaces are filled, Anne noted that she is working to secure more exhibitors, booth space is $350. Bus hosts are needed. Anne reported on the progress of the Cotton Wood Falls dinner. USPB is donating the steaks, Pfizer $5000 and Intrust Bank $1500. Trade show and display cattle fees will goes to meal costs also, she anticipates that the sponsorships and fees will cover the cost depending on the actual number of participants. She noted that the Sept/Oct issue includes tour info and features bio and all of the host ranches, speakers and display ranches as well as many extra ads, the book is 40 pages, the largest issue she has done, with $8442.00 in advertising. Financial Reports: Treasurer Bob Bailey discussed the printed and distributed report that had been emailed prior to the meeting. Current assets including checking/savings/cds and accts receivable: $64,170.65, accounts receivable $8546.21. Bob also distributed copies of completed 2011 IRS form 990 and briefly reviewed the document. Matt Perrier moved to accept the financial reports as presented, second by Brandon New. Vote, passed unanimously. Honorary member: Tim Benton representing the nominating committee presented the committee report and recommendation for nominee. Recipients are kept confidential until presentation. Matt Perrier moved to accept the recommendation, Joe Hite seconded. Vote, passed unanimously. Judge Selection: the committee presented the following recommendations for 2013 KAF jr show judge. Ed Raithel, Travis Pembrook, Brian Stoller. Brandon New moved to approve the recommendations, second by Harold Hazelton. Vote, passed unanimously. Anne Lampe will secure judge. Anne noted that due to the 2013 Ks State Fair Angus Show being and ROV show that we will not make judge recommendations at this time, after the AAA approved list is sent she will pass it on to the committee, recommendations will be at the December meeting. Carcass Data Project: Anne reported that the 2012 CDP ended in June. Pen of 79 head graded 93% choice with a 47% CAB acceptance rate. Winners receiving the prize money sponsored by CAB were : Thomas Klausmeyer, $500; Hobbs Ranch , $300; Todd Klausmeyer and Dean Larson tie for 3rd, $200 each. Nemaha Valley Angus had the high ADG group. The 2013 project will begin in December 2012. Annual meeting/banquet/KAF jr Show/online sale : will be Jan 26-27, 2013. The hotel and banquet room have been reserved as well as the fairgrounds. An educational program will be discussed at the December meeting. If there is enough interest to have about 10 lots again and online sale will be held. American Angus Association report: Matt Caldwell announced that during the recent AAA board of directors meeting a new genetic defect policy was developed, every potential carrier to be test, effective immediately, bulls must test free to be registered, carrier females may be registered with status noted on registration paper. Commercial Female Sales: Sale in Pratt will be December 1, consignment entry form will be available in mid-October. The JC sale will be again held in spring. A chairman is needed for the Ft Scott Sale. The board approved sale for the spring of 2013 in Holton wit Neal Haverkamp and Brandon New serving as co-chairs, the same criteria for the Pratt and JC sales will be used and the fees will be the regular sale barn fee plus 1.5% commission for KAA. The board approved a sale to be held in LaCrosse in November 2013, Craig Rucker and Mark Rohr will be co-chairmen. No old business. New Business: Note action taken during committee reports for judge selection and honorary member recommendations. The KAA received $220 for Pfizer 50K tests for our participation in their $10 per test program this summer. Joe Hite moved to send the $220 to the Angus Foundation for the KS scholarship endowment, seconded by Howard Woodbury. Vote, passed unanimously. Next meeting is December 1 in Pratt prior to the 21st annual KAA sponsored commercial Angus female sale. Joe Hite moved to adjourn, Larry Lundgren seconded. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Anne Lampe, secretary.—approved 12/1/12
22 ▪ January 2013 ▪ Kansas Angus News
Tuesday, February 26, 2013 • 12:30 p.m. Manhattan Commission Co. • Manhattan, Kansas SELLING: 100 Fall and Spring Yearling Hereford and Angus Bulls 80 Hereford and Angus Females • Spring Pairs, Heavy Breds, Fall 3 and 1’s • Show Heifer Prospects and Proven Donors Progeny and service of these sires sell: MCR Bismarck PD 1021 • 17381524
8/20/2011 Sire: Bismarck • Dam’s Sire: Predestined • MGS: Foreman CED 9; BW 1.3; WW 56; YW 97; CEM 12; MILK 26; MARB .48; RE .61; $W 31.99; $B 70.11
ANGUS: GAR Predestined, TC Aberdeen, Net Worth, Bismarck, In Focus, MCC Daybreak, Hoover Dam, GAR Concrete, MCR 878 Gridmaker 236
MCR Revolutions Domino 1211 ET • 43281535
8/26/2011 Sire: Revolution • Dam’s Sire: Pure Gold • MGS: 386 CED 0.1; BW 3.3; WW 60; YW 95; MILK 23; M&G 54; CEM 0.8; MCW 78; SC 0.8; REA 1.01; MRB 0; BMI $17; CHB $29
HEREFORD: Churchill Rancher, Harland 408, GO 3196 Advance S109, UPS Domino 3027, Victor 719T, Revolution 4R, C212 Domino 4011, CL1 Domino 860U, Moser 242 All Around 17U MCR PD Solution 1114
8/28/2011 Sire: Predestined • Dam’s Sire: Solution • MGS: 1407 CED 9; BW 1.6; WW 48; YW 90; CEM 9; MILK 31; MARB 1.10; RE .68; $W 35.33; $B 77.69
Mill Creek Ranch
20635 Hessdale Rd. • Alma, KS 66401 Dave Breiner (785) 449-2841 Dave cell (785) 456-4790 Chad cell (785) 564-2091
MCR Ranchers 408 Domino 216 ET • 43293332
1/9/2012 Sire: Rancher • Dam’s Sire: Harland 408 • MGS: 8020 CED 1.3; BW 3.8; WW 60; YW 97; MILK 27; M&G 57; CEM 1.9; MCW 107; SC 1.4; REA .42; MRB .40; BMI $24; CHB $33
Pied Piper Farms
Northern Division 423 E. Lake Dr. • Hamlin, TX 79520 Bob and Derek Moore (800) 338-4610
A Financially Sustainable Cowherd Requires Delicately Balanced Genetics 3 Optimum birth weight EPD 3 Optimum weaning weight EPD 3 Eye appeal to attract buyers
(structural soundness) 3 Enough milk - not too much 3 Enough yearling EPD for feedlot growth (not too much for replacement females) 3 Enough scrotal EPD 3 Enough marbling without unwanted side effects 3 Enough red meat yield without unwanted side effects 3 A seedstock supplier who stands behind their product
Bar S Ranch Angus Bulls designed for Balance
Bar S Ranch Charolais Bulls designed to Maximize Heterosis-Growth-Meat Yield
Paradise, Kansas Ken & Pat Stielow (785) 998-4335 or 9733
David & Stephanie Dickerson (785) 483-1454
For information contact Anne at
Number 582
Kansas Angus Association 5201 E Road 110 Scott City, Ks 67871
January 2013
Address Service Requested Dated material please do not delay
Ks Angus Association Annual Meeting , Banquet & Junior Show
January 26 – 27, 2013 Hutchinson, KS
Saturday, January 26– Ks Angus Association Annual Meeting , Junior Meeting, Auxiliary Meeting & KAA Banquet See page 1 for schedule of events
Sunday, January 27- Ks Angus Futurity Junior Show & Judging Contest 2nd Annual Online Sale