Restoration and Conversion Brochure

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Restoration & Conversion Liz Lake Associates | Chartered Landscape Architects

uction Introd

Liz Lake Associates has been working with a number of far-sighted developers to create high-quality and sensitive landscape settings for restoration and conversion projects. Current government guidelines actively encourage, where possible and appropriate, the re-use of existing buildings to help meet targets for the provision of new homes. These properties are often key buildings within the local urban fabric and are an integral part of the area’s history. Liz Lake Associates has worked with a number of far-sighted developers in London, East and the South East to achieve high-quality and sensitive landscape settings for restoration and conversion projects. The key to our success in this process has been in understanding the historic importance of these properties, whilst interpreting the developer’s vision for their potential clients. We have been able to balance historic landscape details with the creation of high-quality, contemporary and easily maintainable planting design. The result has been sensitive and stunning landscape settings for properties that are starting a new and exciting chapter in their history.

Liz Lake Associa tes wor in the fo k llowing areas: Restora tion and conserv ation Landsca pe/Tow nscape Assessm Enablin ents g develo pment Individu al house s in heri tage lan Cultura dscapes l heritag e Designin g for Ac cess for All Refurbis hment a nd mon implem itoring entation Impact assessm ent Prepara tion of d esign gu idance Policy d evelopm ent


Pedestrian courtyard

Brentwood, Essex

The Galleries is a former Victorian asylum, set

strategy was then conceived to create a sensitive

within extensive grounds and situated in a

yet stunning landscape to surround the historic

prominent position in Brentwood in Essex. Being


Grade 2 listed, its historic buildings comprise an important part of the local urban fabric. City &


Country Residential recognised its potential and

Important trees protected by Tree Preservation

is currently converting the existing buildings

Orders, have been retained within the development

into a high-quality, residential development

design to enhance external spaces. The existing

incorporating 130 apartments. Liz Lake Associates

core buildings, combined with the new extensions

was commissioned to develop conceptual design

and underground parking, have created eight

ideas for the external landscape.

courtyard spaces. The design philosophy was to give each courtyard a distinct character while

Planting to building entrances


maintaining a harmonious feel to the overall

A detailed survey was undertaken of all existing

proposals. Two courtyards have been restored close

trees within the site, noting those protected

to the original historic design, while the remainder

by Tree Preservation Orders which were to be

are contemporary in style.

retained within the development design. A design

High quality planting to frontage




City & Country

Brewster Bye

Roberts Hay Partnership


These pedestrian courtyards have been restored to their original glory using plants of historic associations unified with natural hard materials



A view from one of the surrounding apartments


The Fountain Courtyard is the centerpiece of

designed to create an entirely different feel to this

a prestigious development within the historic

space at night whilst extending the hours that it

parkland at Balls Park in Hertfordshire, a former

can be enjoyed.

university campus. Balls Park Mansion is Grade 1 listed and the associated historic gardens

The Outcome

and parkland are registered Grade 2. New

The fountains form the focal point of the main

apartments were developed looking inwards over

courtyard. They have been detailed in granite with

the courtyards and outwards over the historic

a multi-tiered fountain in the upper bowl and with

parkland. The client’s brief was to provide a high-

four bronze lion heads spouting water from the

quality fountain courtyard that would function as

fountain bowl down into the lower pool. There is a

a communal garden with car parking and provide

lily-pad themed pond cover finished in a verdigris

an attractive leafy outlook into the courtyards

colour, which will in time match the patina of the

from the adjacent apartments.

lion-head water spouts and the copper lanterns which are suspended from the entrance archways.

Water spouts from four bronze lions heads into the lower pool


The fountains are surrounded by a paved seating

The parking was arranged around the perimeter

area. There are four granite benches and the lower

of the courtyard so views from the apartments

pool surround also provides seating opportunities.

are over the cars towards the green island of

The courtyard has been a great success and is

the fountain gardens in the middle of the wider

already a Gold Award winner for Best Communal

courtyard space. The small mop-headed trees and

Garden/Landscape and a Gold Award winner

railings around the perimeter provide an attractive

for the Best Garden Landscape - Brownfield

outlook from the apartments, whilst creating a

Development - Daily Express New Home Gardens

perceived sense of enclosure from the fountain

Awards for our client Explore Living.

seating area. The lighting installation has been


Close up of one of the lion heads

Explore Living

Landscape Contractor

Fountain Contractor

Oakview Landscapes

Miles Waterscapes Ltd


The fountain courtyard is a focal point for the development and has already won two gold national awards



Bespoke water features

Islington, London

This former Edwardian school has been

hard landscape scheme which responded to the

converted into a prestigious collection of nine

site’s immediate context. A contemporary water

new houses, 15 new build and 80 refurbished

feature is located within the centre of the scheme

apartments in one of Islington’s most desirable

which creates a unique pedestrian friendly core.

quarters. The sympathetic refurbishment of

Stunning courtyards

Planting in the lobby area

the three original Edwardian buildings married


with the contemporary design of the new build

With all of the 104 houses and apartments

apartments and houses creates a unique living

reserved, Barnsbury Place is now an established

environment within the established parish of

and highly sought after residential address in




This outstanding development has won the top

The design of the scheme included bespoke

accolade for the Best Conversion in the Evening

courtyard gardens set within a predominantly

Standard Homes & Property Awards.



Mount Anvil

MGM Associates


This high quality award-winning development sets a benchmark for housing schemes in London and the South-East



The Walled Garden Court

Stanmore, London

The historic landscape of Bentley Priory is

residential aspects of this major redevelopment

registered Grade 2 on English Heritage’s Register

at the previous RAF Bentley Priory site on behalf

of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest

of Barratt North London. The detailed planting

in England. The Bentley Priory parkland forms

designs reflect and reinforce the historic setting

part of a major picturesque landscape influenced

whilst providing valuable, usable green space

by Uvedale Price. Liz Lake Associates led the

for modern living. We have produced detailed

landscape team that produced the Landscape

landscape designs and planting plans for the show

Conservation Management Plan and all

home, sales office, walled garden podium terraces

landscape-related documents and plans that

as well as the individual gardens and the wider

formed part of the planning permission granted

parkland. We have also produced a landscape

in July 2008 on behalf of RAF Bentley Priory.

management plan for the public spaces and BRE

The RAF have now vacated the site and it has

homes assessment.

been purchased by two developers. Outcome

The mansion has become a museum


The landscape works are currently being

Liz Lake Associates is part of a comprehensive

implemented and residential units are open

detailed design team including Structa and Clague

for viewing and purchase.

implementing the planning permission for the

Planting to the museum




Barratt North London


Halcrow Yolles


This historic park will form part of the landscape around new homes and once more be enjoyed by many


Improved setting to coach house



Set in rural Suffolk, this once important country

for the Japanese-style garden. Finally, a detailed

estate has an interesting and varied architectural

management plan was produced to ensure the

heritage. Following a detailed tree condition

grounds would be enjoyed for years to come.

survey, we prepared tree removal and planting plans for the grounds of the house and wider


estate as a whole, together with hard and soft

A sympathetic and evocative planting scheme

details for the Japanese-style garden. The

has created an atmospheric setting for this

result is a unique development with beautifully

prestigious conversion, drawing together the

landscaped grounds. The scheme won the 2007

varied strands of its history to create a cohesive,

Gold Award for the Best Communal Garden of the

high-quality and contemporary finish. A detailed

Daily Express New Homes and Gardens Awards.

management plan has also been written setting out a strategy for optimising the visual amenity

Aerial view of site


and nature conservation interests of the grounds

Following a detailed tree condition survey, Liz

through restoration and sympathetic conservation

Lake Associates produced a masterplan which

management. The scheme was awarded Gold for

incorporated tree retention and removal, planting

Best Communal Garden in the Daily Express New

plans for the grounds of the house and wider estate

Homes Garden Awards.

as a whole, together with hard and soft details

Restored japanese gardens



City & Country

Cowper Griffith


Restored historic planting beds helped create a stunning setting to the historic house



The Palace as it stands currently

Chelmsford, Essex

Built as a private residence around 1830, Danbury


Place became Danbury Palace when it was sold

We prepared a review of the remaining garden

to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in 1845 as

structure and proposals for rejuvenation for

an episcopal residence. The formal gardens and

current day use. Using a consistent palette of

shrubbery walks were laid out at this time by

plants and shrubs through the existing gardens

the resident bishops. The building and lands

and into the new residential front gardens and

changed hands a number of times eventually

public spaces will ensure continuity within the

becoming Mid-Essex Technical College in 1959

Palace surrounds.

when they updated the gardens with new tree planting.

Outcome Our work contributed to a successful submission

Parkland at Danbury Palace

Liz Lake Associates was approached to help

for planning approval in January 2014. We are

return the formal gardens to suitable, usable

pleased to be continuing to work at Danbury

outdoor spaces for 21st century families whilst

preparing and administering the implementation

respecting the historic associations as the Palace

contracts for the soft landscape works.

is returned to residential use.

CGI of the refurbished Palace

Client Wilson Properties London Limited


A strategy that considered & respected the heritage of the landscape and buildings, a landscape strategy and tree and hedge planting details were produced



The Rose Garden

St Osyth, Essex

St Osyth Priory is one of the most important

surveys and historic landscape studies which

collections of historic buildings in East Anglia

have been undertaken and reviewed over the

but is in a poor state of repair after years of

last ten years. The proposals are based upon

neglect. Our client’s aim is to find a sustainable

the protection, conservation and restoration of

future for a Scheduled Ancient Monument, 22

remaining historic features complemented by new

listed buildings and 154 hectares of land which

proposals to improve the financial and ecological

includes 93 hectares designated as Grade II

long-term sustainability of the estate.

on the English Heritage Register of Parks and

Darcy House

The Chapel and the Ruins

Gardens of Special Historic Interest where at least


a third of the park had been ravaged by mineral

Seven planning applications were submitted to

extraction. As part of a multidisciplinary team

Tendring District Council for new residential

Liz Lake Associates role was to contribute to

development, the rebuilding of follies and lodges,

proposals for enabling development that would

a visitor centre and function room and the

help to fund the restoration of the buildings and

restoration of the park. The application included

the parkland.

a statement of significance, a comprehensive Conservation Management Plan for both the


park and the Priory precinct, extensive ecological

The project was landscape led with early

and tree surveys, a Landscape and Visual Impact

involvement in the sighting of new residential

Assessment that formed part of the Environmental

development and replacement buildings in the

Statement and landscape proposals for each area

park. This was informed by extensive ecological

of development.




Brewster Bye / City & Country

Historic Landscape Debois


The proposals are aimed at ensuring development which will help to fund the restoration of these unique historic buildings and surrounding parkland



Bespoke spa entrance

Chandlers Cross, Watford

Once the country estate of the Earls of Clarendon,

estate and detailed proposals for a planning

The Grove mansion is a Grade II* listed building

application. After a call-in inquiry where we

set in 126 hectares of parkland, laid out in the

acted as expert witness, planning permission was

18th century. Liz Lake Associates was invited

granted and construction began.

to join the project as part of a team of design consultants helping to steer the proposed


improvements, including a golf course, through

The Grove has undergone a major restoration to

the planning process.

open as a five-star country hotel with a first-class golf course development. The buildings are now

Temporary sculpture to entrance

Detailed planting to open spaces


complemented by an all-embracing redesign

The practice was involved at The Grove from

of the parkland and pleasure gardens. Liz Lake

inception to completion over seven years. The

Associates worked on the detailed design and

conservation and enhancement of the site’s

implementation of the landscape proposals

natural assets were key to our approach and

for the golf course and parkland landscape. On

following extensive surveys of the historic

behalf of the client we monitored the design and

landscape, trees and biodiversity, proposals were

build contract for the areas immediately around

developed for the siting of new buildings, car

the hotel. The hotel won a BALI Principal Award

parking and golf facilities in association with

for Soft Landscaping and has hosted the World

Arthur Hills, the American golf course architect.

Golf American Express Championships. It is also

We prepared a Landscape Master Plan for the

regarded as one of the leading hotels in the world.






Aukett Fitzroy Robinson

Faber Maunsell

GL Hearn



The Grove, set in the Hertfordshire countryside in the south of England, is a very special luxury hotel...


River Ching enhancements

Walthamstow, London

Opened in 1933 by William Chandler this

incorporate a series of open spaces linked by a

iconic stadium eventually closed in August

hierarchy of activity circuits and trim trials both

2008. Having been featured in the Blur album

within the site and the surrounding area. These

Parklife and in the film Snatch the site is to be

pedestrian/cycle friendly trails are intended to

transformed into a stunning development of

give the scheme a unique sense of place with the

approximately 300 flats and houses by L&Q. Set

provision of specific leisure and play facilities.

within the London Borough of Walthamstow the development is intended to be an exemplar for


the Borough and a catalyst for redevelopment in

The completed design respects the character and

the area.

unique heritage of the site whilst incorporating bespoke leisure facilities catering for all age

The famous sign


groups and fitness levels. The proposed de-

Working closely with the client, design team

culverted River Ching and other ecological

and Waltham Forest Council, the scheme was

improvements will create important green links

developed around the retained and to be restored

throughout the site and within the local area.

Tote buildings. The scheme was developed to

Proposed allotments



L&Q London Housing Association

Conran and Partners

Bespoke play areas, public spaces all set within a hierarchy of pedestrian friendly routeways will transform this once iconic stadium

CGI: © 2011


Tree lined open space

Brentwood, Essex

The site comprises the former Highwood and

its own bespoke character, linking the site and

Little Highwood Hospital complex; the eastern

contextual heritage with the new build units and

half of the site lies within a conservation area and

open space.

the site covers an area of approximately eight hectares and a planning application for 205 new


homes was submitted to Brentwood Council.

The scheme encompasses a series of restored open spaces which link into the original urban


analysis study. Formal and informal areas

Working closely with the client design team and

compliment the restored architectural heritage,

Brentwood Council the scheme has evolved to

ensuring the scheme will be used for generations

respond to the immediate content, whilst having

to come.

Landscape masterplan, strategic green space

Organic play area




Galiford Try PLC


Scott Wilson


Liz Lake Associates is highly experienced in conversion projects within Conservation Areas



Public art

Wandsworth Road, London

The scheme’s impressive and stylish

as bespoke seating. Liz Lake Associates were

refurbishment of one of London’s iconic 1960s

commissioned to engage with local artists

concrete structures has a collection of retail,

to develop an art installation which was a

office and residential spaces including a working

requirement of the planning permission.

cantilevered theatre. Outcome Approach

The scheme incorporates a pedestrian courtyard,

Working closely with the architect and client

planted with an interesting variety of architectural

a masterplan evolved which responded to the

plants. Raised planters and lighting further

client and the local heritage of the site whilst

enhance this exciting scheme.

incorporating contemporary elements such

Bespoke seating units to entrance area

The site and surrounding area at night



Mount Anvil


Stylish refurbishment of one of London’s iconic concrete structures


Sketch proposal

Fishponds, Bristol

This historic site, built in 1852, is located in

accompanying masterplan for this historic site,

Fishponds, five miles north east of Bristol. The

which demanded a sensitive approach to protect

former UWE Campus, it encapsulates an historic

the setting of the heritage features.

sunken garden and ornate borders. The main building and principal house are Grade II* listed


with Oldbury Court Estate adjacent, located to the

Working closely with Bristol City Council Urban

northern boundary, which is a late 18th Century

Design Team and a heritage team of architects

park with associated pleasure grounds.

and planners, a robust yet contextually appropriate masterplan has been developed which responds


to the historic park to the north and sensitively

Liz Lake Associates was commissioned to produce

incorporates the listed building.

a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment and

The sunken garden

CGI proposal of the Public Open Space



Barratt Homes Bristol / David Wilson

Focus / Bush Consultancy


A sensitive scheme was evolved which responded to the historic setting whilst creating a contemporary theme to the new built form



Herbaceous planting

Set in the greenbelt near Old Harlow,

As the buildings are to be let, rather than sold,

redevelopment of this former agricultural

the level of maintenance was also a critical issue.

barn into live-work units required a sensitive

Adjacent to the main site was a former orchard,

approach based on retaining and reflecting the

which has been replanted with historical varieties

surrounding “agricultural character�.

of fruit trees, sourced throughout the UK.



Working with architects, Purcell Miller Tritton,

The scheme was completed and is fully tenanted.

we introduced a design strategy to preserve and

The colour scheme blends with the architectural

enhance the existing grounds while creating a

details and simple robust details maintain its rural

usable environment for future residents. This


included the design of a central courtyard, with a semi-mature mulberry tree planted at its centre.

Simple hard surfacing

Entrance feature

Harlow, Essex





Purcell Miller Tritton



A bespoke mixture of historic planting varieties with herbs and herbaceous plants creates a stunning backdrop to the award winning conversion



Markyate, Hertforshire

City & Country Residential contacted Liz Lake Associates to become involved in its plan to Cheverells House

convert a Listed property into 10 apartments and build new garages on this historic site. Approach The initial site planning required a sensitive approach that would satisfy the requirements of the local authority, English Heritage, the Garden History Society and our client. Our overall landscape design strategy was to conserve and enhance the existing grounds while creating a practical environment for residents.

Landscape masterplan

Outcome The extensive grounds, including a walled garden, required a detailed management plan to secure the future of the historic site.

The house appeared in the film 'The Hours'

Client City and Country


Our overall landscape design strategy was to conserve and enhance the existing grounds


Bristol: 1 Host Street, Bristol, BS1 5BU t +44 (0)117 927 1786 e

■ Landscape Design ■ Urban Design ■ Public Realm ■ Masterplanning ■ Landscape Planning ■ Expert Witness ■ Heritage Landscapes, Gardens and Estates ■ Restoration and Conversion ■ Retail ■ Residential ■ Education ■ Leisure ■ Community Consultation ■ Ecology ■ Arboriculture ■ 3D / Graphic Design

Maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey map data by permission of Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2015 Licence No.100007196 © Crown copyright and database rights 2015 Ordnance Survey Licence No.0100031673. Aerial imagery © 2015 Google

Liz Lake Associates Chartered Landscape Architects Stansted: Unit 1, The Exchange, 9 Station Road, Stansted, Essex, CM24 8BE t +44 (0)1279 647044 e

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