We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed. Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.
The Widow’s Oil and The Shunammite Woman
21 Days of Supernatural Increase
Copyright © 2022 LaDeidre Maris
Published by Living Water Book, Christian Division of Butterfly Typeface Publishing House, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201

Print Book Edition 2021
All rights reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. Any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of LaDeidre Maris except for the use of brief quotations in a book review, or occasional page copying for personal, or group study is also allowed and encouraged.
Amplified version Good News Translation The Passion Translation
Scripture quotations identified are from The New King James Version® Copyright© 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc used by permission all right reserved.
Graphics, Art, and Designs Living Water Books
My husband, Charles Maris
My beloved is mine, and I am his. Song of Songs 2:16
I look at you and see a life lived in Christ. A husband hidden in the presence of God coated with authority dripping in his powerful word. I'm the appointed wife beside you, covering all sides of you while praying in the background. I came out the side of you to protect the core of you. I understand why God says, That value of a “Godly Wife” is unmatched, for she's a vessel whom God can constantly pour himself into, and the oil never runs out!!!! She blesses her household.
Preface ............................................................................9
God, I’m Desperate
Spiritual Detox ..............................................................16
Day One........................................................................17
The Widow’s Oil
Day Two .......................................................................20
Identity In The Alliance
Day Three......................................................................24
God Ordained Matters require Divine Intervention
Day Four.......................................................................26
God Honors Her Day Five........................................................................30
Husband’s Authority, Wife’s Access
Day Six .........................................................................34
Seek God for Assistance Day Seven.....................................................................36
Don’t Downplay Your Power.....................................36
Day Eight......................................................................43
God Sees You Day Nine.......................................................................45
What She Saw Didn’t Hinder What She Believed
The Declaration.............................................................49
Day Ten.........................................................................51
Close The Door On Distractions (Satan)
Day Eleven....................................................................55
The Love Note Day Twelve...................................................................56
Contentment Brings Gain
Day Thirteen..................................................................60
Creative Measures
Day Fourteen.................................................................62
Adjust Your Eyesight Day Fifteen....................................................................67
God Tested Her Faith
Day Sixteen...................................................................73
Sustained By God
Day Seventeen...............................................................77
Fill The Jars in Our Home First Declaration....................................................................79
Anoint The Tongue
Day Eighteen.................................................................81
Respond To Your Faith
Day Nineteen.................................................................85
From Distress To Ascension Day Twenty...................................................................89
Heaven will bring a Harvest Through Me
Day Twenty-One...........................................................93
Expected End Conclusion ....................................................................97
Preface God, I’ m Desperate
The cry of desperation is a different cry when you just want the presence of God to submerge your entire life. There’s a song that says desperate people do desperate things. I imagine that’s how the widow and the Shunammite woman received their section of the bible. A war cry of desperation, a wailing from the depth of their souls because everything is attacking the family, and the only one who can save everyone is El Shaddai.
We all have faced uncertainties of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, and for any who have suffered a loss, we extend our sincere condolences. This book is so personal and dear to my heart because it is a written record of my husband's health and the tragedy that struck our home. What began as a typical week of laughing, loving, going to work, instructing our children during virtual school, teaching, cooking, etc., all ended with the uncertainty of my husband’s health and life.
All the battles we faced together, the victories we won, didn’t stop Covid-19 from hitting my husband's heart. I saw my husband gasping for air. I saw my husband holding his chest, and I immediately said, Let’s Go! I rushed my husband to the E.R. where they admitted him right away. They said my husband was having a heart attack and declared that he was at stroke level. The doctors immediately gave him medication. The only problem was the medication wasn’t working, and his numbers weren’t dropping, so they continued to increase his dosage. Doctors and nurses were in and out, trying to release the pressure from my husband’s heart. My heart hung out of my chest. He needed me, and even though I was right by his side. I felt helpless. They tested him for covid, and he tested positive again. He’d already tested positive for covid two times before this attack.
Covid attacked the hidden and sensitive areas of his body. He was ruled as a covid patient under 24-hour care. Nurses immediately suited up in hazmat gear to transfer him to anotherhospital. InArkansas, somehospitals couldnottreat covid patients, and they needed him isolated so that he wouldn’t expose anyone else to the virus.
I looked over at my husband fighting for his life, and I felt every emotion known to the flesh. Tears, tears, and more tears flooded my shirt. I tried to turn away and cry, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t be hard and strong for him, so I found peace in the only emotion I knew called love. Love has no masks. It cannot pretend. I wasn’t going to pretend to be strong when I knew he was fighting a fight I couldn’t do anything about. So, I sat by his bedside, holding his hands while everyone else was wearing a mask; I couldn’t.
I didn’t want to. I needed him to see my face in the moments when the pain intensified so he could remember love. I am love. I’ve always been the love that he sees and encourages him. I’ve always been the love that believes in him, so my eyes locked into his and I needed him to find strength in our love.
• Our love is healing.
• Our love is medicine.
• Our love is real.
• Our love is strong.
• Our love from God was the only thing that would make him fightbeyond whathis body wantedto do.
I played our favorite worship songs to set the atmosphere; his blood pressure numbers started decreasing, while his tests reported back as severe damage to the heart. This was too much but I internalized my screams within my chest. God help us, please. They entered our room and transferred my baby to another hospital. Of course, due to covid policies and isolation, I couldn’t go. I walked back to our car with my heart in my hand. I hit the steering when and I fought the air. then I prayed….
Lord, we know you. We serve you. I’ve seen you fight battles for us and win every time. I’ve had the heavenly host on my side, and I’ve stepped with and in your thunderous strength, so I know what you can do. However, what I know about you is not enough to sustain me at this level; I need more. I need you to show me how to depend solely on you. We have four boys who are still in school, in athletics while we have business, ministry. I must maintain all of this because my husband would say, “We don’t let our faith stop because things go wrong.”
Apostle Charles Maris So, I said, “God, I don’t want you to teach me how to do it all. I need you to teach me how to depend solely on you and walk in you while you do it through me. When I made it
home our sons hugged me tight, and they asked, “Where’s dad?” I gathered our sons around and we prayed. I gave them an update on their dad’s health and put them to bed. I didn’t sugarcoat anything. I said, “This is what the doctor said but we believe a different report.” I left them and made it upstairs as I sat on the edge of the bed. Our 10-year-old came upstairs to our room and said, “Mom!” Dad said, “Protect and care for the family.”
I turned and stared at him because I knew he heard his father’s voice in Spirit. I said, “Yes baby, and we will protect and care for the family.”
There I was facing the warrior within again only this time my battleground changed. It meant relying on God of more than enough, “El Shaddai.” El Shaddai is one of seven covenant names through which God revealed Himself to Israel. In Hebrew, El Shaddai means “the All-Sufficient One,”or“theGodWhoismorethanenough.”Ihaveknown God as my provider, but I needed to know Him as the oil that never runs out and as the overflow in a constricted place. If you read my first book I was introduced to Lord Sabaoth, the God of Angel Armies.
God led me to 2 Kings 4, The Widows Oil and The Shunammite Woman, and what started as a daily communication log for me evolved into this devotional. Every day there’s a message from God with a breakdown of natural application for supernatural results. God led me on this faith-filled path regarding my husband, my home, and most importantly with Him. God sent help from Zion every single day the same way he sent help for these two women. God told me to “study them because He desires to be my more than enough,” My El Shaddai.
Open your bible and turn to 2 kings 4. We will read this chapter and study the life of the Widow’s Oil and The Shunammite Woman. Prepare for a different perspective on partnership. Let’s begin going deeper in God. The deeper we go in him, the less we walk in the flesh.
Spiritual Detox
God, I lay before you every burden, religious, and fearful belief system contrary to you. I recognize that this fight is not carnal, and it is different. I cannot fight with head knowledge but with the revelations, you reveal to me regarding the matter. You’ve given me two lessons to glean from and be transformed. I cannot think of loss in any capacity because it can impair my vision.
I must see the surplus found within you.
In the lives of these two women, they were faced with the unthinkable and had no choice but to look to you.
They couldn’t even think about their inabilities just about your capabilities through them. I saw where you positioned them to be fixated on faith because faith brought you into their realm and restored what was once lost. You restored and rewarded because they sought your face. Here I am at this new level seeking you.
And without faith, it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrew 11:6(NIV)
Day One
The Widow’s Oil
Message from God:
We are in partnership regarding your home. You are not alone, but I need you to see beyond the possible and search for the impossible. Stop expecting other people to do what only I can do. You are anointed for where you are, and the oil flowing through your life is the Holy Spirit.
Life Application:
Move past your first emotional response to the matter. Just because it’s the first response doesn’t mean it is correct.
Remember your alliance with God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.
Let's begin with the title, "The Widow's Oil" which is ownership. Does anyone see the partnership established from the beginning with the oil of God surrounding her? God established the collaboration with us. He chose us. We can see the mystery of the alliance between the wife and God. He surrounds her and assumes responsibility for her beyond her comprehension. He has a well thought out plan that simply requires an act of faith. The only problem is she
sees lack and even her title signifies loss. The term widow is defined as a woman who has lost her spouse by death; a woman/wife left uncovered. The definition screams loss, but He (God) shifts her focus to the oil, not her lack.
The term oil is used biblically throughout the Old and New Testaments, symbolic of theanointing of God. You maysee it written as (Spirit of The Lord, or Holy Spirit). God used what appeared to have one meaning in the natural and gave her a completely different status or ranking in Spirit just as he has done for you. When God is our 1st love (even when it appears that you have no one), you have Heaven waiting to respond to your faith. God gave us our victorious results at the beginning of creation, but just like the widow, sometimes a loss doesn’t look like a victory. When God established His covenant with us, it became a binding agreement sealed by the blood of Christ. In this covenant, God says, "I am committed to you, and we are together no matter what you face. We are in partnership and when you call, I’ll answer just for you…. I am your confidante, and yourearthlymaritalstatusdoesn’tdefinewhetherI willhelp you or not. You are my bride. Your love and faith for me is the active agent that grabs my attention."
Do not fear, for I have redeemed you [from captivity]; I have called you by name; you are mine! Isaiah 43:1(AMP)
Love is faith and faith is love. There’s a distinct sound released when real love is present. Love can move mountains and shake the foundation of any situation.
Day Two
Identity In The Alliance
Message from God:
Find your strength and identity in me, by inviting me into everymomentofyourlife. Doyouseehowthewidowfaced devastation, yet somehow kept going? Where do you think her strength came from?
Life Application:
Your supernatural strength will come from the Holy Spirit who gives you confidence in God. Pray for strength from Zion.
The identity and strength of this woman are found in her covenant with God. What gives us this understanding? Well, the Lord chose her for this complex, grievous, yet miraculous situation. Here’s a summary of what she is facing so you can relate. The Widow’s husband is dead, and they are buried in the debt that he created. She has no food, no money and she’s on the verge of losing her children along with her home. You, know how we can sometimes negotiate and set up payment arrangements; maybe even make a promise to pay with the next check? Well, she doesn’t have this option. Even paying a certain amount on the debt owed doesn’t satisfy the creditor. She understands the laws regarding marriage and debt incurred; that his debt
is her debt, and as much as she wants to complain, she just doesn’t have the extra time to vent. She’s alone and has no family members to loan her anything until the next pay period because she has no job.
You hear about her physical condition, but can you imagine her emotional and mental state?
People may even be discussing her situation within the community; you know how people gossip. Now, she could cast it all to the wind and give up, but the warrior within her won’t let her. There’s this nudge she feels within her that we all feel when our back isagainst the wall, thatnudgethat won't let us rest. She doesn’t have a moment just to take a breather because everything is riding on her next decision.
What do you do when your back is against the wall, dealing with real life uncertainties? Many of us can relate, right? She has a fervent desire not to give in, so she chooses to trust the only one she knows. She releases the war cry from the depth of her soul while praying within her heart unto God for answers. Within the scriptures, God promises that he will deliver whenever we find ourselves in these circumstances. She faces the hardship head on without succumbing to mind battles. How do you think you would
have handled it, and what can you learn from her? Today examine your mental and emotional capacity. Think about your most challenging day then multiply it by ten. Nowstep back and seethat evenifyourgrief wasthismuch, Godisn’t asking you to rely on your own strength. Don’t focus on the pain and miss the promise!
But as for me, I am poor and needy; come quickly to me, O God. You are my help and my deliverer; Lord, do not delay. Psalm 70:5(NLT)
Sometimes we mistakenly think of what we can do, and in doing that we limit God. It doesn’t appear like something can occur but our perception can be blurred in the area where we are experiencing trauma, attacks, etc. When I God said take no thought in what you will wear, eat, do etc He was saying no need to be focused on the areas I am responsible for. I will open doors for you. Even if you go to work daily it’s God that gave the employment God provides.
Day Three
God-Ordained Matters require Divine Intervention
Message from God:
Today I need your heart to understand that I will allow some heartbreak to grab your attention and draw you
deeper into trusting me so you can see the truth about yourself. Sometimes heartbreak has strategies that help with your development, and I want you to be rooted in me.
Life Application:
Daughter, a broken heart doesn’t have to mean a shattered spirit. The presence of God is with you. Get up and get your house together. People are relying on God in you.
On this day in 2nd Kings, we see two women, wives, and mothers, who didn’t ask for the turmoil and agony of life’s uncertainties. Onewifelost herhusband, possiblylosingher children, and she had no money.
The Shunammite woman lost her child yet still had her husband. Both faced tremendous tragedies, and there was nothing they could do to prevent these matters from occurring. However, God used the tragedies to draw them deeper into him. Their obedience & faith in God brought tremendous blessings and deliverance to their families. Now, look at what you’re dealing with today.
What you’re facing is it God engineered to draw you closer to him. I know what it looks like, but God ordained matters
require divine intervention, and if it occurs, God wants you to rely on him to help you through it. What if God told you I set this up in your life so you could see me? What should your response be moving forward? I authored this book due to a God-engineered circumstance, so I’m literally living out heartbreak while encouraging you and receiving strength from God. God created another stream of income duringapandemic, andheisbreathingonyourtragedyright now. Open your eyes and see the victory.
God is Spirit, and they that worship must worship in Spirit and in truth. John 4:24
Day Four
God Honors Her
Message From God:
When I am invited within the heart I dwell in the home, and I have a personal relationship with both husband and wife. I honor them both as individuals and then as one body in
marriage. No matter how you feel, or what he has done, honor me by honoring him. Even if he rejects you due to a stubborn heart of frustration. I know how to reward my people for their obedience. Remember, kingdom respect brings forth supernatural results on your behalf.
Life Application:
Serve him with all your heart. He needs to see your faith. It’s okay to cry but don’t wallow in grief. God exchanged your wardrobe from mourning to praising. Now honor your husband as though you were entering God’s courts with praise.
Honor is defined as high respect and greatesteem. Remember, God, honors you and lavishes his blessings upon you because you honor his covenant. Honoring your husband may not always be easy, but I’ve learned that marriage is for the mature. Marriage is not a place for revenge and if you spend time trying to find ways to get back at your spouse, please grow up. Why remain at a lower level when you could ascend and have your heart’s desire? The Holy Spirit within
you and your marriage will help you to mature in the principles of Christ. Warrior Wives are mature in marriage. We understand Ephesians 5:22, (Wives, submittoyour own husbands, as to the Lord.) We know we serve a higher power, and our actions aren't just toward our husbands. Everything we release, say, and do is an offering unto God. This is what I love about God. He holds us responsible for our actions because our actions reveal the motives of our hearts. Never leave your heavenly posture in Christ to handle an earthly matter with your husband. You can be here on earth and respond with the mind of Christ. This is what it means to give honor.
At this moment are you thinking negatively about your spouse? Are you doing evil deeds because they have hurt you? Are you neglecting your responsibility because he neglects his? Are you harboring unforgiveness and resentment all while pretending like everything is, okay? Guess what? Your thoughts and deeds are already in the courts of Heaven before God. He knows how you really feel. He sees when there is respect, partial, or none at all. Before you can think it or doit, he has already seen it. Wife, The mystery within the scripture is to see and treat your husband according to God's heart for him, not according to
hismistakesthathave wounded you.Remember, weanswer to someone higher. Ask God to create in you a clean heart and renew you right now. Seek counseling if needed, but an unbelieving toxic mindset will not yield supernatural results. Complainingtaintsourviewsandcorruptsthe heart. Negativity spews from the heart that has hidden motives.
(Even in his death, she still reverenced her husband from God's eyes and perspective, not hers.) He made mistakes. Honestly, we can see he made mistakes, and we see he left her in extreme debt, at risk of losing even their kids.
We see selfishness. We know he wasn't perfect, but she didn't judge him on that. When she went for help, she never bashed her husband. She left her concerns about him in prayer and allowed God to deal with him as she remained true to God's calling on her life. God blessed her entire household because of her. A certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord. And the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves.” II Kings 4:1 NKJV
We can see that her husband trusts her heart for God and him. He knows she loves God, and she treats him as unto God. How else can you explain this huge amount of support he gives her, even in allowing another man of God to live on their property? She knows what God has called her to do and she doesn't disrespect her husband to do it. She’s accountable and respectfully submits to his authority. And she said to her husband, “Look now, I know that this is a holy man of God, who passes by us regularly. Please, let us make a small upper room on the wall; and let us put a bed for him there, and a table and a chair and a lampstand; so, it will be, whenever he comes to us, he can turn in there.” II Kings 4:9-10 NKJV
Day Five
Husband’s Authority, Wife’s Access
Message from God:
Today I want you to research the word authority and then look at your fear versus my authority. Just because tragedy occurs doesn’t mean I want you to return to fear. I need you
to be bold and confident. Access the next realm of authority that I have given to you.
Life Application:
As you take care of things pertaining to your husband, remember to have no fear. You represent him in the earth.
Marriage is oneness you are the only one authorized to speak on his behalf. Now speak with confidence.
In marriage, the husband is given legal and spiritual authority regarding his wife. The bride to be is always given away from one authority (her father) to another (her husband). According to Ephesians 5:22 27, God gives to the husband responsibilities regarding his wife, reflecting Christ’s responsibilities to the church. The marriage decree is a legal document giving rights to both husband and wife.
Often wives forget their authority and power. They give it all to their husbands forgetting that the church as Christ's bride has authority too. The bride of Christ steps into the authority of Christ to function in the earth. In 2 Kings 4(NIV), The wife is granted access to approach the man of God in the authority of Christ and her husband.
The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, “Your servant, my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the Lord. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves.” 2 Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?” “Your servant has nothing there at all,” she said, “except a small jar of olive oil.”
Look at the scripture she’s not afraid to conduct business, negotiate, and ask for assistance from a representative of Christ. There’s so much humility she adds to the authority she’s given. She isn’t flirtatious, beckoning for another man's attention. This is the difference between a wise woman of authority and an ineffective foolish woman. She is driven and serious about the role she now must operate in, to save her home, help her husband, pay off debt, and create a stream of wealth.
When we are faced with hardships because of our husband's health or absence our devotion is important because it is a character trait of God. God saw himself within the widow. He sees himself within you and He responds to the fruit of Him. Declare today, Angelic host of God, I am expecting you to respond to God’s voice through me.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22 23 NKJV
Have you ever noticed that someone who struggles with their identity will allow people to mistreat them. Someone who is safely secure in God’s love implements healthy boundaries one person seems humble while another seems arrogant when in actuality there’s no humility in being passive about life and there’s no arrogance for standing in God and for what you believe. That’s an example of authority. A bold mentality that says I refuse to allow anyone to trample over the Kingdom Of Heaven in me!
Day Six
Seek God for Assistance
Message From God:
I am El Shaddai. I have more than enough. Seek me first and allow me to send people after my own heart to you. When I send angels, you don’t feel shame, pride, or hear gossip about what you need or what is given. I think of all of this when I send assistance. So don’t seek help on your own just come to me.
Life Application:
God didn’t ask you to provide a solution, He asked you to seek his face and he will give the solution. Don’t doubt the way maker who knows what you need.
Come to the realization that you have everything you need within you. Look around your house? In 2 Kings 4:2, The solution was in the widow’s house. She had an outward public tragedy with an internal problem solver.
No matter what situation arises, we have a solution waiting to manifest. The question is, how do we access it? We access it by recognizing we own a physical house and spiritual house. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, We are God’s temple and God’s Spirit dwells within our midst. We have the Holy Spirit within us, and He is our valuable treasure.
The widow had the answer, but she needed a reminder with instructions. God will touch the heart of his own and deliver a message. Day six is not for us to go searching for a man or woman of God for answers. This day is designed to teach you toquiet yoursoul andseek God for direction. Thisstory is symbolic of seeking God for a path that leads to healing, then allowing him to send someone in your life to give wisdom. Messages can come in numerous ways. God is responsible for you, and he will send one of your angels to help you continue moving forward.
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us 2 Corinthians 4:7(KJV)
Message from God:
I need you to think about all that you and I have been through. If you have doubt, it will limit me, but if you will, surrender it gives me access. Surrender your negative thoughts about yourself. Surrender the condemnation you replay in your mind. Just say, Lord I surrender. I am with you, andI need toshowyouthe authoritative, powerful, and influential woman I created.
Life Application:
Believe in yourself. Assess your day. You don’t have time to think negativelybecause Heaven is waitingtorespond on your behalf. Let’s begin speaking the opposite of what we see. Speak life and watch Heaven appear on behalf of all things concerning you.
Downplay is defined as making (something) appear less important than it really is. The adversary does that a lot doesn’t he? You’ve started thinking you’re no one, with nothingand Godisn’tconcerned about this area of yourlife. Satan projects thoughts and images onto our minds; and he
paints the worst possible scenarios. Of course, due to our own personal fears we start believing the worst over God’s best. As with many of us, the problem was the widow was perishing for her lack of knowledge. Someone downplayed her anointing and made her feel worthless!
However, when her husband left with what remained, she knew she couldn’t remain the same. How many times have we doubted ourselves because the situation seemed hopeless? Sometimesbelief within self dies thinkingthesin is so huge that God can't forgive, or can't possibly love you, but he does. Unknowingly we downplay the power of God within ourselves because of inadequacies in our lives. We
don’t realize we are shrinking back because it’s a normal response to matters of life. In order to move from this moment of your life you must see yourself as God sees you. You are a living stream of abundance, but I want you to see past your flesh.
2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you unless, of course, you fail the test?
1. What's in your physical house that you think has no value?
The widow had empty jars waiting to be filled with oil. She had a product/
2. The widow was a businesswoman, but she didn't know it.
Think of what God has given you to manage that is bigger than what you see now?
The wives in 2 Kings recognized their value and gifts in the middle of a storm. Turbulent times can produce success through you
4. Do you believe lies (Satan) rather than (God’s) truth about you? If so, then why? Why do you exchange truth for a lie?
5. God created you with a purpose beyond yourself. Write down ideas God has given you. Don’t try to figure out how it will happen just jot them down
May I plead with you to stop focusing on the distractions, stopthinkingthat because one prayer has not manifested yet that God didn't hear and respond to you. Stop waiting on your husband to have faith for the entire family before you align with the promises of God. How do you know your faith in God won't grab your husband's attention? Marriage is a partnership. Yes, husbands have a responsibility, but so do we. God looked at your husband in Genesis and said it's not good for him to be alone. God knew there would be times when the wife's faith would be the answer in the house. It's right here in scripture. I love my husband sovery much. Oh my God he’s my heart and a phenomenal man of God. I also know we are in partnership, and He needs my faith. Yes, he loves God and has faith, but there are times that the spirit of fear speaks to him as it does us all if we are
willing to be honest. It’s in those times that my faith-filled prayers usher him into God. My faith ignites his spirit and brings healing to situations he may deem as dead.
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back to back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple braided cord is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 NLT
The adversary will attempt to play with your husband’s mindset. Move in faith to influence your husband into the miracles of God byyour actions with andin God. Trust God again for deliverance. Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.” The mind of faith will help you see and speak up.
The widow said I have nothing of value except my oil.... II Kings 4:2
She was saying that I have nothing of value except (You Lord) the Holy Spirit. She had no job, but she had someone within her who could open doors on her behalf. She had no money, but she had someone within her that saw currency on earth as faith in Heaven. In fact. when she stepped out on faith, God showed her a business within herself. God responds to the cries of his people. `God, through her wiped the debt clean, she kept her family together and
brought respect to her husband’s name simply because of His covenant. God is our covenant-keeping God.
God is within her; she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Psalm 46:5(NIV)
Day Eight
God Sees You
Message From God:
I see you. I see your aches, scars, inner turmoil, and your smile that you keep pushing through with strength. I know what you are experiencing now and because you believe I will help you… I will help you. My eyes are upon you, and I am attentive to your cries.
Life Application:
Encourage your family of God’s attention on them. Just as observant as you are regarding their unique needs and wants. Remind them that they have angels surrounding them to watch over them.
The women's faith in 2 Kings Chapter 4: 1-37 grabbed God's attention in Heaven. The eyes of God were upon them, and his ears were open in response to them.
God hovered over their households, and through their rooms, waiting to respond. The presence of God is truly a gift, and He became their joy.
How do we know this?
Because when you read this scripture text, you will see God in the details of their lives. He was present in the highs and the lows. You can see how their faith caught the attention of Elisha the man of God representing God. God was right there. These women andwives were inthe courtsof Heaven day and night even though physically they were at home;
spiritually, theywerewithGod andworshippedhimin spirit and in truth. God responds to the cries and cries aren't always sad it just means Godhears and sees yourheart. You don’t have to fight to be heard, or seen. Remind yourself that there’s someone who loves you more than you do, and he created you to be present in your life.
The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry. Psalm 34:15 (NIV)
Day Nine
What She Saw Didn’t Hinder What She Believed
Message from God:
Don't allow what you see, to Hinder What You Believe. You are a woman of relentless faith.
Life Application:
Don’t say what you see taking place in front of your eyes. That is only one side of things, there’s more to be seen than the naked eye can see. Speak the word regarding the situation. Look around you; there’s a realm in God you haven’t accessed yet, and possibilities flow like a waterfall in that realm.
If I speak out of my mouth and say what I see without consulting God, then I can hinder what Heaven says about the matter. So, I refuse to speak unless I'm going to speak the oracles of God in my home. This is the Shunammite
woman’s dilemma: After the Shunammite was given a son, he had a headache and told his father about it first. The father told the servant togethim tohismother. The sonthen died on his mother's lap. (See scripture below). This is an extremely tough situation. Let’s just process where she is. Come now try to relate to the very thing you prayed for has died in your hands, I believe this is why God gives us this illustration so we can liken it to severe issues that occur around us that seem hopeless.
When carried and brought him to his mother, he sat on her lap until noon, and then he died. She went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God and shut the door [of the small upper room] behindhim and left. Then she called to her husband and said, “Please send me one of the servants and one of the donkeys, so that I may run to the man of God and return.” He said, “Why are you going to him today? It is neither the New Moon nor the Sabbath.” And she said, “It will be all right.” 2 Kings 4:20-23 AMP.
The Shunammite woman had two options
Plan A:
Sit around and cry, be an emotional wreck lose all hope in God, complain, call her friends, and plan for the funeral
Plan B:
Wipe her face so she doesn't alarm anyone. Recognize this battle goes beyond what she can comprehend so don't even try to emotionalize it. I just put (emotion + rationalize) together... Smile, that's where we try to rationalize with our emotions what just happened, and it stresses us more). We honestly tryto figure out spiritual events with our emotions, which sometimes messes us up because in that moment we have no answers to our feelings. She doesn't do that though. She puts on the full armor of God, respectfully withholds the full problemfrom herhusband untilshecan partnerwith Heaven to respond in faith. She asked her husband to get her a ride so she could run to the man of God (run to God) for instructions.
When her husband asked why she was going,
• She didn't have a meltdown.
• She didn't get an attitude with him,
• she didn't expect him to have all of the answers,
• she didn't put that huge burden on him.... No, she turned around and said, it will be okay. My God! Listen, Heaven responded from within her, howisit that her son was lying in bed dead, but she knows one thing.
I can't allow what I see to hinder what I believe. I trust God no matter what, and I must findout ifthisis the final verdict or does Heaven declare a different verdict.
The Declaration
Relentless Woman Of Faith
Declare it, Women of God I won't speak unless my language matches Heaven, I won't move unless my movement mimics The Holy Spirit. I'm racing unto God, and I won't throw my family in bondage anymore by this tongue in fact, I REPENT for this loose, untamed tongue that has spoken recklessly in the past. God give me the Tongue of the learned, of wisdom. Holy Spirit teach me how to be dependent on you regarding my mouth. God, you can trust my tongue because my only desire is to sound like you. I'm ready to learn a new language. I'm crossing over. Releasing the sound of Heaven.
Declare it in Jesus’ name!!! With tears streaming down the Shunammite woman's face, her soul was hurting (verse 27) she was distressed, and Elisha said, GOD, hid this from me. Did y’all catch that? God knew about this woman/wife issue at home, withchildren, husband, job, etc. He was the only one that knew in advance about this whole ordeal and gave no one a heads up. God didn't tell the
prophet, hedidn't tellthe husband, andhe didn'ttell thewife in advance that this was coming. Heaven was silent about the matter, but GOD was still looking out for her. You are a Woman of Relentless Faith, don't dare Give Up, Heaven hears and sees!!!
Signed, A Relentless Wife and Warrior
Day Ten
Close The Door On Distractions (Satan)
Message from God:
Submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee. James 4:7
That distraction is sent to bring division and doubt in your thoughts concerning me. There’s nothing too hard for me but I require you to get out of your own way. Please press in my presence with more determination than you haveever pressed before to reach my expected end for you.
Life Application:
You will get exhausted especially when everything is upon you. Today listen for the angels singing within your ear, chanting a sound of praise to encourage your progress. Whatever song you hear in your heart, sing, play, or turn it on now. God is invading your space.
A distraction is satan masked as something appearing urgent vying for your time. His main objective is to kill, steal, and destroy. He doesn't mind stealing yourjoy, killing your dreams, and destroying your goals, responsibilities,
purpose, etc. That's his role. Our role is to pursue God with our whole hearts, get our instructions from God, and close the door to distractions. Get busy. 2 Kings 4:5 said, when the widow received her instructions from God (Elisha, Christ Representative), she left him, closed the door, and her sons brought the jars as she kept working.
• She was locked in; she had no time to waste.
• She kept working.
• She was responsible for her time and set her eyes on God's Goals.
• She taught her children how to hear and obey.
• She gave instructions and taught them to be servants. Focus on what matters.
• She taught her sons how to pursue God for an answer, and when you get the answer, even if it doesn't make sense put your faith to work.
• She was responsible for her time and set her eyes on God's Goal.
• She shut the door on everything that interfered with her God, her family, and her purpose.
• She was determined and focused.
Focus is defined as the prevailing level of light and ability to see clearly. What is your level in God that he wants you to adjust to? Ascend there in your thinking. The body will follow. Adapt to this new realm of possibilities, then see through God's eyes.
Don't compare yourselfto anyoneelse ortheirjourney.This is personal. Lock in on what matters most. Clear the clutter, look at the truth about the situation, and find out what you need to do. Once God gives you a plan, as He has given The Widow, you close the door and start walking out your faith. She left Elisha and shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her, and she kept pouring. 2 Kings 4:5
In him I live, I move, and I have my being. I’m synchronized with Holy Spirit. He hears what God says and shares it with me. I need Him and I want to walk in spirit. Lord cause my speech to drip with Heaven’s dew.
Day Eleven
The Love Note
Warrior Wife, here’s your Love Note, a promise from God, “Because ___________ (insert your name) set her love on Me, therefore I will save her; I will set her [securely] on high, because she knows My name [she confidently trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never abandon her, NO, NEVER]. Psalms 91:14 AMP. As I read 2 kings 4, The women and wives fulfill other scriptures, which is evident in their responses. It's there underneath the scriptures, within the words. This voice of love, security, and strength even when facing doubt. There's a knowing in their hearts, that God will fulfill His promise in those who find their security in Him.
Our Role Is To Pursue God With Our Whole Heart, Get Our Instructions From God and Close The Door To The Distractions.
Is that a crack in the door? Close that door all the way on that distraction. It will come in the form of so much but you must decide. Declare it: I can’t afford to be distracted my family is depending on me!
Brings Gain
A Message from God:
God is looking for ways to bless you! There are blessings assigned to you that you haven't even asked for yet. Remember, just because you don't see it in front of you doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Life Application:
Have a heart of expectancy today. Expect something great to happen as you lovingly speak to God about your friendship with him. When we seek God with our whole heart there are benefits within the relationship. Devotional
Scripture said, Elisha asked if there was something He could do for her and the Shunammite woman replied, Nothing, I am secure and satisfied in my family.
This response appears asan earthly responsefrom her heart, but God revealed to me that it carries a deeper spiritual meaning of contentment in God. But Godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 Timothy 6:6. TheShunammite woman carried the principles of God within her heart. She had the mindset of
I refuse to focus on what I do not possess; I am secure in you, Lord. I am secure in what you have given me first.
Faith took her beyond the natural realm. Even when she didn't see it physically, by faith her mindset saw Heaven as security in her life. The Shunnamite woman’s eyes saw Heaven's surplus and blessings she had not received yet. The scripture states, that Elisha started looking for ways to bless her. I can just imagine Elisha praying within his heart on how to bless her and God spoke to him about the hidden things because only God can search the heart to find the hidden desires. God responds to that cry in the heart and blesses above all you can ask, think, orimagine. Inthe bible
2 Kings 4:16 “About this time next year,” Elisha said, “you will hold a son in your arms.” “No, my lord!” she objected. “Please, man of God, don’t mislead your servant!”
This scripture lets usknowthat having achildwasa longing desire of her heart. God embedded that desire within her then answered the desire of her heart. Sister, Heaven knows your name. Just pursue God. There are some blessings you don't have to askfor, Godwantsto surpriseyou. Todaygive God your complete heart and say, I am secure in you God, my focus is on Heaven surplus.
“You’ve gone far beyond the call of duty in taking care of us; what can we do for you? Do you have a request we can bring to the king or to the commander of the army?” She replied, “Nothing. I’m secure and satisfied in my family.” Elisha conferred with Gehazi: “There’s got to be something we can do for her. But what?” Gehazi said, “Well, she has no son, and her husband is an old man.” 2 Kings 4:13-14 MSG
Prepare for a different perspective on partnership. Let’s begin going deeper in God even more than before. The deeper we go in him, the less we walk in the flesh.
Day Thirteen Creative Measures
Message From God:
I am your breakthrough. Break out in a praise. If all you can see is how you can do it, then you’ve limited me already. I am the way, the truth, and the light. Come to me
and you will never hunger or thirst again physically or spiritually. This is not your end. This is not over!!
Life Application:
When the widow finished pouring the oil in all the jars, she smiled because she saw that I, (God) made a way that looked peculiar to people, but it saved her household. So today give me a peculiar praise for the unexpected oil that will flow and supply all your needs.
There will be times when you feel like you're carrying the weight of your family. While your family is depending on you, look up to the hills (Heaven) where your help really comes from…Cry if you must but hold your head up and say, Jesus, You're all I have, I am counting on you. You are the security and support system I've ever known. They are depending on me but I'm depending on you to pull the family through. I'm leaning into you, Lord. I am counting on you because you love me, I love you and I represent you. I'm depending on you to manifest your promises in my life.
God wants to give us a new vision. Lord open my eyes that I may see in spirit to see the truth
My salvation and honor depend on God; he is my strong protector; he is my shelter. Psalm 62:7 GNTD Give her credit for all she does. She deserves the respect of everyone. Proverbs 31:31 GNTD
Day Fourteen
Adjust Your Eyesight
Message From God:
Decide to fast today. Fasting gives you the ability to clear everyday thinking and clutter out of your mind. I want to flood your thoughts because I know what’s best for youand
if you’re thinking about me, you’re not thinking about the negatives of life.
Life Application:
Take every thought captive. Devotional
There are natural truths and there are spiritual truths. On the other side of the natural truths, there's always another side to the story, and without the eyesight of God, it can easily be missed. Sometimesyoucanconsumesomuchofworldly matters that youreyes become dullconcerning thewaysand miraclesofGod. Dull eyesproducedoubt, theycan'tdiscern
clearly. Sharp eyes of discernment see in the spirit realm so strongly that the heart of faith draws the miracle from Heaven into the earth.
The Shunammitewoman’seyes were symbolicofhowkeen we must be in knowing who and what to connect with. The connection she made by faith drew her miracle into the earth. Her senses were so keen she told her husband what God revealed to her, and he trusted her because of her life of consecration before God.
Warrior Wives, we must have regular eye exams!!!
• Can your family, husband, etc. trust your eyesight and your senses?
• Do you have healed eyes or hurting eyes? Examine all areas and seek healing for yourself.
• Can you see God moving during chaos or do you only see chaos?
• If all you see are past hurts and failures, then you're missing some miracles and connections. The Shunammite woman didn't see a man....... she saw a man of God, there's a significant difference in her eyes. She didn't just see someone she can feed; she saw an opportunity to be obedient to her Lord. She didn't deceive her husband; she spoke wisely and sought his authorization or consent for the connection. She said to her husband, “Behold, I sense thatthisis a Holyman of God who frequently passes our way. Please, let us make a small, fully walled upper room [on the housetop] and put a bed there for him, with a table, a chair, and a lampstand. Then whenever he comes to visit us, he can turn in there.”
2 Kings 4:9-10 AMP
Lord, open my eyes to see the miracle-wonders hidden in your word. Psalms 119:18 TPT
When The Supernatural Prepares To Manifest In Your Life, Satan Shows Up In The Courts Of Heaven
With His Hand Raised To Get Permission To Attack?
God, Knows What He Placed Within You.
You Will Win!
When satan knocks on your door rest assured that God knows he is there! What/ You thought God left you powerless and let an adversary come against you to destroy you? No, now is the time for you to RISE UP and declare the works of the Lord right in satan face.
Day Fifteen
God Tested Her Faith
Message From God:
Not every trial is from satan some experiences are from me. I test your heart and allow obstacles because I want you to see what’s in your heart either working against you or what is passionate about me. Obstacles from me aren’t designed to take you out. I design them so you can be developed and reflect my image. I want you to grow.
Life Application:
Trust the process. In most workbooks, the answer key is usually in the back not for you to cheat but to review your answers with the teacher’s answers. Today review your actions, motives, and intent if it doesn’t give God glory be okay with letting it go.
Satan showed up to come against “The Warrior Wives of 2 Kings 4.” God said, “Have you considered (insert your name here?)” Sister, did you forget when the supernatural prepares to manifest in your life, Satan shows up in the
courts of Heaven with his hands raised to get permission to attack? God, knowingwhatHeplaced withinyou allowsthe tests. He allows it so you can see what's lying dormant within you. Let me test her, Satan said.... let me throw everything at her, and Ibet she willturn away from her faith in you! The Lord saidtoSatan, “Very well, then, everything (Insert name here) has is in your power, but on the man, himself (meaning your body or life) do not lay a finger.”
Then Satan went out from the presence of the Lord. (Job 1:12) He left the presence of God and appeared back on earth at your doorstep. Satan showed up in the life of The Widow and The Shunammite woman masked as life uncertainties and dreadful news. In the Widows oil 2 Kings 4:1 7. He came as
In the story the creditors let her know that the beautiful home where she lived for years wasn't hers because of her husband's debt, so satan attacked her finances. She had
• No financial means/ No physical will with land or inheritance
• No Job
• No family support
• No social security checks
• No retirement funds
• No drawing early from her 401k
• No government assistance
Let's be real here, this is what she had stacked against her all at once. I'm just trying to relate it to today. She couldn't even grieve her husband's loss because she was attacked severely and there was no rest period for her. She was propelled into her divine authority, and guess what, God tested her heart for Him. God tested her faith in Him. God tested her obedience to Him. She's dealing with all of this on earth, while in the heavenlies, they are discussing these tests she is presented with. Tests that God knows she is going to pass because he knows what he will do to help her. Isn’t that just like God, We don’t know but he knows, and
he awaits for ustorise infaith? Atiny mustard seed offaith. In thestory thiswomanisjust likeus, she can’t seethe other side of things. She doesn't know that God is going to come to her rescue because life is bombarding her mind. She hasn't been in this situation before. She doesn't know what she can handle, or what she's capable of. She doesn't know her authority or what she can do to overcome it. She doesn't know everything about herself, but she knows, THE ONE
TRUE AND LIVING GOD SHE SERVES. She doesn’t know everything, but she knows about the covenant He has made to his chosen people. She knows that if God is forher, no one can be against her or stop her. The bible says after she passed the test. After she shifted her mindset she went and told the man of God, and he said, “Go, sell the oil, and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left.”
2 Kings 4:7 NIV.
Ok, wait a minute! Did you catch that scripture? After she changed her mindset God presented her with a plan that created millions in her life. This means God set her up for the rest of her life. We don't even know how long she and her boys lived after this, but this scripture speaks of longevity! She was told to pay her debt and live off what was remaining. He never said go get four jobs after you pay
this debt. He never told her to live for five months off this then that was it. No, that scripture is very specific and direct… You can LIVE on what is left. He had already given her streams of income, so he gives her the instructions of debt cancellation and LIVE. She applied her gift combined with obedience. I believe God didn't want us to read this story and place a limit on Him. He doesn’t want us comparing our story to hers, thinking everything has to be done the exact way as her life story. God wants us to see security and streams of income. He was showing her and us howto have creative faith. God wantstoshow usHis creativity. Examine your life and apply Isaiah 59:19, When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift a standard against Him.
The Void Was Created By God For God And God Alone To Fill
There’ s a son that says, Fill me up Lord…. Until I over flow. I want to run over with more of you. I took that song and started praying, Let the presence of God fill me up and expand me God so that I may obtain you. I want to hold the oil in my life and then I want it to pour over into the lives of others. Fill my voids… Fill me up and I won’t pour out of my personal reservoir; I will pour out of the abundance.
Day Sixteen
Sustained By God
A Message from God
The emptiness you feel is the part of you that needs to be filled by me. You search for love from your husband, mate, career, friends, social life, etc. and you miss me. I wait for you to just say Hi to Me. I wait to hear about your day, and I see your tears. I’m the friend and lover that fulfills you. I pray you never ever forget How much I love you.
Life Application
When was the last time you relied solely on God’s love to get you through the moment, day, week, etc.? His love is medicine and while he freely loves us, let’s take a moment to say, God, I give you permission to flood my existence with LOVE. You may use whom you desire, and I will know it’s your Spirit opening the windows of Heaven over me. I am depending on your love. Devotional
God created the void, for God, and God alone to fill. (Study 2 Kings 4:1) Husband and wife are called to be vessels of love chosen by God to transport and distribute love. There’s a void within you and me that is strictly for God to fill. If love is low in supply for the house called marriage, or bankrupt, could it be that someone or both stopped depending on the source and started depending on the transporter alone?
We are called to operate in conjunction with God daily, however, bothspouses are workingout theirsalvation and enduring different things in life that will ultimately draw them closer to God. We see in 2 Kings 4 that God doesn't penalize or mistreat one spouse for the mistakes of the other. He helps them both in the way that they individually need him... He fills the House with Himself. In this story, God cleared the Husband's Name in the earth so that it matches his divine verdict regarding Him and helps heal the wife of an enormous burden. The source of Love. The wife was the surrendered willing vessel unto GOD. You can and will receive an outpouring of God for the house. Why? Because the ultimate marriage is between Christ and Hisbride. Christ saysI must show up foryoujust as I did on the cross because I love you, and one person's
dreadful day, or disobedience even in the institution called marriage that I built, doesn't dictate whether or not you're worthy of my blessings for you.
Fill us up so that we overflow with your love Lord, breathe your love into each vessel and remind us daily that you are the source of Love and fulfillment, not our spouse. We thankyoufortheoverwhelminglovewereceiveinmarriage because it reflects the partnership of the trinity. We understand that before we seek love from them that we are
filled with you so that it can be an exchange among us all. You gave us a void, not to run to man, friends, or clubs but to run to your never ending well of supernatural love that heals. Our spouses are the transporters of love, and we need to pray for ourselves and them to remain connected to the supplier (YOU), even in the most difficult seasons of life.
Lord, you are our never ending well of love and the lifeline of hope!! It's your love that sustains.
Fill us up so that we overflow with your love Lord. Breathe your love into each vessel and remind us daily that you are the source of love and fulfillment.
You’re my source! You’re my source! Source is defined as someone who supplies what is needed and the beginning of a stream of water like the source of the Nile River. God, you ’re my beginning. You’re my supplier and I rely solely upon you.
Day Seventeen
Fill The Jars in Our Home First
Message From God
You’re waiting on me, yet I’ve given you everything you needthatpertainstolifeand Godliness. I’m alreadywalking with you. Listen, I promise to never ever leave you or abandon you. I know you have a heavy task on a day to day basis. It’s not easy operating in the roles I have given you but listen to me…… I’m right there. I’m living within you, around you, and I’ve favored you. I’m asking you to do what seems unimaginable because I know I’m the wind in your lungs. I’m the beat of your heart. I’m fighting with you. I know you think no one cares or sees you but I care!
Fill the house with me.
Life Application
Rest in the power of God. Rest As believers, we are not granted immunity from life’s storms, but we have a choice about how we react to those storms. Our natural tendency might be to run around frantically looking for help, trying to save ourselves from trouble. We can either respond frenetically or rest in the Lord’s presence.
A Godly wife is a vessel whom God can constantly pour Himself into and the oil never runs out. When you can look at your husbandand see the fruits of your labor, there's a sea of joyful tears that flows inside. When you can see his growth, from small steps turned into big steps, transformed into huge steps, there's an ocean of love that flows inside.
When you can see his down days, his tears of frustration, tiredness, and anger, there's a mass of prayers building themselves inside bursting thru heaven's gates and into God's presence because you've taken every tear and attached God's words to them so God could see faith.
Whenyouyieldyourlife,submittoGod, andinfluenceyour husband to his next dimension there's this flood of power God gives ... like a surge of power from Heaven. The more you see him as God sees him, the more God begins to transform you. Rightbeforeyoureyes, he'schanging, you're changing and together You are growing in God. A Godly wife lives life in reverence to God and her husband. She's created for him. She finds out about his vision and multiplies everything.
She is favor in his life. Don’t focus solely on the monumental moments, be sure to smile at the small transformations that lead to a consistent Godly Lifestyle in God. That's monumental. Celebrate him...
Anoint The Tongue
Inspired by The Shunammite Woman's actions during a turbulent situation in 2 Kings 4
Declare it,
The Shunammite woman was faced with a tragedy, and instead of speaking negatively. She went back to the only source she knew that could turn the entire situation of God. Her actions said, I won't speak unless my language matches Heaven, I won't move unless my movement mimics The Holy Spirit. I'm racing unto God, and I won't throw my family in bondage by this tongue that can sometimes speak from emotions and not the Spirit of truth. Which led us into a repentance prayer:
Lord, I repent for this loose, untamed tongue that has spoken recklessly in the past. Godgive methe tongue ofthe learned, and wisdom. Holy Spirit teach me how to be dependent on you regarding my mouth.
God, you can trust my tongue to pray what’s on your heart because my only desire is to sound like you. I'm ready to learn a new language. I'm crossing over. Releasing the sound of Heaven. Declare it in Jesus’ name!
The tongue of the wise use knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools pours out foolishness. The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the Spirit.
Proverbs 15:2-4 NKJV
Day Eighteen
Respond To Your Faith
Message From God:
Live. Not a depressed or defeated life but a life of healing and wholeness in me. Your children need you to operate in faith.
Life Application:
What areas are you gifted in? What are you passionate about? God distributed gifts, talents, and ideas. You are a vessel with living water flowing out of it.
I came back to this section to expound more on it because God showed me something else. In the Widows Oil, Elisha told her that the supernatural blessings from God will be more than enough. This woman, wife, and mother used her obedience and pursued God. God opened doors and multiplied her gifts.
She became an influencer, salesperson, and accountant (counting the cost). She showed us what marketing looked like back then because after she filled her vessels, she and
her sons left to sell them. She balanced her checkbook saw that there was nothing available then instructed her boys about faith and operating in their gift.
When I read 2 Kings 4:7 I thought of all the gifts God bestowed upon me and how they could be instrumental in the life ofmy husband, myself, and oursons. I started trying new things with our publishing company, started playing around with distinctive designs, advancing my knowledge, and praying to God formore wisdom and creativity. I began working with our children to help them increase their faith, asking them to see their gifts. Our oldest loves designing things. Our 15 year old loves building things and our 11 year old loves creating projects. A designer, builder, and creator. This is in my house notto mention my husband and our baby boy Luke. God said, “I have gifted you and your sons now teach them how to have faith. Pray for them to invite me into their lives to cultivate their gifts.” God expanded our publishing company. I heard God tell me that my husband needed to see faith in operation. I was helping his heart to heal because that was one area he did not have to focus on.
My husband needed my faith and I needed to believe that God could useme to keepmy entire family. Inmystudying,
I have seen countless times God has used women to grab the attention of their husband’s hearts through their faith. I have seen where there’s faith there are possibilities. I want to encourage you that God sees your faith. He sees your obedience to your children and allows me to say that he will answer you. According to 1 John 5:14-15 “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him”
Satan is afraid of you! Shift your focus. Use your faith to kick down some doors and make up in your mind that I refuse to put up with this. We want different, we must think different. In order to be different we must do different.
Day Nineteen
From Distress To Ascension
Message from God
Even in your low places, I’m there. I want to see your love and belief in me even in your low places.
Life Application
The motivation behind everything God does and what He allows is Love. God moves in our lives because He loves us toomuchtoseeuscontinueinoursin,remaininalukewarm spiritualstate, orgounfulfilledinHispurposesforourlives.
God moves in our lives so that we might change, grow, and become spiritually mature
Have you ever received a blessing only to feel like you are losing the blessing? The Shunammite woman was under stress because God gave her a blessing, but she was losing it. The Bible said, she hastened to Elisha and when she found him, she fell to her feet because her son had died.
Have you ever been faced withstrugglesor anxietythinking you will lose the very thing God gave you?
If we look at the book of Job, he lost everything. This Shunammite woman, for a mere moment, experienced loss in her home. In the book of Luke 10, Mary and Martha lost their brother Lazarus for a time; however, God took their anxiety and gave them peace. It wasn’t just any peace; it was the peace that restores. Restore means to bring back, or return something or someone to a former condition, place, or position. God is a restorer, so our moments of anxiety reflect the doubt within that we must go to God about just as the Shunammite woman did. She faced her distress head on by laying it in the presence of our almighty God. I love that she reminded God “I didn’t ask for this, ” God blessed her with a child that she didn’t ask for, yet it was her heart's desire. Inotherwords,Lord, youblessedmebecauseofwho I am to you please help me deal with this anxiety. I know you wouldn’t give me a blessing and then take it away.
This warrior woman ascended in prayer because she wasn’t crying woe it’s me, she was reminding God of his promise to her. You may be asking, well what about the seasons that we truly do lose people we love? How can we handle that by faith? I believe even in those times God desires to be our comforter and carry us. My mother transitioned in 2015and the hardest thing for me was letting her go. While she was
praying for God’s will to be done for her, I was praying for complete healing. I wanted her to still be here, but she had peace in God walking her home into Heaven. During my grieving period, I realized from my mother’s journal that she was ready to go home to him. What seemed like a loss to me was a joyous occasion for her, because on earth she was in so much pain. My mother’s lungs collapsed, and after enduring many different procedures on various occasions, she still struggledwithbreathing. Iwasbelieving in God for complete healing on this side of Heaven while she’d already tasted healing on the other side of Heaven.
God kept His word with my mother and answered her cry while he remained faithful in comforting me. What I’ve learned is that even in the face of loss, there’s still gain. Seeing things from our earthly perspective can cause us to miss Heaven's invading circumstances. God desires for us to see whatever the occurrence is from Heaven’s perspective. This is ascension in the mind and spirit. Everything I encounter has a heavenly perspective even though I am on earth encountering.
Grief is a normal emotion; however, no emotion is higher than God. Grief is subject to God and God will help you overcome it.
Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” NKJV
Day Twenty Heaven will bring a Harvest Through Me
Message from God
The more you yield, the more I can release through you.
Life Application
The submission ofthe woman is amindset that goes beyond comprehension. (2 Kings 4:34 37)
The Shunammite woman uses her faith and pulls solutions from Heaven regarding the condition of whom she calls her son. She’s stretched beyond her human capacity and what should’ve been a moment of weeping became a moment of miracles. The scripture says because of her faith Elijah
prayed and stretched himself out on the child. There were three times that he stretched out over the child. An outward
expression of her inward posture. Stretching my faith regarding the one I love.
Are you being stretched? Stretched to see results while feeling like it’stoo much yet someone is depending onyour obedient faith. Stretching is defined as, being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking. God is increasing our capacity and it doesn’t feel good but, in the stretching, the harvest comes. I can hear the Shunammite woman saying, “God do something.” The very blessing you gave me is hurting me and not because he’s intending to but because I see his condition and all I have is my faith. Proverbs 10:22 says, “The blessing of the LORD makes us rich and adds no sorrow.” The Shunammite woman is hurt, but her faith is being stretched.
The adversary attempts to divert us by using what we see to hinder what we believe. Despite what it looks like when your faith is being stretched, you’re bombarding Heaven. God moves mountains and breaks forth a harvest in the land for you. Matthew 17:20 says "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Allow Heaven to use you, to bring a harvest. God will place us in unexpected predicaments so we can wiggle in our faith.
My son would say, mom slide over I need wiggle room, meaning I need space for my presence. God is an amazing creator. He creates opportunities for our faith to emerge and be put into motion. He creates space for his presence.
The bible says after Elisha stretched out that third time, the breath of God filled the lungs of the boy. The Shunammite woman is outside the door, but her faith has broken thedoor down; kicked through Hell’s gates, and said, “I’m coming for everything the enemy stole from me.” Give me back my stuff. Heaven is backing her saying, you heard what WE said. My God! In the natural what was once dead became the carrier of life. Heaven flooded her family’s life. Shewas desperate for an outbreak, a breakthrough, a transformation…. and she learned my tears of faith mean something to God.
I am a woman, wife, and mother. I’ll fight no matter what position I’m in because God gave me stewardship over each vessel in my life. I’m not asking for permission, I’ m taking over and satan cannot get my son. Stretch me God. Stretch me over my family then give me wisdom to know what to implement for each person.
Day Twenty-One Expected End
Message from God
Provision is here. I will make all grace abound toward you. Enjoy your overflow. 2nd Corinthians 9:8 ESV says, And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.
Life Application
Twenty-one days of pure commitment to God. You made it here. It’s a new you! A new day is dawning, and it’s happening through you. By this day you should be feasting on the word of God that has become a tangible evident miracle in your life. Look around you, God has given you the fullness of himself.
In2nd kings 4:37, ElishatoldGehazi tocalltheShunammite woman into the room. When she entered the room Elisha said, “Pick up your son.” She went over picked up her son then walked out of the room.
This scripture became so personal for me because we received a report from the doctor that my husband’s heart was in good health. The damage they saw when he had a heart attack was no longer there. I was thinking wait…… what? My mind couldn’t comprehend the miracle and you know what? I stopped needing a scientific answer to help me understand “The breath of God appearing in what was once a hopeless situation.”
My prayer became God just keep breathing in us so the evidence of you appears in all of those we come in contact with. Today rejoice about the transformation you see. Hold your blessings and praise God for what’s happening and working out for your good. God is obligated to fulfill his word in your life.
He is not a man that he shall lie. Number 23:19(KJV) God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? God
gave the Shunammite woman a son. This was her blessing. God wouldn’tallowsomething tohappen without restoring. God restores. Amen
Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life, I will satisfy him and show him my salvation. Psalm 91:14-16
One of God’s roles is a restorer, so our moments of anxiety reflect the doubt within.
Our partnership with God empowers & benefits us, our spouses, and others. As we increase in God, our obedience permits others to let their light shine, and it requires others to grow in their thinking and relationship with God. Many wait for their spouse to change before changing.
The word of God teaches us to see ourselves as God does, let God bring forth change in our spouses, and be who God has called us to be. We must operate from God's love letter (The Bible) regarding all things including marriage as the application of God’s word brings forth transformation and blessings. When you understand yourself as the bride of Christ (spiritual marriage), then you can operate in your Kingdom authority in your earthly marriage.