2 minute read
Lefty’s Logic
by Eric Lee
It’s that time of the year again, we are just leaving the Iowa Beef Expo after a great couple days of selling cattle and fellowship. As Brooke and I head down Interstate 80 on our way back to Illinois, I happen to glance over as we pass Williamsburg. There sits an all too familiar site….a Casey’s. To most, this is just another one of a chain of gas stations with great pizza. To me, this Casey’s in particular holds very special meaning; and not just because it has an actual restaurant attached.
This is where I met Mike for my “interview” in July of 2019. I had no idea at that moment how much this one meeting would completely change the course of my life, not just professionally but personally as well. This job opened my eyes to a whole other avenue of the livestock industry, the marketing side. Where as I have worked with marketing agents like Dwyer Cattle Services and even LPI before, I was concentrated on producing, raising and presenting the cattle and left much of the marketing up to Bob, Nick and Mike.
Chappy Livestock Service
Once cattle become sick, losses can be significant. Kansas State University research has indicated cattle may experience reduced feed consumption for up to 13 weeks following a clinical coccidiosis infection.¹ Clinical cases also may result in death.
Coccidia are opportunists, and fluctuating spring weather works to their advantage. But, producers can head off coccidiosis problems and help keep cattle in good health by using a coccidiostat labeled for prevention and treatment, such as CORID, during spring and other periods of stress.
CORID® (amprolium) can be used in drinking water or as a drench, and also is available in convenient in-feed or top-dress formulations. In addition to prevention, it is suggested to minimize stress where possible and avoid feeding on the ground so coccidia have fewer opportunities to infect new hosts.
Coccidia destroy the lining of the gut, thereby decreasing weight gain and feed efficiency of cattle.² For this reason, producers in the grips of drought should pay extra attention to this disease. When feed is scarce and at a premium, keeping cattle efficient goes hand in hand with maintaining profits.
For more information, please see www.merial.com. n
Over the last four years, I have been fortunate enough to assist scores of farmers and ranchers in marketing thousands of head of livestock across more than ten states.
Now to the part where this really altered my life. A year and a half into working with LPI, which was almost exactly two years ago, I was at the Iowa Beef Expo and found myself hitting on a beautiful curly haired brunette who’s name happened to be Brooke. That night we went out to dinner at some fancy place downtown. I don’t even know the name of it, but I’m pretty sure I could drive you there. We talked every day from that point on. Several months later she finally felt comfortable enough to introduce me to Brexton, who instantly became my best buddy. Fast forward two years and I find myself sitting at my computer writing this column and living the dream.
As we continue on into the spring bull season, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the LPI team with your sales or marketing needs.
Thank you and god bless
Eric “Lefty” Lee gileecc@yahoo.com