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Ōmokoroa tennis club

paper should be cheaper than one on cotton rag It is possible to print some types of printmaking on other surfaces like fabric

“You may remember doing linocuts at school and possibly cutting yourself ! You may even remember potato prints which are now not culturally okay. Your mother may have painted your hand and or foot when you were really small and pressed them on paper ”

Jackie Knotts will be exhibiting her original prints at TOLO (The Old Library Ōmokoroa, McDonnell Street) during February and will be happy to demonstrate and explain how she creates her images You may also like to try inking and printing yourself Article supplied

By Jeff Warren

Well if it hasn’t been pouring down and club day cancelled, it’s been blazing hot and a real struggle to run around - but we carry on regardless Our ‘raining’ champion for wet weather play is ‘lucky shot’ Liz Megchelse and as you can see from the picture she is a brolly good player! Hopefully, now we will get a continuous dry spell so that we can all shift a bit of the excess Christmas baggage, and if anyone reading this wishes to do the same, please feel free to come along to a club day either Tuesday or Wednesday at 6pm or Saturdays at 2pm for a very nominal charge, I think it’s $6

We are thinking of running an absent-minded club day duty person award, that’s when the person who should be on duty and organising things forgets it’s their turn and doesn’t show up Hats off to Ellen Haynes for taking an early lead with a noshow on Saturday, 21st January A prize for this will be awarded at the end of the year if any of us can remember to get one (Sorry, Ellen)

Happy tennising, everyone

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