28 minute read

Thinking Outside the Branch

Thinking Outside the Branch Librarians produce programs you can watch and join from home

Librarian Becca Wamstad put herself through college by working as a Whole Foods baker. Today, her culinary skills are again being put to public use in a video series she calls “Baking with Becca.”

Produced in her kitchen, the show is one of hundreds of homegrown videos produced by Gwinnett County Public Library staffers since March.

After COVID-19 shut their doors, librarians could no longer offer programs at their physical locations. But that didn’t stop them from continuing to offer library programs.

They very quickly became video producers.

Librarians from the central office to the frontlines at branches are producing programs ranging

By Donna Williams Lewis

from “Backyard Biology” and “Virtual Sewing Club” for kids to “Genealogy: Trace Your Roots” and an “Intro to Python” coding class for adults.

Anyone, anywhere can watch the library’s videos on graphic design or a series on teas around the world. There’s a virtual summer camp for kids and a series based on the Juneteenth commemoration of the end of slavery in the U.S.

About 30 to 40 new programs for kids and adults are posted each week on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram and promoted on the library’s website, said Don Giacomini, a youth services specialist in the library system. Giacomini, who’s also the storyteller and puppeteer on the library’s “Storytime Takeout” variety show, praised the way library staffers have met the challenge of going virtual — from scrambling to master new technical skills to performing on camera.

“The stereotype of librarians is that we’re very introverted people, and, in a lot of cases, that is very true. I think nobody could have ever envisioned what we are doing now … but I think it is indicative of the role that libraries have played over the past 20 years in that we are stepping up to provide community services,” Giacomini said. “Our job has been to identify community needs and fill that gap.”

Atlanta Reads!

The system now has its first ever live, virtual book club, called Atlanta Reads!

Guests can get a link to download a free copy of the book (or buy one) and then get a link to join a moderator a month later to talk about the book, said Denise Auger, who oversees adult programming for the system. Details can be found at gwinnettpl.org/virtual-book-club.

The library’s very popular Author & Speaker Series — which has attracted authors such as Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Rick Bragg — drew 6,001 guests out to hear 44 authors and speakers in 2019, Auger said. Find videos of some of these recorded programs at gwinnettpl.org/ adults/gcpl-virtual-author-speaker-series.

New programs in the series are being done virtually and live, allowing guests to use chat boxes to ask the authors questions.

Attendance has soared. An online session in May with authors Mary Kay Andrews, Patti Henry and Mary Alice Monroe drew 4,081 virtual guests, Auger said. Visit gwinnettpl.org/author speaker for the schedule.

Check out the library’s You Tube channel to find many other programs for adults on topics such as gardening, cooking, start ing a small business and help workshops for coronavirus-relat ed job and landlord issues. (See info box for link.)

“Baking with Becca”

Wamstad’s “Baking with Becca” was the first video to come out of the branches, Giacomini said.

A Hamilton Mill branch staff er, Wamstad said she’s always loved doing programs in the library. But being filmed by her boyfriend for her first baking vid eo was an entirely different story. “I never felt so nervous!” she said.

But she didn’t cave, and she has gone on from that episode about baking rosemary par mesan bread to other baking episodes on blueberry coffeecake and lemon tarts. A biscuits-fromscratch program is planned.

Left to right, Don Giacomini, a youth services specialist, reads “Where the Wild Things Are” in the Gwinnett County Public Library system’s virtual “Storytime Takeout” program. Gwinnett County Public Library youth services specialists Sarah Martin, left, and Jana King conducted a weeklong virtual puppet camp for kids that will be available online through the end of August. Hamilton Mill Branch librarian Becca Wamstad stars in her own library video series, “Baking with Becca.” (Special)

Wamstad has proposed other programs awaiting approval, such as a Halloween special effects makeup tutorial using products found around the house and a session on DIY natural body care products.

“I definitely love the fact that we are such a resource for the community, and even outside the community, because our programs are available for anyone to view,” Wamstad said.

Youth Services Specialist Jana King produces the bulk of the content for “Storytime Takeout,” which recently posted its 34th episode. One of the harder things she said she’s had to learn is how to engage a virtual audience.

“You don’t really think about what you look like when you’re (physically) reading a book to a group of children because you’re interacting with them and pointing out things,” King said.

But she’s forging ahead, and, among other things, she’s collaborating with her coworker Sarah Martin to do a weeklong puppet camp for kids from July 27-31 that will be available online through the end of August. Find it by visiting classroom.google. com, hitting the + button, and entering the classroom code jp3dagl.

King encourages people to tell the library what they’d like to see in the way of programs. “We are brainstorming all the time about new content and new ways to get early literary skills out there to our kids and help them in this time,” she said. ■

Summer Reading Challenge wraps up soon! It’s not too late to earn a chance to win a Kindle Fire Tablet in the Gwinnett County Public Library’s Summer Reading Challenge, which ends Aug. 12. Just visit gwinnettpl.beantstack.org, login or create an account, and enter all of the time you spent reading this summer. While you’re there, explore reading recommendations and fun activities that can be done anytime.

Peachtree Corners Branch

Gwinnett library branches reopened briefly this summer but closed again effective July 23. All branches will offer only curbside holds pickup, except for the Duluth Branch which is closed until further notice.

“There is now substantial data to show Gwinnett’s COVID-19 fighting infrastructure is becoming strained,” the library said in a public announcement on its web page. “We also see rising numbers of customers visit the library without masks, exacerbating the potential for germ spread.”

Peachtree Corners Branch Manager Karen Harris said patrons who came in after they reopened told staff how much they’d missed them.

“My staff is so creative and so ingenious. We’re doing well,” she said at that time.

Ongoing branch programs are now online, including “Common Threads,” a large group of seniors who knit, crochet, embroider and quilt, and two writing programs — one for teens and one for adults.

Harris said other proposed virtual programs await approval. Among them are a senior singing program for all ages called “Virtual Senior Moments,” “Reading Rock Stars” for middle schoolers and “Fiber Arts Fridays” for all ages.

Other proposed virtual programs include a book club for adults, family game nights, a “Voting 101” program, and a session on “Fake News.” Find scheduled programming on the library’s website, gwinnettpl.org. ■ Catch a library video!

Facebook: facebook.com/GwinnettLibrary/videos

• YouTube: youtube.com/channel/ UCcKeQ_EQPqmuG0D_NO_ QcZA. Click ‘Videos’ to see a list of programs.

• Library event calendar:


• Beanstack

(online reading program): gwinnettpl.beanstack.org

• Learning Labs: gwinnettpl.org/ learninglabs/

BELIEVE Faith, Belief & Purpose

Faith in New Ways Connecting to churches and other faith groups

In the aftermath of COVID-19, churches and faith groups have been understandably scattered. Here’s how some local religious organizations are keeping the body of faith together.

Beth Shalom

The synagogue offers Friday Night Shabbat Services starting at 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Morning Services are streamed Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Minyan will be via Zoom link on the Beth Shalom website, bethshalom.net. An electronic version of the siddur (prayer book) is also available online.

Christ the King Lutheran Church

Christ the King Lutheran Church (CtK) currently offers two modified in-person worship services, 8:45 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. on Sundays. Both services are the same format, a Lutheran liturgy and a mix of musical styles. CtK plans to return to offering both traditional and contemporary service formats after the COVID-19 crisis. A face mask is required. Please bring one. A limited number will be available.

Social distancing is required. Only specific places in specific pews will be available. Worshipers will be limited to 50 per service, with online registration required through ctklutheran.org. The sanctuary will be cleaned between services.

Corners Church of Christ

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Corners Church of Christ’s services are online at the Worship page on their website, cornerschurch.org. They start Sunday services at 10 a.m. They are making plans to have an outdoor or limited service soon once it becomes appropriate.

Landmark Church

Landmark Church has multiple times a week to connect virtually with fellow church members. Wednesday Evening Bible Study via Zoom starts at 7:00 p.m. Intercessory prayer meetings are held at 6:30 a.m. on Friday mornings. Sunday morning services are broad-

Top left, clockwise, Mary Our Queen Catholic Church had a successful drive-through food drive on May 10. On July 5, Simpsonwood UMC held an outdoor service, but has since gone back to virtual services until further notice. Peachtree Corners Baptist Church hosted several blood drives to benefit the American Red Cross; the most recent was July 21-23.

cast at 10:30 a.m. from the sanctuary. Zoom login information is available on the Landmark Church website, landmarkchurch.org.

Mary Our Queen Catholic Church (MOQ)

The current mass schedule is limited capacity. The church is considered in a time of Dispensation until at least August 1. This indicates a needed deviation from strict religious law practices as allowed in times of emergency or The mass schedule is listed

other specific circumstances. MOQ offers two main ways to attend mass. 1. Livestream mass if a patron chooses or needs to remain at home due to health concerns or illness. 2. Attend in-person mass, either on the weekend or during the week, following the listed requirements. • Wear a face mask at all times on parish ages 2+, • Maintain 6 feet of social distancing, • Follow communion procedures, • Use hand sanitizer and • Arrive 30 minutes early, as parishioners are ushered in and out of their pews one at a time.

campus for mass for as Monday at 12 p.m., a Tuesday Communion Service, Wednesday through Friday at 12 p.m., Saturday Vigil at 5 p.m., and Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. The 8:30 a.m. service is now being held outdoors, and unlike other services, a face mask is not required. Details are at maryourqueen.com.

Mount Carmel United Methodist

Mount Carmel United Methodist is in the process of trying to reopen on-site services, with a 25-person capacity. Until then, they are offering online worship at mtcarmel-umc.org, Bible study via Zoom and Children’s messages via email and Facebook. Their Counseling Center is offering one-onone video sessions.

Peachtree Corners Baptist Church (PCBC)

Like many cautious churches, PCBC has been reopening in phases, seeing how things change and develop. On-campus worship resumed July 5, without childcare

Coffee for Charity: Christ Church Episcopal of Norcross to Hold Fundraiser Sale

Christ Church Episcopal of Norcross will hold a fundraiser sale of whole bean and ground coffee direct from Haiti, as well as face masks created by the Sewing Guild to benefit the St. Joseph of Arimathea School in Jasmin, Haiti. This school serves an economically depressed, rural community and funds raised go to pay teachers’ salaries and provide student scholarships. The sale will take place Thursday, August 27, 4-6 p.m., in the Christ Church parking lot at 400 Holcomb Bridge Road in Norcross. For more details, visit ccnorcross.org or their Facebook page. Please stop by to help support this much-needed school and get some great coffee! ■ or other age-related activities. Seats for on-campus worship can be reserved at pcbchurch.org; online worship experiences are also available.

On August 9, PCBC will expand their on-campus ministries. On Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m., they will open up the nursery, preschool, and the Kids service called Collide. The student ministry will meet on Sunday nights from 5:30-7:00 p.m. for Elevate and Life Groups.

Peachtree Corners Presbyterian Church

This church is open for both corporate and online worship at pcarpchurch.org. Corporate worship is on Sundays at 10:45 a.m. Facemasks are highly recommended but not required. However, those not wearing masks are asked to refrain from singing during on-site worship. Those who chose to sing should wear face coverings that cover both the nose and the mouth.

As more data has become available, the church has decided to block off more front rows to help reduce the spread of potential germs from the person at the pulpit.

Perimeter Church

Perimeter Church offers many points of connection. Services are held in person and online at 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Reservations are required for in-person service. Alternatively, view service is available through perimeter.org, the Perimeter Church app, Facebook or YouTube.

They also have an app on AppleTV — just search “Perimeter Church” on the device. Worship resources for kids are available on the Perimeter website, including the new KidsQuest Online that can be streamed on demand on Sundays and throughout the week.

Simpsonwood United Methodist Church

Simpsonwood UMC is following the North Georgia Conference of the UMC in its edicts regarding COVID-19 preparedness. The North Georgia conference has different guidance depending on the current risk level of a church’s county. Gwinnett County is designated at Red, which means no in-person gatherings and staff working remotely.

Simpsonwood has previously held outdoor services on July 5, but will suspend those until it is appropriate to resume. Virtual worship is held at 10 a.m. on Sundays, followed by GrowGroup bible study at 10:45 a.m. Mission work and drive thru food collection is being conducted as needed. Stay connected at simpsonwoodumc.org.

Unity Atlanta Church

Unity Atlanta Church is remaining virtual for the time being. Sunday services are at 11 a.m. on live stream. Wednesday night services are on virtual platforms as well. See their calendar at unityatl. org for more information. ■


Great Vegetarian Dishes in Peachtree Corners

Taste of Greece▲ At Taste of Greece, you can’t go wrong with their classic falafels. This perfectly cooked mixture of fried ground chickpeas is not only delicious, but a great vegetarian dish. Take your meal to the next level by adding a side of pita bread and their homemade tzatziki sauce. To finish off your dining experience, follow up with an order of baklava or their famous Oreo cheesecake. 4941 Old Peachtree Road, Peachtree Corners 30092 470-545-4295 Find it on Facebook.


Hut► Loving Hut is known for their extensive and delicious vegan menu, and their mac and cheese is no exception. This flavorful pasta dish is topped with a perfect mixture of spices, vegan cheese and veggies to give it that perfect crunch. To make the meal even better, consider adding one of Loving Hut’s mouthwatering sides, like their chili cheese fries or falafel plate. 6385 Spalding Drive, Suite E, Peachtree Corners 30092 678-421-9191 facebook.com/LovingHutGA

L’Thai Organic

Cuisine ▲ L’Thai Organic Cuisine has a lot of great options for vegetarian and vegan eaters, including their fried tofu dish. This crisply fried organic tofu is served alongside their homemade sweet chili peanut sauce, which adds a perfect punch of flavor. To make your meal at L’Thai Organic Cuisine even more enjoyable, order one of their delicious desserts, like the fried banana with honey. 5450 Peachtree Parkway, Peachtree Corners 30092 770-807-7684 lethai.com

By Annie Fogle

Great Vegetarian Dishes in Peachtree Corners

Zoës Kitchen

If you’re dining at Zoës Kitchen, their classic hummus and salad plate is definitely worth a try. This simple yet delicious dish includes pita, hummus and a side of Greek salad. Experienced diners recommend pairing this with one of Zoës’ tasty side dishes, like their pasta salad or the braised white beans. You can also finish your meal with Yaya’s handmade chocolate cake for an even tastier experience. 5150 Peachtree Parkway, Suite 100, Peachtree Corners 30092 770-246-5026 zoeskitchen.com

Pokemoto▼ Pokemoto is an innovative poke restaurant that allows customers to make personalized poke bowls. For vegan and vegetarian eaters, a tofu bowl is a great option. This can include sweet onions, edamame tossed in their homemade sauce and toasted rice puffs. For dessert, they offer dole whip, available in pineapple and a rotating selection of flavors and also available as a float. 6135 Peachtree Parkway, Suite 605, Peachtree Corners 30092 770-559-1206 pokemoto.com

◄Ten Bistro Another great option for vegan and vegetarian eaters is the Club Med Salad at Ten Bistro. This salad is a mixture of organic greens, goat cheese, tomato and cucumber topped with three mini veggie black bean cakes. It’s perfect for anyone who craves a salad, but still wants a filling meal. You can take your meal to the next level by adding one of Ten Bistro’s many side options, like the grilled zucchini. 5005 Peachtree Parkway, Suite 820, Peachtree Corners 30092 770-375-8330 tenlocalflavors.com

Ba Bellies

If you’re looking for a restaurant that can fuse Asian and American flavors into creative and delectable dishes, Ba Bellies is the restaurant for you. Their Bolanudle includes noodles, mushrooms and asparagus in a creamy dashi sauce. This classic dish is topped with nori, bonito flakes, masago and a soft-boiled egg. Make the most of your dining experience here by ordering a side of their honey butter potato chips. 6025 Peachtree Parkway, Suite 9, Peachtree Corners 30092 770-710-0565 babellies.com

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Cool Summer Eats

Acai Bowl

Offering a blend for any customer, Press Blend Squeeze knows how to combine healthy ingredients packed with natural nutrients and protein. This quick stop shop for wellness snacks also provides Acai Bowls, including three toppings of your choice. Popular toppings include granola, honey, goji berries, strawberries, blueberries, coconut flakes and Chia seeds. Want more toppings? You’re always welcome to add more for a small fee. 4880 Peachtree Corners Circle, Suite 1110, Peachtree Corners 30092 678-694-1451 pressblendsqueeze.com

Ice Cold Brew

Peachy Corners Cafe welcomes all coffee lovers for a special experience. They provide a wide menu — from bubble tea to smoothies. Most importantly, this cafe has perfected their coffee; they offer an Iced Cold Brew with a sweet and salty cream foam on top. This outstanding duo within the foam has changed the coffee game. You can accompany your drink with a side of food choices from their counter. 6365 Spalding Drive, Unit D, Peachtree Corners 30092 678-691-0547 facebook.com/peachycorners

Create Your Own Rolled Ice Cream

Just roll with it at Kremo Ice Cream, where every delicious treat is handmade and rolled right in front of you! Pick one of the pre-made specialty creations off their menu or produce your own. Pictured is a vanilla cream base paired with an assortment of toppings. Kremo Ice Cream is the coolest spot for all tastes during the hot summer. 5210 Town Center Boulevard, Suite 240, Peachtree Corners 30092 470-375-8959 kremoicecream.com

Twig & Berries


Commemorating their 25th anniversary, Planet

Smoothie has launched new blends to start the party.

Exploding with taste, two fan favorites are the Chocolate

Elvis and the pictured Twig &

Berries, consisting of strawberry, banana and frozen yogurt.

Planet Smoothie continues to leave every customer wanting to try more! 5275 Peachtree Corners Parkway, Suite 106, Peachtree Corners 30092 | 470-545-1996 planetsmoothie.com

Orange Blossom White Peach Ice Cream

Summer is here and Yogurtland is happy to help you celebrate! Uniting white peaches and orange blossom, their new showstopper perfectly blends into a thick and creamy light-flavored ice cream. Orange Blossom White Peach ice cream is guaranteed to fulfill your peachy needs. Following this outstanding act, Yogurtland presents dozens of other flavors, which Peachtree Corners is sure to love. Experience the fleeting flavors while they are still available. 4880 Peachtree Corners Circle, Peachtree Corners 30092 770-416-1005 yogurt-land.com

Mango Cream Puff

Have you tasted these outstanding puffs of cream? Offering a variety of combinations, this French delicacy served at Beard Papa’s is perfectly complemented with your choice of cream. From green tea to mint chocolate, every cream puff placed in your hands comes with an explosion of powerful flavor. Newly added to their menu selection, the mango filling is promised by locals to not disappoint! 5215 Town Center Boulevard, Suite 620 Peachtree Corners 30092 770-807-0564 beardpapas.com

Fresh salmon hand cut in-house & roasted on a cedar plank for the perfect fl avor. Only at Ted’s.


Fresh Taro Series Drinks

Taro is where it’s at! With bubble tea as their specialty, Gong Cha focuses on creating new masterpieces like incorporating fresh taro into their delicious drinks. Taro, which many compare to the taste of sweet potatoes, enhances the new additions to their menu. Available in hot or cold, this hot new item comes inside a Green Tea Latte, a Latte with Milk Foam or Milk Tea. 5210 Town Center Boulevard, Suite 220, Peachtree Corners 30092 770-417-8223 gongchausa.com

SPACES Real Estate & Home

Amberfield Community A multi-part series on communities in Peachtree Corners

One of the best features about living in Peachtree Corners is the winding sidewalks. In the Amberfield Community, its residents have hit the jackpot. For the community that shares The Fields Club with its neighbors of Riverview, there is no place they would rather be during such uncertain times. The designs of over 450 homes in Amberfield and the amenities they enjoy are constantly evolving for their every-changing needs. And thanks to the thoughtful planning of land developer Jim Cowart, the residents can

better adapt and change with the world around them.

A resident’s perspective

Rhonda Levan, a Realtor for the great city of Peachtree Corners, is one such homeowner. She moved to Peachtree Corners in 1988 from the northeast to attend Emory University, and like most northeastern transplants, she never looked back.

Rhonda started out at North Manor but found her way over to Amberfield because her family wanted a house with extra space so she could take over the family gatherings. Rhonda’s two kids who enjoyed the perks of Gwinnett County’s award-winning school system are now full grown, but Rhonda muses that the house is just too convenient for them to even consider leaving the nest.

Her favorite part of the homes in Amberfield are that the rooms can be repurposed as the needs of the family change. The guest bedroom on the main floor of her home has been repurposed several times already and may even change again. Rhonda maintains that she will never leave her home, she will simply install an elevator when the time comes!

She recently discovered an old price sheet from her early years of Amberfield real estate and had a laugh over the fact that new residents could once purchase a custom home in Amberfield for the mid-200s. But there is more sparkle to the community than just the homes themselves.

Rhonda gushed over the famed sidewalks of Peachtree Corners and the many events that The Fields Club has to offer. She can’t wait to get back to the Halloween parties and bike parades and said she breathes a sigh of contentment when she thinks about being able to go down to the clubhouse with her family and catching up with her neighbors again.

She talked about the time her

daughter fell off her bike and one of her neighbors took care of her and brought her back to their home safely. A community that takes care of each other like that is really what brings the most value to the neighborhood.

Putting the real in real estate

Nancy Minor, who has been a Realtor in Peachtree Corners for 34 years, knew that the Amberfield community was going to be special from the moments she watched it first being built. A seasoned veteran, Nancy recalled all the times over the years that the real estate community braced for a housing bubble burst, but Peachtree Corners was never affected like they thought it would be.

She believes that it’s because of residents like those in Amberfield, who keep up with all the latest trends and update their homes to meet modern needs. This is one reason that the market in Peachtree Corners has remained strong.

Nancy also attributes most of the real estate success in Peachtree Corners to the genius of the late great Jim Cowart. She first met Jim when he used to throw special appreciation events for the real estate agents in Peachtree Corners.

From that point on, Nancy said, she still hears stories about how good a person he was. She even heard a story recently about how a church needed an organ and it was far beyond their budget. So instead of calling attention to it, Jim simply went out and bought the organ; it was waiting in the church the following Sunday. It seems that just like his predecessor, Paul Duke, Nancy knew Jim as someone who “did what needed to be done quietly, to help the community.”

The lasting legacy of Jim Cowart Jim Cowart was one of the first in the nation to put special care into the entrances of neighborhoods, which is why neighborhood entrances in Peachtree Corners (and throughout much of the U.S.) are now flush with lush shrubbery and flowers. He also took risks with modern suburban architecture while developing the Amberfield community, creating homes that were unlike any others of their time.

Up until that point, Nancy recalls that most neighborhood homes were simply “5-4 and a door,” meaning that homes were always five windows on top and four on the bottom with a door in the middle. Jim was not only a visionary in terms of architec

ture, but he would personally step in during any neighborhood disputes.

“How many people do you know with busy jobs like that who would get a phone call and simply drop everything and come to the aid of the homeowners?” Nancy asked.

Jim Cowart was strict with his builders and was even surprised himself by the demand for new homes as Peachtree Corners was booming. He kept having to go back to the city and ask for more money and more land to keep up with the needs of the new homes in the Amberfield community.

But Jim’s master plan was in the sidewalks themselves. No other community in the Atlanta metro area has such a well-planned sidewalk system that weaves through each of the surrounding neighborhoods and leads to the YMCA, the river and other amenities.

Nancy was once part of a special committee to fight for the now iconic sidewalk system of modern-day Peachtree Corners. So, thanks to pioneers like Jim Cowart and Nancy Minor, Peachtree Corners will thrive for years to come.

Brian Johnson, Peachtree Corners City manager, boasts of The Fields Club where residents of both Amberfield and Riverview can come together and enjoy its many amenities including multiple pools, tennis courts, playgrounds and a clubhouse. Members can also enjoy events like live music, movie nights and seasonal festivals.

Brian said he believes that “the character of a community is defined by its social and recreational amenities. And the socializing of both communities is made possible by The Fields Club.”

Like him, the residents of Amberfield are a beacon of what an ideal community looks like, and they spread those ideals every day by simply living that philosophy.■

Top, recent listing on Zillow for 4007 Ancient Amber Way, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 Middle, Amberfield, one of two entrances Above, Fields tennis courts. Opposite page: Swim and Tennis courts (Google Earth) Initial Fields Club brochure, note the membership fee Background, the community plan noting sold homes

Revington Neighborhood Transforms Tennis Courts into Victory Garden

Looking on the bright side can be tricky these days, but residents of Revington on the River soak up the sun by working together to renovate their under-utilized tennis courts into a lush, lively victory garden.

The tennis courts near the community pool had been unused for a few years, so members of the Revington Homeowners Association and interested homeowners began to discuss a plan to “someday” convert the tennis courts into a community garden. Then after health and safety concerns related to COVID-19 required many people to stay close to home, “someday” came a lot sooner than expected.

As a relative newcomer to the neighborhood, retired Texas transplant Ed Stockhausen searched for a way to connect with his neighbors and to contribute to the community. So naturally, when the victory garden project came up, Ed jumped in with both feet.

“I went out and bought a bunch of boards, basically started building the first set of boxes. I’ve done a lot of landscaping on my property, so I had a good idea of what we needed. I brought in a bunch of rocks, a bunch of soil,” Ed said.

He laid out the initial plans for the first 12 boxes, with dimensions of four-feet long and four-feet wide by 20 inches high. Ed was quick to say that this was a joint neighborhood project with lots of hardworking and cheerful people chipping in. He simply served as the first to break ground and get things organized so that others could come and join in the fun.

Due to a family emergency, Ed was out of town for six weeks towards the completion of the project. But the work continued as more and more neighbors marveled at the progress. One neighbor even rode in on big Bobcat machinery to speed things along.

“It’s been amazing. We’ve put in a fire pit and we have two teepees made out of bamboo out of somebody’s yard. The kids did that and planted beans around one of them and peas around the other,” said Karen Walkup, a Revington resident.

Karen estimates that there are now 15 tended beds managed by individual neighborhood families, as well as designated community areas for shared use. The variety of plants is impressive, from fresh flowers to delectable tomatoes, cucumbers, okra, watermelon, pumpkin and more.

The green garden breathes life into an already vibrant community and gives us hope for the future as we see like-minded individuals work towards a common goal to make things better. Thanks for sharing your story with us, Revington Community Garden. ■




A - Ed Stockhausen at home in Revington Community Garden. Photo courtesy of Revington on the River Facebook blog B - A wonderful view of the Revington Community Garden, full of delicious fruits, veggies and beautiful flowers. Photo courtesy of Nancy Minor and Karen Walkup C - A cozy bed at Revington Commu- nity Garden. Photo courtesy of Nancy Minor and Karen Walkup D - Breaking ground at Revington Community Garden. Photo courtesy of Nancy Minor and Karen Walkup E - Tomatoes on the vine. Photo courtesy of Nancy Minor and Karen Walkup F - A funky protective teepee made by local kids out of donated bamboo. Photo courtesy of Revington on the River Facebook blog

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