2 minute read
by Kidsguide
FUN places to go
Kidsguide is doing what we do best: giving you information on hundreds of activities to make this summer memorable. In the snapshot of life, you only get 18-ish summer vacations with your kids. In order to not squander a single one of them, here are 44 pages filled with fantastic camps, drive-worthy destinations, and don’t miss summer events––all guaranteed to bring memory-making experiences for you to treasure with your family.
Now what Kidsguide has not done before, is combine this awesome information with the weird, wacky, and gross stuff we know your kids will love. And to do that, we have: 1) enlisted the cover artist, Andy Smith (of Factopia fame) to help us, and 2) created a fun, prize-winning game to make fart, spit, and poop facts really come to life. Without further adieu, we invite you to…
play our gross game!
Here’s how it works:
Weird, wacky & Gross facts
PAGE 3 summer events
Weird and gross facts are found throughout this issue. Each is set up like a quiz you take with your kids to test how weird and wacky you really are :-) editor@kidsguidemagazine.com
Let each of these factoids throughout Kidsguide serve as a jumping off point to find your own!
We challenge your family to send factoids, tongue twisters, and all around strange tidbits to us. Scan the code to submit your entry for a chance to win our top prize––a $50 Amazon gift card! Entries may be shared on our website for everyone to enjoy! Plus, everyone entering will be sent a special––weird––prize (aren't you curious?). Deadline to enter is August 31, 2023.
Tell us your favorite weird, wacky, or gross fact! Can't wait to see what you send!
Questions or Comments?
10552 Humbolt St., Los Alamitos www.kidsguidemagazine.com
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“Kidsguide® Copyright 2023. Liz Davis. All rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be used for a derivative work, reproduced or copied—mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying— distributed, or displayed without prior written permission of the publisher. The materials herein are provided on an “as is” basis and the publisher of this magazine, KIDSGUIDE, Inc., expressly disclaims all warranties, including without limitation the warranties of currentness, correctness, completeness, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, noninfringement of intellectual property, and freedom from errors. KIDSGUIDE, Inc. assumes no liability or responsibility for any loss or injury arising out of errors, omissions, uses, or participation as a result of publication of all magazine editions to the fullest extent permitted by law. KIDSGUIDE, Inc. is not in any way recommending or endorsing any program, business, activity, or advertiser listed within this magazine. Names, addresses, fees, descriptions, and services listed in KIDSGUIDE are subject to change. We sincerely request that any errors be brought to the publisher’s attention so that they may be corrected in future editions.”