Creative Strategy

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dedicated to the youth.


Contents 03 The Concept 04 Rationale 05 Primary Research / Statistics 06 Objectives 07 Target Audience 09 Market Analysis 15 Competitors 17 Logistics 32 Timeline 33 Budget 34 Long Term Vision 35 References


The Concept

dedicated to the youth.

U-TH is dedicated to free spirited individuals who aren’t afraid to do themselves, regardless of what that is or what others may think about their actions. We celebrate individuality and encourage it in a positive way- supporting each other in any way imaginable. We feature the lives of individuals who aren’t afraid to stand out from the crowd, demonstrating non conformity to everyday stereotypes previously formed within society, bending and moulding them however we want. The publication focuses heavily on self expression, through a range of influences such as music and street wear fashion. U-TH consists of an issue 1 which is already available for purchase, an issue 2 will be soon available alongside a complimentary agender look book featured inside the zine. A website will also be launching consisting of shoots and a small video explaining what youth means to individuals.



U-TH is formed over a personal passion for both music and streetwear fashion, and the need to combine the two into a publication and platform for the youth of today. Both attributes are key ways in which individuals express themselves, especially the younger target audience and therefore the publication itself is relevant and realistic. The magazine industry is currently dominated by air brushed images and photographs where the models in the magazines do not look like the initial models used due to the amount of heavy photoshopping and other editing techniques. The need for real life imagery is necessary that represents the diverse 18-25 year old generation, including all races and personality types. A platform for the youth to be able to express themselves without being judged or feeling the need to change is highly important as too many individuals feel the need to try and be somebody they are not. Unrealistic images given to us by the media creates a lack of fulfilment within individuals as they feel inadequate due to the pressure to look a certain way, resulting in individuals believing they are “not pretty enough” or “skinny enough”. The rise in mental health has soured over the years as we see a rise in depression, body dysmorphia and anorexia, just to name a few. Studies suggest that the media plays a direct role in this rise The project itself is conceptually and commercially relevant due to the evident lack of realism in the magazine industry, we have seen a rise in realism over the years, however there is always room for more. The 18-25 year old generation that U-TH is aimed at is always willing to demonstrate individual ways of self- expression- relevant to the concept itself. My USP is to reach out to those who wouldn’t necessarily be featured in every magazine, and create a platform of self expression for those individuals in order to represent youth, capturing them in the most natural ways possible. A gender neutral look book to go alongside the publication, with the growing acknowledgement about the spectrum of gender norms, the need for ungendered collections are greater than ever. Partly thanks to celebrities such as Caitlyn Jenner and Laverne Cox, retailers believe they must cater to individuals needs. Companies such as North Face and American Apparel have had these concepts in place for years, however Zara recently introduced an ‘ungendered’ collection. The look book will be containing images of a male and female styled similarly, and will encourage the blurring of gender lines, accepting individuals to dress however they want regardless of who they are as an individual.


Primary Research / Statistics

Primary Research During a primary research survey, 91% of participants believe that the media can have a negative affect on the way individuals perceive themselves. “They create a negative body self image for people by constantly reinforcing an unnatural idea of ‘perfection’ and nothing else”. One participant noted that “they falsify people, airbrush models and present them in a way that makes the every day ‘average Jo’ feel inadequate. They suggest people to look a certain a way, feel, dress, and make people feel like if their life isn’t picture perfect or they don’t look how the models and people do in publications that they are doing something wrong.” The need for a platform whereby the youth are glorified instead of being subconsciously being made to change and strive to look a different way is particularly necessary as the media continuously affects the way individuals perceive themselves.

Statistics Advertisers are constantly emphasising sexuality and the importance of physical attractiveness in order to help sell products, researchers are concerned that this places undue pressure on women and men to focus on their appearance more than ever before. In a survey conducted by Teen People magazine, 27% of the girls felt that the media pressures them to have a ‘perfect’ body and look a certain way. Saatchi and Saatchi (1996) found that ads made amen fear being unattractive or old, this leads to unhealthy behaviour as girls and women strive for an unrealistic image of perfection. Alongside this, recently images of males are starting to represent unrealistic individuals, causing for concern between men and boys as they are also in the same position. Alongside causing individuals to feel inadequate due to an unrealistic images portrayed in magazines, the media portrays young people in an overwhelmingly negative light. Research by Mori for Young People Now, a magazine for youth workers found that tabloids come in for particular criticism. 90% of youth workers say they portray a negative image of young people. Regional press was perceived as putting forward a particularly “polarised” view. In comparison to 14% of stories using a positive tone, 15% mostly in the quality press, took a neutral tone. In total, 32% of stories featuring young people were related to crime or antisocial behaviour. But the Home Office shows us that 196 out of 10,000 boys aged 10 to 15 in England and Wales committed violent theft and or other serious offences. This portrays our youth in a particularly negative way, instead of picking up on positives, the media is continuously putting them down and only drawing main attention to negatives and ignoring positives, without thinking of the effect it could have on other peoples perceptions within the public.


1 2 3 4 5 6

Work towards increasing the amount of realistic imagery within publications, decreasing the large amount of photoshopped images. Create a well developed platform for the 18-25 year old age group to express themselves in any way, shape or form - supporting self expression. Launch a successful website complimenting issue 1 and 2, containing shoots and a short video. Develop and sustain a loyal relationship with U-TH readers. Successfully create a gender neutral look book that compliments issue 2. Represent the youth in a positive light, glorifying them instead of portraying them negatively.


Target Audience

TARGET AUDIENCE U-TH is aimed at 18-25 year old males and females who aren’t afraid to stand out from the crowd and express themselves in any way they like. They are adventurous and innovative; continuously exploring in order to are find ways in which will help develop themselves and grow as young adults. They have strong beliefs that are formed in their own heads, they believe what they want to believe and don’t let others influence their decisions made. These individuals are well educated and have realistic beliefs and understandings of the world around them. They have a creative flair, this shines through their lifestyle, fashion and music choices as they ooze with charisma and individuality. They have a medium high disposable income that they spend on themselves and are continuously updating their wardrobes. They shop from a range of different sources including street wear brands, charity shops and sometimes designer brands in order to tailor their outfits to express themselves. Though they are passionate about the way they express themselves, they know that there is more to people than the way they look and believe the way you are inside radiates out. Secondary audiences must be considered whilst publishing content. All content must be appropriate for other age groups who differ slightly from the preferred 18-25 years old mediums of the publication itself, accessed via print or online.

Print Audience

online Audience

- 18- 29 years old 50% Male audience 50% Female audience

- 16- 27 years old 50% Male audience 50% Female audience

Target Audience

THE CREATIVE INNOVATORS The ‘Creative Innovators’ are described as males and females aged 18-25 years old. These individuals are well educated and use their clever mindset to develop and create new ways for self expression. Their manners allow them to have a good understanding of what is morally right and wrong. They find themselves communicating with others in order to help develop who they are as an individual. They have a passion for music and their most recent playlist consists of a wide range of genres. They love singing along and going out in order to party and see this as a way of expressing themselves. Though they are passionate about music, they do not let specific genres define who they are as a human being. Fashion is a tool that they use in order to express how they feel and how they are as an individual on a day to day basis, believing spontaneity is key. They are mainly passionate about street wear, sport brands and skate brands. They come from a range of different ethnic backgrounds and believe that in order to develop as individuals, we must be aware of different cultures and the way other people may express themselves. As a group they do not judge individuals and are particularly keen to banish any stereotypes previously developed by society. Though the Creative Innovators are growing up in a world where technology is forever expanding, they’re keen to stay productive, explore new places and develop new ways in order to be the best version of themselves.

Fig 1


Market Analysis

pESTLE Analysis



We must be constantly aware of the political importance when posting articles or information. Government policy must be continuously checked upon in order to ensure guidelines are met and no damage is taken place. The current economical climate means that individuals will more than likely be less inclined to buy a print copy when they are able to access the information for free online. Information can be accessed on on independent websites, blogs and forums. This needs to be considered as companies who previously used print promotion to reach out to consumers may not be as successful due to the rise of other platforms. Budgets for print promotion may not be as large due to the need to spend budget on other forms of promotional platforms such as a website. This reinforces the need for both print and an accessible online platform for the development of a publication. Alongside this, the public is currently becoming less trusting of the government due to the economical climate; thus making it easy for consumers to avoid certain publications deepening on their political standpoint. Development in technology allows for more transparency and angles to a story due to the accessibility of information.


In terms of social needs, readers ways of accessing information are continually changing and adapting. More individuals are accessing digital as the rise of social media soars. By having a platform both online and in print form, we are able to offer readers multimedia interaction which was not possible a few years ago. Community forums are allowing for awareness but at the same time negativity can have a powerful impact on publishers that are new within the market place. CEO’s within the media industry are leaning on social media in order to encourage growth and build future customer connections. The need for social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are crucial in succeeding, especially when tapping into a younger target audience who have grown up immersed within technology.

Market Analysis




The ever expanding internet advances alongside digital technology, changing the model of mass communication and impacting on the external environment of the magazine industries, gradually seeing a decrease in the need of traditional print media. Competitiveness within the market place has increased due to digital media and with low capital cost and global accessibility of resources, has came as a threat to many well established print publications. The rise in online versions and further updates throughout the day is increasing in order to compliment print publications, again reinforcing the need for a range of different platforms. The increase of online readers is helping the environmental economy as trees are being saved in the long run due to a decrease in paper being used for print publications. It is important to consider the environment when printing publications, using bio ink and eco friendly ways to print - reducing damage on our environment.

The Digital revolution is forever expanding, however there are many issues that need to be tackled. Copyright is a major issue and increases the need for publishers to take extra precautions in order to avoid future lawsuits. Piracy is also seen amongst publishers whereby other individuals work is copied free of charge. It is important all work published is your own in order to avoid any issues with the law, resulting in a less loyal relationship with readers and a negative brand message.


Market Analysis -

the 7 p’s

1 2 3 4 5









-New, fresh concept. -Aimed at 18-25 year olds. -Need to be able to assess the market and the way customers are. -Understand whether to product is really in demand or not, if not how can it be improved? -Positioned within a competitive market segment. -Many competitors already have well established relationship with consumers. -Pricing is done according the current market and geographic segment by assessing what people can spend on products via primary research methods. -Based on the competitors pricing. -Need to drop price in order to gain initial readership. -We consider the prospect first, alongside the interaction they have with their friends and family, our staff and also our competitors. -Human relationships are highly important when it comes to networking, through the conversations we share that influence what people tap into. -Management teams are professional and deal with customers politely and appropriately. -Advertisements on social media used in order to draw attention and gain readers. -Website placed within bio on Instagram page, allowing for interactive experience for readers online. -Physical copies produced. -#weareu-th used in order to entice specific target audience. -Packaged with eco friendly material in order to get safely to readers. -Personalised slip with message to reader is entered within packaging, allowing for a chance to establish relationships with consumers. -10,000 copies printed at Metro Repro, Newcastle. -Distributed via Menzies Distribution.

Market Analysis

SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS -U-TH is aimed at both males and females and therefore the readership is fairly extensive. -U-TH acts as a platform of self expression for individuals and their work. -U-TH encourages creativity and individuality and allows and accepts any ways in which individuals like to express themselves. -U-TH represents real life people through real life imagery, no airbrushing or body morphing takes place.

OPPORTUNITIES -If U-TH can manage the social media space effectively including platforms such as Instagram, it’s customer base will increase. -The launch of an online website will help in order to cater for digital needs, whilst contributing to the print publications. -The use of an Agender look book alongside issue 2 will act as another complimentary publication for readers and may help to develop a stronger relationship. -Using local individuals and keeping the publication print distribution local may help in order to allow for readers to relate to articles, helping to gain popularity within the North East.

WEAKNESSES -U-TH’s preferred audience is between 18-25 years old and therefore there are many age groups that the publication is not directed towards. -U-TH is a new publication and therefore the customer base isn’t particularly large yet. -Having a complimentary lookbook will cost more as it will add to the print production line. -Interviews may be personal and therefore may be sensitive to other readers.

THREATS -The magazine industry is particularly competitive, whereby many competitors already have a loyal customer base. -Online platforms for other competitors have also already been established, meaning customers are more likely to use and visit their sites due to brand recognition. -There’s always a risk that U-TH could be unsuccessful and not develop enough readers as it set out to. -Could struggle to keep finding people who are willing to participate.


Primary Research Findings

A survey was conducted including 52 participants aged between 18-25 years old. Participants were asked about their views and the role that the media plays within the magazine industry.

53% of participants buy print publications, the most common choices were i-D

magazine, LOVE, MIXMAG, Clash Magazine, Idol Magazine, Notion Magazine, VICE and Dazed and Confused,

48% of participants read online publications, including Highsnobiety and VICE. 53% of participants say that would pay between £3 and £5 for an independent


19% of participants said they would pay between £6 and £8, 23% of participants said they would pay between £9 and £11 and 4% said they would pay between £12 and £15. 48% of participants when asked if they would prefer a physical copy or an online platform/ website said they would prefer a physical copy.

23% said they would appreciate both. This reinforces the need for both a physical

issue and also an online website acting as a platform to go alongside. Participants also suggested the use of an app for a mobile phone.

66% of participants said they’re more interested in the images as a pose to articles within a magazine.

90% would be interested in an a gender neutral look book to go alongside the publication.

When asked what articles would you be interested in, current culture/ unusual people came up regularly alongside fashion / streetwear backed up by interesting imagery.

Secondary Research Findings

96% of participants said they would rather read a publication that features real

life imagery that you can relate to as a pose to airbrushed, unnatural images. When asked if they could change anything about the current magazine industry answers included “to be more realistic, it’s possible to achieve beauty without airbrushing and unrealistic images” and “the unrealistic and unhealthy obsession with women and males and how they ‘should’ appear. The indirect messages they emit and the perceptions they create.”

A study by the Keep it Real Campaign found that 80 percent of 10-year-old girls have been on a diet. Examples of negative teen body image are all over the Internet. In YouTube videos, young children are asking an Internet audience to tell them if they’re pretty or ugly. They rate each other on Instagram. They bare themselves and beg for feedback on They constantly edit their selfies and search for advice about how to improve their online images. All of this however is superficial and they are constantly exposing themselves to the dangers of being self absorbed and feeling unfulfilled when they are perfectly normal. Our media saturated world is dictating everything.



Competitors MIXMAG -British electronic dance and clubbing magazine, published in London. -Launched in 1982, magazine covers dance events, and reviews music and club nights. -The magazine reached a circulation of up to 70,000 copies during the height of the popularity of acid house, was later sold to EMAP Ltd. -In 2012, the Guardian collaborated with Mixmag on a survey of British drug taking habits. -Heavy amount of images and write up style articles. -Covers wide range of genres of music and contains information on all the different genres in detail. -Aims to raise awareness for different events and nights. -Aims to protect people with drug awareness.

Notion Magazine -Believes that music should look good. -Combine a passion for cutting edge pop with a love for fashion. -Connects with artists in ways in which the public haven’t seen them before. -New content online every day and four times a year in print. -Contains not only fashion and music, but also culture and art. -Artistic magazine layout and online website. -Continuously updating all social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and a Newsletter. -Contains a news section as well as creative sections.

Fig 2

Fig 3


Clash Magazine -Colourful magazine aimed at creative target audience. -Again covers a wide range of music genres from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers to Beyonce -Sections include; news, features, fashion, reviews, live, videos, magazine, film. -Also include a win section where readers can win tickets to live events. -Also include a next wave section which has descriptions of new artists into the industry, new fashionistas and creative individuals. -Has sound cloud playlist on website, helps to set mood. -Powerful, youthful imagery and text used on front covers of magazine. -Bold fonts used in order to gain attention and stand out on shelf.

IDOL Magazine -Born from the ‘go getter’ generation, seek to bring truly inspiring people to light and give recognition. -Explosive platform for under-the-radar talent; launch pad for hard workers. -Music, fashion, art, beauty and creative strings that tie them together. -Diverse individuals. -Passionate about being individual and unique. -Strong use of social media platforms on website. -Wide range of music genres used. -Alot of content.

Fig 4

Fig 5 16


the team

Issue 2 will be launched in July 2018 alongside a gender neutral look book. Promotional methods include a short film that aims on setting the scene for the distribution of issue 2 and the complimentary look book. The film will be showcsed on the alongside Instagram (@u_thzine). The #weareu-th is continuously being used in order to gain attention.

Office Space 27 Riverside Studios, Amethyst Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 7YL




Managing Editor

Junior Editor

Stylists x 6

Freelance Journalists x 3

Social Media Manager

Editor in Chief

Photographers x 8

Creative Director

Fig 6




Look book

Size of Publication: A5 Width: 148 mm Height: 210 mm

Size of Look book: A5 Width: 148 mm Height: 210 mm

Amount of content: 100 pages 50 double sided

Amount of content: 40 pages 20 double sided

Paper stock: 150gsm smooth Colour throughout

Paper stock: 120gsm smooth Colour throughout

Cover: 150gsm silk

Cover: 150gsm silk

Binding: Perfect bound

Binding: Saddle stitched

CONTENT OF PRINT DOCUMENTS p 1 About U-TH p 2 How is youth defined? p 3 Imagery and quote defining youth p 5 Meet the cool kids - intro page for interview with Ruth Peterson UK p 7 Imagery from shoot with Ruth p 11 Q&A with Ruth Peterson UK on her clothing line. p 15 More imagery from shoot with Ruth and images of her clothing line p 19 Meet the cool kids - intro page for interview with tattoo artists from Boys Don’t Cry tattoo parlour p21 Imagery from Boys Don’t Cry tattoo club p 25 Q&A style article with Boys Don’t Cry tattoo artists p 30 Images of popular tattoos designed p 33 More images from tattoo parlour p 36 Meet the cool kids- intro page for Monica p 38 Imagery from shoot with Monica p 44 Antwerp Mansion intro page p 46 Article on Antwerp Mansion, review of grime gig with AJ Tracey, DJ Q p 52 Imagery from gig - shot on 35mm film camera p 57 Meet the cool kids - intro page for Mairead & Simon p 59 Imagery from shoot with Mairead & Simon p 67 Meet the cool kids - intro page for interview with blogger Betsy Johnson p 68 Interview with Betsy Johnson on blogging/ personal style p 72 Images from shoot with Betsy Johnson p 74 Meet the cool kids - intro page for Junior p 76 Imagery from shoot with Junior p 80 Meet the cool kids- intro page for Dylan p 82 Images from shoot with Dylan p 88 Meet the cool kids- intro page for Cedrico p 90 Imagery from shoot with Cedrico p 96 Images representing youth from parties (shot on 35mm film) p 100 Meet the cool kids- Intro from shoot with Chloe p 102 Imagery from shoot with Chloe

p1 introduction into U-TH p3 introduction into Agender fashion p5 why Agender fashion? p7 imagery with Jordan and Erin styled similarly throughout the rest of the look book in a number of different locations.






Minimalistic layout used with distinctive font for title page throughout.

Fig 7


Fig 8 22

ISSUE 1 imagery EXAMPLEs

Real life imagery used in order to capture an inidividual.

Fig 9


Images shot on 35mm film, give an authetic feel and showcase night life and self expression in it’s most natural form.

Fig 10 24


PHOTO SHOOTS PUBLICATION Ruth Peterson Photographer: Vicky Grout Stylist: Charlotte Moss

Dylan Photographer: Vicky Grout Stylist: Claudia Walder

Boys Don’t Cry Club Photographer: Alex Ropes

Cedrico Photographer: Christian Cassiel Stylist: Daisy Deane

Monica Photographer: Emily Almodovar Stylist: Hayley McCarthy

Chloe Photographer: Jonny Wilson Stylist: Hayley Mccarthy

Antwerp Mansion Photographer: Alex Ropes

Though stylists are used, individuals have the main say in what they wear they represents them.

Mairead & Simon Photographer: Andre Titcombe Stylist: Charlotte Moss

Look book

Betsy Johnson Photographer: Julien Boudet Stylist: Daisy Deane

Erin Photographer: Conor Beary Stylist: Jake Hunte

Junior Photographer: Jonny Wilson Stylist: Emily Davies

Jordan Photographer: Conor Beary Stylist: Jake Hunte

PRINTING PROCESS & STOCKIST LOCATION Printing Printed by: Metro Repro, Newcastle. Distributed by: Menzies Distribution. Print run: 10,000 copies of publication and look book.

Stockist: Areas covered within the UK (North East): Newcastle, Sunderland, Bishop Auckland, Darlington, Hartlepool,Teesside.


ethics & social responsibility

U-TH has been created as a platform for a generation to allow for individuals to express themselves in any way, shape or form. We encourage the youth to be themselves, regardless of what others may think or believe about their actions. U-TH is responsible for representing individuals how they want to be represented, it is highly important to us that articles and images tell stories and demonstrate real life people will real life interesting personalities and interests. U-TH will be responsible for all content published and will ensure that information is correct and approved by individuals featured before being publicised. U-TH is also responsible of all content published on social media platforms such as Instagram and also everything on website In terms of showing respect towards to environment, U-TH uses bio ink and an eco friendly print production line to ensure energy is conserved. The look book published alongside the publication is made from recycled paper and is therefore eco friendly. We believe strongly in keeping the world safe and green for the youth of today and the future.



promotion Promotion will be used by U-TH in order to help establish and maintain a loyal customer relationship with the brand itself. Due to it being a local publication, the necessity to interact directly with the appropriate target audience of age 18-25 is increasingly high. This particular age group are continuously tapping into social media and other platforms in order to engage and discover new diverse platforms for them to express themselves. Promotion will take place via the U-TH Instagram page (@u_thzine) whereby posters are posted in order to draw in and find new interesting individuals to feature using the #weareu-th. The website is featured on the Instagram page and provides an interactive experience for customers whereby they can view the latest shoots online and watch the latest videos created.

social media platforms - instagram

Instagram account updated frequently with shoots and use of #weareu-th in order to gain attention.

Poster created and posted on social media platforms in order to engage and attract new consumers and individuals to feature.

Fig 11




Fig 12 28

Readers can pre purchase issue 2 and the complimentary look book at ÂŁ8.00 via the website.

Fig 12

video launch A short video will be launched on in the months running up to the launch of U-TH issue 2 and the complimentary look book. The video will contain short snippets of recordings from shoots that have taken place and will be featured within issue 2 and the look book. This will act as a teaser before the printed publications are available to purchase. The use of this promotional video will set the scene for the upcoming publications and will help in order to draw in our 18-25 year old target audience. The video will be natural and will last approximately 1 and a half minutes. The video will be launched on @u_thzine as well as the website, however only a snippet of the full video will be placed on Instagram. This will allow for readers to watch the whole video on the official website, whereby they can become more involved with the brand itself - familiarising themselves with the website fully.


Fig 13 30


timeline December 2016

June 2017

Issue 1 was produced and printed for distributed whereby copies were posted to individuals.

Finalisation of budget confirmed. Start to calender in interviews and

February 2017 Thorough research into the market place, analysis via using SWOT analysis and PESTLE analysis in order to improve issue 1 and U-TH as a brand.

May 2017

April 2017 Initial ideas confirmed including plan, layout, content, interviews, shoots design and features.

Set deadlines for print and distribution channels and launch publically online.

July - December 2017 Start interviews and shoots. Gather appropriate information and content for publication and look book.


April 2018 Make promotional video and place on for promotional purposes, teasing launch of issue 2.

January 2018 Finalise front cover for publication. Proof read all articles and get publication approved and signed off by Editor ready for print and distribution.

June 2018 10th JuneDistribution begins.

February 2018 10th February print deadline for publication and look book.

May 2018 Heavy use of promotional methods and #weareu-th on social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter.

July 2018 Launch of issue 2 and gender neutral look book online avialable for purchcase.




The budget below shows the costs of all aspects used whilst making U-TH issue 2, the look book and the website. The issue is being sold at ÂŁ8.00 including a complimentary look book and free subscription to mail. 100 users have already paid for the issue and therefore income can be made from there. Staff that are not included within the usual salary wage are included below.

Long Term Vision

long term vision

U-TH will measure the success rate in which takes place as a result of promotion and the launch of the second issue. As an issue 1 has already been launched, we know that it is to somewhat successful. U-TH hopes to continue to develop a strong bond with their preferred 18-25 year old target audience - continuously updating social media pages in order to stay connected.

Future visions include: -Continuously develop an issue each month, whereby new local individuals are featured alongside their work. -U-TH will look in order to collaborate with certain brands including American Apparel and Nike, launching powerful and innovative videos and visions. -U-TH will continue with the ‘meet the cool kids’ throughout issues. -U-TH will continue to develop the website -U-TH will plan live events and exhibitions showcasing individuals work and shoots.


Image References Fig 1- own imagery Fig 2 Fig 3 Fig 4 Fig 5 Fig 5Fig 6- own imagery Fig 7- own imagery Fig 8- own imagery Fig 9- own imagery Fig 10- own imagery Fig 11- own imagery Fig 12- own imagery Fig 13- own imagery

References Final-Report---Unbalanced-negative-media-portrayal-of-youth.pdf


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