1 minute read
“Well, are we certified?!” - Faura didn’t need to voice the question. It’s all over her face. You can see it even through the mask.
My hand victoriously waves two diving log books above my head.
“Congratulations!!!” - Faura’s eyes lock on Bobby’s face. “Well done!” These words mean the world right now. She knows what he overcame. Faura couldn’t finish her certification. Claustrophobia.
…. “My favorite part of Naia?” - my mind is racing through the last 9 days. Bobby’s question caught me off guard.
“I… don’t know if I can choose one”, - memories from the last week and a half run through my mind, chasing each other.
I mean, how can one decide what’s better, a hike that almost “killed” us and shown us Belize from one of the most incredible angles we would have never be able to see ourselves, or dinners at the restaurant, with incredible creative menu, composed by young and talented chefs Naia hosts and fosters, or morning chats with Faura and the staff, who don’t even feel like “resort people”, they feel like family, or spa, where a walk to it is an experience of its own, a place to meditate, getting lost in your thoughts, recharging and reconnecting with nature, or Saturday night dinner parties where a guest chefs creates Michelin star menu and the entire community gathers for conversations, incredible food and just to enjoy life. And then there is kayaking with Aaron, who takes you to an entirely different world of Naia. His “church” is the only one that resonates with me.
“I can’t choose”, - a smile makes its way to my face. My eyes find Bobby’s. “I want to come back here again. This… feels like home”. A barely noticeable nod lets me know that Bobby thinks the same. Naia, we love you. We will be back soon!