LI Xiang UX design portfolio

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Fingertip Regenerate WebOodi of Aalto University Catologue: Interaction Design Course: User Inspired Design 2014 (MA, 7 weeks) Teammate: Xiang Li, Yu-cheng Chen, Linda Huunonen, Kristiina Suominen Fingertip is a new platform for students to plan their studies and register courses. To solve the course enrollment problems. we used user-centred design approach to involve stakeholders to inspire the final concept. As a team member, I joined the user study and finished the interaction design of the final concept.

Background WebOodi is the present online system which is used by Aalto students to check the course description and register courses. There are several courses where the amount of students is limited and there are more interested students than can be accepted. Present practice is to choose the student by inflexible priorities and the order of registration.

Problems From students point of view, e.g.: - Registration becomes a ridiculous speed competition - It is impossible to anticipate which courses one can take - Frustration usually happens - Planning studies becomes unmotivating and losts its meaning

* WebOodi - Aalto University

From university point of view, e.g.: - Overlapped registering leads to plenty of cancellations - Waiting for the next chance to get to the course delays studies - How to accept students who are the most motivated to study

Co-designing with stakeholders

Key findings



Make a list and analyze all the stakeholders of WebOodi Send the co-design invitation Two workshops with coordinators and several senior students Email the staff in IT service and interview the professor



Personal Study Plan is the main point for the registration system. Role of PSP is not emphatized enough and registration should connect to it Students need better instructions to PSP through better communication Students should be responsible for their choices


Using “Co-creation Cards”

senior students

IT service

Using “Cartoon Inspiration”

Storytelling We decided to visualize our findings and present all stakeholders main ideas via telling the two parallel stories to emphasize the difference of how different students are operating to register and plan their studies. We hoped to pin point that it’s not okey to punish from being hard working, it’s not okey to not think about your own actions and it’s not okey to be an adult and find information about things that you need to know before making the decision.

☜ System flow chart


Decideing Entrering Requirements

Make Schdual for Courses

Interviews & Selection

Discussion of PSP Check the lists Select the students

Give first lecture & Confirm student list

Enroll to First courses

Attend the courses

Check the PSP (if Professor want)

Give Introduction of Courses

Makeing Education content


Acception & Registration

Application to university

Attendance to Introduction course

Receieving PSP Form

Registration to next courses

It shows the whole registration process from different points of view of all the stakeholders. What we want to focus on is the enrollment process and the PSP discussion period. We thought there are a lot things could be improved based on our previous research.


in Weboodi Read Study Guide & Discriptions

Search Courses & Make priority list

Remember & Wait for Registration


Get the Results

Staff ( Coordinator )

Receieve the Application

Inform Students

Arrangement of Courses

Open Registration of Courses Arrange PSP discussion

Communication & Help Students

Receive PSP from Professors

Open Registration of Courses

Solution blueprint ☞ We used the service blueprint way to clearly describe how our solution works and the relationship between each components. We analyzed the exactly role of every stakeholder and their work in our new solution. This kind of systematic think approach is very good for us to show our current thoughts.

Physical Evidences

Fills the Personal Study Plan form

Students’ Actions

Reserves Personal Study Plan discussion time

PSP discussion with coordinator

PSP discussion with professor

Receives a message

Studies the chosen course

Messages about changes in PSP


Professors’ Actions

Provides information about courses

Answers to possible quetions

Coordinators’ Actions

Provides information about studies

Arranges PSP discussion times with students

PSP discussion with students

PSP discussion with students Arranges student-professor discussion times

Checks registerations.

Advices students if needed

Receives and answers to messages from students

Advices students if needed


Support Processes

(IT-Services etc.)

Provides the platform

Adds new students to the system

Manages the platform, PSP form and informs all parties of the additions.

Manages the platform, adds new information to the system, informs all parties of new additions.

Regularly updates the platform. Transmits messages.

Design Proposal

Gamefication UI and automatically updated PSP


Linda Huunonen, Kristiina Suominen, Yu-cheng Chen, Li Xiang



HOPS Verified personal study plan for the master’s programmes


Fingertip is our new concept for the enrollment system. The core was to combine all information that the student would need behind one webpage. The fingerprint logo comes from signing contact. It is a metaphor for information, interaction and automation. We do know that Aalto has multiple web services at the moment partly because of the merging of the three schools. So we took that need as a base to our design choices.

WebOodi + Into = Fingertip * Into is the portal for students to find study guide.

STUDY GUIDE, School of Arts, Design and Architecture Study Guide 2014–15

Favourites Total : 6 View

Collaborative and Industrial Design Joint Studies of the Department of Design

Interactive study guide inspired by online shops



27.08.2014 -5.9.2014

credits: 2cr

grading: 0-5

Alistair Freud-Luke

The intro makes the students to understand the shift in the study objectives from undergraduate to master studies with a changing emphasis from form to content, from product to process, from design along a brief to designing briefs, from single discipline to multidisciplinary and from knowledge reception and digestion to active competence acquisition and generation. The intro introduces existing and emerging design practices driven by contemporary societal challenges and asks the students to develop an early position and response. The course introduces a beginning to these creative processes by analytical observations, provocative projections, solo and team work. The teamwork has also a social agenda creating peer networks over the programs of the department.

Joint MAster Studies: INTRO

Mark as Favourite

HOPS Verified personal st for the master’s pro



Linda Huunonen, Kristiina Suominen, Yu-cheng Chen, Li Xiang

Chat box for better communication with professors



tudy plan ogrammes

HOPS Verified personal study plan for the master’s programmes




Designing For Services

Values in Design

Design and Culture


Design Research


Strategic Co-Design Design Research


Trend Forecasting



Brand Dynamics


Interactive Prototyping

Zhang Wei


Design Research

Collaborative and Industrial Design

Study programme




041 123 4567

Phone number

No more time based enrollment Better PSP planning and better choices Opportunity to attend all needed courses speeds up graduation Need lots of development time and bigger budget

Student number

Berliininkatu 5 B 00550 Helsinki

Home address



Total : 0 View


Save your choices





Total : 6 View


Your favourite courses Now organise chosen courses in priority order

COURSE SELECTIONS Designing For Services

Write your message here..

Values in Design Strategic Co-Design


Breaking Barriers Services designed for Kinapori service centre Catologue: Service Design Course: Design for Services 2015 (MA, 7 weeks) Teammate: Maria Jaatinen, Veera Kolehmainen, Xiang Li, Zhenzhen Gu In this project, we used empathic design approach, collaborated with City of Helsinki, Department of Social Services and Health Care and improved elderly's healthcare experience in Kinapori service centre by implementing two service concepts. We got great feedback from our customers, professors and Kinapori staff.

Design brief

Current situation

Offer more holistic service jouney for elderly by develping collaboration with the Kinapori service center and healthcare center (given by City of Helsinki).

From the brief we learnt that in the current situation, the elderly people have information communication with both nurse in Kinapori and doctor in healthcare center. But because the nurse in Kinapori does not officially belong to the healthcare system, healthcare center has no information sharing with Kinapori. This means that the elderly people are taking the entire responsibility of communication between the two facilities.

Our Partner Kinapori, a conprehensive service centre for the elderly providing versatile handicraft worshops, social activities, healthcare service, etc. contact/search-address/toimipistekuvaus?id=1940


h a lt


c ks

health info

do ct or' s tre atment

elderly center

? healthcare center

Immersion - Observing, chatting with elderly people about their general life and volunteering in the cafeteria - Interviewing the stakeholders including nurse and staff in Kinapori, nurse in Kallio healthcare center, and our contact person from City of Helsinki - 6 in-depth interviews with elderly customers, we used audio recording as well as taking notes - To gain more insights from people, we had a workshop with the elderly, the nurse and the staff in Kinapori.

In-depth interview

Field visit


Co-create “Wellbeing Diary”

Using “Wellbeing Cards”


Frame insights

Persona: Occasional user

To inspire the ideation around our elderly customer, we analyzed the interview transcript and the notes from the observation. Based on that, we built the three types of personas and also mapped out the current customer journey to help us to define the design opportunity.

''It is much easier to approach the nurse here, where you don't always need to book a time.'' Female 74-year-old Widow with a son, lives alone

You can view the full customer journey from Dropbox: customer_journey_DFS15.pdf ?dl=0

Visits Kinapori almost daily. One time she had an infection in her eye, and came to the nurse every day for two weeks to get it treated.

STORY She has a good memory and she uses internet quite often. She does not have much records of her health but she can remember the information quite well. She has spent a lot of money on her health because she uses the private healthcare. The queue to the public ones is so long and each time she can only meet with doctor for 15 minutes. Also, the private healthcare gives her on paper a description of what has been done each time. she prefers to have documents like that. DESIGN DRIVES • more modern trend for elderly • services shouldn't need queueing • requirement of confirmation document

PHOTO: Mark Adkins / Flickr

Persona: Advanced user "When I went to the doctor I used to draw and write them. I showed what was wrong and where.” Female 83-year-old Lives alone Visit Kinapori regularly for three years to go to gymnastics, see the plays, singing, meet the nurse to talk. Test the blood sugar and pressure regularly.

STORY She documented all the information on her different kinds of booklets, but she did it only for the doctors to see that they can give the right drugs. Usually, she needs to queue and wait for 3 or 4 weeks to get her appointment but sometimes she postpones or cancels it. One time when a doctor showed her how he would make the surgery like scraping with a spoon, she was scared. As soon as she came back to home, she cancelled the operation. Then she postponed to book a new appointment because of time. DESIGN DRIVERS • against memory problem • easier communication methods • motivation of health issue

Persona: Potential user "I have never been to the nurse here. I didn't really even know that she is here." Male 74 years old Two daughters, ladyfriend Does not know how to use the internet. Shy to talk to the doctors. Forgets what he was supposed to say. Bad hearing, cannot hear when the phone rings.

STORY He goes to the healthcare centre to do his health checks. One time when he was trying to book an appointment he called for a full hour, many times all the time. But he gave up because they never answered. The line is always busy. So he went there himself. He had to queue for maybe an hour to get to talk to them. And then wait for four weeks for the appointment. DESIGN DRIVERS • support memory and courage • provide information about health care services • provide easy-to-access healthcare services • prefer face-to-face and written communication

Key findings During the user study, we discovered some barriers that make it more difficult for the elderly to utilize health care services in Kinapori and take responsibility of their own health. Then we did several round of ideation to solve these problems.

Low sense of presence The elderly are not used to thinking of Kinapori as a healthcare service provider. The nurse's office is in a side hallway and the only notification of the service is a small poster on the billboard.Majority of them do not seem to know that there is a nurse in Kinapori, or what kind of services she provides.

Low communication quality

Need for personal relationship

Need for motivation and encouragement

Many elderly people have memory issues, and any information given to them only in spoken format is easily lost. A large portion of all

There is a barrier between the nurse in Kinapori and the elderly is that sometimes the elderly choose not to see and talk to the nurse in the office

Many elderly people are shy. It is difficult for them to talk about health issues with others. Sometimes they postpone doctor's appointments and

communication related to healthcare issues is done through phone calls and face to face meetings, which are difficult to document.

because they think they need to have a physical problem as a reason for the visiting.

neglect measuring blood pressure or taking medication. This is partly caused by fear and lack of support.

Concept 1 prototype: Nurse CafĂŠ The nurse comes out of her office to the open cafĂŠ next to the main entrance in Kinapori, and sits there for one hour unofficial talking with people. The nurse has her own table marked with table cloth and a sign inviting people to talk. Visiting specialists from other healthcare workplaces can also be invited in the nurse cafe.



1. Sit in an open area 2. Invite elderly to join 3. Ask people how they are doing, tell about your services and upcoming events

1. Get to know the nurse 2. Have a relaxed chat and ask questions

- Makes the nurse more visible - Makes it easier to approach the nurse - Provides a platform to collaborate with other healthcare workers

Concept 2 prototype: Greeting Cards ← Nurse Documenting advice

↓ Doctor

↓ Elderly

Benefit from the nurse's knowledge about patients

Reminder Motivator Support for conversation

- Remind the customer about the nurse's advice - Emotionally motivate people to take care of their health - Create a bridge between Kinapori and other healthcare professionals

Greeting card from the nurse is our second concept. We made greeting cards that the nurse can give to people. On front side they have pictures with different themes related to wellbeing, for example food and going outside. On the other side there is space for the nurse to write advice for the customer, as well as the nurse’s contact details and opening hours. Please check our Card’s journey video on vimeo!

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Reference Pine & Gilmore (2011). The Experience Economy. Harvard Business Press.

Further steps We created a service guidance for the Nurse CafĂŠ. It includes general instructions for the staff how to make it happen. It also helps to spread the concept other places like elderly centers and different kind of social service organizations. You can download the service guidance from Dropbox: guidance_DFS15.pdf ?dl=0 With Greeting Cards, we offered the first set of finalized cards for them. We will continue the collaboration and find out how people treat the cards and where the cards end up after time. Also we will offer our design skills and knowledge to them further when they want to develop the concepts.

Project impact Changes can be seen already. During this project we have been quite active to go to the field and come back again and again. The client, the staff members in Kinapori have been very active to creating ideas, giving feedback and got excited themselves too. We can see, that with this project we have changed a bit their way of thinking.They really can make the change by doing and trying things out.

A SERVICE GUIDANCE FOR NURSE CAFE Nurse Cafe is a service designed for the elderly service center. It brings the nurse outside of the office to an open space where people spend time. It also gives the customers an opportunity to know the healthcare service and talk with the nurse in an easily accessible and nice environment.

China Unicom background system

Thank you for taking the time to look at my work. Please feel free to contact me. Xiang Li +358 45 6019988

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