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Esther Cardenas Mouse Trap Use two plastic hands, together like clapping motion that would trip only if the cheese is touched or it feels movement. Set the cheese in both sides of the hands so the mice can get it from either side. Once the mice tries to get the cheese on either side and there is movement . Then the hands will close on the mice which would trap the mice either smashing it or just trapping in between the two plastic hands.Then it the hands will release cold substance that would freeze the mouse right away. Fast so it kills it instantly.Then the package will come included with trays so that when you open the hands and release the mice you can throw him away without touching it. Set a lil net with a cheese on top of it when the mice tries to get the cheese. Would trip the net to trap the mice and hold it there. It would have to be a strong net that the mice cannot bite into. Thinking also put a piece of magnet inside a piece of a cheese, has to be small enough for the mice not to see it but swallow it . It has to be a very strong too, and then have a wall around of magnet so when he swallows the cheese he also sticks to the wall.Then he would be trapped. Cup of water bucket throw a cheese on it if it floats that the point of it. A ramp would be directed the mice to the cheese to get to the top of the bucket or cup . If not then use a really thin net over the bucket or cup with the cheese on it . As soon as the mice would try to get the cheese it would drop into the cup or bucket of water. Drowning the mice but it would be with something that would kill them right away so that they don始t feel it. Like a toxic substance as soon as they touch it they just die instantly so that they don始t suffer.

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