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Vastu For Consultant by Live Vaastu12 Vastu Expert In India A widely acclaimed Vastu consultant in Gurgaon, Noida, Delhi, Mumbai, Dr. Puneet Chawla is a shining star in the sky of Vastu. A highly renowned Vastu consultant in Delhi, Mumbai and Noida, Dr. Chawla follows simple theories which connect to every layman. His concepts touch the heart and soul of his millions of followers located worldwide. When Vastu for consultant and advice is pursued, Dr. Chawla stands out among his peers and make sit to the top of the list. Some of his simple theories of life have been mentioned herein. Practice Yoga-
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Yoga relaxes the muscles and rejuvenates the mind, body and soul and induces the flow of positive energies within it. Yoga is not just about exercising; it is a state of mind where the conscious and the sub-conscious mind interact to reveal the inner strengths and weaknesses of a person. It has eight parts viz; Yama (abstentious), Niyama (observance), Asanas (postures), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahra (withdrawal of the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (super conscious state) Practising Yoga on a regular basis teaches the person to handle and have control over himself in the best as well as the worst of situations in life. Self ConsciousnessIt is said that your inner consciousness is the best judge to your intelligence and sensation. If there is no consciousness in a person, that means he is ignorant as well as insensible. The awareness created by the conscious effort of an individual keeps him going towards greater heights of success in life in every field. Human awareness or consciousness is called the Kundalini power
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going towards greater heights of success in life in every field. Human awareness or consciousness is called the Kundalini power and whosoever achieves the target of awakening his Kundalini definitely attains bliss for an entire lifetime. Kundalini, however, can be awakened by leading a principled and balanced life. PranaPrana, or the life force, is the power for mind, body and soul. It has many forms like food, water, air, sunlight, earth etc. Prana or this life force, within the human body, flows through its 72,000 nerves throughout its length and breadth, right from head to toe. However, the entry and exit of Prana into the body takes place through nine doors or openings which are commonly known as sense organs. They are the two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, one mouth, the anus and the genital organ. Out of these thousands of Nadis or nerves, three are known to be the most important, the Surya Nadi (Sun), the Chandra Nadi (Moon) and the Sushmana Nadi (fire) Where the Surya Nadi is related to the right nostril, the Chandra Nadi relates to the left nostril and the Sushmana Nadi is located at the base of the spine. To have a balanced flow of these Nadis, it is important to meditate, control breath and have a composed and principled lifestyle. GunaVaastu says there should be equilibrium of Gunnas in the human body. Gunas are referred to as the three different states of consciousness which are manifested by the human brain. They are termed as Tamas, Rajas and Sattava. The mind keeps fighting and argumenting to make a wise choice from amongst these three Gunas. Where Tamas Guna is more of a negative approach, giving rise to arguments, hatred, revenge and so on, Rajas Guna controls the feelings of sex, passion and lust. It is considered to be better than the Tamas Guna as it gives birth to life and creativity. It has been normally noticed that this Guna is highly active in artists, singers and connoisseurs of the art. The most pious and pure is the Sattave Guna which relates to control, acceptance, kindness, forgiveness, understanding, tenderness and so on. One who has managed and learnt to control all his Gunas and has dispelled his worldly responsibilities is said to have achieved the Satvic Guna. Hence, the simple practices which Dr. Chawla preaches make him a top Vastu consultant in Mumbai, Noida, Delhi and Gurgaon.
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Vastu Expert In India
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