UCL MArch Urban Design Application Portfolio of XiangLi

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X i a n g L i

Applying for Urban Design

Selected work: 2021-2022

X C iang Li ontent

Address:Yangyunjingshe, Gongshu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province,China Email: 905143901@qq.com; Tel: +8613588721718


Nanjing Forestry University, the College of Art esign

Major: Environmental Design Average score: 87.53/100


Remediation of the Elderly Community

Under the Perspective of New Urbanism


Balance and sensory possibilities in wetland restoration

Based on the Taoist VIEW OF NATURE

I am sure that before studying landscape architecture, I fell in love with the natural and cultural landscapes all over the world and I have a strong feeling about the urban spaces. Meanwhile, I have a keen sense about some social controversies, which has changed my understanding about what landscape architect should do is not just creating diverse spaces but to make our own effort to promote social justice and equity

I hope that through my further postgraduate study in the future, I could not only acquire more advanced techniques of analyzing and designing but I could also dealing with the problems in different aspects.


ENGLISH: Proficient in reading, writing and communicating

MADARIN: Mother tongue


CPC Publicity Department of Nanjing Forestry University

- Secretary and new media operation

- Assisted the publicity work inside and outside the school

- Awarded Outstanding Student Journalist twice

Art gallery of China Academy of Art

- Docent

- Introduced visitors to the works on display

- Organized the collection of the art museum


-Won the Third Prize in the 13th Lanqiao Cup National Software and Information Technology

Professional Talent Competition—Visual Art Design Competition of National Selection

- Awarded Outstanding Student Journalist

-Honored with Outstanding Student Scholarship of Nanjing Forestry University

Plastic City

Recycling of plastic waste in urban planning and architectural

Urban residents psychological research and self therapise space design

10/2019-10/2021 06/2022


06/2021 12/2020



04 05
01 02


Remediation of the Elderly Community

Under the Perspective of New Urbanism

Individual Work Location Hang Zhou,China 2022.1 - 2022.3

Progect Type Urban Planing,Renovation

This design is mainly in the transformation of an elderly group and rich in culture of the old community, the design from the community of different groups of people needs, hope to fundamentally pay attention to the needs of different groups. As the main members of the elderly group, they are both community residents and community builders, based on their needs to design, and to a certain extent to meet the needs of a small number of foreign populations, so as to form a stable, safe and comfortable community environment.

Street staff _Li

What do you think of the Mantou Mountain community?

2022.1.27 16:40 PM

Photographer _Tan

It is a good place to take pictures, want to set up a studio here .

Feng huang Commune

Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province,No.8 of Fenghuang Commune

The community is old and broken but the price is not low !

Even there is no separate bathroom...

2022.1.27 16:55 PM

Tourist _Fan

The labels here are too old and need new labels ...

Resident _Ming

My grandmother's house was only repaired with appearance The government spends a lot of money on it, but the effect is not very good

2022.1.27 17:55 PM

Street staff _Li

Okay, I see, we've installed flush toilets and reinforced houses to avoid leaks. The issues raised will be improved, the cost will be paid by the government, and the community will be protected rather than demolished!

Thank you all for the suggestion~~

Village Current Condition Site Issue Site History A B C D E F 2015 2016 2022 1138 Only one road Dangerous! Dangerous! Easy Get Lost Speed Unlimited Starting Comprehensive Remediation Retains the marks of history Repair infrastructure Ruins of imperial City of southern Song Dynasty G20 Summit Flat renovation Subsidies Demolish: 384 Sites 571 Rooms Rebuild:70000 ㎡ No guilding system Residents being excluded from local industry Awful Lightning Self-built Facilities No Garbage Disposal Center No Non-motorized Parking Space Clothes Hanging on the Electric Wires PUBLIC SPACE Resident Resident Resident Elders Couple Cafe Studios Outsiders RESIDENTIAL SPACE LOCAL INDUSTRIES Uneffectively Resolved Under Repair Location: Hang
huang Village Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province,No.12 of Fenghuang
zhou,Zhe jiang province.
In the southwest of
SITE Before Reconstruction
CHINA Zhe Jiang
Hangzhou Hang Zhou
WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 9000 1500 750 4° VEHICLE BIKE LANE PAVEMENT DISABLED ACCESS 2000 1000 1500 6000 1500 ZONE-B Market ZONE-R Activity Center Medical Center Kindergarden ZONE-Y Senior's Center Residential Area Guiding System ZONE + AREA + NUMBER ZONE-B: B#1-1 ... B#1-10 B#2-1 ... B#2-9 B#3-1 ... B#3-5 B#4-1 ... B#4-2 ZONE-Y: Y#-1 Y#-2 Y#-14 ZONE-R R#-1 R#-2 R#-15 Mantou Hill Community Mantou Hill Community An old community with cultural connotations START → History & Culture → Community Activities → Community Map → More → Emergency Center Family Member Health Card HEALTH CARD HEALTH CARD User Demand Analysis Strategy Local Residents The Crowd Category Percentage Visitors Orychophragmus violaceus Ocimum basilicum Abelmoschus manihot Lippia Couple Single With Child Street Staff Delivery Guy Visitors DISABLED ACCESS GUIDING SYSTEM HEALTH MONITOR Jointly Organized Festivals Children's Day Children's Day activities are jointly organized by residents and the school, and both visitors and residents can participate During the Spring Festival, special activities are organized by residents and staff, and tourists can experience the local New Year flavor Street trees are changed into Farm Cab, and the elderly can have fun with life The Startup Center hosts Valentine's Day events and also has wedding photography agencies Christmas Day Spring Festival Valentine's Day RELEVANT APP EXPERIENCE VARIABLE ACTIVITY KINDERGARDEN FARM CAB 0% 100% MEDICAL FACILITY INFRASTRUCTURE CONVINENCE INFRASTRUCTURE Elderly school Low price Personal space Label Psychological services Kindergarden Farm Cab Emergency services Disabled Access Community market Community market Transportation System Transportation System Transportation System Health Monitor Guiding System Guiding System Variable activity Landmark Culture Relevant APP Experience ACADEMIC LEISURE ECONOMY INDIVIDUALITY ATTRACTION Visitor Resident For Vehicle Pavement Come on! Let's help paint the wall for the event together! We can finally grow something freely in front of our homes ! We can grow some vegetables and go to the market for exchange!
Family Member Health Monitor Senior Center Garden Party Aerial Plan Detail Renderings Flow Chart - Resident ACTIVITY CENTER KINDERGARDEN SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER EMERGENCY CENTER Daylight Analysis Outdoor Structure Pioneer Park Studio Sunny Garden For Senior Residents Structural Details Building Section Indoor Coffee Art Studio PhotographyStudio Glass Before Before After After Summer Solstice Winter Solstice Visitor_Li Visitor_Yu Autonomous Market Residents can exchange their own goods at this
Market that
by the residents. Residents Community Consumers Self-made Product Clotheshorse Birdcage Bird Shelf Plant Shelf COMMUNITY MARKET Entrance Exit Garbage Disposal Center I heard that the Mantou Mountain community has a traditional event to hold the Spring Festival, so why not go and see the traditional customs of the event ? Sounds good! City life has not seen the authentic Spring Festival for a long time, let's go and see it together! 7:30 AM Residential buildings Send grandchildren to kindergarten 8:30 AM Participate in senior activities 9:00 AM Shopping in market 10:30 AM Participate in community events 16:30 PM Pick up the kids 15:00 PM Go home 17:30 PM
According to the light analysis of community, the use of glass materials in the building is increased, so that the elder residents can also enjoy the sun bath in the house.


Balance and sensory possibilities in wetland restoration

Based on the Taoist VIEW OF NATURE

Individual Work Location Nanjing,China 2022.4 - 2022. 7

Project Type Restoration Project

In Chinese Taoist culture, Lao Tzu once mentioned "human law and earth, earth law and heaven, heaven and earth, heaven and law, and Taoist nature", which has a similar ecological view to modern times: the ecological law of nature running for thousands of years is the best teacher for human beings to think about environmental design. It has long shown us how all things can form a dynamic balance of mutual benefit and symbiosis in flat land, hills, hillsides, and coasts. This case uses wetland restoration to learn to re-read the landscape from a sensory and philosophical point of view, and to think about how light, sound, heat, air, and water in the space can have a dialogue with the body's eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hands and feet, so as to retrieve the instinct of the body's senses, and then explore the possibility of integrating the design into the ecological environment.

Biodiversity decline

Ecological era


B. C.


History 1961 -- 2015 Agricultural period 2015 -- 2022 Reconstruction period 2022 -- Project forecast 1980 2005 2015 2018 2018.4.10 Now 2007 2030 2050 SITE 2080
. Fishing
Jiangbei New
was established Lvshuiwan
Fishing activities
Aquaculture excluded
In order to solve the economic problems of the surrounding fishermen, the waters were changed to aquaculture
is privately contracted
farming causes a lot of pollution
waste piles up on the shore
Water Bay has become a national urban wetland park
wetland has become a
place for local residents
are prohibited
and turned into wasteland Lake area reduction
Affected by floods Transportation is the main function of the River Periodic changes of water level create a rich ecological environment of animals and plants The main city and villages of Nanjing are mainly located in the inland areas
wetlands were completely destroyed
Site vegetation destruction Reed Lotus Agriculture Willow
Yuhuatai District Jianye District Pukou District Scientific
education area
Urban eco-park Area: 0.64 km² Urban eco-park Area:1 km² Academic educational institutions Nanjing
Park Sanqiao
Park Fishing
Unsubmerged Tailwater
Completely submerged area
areas of Nanjing
research and
Jiangbei New Area Nanjing Youth Olympic Sports Park
Binjiang Wetland Park Area: 21.36 km² Normal water level: 7.44m Flood stage: 10.6m Public park
80.4 km²
cover: 80%
time: 08:00-17:00
Agricultural University
Laoshan National Forest Park
breeding companies
submerged area
quality test point
porpoise reserve
water protection area
Restore Strategy Design Strategy Riverside Avenue Yangtze River Fish Pond Wetland Area ① Reduce ① ③ Establish protected areas ③ ④ ④ ④ ④ Human intervention + Natural succession ⑤ Sensitive Division ② Increase ② Biological invasion Herbaceous swamp Permanent rivers Riparian wetlands Lotus Pond Marsh wetland Agricultural greenhouses Aquaculture Farmland Floodplain wetlands Economic aquatic products Common animal Endangered animals Farmland Area Sandwich River Area ▽ 9.600m ▽ 10.000m ▽ 14.000m 7.Euryale ferox 8.Lemna minor 9.Przewalskii 16.Przewalskii Common vegetation 1.Phragmites australis 4.Eleocharis dulcis 3.Salix babylonica 6.Calcitrapa 5.Digitaria sanguinalis 2.Alternanthera philoxeroides 3.Idella 2.Portunidae 1.Fenneropenaeus chinensis 4.Hypophthalmichthys molitrix 6.Cyprinus carpio 5.Mylopharyngodon piceus 14.Phalacrocorax 10.Egretta garzetta 9.Aythya baeri 11.Anas crecca 12.Recurvirostra avosetta 13.Anas zonorhyncha 7.Neophocaena asiaeorientalis 8.Acipenser sinensis Neophocaena asiaeorientalis Paradoxornis heudei Establish a branch channel suitable Create an Paradoxornis heudei habitat Sandwich River Cropland Cropland Cropland Cross-Section Cross-Section Site Status And Problems Water eutrophication Human Activities Philoxeroides Humulus scandens Salix rosthornii Buffer area Activity area Breeding area Semi-enclosed area Seasonal opening Open area Control flow of people Rest area Enclosed area Only researchers enter Improve water quality Wind resistance Soil consolidation Taxodium distichum Nyssa aquatica Thalia dealbata Invasive species Quality species 15 years 3 years Invasive species Function Endangered animals lack protection Excessive human activity Loose soil 13.Phragmites australis 15.Nelumbo nucifera 14.Typha angustifolia 12.Oryza sativa 11.Zea mays 10.Colocasia esculenta Common vegetation
PHASE 1 PHASE 2 2022 30% 0% 35% 85% 2023 2024 2025 Remove invasive species Heavy interaction by human ARTIFICIAL REPAIR NATURAL RESTORATION STATUS QUO Wasteland Fish ponds raise discarded bottles People can enter all parts of the site at will, and the site is littered with man-made rubbish. During this period, people helped the site repair itself in the next period by removing invasive species, adding dominant species and improving plant communities HUMAN INTERVENTION Increase dominant species Increase dominant species EXCLUDE Humulus scandens Philoxeroides Humans enter at will The reeds are sparse Man-made garbage INCREASE Salix rosthornii Celtis sinensis Pers. Nyssa aquatica Metasequoia glyptostroboides INCREASE Phragmites australis Thalia dealbata 2025 Increase dominant species INCREASE Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn 2025 Improve river channels The channel is improved to conform to the movement of finless porpoises. Ecological Restoration Strategies Improve water quality Thinning intervention during growing period Thinning intervention Replanting intervention Replantation and repair during degeneration` Degenerate succession line Height Species diversity Forest-belt succession prediction Introduction to new vegetation Growth period ① Young growth ② Mature forest ④ Mature forest ③ Degraded forest Degeneration Natural succession Time/Year Crown breadth Species Function Growth cycle Salix rosthornii Nyssa aquatica Celtis sinensis Pers. Metasequoia glyptostroboides Phragmites australis Thalia dealbata Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn 10m 6m 60D 90D 5m 270D 4m 300D 5m 210D 0 180D 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 365D 20m Good water resistance Soil consolidation Riparian zones assist in vegetation restoration Wind resistance Abandoned and uncultivated land
PHASE 3 PHASE 4 PHASE 5 75% 100% 100% 2030 2035 2035 2040 Soil Wetland Paradoxornis heudei Habitat creation
This is
site's ecological
SELF-HEALING PERIOD SELF-HEALING PERIOD SELF-HEALING PERIOD Establishment of protected areas Woodlands form in parts Some venues restrict visitors Researchers enter the site for investigation Salix rosthornii Celtis sinensis Pers. Nyssa aquatica Metasequoia glyptostroboides POPULATION INCREASE Neophocaena asiaeorientalis Paradoxornis heudei Buffer area Activity area Breeding area Rest area In the future, we should give priority to wetland protection, strict management, systematic management, scientific restoration and rational utilization It
the restoration of the green Bay wetland has been basically
and we can come here to carry out scientific research in the future An environment rich in biodiversity Improved soil Pipe pipe circulates water in the site
This is the first stage of ecological self-restoration of the site. After early improvement, some dominant communities are generated and protected animals return
is the second stage of the site's ecological
of the
are already open to visitors
the last
of the
self-restoration. The site's
is basically completed,
the ecologically fragile area is only open to researchers
seems that
Master plan after restoration Perspective of Tourism Scenery Farm house renovation Natural breathing POSSIBLE HUMAN ACTIVITY POSSIBLE HUMAN ACTIVITY POSSIBLE HUMAN ACTIVITY ANALYSIS OF MAJOR TREE SPECIES & PROTECTION TYPES ANALYSIS OF MAJOR TREE SPECIES & PROTECTION TYPES ANALYSIS OF MAJOR TREE SPECIES & PROTECTION TYPES Scientific research activities Wildlife viewing platform Reed community appreciation Agricultural picking Farmland landscape viewing Ecological science education Boat viewing activities Fish Pond wetland site viewing Viewing platform Riparian wetlands Phragmites australis Thalia dealbata Salix rosthornii Celtis sinensis Pers. Riparian wetlands Salix rosthornii Celtis sinensis Pers. Salix rosthornii Celtis sinensis Pers. Nyssa aquatica Metasequoia glyptostroboides Fish pond wetland Phragmites australis Thalia dealbata Open area 01 Reserved Area 02 Tourism Zone 03 Tourism Zone Visitors are allowed to enter There are activities in the 24 Hr, researchers only Seasonal opening opening time:10-12 /1-5 mon Music Corridor Creates natural music by using the wind through the gaps in the steps The abandoned farmhouses on the original site will be renovated for tourists to visit, and the culture of fish ponds and wetland protection will be popularized internally Rest by the lake, feel the breath of nature, come from nature, and return to nature. On the shoreline of the wetland, a music corridor is set up, and the wind passes through the gaps in the steps to make a beautiful sound, and the steps can provide a place for people to rest. Tourists can quietly enjoy the sounds of nature here and feel the beauty of nature Openings for the sound Entry pipe Resonate corridor ▽ 0.35 Auditory landscape Description of music corridor structure Wetland profile Opening time: 10-12 /1-5 mon 17:00--21:00 Opening time: 10-12 /1-5 mon 8:00--17:00 Self-built houses Night fishing visit Museum REBUILD BALANCE Night Day

Plastic City 03

Recycling of plastic waste in urban planning and architectural

Individual Work

Location Makoko,Lagos 2022.8 - 2022. 10

Project Type Urban Planning

Lagos, a deserted city that has done little to address the problem of plastic pollution, and Marcoco, which has become a municipal waste dump, will reconsider the improvement of plastic pollution in urban planning and the use of plastic waste recycled building materials.

Due to the extreme inconvenience of transportation, the main plan of this project is to allow residents to spontaneously participate in the recycling of plastic waste, rather than just relying on the government, so as to achieve the results of reducing costs, and give certain incentives, and public facilities built with plastic waste recycling building materials also provide convenience for residents.

Historical Events And The State Of Plastic Recycling in Lagos BURN SPITTING Human activities Ocean Soil Generate electricity METHANE Breeds bacteria MALARIA MALNUTRITION Respiratory diseases 11,000 TONS Harm caused by garbage Site Analysis SITE Makoko Community A Part of Makoko Community “The world's largest floating slum" “Garbage Transfer Station" " The government can simply throw people out of their homes with no discussion and no recognition of decades of residency which unfortunately seems to be the norm in Lagos" "The government, in conjunction with private developers, wants to evict the residents and turn it into a luxury estate for the rich" “Venice of Africa" Garbage disposal fees are difficult for residents to bear Transportation is difficult Some of the waste is recycled by businesses Part of the waste is used for energy supply Wash clothes Garbage clogging roads 80%-90% of microplastics contained in sewage Microplastics are 4-23 times more harmful to soil than oceans Garbage is eaten by mistake Garbage piles up on the beach Heavy rains washed garbage into the soil Garbage flows into the sea The reaction to people's lives The reaction to people's lives Daily water Microplastics Sediment Discard the garbage Urbanization increases waste production Makoko became a garbage transfer station Untreatable waste causes serious health problems LAGOS West Africa's largest city The largest port city Area: 907km² Urban population: 8,048,430 1670-1850 Portuguese, British and other colonists traded slaves here 1900 Construction of ports and inland railways began 1960 Nigeria became its capital after independence 2018 The government converted the landfill into a park and used to provide national electricity 1992 The population grew rapidly, from 7 millions to 12 millions 1991 The capital moved to Abuja The building stands on the water's edge Boats are the main means of transportation New international airport Area:1,500 hectares Telecommunications Tower height:37 floors Third Mainland Bridge Sea trash Lagos Lagoon Health Centre Fish market University Of Lagos Tejuosho Ultra-Modern Shopping Centre Cele-Ijesha Link Bridge Murtala Muhammed International Airport Lagos University Teaching Hospital Shitta Roundabout Park Kosofe Oworonshoki Lagos Lagoon Banana Island 2 Restroom Total number of residents: 420 3 adults (AVR) 8 children 42 Vernacular Art-space Laboratory Foundation Green Area Residential Area Main road Secondary road Water area Main locations
Burn Spitting 7million 60,0000 12million 1992 Resident Resident Temporary structurea Credits Bath Drinking Credits 10Years Sorting New materials Garbage stations (Temporal) Factory 2022 Future Callback One group Purified Water Station Boat Lime+Alum Sedimention Water for daily use Tricycle River system Shanty Temporal Public Restroom Resident 1 Resident 2 Resident 3 Staff Factory Garbage stations Public Restroom Credits Filter Deposit Residents take their garbage to a garbage station Exchange junk for credits 2.PET 1.HDPE To the mainland by boat Residents trade points for access New materials use for regional functional temporary structurea Improve domestic wastewater treatment facilities and provide basic domestic water. Building temporary sanitation facilities using materials made from recycled plastic waste. Slumdog Increase Increase in 1 year 1.Direct use 1.Boat 2.Tricycle 2.Recycling Family Callback Recovery fees Energy supply Recycle WASTE: 11,000 TONS A DAY 7,5000 TONS 1,900,000 TONS 80,000 people reside in Makoko POPULATION 40% 60% 13% 6500 4$ Status and Problems in Makoko Community Strategy Flow Chart The cost of recovery is high and the recovery rate is low The traffic is not convenient Population boom + urbanization pollution intensified The sheds were densely packed and badly damaged and aged Travel dependence by water No clean drinking water No garbage disposal Disease rages No power plants Improve sanitation by installing sanitation facilities and drinking water installations Poor sanitation and improper disposal of garbage are the top problems in Marco, which affect the lives of the residents. +5 -1 -1 Carry out regional rectification according to the group, encourage spontaneous recycling to exchange credits
Form Analysis Rendering A part of Makoko 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 14:00 PM 16:00 PM Exploding Diagram Architectural Plan 1 2 3
Economic Material selection Data Facility Credit Total number of residents: 420 Public bathroom: 12*2 Wardrobe Area WARDROBE WARDROBE MEDICAL CENTER ShowerPlace 1Floor Roof Watertank Shower Place A Family in Makoko Fathers exchange plastic bottles for points in exchange for family members to take a shower MAN WOMEN SHOWER Water pipe SHOWER Shower Area Residents The time of individual uses: 120 S Drinking water place: 1 Capacity: 1/21 Dressing room: 1*2 Recycled materials The local economy is poor,
of recycled materials and local materials, and the building
functional buildings
. The structure consists of 2 floors of public showers and a medical service center, providing sanitation services to the residents of a group.
purpose Daddy can you use plastic bottles to redeem your points, and
afternoon we can
to the shower. Okay I'll be back soon ! Please give me plastic waste . I'm going to ship the recycled plastic waste to the factory. This is for you ten points. I want to redeem a shower No, Thanks! Okay, you need to pay a point Do you still need a locker ? Local material: Wood Simple block Draft Outcome Architectural form
Water tank
floor -1 -1 -1 "The government can simply throw people out of their homes with no discussion and no recognition of decades of residency which unfortunately
norm in Lagos"
Diagrammatic Cross-section
form is simple
The cross-sectional view shows the relationship of the structure in a group in the Marco community, and how people exchange plastic bottles for points so that they and their families can use the public bathroom
Mainly considering the poor local public health conditions, the corresponding sanitary function buildings are designed for this
in the
seems to


Urban residents psychological research and self therapise space design

Individual Work 2022.10 - 2022. 11


Type Architectural research and design

The advantages and disadvantages of urbanization, the demographic transition is accompanied by economic expansion and industrialization, as well as major changes in social structures and family life patterns. Increased stress and factors such as overcrowding, environmental pollution, high crime rates and limited social support can all have an impact on people's mental health. It can be said that the entire population is affected by the multifaceted effects of urbanization. In summary, this case will start from the psychological condition of urban residents and study how to design a space for people to self therapise.



Industrial Revolution Changes In Social Structure

After the Industrial Revolution, urbanization really began (from 1800 to the present, the world's population has increased by 6 times, of which the world's urban population has increased by nearly 60 times).

Industrialization Economic Expansion

Manufacturing and service industries will gradually become the main body of social income, he most important social output value and income growth points. Industrialization has raised incomes in all economies around the world

Environmental pollution problems

Most industries cause environmental pollution 1, water shortage, water pollution

climate problems

biological extinction

Social Problems

example, fair-faced concrete will give people the feeling of elegant and heavy. 0.06 0.6 0.30 0.04 0.4 0.20

The LIGHTING 0.22 0.46

INCOME Distance from the community Marital Status Income status Relationship with Age

infrastructure construction can not match Number of visits in a week The GEOMETRY of the architecture: The simplicity of the form gives a comfortable feeling.Minimalism pays more attention to people's psychological feelings The MATERIALS of the architecture: 0.10

How much 1.56 1.48 1.41 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference

rural land requisition, resulting Less than 1 hour 1-3 hours More than 6 times More than 3 hours 4-6 times

3, 0.05 0.5 0.25 0.03 0.3 0.15

in Time of each play The relationship between Greenbelt play time and Psychology 0 0.2 0.01 0.1 0.05

Psychological Problems Arise

prevalence of depression in urban areas is 20% higher than in rural areas

rate of mental illness among urban residents is 77% higher than in rural areas

waste of resources 0.05 0 0 0 0

anxiety disorder of urban residents is 21% higher than that in rural areas

Studies have shown that spending more time with nature and meditating in quiet places can help solve many of the physical and mental problems faced by urban lifestyles. 0.44 0.073 0.18 0.45

So people need a place where they can interact with nature and their inner selves 0.20 0.08

The speed of urbanization is too fast, 0.15 0.07 0.7 0.35 0.02 0.2 0.10

Urbanization has brought many disadvantages to people's lives. 0.29 0.60 0.13 0.11 0.028 0.11 0.001 0.12

ThE PsychOLOgicAL
Increasing Pressure From Limited Social Support Relationship Between Environment And Psychosis
1900 Berlin Shanghai StPaul Bombay Istanbul London 0 5 10 15 20 1940 1980 1920 1960 2000 2020 Index of population growth in large cities
Large numbers of people have flowed into cities, and a new social order has not been established.
Unfair social competition, imperfect urban service mechanism and difficult employment. A. People who play green space less often have the greatest psychological impact.
The people who play green space the most often and the most time, play green space on the psychological impact index is not large, but generally good psychological status. The closer the distance between the community and the green space, the greater the psychological impact index; People who are older and have higher incomes are more psychologically stable.
space reduction
all lead to a high prevalence of urban residents
1, Lack of the architecture: Proper lighting will make people feel good. MARRIED or not The COLORS of the architecture: The fresh and elegant architectural colors give people a sense of tranquility. People of different AGES have different needs and psychological feelings
of social security for urban workers The DISTANCE between the community and the nearest green space Less than 3 times Distance:1500 m Over 5000 ¥ Under 30 Married Over 45 30-45 Unmarried Distance:1000 m 2000-5000 ¥
2, Improper Distance:500 m Under 2000 ¥
Selectable amount Satisfaction gEOMETRy gENERATiON LighT ANALysis sELEcTiON Of BUiLDiNg MATERiALs fUNcTiON DETAiL ANALysis iNTERiOR sPAcE LAyOUT Form of Function Fair-faced concrete : used for most of the outer walls, will give a thick and elegant feeling. Top floor sun room : The sunroom provides good light and a comfortable feeling for those performing healing activities indoors Parent-child communication center : Children can adjust psychological pressure with parents and psychologists here Senior Garden: The elderly can enjoy activities in the sunny garden with good greenery and a quiet atmosphere Exterior Glazing : Used as the sun room on the fourth floor, so that people can enjoy the sun on the fourth floor, while carrying out healing activities. Wood : It is used as the facade material of the middle part, and forms a good echo with the green plants in the middle part Old beige: Used as part of the ground pavement, bright color, giving a quiet feeling. 1 Floor Green area Meditation Yoga communication center Psychological counseling communication center Psychological counseling Common areas Common areas Activity area Healing area 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 Floor Architectural Forms Overall form Day Night Elderly Youngstersgroup Youngsters Middle age Rural population growth curve Farmers are mainly engaged in agricultural activities The rural population has less pressure on housing and childbirth The rural natural environment is good. Land use situation is poor, need to protect the individual interests of farmers A large influx of people into the cities, rural employment shortage. The natural environment of the city is poor, people need a secluded place to rest Space for meditation, yoga and other therapeutic activities Young citizens need a quiet activity center Urban population growth curve 1 billion 1 billion 0 billion 0 billion 2 billion 2 billion 3 billion 3 billion 4 billion 4 billion ANALysis Of PsychOLOgicAL NEEDs Of URBAN REsiDENTs fORMATiON Of ARchiTEcTURAL fORM REqUiREMENTs sUMMARy 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 76.2 % of parents think that teenagers' psychological problems are not big According to surveys, the prevalence of mental disorders in children and adolescents in China is 17.5% Parents' prejudice and discrimination on children's mental health is actually from parents' misunderstanding Older adults with the highest levels of stress and depression were 59% more likely to have a stroke or transient ischemic attack. Chronic stress was caused by illness, money and relationships. Loss of family, divorce, death, etc., can lead to a decrease in gray matter in the medial prefrontal lobe of the brain, affecting self-control and mood Between 2005 and 2015, the number of people diagnosed with depression increased by 18.4% globally Currently, about 1 person over the age of 60 is supported for every 3.6 workers According to international practice, the ratio of house price to income is generally 3-6. However, in many large cities in China, the ratio of house price to income is 20-30. The high cost of living increases the burden of young people's lives. China continues to increase investment in education, but there is still the problem of uneven distribution of educational resources between urban and rural areas, regions and schools
ARchiTEcTURE ExPLOsiON DiAgRAM PARTiTiON RENDERiNg 1 fLOOR 2 fLOOR 3 fLOOR 4 fLOOR MiDDLEAgE yOUNgsTERs yOUNgsTERs ELDERLygROUP It's a place for people to find inner peace a place where they can interact with nature and meditate quietly a place where they can be exposed to nature a place where they can get inner peace from the hustle and bustle of city life
This shows the overall effect seen from the side of the building, the material of the facade is mainly made of fair-faced concrete and wood, each floor has a certain green space, the first floor is equipped with a small garden for the elderly entertainment, the middle level is equipped with a hollow green area, and the top floor has a terrace and sun room.
It mainly provides a relaxing area with good environment for busy young people, where people can meditate, yoga and other quiet activities
This is mainly a space for teenagers and parents to communicate, and provides psychological counseling help, where children can relieve psychological pressure, in-depth communication with their parents
area The entrance area leads to a small garden and senior activities area on the ground floor, with more space for planting It's a little stuffy at home today, so let's talk with a few friends Mom, how are you doing here lately? Oh, it's nice to be here with my friends Come and sit in the little garden, my friends Do you come here often ? Yes, the sun and environment are great and my friends and I come almost every day 20 Thick dry cement mortar 10 Thick hairy stone cushion 20 Thick dry cement mortar 10 Thick hairy stone cushion Bidirectional single layer 20 Thick dry cement mortar Bidirectional single layer Fair-faced concrete Thick clay waterproofing 10 Thick hairy stone cushion Greenery Natural surface large slab stone topping Front yard garden Green space 20 Thick dry cement mortar Front yard garden Green space Gravel paving
Overall rendering
Roof terrace


Painting Team Project 01 Team Project 02
12/2021 Architectural Design Basis 05/2021 Spatial Analysis and Modeling 07/2018 Sketch The sketch was written by a team of six members in the countryside of Huangshan, China
like photography very much
and I like to collect
from various
05/2021 HangZhou 02/2022 HangZhou 10/2021 HangZhou
Photography I
every day,
sunrises and sunsets
well as corners and corners of various places.

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