Living in Martlesham & Kesgrave - Issue 7

Page 1



'()*!+,-(' Su m m e r l o v i n ’ … the countdown!


YOUR BRAND NEW L ocal home owners … throw op en thei r doors Ol d t o n e w … a very modern home FREE HOMES & C hi ld f ree z ones ? … meet the coup le wi th the P arent P od! Y O U R HOMES & LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE Be s t f o o t f o r w a r d … ultra-challenge man LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE I s grey j us t s o las t year? … J oj o H umes B rown on colours




elcome to issue seven. Not quite believing how quickly this year is going, we’re excited to bring you another edition bursting with stories about all the great things happening locally. Putting together our homes feature is one of our favourite jobs as not only does it give us the chance to meet some lovely residents, but to also have a sneaky peak around some fab properties. For this issue we met with Mark Krasnopiorov, whose stunning newbuild on Martlesham’s Shaw Valley Road has been built using the latest energy efficiency technologies. The cause of much envy here at Living In … HQ, read more on pages 12 and 13 about the delights of building your home from scratch. Kesgrave’s Alan Oliver is a man on a mission. Taking part in eight ultra-challenges from May to September, each one will see him running just over 60 miles! Raising funds for the Alzheimer’s Society, a charity very close to his heart, we wish him luck and a blister-free summer. Read his story on page 11. Jason from J’s Fish & Chips at Crown Point, Martlesham is this issue’s Mover & Shaker. Part of the fabric of the local community, on page 19 he tells us about how he got into the business and how only the best ingredients will do. With our youngsters bombarded with everyday challenges and pressures, Kesgrave High School has been looking at alternative ways to support its students. Enlisting help from therapist Lizzie Falconer, pupils have been learning meditation techniques to switch off and how to let go of their thoughts for a short while. Read Lizzie’s story on page 15. With a round-up of local news, our muchloved Dog About Town feature, and details of some exciting things to do around and about, happy reading!



!"#$%&'(')*" !"#"$%&"$ '()*+,-.('&/&0,-1)(2, Editors: Angela Hagan (T: 07930 184773) & LLyn Peters (T: 07909 544496) Designers: Craig Drever & Lewis Webb Due East Media Ltd: 39 Seckford Street, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 4LY Registered in England number 10242873 Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor the editor, nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. All artwork is accepted on the strict condition that permission has been given for use in this publication. Living In … Martlesham & Kesgrave does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, without prior permission of Due East Media Ltd.


12 WHAT’S INSIDE 5 9 11 12 15 19

Newsround Getting summer-ready Running Man Shaw Valley Sensation Head Space Movers & Shakers


We’re loving this gorgeous Annie Sloan outdoor living table In Old White and Graphite Chalk Paint With Tallulah Stencil Pattern, chairs In Old White And Florence and plaster effect wall in Scandinavian Pink Lifestyle Port. For more information, go to


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23456$477829 Offices in Woodbridge, Ipswich, Hadleigh and Felixstowe




L ocal home owners … throw op en thei r doors C hi ld f ree z ones ? … meet the coup le wi th the P arent P od! I s grey j us t s o las t year? … J oj o H umes B rown on colours



experience in Felixstowe,” says Kerry B lair, East Suffolk Council’s head of operations. East Suffolk Council, as the landowner running the beach hut and chalet service, owns more than 900 beach huts in the



udget supermarket Aldi opens its doors this month ( May) , promising 1,140sqm of retail space and expecting to bring stiff competition to nearby M&S and Tesco. Led by store manager, Joe Lawrence, the company claims this branch has brought a number of job opportunities to the area. Aldi’s rates of pay are said to be significantly higher than the government’s National Living Wage and also above the Living Wage Foundation’s recommended national rates, with store assistants earning a minimum hourly rate of £ 9.10. This outlet is one of 65 new stores opening in 2019 and by 2025 Aldi will operate over 1,200 stores across the country. The Martlesham Heath branch will include large chillers and freezers, dedicated to fresh, B ritish meat products; a ‘ Food to Go’ section at the front of the store; a dedicated fixture along the back wall, showcasing award-winning beers,

town and hopes to create more across the district. l F ull details on th e new beach h uts can be found at

An illustrative Aldi – the Martlesham store will boast many of the same features

wines and spirits; as well as a section devoted to health and beauty products. Customers can expect to find Aldi’s exclusive Specially Selected range, weekly fresh meat offers, and popular Super 6 fruit and vegetables at the new store. Its Special B uys will also be available every Thursday and Sunday, offering extraordinary value on a wide range of products, from electrical items to garden tools. To celebrate the store opening, Joe Lawrence and his team will be joined by Olympic sailor, Saskia Clark MB E, to cut the ribbon on launch day ( 9th May) . Joe says: “ We are thrilled to be opening the doors to Aldi’s first store in Martlesham Heath and we can’t wait to share our everyday amazing products with the local community. It will also be really special to have Saskia join us for our grand opening; it’s not every day you meet an Olympic gold medallist.” Team GB sailor and two-time Olympian, Saskia adds: “ I’m excited to be hosting the

opening of Aldi’s new store in Martlesham Heath. I regularly trained on the River Orwell when I was younger so I’m looking forward to visiting the area again. “ Attending will be a fantastic way for me to thank Aldi for its endless support of Team GB , plus it will be lovely to meet the store’s first customers and talk to them about all things Olympics and healthy eating.” Aldi is the official supermarket partner of Team GB and ensures every member of the team has access to fresh healthy Aldi food via monthly shopping vouchers, and that 1.2 million 5– 14-year-olds will learn about the benefits of cooking fresh, healthy food via its Get Set to Eat Fresh education initiative. Aldi has been a partner since 2015 and has extended its commitment to the 2024 Olympic games in Paris. l Th e new store is located on 1 Gloster Road, Martlesh am Heath . Op ening times: Mon – Sat, 8am – 10p m, Sun, 10am – 4p m. ISSUE O NE… SUMMER 2016

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f you’ve always wanted to own a beach hut in Felixstowe, now is the time to snap one up. Three new huts are now on site at The Dip on Cliff Road in Old Felixstowe. Two have already been sold, leaving one still for sale at an asking price of £ 18,000. They are the first brand new huts to be offered by the local authority in this area for many years and are situated in this prime sea view location. The Dip area actually has space for 17 new beach huts. They will be of the same standard size, design and construction as existing huts in the area. “ These new huts at The Dip are accessible and represent a fantastic opportunity for people to enjoy the unique beach hut

A cost-effective altern ative to a traditional "-;#%#>&#$/*-$2%<--1# $%/&,.0&.,#/%(#//% &"'$%&",##%;#&,#/%<*1 #%'$1%G7M%;#&,#/% "*+"%@,-;%&"#%#>*/&*$ +%+,-.$1%(#4#(%% ,#?.*,#%$-%@-,;'(%6('$ $*$+%6#,;*//*-$2% <"*0"%@.,&"#,%'11/%&%&"#*,%'66#'(7%%

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As the countdown to summer begins why not invest in some professional help to get your garden in tip top shape to enjoy all season long?


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pecialising in garden design, building structures and groundworks, call Justin B ewick of Snipe Landscaping for a no-obligation chat and to see how the team can create a bespoke garden space to meet your every need. SNIPE LANDSCAPING & CONSTRU CTION Common Lane, B romeswell Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 2PQ 01394 420274 | 07747 805 599 info@

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COUCH POTATOES! POTATOES The search is on for 40 out-of-shape locals who want to turn their lives – and their health – around … B y Abygail F ossett


f you avoid activity like the plague, preferring to stay on the sofa of an evening rather than engaged in exercise, then read on! The Simplyhealth Great East half marathon is back and will challenge 40 Suffolk residents to complete it on 22nd September alongside 4,000 other runners. Last year, the challenge was a roaring success, with 30 Suffolk people completing the challenge and embracing regular exercise into their lifestyles ( see Rebecca’s life-changing story, right) . Ideal participants are aged 18 and over and currently doing less than 30 minutes of moderate exercise each week. Organisers say this is a feel-good challenge, in which nobody needs to be embarrassed about the amount of exercise they do. Taking that first step to begin your fitness journey might feel intimidating, but by entering into a challenge such as this, those first steps can be made as part of a team, members of which will always be there to cheer each other on. The Simplyhealth team claims it nurtures its participants, with the goal of handing them the tools to adopt a long-term healthier lifestyle which they can maintain long after the final run has been completed.

Participants are given four months of support to prepare for the half marathon, including expert weekly coaching sessions, gait analysis to help determine the running technique and style of running shoe which suits them best, and even the advice and guidance of respected Norfolk athlete Paul Evans, a long-distance runner who has competed in two Olympic finals.

“ Increasing activity at any stage of your life can bring h uge benefi ts to h ealth and wellbeing” DR AMANDA MANDA JONES, DIRECTOR OF PU B LIC HEALTH, SU FFOLK COU NTY COU NCIL

They will also be given exclusive discounts on running gear at Coes in Ipswich, and speciality diet and nutritional support. In all, Suffolk County Council is footing the bill for around £ 300 worth of support and training at a fraction of the price, with just a one-off charge of £ 30 per person. Over the four months of training, Simplyhealth will help its participants to develop their fitness, stamina and, first and foremost, confidence. The hope is that participants will benefit from the regular exercise both physically as well as mentally. As Dr Amanda Jones, director of public health for Suffolk County Council, says: “ Increasing activity at any stage of your life can bring huge benefits to health and wellbeing.” l To ap p ly for a p lace on th e p rogramme, visit

“ IT CHANGED MY LIF E” Testament to the success of the Great East Run is Rebecca B awley ( pictured) , who completed the run and the outreach programme last year. “ B eforehand, I don’t think I could run 800 metres,” says Rebecca, who sometimes trains in Kesgrave. “ I had two children and I thought I didn’t have the time to exercise. “ You get stuck in a rut, and you’re prioritising everybody except yourself. Taking those first steps is so daunting and scary, but the coaches do a fantastic job of making it fun.” The support of her fellow runners also proved invaluable and, a year on, they are still in touch and running together regularly. The change in Rebecca is clear. “ I lost 8% of my body fat,” she says proudly, “ and I even ran in the London Marathon at the end of April. “ I took part in the Leadership in Running Fitness course so I can inspire and volunteer with this year’s outreach programme. If someone had told me how far I’d have come, I don’t think I’d have believed them!” Above and left: Members of last year’s Great East Run outreach programme





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Cloud 9

Give yourself a summer makeover as we revitalise your hair with this season’s latest products at our lovely studio, where our new apprentice has just won first place in a competition with her colour skills. Cloud 9 Hair Studio, Old F orge, Top Street, Martlesh am. Call 07787 239424 or visit www.cloud9h

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Kesgrave’s Alan Oliver is embracing the ultra-challenge and raising funds for the Alzheimer’s Society. Living In … finds out more


unning a marathon is no mean feat. B ut competing in eight ultra-challenges, each covering a distance between 62 and 65 miles, needs serious recognition. Kesgrave’s Alan Oliver is the man with the plan, which kicked off in early May when he ran around the Isle of Wight. His summer then continues taking on challenges along the Jurassic Coast, from London to B righton, across the south coast, through the Cotswolds, over the Chilterns and the Peak District, and finally to the Thames Path in London. Explaining his motivation, Alan says: “ When I was younger, I was a keen triathlete, but then life got in the way and I stopped competing. B ack in 2018 my work changed and instead of being based in Chelmsford, I’m now working

Clockwise from top left: Alan training by the River Deben; completing April’s B righton Marathon in a time of 3:28:51; Spurred on by coming fifth out of a field of 80

locally and have gained an extra three hours of my day.” Missing his previous fitness levels, Alan used his regained time to start running again, initially around Kesgrave with his mate, Chris Firman. “ The more I ran the more I enjoyed it and so when Chris’s wife, Jackie, signed up for last year’s Great East Run, we signed up to support her.” Alan also started running with Kesgrave Kruisers, which is a great community-based running club. “ The experience spurred me on to sign up for the Great B arrow Challenge, just outside B ury St Edmunds, and that was it. I surprised myself by coming fifth out of a field of 80 runners and I was hooked.” Having decided to sign up for eight of the nine ultra-challenges planned this summer, Alan pledged to raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Society, a charity close to his heart. He says: “ Mum died of Alzheimer’s ten years ago, at the age of 69, having been ill for the seven or eight years before. Sadly, everyone knows somebody affected and increasingly you hear of younger people with the condition. At the end, Mum existed, she didn’t live. “ I’m hoping to raise at least £ 5,000 for the charity and they’re over the moon that I’m taking on so many challenges.” Whilst most would shudder at the thought of running 60 plus miles, Alan says it’s the mental side of things that is hardest to prepare for. “ With no set distance for an ultrachallenge, unlike a marathon, you don’t know what time you’re aiming for. Also, most courses are trail-based and so the terrain can’t be second-guessed.

“ Having said that, I know to expect big hills at Lulworth Cove on the Jurassic Coast, and I’m looking forward to the fl atness of the London Pathway.” With courses planned in some of the most picturesque parts of the country, Alan is very pragmatic about his approach. “ Yes, my plan is to run all the way, but I’m not just going to have my head down and be oblivious to my surroundings. I’ll be taking lots of photos along the way.”

“ With no set distance for an ultra- cha llenge, unlike a marath on, you don’t know wh at time you’re aiming for” Open to those that want to run, jog or walk, the expected completion time of each course for runners is between nine and 16 hours. Remaining hydrated is critical, but as Alan explains: “ When you’re long distance running there’s a real danger of taking on too much water. This can result in a dilution of the body’s salts and cause the body to slow down, which is as dangerous as dehydration.” With a busy few months ahead of him, Alan says: “ B ut it doesn’t all stop after my final challenge in September. As a finale, I’m planning a casino evening for that last fundraising push. Then, I can sit back and think what a great summer it’s been.” l If you would like to sup p ort Alan, visit www.j or tex t ‘ ULTCH99’ to donate. ISSUE O NE… SUMMER 2016


SHAW VALLEY SENSATION With this stunning contemporary home currently under construction, Living In … went for a sneaky peek


it’s the house’s energy friendly, or passive, he chance to build your own home is a dream come true for most of us. credentials that set it apart.Mark, who is originally from Lithuania, continues: For Mark Krasnopiorov, the “ From the moment we knew we could opportunity presented itself build from the foundations up, I was thanks to Suffolk Coastal District Council’s keen to work with a building company planning department. Mark explains: that had experience of passive house “ We purchased an old bungalow in technologies and could pull it all together. Martlesham’s Shaw Valley Road three With such buildings more common in years ago, and our original plan was Europe, I decided to bring over a team to develop and extend the existing from Lithuania to work on the project bungalow, mixing old and modern and have never styles, to create a great looked back. The family home for me, my “ Thi s ha s been exterior build took wife and two boys. just eight weeks “ Having commissioned such a p ositive to be watertight B entwaters-based exp erience and and was completed Free Spirit Architecture time and 2% and submitted plans the re isn’t anyth ing on under budget.” to the council, adding With aluminium a contemporary extension in the design triple glazed fl oor to to the existing bungalow, I would ch ange” ceiling windows and their feedback was not doors throughout, what we were expecting. They said if we retained the bungalow, the 250mm soundproofing insulation and 150mm insulation in the foundations, extension needed to refl ect its style. underfl oor heating, and a PVC covered Alternatively, we had the chance start fl at roof that boasts a 50-year guarantee, from scratch and go contemporary. So, every element of Pine View’s construction it was back to the drawing board with has been considered to reduce its Daniel of Free Spirit and the chance to ecological footprint. create my dream house, Pine View.” “ With everything sealed and insulated, Whilst a small element of the bungalow there needs to be a way for air to fl ow has been incorporated into the new build,


Top left: U ltra-modern Pine View ( computer image) Top righ t: The back of the house enjoys a full width terrace ( computer image) B ottom left: Acoustic insulation being installed B ottom righ t: Recuperation system pipework will be hidden under the fl oorboards



so fl exible, these rooms can easily be used as additional bedrooms.” Mark continues: “ I’ve loved the construction process, but three key factors that have made it really come together are how Daniel from Free Spirit really understood my vision; the patience and support we’ve received from our neighbours; and the commitment of our builders who truly understand passive construction.” Since starting the project, Mark and his family have made the decision to put Pine View on the market with Fenn Wright. He says: “ We’ve come to the decision for lots of different reasons, and whilst it’s not going to be home, the whole experience has been such a positive one. When we bought the bungalow, I never imagined we’d end up with such a special house. I’ve learnt so much from the whole process and whilst I’ve no plans to change the day job and become a property developer, it’s definitely given me the building bug.”

L ocal home owners … throw op en thei r doors C hi ld f ree z ones ? … meet the coup le wi th the P arent P od! I s grey j us t s o las t year? … J oj o H umes B rown on colours


KEY F EATURES: Energy efficient newbuild Six-bedroom potential En-suite to master bedroom Stunning kitchen/ diner Two family bathrooms U tility room U nderfl oor heating throughout Gated access with vehicle parking Full length terrace to back of house Landscaped gardens

through the house. The installation of a recuperation system means that ‘ dirty’ air can be taken out through the kitchen, bathroom and hallway and fresh air can be injected into the house. We’ve also installed a heat exchanger which transfers the existing air temperature to the new air, enabling an ambient temperature to be retained at all times.” With the builders still working hard, the plan is for the house to be completed at the end of May. “ I’m not a developer, so the house has been designed as a family home. Downstairs there’s a playroom, along with an extra bedroom for guests and a study. B ut with the design being ISSUE O NE… SUMMER 2016


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!"#$% &'%()&* !"#$%&'()"'* for flooring ny roo in your o e or business an be re res ed it a arpet luxury vinyl flooring or even a bespoke designed rug or arpet. e ater or all budgets and styles. . e an reprodu e or reate any ideas and on epts you ave.








T T.

e are a long-established, independent travel agency based at Martlesham Heath. e have a mixture of business accounts and leisure clients wanting bespoke itineraries. Typically, our leisure customers are wanting business class flights and luxury hotels so a familiarity with that product would be an advantage. Many customers welcome suggestions and ideas that your experience would allow you to offer. Every day at Holmes Travel is different and we need someone that can prioritise and use their initiative as situations arise. Many of our bookings are flight only so ideally you should be familiar with fare rules, exchanges, ticketing etc. Most clients deal with us by email and phone but with the occasional visitor to the office. e are looking to develop our social media so there will be scope for your input into that. Everyone at Holmes loves travel and we work as a team in an open plan office sharing our knowledge and skills. This is a Monday to Friday role 9:00-17.30hrs though we can be flexible. alary and holiday dependent on skills and experience. e have free parking and are walking distance to the local stores including Tesco, ext and M . and covering letter by May th.

ny uestions, please call Martin hurchill on 01 73 173 . Holmes Travel,

arrack uare, Martlesham Heath, pswich

3 F

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editation has been practised for thousands of years, and in certain corners of the world continues to be an integral part of many people’s daily routine. With its benefits widely respected across Asia and the Middle East, here in the west we have some catching up to do, although we are making progress. So, when I was asked to teach meditation to pupils at Kesgrave High School, I was delighted. It was a wonderful opportunity to reach out and help teenagers to cope with the day-to-day life challenges that many of them face. Over the years, I have been part of the school’s Year 10 annual Spiritual Day, which offers students the chance to sample a range of spiritual activities. Meditation doesn’t have to be regarded as spiritual; indeed, it is simply an opportunity to clear the mind and become more self-aware. Offering a host of both physical and mental wellbeing benefits, it’s been clinically proven to reduce stress, anxiety and even blood pressure. Scientific studies indicate a change in the physical structure of the brain while meditating, indicating brain cells healing. This in turn improves ailments such as depression, memory function, sleeping disorders and other mental health conditions. There are many ways to meditate. I simply wanted to give the Kesgrave students an opportunity to really relax and to spend quality time on themselves and understand how amazing they are. Whether lying down or sitting in the traditional crossed-legged position, key

Offering meditation classes to students at Kesgrave High School, Liz z ie F alconer explains the benefits of this peaceful practice

to their practice was being sufficiently comfortable to switch off and learn to let go of their thoughts for a short while. Having got to know these students and working with many other teenagers in my capacity as a hypnotherapist, I’m passionate about helping them pave the way for a happier future for themselves and for all of us. Life is tough for many of these wonderful young people, with social media setting such impossible standards for them, the pressures of exams and the daunting road ahead.

“ It’s incredibly hu mbling to h ear students recount h ow th e p ractice h as been he lp ing the m” Coupled with a host of other personal problems, like us all, they deserve time to simply be themselves. Meditation gives them that beautiful opportunity. I’m delighted to say that each week the numbers in my classes have grown and it’s incredibly humbling to hear students recount how the practice has been helping them. With reports of reduced panic attacks, better sleep, happier moods and less self-harming, I’ll continue with the classes for as long as I am wanted. When you look beyond the behaviour of some young people, as I do, it’s truly a privilege to help them expand their minds and to assist them in learning more about how incredible they all are.” l www.beautiful- th

Meditation teacher Lizzie Picture by John F erguson



Here’s our round-up of the latest news from round and about

EAT YOURSELF PIPPA ROLLS HEADS TO TO B ETTER SUF F OLK SHOW! HEALTH For the first time, Pippa Rolls is exhibiting at this year’s Suffolk Show ( 29th and 30th May) . Located in the Living Pavilion, Pippa, Miguel and the team will be on hand, showcasing fabric ranges from manufacturers including Andrew Martin, Christopher Farr, GP & J B aker, Jane Churchill and Designers Guild. There’ll also be room sets and recreations of the company’s showroom and workroom, with the team

As a registered nutritional therapist, Jennyfer Long is passionate about nutrition and the power of food to optimise health. Working at Woodbridge Pharmacy, Jennyfer helps clients with a range of conditions from gastrointestinal problems, stress/ anxiety, food allergies and intolerances, thyroid, weight gain/ loss and chronic fatigue. She says: “ The benefits of making food and lifestyle

changes can be enormous to our wellbeing. “ Assessing every client on an individual basis I identify possible imbalances in the body which may contribute to health problems and work with them to achieve the most realistic and effective plan to address their needs, whilst making it an enjoyable and positive experience.” l Email Jennyfer on j or call 07731 825901.

ON THE MOVE Risdale Removals is a familyrun firm based in Woodbridge. Offering a packing service, high quality packaging materials and secure storage facilities, all quotes include full, all risks insurance. Owner, Lewis Risdale, says: “ We understand that everybody has different needs, whether it’s the size of your property, your budget or your



timescales. Taking care of all aspects of your move is our business and so our services also include disconnecting and reconnecting appliances, as well as dismantling and reassembling furniture.” The firm was established in 1994, and has its own fl eet of purpose-built removal trucks. Lewis adds: “ Whether moving home locally or further afield, or locating to new business premises, our experienced team of professionals is here to help.” l

demonstrating their commitment to quality and attention to detail. All items on display at the show are available to purchase over the two days and can be delivered for free ( in the neighbourhood!) once the show has finished. A 20% discount on all making-up and fitting services will be offered to clients that book their free showroom consultation whilst visiting the stand at the show. l www.p ip p

HOLMES TRAVEL IS HIRING! A Martlesham Heath-based firm is looking to recruit an experienced travel consultant to the team. Sales and marketing director, Martin Churchill, says Holmes Travel, which specialises in worldwide travel, is looking for a dynamic individual who will bring experience and ideas to the role. “ We have a mixture of business accounts and leisure clients wanting bespoke itineraries,” he says. “ Typically, our leisure customers are wanting business class fl ights and luxury hotels so a familiarity with that product would be an advantage. “ We work with tour operators such as ITC, Elegant Resorts, Classic Collection, B eachcomber and Travel 2. Every day at Holmes Travel is different and we need someone that can prioritise and use their initiative as situations arise. Many of our bookings are fl ight only, so ideally you should be familiar with fare rules, exchanges, ticketing etc. We use Galileo / Travelport and Dolphin as our CRS and back office respectively. “ Most clients deal with us by email and phone but with the occasional visitor to the office. Everyone at Holmes loves travel and we work as a team in an open plan office sharing our knowledge and skills.” The company is based within walking distance of all the local stores such as Tesco, Next and M&S. To apply for this Monday to Friday role, 9am– 5.30pm ( with fl exibility) , send a CV and covering letter by May 24th to Martin. Any questions, call him on 01473 617355 or email martin@ l F or more information on th e comp any, go to www.h olmes

All the fun of the fete Playford church fete and St Mary’s committee member Jocelyn Saunders takes a historical look at the importance of this quintessentially English summer event

“ P

layford Hall is set in 30 acres in the valley of the River Fynn. The hall is a Grade II moated Elizabethan mansion, the eastern half of which is considered to have been demolished in the middle of the 18th century. It is believed to date back to c.1590 when it was built for Sir Anthony Felton, Sheriff of Suffolk. Playford Hall’s most notable and celebrated resident was the abolitionist Thomas Clarkson who, along with William Wilberforce in parliament, led the successful campaign that culminated in the passing of the Slave Trade Act of 1807, which ended the trade in slaves within the B ritish Empire. Thomas Clarkson, who died in 1846, was buried at St Mary’s Church, Playford. The church receives visitors from all over the world coming to visit his grave and the memorial obelisk. And the fete has always been a way of supporting the upkeep of the church. Sadly the fete stopped around 2006/ 7 when there were not enough volunteers to keep it

going. It was resurrected in 2017 as the church needed major repair work on its roof and the new owners, the Melrose family, offered the hall’s wonderful grounds as a venue again. The work on the church roof has been completed and funds are now needed for redecoration. Maintaining an old church is always financially challenging, but what better way to raise funds than a fun family fete? This year’s event, on Saturday, 15th June, will feature lots of fun old-fashioned games, with stalls like splat the rat, treasure hunt, tombola, and a grand raffl e – where else can you walk away with a wheelbarrow load of booze? There will be competitions galore – can you get the highest score on the bucket and beanbags? Do you have a keen photographer’s eye? Or are you a star baker? We will also have the B lue Cross running a dog show, and the wonderful Stonham B arn Owls on show. There will also be delicious food at lunchtime and, of course, afternoon teas and homemade cakes! This year we are opening the

gardens earlier ( 11am) as we are supporting the St Elizabeth Garden Trail and will be donating part of the day’s takings to that cause. The gardens at Playford Hall were principally designed by well-known socialite Lady Penelope Aitken back in 1960 and, whilst the gardens are not listed themselves, they are a very special feature of the property.

“ The fete was resurrected in 2017 as the chu rch needed majo r rep air work on its roof” The day will end in the evening with music and maybe a glass of wine to wind down, with gates closing at 7pm. The fete itself is open from 2pm– 5pm. Please note, all dogs must be kept on leads. £ 5 entry and under-18s go free. We look forward to you joining us for another fun day.” l F or more information, go to www. p layfordh, wh ich includes a link to th e ticketing system.


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L ocal home owners … throw op en thei r doors C hi ld f ree z ones ? … meet the coup le wi th the P arent P od! I s grey j us t s o las t year? … J oj o H umes B rown on colours


THE F AB ULOUS F IT EAST F ITNESS F ESTIVAL IS B ACK … Following the success of the inaugural event in 2018, the unique fitness festival returns to Trinity Park on Saturday, 6th July, offering a rare opportunity for all members of the family to have a go at new sporting activities. With free admission to under-12s, both local and national fitness experts and coaches will be on hand to share their knowledge with visitors on how to develop a healthier lifestyle, live sessions and offering health screening service using Inbody technology. They hope to demonstrate the mental benefits

take on their own challenges and show that it is possible to achieve strength and conditioning results for anyone. Visitors will have the opportunity to meet Charlotte and B en at Fit East and ask them questions about the challenge. With four arenas all packed with exciting events and classes, visitors can also enter the ‘ best you boot camp’, enjoy a ‘ sociacize’ class or try their hand at goat yoga among others. The Suffolk games will also be hosting their annual crossfit competition during the event. Guest speakers on nutrition, fitness and health include personal trainer Sam Clever talking about the foundations of women’s health. Enjoy the festival party later with live DJ, B B Q, bar and camping. l F or more information, go to or email enq uiries@ trinityp Social media – F acebook: @fi teastfi tness, Twitter: @F itEastF itness, Insta: @fi teastfi tness Parking is free. F or tickets, go to

as well as improvements to overall health and wellbeing. Fit East has teamed up with Suffolk Strength Academy to demonstrate how a real life transformation happens. Event organiser, Charlotte Rossiter, has taken on the challenge to achieve her goals, with the guidance of personal trainers at Suffolk Strength Academy. Charlotte will share her journey through a blog with B en Gray, owner of the Suffolk Strength Academy, which will also be shared on the Fit East website and social media. The aim is to encourage more people to

THE COUNTY’S F IRST CLASS EVENTS CENTRE Trinity Park is Suffolk’s premier awardwinning conference and events centre located in Ipswich, Suffolk. With ample free parking and close proximity to the main A12 and A14 junctions. Set in 350 acres of stunning parkland they host a variety of different events and offer in-house catering and can build bespoke packages to accommodate your requirements. The team of highly experienced event staff offer help and advice to ensure the smooth running of your occasion, regardless of size. Further services are also offered in audio visual ( AV) support and event design. Dates for your diary for the forthcoming year include:

l Fit East Fitness Festival – see above. l Suffolk Skills and Careers Festival is the largest skills and careers festival in the area with around 100 exhibitors showcasing through interactive activities their company to around 6,000 young people. There are workshops for young people to gain employability skills in CV writing and interview techniques. suffolkskills l Christmas party nights welcomes over 5000 people through the doors to celebrate with us at our themed party nights. For information on this year’s party – celebrations

SERVICES OF F ERED AT TRINITY PARK l Meetings l Conferences l Exhibitions l Awards ceremonies l Parties l Dinners l Weddings l Funeral wakes l Cultural events l Proms l Team building l Outdoor events l Music festivals l Concerts To book your event, call 01473 707119 or go to www.trinityp




Jason Coates owns the award-winning J’s Traditional Fish and Chip Shop at Crown Point in Martlesham … Tell us about your work. I bought this business 13 years ago; at that time, I was still running another fish and chip shop in Chantry, Ipswich, which I had owned since 1992. I sold that business in 2007 and focused all my efforts on J’s Fish and Chips at Crown Point, and have never looked back. We are always very busy with fantastic customers, some of whom I have known since my Ipswich days. Have you always been in th is p articular line of business? I used to co-own a snooker club as well as a bar on the Waterfront in Ipswich, called Spuds. B ut when the recession came in the early 90s, I lost almost everything. Then I saw an ad for a fish and

chip shop for sale in Chantry and thought: A recession, a council estate, a chippy … how can it fail? So I bought it! I didn’t even know how to use a frying range – but I knew a man who did. He came and taught me to fry on the Saturday afternoon and I opened the shop on the Monday. That was 27 years ago and the rest, as they say, is history! So wh at’s th e secret of your success? I have learnt so much over the years but the number one thing I would say is to only ever buy the very best quality produce: the best fish, 100% chicken burgers and nuggets, pork sausages, and we use only the best potatoes from local farms. I never buy the cheapest produce available. Our frying range also has a great filtration system – the oil is filtered every day! Some food businesses just skimp but I believe it doesn’t work. I’ve always said: ‘ Save a penny, lose a pound!’ For those reasons, we always keep our food fresh and really tasty. Wh at can you tell us about th e h istory of th e p lace? Crown Point has been a fish and chip shop for about 70 years. One was originally created in a wartime

Nissen hut by the then-owners, the Lightfoots. American servicemen from the local base would use the shop regularly. There was a plane crash here back in 1956, when a Canberra jet came down just behind the shop, killing two on board and only just missing the shop! As a teenager, I would come up to Crown Point for a bag of chips. I sometimes still can’t believe that I ended up buying it!

“ One notable customer was Tony B lair. He drop p ed in for h addock and ch ip sl” Wh at’s th e h igh ligh t of th e j ob? I love the idea that we have been serving great fish and chips for years and years, and I still enjoy seeing all the regular customers I have got to know really well, as well as welcoming new ones. One notable customer at our shop in Ipswich was Tony B lair. He dropped in for haddock and chips ( with his security, of course) when he was on the campaign trail! l J’s F ish & Ch ip s, Crown Point. Op ening h ours: Mon – Sat, 12 – 2p m and 5 – 10p m. Call 01394 382795.

Above: Jason only uses fish from sustainable sources at his traditional fish and chip shop and restaurant Left: A chippy has stood at Crown Point since the 1940s



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… b arn li f e

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!"#"$%&"$ '()*!+,-(' J u s t a s p o o n f u l … s ugarcraf t q ueen


Ne w y e a r p l a n s . . . your res oluti ons !


Me e t t h e h e a d … K es grave H i gh S chool

Got a business you’d like to p romote to your target audience? Living In … Martlesham & Kesgrave delivers results, but don’t just take our word for it! Here’s what our delighted advertisers have to say ...

ISSUE T H R EE … SEP T /O C T 2018


“B eing a very local magazine, Living In … takes us directly to our target market and reaches lots of households in the surrounding communities.”


Marketing Manager, Ufford Park Woodbridge

'()*!+,-(' I w i l l s u r v i v e … a mother’ s courage


C o f f e e t i m e . . . meet the roas ter


X m a s Em p o r i u m

… lovely local gi f ts




Ru n a w a y s u c c e s s … marathon mum


Li v i n g i n b l i s s … a weddi ng s p eci al!


Th e Sp a n i s h c o l l e c t i v e . . . i n K es grave!

“ Living In … Martlesham & Kesgrave is totally different from all the others on the market and it’s hard to believe it’s not a paid-for title. We have had direct calls from our adverts.”

“ As a local company advertising in Living In … has been one of my best business decisions. I’ve even secured contracts from readers seeing my advert in a back copy from a year ago.”


4')5'%% Seddon-Price

Ch ristch urch Solicitors

Th e Suffolk Sh utter Comp any



!"#"$%&"$ '()*!+,-(' Sl i c e o f h e a v e n … my lovely allotment


Ed u c a t i n g s w e e t e r … the hap p y s chool


St r e s s b u s t e r … K es grave mum’ s mi s s i on

Su ffolk í s long es t ru nning 5 Star C rË c h e

Interested? If so, fi nd out more … T: Angela 07930 184773 or Lyn 07909 544496

Ití s time to start thinking about summer at Happi Days! Weí re getting the paddling pools ready as we head into the warmer months. Weí ve got plenty planned, including beach themed parties and games, pirate treasure hunts and much more! Come and see us at the Suffolk Show! Weí re having a fun dog show, open to everyone! Bring your furry friends and say hi! At our Martlesham Centre, we offer hydro and physiotherapy sessions, as well as leisure swims with Lisa. Get in touch to arrange an appointment for you and your dog!

Martles h am: 0 1 4 7 3 6 2 3 6 6 1

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“ My name is Tara and I’m a nine-year-old Doberman. This is me cuddled up to the boss – Max, a two-year-old Jackahuahua ( pronounced Jack-a-wow-a) . Yes, you read that right! He’s a cross between a Jack Russell and a Chihuahua – he may be small, but he’s definitely the boss! I might look a bit scary to some but I’m actually a real softie. You may have seen me in the past as my dad, Phil, runs the local locksmiths with his business partner, Ray, called P&R Locks in Martlesham. They also have a branch in Woodbridge. I used to love sitting in the van and going to work with Dad but now I’m a bit older, I prefer staying at home with Gran, who lets me sleep in her bed and spoils me rotten. B ut I’ll always be a daddy’s girl. He rescued me from my last home which was in Heathrow, where I had a tiny garden and was rarely walked. Dad spent many hours training me and taking me for the best walks ever. Whenever he gets home it’s like I haven’t seen him for years and I nearly knock my mum, Clare, down to give him a big hug and sloppy kiss! Here’s a photo ( left) of me doing my favourite thing in the world – swimming! Dad says I look like I’m fl ying when I leap into the River Deben, though sometimes I land with a belly splash. B ut it never puts me off.”


Sp ring Op en Day

Th e Oak Tree Low Carbon F arm Rush mere St Andrew Saturday, 25th May Head to the farm to find out all about this amazing project. Open to the public from 10am – 4pm, there’s guided tours including a special wildlife tour starting at 11am – which will make you think Springwatch has come to Rushmere. With refreshments, and volunteers on hand to explain the ethos of this community food project and how to get involved, the open day is the perfect

opportunity to enjoy a few hours in a beautiful green space far from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. e- oak-

Kesgrave F un Day

Millennium Jubilee Sp orts Ground, Kesgrave Saturday, 8th June A great community event with lots of free things to do, including challenging yourself on the climbing wall or enjoying the bouncy castle and gladiator infl atables. Come along and have a great day out from 11am – 4pm, and don’t forget the popular dog show hosted by Orwell Vets. For the first time, this year there’s some car boot pitches. The car boot will run from 11am and pitches are £ 5 each. To book, call the Town Council office on 01473 625179.



Don’t miss these celebrations of all that’s great in the local area RSPCA F un Day Sunday, 26th May Mill Lane, Martlesh am A must for all animal lovers, the end of May sees our local RSPCA inviting the local community to get involved in a family day full of fun, from 11.30am to 3.30pm. With a host of exciting stalls and great activities, there’s something for everyone, including our four-legged canine friends! Visitors can also show off their dog agility skills as well as have the chance to see the charity’s re-homing centre and the animals who are patiently waiting for new homes. With refreshments, hot food and ice creams available, the day is in aid of your local RSPCA rehabilitation and re-homing centre. www.ip swich - rsp


Suffolk Sh ow

Trinity Park, Ip swich Wednesday, 29th – Th ursday, 30th May May half-term wouldn’t be the same without the Suffolk Show! Hosted as always at Trinity Park, this year’s show is guaranteed to delight. With over 100 free things to see and do – from dog agility to chainsaw carving, milking

Ch ocks Away

Martlesh am Heath Control Tower Museum Every Sunday until 27th October With the museum now open for the 2019 season, here’s your chance to learn more about this fascinating airfield’s history from 1917 to 1963, and the key role it played during World War II.

a cow, sitting in a fire engine or getting up close to an Apache helicopter – there’s something for everyone. With trade stands, fab local food producers and more, this is Suffolk at its best. Free entry to under 15s and early bird ticket prices available until midnight on Sunday, 17th May. Dogs on leads are also welcome. www.suffolksh Open every Sunday afternoon ( 2pm – 5pm) until 27th October, entry is free, with all donations gratefully appreciated. Parking available. Special openings can also be arranged for schools and club groups. F or more information, p h one Ian Lisseman on 07707 711104 or Howard King on 01473 274300.

ì E verything about K B B is high q uality and the fi nished result is absolutely stunning,î says T eresa Shaw from Woodbridge.


ì I am over the moon with our kitchen from K B B . R oger was very helpful when we were originally planning it and helped me achieve the design and look we were after. T he fi tters were professional throughout. T hey were hard working and polite and nothing was too much trouble for them; their attention to detail was excellent. I wouldní t hesitate to recommend them. î ith over 6 0

yearsí combined industry knowledge brothers R oger

and P atrick P eck have built up their business into one of the largest independent kitchen and bathroom retailers in the region. stunning showroom on D ales R oad provides over 5 ,0 0 0 displays and products to browse and inspire. business K B B


K B B ís sq

ft of

local, family≠ run

prides itself on the customer service offered and by

using in≠ house plumbers, plasterers and electricians, it is able to offer a uniq ue fully managed service. ì W

e can be involved as much or as

little as the customer req uires,î says R oger P eck.

ì F or us the best

form of advertising is word of mouth and recommendation, so if our customers are happy, weí re happy. î

L a rg e S h ow ro o m : 8 5 D a l e s T el: 0 1 4 7 3 7 4 2 2 0 0

R oad , I ps w ic h , Su f f olk I P 1 4 J R w w w . t h e k b b c e n t re. c o. u k

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