Join us at the library as we kick off our Summer Reading Challenge with laugh-outloud jokes and amazing tricks by Ken Scott at all of our branches!
Scan to find the date and time for your branch’s show.
FREE King of Pops popsicles will be available for the first 75 individuals who sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge!
MAY 24
Summer Concert Series: The Platinum Band
Summer Concert Series: American Flyers
Bluesberry Beer & Music Festival
Summer Concert Series: Still Swingin’
Jazz in the Alley
Summer Concert Series:
September in the Park
Summer Concert Series: Troubadour Project
Jazz in the Alley
Summer Concert Series: Black Jacket Symphony
Summer Concert Series: Geek Squad
Jazz in the Alley
Summer Concert Series: Queen Nation
instagram.com/peachtreecornerslife facebook.com/peachtreecornerslife twitter.com/peachtreecrnrs www.pinterest.com/ PeachtreeCornersMagazine
APRIL/MAY 2024 issue
Volume 6 Number 32
©2024 Peachtree Corners Magazine
The editors welcome submissions, event listings, achievements and photography. Please direct them to editor@livinginpeachtreecorners.com.
This publication is independently and privately owned, and managedby Mighty Rockets LLC
Publisher & Executive Editor
Rico Figliolini is a creative director and social media strategist, three-time magazine publisher and podcast host. He grew up in Brooklyn, New York and is a political junky, sci-fi and anime fan, and avid reader and movie binger.
Editorial Consultant
Rita Figliolini has lived in PTC for 23 years with her husband and life partner, Rico Figliolini. Proud mom of 3 — Jason, Kinsey and Jack. Former Managing Editor of the original Inside Gwinnett, she’s now Advisor to PTC Magazine. Telling stories is in our blood!
Account Executive
Julie Davis is an accomplished sales rep with over 20 years of experience in the telecom industry. When not working or spending time with friends and family, Julie can be found melting glass, as she is an avid fused glass artist.
Graphic Designer
Harry J. Pinkney, Jr is an accomplished Graphic Designer with over 25 years of experience. A Philadelphia native who now calls Atlanta his home. He enjoys his dog, Chloeé, working out, movies, and running his own freelance graphic/ web design business.
After a long career in global marketing for Fortune 500 companies like The Coca-Cola Company and Texas Instruments, Tracey earned a degree in Commercial Photography and now owns her own photography business. She specializes in portraits, events and real estate photography. She is the President of the Peachtree Corners Photography Club.
George Hunter is an IT professional from Alaska by way of Texas. His primary hobby is photography, covering a wide range of subjects from pets to cosplay, sports to fashion. Volunteering and fostering dogs brings him much joy. George, his wife Lila and their rescued dogs have made their home in west Gwinnett for almost 20 years.
Contributing Editor / Newsletter Editor
Anna is a contributor to Peachtree Corners Magazine. She graduated with a B.A. in English Composition from Georgia State University and has five years of experience performing multimedia writing, editing, and publishing for automotive, small business, and general assignment media.
Senior Writer
Arlinda Smith Broady is of the Boomerang
Generation of Blacks that moved back to the South after ancestors moved North. With 30 years of journalism experience, she’s worked in tiny newsrooms to major metropolitans. She brings professionalism, passion, pluck, and the desire to spread news.
Editor Emeritus
Kathy Dean has been a writer and editor for over 20 years. Some of the publications she has contributed to are Atlanta Senior Life, Atlanta INtown, Transatlantic Journal and The Guide to Coweta and Fayette Counties.
Patrizia hails from Toronto, Canada where she earned an Honors B.A. in French and Italian Studies at York University, and a B.Ed. at the University of Toronto. This trilingual former French teacher has called Georgia home since 1998. Catch her reporting about our vibrant city on the Peachtree Corners Network.
Kristen Corley is an Atlanta native with over a decade of experience in content creation. She lives in Historic Norcross with her family and writes “Young Norcross,” a weekly newsletter that focuses on building community and local engagement.
Writer/Podcast Production
Raina Logan is a highly accomplished audio engineer, music producer, and talented writer. With over a decade of entrepreneurial experience as the owner of an esteemed audio production company, Raina seamlessly merges her creative writing skills with her technical expertise, shaping unforgettable auditory journeys.
Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 10 a.m.-7:30 p.m.;
Saturday & holidays:
9:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Sunday: 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Closed on Tuesdays.
compelling works are displayed as two-story projections filling 20,000 square feet. The sight-and sound-experience lasts about 60 to 75 minutes.
Saturdays, May 18, June 15, July 13, August 17 and September 14. 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Exhibition Hub, Atlanta Art Center 5660 Buford Hwy. NE, Doraville vangoghexpo.com/atlanta
Tickets: Adults (ages 13+), $39.90; children (4-12), $23.90; seniors (65+), students (13-26) and military, $33.90; VIP tickets and group or family bundles available.
Visitors of all ages are invited to step into Vincent van Gogh’s paintings in this touring immersive art exhibit. Van Gogh’s most
1 April Fools’ Day
15 Tax Day
22 Earth Day
22-30 Passover
26 Arbor Day
Jewish American
Appreciation Month
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
Military Appreciation Month
4 Star Wars Day
5 Cinco de Mayo
12 Mother’s Day
27 Memorial Day
Pride Month
Caribbean-American Heritage Month
exploregwinnett.org/ seoul-of-thesouth-foodtour
Tickets: $69 per person Explore Gwinnett’s Seoul of the South Food Tour tickets are available for the 2024 season. Tickets sell quickly and include food at the local Korean restaurants, transportation and special swag bags. The tour runs for four hours.
Thursdays, April 11 and May 9. 6:45-8:15 p.m.
Atlanta Tech Park
107 Technology Pkwy., Peachtree Corners
Admission: free
Photographers of all skill levels are welcome; arrive at 6:15 p.m. for social time.
Friday-Sunday, April 12-14
Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, 12-5 p.m.
Southeastern Railway Museum
3595 Buford Hwy., Duluth train-museum.org, 770-476-2013
Admission: Adults, $18; seniors (65+), $15; children (2-12 years), $12 Take one or more fun rides in a Maintenance of Way classic — the Track Speeder. A speeder is a little self-powered railcar used by inspectors and work crews. Regular museum hours and admission apply. Speeder rides are an additional $4 a person per ride for ages 5 and older. Bring a picnic and enjoy a great photo op for the family.
features a potluck dinner. For more information, contact unityatlantamkt@gmail.com.
Saturday, April 13. 1-5 p.m.
Duluth Town Green
3142 Hill St., Duluth goodwordbrewing.com
Tickets: $65 per person; early bird tickets (until March 13), $55 per person
Good Word Brewing is partnering with the City of Duluth to celebrate with live music, an artists’ market and beers from around the country. Over 70 breweries will be on site with samplings for ticketholders. Tickets are required to participate in the beer sampling portion of the event, but non-ticket holders are welcome to come out and enjoy the DJ, food vendors and other Downtown businesses.
Monday-Thursday, April 15-18
Paul Duke STEM High School 5850 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Norcross pauldukestem.org
Admission: free
Saturday, April 6. 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Peachtree Farm
356 Research Ct., Peachtree Corners peachtreefarm.org
Admission: free
Plants for sale include a range of vegetable, flowering, landscape, and house plants grown at Peachtree Farm, such as tomatoes, peppers, herbs and squash. A wide variety of pots will be available also.
Friday, April 12. 7-9:30 p.m.
Unity Atlanta Church
3597 Parkway Lane, Peachtree Corners
unityatl.org, 770-441-0585
Admission: free
All are invited to this family-friendly night of singing and fun. Entertainment features karaoke and open mic for whomever would like to participate; no registration required. The event
Parents, community members and industry professionals are invited to see Paul Duke STEM students present one of their favorite STEM lessons in each of their seven classes. Visit schools.gcpsk12.org/ page/31587 for more info, a detailed schedule and registration form.
Healing Sound Bath: Ground in the Sound
Thursday, April 18. 7-8 p.m.
Unity Atlanta Church Chapel 3597 Parkway Lane, Peachtree Corners
unityatl.org, 770-441-0585
Certified Vibrational Sound Therapist Raye Andrews presents a beautiful symphony of sound every month. The full body listening experience can bring relaxation and a sense of calm to your mind, body and spirit. Bring a yoga mat, pillow and blanket. Love offerings are appreciated.
NHS Foundation for Excellence Gala
Friday, April 19. 7 p.m.
Crowne Plaza Atlanta NE –Norcross
6050 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Norcross
The NHS Foundation for Excellence raises funds to support Norcross High School. Its annual gala includes a reception, live auction and Hall of Fame Induction. This year’s Hall of Fame honorees are NHS Coach Kirk Barton, volunteer Lynne Z. Kliesrath and Peachtree Corners Vice Mayor Weare Gratwick.
Neighborhood Cleanup & Recycling Day
Saturday, April 20. 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
Norcross Public Works
345 Lively Ave., Norcross norcrossga.net
Admission: free
Safely dispose of items like secure
paper shredding, electronics recycling and scrap metal collection. And recycle bulky household junk and hard-to-recycle materials. Thanks to a grant from Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation, Norcross Public Works is accepting tires this spring. Check online for a list of accepted items.
Spring Recycling Day
Saturday, April 20. 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
City Hall
310 Technology Pkwy., Peachtree Corners
Admission: free
This is for residential waste only and is available only to Peachtree Corners residents. ProShred will be shredding paper materials for free, with a limit of five medium-sized boxes or equivalent. eWaste will be collecting old electronics; check ewasteeplanet.com/ about-us/items-we-accept/ for list of accepted items. For more info, contact Katherine Francesconi at kfrancesconi@peachtreecornersga. gov or call 678-691-1200.
Art on the Chattahoochee
Saturday, April 20. 12-4 p.m.
Jones Bridge Park
4901 East Jones Bridge Rd., Peachtree Corners gwinnettcounty.com, 678-277-0920
April 26-27
Open to the public
Wesleyan School, Yancey Gymnasium www.artistmarket.wesleyanschool.org
At Y Day Camp, every day is an opportunity for campers to make new friends and explore endless possibilities for fun and excitement. Plus - Y camps are infused with social emotional learning and summer learning opportunities.
May 2-4
Wesleyan School, Powell Theater in Wesley Hall. Tickets can be purchased at https://wesleyanschool.ludus.com/index. php?show_id=200446854 or SCAN the QR Code at right
Admission: free
Shop unique arts and crafts while enjoying live entertainment, food trucks and a chalk-art contest with prizes awarded to fan favorites. All ages welcome.
Saturday, April 20. 12-2 p.m.
The Father’s House Church 6060 Spalding Dr., Norcross thefathershouseatl.org, 770-840-0888
Admission: free
The church food pantry will give out food boxes to families in need. Recipients should park in the spots indicated in the church parking lot; boxes of food will be brought out to the cars.
Thursday-Saturday, April 25-27
Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
The Norcross Garden Club 33 College St., Norcross norcrossgardenclub.org
Admission: free
Most of the plants offered are “pass-along plants” that gardening club members have gotten as they helped people thin out their garden beds. They’ve been repotted and are available at reasonable prices. The sale will be held, rain or shine, at the garden club cottage and at Heritage Park, next to the cottage.
Thursday-Saturday, April 25-27
The Father’s House Church 6060 Spalding Dr., Norcross thefathershouseatl.org
Registration cost: $79
Session topics include building your faith, overcoming fear and helping you soar in every area of your life. Registration includes all sessions, conference materials and lunch on Saturday. View conference details and register at kingmakers.org.
Friday-Saturday, April 26-27
Friday, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
5404 Spalding Dr., Peachtree Corners artistmarket.wesleyanschool.org
Admission: free
Over 80 professional artists display their work, including fine art paintings, ceramics, pottery, photography and jewelry. Featured Wesleyan student artists will also display their art. The annual artist market is a fundraiser for Wesleyan’s fine arts initiatives.
Saturday, April 27. 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Christ the King Lutheran Church 5575 Peachtree Pkwy., Peachtree Corners parking lot ctklutheran.org, 770-449-1211
Admission: free
The family friendly festival will feature food and fun for all.
Saturday-Sunday, April 27-28
Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Duluth Town Center 3167 Main St., Duluth duluthartsfestival.com
Admission: free
The festival features up to 60 painters, photographers, sculptors, leather and metalwork, glass blowers, jewelers and crafters. There will be artist demonstrations, live acoustic music, a children’s play area as well as festival foods and beverages.
Sunday, April 28, 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
Curiosity Lab at Peachtree Corners (City Hall) 310 Technology Pkwy., Peachtree Corners
Admission: free
Professional cyclists will participate in a six-race series of races within the living laboratory environment of Curiosity Lab. Other
events include a Kids’ Criterium Races, 1.2 mile run competition and a Family Fun Zone. There will also be food trucks and exhibits. Little ones should bring their bikes for the kids’ races at 5 p.m.; the two age categories are 3/4/5 and 6/7/8.
Saturday, May 4. 5-9 p.m.
Best Friend Park
6224 Jimmy Carter Blvd., Norcross gwinnettcounty.com, 678-277-0222
Admission: free
Celebrate an evening of international experiences including food, vendors and performances.
Monday-Thursday, June 3-6
Christ the King Lutheran Church 5575 Peachtree Pkwy., Peachtree Corners parking lot ctklutheran.org, 770-449-1211
Online registration is open. ReNew Vacation Bible School welcomes kids ages 4 and up to discover Jesus, strengthen the community and grow as stewards of God’s creation. Attending children will explore God’s Word through Jesus’ Parable of the Sower, learn about God’s creation and how to care for it and meet local stewards of the environment as they make new friends and have a great time.
Saturday-Saturday, May 11-18. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. by appointment
The Rectory | 17 College St., Norcross | 678-421-2025, norcrossga.net
Admission: free
The second annual exhibition features artworks by art students of Norcross and Paul Duke STEM high schools. A reception and awards presentation will be held Saturday, May 11. The exhibit will be open to the public through the May 18. (Photo above from 2023 event)
Thursday-Saturday, April 4-6
Wesleyan School Powell Theatre
5405 Spalding Dr., Peachtree Corners
wesleyanschool.org, 770-448-7640
About the show: History and romance come together in the true life story of astronomer Henrietta Leavitt.
The Curse of the Hopeless Diamond
Thursday, April 18. 6:30 p.m.
Anna Balkan Jewelry and Gifts
51 S. Peachtree St., Norcross
Ticket: $25, includes snacks and one glass of wine
The audience-participation murder mystery is a fundraiser for Lionheart Theatre’s summer theatre camp for kids and teens; it’s being hosted by Anna Balkan and 45 South Coffee House.
About the show: Reginald and Daphne Potter are touring extensively, along with their world-famous Potter Diamond, in the company of four detectives. It’s well-known that the Potter Diamond is beautiful…and cursed!
Thursday-Sunday, April 25-28
Thursday and Friday, 7 p.m.;
Saturday, 2 and 7 p.m.;
Sunday, 3 p.m.
Valor Christian Academy
4755 Kimball Bridge Rd., Alpharetta
Tickets: $20 per person
About the show: Presented by CYT Atlanta, the show spans from the twilight of the Russian Empire to the euphoria of Paris in the 1920s as a brave young woman sets out to discover the mystery of her past. Pursued by a ruthless Soviet officer determined to silence her, Anya enlists the aid of a dashing con man and a lovable ex-aristocrat. Together they embark on an epic adventure to help her find home, love and family.
Thursday-Sunday, April 25-28
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 7 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m.
Norcross High School
5300 Spalding Dr., Norcross norcrosshigh.org, nhs-drama.com, 770-448-3674
Tickets: $10
About the show: A horror comedy rock musical, Little Shop of Horrors centers around a florist shop worker who raises a carnivorous plant that eats humans.
Thursday-Saturday, May 2-4
Wesleyan School
Powell Theatre
5405 Spalding Dr., Peachtree Corners wesleyanschool.org, 770-448-7640
About the show: The fantastical, magical musical is based on the children’s stories of Dr. Seuss.
May 3-19
Fridays and Saturdays, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, May 18 and Sunday matinees, 2 p.m.
Lionheart Theatre Company 10 College St., Norcross lionhearttheatre.org, 678-938-8518
Tickets: Adults, $18; students and seniors, $16
About the show: In this madcap comedy, an Italian restaurant is owned by a successful mobster and managed by his beautiful unmarried daughter. When the daughter’s former college professor asks for financial backing for a play he’s written about a murder, the three main Mafiosi are intrigued with the idea of producing a play. The daughter becomes enamored of the playwright who discovers, through the ‘accidental’ death of a lesser thug, that his backers are gangsters.
Friday-Sunday, May 10-12
Greater Atlanta Christian
School King’s Gate Theatre
1575 Indian Trail Rd., Norcross greateratlantachristian.org, 770-243-2000
About the show: The hour-long musical adaptation of the Pixar film features Marlin, a nervous clownfish who lives with his adventurous child, Nemo, in the Great Barrier Reef. When Nemo is carried off to Sydney, Marlin must overcome his fears and travel across the ocean to finw d him.
Saturday-Sunday, May 11-12
Saturday, 2 and 5 p.m.; Sunday, 3 p.m.
Simpsonwood Park 411 Jones Bridge Circle, Peachtree Corners crewofpatches.org
About the show: Contemporary Classics Theatre presents Shakespeare’s romantic comedy May 11-26 at Simpsonwood Park in Peachtree Corners, Christ Church
Episcopal in Norcross and Autrey Mill Nature Preserve in John’s Creek. Director Susanna Wilson’s version of the play is set in Italy during a 21st century film festival. Love at first sight, jealousy and confusion, an illegitimate sibling, mixed-up lovers, three weddings and a funeral fill this amusing look at love, betrayal and acceptance. Performances will
5140 Town Center Boulevard, Peachtree Corners peachtreecornersga.gov
Scan QR for Calendar ►
Second Saturday of each month through September. 7-9 p.m.
Admission: free
May 11 — Taylor Swift Tribute featuring Highbeams
The night is centered on a tribute to the music of Taylor Swift. Feature band Highbeams is a trio of brothers who perform their high-energy music featuring three part harmonies.
Last Saturday of each month through September. 7-9 p.m.
Admission: free
May 25 — Five for Fighting featuring Hu$h Money
Singer-songwriter Vladimir John Ondrasik III, known as Five for Fighting, performs piano-based soft rock sentimental ballads, such his top 40 hits “Superman,” “100 Years” and “The Riddle.” Feature band Hu$h Money is a modern Southern-influenced band from north Georgia.
Monday, May 27
Admission: free
The Peachtree Corners Veterans Monument Association hosts a memorial event in honor of veterans.
5155 Peachtree Parkway, Peachtree Corners theforumpeachtree.com/events
Scan QR for more information ►
Thursday, April 25. 6-8 p.m.
Admission: free Spring has sprung so grab your girlfriends and enjoy an exquisite night of strolling, sipping and shopping.
Every other Tuesday. 6-7 p.m.
Admission: free
Two Tuesdays each month, children enjoy an ultimate playdate with kid-friendly crafts, games and entertainment.
Every Wednesday. 6-7 p.m.
Admission: free
This weekly fitness session, held May through October at the North Plaza, combines strength conditioning, cardio and mindfulness. Participants earn a loyalty stamp for every completed class.
Every Friday. 6-8 p.m.
Admission: free
The Forum brings in favorite local musicians every week May through October. Everyone is invited to kick back and groove to the music. Check online for the latest musical lineup.
/ Creative Development Bilingual
English: Fridays, April 12, 26 and May 10, 24.
Bilingual: Saturdays, April 13, 27 and May 11, 25.
10:30-11:15 a.m.
One Stop Norcross
5030 Georgia Belle Ct., Norcross 678-225-5400
Admission: free
Help your toddler develop motor and sensory skills in a fun and supporting learning environment. Parent participation is required.
Saturday, April 13. 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Lucky Shoals Park
4651 Britt Rd., Norcross 678-277-0860
Admission: $4
It’s an Earth Day celebration! Ages 2 to 5 will make a pet rock and enjoy activities and refreshments.
Fridays, April 19 and May 17. 5:30-9 p.m.
One Stop Norcross
5030 Georgia Belle Ct., Norcross 678-225-5400
Admission: $12 per Gwinnett resident; $24 per non-resident
Kids, ages 7-12, enjoy a dinner and fun activities with friends. There’ll be games, crafts and more. Scan the QR code for the full Gwinnett County Park calendar.
April 12. 8 p.m.
Robby Hecht blends songwriting reminiscent of Tom Waits or Jim Croce with the vocal resonance of James Taylor. Grace’s music is a little bit of folk, a little bit of country/ Americana and a whole lot of soul.
April 14. 5 p.m.
Groove with Dana Rice, students and special guests on a funky and soulful musical journey. For more info on Dana Rice Music’s FAME Studio, visit DanaRiceMusic.com.
April 18. 8 p.m.
Bob Malone has a loyal international fan-base through 25 years of touring and nine critically acclaimed album releases. He brings his band for a tour de force of classic rock and R&B, Randall Bramblett Band
April 19. 8 p.m.
A Georgia native, singer-songwriter Randall Bramblett is a multi-instrumentalist musician with a career spanning four decades.
Guitars for Vets
Mondays. 12-3 p.m.
Admission: free
3116 Main St., Duluth eddieowenpresents.com
This is an abridged list of events for this venue, please check their website for the full calendar of events
April 20. 8 p.m.
Rolling Stone Magazine has called Jeremy’s music “Hardscrabble honkytonk at its best.”
April 26. 8 p.m.
Southern folk artist Jefferson Ross is a songwriter, singer, guitar slinger and painter. Terry Klein is a performing songwriter with a growing catalog of captivating songs. Linda McCrae is a singer-songwriter of the old school who manages to bend the rules and grenres.
April 27. 8 p.m.
Chi-Town Transit Authority is an eight-piece Chicago tribute band founded in 2017 and based out of Atlanta dedicated to reproducing the Chicago concert experience.
Jon McEuen & The Circle Band
May 1. 8 p.m.
John McEuen has 45+ years of worldwide performing with his banjo, fiddle, guitar and mandolin. A founding member of the Nitty Gritty
Pinckneyville Park Community Center
4650 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Berkeley Lake
Open Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. GwinnettParks.com, 678-277-0920
Fourth Monday of the month. 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Dirt Band, he is referred to as ‘the String Wizard’.
Griogiar and The Brave Collide
May 2. 8 p.m.
Griogair Labhruidh is a contemporary recording artist who integrates Scottish Gaelic music with influences such as hip hop, soul, African music and jazz. Duo Chloë Agnew and Brian McGrane make up the innovative group The Brave Collide.
John McCutcheon & Tom Paxton, with opener Mike Green
May 5. 8 p.m.
Instrumentalist John McCutcheon has emerged as one of the most respected and loved folksingers. Folk music legend Tom Paxton’s songs are known to be fun and topical.
Michelle Malone Album Release, with opener
The Krickets
May 10. 8 p.m.
Michelle Malone’s musical roots run deep, twisting and turning through Southern rock, folk and country. The Krickets are an Americana trio and two-time IMA Song of the Year winner in both Folk and Alt Country categories.
May 18. 8 p.m.
Formed by brothers Will and Lee Haraway, The Sundogs grew up on the music of Tom Petty. In 2011, they launched “The Sundogs Present: The Tom Petty Show,” playing every song
Thursdays. 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Admission: free
Experienced Bridge players ages 50 and up are invited to participate in this trick-taking card game using a standard 52-card deck.
To register, contact Mary Fender at 678-357-6709 or maryrfender@yahoo.com.
an audience could possibly want to hear.
Wynn Varble to Benefit the American Cancer Society
May 24. 8 p.m.
In 2009, Wynn received the Nashville Songwriters Association’s Songwriter of the Year Award. He tours extensively and is currently signed with BMG. This show is billed as “Country Fights Cancer.”
The Legend Lives On: A Gordon Lightfoot Tribute, featuring Robin Bullock
May 25. 8 p.m.
As a way to keep Lightfoot’s body of work alive, Indie Award-winning guitarist Robin Bullock offers an evening of all the classic hits as well as many deep catalog finds.
Sofia Talvik
May 31. 8 p.m.
Blending Americana/Folk with Swedish roots, Sofia Talvik is a rare artist and avid storyteller with a voice comparable to giants like Joni Mitchell.
The Neon Queen
June 8. 8 p.m.
Performing the ‘ABBAsolutely Fabulous Tribute Show,’ the Neon Queen covers all the band’s hits as well as some musical mashups that feature other musical icons.
Third Saturday of the month. 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
All ages are welcome to share their robotics ideas.
To register contact Walter Burleson at 404-932-8108 or wlenbl@gmail.com.
This program helps Veterans cope with PTSD through music. Participants get 10 weeks of one-on-one lessons. When finished with lessons, participants receive a free guitar.
To register, contact Cliff Meinhardt at 404-234-8040. Learn more at guitars4vets.org.
Admission: free
For more information, contact JoAnne Leisen at 571-330-4730.
Last Tuesday of the month
Admission: free
Join in on the reading fun.
Every other Saturday. 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Admission: free
Chess for all ages. All experiences are welcomed.
To register, contact Tom Emch at 770605-0429 or ibemch@charter.net.
Second Saturday of the month
Admission: free
Residents aged 18 and up are invited to apply their creative talents to natural gourds.
Contact KMR01@aol.com for more info and the supply list. Call 678-2770920 for details
5600 W. Jones Bridge Rd., Peachtree Corners
facebook.com/FowlerY/ 770-246-9622
• Spring Season runs through May 4
One practice per week; games held on Saturday.
U6—Wednesdays or Thursdays, 6 p.m.; U8 Girls—Tuesdays, 5:15 p.m.; U8 Boys—Tuesdays, 6:15 p.m.
Fee: $120 for facility members; $145 for program members; fee includes uniform.
• Spring Season runs March 6-May 2
U4—Wednesdays, 5:15 p.m.
Fee: $93 for facility members; $118 for program members; fee includes uniform and ball.
The program focuses on building teamwork, sportsmanship and self-esteem. Register at ymcaatlanta. org. Reach out to Katieb@ymcaatlanta.org for more info.
Mondays. 11 a.m.
Grief and loss are two of the most
difficult emotions to face, but you don’t have to face them alone. This is a safe and caring environment for participants. Held in the Senior Meeting Room.
For more information, contact Ellie Garrett at ejgarrett@gmail.com.
Tuesdays. 11:45 a.m.
The YMCA’s weekly Caregivers Group provides a dedicated meeting space for caregivers to offer and receive emotional support. If you are providing care for a loved one, or want to learn more about long term caregiving, this group is for you. The group offers practical information while respecting confidentiality and encouraging camaraderie. Held in the Senior Meeting Room.
For more information, contact Mary Crawley at mcrawley@wans.net.
Every other Friday. 12:15 p.m.
For ages 50 and up, Lifelong Learners offers seniors the chance to come together and enjoy guest speakers, local field trips and spirited cultural discussions. Held in the Senior Center.
For more information, contact Rob Wilson at robertw@ymcaatlanta.org.
Other senior activities include:
• Canasta — Mondays, 2 p.m. in the Senior Meeting Room
• Dominoes — Thursdays, 10:45 a.m. in the Senior Meeting Room
5570 Spalding Drive, Peachtree Corners 30092 770-978-5154 | gwinnettpl.org
Thursday, April 4. 6-7 p.m.
A solar eclipse will occur April 8. Learn the science of eclipses, how to safely view them and make your own eclipse art. Solar eclipse glasses will be provided to those who register.
Monday, May 6. 4 p.m.
Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month with the story of Sadako and the 1,000 Cranes — and make your own origami cranes.
116 Carlyle St., Norcross | norcrossgalleryandstudios.org, 770-840-9844 Check their website for costs and up to date information.
April 11-May 18
Norcross High School Student Show (Juried)
May 10-18
Pigments of the Imagination ‘24 (Juried)
May 23-July 6
Figure & Portrait Study Sessions
Tuesdays, 1-4 p.m.
Organizers: Lynda Ellis, lyndaellis@ gmail.com; Anne Emerson Hall, annehallstudio@yahoo.com
Daytime Open Studio
Thursdays, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Organizer: Anne Labaire, labaireart@gmail.com
Evening Open Studio
Wednesdays, 6-9 p.m.
Organizer: Kathy Collins, mkcollinsart@gmail.com
Beginning/Intermediate Watercolor
Mondays, April 8, 15, 22. 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
See beautiful possibilities in this unique medium starting with the basics. Easy comprehensive class with personal attention.
Organizers: Lucy Brady, lucyart2@ yahoo.com; Anne Emerson Hall, annehallstudio@yahoo.com
Intermediate Oil Painting
Sundays, April 7, 14, 21, 28. 1-4 p.m.
This class covers techniques such as glazing, stumbling, impasto and grisaille under painting. It includes instructor demonstrations and feedback.
Organizer: Anne Emerson Hall, annehallstudio@yahoo.com
Wednesdays, April 10, 17. 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
What do you say when someone asks you what you do? You have about 30 seconds to get someone’s attention and convey key words or phrases to them that will encourage them to ask more questions. In these sessions, you will create, edit, and practice your pitch.
Organizers: Larry Hall, larry.hall@ yahoo.com; Anne Emerson Hall, annehallstudio@yahoo.com
Fridays, April 12, 19, 26 and May 10. 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Creating in the abstract can seem difficult because there is nothing to copy; everything has to come from conceptual ideas and inspirations. That very fact makes this form of art so exciting to create. The instructor leads students through the process one step at a time and provides individual attention.
Organizers: Chitra Ramanathan, Chitra.fineart@gmail.com; Anne Emerson Hall, annehallstudio@yahoo.com
Saturday-Sunday, May 4-5. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Students will learn the technique of creating a fabric collage attached to a canvas with adhesive; no sewing is required. Canvas and Mod Podge are supplied, along with a large variety of fabric. Beads, twine and buttons are added the second day to complete the project. There’s time to create two smaller works or one medium-size piece.
Organizer: Gail Lenahan, gaillenahan@comcast.net
Saturday, May 18. 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Get started with gel plate mono-printing. An assortment of mark-making and texture tools will be available for use, but students are encouraged to bring items to experiment with, such as stencils, stamps, masks and leaves.
Organizers: Anne Labaire, labaireart@gmail.com; Anne Hall, annehallstudio@yahoo.com
Singing birds, blossoming flowers and warmer days — the delights of spring herald the 26th annual Wesleyan Artist Market (WAM) in Peachtree Corners, a vibrant celebration of art.
Discerning art enthusiasts head to Wesleyan School, located just north of Atlanta, for a chance to explore paintings, photography, mixed media, ceramics, jewelry and beyond from over 80 professional artists.
Mark your calendars: this year’s market takes place Friday, April 26, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday, April 27, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Stop in and immerse yourself in creativity!
Returning to WAM for the second time is an artist who combines colors and textures not on canvas, but in an array of unique and lovely flowering vessels. Ashley Skandalakis, owner of Atlanta Planters, LLC, creates custom designs of planted pots to adorn your home or business and can fit all styles and budgets.
Before this southern belle raised in Americus, Ga. started playing in the dirt, she tried several different careers on for size — from interior design to pharmaceuticals, technology to entrepreneurship. Skandalakis took a sprout of an idea and turned it into a blooming, multi-million-dollar business with her Lappers dining trays. Now she’s well on her way to growing Atlanta Planters.
For the past five years, Skandalakis has been making metro Atlanta more beautiful one potted planting at a time. She attributes the company’s growth to her unique style, attention to detail, outstanding customer service and beautiful products.
After quitting her stint in the technology field, Skandalakis was in search of the next sensation
that would produce the same rush her tray invention and eight patents gave her. A friend opened a new Buckhead restaurant and Skandalakis offered to replant her waning orchids. The restauranteur, lacking time and funds, agreed.
Self-taught Skandalakis took the vessels home, gathered orchids and supplies, and created striking compositions embellished with interesting stakes, moss and other plants. Dining patrons were so impressed by her eye-catching creations that they requested her business card as she carried them through the restaurant during delivery.
“When you’re passionate about something, you figure it out as you go,” she said. “Every day you wonder, ‘What am I going to learn today?’”
At the suggestion of a painting class comrade, Skandalakis submitted photos of her fanciful florals to the Thomasville Antique Show. Two days later she committed to being a vendor in a show taking place in a week’s time.
“I had to source planters, orchids. I didn’t have a business license. I didn’t have business cards. I didn’t have a credit card processor. I didn’t have anything, but I pulled it all together. I stayed up till 1 o’clock in the morning making 45 orchid compositions. I really didn’t know how to do them, so it took me a long time,” Skandalakis shared.
Turning a $5,000 profit at that show in February
of 2020 made her realize she had a new business. When the pandemic shut everything down in March, Skandalakis pivoted to outdoor containers and embraced her budding bailiwick with verve. Busy beautifying outdoor spaces
Applying for a business license, building a social media presence and advertising led to some scheduled appointments. By May of that year, Skandalakis was fully booked creating seasonal planters for clients.
“Twice a year, I go to clients’ homes and make their planters gorgeous. If they need planters, I source those too. I love working with people to find the best containers for their space,” Skandalakis beamed.
It’s a carefully orchestrated juggling act to get everyone’s plantings done. The season begins on
April 15, when frost no longer poses a threat, and runs through the end of June. Winter pots are cleaned out and planted for the spring and summer. In October, the remnants of summer plantings are removed, and containers are replanted for fall and winter.
During the Christmas season, Atlanta Planters decorates fireplace mantles and front porches with handtied greenery, garland, lights and wreaths.
Annual trips to Europe further the flowerpot obsession. Her travels usually entail securing planters while endeavoring to piggyback on friends’ cargo containers to get them across the pond.
Several hundred planters can be found at her Marietta store on any given day. Skandalakis intentionally purchased a deep lot to house them all.
A variety of wholesale nurseries around the southeast supply Skandalakis with the highest quality plants. Annuals and perennials usually come from local nurseries. Larger landscaping plants come from all over the region where the heartiest plants intersect with competitive prices.
Though planters make up the majority of her business, those entrusting Skandalakis with their pots naturally began to ask her for landscaping advice as well. To better assist clients with landscape design, Skandalakis sharpened her skills at Emory University.
“I enjoy landscaping projects. Inspired by some of the world’s best landscape architects, I am constantly learning. It’s important to continue to grow,” she asserted.
A $600 minimum per planting session covers plants, healthy soil, fertilizer, plant toppers and labor. Skandalakis’ green thumb leaves clients happy with their containers.
Customers who’ve been with Atlanta Planters for a while trust the gardener’s judgment. They’re happy to allow her artistic liberty. Skandalakis knows her clients’ favorite colors and which loca-
The quest for unusual urns from across the globe excites the impresario who works with vendors to source the best, whether modern or traditional. Preferred supplier Elegant Earth makes handmade products in Birmingham, Ala. The owner is an Atlanta native who is featured in Veranda magazine this May.
Skandalakis searches online auctions for vintage and antique vessels. She also scours the trade market in High Point, N.C. When associates have shipping containers arriving from abroad, they often give Skandalakis first dibs at their treasures.
tions require shade or sun plants.
New clients are asked to provide pictures of their home, yard and planters. She believes the outside of the home should be an extension of the inside in terms of style — whether it’s modern, traditional or transitional.
Next, Skandalakis inquires about her clients’ sun/shade situation, access to irrigation, whether they have pets and if deer are an issue.
Are you a good plant parent? Skandalakis can plant superb succulents for those who may habitually “forget” to water their containers. A
building’s architecture and the client’s taste also can dictate what types of plants and containers are used.
Boxwoods in planters that tell a story look best on traditional properties. Grasses in sleek metal or concrete white pots are typical of modern estates.
Every day brings joy; clients are happy to see her arrive and enamored with their containers when she leaves. Skandalakis once daydreamed about people who loved their job; now she professes to be one of them.
“When you enjoy what you do, it’s not a job at all,” she smiled.
The same look of satisfaction spreads across her face when she speaks about having shown her children that we’re capable of anything we put our minds to, without limitations.
Last year Skandalakis was blown away by the phenomenal show where she made new acquaintances and gained clients. Her large planters adorned the Wesleyan campus outside as well as the gym. The show takes place during her busy planting season, so Skandalakis and her team worked on weekends to prepare.
Expect to find a variety of planter sizes and types in her booth — some planted — in addition to orchids, other plants, indoor compositions and appealing merchandise from her shop. Last year she brought cowhide chairs from a Texas auction.
Book Atlanta Planters
An enterprising lady behind two successful businesses, Skandalakis enjoys sharing her inspirational story with women’s groups.
Listen to her friendly Southern drawl as she introduces loads of products and her latest “Five Favorite Things” on Instagram @atlantaplanters.
To learn more about Atlanta Planters or to obtain a quote, visit atlantaplanters.net or call 706289-5736.
Stop by the Marietta flower shop for swoon-worthy, seasonal merchandise at 324 N. Fairground St. and find beautiful indoor plant compositions, orchids, gifts and an eclectic selection of indoor and outdoor planters. Skandalakis and her team can “plant them up” for you on site. ■
In the quaint setting of Madison, Ga., Elaine Jackson finds her muse. The quiet town allows for easy access to the mountains where she often escapes to stock stores like Dogwoods with her paintings.
Highlands, N.C. is like a second home for Jackson. She and her husband have been visiting there since before they were married; the town hasn’t changed much since then.
A self-taught floral and landscape painter, Jackson started her journey into creativity with an art class in her teen years. It wasn’t until much later that she fully embraced her passion for painting.
Born and raised in Macon, Ga., Jackson’s artistic journey took shape gradually. After obtaining a degree in advertising, she found herself working in a bustling Buckhead PR firm where she met her husband.
Upon starting a family, Jackson put her artistic pursuits on hold to focus on motherhood. Today, from her converted carriage house garage studio, she creates captivating works of art.
Once her daughters were grown, Jackson found the time to delve into her passion for painting. She began honing her skills, initially starting with watercolors and eventually transitioning into acrylics; she now uses both mediums.
Over the past twelve years, Jackson has dedicated herself to her art fulltime, tirelessly perfecting her métier through trial and error, self-exploration and occasional workshops.
Inspiration for Jackson’s artwork comes from various sources, whether it’s a place she’s visited, the picturesque landscapes of her surroundings, art galleries, design studios or even from pieces requested by clients.
Jackson finds comfort in exploring the scenic vistas where she’s lived and drawing from the unique beauty of each location. Her paintings are infused with personal significance.
“Many of the landscapes are reflective of where I’ve lived or visit often in the South which have special meaning to me. The coastal scenes reflect the Georgia/South Carolina coast or the Gulf in the Santa Rosa Beach area. The countryside pieces and pathways are inspired from when I lived in Franklin, Tenn. or visited North Carolina,” she said.
The painter’s preferred subject matter often revolves around hydrangeas. Her floral paintings exude a sense of serenity and harmony, drawing
viewers into a world of lush foliage and vibrant colors.
What sets Jackson’s work apart is her distinctive style which she describes as abstract impressionism — a delicate balance between realism and abstraction. Through loose brushstrokes, palette knife sgraffitos and a harmonious blend of colors, she captures nature in a way that resonates with viewers, inducing feelings of tranquility.
“It’s not abstract to the point where you can’t recognize what you’re looking at. I want people to still identify with it, but it’s looser than a realistic painting. It’s like a transitional in between,” Jackson explained.
Her signature blue-green palette, inspired by her love for the color green, has become synonymous with her artwork, sought after by collectors and interior designers alike.
It’s helpful that it’s a popular color scheme in decorating. Working with several interior designers, Jackson stays abreast of trends. People moving to Lake Oconee often commission work from the artist. Her shades of green and blue are ideal for lake houses.
“I’m trying to work myself into other hues. I have to keep those colors off my palette, or I’ll gravitate back to them,” Jackson said. She plans to explore different colors in new paintings and collect customer feedback received by the shops carrying her work.
Jackson remains dedicated to her craft. Her work ethic and perseverance have paid off, earning her recognition and admiration from art buffs and collectors.
Initially, it was challenging to get her artwork into stores. However, Jackson’s influence has grown in step with her social media presence. She’s paid her dues and today shops pursue her.
The artist is thankful to have built up her business. “I’m slowly trying to spread myself across the country,” Jackson revealed.
Although her daughters encourage her to take time off, Jackson finds it difficult. She’s in business for herself and feels the studio, just two doors away from the kitchen, calling.
A steady base of realtors keeps Jackson painting watercolor home portraits that they gift to their clients. They’re popular at Christmas, too.
As Jackson’s artistry continues to evolve, she remains grateful for the opportunity to share her passion with the world. With each painting she invites viewers to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature for a moment of respite from the chaos of everyday life.
Jackson paints large canvases (48”x48”) as requested by designers. Though she was once “scared to death” of them, the large-scale pieces allow her to immerse herself in the creative process, granting her the freedom to express herself with fluidity and spontaneity.
She often incorporates texture into her paintings using palette knives, sponges and even unconventional tools like sticks from the yard, adding depth and dimension to her compositions.
Despite the demands of maintaining inventory for shows, her website, multiple galleries and interior design shops across Georgia, Tennessee and the Carolinas, as well as fulfilling commissions,
The cost of framing large pieces is so prohibitive, Jackson paints the edges of gallery-wrapped canvases so they don’t require a frame. This leaves framing up to clients; some like gold, others want silver or wood. Many prefer to keep the paintings frameless.
Jackson does frame some of her smaller pieces (24”x24”, or 16”x20”). Usually, she uses modern floater frames. They’re not too expensive and they elevate the presentation of the work.
Her watercolor pieces are normally framed, but the artist also keeps some in a folder. People can purchase them loose and select frames to fit both their space and aesthetic.
Everything old is new again
Recently, Jackson has been exploring antique stores in search of old frames. There’s a treasure trove to be found with intricate designs and aged beauty. The artist has identified a growing appreciation for blending vintage elements with contemporary decor. She loves the thrill of the hunt!
Jackson repurposes the frames for special paintings that she thinks are fitting. Their ornate, almost gothic appearance reminiscent of a bygone era finds renewed admiration.
Other than applying a subtle wash to tone down excessively dark gold hues, the artist prefers to leave the frames untouched, allowing their original splendor to shine through. This endeavor has proven fruitful; her ornately framed pieces quickly find appreciative homes.
Preparing for art shows requires careful consideration. Jackson strives to offer a diverse selection of paintings in various sizes, styles and price points from $150 to $4,500, catering to the preferences of different patrons.
A mix of florals and landscapes — from small, intimate pieces to large, statement-making canvases — ensures there’s something for everyone.
The painter suggested a series of framed landscape paintings 20”x by 20” as a good idea for shows. Each one works as a standalone piece or can be configured in groupings. Instead of having to purchase one huge piece, people might get a few smaller ones to fit a space.
Jackson has been exhibiting at WAM since 2015, gaining a number of followers in the area. She appreciates the indoor luxuries and looks forward to client interactions.
“It has consistently been a good, well-attended show each year,” she said.
Those seeking to experience Jackson’s talent firsthand can find her work in galleries and design studios across the South. To inquire about purchasing a painting or commissioning a custom piece, visit her website at ejacksonart.com or follow her on Instagram @ejcolors.
Jackson’s artistic journey is a testament to the transformative power of creativity and the profound connection between artist and audience. Through her paintings, she invites us to pause and find solace in the timeless beauty of nature. ■
■ WebbMarsteller in Peachtree Hills, Atlanta
■ Sunshine Village Art Gallery in Watkinsville
■ Dogwoods Home in Clayton
■ Ocmulgee Arts in Macon
■ Julep Gallery on St. Simons Island
■ Zeb Grant Design Home in Madison
In her childhood days in Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., Meagan Brooker longed to paint the sky and clouds on her bedroom ceiling. Her earliest memories include a yearning to express her creativity.
The little girl who once begged her mother for art supplies and classes was first encouraged to pursue her passion and develop her skills by a high school art teacher.
“I was doing a Georgia O’Keeffe replica in oil pastels. She walked up behind me and said, “Whoa, you’re really talented!” You always remember those who encourage you to do what you love,” Brooker stated.
Despite an early penchant for photography, Brooker’s family encouraged her to pursue pre-med studies at the University of Georgia. “Use your brain,” they told her. “You’re smart, make some money.”
But Brooker realized she didn’t want to study science for four years, much less practice medicine for the rest of her life. It simply didn’t interest her. Conversely, shifting to art second semester caused her to flourish, feel divinely inspired and never look back.
While her mom was supportive, her dad would’ve likely continued to endorse a medical school path had he not passed away when she was in secondary school. She majored in Art Education at the University of Georgia.
Brooker transitioned to Wesleyan School after teaching elementary art in Gwinnett County for two years and participating in a year-long mission trip to Kentucky. During her second year at Wesleyan, she began working towards a Master of Studio Art degree at New York University.
Brooker has been a freelance artist for decades. She currently resides in Duluth. She’s been teaching high school art and witnessing the growth of Wesleyan’s visual arts program for 17 years.
From photography and ceramics to drawing and painting, Brooker loves working with and teaching just about all types of art. Painting with a plenitude of textures and washes of color is her favorite.
Once her young sons have gone to bed, Brooker can be found painting in her home studio surrounded by her work, an easel, tables and storage shelves.
The industrious working mom laments a lack of time. She craves longer stints in the studio to develop more robust work, both conceptually and physically.
For Brooker, painting is meditative self-care.
It takes her away from the tasks of her daily life, fulfilling a need for self-expression and recreating the world around her. She derives satisfaction from depicting on canvas what she’s experienced while traveling.
Brooker’s fascination with winged creatures began with seeing Raphael’s cupids when she was young. Later, she became enamored with birds on a wire and recently, she’s been painting birds and butterflies in flight. To the artist, they represent hope and resilience.
Her work is a pictorial ode to her father’s passing with spiritual undertones. Brooker finds flying animals and insects enchanting because they’re harbingers of something bigger than us. The artist believes there is more to this world than what we know and see.
Wishing to spread beauty, calm and joy in the
universe, Brooker creates artwork that reflects her personal experiences, wishes and dreams.
“When clients are moved by the same sentiment, it is a beautiful, spiritual connection,” she said.
The artist calls her 3”x3” and 6”x6” canvases “Little Loves.” Inspiration for these fast-selling pieces stems from a sentiment, quote or Bible verse featured on them.
Reflecting on the chosen words inspires the colors, textures and patterns the artist uses to represent them. Seeing clients emotionally drawn to her work warms Brooker’s heart. It tickles her to know that some pray and meditate with her tiny paintings before them on mini easels.
Brooker’s art
Brooker produces whimsical, textured and painterly acrylics on canvas ranging in size from 8”x8” to 46”x60”. Most of her canvases are 20”x30”. She works primarily with thicker acrylic paints, spellbound by the effects of experimenting with washes to create layers of unpredictable textures.
Palette knives are her tools of choice when creating texture with thick body Liquitex acrylic and Golden high flow acrylics. Intrigued by the unexpected, Brooker described her process.
“I cover every canvas with a layer of acrylic washes [water dotted with different colors of acrylic that bleed like watercolor and create a textural background] and however they land, color and texture-wise, I build from that as I’m inspired. I love that you don’t really know how it’s going to turn out at first,” she explained.
Robin’s egg blue, Payne’s gray (a dark blue-grey), golds, teals and some neutrals dominate Brooker’s palette. She’s drawn to abstraction because it’s harder than it looks, she said.
“Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” – David
Traveling inspires Brooker’s landscapes. Working from pictures taken on her trips, she paints sceneries that captivated her, aiming to replicate their loveliness and the emotions she felt there.
“Italy is my heart,” she said, recalling her Cinque Terre series. She also painted an Ecuador series, enthralled by its mountains and verdant hills.
As an art teacher, Assistant Director of Fine Arts, Head of Visual Arts and a veteran exhibitor, Brooker has an insider’s perspective on the market. She sees how it comes together full circle.
She witnesses parents volunteering to put on this hugely successful event, giving generously of their time to the school. In turn, the faculty has more funds to better support students.
“It’s a beautiful testament to how much they care about the school and our mission. I’m very thankful,” she said.
Through her dedication to art education and her unwavering commitment to her craft, Brooker inspires others to embrace their creativity.
To view and purchase Brooker’s work, find her on Instagram @meaganbrookerfineart. ■
Watch, or listen to our podcast with Wesleyan student artists Esther Cooper and Bree Hill Watch, or listen to our podcast with Meagan Brooker
Anyone who’s been paying attention is aware of the volatile real estate market across the entire U.S. since the pandemic. Historically low interest rates led to a frenzy of homebuyers vying for properties even as prices skyrocketed.
The interest rates began to climb in mid-2022 and things have cooled a bit since then. Still, real estate professionals agree that the housing market in Peachtree Corners has — and is expected to — remain strong.
The Nancy Minor Team — Nancy Minor, founder/realtor, The Nancy Minor Team and Laurie Rogers, partner/realtor — stated that Peachtree
Corners is expected to maintain an average appreciation rate of around 5-6% in home values. They reported that homes for sale in the city stay on the market for an average of 10 days and have an average sales price of $619,550.
“The allure of our city has grown even stronger due to recent developments,” Nancy explained. “Several key factors contribute to making Peachtree Corners an ideal place to reside, including the strength of our schools and the emphasis on technology through initiatives like the incubator program at Curiosity Lab.”
that lead to the Chattahoochee River.
Laurie said that, based on years of experience, she and Nancy understand that the market is subject to change, and are prepared to adapt accordingly.
“While we cannot predict all new external factors that may impact our values, we currently anticipate a decline in interest rates and an increase in inventory, resulting in more homes being sold,” Laurie said. “This creates an opportunity for first-time homeowners who have been struggling to find a home within their price range.”
According to Nancy, Peachtree Station is one of Peachtree Corner’s most sought after communities, with more than 700 homes, tree-lined streets and top notch recreational facilities.
She shared a trivia fact about the neighborhood: “Did you know that every street in Peachtree Station is named after a city in Georgia?”
Another popular community is North River Crossing, close to Simpsonwood Park. Its upscale estate homes feature sprawling lots and lush wooded surroundings. Also drawing interest is a new neighborhood in Peachtree Corners — Waterside, a development by The Providence Group.
By Kathy DeanNancy added that Forbes magazine has recognized Peachtree Corners as the best place in Georgia to raise a family. With over 200 acres of green space, Peachtree Corners offers plenty of opportunities for hiking and strolling pathways
“It’s a community of single family homes, townhomes and condos bordered by the Chattahoochee River,” Laurie said. “This development caught our eye with the quick pace of sales and the fantastic amenities overlooking the Chattahoochee River.”
Nancy noted that while things are shifting,
it’s still a seller’s market. “This is great news for sellers. However, you’ll still want to prepare your home and price wisely,” she said.
On the other hand, homebuyers need agents who can navigate a seller’s market. “Your ability to buy your dream home may be based on how an offer is structured, Nancy said.
“Real estate activity in Peachtree Corners, like most of metro Atlanta, seemed to ebb in the second half of 2023, aligning with the impact of increased interest rates,” explained Elizabeth Kay Pinder, Agent, Harry Norman REALTORS®. “Although the rates were climbing slowly throughout the year, homes continued to sell.”
Pinder said that the lack of inventory is affect-
ing the market in Peachtree Corners — and all of metro Atlanta.
“There is an increasing demand for homes in Peachtree Corners, and that is not going away. The rate of closings, the volume of inventory, the days on market, multiple offers over list…those factors fluctuate according to the economy, but the demand remains,” she said. “Buying a home in Peachtree Corners is a very good value …and our city gets better by the minute!”
Pinder is optimistic for growth in the market for the rest of 2024. “We have distanced ourselves enough from the craziness of interest rates in the 2021-2022 market that people are now willing to accept rates in the 6% range and come back into the market,” she explained. “The frenzy of an extreme sellers’ market is fading, and buyers now have some negotiating power.”
Still, she noted, she expects homes to sell fast due to the tight inventory. And the market is strong for both single family homes and for townhomes/condominiums.
“The established neighborhoods, such as Amberfield, Linfield, Peachtree Station, Neely Farm, Avocet, Highcroft, Williamsport, …are consistently strong in sales and tight on inventory,” Pinder said. “The newer townhomes along 141 and near the Town Center seem to be very popular as well!”
She said that her advice to buyers is that if they’re ready to buy a home, don’t wait for interest rates or home prices to drop. “Do not try to ‘time the market’,” Pinder stressed.
She urged them to buy the home they can afford right now, since the sooner buyers purchase a home, the sooner they’ll begin building equity.
Sellers, she noted, should emotionally separate themselves from the homes they’re selling. “They’ll benefit from presenting their home clutter-free, de-personalized and as updated and fresh as they’re able,” Pinder said. “The market in Peachtree Corners is strong, but homes do sit on the market if they’re not priced and presented well.”
Real estate in Peachtree Corners is doing very well, according to Matthew Meide, Keller Williams Realty Chattahoochee North. “People want to move out to the suburbs where you get more bang for your buck, excellent schools and excellent shopping and amenities,” he said.
He added that Peachtree Corners is drawing a huge amount of homebuyer interest.
“You have a booming Town Center with a lot of restaurants and shopping, an amazing green space for families to enjoy and free entertainment in the spring and summer months,” Meide explained. “You also have The Forum, right across the street, that has tons of additional shopping and amenities. You have beautiful public parks and hiking trails at Simpsonwood Park and Jones Bridge Park.”
He said that when the new massive Intuitive Surgical property off Triangle Parkway is completed, it will draw plenty of new jobs to the area and even more demand for housing.
“I think Peachtree Corners, in general, is one of the best-positioned cities in all of metro Atlanta due to its location, excellent schools, shopping and amenities,” he noted.
Meide expects things to continue to heat up significantly in 2024.
“When you add in the fact that mortgage rates are trending downward, I am expecting a huge wave of buyers that were sent to the sidelines the last two years to re-enter the market in 2024 and drive prices upward,” he said. “I believe property values are going to appreciate very well in 2024 and beyond.”
Right now, Meide said, it’s a great time to be a buyer OR a seller due to extremely limited supply and robust demand. “If you’re a seller, I believe you can take advantage of the sellers’ market and sell your home for a massive premium,” he said.
“And if you’re a buyer, I believe you will be able to reap the benefits of a market that will continue appreciating for a very long time, which puts equity in your pocket,” Meide predicted.
According to Teri Ehrlich, Realtor® & Team Lead, Teri Ehrlich Homes, Peachtree Corners is a very desirable market and is continuing its strong
demand into 2024.
“The fabulous location and proximity to Atlanta, as well as the redevelopment of The Forum and the Town Center, are big draws,” Ehrlich said. “Tech Park is another factor driving the demand.”
The Simpson Elementary district is also a huge draw, she added, as are communities with walkability to shops, restaurants and parks.
Ehrlich said she expects the market to stay strong through 2024. “Prices are still appreciating, and inventory is still low, generating multiple offers on most properties,” she stated.
She advised anyone who is planning to sell — whether in two months or two years — to reach out to an experienced agent “…to get advice regarding your individual property and what you need to do to properly position yourself to maximize the return on your investment,” Ehrlich said.
“Our region has become increasingly attractive to both current residents and newcomers,” said Maggie Diaz, real estate agent, Virtual Properties Realty. This is due in part to the establishment of Peachtree Corners Town Center and the reformation of The Forum.
Diaz said she expects increased activity as the spring and summer seasons of 2024 approach.
“With lower interest rates, individuals will find themselves with greater purchasing power, encouraging them to consider real estate investments and potential moves, whether it involves
selling and buying, or solely purchasing,” she said. She noted that Waterside in Peachtree Corners caters to buyers of all ages and Berkeley Lake remains in high demand, given it is one of the few lake communities conveniently situated near major interstates and highways.
Diaz strongly suggests that buyers don’t wait to invest in real estate. “Some people are considering waiting until interest rates drop. Although lower future rates could potentially reduce borrowing costs, the anticipated increase in home prices between now and the projected rate change might offset any gains in buying power,” she explained. She encouraged sellers to get their properties listed soon.
“Updated, move-in ready homes are increasingly favored by homebuyers today due to the challenges of high construction costs and lengthy renovation delays,” Diaz shared. “Older, more affordable neighborhoods also maintain high demand, particularly among first-time homebuyers.”
“The market is down compared to previous years, but activity was steady in 2023 — and 2024 is starting off the same,” said Michele Parrish, Realtor, NRES, CrossPointe Realty.
“I think things will likely stay the course in 2024,” Parrish said. “I don’t anticipate a significant change until the interest rates come down. High interest rates are not only impacting first-time homebuyers but continue to influence homeown-
ers’ decisions whether to sell or not.”
She stressed that low inventory continues to impact sales and entry-level properties are hard to come by.
She has sold several homes in the Lockridge Forest neighborhood on Winters Chapel Road. “The neighborhood seems to be quite popular for its affordability, offering well-built homes on large lots and close proximity to Atlanta,” Parrish said.
Her advice to homebuyers and sellers is to talk with a local Realtor. “We can be a very good resource for local market information. For first time buyers, understanding the true cost of homeownership is critical and a good Realtor will help you with that,” she said.
“For sellers, pricing your home properly is everything! If your home is not priced correctly it will sit on the market — or worse, not sell at all,” Parrish stated.
Homeowners have been sitting on low interest rates that they can’t replace, so they’ve just stayed put, according to Ginny Nevins, broker/owner, Windsor Realty.
“Already, I see much more activity this year — pent-up buyers are breaking loose and realizing they don’t have the bidding wars that were prevalent in the last few years. They’ll go ahead and buy now and refinance when the rates dip,” she said.
Nevins explained that investing in real estate is a good way to build long-term wealth and stay ahead of inflation. And, she added, Peachtree Corners and the surrounding area is a great place to invest.
“Top-notch schools, walkability and easy access to shopping and entertainment …will continue to keep our market strong,” Nevins said.
She explained that Berkeley Lake is a huge draw for those who want to enjoy a laid-back, lake lifestyle while remaining close to Atlanta.
She is also marketing the new development of high-end townhomes in Peachtree Corners, across from Town Center on Medlock Bridge Road. The homes will have four bedrooms and four-and-ahalf baths as well as four levels of elevator access leading to the rooftop patio.
The bottom line, Nevins said, is “…we are in a stable, vibrant part of Atlanta with great shopping, schools and everything that promises you a great investment in real estate.”
Courtesy of Maggie Diaz Ginny Nevins Michele Parrish Maggie Diaz“The outlook for 2024 is much brighter,” said Holly Norman, REALTOR with RE/MAX Center.
Interest rates were the biggest factor affecting the market, for both buyers and sellers, she said. And she expects the market to heat up as spring and summer approach, for several reasons.
“First, there is an overwhelming prediction by industry experts that the Federal Reserve will drop rates mid-year as inflation cools. …Second, inventory is still falling short of demand. The properties that are priced in line with their true value and are prepped and ready to sell tend to sell quickly, and oftentimes get multiple offers in the current market,” she said.
Also, 2024 is an election year.
“If the past is any indication of the future, we can expect pressure to be put on Congress to prop up the economy. Housing is a huge part of the overall economy of our country, so helping the market become unstuck will be a priority,” Norman said.
“If you’re a homebuyer, the time to start your home search is now,” she advised. “Yes, the rate is likely higher than it will be by the end of the year, but home prices are also likely to tick up by year end.”
She added that a good rule of thumb is when
the rate drops 1%, it’s time to consider a refinance.
“If you’re a home seller, we do not have enough inventory of move-in ready homes to keep up with demand,” Norman said. “Eventually builders will have built enough to help bring this back into balance and the overall market will continue to correct itself. Until then, though, you have an opportunity to capitalize on the equity gains in your current home and take advantage of what is still a seller’s market.” ■
December 31st, 2024, will mark the conclusion of the distinguished, seven-term service of Dr. Mary Kay Murphy on the Gwinnett County Board of Education — District III. Until then, Dr. Murphy remains actively engaged
and dedicated to the important work of Georgia’s largest school district.
The pivotal role the community plays in identifying thoughtful candidates of ethical conduct could not be better highlighted than by Dr. Murphy’s 28 years on the board.
Reflecting on the impending end of her tenure
By Patrizia Winsper Photos by Tracey Riceand her involvement in setting the goals of the school system, which she has relished being a part of Dr. Murphy stated, “I’m sorry it’s coming to an end. There’s an attachment that comes with these experiences. I can’t believe how much I’ve enjoyed it and will miss it.”
The many important roles Dr. Murphy will cherish include chairing the Gwinnett Board and the Georgia School Board Association, serving on the Seventh District Advisory Committee for local school board governance and the Governor’s Advisory Committee on school boards.
Her multi-faceted career provided valuable insights into public school education and state-level funding, benefiting both rural and urban Georgia. A rather extraordinary woman herself, Dr. Mur-
phy humbly treasures memories of having worked with many remarkable individuals.
Dr. Murphy’s journey began amid fears surrounding the system’s decision to embrace Outcomes Based Education (OBE). OBE is a student-centered learning model which focuses on what students know without relying on rote memorization. As the community geared-up for the 1996 elections, worried citizens rallied to prevent what they felt would be a lowering of academic standards in favor of social promotion, where students might advance to the next grade without meeting proficiency levels.
It was a pressing issue casting a shadow of concern over the future of public education when Dr. Murphy began her first term in January of 1997. She commended the community’s united front, emphasizing their collective concern for the well-being and educational outcomes of all children, not just their own.
This grassroots movement spurred the need for change and the election of new board members including Dr. Murphy, who shared the community’s vision for a robust and equitable education system. Recalling her entry into the role, Dr. Murphy revealed that initially her husband, Michael Murphy, was the intended candidate due to his extensive legal background.
However, he declined because he wanted to focus on his practice, recommending they consider “someone he knew at home” who’d be perfect. Dr. Murphy stepped into the role, supported by her husband who served as her campaign manager throughout her seven terms. She joked that they had only themselves to blame for nearly three decades of many cold or late dinners.
Dr. Murphy emphasized the importance of honest leadership, with a deep-seated commitment to prioritizing public education. During her initial victory she secured 63% of the vote, underscoring the community’s trust in her capabilities.
Throughout her tenure, community feedback played a significant role in shaping her decision to
seek reelection. Recognizing the value of introducing a fresh perspective to the board is what guided her choice not to seek an eighth term.
Dr. Murphy values the magnitude of each board member’s role and broader impact. Every vote affects over a million people — residents, students and neighbors — as it applies to the entire county’s population, not just to their respective districts. The responsibility of shaping educational policies and initiatives is one she has always taken very seriously.
According to Dr. Murphy, Gwinnett County found a beacon of hope in Mr. J. Alvin Wilbanks,
when the former president of Gwinnett Technical College assumed the role of superintendent. Under 25 years of his leadership, the school system witnessed significant innovations aimed at addressing students’ academic, social, physical and emotional needs.
One of the most notable achievements during Mr. Wilbanks’ tenure was the recognition of Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) by the Broad Foundation as the Best Urban Public School System in the nation in 2010 and 2014. This acknowledgment, accompanied by $1,500,000 in scholarship awards, highlighted the strides made in closing the achievement gap and ensuring educational excellence for all learners.
To combat fears of social promotion stemming from OBE, GCPS pioneered the specialized Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum. This approach led to the school system developing its own standards of excellence which many deem to be higher than those set forth by the State of Georgia.
GCPS teachers are required to teach their academic programs incorporating the AKS component of their discipline. Dr. Murphy is proud of the access teachers have to professional development, allowing them to make the AKS curriculum their own.
Dr. Murphy highlighted various initiatives aimed at meeting diverse student needs. Some of the work of which she is most proud includes being present at the onset of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programs offered at Norcross and Shiloh High Schools, Pinckneyville and Summerour Middle Schools, and Peachtree Elementary School.
The IB programs, with globally recognized standards, are designed to be academically rigorous while promoting intercultural understanding,
inspiring young minds to work towards a better world. Never has a cross-cultural approach to creating a just and peaceful world been more important than now.
“It took the vote of five and the leadership of the superintendent to bring that to fruition. It also took insight from the community that thought this was a good use of taxpayers’ money,” Dr. Murphy explained.
The Dual-Language Immersion (DLI) programs coincide with research — the time to learn a second language is during the formative years of childhood. GCPS’ 50/50 Model means at least 50% of the day is spent learning in the target language.
Tripp Elementary School (ES) offers French. Baldwin ES offers Spanish. Students study Korean at Parsons ES. The New Life Academy of Excellence Charter School provides instruction in Mandarin Chinese. Every year it is a leader in student performance.
DLI has been a great investment, in Dr. Mur -
a quality education and the support needed to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Many parents participate in the good works of local schools by donating their time and talents even after their kids have gone to college. “It’s been an amazing thing to see their spirit of philanthropy continue,” Dr. Murphy remarked.
“I think District III is in extremely good shape. We’ve got tremendous principals, community members who truly care about these schools and a variety of schools to meet student needs,” she observed.
According to Dr. Murphy, the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) has greatly enhanced school system facilities. The community’s unwavering support for SPLOST referendums has enabled rapid growth and expansion through the construction of 76 new schools since 1997. Norcross High School, funded in part by SPLOST revenues, stands as a testament to the community’s commitment to investing in public education infrastructure.
phy’s view. “It’s an amazing thing to see little folks taking on the responsibility and being alert to the benefits of learning a second language,” she shared.
Dr. Murphy lauded the community’s philanthropic efforts, citing the Norcross High School Foundation for Excellence as an exemplary model of parent-led initiatives. Through events like annual galas, the foundation has raised funds to support teacher grants, after-school programs and infrastructure improvements, enriching the educational experience of scholars for over 20 years.
As Dr. Murphy reminisced about her own experience as a board member, she underscored the profound impact of community engagement and collaboration in shaping the trajectory of public education in Gwinnett County. Through shared vision, advocacy and tireless dedication, stakeholders have transformed challenges into opportunities, ensuring that every child receives
Under the leadership of the Superintendent, the board works to balance the yearly budget, thereby steering the course of property taxes and allocations. Dr. Murphy revealed this year’s budget to be approximately $2.8 billion dollars and was happy to announce the 19.2 school millage rate would remain the same.
“Even though some of our housing properties have increased in value, our millage rate will not increase. We’ve been able to keep it steady for almost seven years,” Dr. Murphy shared.
During the economic downfall of 2008, Governor Nathan Deal’s Austerity Cuts included $100,000,000 out of the state budget for public education. Dr. Murphy is proud that GCPS, through the leadership of the superintendent and his staff, made certain that teachers were able to keep 190-day contracts.
“This did not happen in many school systems, where the funding of the property tax would not allow for it. We saw teachers’ salaries cut to 140 days,” Dr. Murphy said.
It’s difficult to fathom the logistics of the largest school district in Georgia — the 11th largest in the U.S. GCPS includes 144 schools. When Dr. Murphy first started there were nine schools in District III. Today, her district comprises 30 schools.
Calling attention to the remarkable high schools, some of the largest in the country including Norcross, Duluth, Peachtree Ridge, North Gwinnett and Paul Duke STEM, Dr. Murphy celebrates the options available to students.
“The Norcross cluster was the first to provide
two high schools for students so that they and their parents could have an opportunity for school choice. That took place approximately five years ago, when Paul Duke opened,” Dr. Murphy beamed.
Paul Duke STEM High School on Peachtree Industrial Boulevard was named after the Georgia Tech graduate who founded Peachtree Corners. Dr. Murphy recalled the day of dedication with an auditorium bursting at the seams with Duke’s Georgia Tech colleagues and people who built Peachtree Corners.
Opening two high schools was the solution as Norcross could no longer increase its enrollment to accommodate the rampant growth in District III. Norcross High School maintained its important niche with the IB program from kindergarten through senior year.
Paul Duke became a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) school — in keeping with the purpose behind the founding of Peachtree Corners — to provide technology jobs that would keep Georgia Tech graduates and engineers from moving out of state.
Just down the street from Paul Duke is an alternative school, The GIVE Center West or Gwinnett Intervention Education serving grades 6 through 12. It aims to prepare students for graduation and transition back to their home school if they wish, with improved academic and behavioral skills.
Since 2014, The North Metro Academy of Performing Arts has brought a new dimension for elementary school families craving something beyond the standard curriculum by integrating it with the performing arts. Instruction at North Metro fosters collaboration, imagination and confidence.
One regret Dr. Murphy expressed was the board’s unfortunate 2023 decision to change the GCPS discipline policy. She readily admits that she initially went along with it believing teachers and principals would receive the professional development needed to make Restorative Justice work with students.
Restorative Justice is defined by Dr. Murphy as a commitment to the relaxation of the initiatives that would punish a student for behavior. “The relaxation was felt from the top of the organization to the bottom. We had unbelievable student unrest, students fighting one another, bringing weapons to school, losing their mooring, basically,” Dr. Murphy recounted.
The aim of Restorative Justice is to have students understand their inappropriate behavior and be self-motivated to change it. A restructuring of student relationships with teachers and counselors is a component of the lighter discipline model.
As a former teacher, I could not refrain from wondering aloud, “How did this happen?” I learned it was the election promise of some board members.
“Elections have consequences,” Dr. Murphy
warned. Not far into the process, Dr. Murphy rescinded her vote to support the change in discipline and insisted on a mid-course correction.
Crediting Superintendent Dr. Calvin Watts for finding a pathway, Dr. Murphy believes things are moving in the right direction now. “It was a hard lesson and I’m confident our board has learned from it,” she stated.
After Mr. Wilbanks was Superintendent for 25 years, Dr. Watts has risen to meet the challenge of managing both changes and stability.
Yet she remains positive and hopeful about what the coming months will bring.
“There’s an awareness and we have every benefit of some awfully good minds. If there’s one thing we have, it’s a lot of brain power throughout 183,000 students and 25,000 teachers and principals,” Dr. Murphy remarked.
A generous allotment of federal money, approximately $1,000,000,000, was contributed to the school system by the federal government with the stipulation that it must be spent by September 2024. The money has been instrumental in easing students back into school after extended absences due to COVID.
“It has helped us employ counselors in larger numbers than we’ve had before, social workers, people who can help us face the challenges from COVID. With budget season ahead, the board is now challenged with providing those services without federal funding,” Dr. Murphy said.
While school board members are evaluated at the ballot box, as Dr. Murphy pointed out, principals and teachers are evaluated by parents and their students. Dr. Murphy feels the online evaluations provide meaningful feedback.
Aside from her day job, Dr. Murphy spent three years traveling in the name of institutional advancement. Fulfilling her role as adjunct professor was important to her. Traveling to Nashville on weekends, Dr. Murphy taught English at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College. For three additional years she did the same at LaGrange College near Columbus, Ga.
At Vanderbilt Dr. Murphy had about 15 students from all over the
country keeping the same weekend schedule. Directing the programs at both colleges, she was glad to follow her students over the course of their three-year programs.
After her final term
After wrapping-up her school board endeavors on December 31, 2024, you can find Dr. Murphy enriching the community from the board of The Georgia Humanities Council.
Championing the humanities, which have added value to the lives of so many besides her own family, Dr. Murphy shared, “The humanities have a historic role to play in creating critical thinkers engaged in community life. I’m looking forward to being a part of this organization and meeting people from all over the state. I’m thinking how appreciative I am of the humanities teachers and professors in GCPS and in the state.”
With her husband, Dr. Murphy looks forward to creating memories and spending quality time with their 11-year-old twin grandchildren — one boy and one girl. They’ll be cheering for them on the baseball field and basketball court.
In the same breath that she expressed the desire not to get too regimented, Dr. Murphy confided, “There’s nothing like a good project to work on.”
Despite her decision to step down, Dr. Murphy remains steadfast in her dedication to education, acknowledging that the work is far from finished. Looking back on her impactful career, she expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve her community through the advancement of public education.
Although she’s been recognized in many ways for her steadfast service, two awards hold special meaning for her: the Paul Duke Lifetime Achievement in Education award and the Boy Scout award.
Dr. Murphy concluded, “I’ll always have a great place in my heart for the work on the Gwinnett County Board of Education. It’s given me so much joy and a sense of continuity. There’s always something to learn and it’s important to remember to bring others along.”
Preparing to pass the baton to a new generation of leaders, Dr. Murphy’s legacy of integrity, dedication and passion for education will undoubtedly leave a lasting imprint on the Gwinnett County School System. ■
The International Charter Academy of Georgia (ICAGeorgia) is celebrating a big milestone. The Georgia State Charter School Commission (SCSC) approved its plan to expand. They will add a middle school for sixth through eighth grades. The SCSC has also awarded ICAGeorgia a standard five-year charter renewal.
Both decisions stem from the school’s track record of academic, financial and organizational performance according to the SCSC Comprehensive Performance Framework (CPF).
ICAGeorgia was founded in 2018. It has an innovative educational approach. It offers a K-5 dual language program in English and Japanese. Core subjects are taught in both languages.
The school is dedicated to academic excellence, as shown by its outstanding “Content Mastery” score of 91.4%, which puts it in the top 18% of all Georgia elementary schools. ICAGeorgia also has a student math score of 98.28%, which highlights its commitment to fostering problem-solving and achievement.
“We are thrilled to embark on this new chapter, empowering our students to thrive academically and culturally and become global citizens as envisioned in our mission statement,” said Robert Johnson, Chairman of the Board of ICAGeorgia. ■
Mayor Mike Mason and Peachtree Corners Business Association (PCBA) members recently held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the grand opening of the new All About Kids Therapy Services office in Peachtree Corners.
Established in 1999 in Lawrenceville, All About Kids Therapy Services has provided exceptional pediatric physical and occupational therapy.
The new clinic at 3240 Pointe Parkway, Suite 200, enhances the city’s healthcare offerings, especially for children. Situated strategically at the crossroads of Peachtree Industrial Blvd and Peachtree Pkwy, the new location is poised to serve a broader community, reaching Southwest Gwinnett County, North Dekalb and Northeast Fulton.
“The city council and I are delighted that you have chosen Peachtree Corners to expand your business. We are pleased to have quality therapy services for the children in our business-friendly city,” Mayor Mike Mason shared.
With over 24 years of experience, the organization specializes in a range of services, including SOS Feeding Therapy and Early Intervention Services, across three locations in Georgia.
Its partnership with KidSpeech allows a comprehensive treatment approach, affirming the city’s commitment to accessible, high-quality therapeutic care for children.
For more information, visit allaboutkidstherapyservices.com. ■
The photos of mothers in Peachtree Corners captured by members of the Peachtree Corners Photography Club celebrate the positive impact these women make not only on their families, but on our whole community. All of their stories are inspiring, and these are just a few examples…
The “Veteran Army Mother” is Tosca Thomas who served 24 years in the Army, deployed to Bosnia, Korea, Panama, and Germany, and retired as a Master Sergeant.
The “Sandwich Making Mom” is Steffi Miller who has made 12,500 sandwiches in her kitchen for the homeless as a volunteer for the past 4-1/2 years in support of The Sandwich Project.
Dr. Sonia Padoan raced to the house of a neighbor in River Station to save the life of their little girl who was having a seizure.
Analy Navarro donated a portion of her own liver to her critically ill daughter who was diagnosed with biliary atresia. She wrote a children’s book, “Mighty Me,” to allow young transplant recipients to process their journeys, and she founded a non-profit organization (BAHero.org) to advocate for people and communities affected by this rare pediatric liver disease.
For more information about the Peachtree Corners Photography Club, go to their website at pcphotoclub.org. (QR code attached) ■
Top row, from left: Lorri Christopher retired, Peachtree Corners Council Member Mom playing dominos. (Anna Niziol)
A Family Working Together - Catlin Haughey between her parents, owners of the Cinnaholic at the Forum (Eric Richter)
Celebrating the Childrens Birthdays (Eric Richter)
Some Good Motherly Advice (Eric Richter)
Veteran Army Mother of two college girls (Anna Niziol)
Middle row, from left:
Jim Skurski Happiness Fun Slide (James Skurski)
Analy Navarro, author, with daughter Julia (Tracey Rice)
Shopping at the Forum (Jim Worthington)
Swimming Lessons at the YMCA (David Schilling)
Tracey Rice, President of Peachtree Corners Photography Club (Marcia Brandes)
Right, Beloved (Brian Walton)
The Peachtree Corners Photography Club celebrated the grand opening of its second juried exhibition on Saturday, March 9.
The theme of the exhibition is “A Moment In Time,” which is what happens when you press the shutter button on your camera—you have frozen a moment in time that will never happen again. If you’re lucky, that moment is awe-inspiring, funny or amazing!
The exhibition, located at The Forum Peachtree Corners, consists of 73 large prints by 29 local photographers, including subjects such as landscapes, nature and wildlife, portraits and abstracts.
In addition to the print portion of the exhibition, the Virtual Gallery contains 47 additional photographs, for a total of 120 images. The Virtual Gallery may be accessed through this QR code.
The club’s purpose is to educate, encourage, and expand its members’ photographic knowledge and capabilities. Its monthly meeting is at Atlanta Tech Park on the second Thursday of every month.
The meetings are free and open to the public. They also have a virtual technical webinar on the fourth Tuesday of every month for their paid members. They also host guided field trips, meetups and workshops throughout the year. ■
The Norcross High School (NHS) Foundation for Excellence shows what a community can achieve when it rallies around educational success. The Foundation was established in 2001 as a 501(c)(3) corporation. It has been key in filling the gap between state and county funding, ensuring that every Norcross High School student has access to a great education.
“The NHS Foundation Board, in its efforts to support its mission, meets monthly with school administration officials to better understand their vision for the school, which consists of three main pillars: student achievement, staff retention, and community support,” commented
Erin Griffin , co-president of the NHS Foundation.
Through its fundraising efforts, the NHS Foundation aims to create a nurturing environment where students and staff can thrive together.
The NHS Foundation’s fundraising supports this vision. It does so by raising and giving funds to the following categories:
Teacher Grants for large and small classroom or department resources,
• Staff Recognition,
• Instructional Funds for miscellaneous supplies,
• Capital Improvements,
• Endowment and
• Principal’s Discretionary Fund.
The Foundation’s core values focus on making great education even better. The mission is clear: build community support and raise funds to foster excellence in academics, arts and athletics. It’s all underpinned by a belief in the potential
success of every student.
A highlight of the Foundation’s annual efforts is its gala, which started in 2005. This event not only raises funds but also celebrates the contributions of individuals who have positively impacted the NHS community.
In 2023, the gala had a “teacher wish brick” initiative. It let attendees support specific teacher needs. It ended up. raising over $25,000, showing the community’s investment in its school.
“In 2023, supporters purchased more than $25,000 in bricks, ranging from $50 in JROTC supplies to $1,000 in sheet music and instrument mouthpieces for the band and orchestra,” said Griffin.
The annual gala was started to raise funds for Norcross High School and create community awareness.
The first gala was hosted at the home of Jan and Aaron Lupuloff. What began as a gathering at their home expanded into an event that now attracts over 500 guests.
“Each year, the gala is a celebration of individuals who significantly contribute to the advancement of arts, athletics and academics at Norcross High School and an opportunity for
families and community members to support the work of the NHS Foundation,” Griffin added.
Meet the 2024 honorees
Weare Gratwick has a wealth of experience from over 35 years in the banking industry. He has significantly influenced the financial and communal landscape of Peachtree Corners. His tenure as the Gwinnett Market President for Tandem Bank and role as Vice Mayor for the Peachtree Corners City Council demonstrate his commitment to local governance and economic development.
Gratwick’s involvement with the NHS Foundation Board as Treasurer showcases his dedication to educational excellence.
But his connection goes even deeper. His daughters are NHS alumni and he has been active in the community since 1995. Gratwick also has leadership roles in many civic and community organizations.
“I am honored to be recognized by the Norcross High School Foundation who continues to do important work ensuring NHS remains a great school. Quality schools are at the heart of a vibrant community and NHS continues to be essential to the success of both the Peachtree Corners and Norcross communities,” Gratwick expressed.
Kirk Barton has been a pillar in the NHS community since 1999. First serving as a health and PE teacher and coach, his transition to Activities and Athletic Director was significant.
Under his direction, NHS secured 12 State Championships in multiple sports. Barton’s administrative role grew his influence. He now supports not only athletics but also the fine arts, enriching the school’s culture and extracurricular activities.
He was recognized four times as the region athletic director of the year. He was also named twice as the classification athletic director of the year for Georgia. These honors mirror his skill in sports administration and community leadership.
Barton is married with grandchildren. His personal life adds a layer of community connection and shows his deep commitment to the area he serves.
Lynne Zickel Kliesrath’s journey
from a dedicated volunteer to an essential administrative member at NHS is a story of unwavering commitment to educational support.
She started as a volunteer when her eldest daughter began kindergarten. Kliesrath was very involved in the Collins Hill cluster’s PTA and school councils. This set the stage for her deep engagement with the educational system.
Her move to a GCPS employee and later roles in NHS, especially as the athletic assistant, show her varied contributions and dedication.
She was also the recipient of the Dave Hunter Community Service Award and the title of “Staff Member of the Month.”
“Thank you to the Norcross High School Foundation for this great honor and for my recognition into the Hall of Fame. And I want to say how much we appreciate everything the foundation does for our students, our staff, and the Norcross High School community. Thank you for making me a part of the Norcross High School Foundation family!” exclaimed Kliesrath. What’s
These three individuals have varied yet connected paths that have contributed to Norcross High School and its community. Their lives and careers are emblematic of the Foundation’s ethos, valuing community engagement, educational support and excellence.
As the Foundation looks to the future, it continues to build on its legacy of excellence, ensuring that Norcross High School remains a beacon of educational success. The dedication of individuals like Gratwick, Barton and Kliesrath, coupled with the community’s ongoing support, ensures that the Foundation will continue to play a vital role in shaping the leaders of tomorrow.
The next NHS Foundation Gala will be held on April 19 at the Crowne Plaza Atlanta NE in Norcross. ■
Scan the QR Code to learn more about the organization.
“Today marks a significant milestone for Stripling Elementary School in our journey toward fostering curiosity and exploration in the hearts and minds of our young learners,” said Principal Molly McAuliffe as
she gathered with staff, students, parents and community members. The occasion marked the launch of the Stripling STEM Garden on Thursday, March 21.
“We embark on an exciting adventure that aligns perfectly with our vision, mission and beliefs. Our vision is clear. We aim to cultivate responsible, em-
By Arlinda Smith Broady Photos by George Hunterpathetic and driven world-class leaders,” she said.
“This garden will serve as a tangible expression of these aspirations. It will provide our students with opportunities to develop the skills and qualities necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world through hands-on experiences in science, technology, engineering and math,” she stated.
“They will learn not only academic concepts but also the importance of responsibility, empathy and drive and become the leaders of tomorrow,” McAuliffe added.
Over the summer, McAuliffe and her team of educators decided to pursue STEM certification, a five-year process that teaches the school to use an integrated curriculum driven by exploratory project-based learning and student-centered development of ideas and solutions.
“At the heart of our mission is the commitment to develop literate student citizens who are effective communicators, critical thinkers, innovative problem solvers and productive members of society,” said McAuliffe.
“This STEM garden embodies our dedication to this mission by providing a dynamic environment where students can collaborate, communicate and think critically as they engage in authentic real-world challenges,” she eloquently stated.
What it means to be STEM-certified
Fourth-grade student Anissa Rodriguez welcomed guests to the ceremony and talked about how STEM has already changed her perception of education.
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“I really like STEM because you get to build fun solutions for problems in the world,” she said.
“Last year, in third grade, me and my class did a project where we had to save the animals in Australia from all the wildfires. I liked this project because it helped me build my collaboration and it made me feel like I was doing something important in the world,” she beamed.
And she also shared the enthusiasm just about every student has for the new garden.
“I am also really excited about our school garden … because I will be learning skills through STEM that will help me learn how to garden so that way I can help my grandma with her garden,” she said to chuckles from the crowd.
“It will also help me learn more skills on how to collect data that will impact our next steps. I can’t wait to get my hands dirty with the other students at Stripling Elementary and make positive changes in our community,” she explained.
The garden is planned as a true community effort.
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“Starting in April, we’re going to have a community workday to help us build the garden beds, and then we’re going to plan pollinator plants,” said Rebecca Phillips, the school’s STEM coordinator.
The school hopes to donate produce to food assistance programs and allow students to take home food.
“We’re going to open the garden during the summers [and allow] families to adopt the garden for a week,” said Phillips. “They can take care of it, and they get to keep the vegetables that grow here.”
Additionally, Stripling will participate in the Great Georgia Pollinator Census, a program designed to educate people about the kinds of insects in the world and how to identify useful insects from pests.
Stripling’s STEM focus will be on agriculture, so the garden and all the lessons surrounding it fit right in
with the curriculum, said Phillips. But to be successful, the school needs the community’s help. The Rotary Club of Peachtree Corners has already donated $5,000, and the Norcross Garden Club has signed on as an advisor.
Community members who are interested in supporting Stripling’s STEM initiative can donate directly to Stripling Elementary School via check.
“We have a STEM account we are using to support supplies for STEM education, including our garden,” said McAuliffe.
Businesses can also donate directly to the school for the STEM initiative either financially or with supplies.
To donate supplies, contact STEM Coordinator Rebecca Phillips at rebecca.phillips@gcpsk12.org. ■
Peachtree Corners resident Adam Pomeranz will celebrate 20 years at a place of hope where hundreds of adults are served each day. That place is Annandale Village, a residential community for adults with developmental disabilities or brain injury. At least, that’s how it began.
Today, it’s not solely a residential community because it now serves people who don’t live on the campus in Suwanee. A newer, smaller program now offers options for a wide range of needs.
Annandale Village began in 1969 as the dream of Dr. and Mrs. Maxwell Berry, parents of a young woman with developmental disabilities.
“They did not like the very limited options that
they saw in the country and the local community and beyond for their daughter,” he said. “She was entering adulthood, so after seeing a similar model, but not the exact model, on a vacation to Europe, they decided to try and do something on their own here.”
The 55-acre campus in Suwanee serves individuals in the facility and outside of it.
“One of the things that truly differentiated Annandale was that, a little over 20 years ago, it decided to embrace a new phenomenon in the world of working with people with intellectual disabilities: the aging person with developmental disabilities,” said Pomeranz.
For many years, people with developmental disabilities had shorter life spans than folks without those challenges for many reasons. Now, advances in medicine and other factors help people with developmental disabilities live much longer lives, some very close to the lifespan of people without disabilities, said Pomeranz.
for that population to complement the cottages and apartments that we had spread out through the campus at the time, said Pomeranz. “And so, the nursing home filled up very quickly and it became apparent that this was a huge need.”
Over the next several years, Annandale opened an assisted living building and also expanded the nursing home. Although the facility is aimed at ages 18 and up, some are younger and some are considerably older.
“The idea is that Annandale provides progressive life assistance. As the individual’s needs change, the services we offer can change with them. So someone could come to Annandale at 22 or 23 years old and conceivably live here the rest of their lives, and we can meet their needs as they change throughout that adult lifespan.”
A few years ago, Annandale added and new service to its continuum of care.
By Arlinda Smith Broady“Shortly before I came, Annandale decided to embrace that aspect of the population. And we opened up a 16-bed skilled nursing facility solely
“On occasion, some folks gain skills when they’re here and then leave to be more independent elsewhere, either in our independent living program or some other option,” said Pomeranz.
The All In program has about 16 people who
need about 10 to 12 hours of support a week. They live in apartments in Suwanee or other parts of metro Atlanta. They’re required to work or volunteer to be eligible for the program.
Annandale’s founders wanted an affordable private pay model. Their philosophy was to charge families about 75% of what it costs to care for their
many other nonprofits. For about 26 years, the annual fundraiser was called The Jazzy Thing, which then became shortened to Jazzy. It took place on the last weekend of April. In March 2020, the pandemic struck, and everything was canceled.
The staff had to pivot and find something to take the place of Jazzy.
“Our chief development and marketing officer had done golf tournaments [for a] previous employer and felt like we could do one and that it would be successful,” said Pomeranz.
loved ones, and the philanthropic community would take care of the other 25%.
With rising health care costs, that 25% is getting harder to come by, but Pomeranz and his staff are making it work.
“Now, almost 55 years later, when you look at our bottom line at the end of the year, you will see that about 75% of our revenue is fee-for-service revenue, and about 25% is philanthropy,” he said.
“At the same time, we are still mostly a private-pay organization, and it’s become very expensive to provide the care. But we have wait lists, so clearly there’s a market for what we do,” he explained.
Annandale does take Medicare and Medicaid in the nursing home. It also has a relatively small day program for which it takes Medicaid waiver funds. But everything is supplemented with fundraising.
Before COVID, Annandale threw charity events with dinner and dancing like
To make it a little different, the tournament honored a long-time board member. The tournament was very successful, so the tradition continued. This year, however, Pomeranz is the one being honored.
“I was out on a brief medical leave when there was a board meeting; first board meeting I missed in 19 years,” he said. “They voted to make me the honoree of this year’s tournament to celebrate and honor my 20 years here at Annandale Village.”
Sponsorships are pouring in with congratulatory praise for Pomeranz.
“Some of these folks I’ve known for 20 years,” he said. “Their sister or brother has been in our care that long or maybe even a parent has had their child in our care.”
Annandale’s fourth Annual Golf Tournament is on May 6 at The Country Club of the South. Registration is open for foursomes. More information can be found at annandale.org/event/golf.
What folks have to say about
• “Congratulations on 20 years!! I am so proud of all you have accomplished.” — Ina Enoch
• “Congratulations! Please give us 20 more!” — Jody Hoffman
• “Have a great game!!! Hope the weather is great!” — Denise Fitzpatrick
• “Thank you for all you do, Adam.”
—Maureen Doran
• “In memory of Eric Pomeranz”
—From Felice Catalano
• “Wow! 20 years! Amazing achievement!”
— From Honey Strauss
• “Congrats on 20 years of devoted service!!”
—Seena Axel ■
When Stanton Gatewood began working in cybersecurity nearly four decades ago, it wasn’t even called cybersecurity.
“It was just Security and Information, Security InfoSec and things like that,” he said. “I’ve been very blessed to have worked in cybersecurity for 37 years or so. I worked in the United States Military and the United States Air Force.”
There wasn’t even a Department of Homeland Security back then. It wasn’t created until 2002.
Gatewood was the featured speaker at Southwest Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce’s First Friday breakfast on March 1 at the Atlanta Northeast Hilton. He shared information with the
audience of small business owners, nonprofits and community leaders about the realities of cybersecurity and how to safeguard against threats.
Stanton Gatewood’s background in cybersecurity
Gatewood’s resume is quite extensive. He is the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and CISA Region 4 Cyber Security Coordinator, an advisor for the State of Georgia. He was formerly the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for the state of Georgia, the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, and the University of Georgia.
He has over 35 years of cybersecurity and e-privacy experience in cybersecurity program management, strategic planning and executive leadership. He has worked in U.S. federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments, as well as higher education and several top-10 global corporations.
Gatewood is also a USAF veteran and has served as the vice president for information technology and the chief information officer (CIO) for Albany State University. He has built two centers of excellence in cryptography and cyber awareness and training.
newspaper without the topic of cybersecurity [coming up],” he said. A lot of people will stand up and talk to you about cybersecurity, and they’re preaching fear and uncertainty that I don’t have.”
Gatewood started his presentation with an overview of cybersecurity and went through some terminology.
First, he addressed awareness.
“Awareness can be broken into two categories, situational awareness and user awareness,” he said.
He encouraged the audience to learn as much as they could about cybersecurity and electronic piracy. Even though many people think they are aware of threats, they still click on suspicious links, leaving them vulnerable to attacks.
“Situational awareness comes from the military. It means they’re letting us know exactly who’s in the area and what the environment is made up of. ‘What are our resources available? Who else is in the field that we communicate with and rely upon?’” he asked.
By staying aware, people should know where they’re going on the internet, who they’re communicating with, and that an attachment is safe to open. User awareness is a component of the security policy that should include educating and testing employees to help protect the business against cybercrimes, including phishing and other social-engineering attacks.
“Do not fall asleep at the wheel of the internet,” said Gatewood. “Do not think that those 5 million people out there are all your friends.”
Social media accounts like Facebook can also be gateways for cybercrime.
“Over 65% of the breaches on the internet come from human error,” he said.
According to the government site ready.gov, cyberattacks can occur in many ways, including:
• Accessing your personal computers, mobile phones, gaming systems and other internetand Bluetooth-connected devices.
• Damaging your financial security, including identity theft.
• Blocking your access or deleting your personal information and accounts.
By Arlinda Smith Broady“You cannot stream news, watch TV or read a
• Complicating your employment or business services.
• Impacting transportation and the power grid.
Gatewood said almost everyone will be the victim of some sort of cyberattack. How the individual or business survives depends on resiliency—the ability to anticipate, withstand, recover from and adapt to adverse conditions, stresses, attacks or compromises on systems.
“You must have resilience; you must be in shape,” said Gatewood. “You must have the mindset of ‘I will not allow this to keep me down. I will go get my incident response plan. I will execute my incident response plan. I will find out if it’s truly an incident. I will then morph myself into a disaster recovery plan. I will morph myself into a business continuity plan. And then I’ll have a resumption of business plan.’”
Gatewood said he’s been called to help many times, and when he asked about a response plan, everyone looked like a deer caught in headlights.
“Moving in resilience, the capacity to withstand or recover quickly from any difficult situation or toughness, [is crucial],” he said.
He shared a term, “left of boom/ bang,” that he wanted the audience to remember. It encourages them to take a proactive approach to cybersecurity and avoid possible threats by making decisions based on observation and intuition to prevent the bad from happening.
By the numbers
• There are 5.3 billion internet users (66.2% of the world’s population).
• There are 17 billion devices on the internet.
• There are 1.6 billion records or files lost or stolen in the fiscal year 2023/2024 so far.
• $183 is the average cost of a data breach per record.
• 5.04 billion people used social media in 2023. ■
(Source cisa.gov)
Peachtree Corners’ Curiosity Lab continues its mission of attracting startups and established businesses to its laboratory of innovation.
In March, German company Solid-3D, a pioneering leader in robotic solutions for accelerating the construction of automated warehouses and manufacturing facilities, opened its first office in the United States in Curiosity Lab.
According to a news release, the new office provides Solid-3D with a dynamic environment to further develop and showcase its cutting-edge robotics technology. Curiosity Lab’s dedication to fostering innovation and its state-of-the-art
facilities make it the ideal home for Solid-3D’s U.S. operations.
Solid-3D’s CEO, Claudiu Tanasescu, appeared on a recent episode of the UrbanEBB podcast. He and host Rico Figliolini discussed Tanasescu’s entrepreneurial journey and the innovative robotics solutions his company is bringing to the logistics industry.
“We were extremely lucky to find Curiosity Lab, to be honest, and extremely happy with our location here, and the environment and the connections and networking that we can build up here are pretty good,” said Tanasescu.
Tanasescu is a serial entrepreneur who built two other software companies before Solid-3D.
“The last one was in cinema software. We built software that can forecast and schedule movies in a theater,” said Tanasescu. You have to understand what the movie is about— actors, directors, production budget. But then we would look at the weather and the holidays in that location and forecast based on that.”
came across Solid-3D.
“And now, for three years, I became an investor, and I’m the CEO of the company—very exciting times for the company and for the industry in general,” he said. “Robotics is a hot topic right now, particularly with Industry 4.0 and the challenges of manufacturing in China.”
The COVID-19 pandemic brought considerable attention to bringing manufacturing back to Europe and the U.S. and reducing dependency on China.
“That created a significant opportunity on the robotics side,” said Tanasescu. “So that’s how we engage in robotics with Solid-3D. And I’m happy to say that three years later, we found a very strong product and we found a very strong industry.”
“If you think about robots in the manufacturing world particularly, they’re pretty blind. They just go and grab a thing and put it somewhere, expecting that that object is there. If it’s not there, then there’s the conflict,” he said.
By Arlinda Smith BroadyTanasescu sold his last company in 2020 and
Tanasescu integrated computer vision into the process. It detects an object and tells the robot if there’s no inventory in that spot and where to get it.
“When we did a comprehensive market analysis, we slowly started to understand that it’s a very complex market with a lot of competition and a lot of big players that made it very difficult for a startup to compete,” said Tanasescu.
“Very early on we decided, okay, can we pivot towards robotics, this emerging field that’s coming up
that a temporary or non-skilled employee probably couldn’t do it well. So, many companies had to use highly skilled engineers to lay stickers on the hard concrete floors.
“When I tell [companies] that I have an automated solution for that, I have a robot for that, … they really understand that this is something that can help them immediately,” said Tanasescu.
where everybody’s talking about automation, and particularly in the logistics and warehousing field,” he explained.
A labor shortage due to the pandemic from 2020 to 2021 created a need for automation.
“Once we started looking more carefully at the industry, we understood that it’s not just the problem of this company; it’s actually an industry-wide problem,” he explained.
Using robots to pick products isn’t necessarily new, but using robots to set up the system is. The general public may think that robots are taking over jobs that humans once had, but the concept isn’t that simple. Tanasescu gave an example.
“When you think about what we are doing, we’re putting down [20,000 or more stickers] on the floor [of a warehouse],” said Tanasescu. Imagine if you were a worker and had to bend your knees down with high accuracy. It’s not a job you want to have.”
It’s tedious but necessary and must be done with such accuracy
When things change or shift, such as the expansion of new product lines, Solid-3D is ready to make adjustments.
“They want to add more of those codes on the floor so their robots can travel further away. Or they design a new pickup station and they need to get the robots in there. So that’s when they call on us and we come in with our robots and our technology and we do it for them within a day,” Tanasescu.
With companies like Amazon, Home Depot, Ikea and Walmart finding quicker ways to deliver goods, Solid-3D stays busy.
“I always give people the … visual example of what really happens the moment you press that buy button on the Amazon website,” said Tanasescu.
“The second you finish that purchase and confirm your order, that order arrives at a nearby distribution center, they call it, and one robot is already on its way, picking up one of those racks with your product in it and bringing it to a human operator,” he explained.
Solid-3D doesn’t sell its robots or its technology. It provides a service to companies that utilize warehouse logistics.
“It’s an extremely efficient system, and it’s revolutionizing the way we do online e-commerce,” said Tanasescu. “We come in with our robots, our technology, and our people on site, and we do the work for the customer. And then we take our equipment and leave and go to the next customer.”
Visit solid-3d.com to learn more. ■
Besides his monthly newsletter, Peachtree Corners City Councilman Eric Christ occasionally hosts town hall meetings to allow constituents to catch up on what’s going on and give him feedback on a variety of issues.
On Sunday, March 24, several dozen residents and stakeholders gathered for updates at City Hall’s Community Chest room. Christ probably expected the gathering to last 90 minutes at the most, but the discussion lasted nearly three hours as he shared information about the Marshal program, development projects, the new dog park, deer and the May 21 primary election.
Probably to nobody’s surprise, crime and public safety took up the bulk of the meeting. Christ wanted the audience to take away that crime in Peachtree Corners is down 25% from pre-pandemic times. He showed a chart with crime rates from 2019 through 2023 that showed a significant drop in crime overall.
• Residential burglaries are down by 48%.
• Thefts are down by 34%.
• Robberies are down by 24%.
“Prior to the pandemic in 2017, 2018 and 2019 we were averaging about 100 total [part one crimes] every month, and that dropped almost by half during the pandemic. Then, in 2021, it went back up a little bit again,” said Christ.
Even though the rate has increased year over year since 2020, it has not returned to pre-COVID levels. However, compared to the previous year, crime has increased by 23%. One solution may be the new City Marshal program that kicked off in November.
Having a relatively small population, the most heinous crimes, such as homicide and aggravated assault, have stayed lower than in many other areas. However, auto thefts, car break-ins, robberies and other property crimes remain somewhat high.
The City Marshal’s involvement
Chief City Marshal Edward Restrepo gave anecdotal evidence that the marshal program is working and will continue to get better because it fills the gaps left between the Gwinnett Police Department and the city’s code enforcement department.
“We had a jewelry store robbery, and about the time we came in, we had started building up the camera registry as well as the integration system of cameras all around the city,” said Restrepo. “With only three of us, we have to rely on technology as much as we can.”
Although the marshals didn’t apprehend the bad guys, their assistance helped other law enforcement officers do their jobs more effectively. Several residents asked if there were plans to increase the marshal force to provide 24-hour, 7-day-a-week service.
The initial cost was around $900,000, said Christ, and maintaining the three officers and an administrative assistant will require about $700,000. Although Peachtree Corners doesn’t levy a property tax, the city’s share of county taxes goes toward that type of expense.
“It’s up to the people of Peachtree Corners if they want to increase the program,” said Christ. “It will come at a price.”
Those in attendance indicated that they thought that would be money well spent. Several said they liked seeing marshals at city-sponsored events because it sent a message that Peachtree Corners is serious about keeping its residents and visitors safe.
Christ said he and the rest of the council would consider that, but he reminded everyone that they should still report crimes to the police.
“I’ve had people tell me that they left a message on the city’s answering machine on a Friday evening and hadn’t heard back,” he said. “I tell them the first step is always to call 911.” ■
107 Technology Parkway, Peachtree Corners 404-797-1221 | atlantatechpark.com
Wednesday, April 10. 8:15-10:50 a.m. The round table is a great opportunity to meet other executives and hear the CXO Panel. Please register on LinkedIn to attend.
Fridays, April 19 and May 17. 12-2 p.m.
Admission for GWC members is $15; non-members, $25.
The Gwinnett Women’s Chamber hosts insightful talks featuring speakers in the tech industry as they share knowledge on how to use technology to help your business grow. Lunch is provided. Please register through gwinnettwomenschamber.com.
Wednesdays, April 24 and May 29. 5-6:30 p.m.
Entrepreneurs are invited to pitch their business to other business owners and potential investors. Wine, beer and small bites provided.
Tuesdays, May 7 and June 4. 6-8 p.m.
Sponsored by Resolvit, the monthly meet-up welcomes tech admirers and professionals to discuss all things emerging in technology in the café.
Thursday, May 23. 12-4 p.m.
AFCEA continues its Small Business Workshop series with a session focused on funding — how to secure it, take advantage of it and responsibly use it to make your business better positioned to advance. Lunch is included. Registration is required.
The Hickory Room
5260 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard Peachtree Corners, GA 30071 peachtreecornersrotary.org
Mondays, April 8, 15, 22 and May 6, 13. 12-1 p.m.
Speakers include Dominique Cooper, Gwinnett School Board Candidate District 3 on April 8; Edward Restrepo, Peachtree Corners Marshall on April 15; and Angie Ulibarri of Festival of Trees on May 13. Meetings are held on most Mondays; check the website for more info.
Meetings held the second Tuesday of every month. Meeting locations are announced monthly. duluthbusiness.org
Meetings held the second Tuesday of every month, 6-7:30 p.m. Meeting locations are announced monthly on the website.
Friday, April 12. 7:30-9 a.m.
Admission is $28 for members, $35 for non-members; registration is required.
Erin and Lee Hanson of Guardian Sports, a company that produces innovative and safer sports equipment, present “Making a Leap: Taking a Business from the Kitchen Table to the NFL.”
Wednesday, April 17. 5-6:30 p.m.
Atlanta Tech Park Cafe
107 Technology Parkway, Peachtree Corners 30092
Whether you’re looking to buy, sell or understand the market trends, you’ll hear from three distinct market experts — Ladson H. Haddow CRE, Managing Partner of Haddow & Co.; Ginny Nevins of Windsor Realty; and Joe Wargo, Broker/ Owner of Summerfield Mortgage — as they discuss current trends in local real estate. Also, enjoy a meet-and-greet with other industry experts. Drinks and small bites will be served. There is no charge to attend.
Thursdays, April 18, 25 and May 9, 16, 23. 8:30-10 a.m.
Free admission for SWGC members and visitors.
Expand your business connections with local professionals over coffee. Meetings are normally held in the large meeting space behind the SWGC office at Atlanta Tech Park.
The May 16 meeting is part of the Coffee Connections spotlight series and will feature Stroke Awareness, presented by Piedmont Eastside.
Friday, May 3. 7:30-9 a.m.
Atlanta Northeast Hilton 5993 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Peachtree Corners
Admission is $28 for members and $35 for non-members, which includes a breakfast buffet. Registration is required by noon of May 1.
The breakfast event features an insightful discussion on the outcomes of the 2024 Georgia legislative session. The distinguished panel will include Representative Scott Hilton and Representative Ruwa Romman. They will provide first-hand accounts and analysis of the events that took place during the session.
Tuesdays, April 9 and May 14. 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Firebirds Wood Fired Grill, 5215 Town Center Blvd., Peachtree Corners
Free admission for PCBA members and their guests. Register online as space is limited.
Meet with other PCBA and business professionals over coffee in a positive atmosphere on the second Tuesday of the month. Business cards will be shared with all attendees.
Thursdays, April 18, May 2 and June 6. 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Marlow’s Tavern, Peachtree Corners Town Center, 5210 Center Blvd., Peachtree Corners
Open to PCBA members and their guests. Advance registration is appreciated.
Meet up with PCBA members for an enjoyable way to network and save 15% off your lunch check.
Thursdays, April 25 and May 16. 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Hilton Atlanta Northeast
5993 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Peachtree Corners
Event registration is $40. Advanced registration is $25 for members and $35 for guests. Includes appetizers and drinks.
The April 25 speaker is Cole Porter, President of Porter Steel. He will share his experiences as a business leader, his challenges, his successes and his company’s mission of improving lives and leading by example.
To honor and remember Debbie Mason, the first and only first lady of Peachtree Corners, who passed away after a long battle with cancer, a memorial park is being built.
A Peachtree Corners Arts Council subcommittee was formed to plan, develop and execute the park. Debbie Mason Memorial Park committee members include Lynette Howard, Robyn Unger, Bob Ballagh, Dave Huffman, Gay Shook, Sarah Roberts and Pat Bruschini.
like,” said Bruschini. “We had pictures of her backyard. Some of us had been to her backyard. It took a couple of months until we got a handle and feel for what we wanted the garden to be and what we thought [Mason] would want.”
One unique feature will be a Yorkie statue, Mason’s favorite dog, perched on top of a coffee table-like boulder encircled by granite benches. The brochure for the fundraising campaign will feature a photo of Mason and her beloved pet.
After looking at a few possible locations, a tract of land near the city’s botanical garden was chosen.
“The area where the park is going had been semi-developed,” said Buschini. “If you’re standing on the sidewalk with your back to the new dog park or your back to Cinebistro, you’ll see a granite semi-circle wall and steps that come down from Peachtree Corners Circle. We are enhancing that area.”
Everyone involved wanted the park to be near Town Center and accessible to everyone. So, an offshoot of the botanical garden, a property owned by the Downtown Development Authority, made the most sense, Bruschini added.
The park will be connected to Town Center with one entrance off Peachtree Corners Circle across from Davini Court.
By Arlinda Smith Broady“Lynette Howard led us in some brainstorming and creative sessions about what the garden should look
“We have a complete plot plan designed by a landscape architect from Pike Nursery. Jennifer Freeman, a Duluth mosaic artist, created a mosaic design of the city logo,” said Bruschini.
The Debbie Mason Memorial Garden will be the city’s first. Although there are other parks within city limits, this is the only one that will be owned and maintained by the city.
To improve its access, the city is working with the Solis Apartment Complex being built nearby.
The plan is to have an extensive sidewalk connecting to the park. Construction of the park is underway and plant material will go in this fall. There will be a ribbon cutting and dedication shortly after that.
But for now, the committee wants everyone to know that it’s coming and contributions are welcome. Find the wish list for the Debbie Mason Memorial Garden at the end of this article.
The memorial is fitting because Mason really was Peachtree Corners, said Bruschini.
“She was a volunteer extraordinaire,” she said. I met her on the board of the United Peachtree Corners Civic Association, and she headed up the Peachtree Parkway Improvement Project for six years. That’s where she would contact all the businesses along 141 and ask them to make a contribution so that the median strip could be maintained.”
In 2008, there was a tour of homes in Peachtree Corners, and the funds raised went to solar lights to light up the sign going into Peachtree Corners. Mason was front and center with that. But she always had time for family, Bruschini said.
“Her son Nick was in drama at Norcross High School, and she was very involved in that. And she worked with the taste of Norcross High School going back, I’ll say, 20 years maybe,” she said.
“She and Mike [Mason] started Fox Hill Homeowners Association and she worked with the Peachtree Corners Yes campaign and served on the board of Gwinnett Clean and Beautiful as well as the City Arts Council and also the first City Green committee. This is fitting because she always wanted to make memories in Peachtree Corners,” she explained. ■
• Mosaic Logo - $10,000
• Mosaic River - (3) $5,000 each
• Bronze Plaque - $3,000
• Arbor – (3) $1,000 each
• Japanese Maple - $800
• Flowerpots full of color - (3) $500 each
• Dogwoods (3) $500 each
• Tea Olives - (6) $400 each
• Yorkie Dog Statue - $300
• Azalea/Hydrangeas (40) - $60 each
• $1000: Platinum
• $500: Gold
• $250: Silver
• $100: Bronze
• $50: Friends of the Garden
Checks are preferred and are payable to:
Peachtree Corners Arts, Inc. Attn: DMMC PO Box 922469
Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
When Peachtree Corners City Councilman Alex Wright last had a dog, he was only a kid.
Young Alex was devastated when he died and did not want to get another dog because he did not want to endure that trauma again.
As a result, his family has never had a dog, and even though the two youngest of his four children badgered him and his wife endlessly, they always said no.
Then COVID-19 hit. The Wrights’ youngest son, Michael, was committed to convincing his parents to get a dog. He even did a PowerPoint presentation (with music) explaining why he absolutely needed a dog.
“I guess it was from being cooped up during COVID that my wife suggested maybe we should give in. Next thing I know we tell the kids we are going to get a dog,” Councilman Wright wrote in an email.
So, in June 2021, they got their first dog, Murphy, an Australian Labradoodle.
“All of a sudden, we discover this whole dog subculture that we had not really paid attention to before. All the things dogs liked to do, all the stuff you could buy them, all the people we met through walking the dog,” he explained.
In February, Wright and his wife were at Avalon returning a purchase when they came upon a modest-sized dog park. Wright’s wife suggested having something like that at Town Green would be great.
“Later that day, I texted the City Manager [Brian Johnson] about the idea, and he really liked it. At the time, the playground (the one that opened in August 2022) was under construction, and we were already discussing other ideas to create activation at the Town Center, so this fit right into that plan,” said Wright.
The assistant City Manager, Seth Yurman, was tasked with the nuts and bolts and worked with a
contractor on location and design.
“Can’t say enough about what a great job Seth did. We have definitely had some supply chain delays, which resulted in an opening maybe 9 to 12 months later than originally hoped for, but it is finally open,” he added.
A couple more things are still left to do for the project, including installing a large sail cover over the stone entrance area. Construction of the Bone Bar is also on the agenda. This small bar will serve adult and non-adult beverages and likely…you guessed it? Treats for dogs.
The new dog park is situated behind the CineBistro building near the Town Green. The Peachtree Corners Off-Leash Dog Park is approximately 9,000 square feet and is divided into sections for smaller and larger dogs, with natural and artificial turf areas. ■
Scan to learn more about the dog park rules and to see a photo gallery from the grand opening day.
By Anna del Villar Photos by George HunterFor more than two decades, Dr. Sunit Singhal has been a member of the Peachtree Corners community. In February 2001, he opened Suburban Medical Center, making a significant contribution to community healthcare. Under his leadership, the medical center has expanded, notably by introducing Suburban Med Spa next door.
A 1988 graduate of the University College of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, India, Dr. Singhal furthered his expertise in the United States, completing his residency in Internal Medicine at
Harlem Hospital Center in New York.
An awakening at the Grand Canyon
A few years ago, the 60-year-old physician had an eye-opening moment about his own health. Most of his life was spent being overweight, which he accepted and managed the best he could.
“It’s not a secret that I was overweight. Anyone could see it; it’s how I was my whole life,” said Dr. Singhal.
The pivotal moment for Dr. Singhal was his attempt to join friends on a hike at the Grand Canyon a few years back. Despite his determination, Dr. Singhal was unprepared for the hike’s demands.
“I thought, okay, I will meet my friends onethird of the way down the canyon from the opposite end. That way, I can keep up with them towards the end of the hike,” he shared.
Even starting much later, Dr. Singhal struggled greatly with the hike. He experienced knee pain, breathlessness, and exhaustion. His struggle not only slowed him down but also his friends, who had been hiking for an additional 12 hours before he joined them.
Opposite page, Dr. Sunit Singhal
Below, Left to right, Singhal, Kashish, Vani and Mahender Gupta.
Bottom and right, the climb and the highest peak in Tanzania also known as the “roof of Africa”
The ordeal ended in the middle of a cold night, leading to a physically taxing recovery period that left Dr. Singhal sore for days.
Despite the arduous experience at the Grand Canyon, Dr. Singhal didn’t retire his hiking boots. Feeling motivated to conquer the obstacle, he began walking long miles with friends to get into shape.
A few months later, the call of the canyon echoed again, and friends proposed a new challenge: hiking from the South Rim to the river and back. While less daunting than their previous endeavor, the task was intimidating.
“This time, I was able to make the hike without holding anyone back,” he shared. Dr. Singhal already saw the difference his efforts were making.
The friends chose the six-day option. It seemed like a good balance of their confidence in their fitness coupled with a conservative approach. Yet, they completed the ascent in five days.
“We couldn’t believe we finished at such a quick pace. We weren’t straining ourselves to do it. It was the natural pace we wanted to go, and we finished with the group we viewed as the most fit and athletic.”
The hiking group isn’t resting on their laurels, though. The crew continues to meet and train for their next goal, climbing Mount Everest.
“There’s a lottery to be accepted to climb. We entered and are hoping to be selected for a hike
His triumphs over physical and mental barriers were clear and exciting. Dr. Singhal’s return to the canyon increased his resilience and personal growth.
Following a series of hikes through the Grand Canyon as his health improved, Dr. Singhal and his hiking group set their sights on Mount Kilimanjaro. They regularly engaged in 10-mile hikes each week to prepare for the trek.
“It was never on our minds to simply skip or cut the hike short because we didn’t feel like it that day,” Dr. Singhal said. Even family members occasionally joined, keeping pace with the senior group with varying success.
When the time arrived for their Kilimanjaro quest, they needed to identify the number of days their group would need to complete it.
“There are different levels you can choose for hikes. If you are very athletic, the 5-day hike is for you. It goes all the way up to 9 days if you need to go slowly,” Dr. Singhal explained.
this fall,” Dr. Singhal shared. When asked if he felt intimidated about this potential hike, he confidently replied, “No, not really.”
The team of friends will hear this summer if they are selected to climb.
Dr. Singhal’s health journey is the perfect example of the potential for change at any stage of life. It also highlights the importance of self-care, perseverance and pursuing one’s goals, regardless of the starting point.
His patients can rest easily. He isn’t walking away from his practice for the mountains fulltime. Dr. Singhal is committed to his practice and patients. He firmly believes and displays that personal improvement and professional dedication can coexist harmoniously.
“I want my patients to know that I am equally dedicated to being here for them and their own health journeys.”
When he’s not hitting the trails, Dr. Singhal can be found spending time with his family in Duluth or at his practice in Peachtree Corners. ■
What started 20 years ago with two Texas moms looking for ways to get their sons involved in community service projects while spending quality time together turned into the Young Men’s Service League (YSML).
The national organization has dozens of chapters in 20 states, including Georgia.
Peachtree Corners mom, Heather Fleming, heard of a chapter in the northeast part of metro Atlanta, but it was pretty much at capacity.
“The way the chapters work is each class can only have around 30 boys,” she said.
“The more people you have in your chapter, the harder it might be for people to get hours in and just managing that number of people [can be difficult],” she added.
Fleming partnered with another mom whose son couldn’t get into the chapter either to start their own.
“She was determined that she wanted her boys to be able to have this experience,” said Fleming.
“Our chapter started with a full ninth-grade class , and then the tenth-grade class was a little bit smaller, with around 20 boys,” she added.
Even though it’s a good way for public school students to earn community service hours, most of the participants attend private schools that don’t have that requirement.
They do it to do good in the community and to have fun hanging out with their moms.
“The whole point is that we only have four years left before our sons go off to whatever their next step is after they graduate from high school,” said Fleming.
Fleming’s son Luke graduates next year and he’s found fulfillment in YMSL.
“It has been fun serving our community with many of my friends and their moms. I have also learned a lot from the various speakers we have had over the years,” said Luke. One of my favorite speakers was Tyler Hannel, who spoke about how to be a better version of yourself.”
By Arlinda Smith Broady“It’s just to have that quality time together, serving the community and then also to give them the opportunity to hear from speakers they would not ever necessarily have access to,” she added.
There are many charities that need volunteers, and many align with the skills and interests of the young men.
“My most memorable experiences were serving with BlazeSports at their annual Big Peach Slam
basketball tournament the last two years,” said Luke.
“Watching kids my age play basketball from a wheelchair was so inspiring. I am thankful for an organization like BlazeSports that gives kids and adults with disabilities a way to still compete in a variety of sporting events,” he stated.
Tracey Shell and her son, Carson, have similar views.
“Our first year was last year, so I didn’t know about this organization when my older son was in high school,” said Shell. “They learn about things like life skills and leadership, … but the real heart of the organization is volunteering in your community and learning about local philanthropy.”
Each YMSL chapter works with a certain number of nonprofits each year—usually nearby. Although this chapter is called the John’s Creek Young Men Service League, it has members from Peachtree Corners, Norcross, Berkeley Lake, Alpharetta and John’s Creek.
YMSL donates time and energy, not money
Every year, each chapter does what it calls the ultimate gift. This time around, the Johns Creek
an afternoon of music and fellow ship. The AMP Experience took place at Pullman Yards and featured performances from past and present students, with about 500 partici pants in total.
To pull off such a feat, AMP need ed many volunteer ushers and stage crew. That’s where Johns Creek YMSL stepped in, with nearly 80 local YMSL volunteers who gave 246 service hours. Mom and son volun teers loaded instruments, set up and cleaned up, served as parking lot at tendants and greeters and supported social media outreach.
Both Fleming and Shell have seen their boys grow and mature and are proud of the young men they are becoming.
“They become more aware of the different nonprofits and philanthro py that are just right in our own backyard that they might not have known about,” said Shell.
Fleming echoed that sentiment. Her older son Andrew is a sopho more at Clemson University she’s seen him carry the lessons learned at YMSL into his daily life by being actively involved with service projects in his fraternity and a mis sion trip over Spring Break.
“He definitely has a heart for
chapter went farther outside its boundaries and helped the Atlanta Music Project (AMP). It’s a nonprofit organization founded in 2010 to provide tuition-free world-class music training and performance opportunities in under-resourced communities.
In October, AMP presented its first event, which brought together its entire community of performers for
helping others, which … is the ultimate goal. When they’re not living at home, and I’m not necessarily making them serve, they want to do this on their own in college and beyond,” she said.
For more information, visit ymsljohnscreek.org. ■
The first Curiosity Lab Criterium took place last year on a cold, rainy day, but the weather didn’t dampen enthusiasm for the event.
The collection of Speed Week criteriums in Georgia and South Carolina kicks off Thursday, April 25, in Greenville, SC, and wraps up on Sunday, May 5, in College Park, GA.
Peachtree Corners has added many new components this year, including a Sunday time slot.
“It was a good opportunity for us to get a feel for it,” said Louis Svehla, the city’s communications director. “[We got to see] how it would work in the setup and stuff like that.”
This year’s event will also feature a running race, races for kids, food trucks, vendors and other activities for the family.
Speed Week is a premiere event on the U.S. Pro Cycling Circuit that draws cyclists worldwide, including Olympic medalists and world and nation-
al champions. In 2023, the professional men’s and women’s events drew cyclists from over 30 states and more than 20 countries.
The 2024 Curiosity Lab Criterium will take place on a course in the world-famous Curiosity Lab at Peachtree Corners, a 5G-enabled, 500-acre living laboratory ecosystem designed specifically as a proving ground for IoT, mobility and smart city technologies.
The Curiosity Lab Criterium will feature an array of innovative technologies currently being deployed to help protect vulnerable road users (VRUs). This event will also showcase the VRU technology of tomorrow as exhibited by private sector V2X companies and sensor innovators, OEMs hardware and software manufacturers, government officials, bike companies, advocacy groups and more.
“Despite it being a dreary day in the middle of the week last year, the public showed up and had a good time,” Svehla said.
“We always want people to gather and hang out with each other, especially when these events are free and really for them,” he added.
“For our first one, we were very happy with the turnout. … The vendors and the food trucks we hired for the event made their minimums, so they didn’t cost the city any money,” he explained.
gave great feedback.
“They were ecstatic about this course. They absolutely loved it because it’s unlike any other course they have on this circuit,” he said. “They love that there were elevation changes and … it was in a different type setting, not just on a city street like others.”
The success of that first year prompted the promoters to move this year’s race to a Sunday, a weekend race. It’s the day after the Athens race and the second one in Georgia.
“It’s not really far distance,” Svehla added. “And because of that, we expect to have more professional riders, both in the men’s and women’s professional divisions. And we’re hoping that also boosts the amount of … third tier riders that are amateurs but want to compete.”
“Last year’s races started at 3 p.m., and I think the last race went off at 9 p.m.,” he said. “This year, we are starting at 10 in the morning.”
By Arlinda Smith BroadyEvent producers, sponsors and race teams also
The last race starts at 8 p.m. and lasts about an hour. In between, there are several junior categories for kids from 9 to 14 years old, a 130-yard race for little kids ages 5 to 9, a foot race and many family-friendly activities.
“Although the bike races are open to whoever
the road or next to the roadway as safe as possible. This, hopefully, will encourage more cycling, walking, running and multi-use trails.”
What: U.S. Pro Cycling Circuit Race and Running Race
When: Sunday, April 28
Time: 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
registers, the running races are invitational only,” Svehla said.
“They’re inviting some of the best runners from the Southeast,” he said. These people are going to run a sub-six-minute mile, minimum.”
Last year’s custom 3-D printed trophies for the professional men and women competitors will be replicated in smaller trophies and medals for the amateur racers.
The design is the same as last year, but the spokes on the wheel are gold. Local company ZhumeisterLabs (ZLabs3D) will be making the trophies.
In addition to being a fun, family-focused event, Curiosity Lab Criterium is also a chance to showcase the best of Peachtree Corners.
“[This] allows us to showcase Curiosity Lab, its different technologies and what being an IT city means,” said Svehla.
“We also want to be a leader in working with companies to provide solutions that make being on
Where: Curiosity Lab at Peachtree Corners City Hall (310 Technology Pkwy)
Learn more about the event at peachtreecornersga.gov/385/Curiosity-Lab-Criterium-2024. ■
Scan to learn more about the race, the schedule, the Kid’s Criterium Race and Famliy Zone
Mayor Mike Mason and members of the Peachtree Corners Business Association (PCBA), business professionals, and community well-wishers recently celebrated the opening of U&ME Coffee Bakery Wine, a new establishment in Peachtree Corners.
The event was marked with a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by friends, family members of the owners, Paula Gil and Pablo Vicens, who are married, and their dedicated staff.
U&ME Coffee Bakery Wine, a local family-owned business, focuses on
Photos by Rico Figliolini and Louis Svehlacreating a welcoming space where families can gather, students can study, and friends can hang out.
This establishment offers free highspeed Wi-Fi, weekly specials and a cozy environment for all.
Paula Gil emphasized the importance of offering breakfast, lunch, and dinner options that cater to various tastes and needs.
The goal is to deliver the highest quality specialty items at fair prices.
“We are excited to bring our blend of coffee shop, wine bar, bakery, and diner spot to Peachtree Corners,” stated Paula.
U&ME Coffee prides itself on using 100% Colombian Medellin Coffee and ensuring all baking is done on-premises to guarantee freshness and quality.
Further distinguishing themselves,
Paula and Pablo have incorporated homemade empanadas, pizzas, and pastries into their menu, all made from scratch to offer a unique taste experience.
In addition to their dine-in services, U&ME Coffee caters to those on the go with their to-go orders and provides catering services for special events.
Mayor Mason, alongside PCBA Board Members Lisa Proctor, Donna Linden, Allison Reinert, Suzanna Martinez, and numerous local business supporters, expressed their delight in welcoming U&ME Coffee Bakery Wine to the city.
“The city council and I are delighted you chose Peachtree Corners for your business location. We are pleased to have this new specialty restaurant available as part of our
business-friendly city,” Mayor Mason remarked. ■
U&ME Coffee Bakery & Wine
3433 Medlock Bridge Road, Peachtree Corners 470-359-6972
It all began in February 2013, with the Council citing our responsibility to protect the quality of life in Peachtree Corners, we unanimously approved to move forward with the purchase of a controversial large tract of land across from the Forum shopping center. At the time, the land was owned by a national home builder with the intent of constructing a 250unit apartment complex.
From that point forward, it was the City’s dream to create a place that the community could enjoy and call their own.
In late 2013, the City began working on concept plans, and in October 2014, they shared the vision for the new development with the community. The plans called for a mixed-use development with retail shops, restaurants, offices, and townhomes, a two-acre green space, and enough parking to accommodate special events.
oped site, Fuqua was responsible for the development of the retail, restaurants, and office space, and the residential component would be built by John Wieland Homes.
In June of 2017, we held a groundbreaking ceremony on the eve of its 5th anniversary. At that time, Community Development Director Diana Wheeler said, “The Town Center and the 2-acre town green will be a catalyst for providing our citizens a place of their own. The Town Center will undoubtedly further fuel the City’s economic development.” Those words could not ring truer.
In December 2017, the City purchased an additional 5.762-acre property, located along Medlock Bridge Road and Peachtree Corners Circle This purchase allowed the City to control how the valuable piece of real estate was developed. A small portion of the acreage was used to construct the traffic roundabout at the intersection of Medlock Bridge Road and Peachtree Corners Circle,
In July 2015, the Council and I voted to approve the plans for the development of up to 10 restaurants, retail shops, office space, a theater, and townhomes – and a two+ acre town green for community gatherings. In October of that year, the City partnered with Fuqua Development where the City would build the roads, parking deck, and town green on the undevel-
In April 2018, the City Council approved the final plans for the development of the 70 townhomes in the Town Center. In December 2018, a group of 25 students from Peachtree Elementary School gathered on the Town Center plaza and placed their handprints on the wet cement along a circular concrete pad that was dedicated as a Children’s Plaza. The children, who were all born in 2012, were a nod to the City’s founding date, July 1, 2012.
The City held the grand opening ceremony of the Town Center and Town Green in April of 2019. When first opened, the development included shops, restaurants, entertainment venues – and at the center a 2+ acre Town Green. The large oval-shaped lawn was surrounded by two open-air pavilions, a performance stage, large screen TV, café tables – and a veterans’ monument to honor our men and women who served or are serving our country.
Since then, the City has continued our mission to
create a family-friendly space that serves as a gathering space for anyone and everyone.
In May of 2020, the City began installing the Path to Fitness. The Path to Fitness is an obstacle coursetype outdoor physical fitness amenity. It includes 10 different apparatus to give you a full body workout. The Path to Fitness is to be used by those who are 18 and over.
In early 2022, the City began construction of the first playground at the Town Green, and a ribbon cutting was held in July of 2022. The playground was designed for children over the age of 5 and includes
Custom play equipment that provides opportunities for parallel play activities on and above the ground. The playground features a new shade structure and has been constructed with several ADA transfer points allowing for easy access to elevated activities.
That brought us to 2023 and our most recent updates. Beginning in November 2023, the City began constructing a new tot lot for children under 6 years old that is themed around space exploration. It includes a rocket ship, a moon rover, a crashed UFO, and other fun designs. It has been created to be fully acces-
sible, ensuring that all children can enjoy its offerings.
There are also changes being made to the Path to Fitness. A new fencing area is being built around the Path to Fitness creating Fort Pain. This fencing will be made of wood and will resemble forts of the past including a rustic look and simulated guard towers.
ficial turf areas. Additionally, there will be a plaza featuring a shade sail, water fountains, pet waste containers, shaded benches, and enhanced landscaping. It is anticipated that this amenity will open in midMarch.
This final construction phase of the Town Green amenities brings the City closer to our final vision of creating a place where our citizens can make memories together, parents can be confident that their children can play safely while they enjoy music, a movie, or a meal with friends, and a place where children will grow up remembering those good times.
Construction on an additional shade structure is about to begin at the Town Center Green. The new structure will be like the two current structures and will be placed between the current structures.
During construction, construction fencing is being placed on a portion of the decking at the Town Green. In the provided image, the four orange cones serve as an approximate location of the new structure’s columns.
The bathrooms are still accessible as is the existing playground via the sidewalk in front of the stage. This fencing will be up for approximately two and a half months.
We apologize for any inconvenience as we continue to make the Town Green a wonderful place for residents, families, and visitors.
Additionally, situated behind the CineBistro building, the City is nearing completion of an approximately 9,000-square-foot off-leash dog park. The park is divided into sections for smaller and larger dogs. It will boast both natural and arti-
It was always our dream to have a place where the community could come together and make many happy memories for years to come. I am confident that I can say that we have most certainly achieved our goal.
provided image, the four orange cones serve as an approximate location of the new structure’s columns.
Stay safe, Mike Mason, Mayor
This is a public service announcement to bring awareness to the various resources provided by the City of Peachtree Corners for floodplain awareness. Peachtree Corners is bordered by the Chattahoochee River to the north and contains tributaries and streams throughout the City. Flooding damage can occur due to large rainfall events or when the natural flow of water is redirected. Flooding is America’s #1 Natural Hazard. Property Protection Advice
The City provides one-on-one advice specific to your property. If you are concerned and have any questions about flood insurance or need any flood protection advice, please contact the City’s Floodplain Manager for more information. Discussions can take place over the telephone or face-to-face.
A wealth of information can be found on the City’s Floodplain Management webpage that pertains to:
• Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) – the only legal document allowed to be used by lenders to write a flood insurance policy.
• Floodway Data – Properties located in or near the floodplain have special regulatory requirements for development. Before any building construction, please apply for a building permit
• Special flood-related hazrds – such as local drainage problems, areas predicted to be flooded in the future, and erosion
• Approximate Depth of Flooding – information about how deep flood waters can be anticipated on a property can be provided
• Historical flood information – to find out if a property has been flooded in the past or is a repetitive loss
• Wetlands and Natural Conservation Data – areas mapped in the: National Wetlands Inventory, critical habitat by the US Fish and Wildlife Services, areas receiving natural floodplain functions
• Flood Insurance – a property located in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) must purchase flood insurance
Read these 6 priority topics to become flood-smart and prepared:
1) Know your flood hazard. Residents need to find out if their property falls in an area where flooding is a hazard. Properties located in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) contain floodplains or are flood prone. Check out the City of Peachtree Corner’s Floodplain Map.
2) Insure your property from flood hazard. Not only is it mandatory for a property located in the SFHA to purchase flood insurance, but it is a wise decision to do so. Consider purchasing flood insurance before the storm and contact your insurance agent!
3) Practice Flood Safety. Deceptive in nature, floods can quickly become life-threatening.
Listening to flood warnings on local television stations and having an evacuation plan in place is key to avoiding dangerous situations. Note that a flood watch means conditions are favorable for flash flooding while a flood warning means that flash flooding is about to happen. DO NOT drive through a flood area and DO NOT walk through flowing water (one foot of flowing water can sweep you away).
4) Protect your property. You can protect your property by floodproofing basements, ensuring downspouts are pointed downhill and away from home, and storing valuables in waterproof containers. The City provides one-on-one advice specific to your property about how you could better equip your property to be resistant to flood damage. If you would like to discuss possibilities of improve -
ment, please call our Stormwater Engineer, Katherine Francesconi at (470) 395-7033 to schedule an appointment.
5) Build Responsibly. Before any building, please contact the Building Department at (470) 550 - 1729. Building in the floodplain can cause water levels to rise, worsening flooding. Land development changes the natural hydrologic system and forces water to find a new path.
6) Protect natural floodplain functions. Peachtree Corners is located along the Chattahoochee River and has several small streams and tributaries throughout the city. Washing any trash or debris into our stormwater system and environment directly impacts our floodplain and drinking water supplies.
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