2 minute read
The Rich Dad
And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16 NIV
Lord, I pray in Your Son Jesus' name that You will continue to allow the Rich Dad to have money, so he can give it to people that need it. I pray that he is not stingy with his money. Allow the Rich Dad to share his information on how other people can obtain wealth. Let him use his wealth to help empower and influence other people about how to obtain and handle true riches. I pray that if he has acquired wealth by cheating people and from shady business deals, that he will repent and turn from his wicked ways. I pray once he has been delivered and set free, he will not be enticed again to commit any crimes. Lord, bind the hand of the enemy that would cause him to go down the same road again.
Don’t let him miss so many family dinners, anniversaries, children’s birthdays in the name of making money. Don’t allow the Rich Dad to forsake the assembly of the church to obtain riches. Lord, I pray that money will not draw a wedge in between his family and or friends. I pray the Rich Dad will teach his children the value of money and hard
work. He will teach them that money is simply a tool and not their whole life.
I pray that the Rich Dad will walk in integrity in his business and personal life. Don't allow the Rich Dad to be a womanizer. Allow the Rich Dad to know how to handle power, money, and sex. Don’t allow him to abuse his power and obtain sex by sexually harassing females or males on any level. Don’t allow him to promise women or men a job in exchange for promotion and/or money. I pray that the Rich Dad will have compassion for his employees if he owns a business; may he give them fair wages and increases, and bonus for the work they do.
I pray that the children will not grow up to be spoiled, entitled, or privileged just because they are rich. If they get in trouble, I pray their parents will not act as if their child is above the law. I pray the Rich Dad will punish the child in some form. I pray that if they commit a crime, that they will have to face the consequences of their actions.