Boletim Informativo Novas aquisições nº 1, Janeiro / Março de 2022
BOLETIM INFORMATIVO NOVAS AQUISIÇÕES • BCSUC • Biblioteca da Ciências da Saúde da Universidade de Coimbra
Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
BARRET, Kim E. [et al.] – Ganong's review of medical physiology. 26th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, cop. 2019. 742 p. ISBN 9781260122404
Pré-visualização Descrição For more than four decades, ”Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology” has been helping those in the medical field understand human and mammalian physiology. Applauded for its interesting and engagingly written style, Ganong’s concisely covers every important topic without sacrificing depth or readability, and delivers more detailed, high-yield information per page than any other similar text or review. Thoroughly updated to reflect the latest research and developments in important areas such as chronic pain, reproductive physiology, and acid-base homeostasis, ”Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology”, Twenty-Sixth Edition incorporates examples from clinical medicine to illustrate important physiologic concepts. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
BRUNTON, Laurence L.; Holal-Dandan, Randa; Knollmann, Björn C., ed.Iit.– Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 13th ed. New York: Mc Graw Hill Education, 2018. 1419 p. ISBN 9781259584732
Pré-visualização Descrição “Goodman & Gilman’s: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics”, Thirteenth Edition represents the pinnacle of authority and accuracy in describing the actions and uses of therapeutic agents in relation to physiology and pathophysiology. Goodman & Gilman’s careful balance of basic science and clinical application has guided thousands of practitioners and students to a clear understanding of the drugs essential to preventing, diagnosing, and treating disease.
Enhanced by a full-color presentation and updated to reflect all critical new developments in drug action and drug-disease interaction, the Thirteenth Edition includes more than 440 color illustrations depicting key principles and actions of specific pathways and therapeutic agents. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
CORREIA, João Araújo; BARRETO, J. Vasco – Registo e raciocínio clínico. 1ª ed. Lisboa: Lidel - Edições Técnicas, 2018. 137 p. ISBN 9789897522666
Pré-visualização Descrição Este livro descreve o registo médico orientado por problemas (RMOP) nos seus fundamentos, enriquecidos pela experiência de muitos anos de prática clínica que os autores, como internistas, têm no seu manuseamento. É sua convicção que este método permite abordar de forma holística o doente, sobretudo aquele com múltiplas patologias. O tema assume especial relevância para a acreditação das instituições de saúde, ao permitir assegurar, com fiabilidade, a auditoria sistemática do processo clínico, englobando o raciocínio e a decisão clínica. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
DEVITA, Jr. Vincent; Lawrence, Theodore S.; Rosenberg, Steven A. ed. Iit – Cancer: principles & practice of oncology. 11th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, cop. 2019. 2390 p. ISBN 978149639463
Descrição Now updated quarterly for the life of the edition, DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s “Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology”, 11th Edition, carries on a tradition of excellence while keeping you continually up to date in this fast-changing field. Every quarter, your eBook will be updated with late-breaking developments in oncology, including new drugs, clinical trials, and more. These quarterly updates ensure that your purchase remains fresh and relevant to your practice a unique, living reference to enhance and improve your patient care. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
FIGUEIREDO, Pedro Narra [et al.] – Manual de urgências em gastrenterologia. 1ª ed. Lisboa: Lidel - Edições Técnicas, 2018. 142 p. ISBN 9789897522925
Pré-visualização Descrição “Manual de Urgências em Gastrenterologia” é uma obra que se encontra incluída na coleção «Manual LIDEL» e, na tradição dos restantes livros da mesma coleção, foi construído com base na vivência dos médicos que tratam diariamente os doentes, neste caso com patologia digestiva, em contexto de urgência. Organizando os temas de forma muito prática, engloba as patologias do tubo digestivo, do fígado e do pâncreas que podem surgir. Os últimos quatro capítulos, versando as perturbações do equilíbrio ácido-base e hidroeletrolítico, e a insuficiência respiratória e a insuficiência renal aguda, constituem auxiliares ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento destes doentes dado que, frequentemente, complicam ou coexistem com a patologia digestiva de base. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
GREENHALGH, Trisha – How to read a paper: the basics of evidence-based medicine and healthcare. 6th ed. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2019. 262 p. ISBN 9781119484745
Pré-visualização Descrição Required reading in many medical and healthcare institutions, ”How to Read a Paper” is a clear and wide-ranging introduction to evidence-based medicine and healthcare, helping readers to understand its central principles, critically evaluate published data, and implement the results in practical settings. Author Trisha Greenhalgh guides readers through each fundamental step of inquiry, from searching the literature to assessing methodological quality and appraising statistics. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
HOFFBRAND, A. Victor; Steensma, David P. – Hoffbrand's essentials haematology. 8th ed. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., cop. 2020. 417 p. ISBN 9781119495901
Pré-visualização Descrição “Hoffbrand's Essential Haematology” is widely regarded as the most authoritative introduction to the subject available, helping medical students and trainee doctors understand the essential principles of modern clinical and laboratory haematology for nearly four decades. Now in its eighth edition, this market-leading textbook introduces the formation and function of blood cells and the diseases that arise from dysfunction and disruption of these processes. Beautifully presented with over 300 stunning colour illustrations, the new edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect recent advances in knowledge of the pathogenesis of blood diseases and their diagnosis and treatment. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
JAMESON, J. Larry [et al.], ed. lit. – Harrison's principles of internal medicine [em linha] 20th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, cop. 2018. [Consult. 21 mar. 2022]. Disponível em www: .aspx?bookid=2129
Pré-visualização Descrição Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine reflects all the specialties of internal medicine, and has been exhaustively revised and updated to reflect hundreds of never-before published Q&A in board-style format. This great resource will bolster your understanding of pathophysiology, epidemiology, differential diagnosis, clinical decision making, and therapeutics. Illustrations, radiographs, and pathology slides are included throughout. Each question is accompanied by a complete answer and explanation, and cross-referenced to Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine for deeper-dive understanding. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
LLOYD, Maragaret; Bor, Robert; Noble, Lorraine – Clinical communication skills for medicine. 4th ed. Edinburg [etc.]: Elsevier, 2019. 170 p. ISBN 9780702072130
Pré-visualização Descrição “Clinical Communication Skills for Medicine” is an essential guide to the core skills for effective patient-centered communication. In the twenty years since this book was first published the teaching of these skills has developed and evolved. Today’s doctors fully appreciate the importance of communicating successfully and sensitively with people receiving health care and those close to them. This practical guide to developing communication skills will be of value to students throughout their careers. The order of the chapters reflects this development, from core skills to those required to respond effectively and compassionately in challenging situations. The text includes case examples, guidelines and opportunities to encourage the reader to stop and think. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
LODISH, Harvey [et al.] – Molecular cell biology. 9th ed. New York: Macmillan Learning, 2021. 1184 p. ISBN 9781319365486
Pré-visualização Descrição Available for the first time with Macmillan's new online learning tool, Achieve, “Molecular Cell Biology” remains the most authoritative and cutting-edge resource available for the cell biology course. The author team, consisting of world-class researchers and teachers, incorporates medically relevant examples where appropriate to help illustrate the connections between cell biology and health and human disease. Emphasis on experimental techniques that drive advances in biomedical sciences and introduce students to cutting edge research teach students the skills they need for their careers. Achieve, Macmillan’s new online learning platform, supports educators and students throughout the full range of instruction, including assets suitable for preclass preparation, in-class active learning, and post-class study and assessment. Featuring new digital resources to engage students and help them to master cell biology concepts, the pairing of a powerful new platform with outstanding biology content provides an unrivalled learning experience. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
MACEDO, António Ferreira de; Pereira, Ana Telma; Madeira, Nuno, coord. – Psicologia na medicina. Lisboa: Lidel, 2018. 546 p. (Psico) ISBN 9789897523489
Pré-visualização Descrição Ao elaborar-se esta ”Psicologia na Medicina” procurou-se construir uma obra que abordasse alguns dos principais contributos da Psicologia enquanto ciência e instrumento terapêutico aplicáveis na profissão médica: Compreensão da mente e seus processos, como a psicofisiologia da atenção, perceção ou sono, mas também os processos mentais inerentes às emoções e personalidade; Importância da avaliação psicológica na prática da Medicina e fundamentos da investigação em Psicologia na área da saúde; Contributo da Psicologia da Saúde em desafios tão quotidianos à práxis médica como a mudança de comportamentos de saúde ou doença, o sofrimento psicossomático ou a doença oncológica; Avaliação do doente, não como mero portador de doença, mas como indivíduo inscrito num ambiente social e familiar, perpassando aspetos como o ciclo vital e a Psicologia Social e Cultural; Relevância das competências de comunicação clínica na construção da relação terapêutica em Medicina. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
NELSON, David L.; Cox, Michael M. – Lehninger principles of Biochemistry. 8th ed. New York: Macmillan International Higher Education, cop. 2021. 1096 p. ISBN 9781319381493
Pré-visualização Descrição Available for the first time in Achieve, the definitive reference text for biochemistry “Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry”, 8e helps students focus on the most important aspects of biochemistry-- the principles! Dave Nelson, Michael Cox, and new co-author Aaron Hoskins identify the most important principles of biochemistry and direct student attention to these with icons and resources targeted to each principle. The 8th edition has been fully updated for focus, approachability, and up-to-date content. New and updated end-of-chapter questions -all available in the Achieve problem library with error-specific feedback and thorough solutions. These questions went through a rigorous development process to ensure they were robust, engaging and accurate. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
NEVES, Maria do Céu Patrão, coord.; – Ética : dos fundamentos às práticas. 1ª ed. Lisboa: Edições 70, 2016. 298 p. (Ética aplicada,1) ISBN 9789724418988
Pré-visualização Descrição “Ética: dos fundamentos às práticas” é o primeiro de 12 volumes da coleção «Ética Aplicada», coordenada por Maria do Céu Patrão Neves. Os textos deste primeiro volume remetem precisamente para a questão dos fundamentos da ética e enquadram o seu estudo no mundo atual, traçando o percurso da história desta disciplina, analisando as teorias da ação, as questões de racionalidade prática, os ingredientes da vida moral ou os conceitos específicos desta área da Filosofia. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
NEVES, Maria do Céu Patrão; Carvalho, Maria da Graça, coord. – Ética aplicada: Investigação científica. 1ª ed. Lisboa: Edições 70, 2018. 388 p. (Ética aplicada,12) ISBN 978972442136
Pré-visualização Descrição A Ciência adquire hoje novas configurações que obrigam a uma reflexão aprofundada sobre as dimensões da responsabilidade ética e social no que respeita ao saber produzido e às formas como o mesmo será utilizado, o que constitui o mote para o volume "Ética Aplicada: Investigação Científica". Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
NEVES, Maria do Céu Patrão; Soares, Jorge, coord. – Ética aplicada: saúde. Lisboa: Edições 70, 2018. 377 p. (Ética aplicada,10) ISBN 9789724419558
Pré-visualização Descrição Os cuidados de saúde estão ancestral e indissociavelmente ligados a preocupações de ordem ética, numa relação que se tem vindo a intensificar, devido ao crescente poder de intervenção da medicina, e a ampliar, devido à crescente intervenção do paciente na gestão da sua saúde e nas decisões na doença. O presente volume começa por perspectivar o contexto actual da prestação de cuidados de saúde, sublinhando as novas questões éticas que suscita. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
NOVELLINE, Robert A. – Squire's fundamentals of radiology. 7th ed .Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2018. 670 p. ISBN 9780674057951
Descrição Medical students preparing for a career in clinical practice must become familiar with a wide range of diagnostic imaging techniques and image-guided interventions. They must learn to identify the indications for radiological examination and recognize the role each procedure plays in the workup, diagnosis, and therapeutic management of patients. That is why “Squire’s Fundamentals of Radiology” has been such an important, long-standing resource for medical students, physicians, and other professionals at all stages of their careers. It teaches essential topics in the radiology curriculum and features hundreds of illustrative cases clinicians can turn to again and again in practice. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
PATEL, Shivani [et al.] – Williams Obstetrics: study guide. 25th ed. Williams Obstetrics. New York [etc.]: McGraw Hill 2018. 437 p. ISBN 9781259642906
Pré-visualização Descrição “Williams Obstetrics” maintains its trademark comprehensive coverage and applicability at the bedside, while offering the most current perspective of the field. This landmark text begins with fundamental discussions of reproductive anatomy and physiology. These dovetail into clinical chapters covering obstetrical complications such as preterm labor, pregnancy-related infection, hemorrhage, and hypertension, among others. Representing the culmination of a century of clinical thought, the new Twenty-Fifth Edition is enhanced by more than 1,000 fullcolor illustrations plus an increased emphasis on the fast-growing subspecialty of maternal-fetal medicine. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
RODWELL, Victor W. [et al.] – Harper's illustrated biochemistry. 31st ed. New York: McGraw Hill, cop. 2018. 789 p. ISBN 9781260288421
Pré-visualização Descrição The Thirty-First Edition of “Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry” continues to emphasize the link between biochemistry and the understanding of disease states, disease pathology, and the practice of medicine. Featuring a full-color presentation and numerous medically relevant examples, Harper’s presents a clear, succinct review of the fundamentals of biochemistry that every student must understand in order to succeed in medical school. All 58 chapters help you understand the medical relevance of biochemistry.
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
ROPPER, Allan H.[et al.] – Adams and Victor's principles of neurology.11th ed. New York [etc.]: McGraw Hill, cop. 2019. 1653 p. ISBN 9780071842617
Descrição “Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology” is truly the classic text in its discipline a celebrated volume that guides clinicians to an in-depth understanding of the key aspects of neurologic disease, including both clinical and new scientific data. This meticulously revised and updated text remains the masterwork in its field, and the most readable reference available. Within its pages, you will find a disciplined presentation of clinical data and lucid descriptions of underlying disease processes Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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Boletim Informativo nº1
março 2022
TYMOCZKO, John L.; Gatto,Jr.Gregory J.; Stryer, Lubert – Biochemistry. 9th ed. New York: Macmillan Internacional Higher Education, cop. 2019.1208 p. ISBN 9781319114657
For four decades, this extraordinary textbook played an pivotal role in the way biochemistry is taught, offering exceptionally clear writing, innovative graphics, coverage of the latest research techniques and advances, and a signature emphasis on physiological and medical relevance. Those defining features are at the heart of this edition. Paired for the first time with SaplingPlus the most innovative digital solution for biochemistry students. Offering the best combination of resources to help students visualise material and develop successful problem-solving skills in an effort to help students master complex concepts in isolation and draw on that mastery to make connections across concepts. Ver no catálogo da BCSUC
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