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Pennsylvania Firsts

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First to Invent, Discover, or Patent

• Polio Vaccine • Electronic Computer • Ferris Wheel • Steamboat • Franklin Stove • Shock Absorber • Cement • Bifocals • Zinc • Anthracite Coal • Apple Parer • Soldering Gun • Slicing Machine • Carborundum • Flashcubes • Cable Car • Folding Machine • Water Gas Production • Accordion • Dental Mallet • Revolving Door • Recumbent Chair • Water Softener • Street Letter Box • Sandblasting • Pencil with Attached Eraser • Automatic

Telephone System • Rotary Washing Machine • Bessemer Steel

Making Process • Steam Shovel • Daylight Savings Time • Textile Machinery • Rubber • Electric Meter • “Big Mac” • Horsepowered Mower • Stereoscope • Rotary Steam Engine • Air Brakes • Snap-Tops for Cans • Wire Glass • Typewriter Ribbon • Lightning Rod • Printing Press in America • Electric Motor (Interpole Direct Current) • Photographic Attempt to Show Motion • “Honey Bee Lens” for People

Who are Partially Blind

First to Manufacture

• Boiler Plates • Straw Paper • Hookless Fastening • Lager Beer • Platinum Metal • Mustard • Printer’s Ink • Quinine • Root Beer • Wallpaper • Jeans, Fustians,

Everlasting, and

Coatings • Folding Bed

First Among States

• Number of

Licensed Hunters • Boiler Plates • Rural Population • Covered Bridges • State Game Lands • Potato Chip Production • Pretzel Production • Scrapple Production • Licensed Bakeries • Meat Packing Plants • Sausage Production • Mushroom Production

First in the Nation

• Nation’s Capital • Electronic Computer Built, First

Commercial Use of Electronic

Computer, and First Solid-State

Electronic Computer • Television Broadcast • Rolling Mill • Iron Casting • Carpet Mill • Paper Mill • Radio Broadcast • Hospital • Library • Magazine • Newspaper • Zoo • Institution of Art • Electric Watch • Round-Trip Airplane Flight • Government Low-Interest,

Long-Term Financing Program to Help Businesses • All Motion Picture Theater • Commercial Radio Station • Educational Public

Television Station • Cable Television System • Transistors Produced

Commercially for a

Specific Product • Production of Cottonseed Oil • Commercial Production of Zinc • Production of

Expandable Polystyrene • Commercial Installation of Ball Bearings • Production of Rayon • Commercial Production of Aluminum • Commercial Production of Electric Meters • Steel Mill with an

Electrical Machine • Patent Reissue • Print Patent • Commercial Use of Picture Phone • Commercial Use of Telephone with Push Buttons • Dual Elevator in Service • Belt Conveyor System • Use of Aluminum Walls for

Building Construction • Tunnel for General Traffic and

Railroad Tunnel • English Patent Granted to a

Resident of America • Successful Oil Well • Commercial Oil Refinery • Natural Gas Piped to Homes for

Commercial Use • Program to Provide Corporations

Tax Breaks for Contributing to the Community • Full-Scale Nuclear Power Plant • Public Use of Polio Vaccine • Biology Course Offered in a College • Adhesive and Medicated Plaster in Treatment of Fractures • Chemistry Laboratory and

Chemistry Professor • Preparation of Dried,

Human Blood Serum • Druggist • Botany Professor • Geology Book • Air Mail Service • Tests with Antifreeze • Sleeping Car for Railroad • Locomotive for Railroad Use • Steel Passenger Railroad Coach • Automated People Mover • Rough-Dry Laundry Service • Seed Business • Automobile with a Circulating

Lubrication System • Commercially

Successful Steamboat • High-Speed, Multi-Lane Highway, the Pennsylvania Turnpike • Building Erected in the

United States for Public Use • Mint of the United States • Crematory • Preparation of Soda Water • Use of Electric Turnstile • Stone, Cast-Iron, Iron-Wire

Suspension and Concrete

Arch Highway Bridges • Permanent Theater Building • Commercial Museum • Aluminum-Faced Building • Bird Sanctuary • Glass Crystal Chandelier • Saturday Half-Holiday Introduced • Low-Rent Community

Housing Project • Planned Community • Commercial Pretzel Bakery • Professional Football Game • Streetcar • Passenger Cable Car (Steepest Ever Built) • University for Blacks • Model School Opened • Bible Translated to English in America • Mass Transit Bus Pool Purchase

Plan in the U.S. • Water Pumping Station • Company-Owned Service Station • Melon Grown • Arcade • Circus • Nursing School • Christmas Savings Club • Advertising Agency and

Advertising School • Book Entered for Copyright • Artist Successful in

Commercial Art • Sugar Beets Grown • Book for the Blind • Graduate School for Women • Building and Loan Association • Pennsylvania State Police were the First Organized State

Police Force In The Nation,

Instituted in 1905 • Symphony Orchestra • Encyclopedia • Automobile Road Map • Printed Ballot for an Election • Commercial High School • Law Digest Published • Bottler of Mineral Water • Fire Patrol and Fire

Insurance Company • Seatrain

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