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Carcass Challenge steers delivered
On November 21, the Carcass Challenge steers were delivered to the Iowa State University Beef Nutrition farm north of Ames. We are extremely thankful for the generous donors, the Iowa Cattlemen’s Leadership Program class, and the volunteers who hauled steers to Ames.
We are excited for this group to be on feed as well as thankful for the opportunity to house the steers at Iowa State University.
In addition to this opportunity, thanks to the help of Elanco and the Veterinary Diagnostic Lab this year, we did a bacterial analysis on the health of the animals. Donors will receive these results in late December, letting them know if there is anything alarming with the calf to make aware of what is lingering on the farm.
The steers began the data collection period on December 5. Beginning weights and initial scan carcass data were taken thanks to Bonnie Larson with Critical Insights The next scan will be mid-test on February 15. Donors will receive that information by email and mail.
All updates and information about the steers throughout the program will be communicated through email, mail, the Iowa Cattleman magazine, and phone calls from our ICLP program participants. We are excited to have recruited more steers this year and look forward to keeping you updated throughout the program. We are excited to see the outcomes and results as a group.
If you have any questions or concerns through the upcoming months, please do not hesitate to reach out to Madyson Thill.
Thank You Donors
Adams Co. Cattlemen; Allen JohnsonSterling Cattle Co.; Amana Farms; Andrew Benning; Asmus Farm Supply; B&G Feed Service; Bank Plus; Ben and Monica
Danner; Beth Baudler; Bob Connely; Bob Noble; Brad Balsley; Brad Koima; Braun Show Cattle; Brian Tuttle; Brooke Stowater; Buchanan Co. Cattlemen; Byergo Angus; C & B Operations; Carl Bormann; Cascade Livestock Auction; Cerro Gordo Co. Cattlemen; Chad Jacobs; Chad Nold; Cherokee Co. Cattlemen; Clarke Co. Cattlemen; Clayton Saeugling; Clint VonGlon; Clinton Co. Cattlemen; Cornerstone Insurance; Crawford Co. Cattlemen; Custom Precast and Dale Larsen - Larsen Angus; and Dan Delaney; Dan Powers - Maquoketa Livestock Exchange; Danny Behr; Darin Koch; Dave Lubben and Lydia GrantLubben White Oak Farms; David Bruene; David Chambers; David Rueber - River Valley Coop; David Trowbridge; Decatur Co. Cattlemen; Dennis Clarahan; D&R Feeds; Don Gutheridge; Doug Schroeder - Schroeder Angus; Dr. Erik Laumann, DVM; Driven Embryo Services; Duane & Mindy Rose - 4R Herefords; Dubuque, Jones, Deleware Co. Cattlemen; Dunlap Livestock Auction; Dustin Balsley; Dustin Noble; Elkader Vet Clinic; Emmet Co. Cattlemen; Eric Sanny; Evan Vermeer; and
Fayette, Clayton, & Winneshiek Co. Cattlemen; Franklin Co. Cattlemen; Fremont Co. Cattlemen; Galen Jimmerson - Deer Run Ranch Red Angus; Gary and Linda Olsen - Olsen Red Angus; Gary Walter, Geordan Hansen - Winding Acres; Glassnapp Ag; Greene Co. Cattlemen; Gregory Feedlots; Greiman Brothers; Hamilton Co. Cattlemen; Highland Vet Service; Highway 64 Auctions; Holden Maines & More; Holstein - Motor Inn; Humeston Livestock Auction; and Ida Co. Cattlemen; ISU Beef Teaching Farm; Jack Giltner; Jackson Co. Cattlemen; Jason Kreimeyer; Jason Kurt; Jay Petersen; Jayme Sieren; Jeff Olrich - Roller Mill Ag; Jerard Gnade; Jeremy
Walter; Jesse Prochniank - East Fork Land and Cattle; Jim Gibson; Jim Mosher; Jim Skartvedt - Renew Livestock; John Irmiter; John McGrath; Jon LaFrenz; JR Larson Electric; Julie Evans; Justin Murray; and Katie Wernimont - Hubbard Feeds; Kennedy Cattle; Kent Pruismann; Kevin Converse - Converse Cattle; Kirby Goettsch; Kirk Lynch - Heartland Simmentals; Krukow Brothers; Larry Johnson; Larry Kester - Red Star Feeds LLC; LCB Farms; Longinaker Farms; Loren Truelson; Luana Savings Bank; Lyon Co. Cattlemen; M&D Partnership; Macel Sebetka - Sebetka Farms; Madison Co. Cattlemen; Manternach Land and Cattle; Marion Co. Cattlemen; Mike Bates; Miller Ag Feed; and Mills-Mongomery Co. Cattlemen; Minnehan Family Farms; Mitchell Co. Cattlemen; Muscatine, Scott, & Cedar Co. Cattlemen; Nate Blackford; Neal Ruschy; Nick Andersen; Ory Brothers; Palas Farms; Peyton and Bruce River; Pineview Angus; Polk Co. Cattlemen; Producers Livestock Marketing Assoc.; Purple Ribbon Beef; and Randy Lehman - RL Fleckvieh Limerock Ranch; Ringstead Insurance Co.; Riverside Casino and Golf Resort; Russ and Diane Cook; Ryan Lindsey - Animat; Sioux Co. Cattlemen; Spencer Ag; Stateline Publication; Steve Rehder; Steve RiesDevinish Feeds; Stockman Advantage; Tate, Harper, & Hudson Lawton; Terry and Sheryl England - Sandridge Red Angus; Tim and Sandy Meyer; Todd Pille; and Tom Reuvers; Travis Olson; Trent Rehder; Ty Lauritsen; Tye Rinner; Tysen Christensen; United Bank; Upper Iowa Beef; Vic Nichols; Voss Angus; Walker Farms; Walter Family Stock Farm; Washington Co. Cattlemen; Will Epperly and Jon Schaben; and Worth Co. Cattlemen.
January 2023