Beyond, Impossible, OmniPork... so many mock meats and so little time! It’s undeniable that plant-based proteins are having a moment right now, but what differentiates them from one another? Whether you’re an omnivore experimenting with less meat in your diet, or a seasoned vegetarian or vegan who’s trying to expand your repertoire, here are the best plant-based proteins widely available in Hong Kong supermarkets. By Aarohi Narain
OMNIPORK Pork is the most consumed meat in Asia today. In order to promote more plant-based diets in the region, Hongkonger and eco-activist David Yeung launched OmniPork, a vegetarian, vegan and halal pork substitute. Made with pea protein, non-GMO soy, shiitake mushrooms and rice, it’s virtually indistinguishable from ground pork, while offering 327 percent more calcium and 127 percent more iron than the real deal. The brand has now expanded to offer other plant-based products, including pork strips, buns, dumplings, ready meals and - one of our personal faves luncheon meat, which gets its characteristic pink appearance using beetroot juice.
QUORN Quorn may not date back to the Tang dynasty like traditional Chinese mock meats (we’re looking at you, tofu and seitan), but it’s probably the most established of contemporary meat alternatives. Founded in 1985, it’s well-known for its mycoprotein - aka fungal - meatless products, which include mince, sausages, chicken, lamb and more! While some of Quorn’s products use egg as a binding agent, they do offer a separate vegan line which uses potato protein instead.
UNLIMEAT Hailing from South Korea, this mock meat is all about the beef! Inspired by Korean barbecue, Unlimeat focuses on producing thinly cut filets of plant-based beef that can be thrown on the grill for optimal sizzling action. Upcycling grains, oats and nuts that would otherwise be discarded because of cosmetic imperfections, this brand is also generating solutions to the food industry’s rampant waste issue. You can find Unlimeat products at Green Common, as well as on the menu at their in-house cafe, Kind Kitchen.