The Secret to Internet Success

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The Secret to Internet Success

Preface / Introduction @~~~>The LAST Time I Made This OFFER I was BURIED in calls so I am limiting this to the NEXT 4 PEOPLE ONLY CALL ME NOW - don't miss out! CALL ME NOW for your FREE Internet marketing consultation. ($100 value) Let an expert show you RIGHT NOW how to profit online every single day without leaving home. CALL ME -- Liz English -- NOW, (315) 668-1591. LIVE 24/7/365. Post YOUR Website To Over 16,000 Classified Ad Sites F-R-E-E ->

Table of Contents 1. After 17 successful years online, I know the secret of Internet success. I'm spilling the beans right here. 2. Relationship Building is Good Business, here's why. 3. A recognized Internet marketing master delivers the sober word you don't want to hear: The way you're 'marketing' online your failure is assured. Take the challenge and see for yourself.

The Secret to Internet Success

After 17 successful years online, I know the secret of Internet success. I'm spilling the beans right here. By Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. Because today, August 1, 2011, is such a happy day, I wanted something suitably grand and festive to accompany this article; the kind of music that makes you want to jump up, throw up the sash on your window and, at the top of your voice, shout "Huzzah!", because you want the rest of the too weary and downtrodden world to be as excited as you are. I've found that music. It's a royal German military march called "Hohenfriedberger marsch", and you'll find it in any search engine. Go get it now and let one of the most soaring of marches lift your spirits and put you in the right frame of mind to develop your own online empire into a place where such grandeur is an everyday event... and where you do so well your generosity of heart, mind and spirit match mine on this anniversary day. Over the last 17 years online, I have talked to literally thousands of people who have begged, wheedled and pleaded with me to reveal the "secret" of Internet success. It is now my pleasure to tell you, tell all, withholding nothing. 1) Never say "How do I make money online?". Say instead, "How can I help my customers achieve what they want?" People who succeed online make a fetish of helping people. They know that if you give enough people what they want... you will surely and most assuredly get what you want. This sounds easy enough, doesn't it? A piece of cake. However, you must never underestimate the powerful pull of human ego, selfishness, and self- destructive avarice. In short, humans find it difficult to focus on others, rather than themselves. Yet it is and will always be these others who control your ability to get rich online. I tell my marketing students "Your money is in their pockets," the "their" being your customers. The only way to get it out is by completely changing your focus from yourself to.... them. Cautionary note: Like everyone reading this article, you will pledge your online operations to complete customer centeredness... and for a day or two you will be an empathetic paragon. Then imperceptibly you will slide back into the inveterate selfishness that condemns so many Internet entrepreneurs to humiliating, unnecessary failure. Remember: humans are born selfish, but it is only the customer-centered who succeed. Post this message so that you never forget, for to the extent you do is the extent to which you'll undercut and block your own success. 2) Make it easy for your customers to connect with you. We live in an age of true communication marvels with a myriad of ways to connect, connect fast, connect now. The problem is, we don't use them properly, rather infuriating customers by misusing these tools, or, worse, not using them at all... so that the age of instant contact becomes instead the age of thwarted contact. Are you one of the culprits? First, review each and every means you have for people connecting with you, including email, telephone, fax, etc., etc. Then review them as if you were the customer. Look at how you use them. When you use them. Even whether you use them.

Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012

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The Secret to Internet Success Are you a customer enabler... or are you a customer frustrater and avoider? You'll SAY that you are doing everything humanly possible to expedite and improve customer contact and communication. But in all likelihood you're not. The only way you're going to know is by acting like a customer, ascertaining just how easy (or difficult) you've made things. You're likely to be amazed at the maze and obstacles you've erected to frustrate customer relations. As soon as you know, re-arrange things so that you don't just THINK you are customer-centered, but actually are. 3) Make an offer... then make a better offer. To make money, give things away. To make more money, give more things away. The richest people online are those who give the most away. They spend their days not just creating and discovering useful new products and services. That's necessary and essential for success... but it isn't the key variable. That key variable is the extras, the special offer you're going to give customers for acting NOW! In other words, the all-important offer. Now hear this: OFFERS are what get people to buy now... thus, the better the offer, the faster the sale. It's as simple as that. So, let's see what you're doing now and whether the offers you're making will take you to the financial destiny you desire. First, are you making any offers at all? You'd be surprised at how many entrepreneurs have a "take it or leave it" attitude about what they're selling... punctuated with this killer proposition: "what I'm selling is so good, it sells itself." This is one of the most foolish of propositions. Nothing, absolutely nothing, sells itself. But if you don't have a special enticing, motivating offer with what you're selling then you've cooked your own goose. Immediate re-thinking is necessary. If you're making some kind of offer, good for you. At least, you've got you r foot on the right road. Now let's see whether you've got what it takes to move ahead. Review your offer in the light of what your competitors are doing, easy enough on the Web. If what you're offering to induce immediate sale is only as good as (or less than) what your competitors are offering... then you've got a serious problem... and you need some serious action at once. The offer you make, the offer that delivers the sales and the cash, must be demonstrably better than anything offered by anyone... and the customer must be able to see this at a glance.... 4) Create a customer-centered blog and use it daily. Over the last 17 years online there has been one astonishing development after another. One of the most important is the creation and development of blogging; it's a device that every successful Internet entrepreneur understands and uses daily, the better to achieve more substantial success. You will succeed online only to the extent you understand blogging and blog daily. Let's start by helping you understand why it's so important. A blog gives you the opportunity to send out advertisements daily, without risking your list as people do who email ads and nothing but ads. Your blog is anchored by useful articles and information. These client-centered articles and information protect the integrity of your list. So long as your ads are accompanied by this useful content, you can email your list regularly. Sending ads alone cannot achieve the desired objective; instead you'll list will dwindle into insignificance. Enjoy the game. Successful online entrepreneurs know they've participating in the greatest game of our time, a game that delivers customers and customer sales 24 hours a day and can turn even the smallest home business into an unstoppable cash cow. And isn't that just what you want? Don't wait another minute to get started. Put a smile on your face and set about the task before you,

Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012

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The Secret to Internet Success making liberal reference to these recommendations. It's the way to ensue 17 years of success online, as I've had, with many more successful years after that.

Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012

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The Secret to Internet Success

Relationship Building is Good Business, here's why. If you want to set your business apart from your competitors spend some time creating and fostering relationships with your current and prospective customers. Strong business relationship lead to long term customers and this is good for your bottom line. If you have been ignoring social media it's time to recognize that you are turning your back on a vital direct connection to the people who have supported your business and those people who may be your next customers. Your customers are a vital source of information for any company. They can help you understand how to better meet their needs and therefore, retain their business while attracting new business. One of the most powerful ways to tap this valuable resource is by finding more ways to connect with your customers and build lasting relationships. Relationship building is an ongoing process on and offline. Social media makes it easier to start and build relationships with current and prospective customers all over the world. Your marketing plan should include dedicating resources for building your online presence through posts, blogs, backlinks, bookmarks, commenting and more. Your website is simply not enough any more. If you want to speak to your customers and grow your sales you will need to connect with them using popular social media. Social media makes it easy to build relationships with your customers, here's how. - Instantly create connections - Expand your reach to new markets - Ability to jump on customer service issues right away - Better identify gaps in your service provision - Know what people are saying about your company - Increase awareness of what your business offers - Increase referrals and sales - Generate new sales with offers - Post Product or Service Reviews - Improve customer experiences with your company - Generate fresh online frequent content that you control What to do next: Have a look at some of the popular Social Media sites to see which ones are the best fit for your company, products or services. Don't limit yourself to just the large sites, if you can find niche sites directly related to your purposes this can be ideal and easily found with a Google search. Here's just a few of the top ones ranked by StumbleUpon

Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012

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The Secret to Internet Success Before the Internet, building business relationships meant greeting your customer by name when they came into your store. Today, it means using social media to better connect with your customers and in the process of helping them you help your own company grow stronger. Companies and their customers are connected in a way never seen before and it’s your job as a business owner to facilitate this process.

Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012

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The Secret to Internet Success

A recognized Internet marketing master delivers the sober word you don't want to hear: The way you're 'marketing' online your failure is assured. Take the challenge and see for yourself. Author's program note. One of the great films is "Cool Hand Luke" (1967) that features this line etched in acid, "What we have here is failure to communicate". This line is delivered just after the prison authority has slashed "Luke" with a whip, causing him to roll over and over down a long, dusty hill, each rotation more painful than the last. The warden then says what seems an extraordinary statement: that Luke had been beaten because he wanted it that way... Huh? But pretty soon you understand the authority figure is right. Luke is determined to do things his way, when that way is a certain disaster... he won't learn, won't examine his position, and will never admit to error. The only thing that will enlighten him and change certain failure to incipient progress is getting beaten and beaten again; then he might see the benefit, the essential value of instruction, training and constant adjustment and beneficial change. Luke's pointless "system" delivers nothing but misery. Communication delivers the desired results that you're too stubborn to master. So what if what you're doing doesn't work. "It's a poor thing but mine own" and therefore good enough. Thus, for the music to accompany this article, I give you the theme song to "Cool Hand Luke" because you bear more than a passing resemblance to a character and a situation that will keep failing you and which you do not wish to change -- whatever you say. Find the music by Lalo Schifrin in any search engine, and remember: it's YOUR theme, obstinacy and willful adherence to present, total, predictable failure being celebrated. Why you must master marketing to succeed online. Right now chances are whatever online enterprise you are pursuing is not only failing to make you a living wage... it is failing to make you anything at all. Don't be coy about this; YOU are a complete, total, abject, and ridiculous marketing catastrophe. So, what have you been doing to solve this problem and generate increasing bucks? What have you been doing? I'll tell you what you've been doing; the same things that delivered failure while expecting success, if you do them long enough This is the textbook definition of madness... and that makes YOU certifiably crazy. "Your Money Is In Their Pocket!" Right now people around the world are walking around with your money in their pockets. Moreover, due to the pathetic way you "market", one thing is clear: you will never get that money. It will stay in your customer's pocket... he will in due course spend it elsewhere, thereby depriving himself of whatever benefit you could deliver and 100% of the profits you would have derived. What's worse, you seem neither to know nor to care that this travesty of marketing that keeps you broke and unsuccessful is going on. You're the poor little lamb who has gone astray... and you must be perfectly happy with that result... since you learn nothing new; try nothing new; and master nothing new. Amazing! Magic words that deliver one hot prospect after another; the rocket ship that delivers them. To succeed online you need, first of all, prospect lists because in my well-known phrase "The list is the business... and the business is the list." To make money you must have lists; to make lots of money, you must have bigger lists. Developing this list is a project for each and every day you want

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The Secret to Internet Success to move money from "their" pockets... to yours. The first critical question: what did you do each day this week to grow your pivotal lists? Don't be vague; be rigorously detailed and specific. The sad fact is, you've probably done nothing on this matter whatsoever. And so you will continue to fail. That's 100 percent certain. You must give your prospects a reason to pick up the phone and call you. Do you? Consider this. Over the years I have turned myself from an impecunious graduate student (albeit at Harvard) into an online multi-millionaire. How did it happen? By creating powerful, punchy, profit-making ads like this one, my current favorite and likely to remain so since it is a certifiable money maker: Call me now for your FREE Internet marketing consultation. $100 value. Let an expert show you RIGHT NOW how to profit online every single day without leaving home. Call me -- Dr. Jeffrey Lant -- now, (617) 547-6372. LIVE 24/7/365. Your success guaranteed. I'm waiting for your call RIGHT NOW! This verbiage MUST be on EVERYTHING that will be seen, received, read and presented to every single person you wish to respond. Each time you send out ANYTHING, be that business card, email message, brochure, space ad, landing page, etc. without these precise words is a marketing opportunity and ALL its potential profits lost and gone forever "dreadful sorrow, Clementine." Ebooks as rocket ships. Now you know the magic words to use that ensure 100 percent guaranteed results. How do you get them into the hands of prospects who, being motivated by them, will pick up the telephone to make instant contact with --you? There are many ways, but here's one that takes just about 5-7 minutes per day. It's ebook marketing... and it's so clever because you don't write your ebooks (though you may if you like). I DO! Just over two years ago... In the fall of 2010, I had an epochal "AHA!" moment. Keep in mind that at that time, the Great Recession was dragging down the Great Republic, the European Union, and the world. I wanted to seize this crucial moment when all the best things on Earth were for sale at deeply discounted prices; I wanted to seize this moment, I say, to fatten my stock portfolio and fast-growing collection of eye-popping Old Master pictures and the best 18th century furniture. In short, I needed lots of cash... and a mechanism to deliver it to me and the eager-beavers who saw this turbulent, even frightening time as the right time for massive asset acquisition. Enter the ebook... the ebook you don't write but can profit from every single day! Well over 1,000,000 formatted words, with images and musical cues, marching smartly to 1000 articles. Here's the good word, bird. Since September, 2010 I have written approaching one thousand articles; each about 1500 words. You can see them at These articles, carefully researched, carefully written cover over 35 different subject areas. At least 20 new articles are added every single month. Using them is a breeze... Go to the article repository. Select any 2 or 3. Add the magic marketing words above. Click, send... and await certain response... by people picking up the phone to call you... whenever they're ready to call you. Is this difficult in any way? No, it's child's play. Is it time-consuming? Certainly not. 7 minutes for newbies. Under 5 for experienced marketers. Does it produce prospect leads? Yes, EVERY time you use it, which should be 7 days a week.

Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012

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The Secret to Internet Success And now The Million-Dollar Question. WILL YOU DO IT? Return to "Cool Hand Luke," obstinate, stubborn, beaten, unsuccessful... just plain stupid. Now let's be brutally frank with each other. I remind you that this is proven, that it's simple, that it takes but a few paltry minutes a day, that it will cause your phone to ring off the hook (especially if you put it on the top of each document for maximum impact), that it will ensure profits, profits which will grow as you grow your lists. But you, admit it, are "cool hand Luke", lazy, excuse making, smart aleck, a permanent sneer on your lips, the know-it-all who knows nothing. You'll follow this advice for a day; maybe, two. You'll start seeing results. Then your residual bad habits will kick in, including your acute disinclination to take phone calls from real people. After all, when push comes to shove you are most surely of the "I love humanity; it's people I can't stand" School of Marketing. And you're a slothful bugger, too. You'll deny all this of course, just as Paul denied Jesus 3 times before the cock crowed. But the truth will be most apparent in your derisory bank account, assets, and future. Partner, I hope that sneer on your face and your reeking arrogance are enough for you, 'cause, baby, that's what you're gonna get. Capisce?

Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012

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The Secret to Internet Success

Resource About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Elizabeth English

Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012

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