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Countdown to the 2023 Census

The countdown is on to New Zealand’s next census, says Stats NZ

The official five-yearly count of New Zealand’s people and dwellings, citizens, residents, and overseas visitors - Census Day is Tuesday 7th March

“The 2023 Census is the only survey we all do as a country Not only is it the official count of people and the places we live or stay, but it provides a point-intime understanding of life in Aotearoa New Zealand, how the population is faring now, and how life is changing over time,” says Simon Mason, Deputy Government Statistician and Deputy Chief Executive Census and Collections Operations

The information collected is turned into census data that is used to make important decisions that impact every person and community

“Iwi, community organisations, councils, businesses, and the government all make important decisions about where to fund and locate services and key infrastructure like hospitals, schools, roads, public transport, parks, and recreation facilities using data from the census, ” says Mason

For example, Nau Mai Rā, which supplies affordable power to whānau, was started when Ezra Hirawani and Ben Armstrong saw census data that showed that 130,000 families were living without power

“There are many examples all over the country of how census data has been used to help improve the lives of Kiwis

It is so important people take part, so the data from the 2023 Census truly reflects who we are as a country and the communities we are part of,” says Mason

The census is the only way we collect information about how many people speak te reo Māori and provides data about which iwi people are affiliated to For the 2023 Census, there will be double the number of census collectors in communities to assist those that might need it

“We are making sure that it will be easier for people to take part in the next census There will be more choice about how to take part – either online or on paper – and there will be more census collectors providing more support to people so they can complete their census forms,” Mason says

“For the first time, the census questions will be translated into New Zealand Sign Language Braille will be available again, and questions in audio format to assist people to take part Information about the census will be available in 29 languages, and the call centre is being set up with nine languages

“I encourage everyone to help make a difference and play their part in ensuring Aotearoa New Zealand gets the best possible data we can in the 2023 Census Tatau Tātou – All of us count ”

Census collectors will be in communities from 13th February, when people will start to receive their census packs in the mail or delivered to their homes by a census collector People will be able to fill out their census forms as soon as they get them

The local libraries in Ōmokoroa and Katikati will have computers available for anyone who would like to do their census online and do not have internet access or would like help to log on from the friendly library staff

Census collectors will be available at certain times to help at the libraries above Dates and times will be put on a notice at the library

We will also have a Census stall at the Katikati A & P show on 5th February Please come and visit

Flavours a Plenty

By Sue Hoffart

Foodies are smacking their lips as ticket sales open for a regional food festival that embraces the Western Bay of Plenty district

The second annual Flavours of Plenty festival, which runs from 24th March to 2nd April, will bring culinary events and crowds to Waihī Beach, Katikati, Whakamārama, Te Puna and beyond

Tickets went on sale when the programme launched on 1st February

“Most of the ticketed festival events sold out last year, ” says director Rae Baker

“This year is much, much bigger, with about 40 exciting options that range from degustation dinners to a sausagemaking workshop We also have long lunches, a wild food challenge and celebrity chef events running right across the coastal Bay of Plenty area

“And I’m thrilled to see the northern end of our region has really embraced the festival and come up with some wonderfully creative activities for food lovers ”

Events in the Lizard News area include

There are many sweet options in Flavours a Plenty festival this year PHOTO: Supplied a helicopter and burger event in Waihī Beach and a ‘flights and bites’ event in Te Puna Wannabe apiarists will have the chance to don a bee suit, spin their own honey at a ‘bee the beekeeper’ experience in Whakamārama, or tour ‘bee-hind the scenes ’ in a honey packing plant in Katikati

“There’ll be plenty of opportunities to get your hands dirty and bellies full ”

For more details, see flavoursofplentyfestival com

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