Barack Obama - Mitt Romney
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Tomorrow we will make a decision on who will be the new president of the United States - Barack Obama or Mitt Romney. I have put together a few articles that were written about the election in 2011. I Thought they may be of interest to you.
Table of Contents 1. Highly desirable (White) House for sale. Price tag: one billion, or more. Obama says, 'I'll take it!' 2. A great sadness in the land. An open letter to my president, the Honorable Barack Obama. 3. Keep your mitts off America. Why they're writing songs of love, but not for Mitt Romney. 4. New biography of Mitt Romney claims to deliver 'The Real Romney'... but will anyone really care?
Barack Obama - Mitt Romney
Highly desirable (White) House for sale. Price tag: one billion, or more. Obama says, 'I'll take it!' by Dr. Jeffrey Lant To absolutely no one's surprise President Obama officially kicked off his re-election bid April 4, 2011. The real story is not that he's running (since the day he was elected in the first place, he's been running for the second term whose function is to validate what he's done and his place in history). No, the story is on that most American of subjects: money, specifically the money it's going to take him to ensure his re-election. Yup, it's all about the money. In 2008, Obama set the spending record, $760 million for the primary and general elections. Obama, to the astonishment of many, was unstoppable in the fund raising department. Democrats were conflicted on the matter. For one thing, they wanted to win... and here was a man dedicated to raising the money to make them competitive and give them victory on a sterling silver platter. But that unnerved many Democrats at the same time, for such people have a knee jerk tendency to regulate campaign funds and limit them; Obama was always about victory, not limits. And victory, sweet victory, historic victory they got. Such victory papers over a lot of cracks. The president opens his campaign. Because this is 2011 and the world is wired President Obama launched his re-election campaign by e-mail. He said his campaign will be about "coordinating millions of one-on-one conversations between supporters across every single state, reconnecting old friends, inspiring new ones to join the cause, and readying ourselves for next year's fight." The man of soaring rhetoric commenced his campaign with business sobriety, without a memorable word. What did that mean? It meant, above all else, that Obama realizes he'll be the issue; that what people want is not rhetoric, not to run on hope. Been there, done that. What the people want now is demonstrated results and sensible, realistic talk about the next four years of the U.S.S. United States of America. Where does this captain want to take us.... and how does he intend to get us there? High blown rhetoric which was the centerpiece of the 2008 campaign will be used, of course, but carefully, sparingly. The country, after all, is still seething with rages... and Obama needs to be seen as a man of deeds, not words, however thrilling. His re-election message signifies his understanding that the "first black president" card is not going to cut it. The high flying speeches about opening doors, too, are old hat, beside the point. What America wants is a strong chief executive (white, brown or black) whose sole function is to tackle our grab-bag of problems and use the power of the presidency, which includes marshalling the people, to deliver results, results, results. Nothing less will satisfy the nation... and the president surely knows that even results, great results, will fail to satisfy many. That is the nature of our times. Obama knows better than anyone that keeping the White House as his house is going to take a breathtaking amount of money. And Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission came at just the right time for him to raise it, in the historic amounts needed to make his case. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.
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Barack Obama - Mitt Romney On January 21, 2010 the United States Supreme Court made a decision of historic proportions. By the thinnest of margins, 5-4, the Court struck down a provision of the McCain-Feingold Act that prohibited all corporations, both for- profit and not-for-profit, and unions from broadcasting "electioneering communications". These were defined in McCain-Feingold as a broadcast, cable, or satellite communication that mentioned a candidate within 60 days of a general election or thirty days of a primary. The decision overruled Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce (1990) and partially overruled McConnell v. Federal Election Commission (2003). The Honorable the Justices of the Supreme Court had just made history, striking a hammer blow (albeit barely) on behalf of the First Amendment, which means, so the majority said, exactly what it says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Liberal outrage. Most every liberal in the land was enraged by this decision. Liberals, you see, specialize in telling folks like you and me, just what we can do, just when we can do it, just how we can do it. In this case, that means doing everything they can to limit your right to uninhibited election communications, including spending your money freely to influence these elections. Freedom means being able to squander your money on elections if you want to. Personally, I have never understood the thrill of throwing money away on presidential candidates. I'm of the firm opinion that spending the hundred or two I might donate to candidates, say, on dinner with winsome partner would be better spent. However, I am equally clear that people, by the Bill of Rights, should have the right to waste their money, be they private citizen, union, or corporation on the candidates they fancy. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission reaffirmed that right, and strongly so. President Obama, chief beneficiary, the strongest attacker. The president is a past master in the art of having one's cake while eating it, too. This decision he said "gives the special interests and their lobbyists even more power in Washington -- while undermining the influence of average Americans who make small contributions to support their preferred candidates." Obama later elaborated in his weekly radio address saying, "this ruling strikes at our democracy itself," and "I can't think of anything more devastating to the public interest." Having stated, for the record, the standard liberal line... Obama set out to make the Court's ruling work for -- him. Every time he lamented the realities of politics and fund raising and predicted the end of democracy... he was busily raising money, unparalleled amounts of money from... private citizens, corporations, and unions. If a billion will do the trick, fine; if not, he'll up the ante. For you see, he is determined to prove, through his re-election that America made no mistake in electing him in the first place. Millions of American who voted for Obama have come to the conclusion they bought a pig in a poke; they've having second thoughts. But the president knows what money can buy. He'll raise whatever he needs so they'll buy -- him, secretly thanking Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission for the favor, while criticizing it every step of the way. The White House is worth it.
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Barack Obama - Mitt Romney
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Barack Obama - Mitt Romney
A great sadness in the land. An open letter to my president, the Honorable Barack Obama. By Dr. Jeffrey Lant A special preface for my readers worldwide. Today, with a measure of reluctance, I step outside my usual role as a commentator on a myriad of facts, occurrences, events, trends and happenings to be what from my birth I have been and treasured, a Citizen of the United States, my country. Today I shall not merely report on the news in all its many aspects, at home and universally, but I shall, in a small but not insignificant way, make history... which is what Citizens do when they consider their nation, its affairs and directions, its misadventures and glorious achievements and report their opinions, feelings, complaints, concerns and admonitions to the individual who is, for the moment, the chief magistrate of the Great Republic, a position granted by the people who remain the ultimate repository of all power... and who, therefore, are, in such reporting doing what they have the right and indeed the obligation and responsibility to do... for all that their language may, from time to time, become choleric, injudicious, and intemperate. As one of these people, these Citizens, I am today writing for and immediately thereafter sending to my president my thoughts and observations at this moment in our history, for I sense a great sadness beginning to move across the land, which must give pause to every thoughtful member of the body politic. I want you, Reader, to note the matter of how I have headed these remarks, for I am sending them not just to the President of the United States, but to "my president," for first and foremost he is not just a quondam official, holding office from such a time to such a time. He is, instead, the lawful leader of my country, a nation in which my hopes and dreams, along with the hopes and dreams of unseen millions of my countrymen, reside. I therefore write because I must... for the stakes are far too great to be silent... and I trust that the first lesson to be drawn from this letter is that you, too, shall, with thought and high seriousness of purpose, send to your president the fruit of your wisdom and concern, for whatever divides us, we have everything to unite us.... the articles and means of governance, centuries of shared triumphs and adversities, the first fashioned, the second overcome by our united actions. We share hopes, dreams, visions, and the abiding knowledge that, of all peoples on this earth, we have created our realities... and so we must take action when our direction falters... and our vision is obscured. ... as it happening now, to the growing certainty, concern, lamentations and jeremiads of the people. And because all these are not the best of us... we call upon you, as we are in duty bound to do, to lead the people... exhort the people... lift up the people and return us intact, renewed to former greatness and greater greatness yet to come. Mr. President, you came into office in a flood tide of exclamations, gratitudes, hosannahs... a man not merely of destiny but a man of reconciliation, joy, and healing purpose. You broke the stringent and oppressive color barrier, for every office and high position in the land, an invidious reality that too long oppressed a nation dedicated to eradicating the oppressions of others, yet for long unable to eradicate the oppressions we inflicted upon ourselves. You were a living symbol of all that is best in us. And we were glad of it... and thanked you for liberating all the people from the cancer of oppressing. Now, however, the man who verily walked upon the water, is in danger of being swept out to sea, a victim of expectations too high, a man perhaps to be remembered and derided, for having peaked as president in his first hour on the job. What has caused this implosion, this great fall from grace and
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Barack Obama - Mitt Romney on high? It is not the problems which assail us, for the Great Republic was conceived, born and grew strong and proud because of great problems greatly engaged. Because we believed -- and still I trust believe -- that only from great problems solved can a great people evolve towards perfection. It is not that the political climate is more divisive, harsh, noisome and belligerent than our Founding Fathers and their generations of descendants faced, for the political atmosphere and actions in this pantheon of strong opinions have often been incendiary, ad hominem, vulgar, and abusive. As a people we know the alchemy for turning such bile into unity. It is our particular genius. Nor is it that we are less dedicated and committed to the usages of our great system of governance and life, for the blood and passions of our forefathers run strong in us, too. What then is the cause for our disappointment, dismay, and of the incipience of despair and growing disillusion? And what then must we do? There are many causes, profound, significant, challenging... and many are at work even now to bring solutions to the problems at hand. But your office, our customs and immemorial usage all dictate that you, our oathed and solemnly sworn leader take precedence in action and constructive purpose. And here you have faltered, and I wish to suggest why. I am writing to you now from a neighborhood and institution you know well and loved, Cambridge and The Harvard Law School. There you learned and then mastered the principles and procedures of the law, one of the glories of our entire civilization. Here amongst the grassy precincts and serene buildings redolent of learning, judgement, and, above all, due process you found yourself and grew. You were happy here... but it did not prepare you for your current responsibilities, turbulences, conundra, attacks and altercations. As a result you are suffering... for lawyers learn how to divide pies... not how to make them. You are now the duly chosen Chief Baker... but without a recipe for sustaining and improving your aggrieved customers to be had. These good people were at first confident, then patient, then exasperated, frustrated and irritated, now they have turned angry and exigent. They know what you should know: the casualties inflicted by global economic maelstroms and a host of related economic and social realities are greater than the greatest of wars. If a wreath was placed on the door of every individual adversely affected we should fall down in disbelief and horror. For the people know how great is the trouble in the land where God once shed His grace. Your job, your only job, is to put America to work... for only an employed America can be a happy land of serenity, security and sustained peace of mind. You are Commander- in-Chief. Thus declare war on America's most pressing enemy, unemployment Create a "war cabinet" and set up your headquarters in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, already hallowed as a place to secure and defend America's interests. Make it known throughout the land that this is not an Obama initiative; it is an American initiative and therefore you call upon all Americans to do their bit, as their parents and grandparents did in World War II. And if some oppose, let them. You have God's work to do and cannot allow little men and their self-serving objections to hinder you. You are America's leader, and you have America's work to do. Every time any business or organization adds a job, post a notice and laud the job creators. They are all heroes in a war we must fight and we must win. They deserve recognition. Set up a website where you list jobs created. Go live on the Internet at least one each day and show and tell the American people just what you are doing and results achieved. Our people do not understand our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan. But they will all understand this. You are at a crossroads of your life and office. But there is a grand, honorable and necessary thing which you can do. Leave the
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Barack Obama - Mitt Romney many good things you would do if you had world enough and time. Focus on the one thing we must have now and without which we can achieve little else. Embrace your true calling, sir, and lead the endeavor to put America to work. It is what's needed... a goal we can reach together and must start today.
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Barack Obama - Mitt Romney
Keep your mitts off America. Why they're writing songs of love, but not for Mitt Romney. by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. 2012 ought to be a big Republican year, not least because President Obama is perceived by almost no one as the leader we need. A good man, yes; up to the job... no way. But Obama, with all his baggage, remains, in my humble opinion, the likely winner, unless (and it's a big "unless") unemployment goes up. However, most of my commenting colleagues think a very marginal drop is likely -- not an increase. I concur. Thus, I've selected the song "But not for me" (written by George Gershwin in 1930) to accompany this article. "They're writing songs of love"... but not for Mitt! Go to any search engine to find this much sung song. I like the Rod Stewart version best... Mitt, of course, won't like any version at all.... pity. It's a great number. Dismal With the state of the nation what it is, and what it threatens to remain -- dismal -- a guy like Mitt Romney ought to be riding the crest of a wave that'll deliver him in due course to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with whoops of joy and the prayers of a great people. He's brighter than bright. A hard-working, dedicated policy wonk with a graduate student's dedication and ardor. So rich that even he doesn't have a clue how much money he's got. A picture-perfect family with smiles to die for. Yes, Mitt's got it all... except for judgement, integrity and honesty. And he's got only himself to blame for this glaring lapse, so big you could drive a coach and four comfortably through it, and which you can see for yourself any day you like. This is why der Mitt-ster is in trouble and why the hapless big wigs of the GOP want anyone, absolutely anyone, other than Mitt. And I understand why: as a tax- paying citizen of Massachusetts, I know how they feel. Like they want to puke, every time they think of this guy at the head of their next national ticket. Thus these diligent Solons of the Great Republic have been tripping over themselves to find a candidate, their actions ham-fisted, clumsy, but telling as they have scrounged up and praised such verifiable pygmies as Michelle Bachmann, who is next door to a moron; Rick Perry who wouldn't know how to spell his own name if a less challenged aide didn't hold up a cue card to remind him; Herman Cain who has never had trouble wooing les femmes, just profound difficulty remembering where and when... and keeping his wife of decades up to date. And now, wafted by the incense of New Hampshire's largest newspaper, the Manchester Union Leader, which never met a kooky idea it didn't like, is touting Newt Gringrich, a man who would denounce his own mother if it got him a look-see, much less the White House. Ask his many wives, mistresses, chicks and concubines and see for yourself. It'll all come out in the wash anyway. It would all be hysterically funny... except that we voters of America, denizens all of the Great Republic, are going to have to live with the results... and that's a revolting development if anything ever was. Why are all these people working so hard for Anyone But Mitt?
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Barack Obama - Mitt Romney "Veritas", Harvard's motto -- and Mitt's. Let's get one thing perfectly straight, everything that Mitt says, whenever he says it is always TRUTH, no matter that it is totally opposite to what he said on the subject five minutes ago. Mitt is to American politics what the Pope speaking ex cathedra infallible is to Rome, a man never wrong, with a license to reshuffle the truth that we lesser folks must adhere to. Mitt went to Harvard (all serious candidates always do)... and so "Veritas" (truth) is his motto. Luckily, he never has to worry finding it. It's what he utters all day, every day, no matter his subject, implausible, disingenuous or inaccurate. As you can imagine, this considerably simplifies his life and labors... and makes campaign fact-checkers superfluous; around Mitt they are simply unneeded. Governor Mitt of Massachusetts instituted a progressive health care program which was timely, needed, forward looking, a program that would have made any governor of any state proud. But Candidate Mitt has done everything but deny he was governor at the time to get out of accepting responsibility and credit for what ought to be his acme. Sometimes he's pro gay rights; sometimes he's not. Sometimes he'll cut a deal on illegal immigrants; sometimes he won't. Only one thing is constant: that whatever he says, to whomever he says it is the God's honest truth, cross his heart and hope to die. In the last few days Mitt has gotten himself in at least two middens which would surely trip up and soil any other candidate, lesser folk all. First the Boston Globe (which takes a proprietary interest in Mitt, having helped elevate him to his current celestial status) reported that in 2006 Governor Mitt's top aides purchased their computer hard drives just before his administration ended, and the usual Democratic hacks returned to the State House's corner office. Fully 11 of Mitt's minions ponied up for their drives, something never considered by previous excellencies, much less done. Now you and I could guess what was going on, couldn't we? After all, in the real world we inhabit, people put things, all sorts of things, on their computers they don't want the world and his brother to see. So we make sure those hard drives belong to us and nobody else. And so le tout Massachusetts came to the instant conclusion that those drives and their owners were up to no good. Purchase was the result... never mind that this was unprecedented... awfully suggestive... and maybe even illegal. But remember, Mitt is not merely potentate, he is Pope. And so, after waiting days to respond to reporters' queries on the matter, he released his encyclical, explaining all, disclaiming all. All was right, nothing wrong, why even wonder? Why wonder, too, about Mitt and company's next faux pas; the outright lie that was his very first ad against Obama. It shows a clip of the president saying, "If we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose." Never mind that these words were Obama quoting John McCain, the GOP nominee Romney wanted to run with last time round. The ad was not just misleading... it was a blatant distortion... ... which Romney aide Eric Fehrnstrom, the most indiscrete and bumptious campaign counselor ever, confirmed, happy in this deception. "It's all deliberate," he exulted. In other words, St. Mitt knew it was a lie; authorized the lie, then told the world he was happy that he lied. Even the most cynical were appalled. And so the matter rests at this moment, as we await Mitt's next assault on truth, justice and the American way; his next distortion, deceit, disingenuity. For make no mistake, the next one is on the
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Barack Obama - Mitt Romney way, as Mitt plumbs the depths he expects to take him to the top. That's why you'll find me at all his campaign rallies selling air sickness bags, three for a buck. I'll clean up. ### Your response to this article is requested. What do you think? Let us know by posting your comments below.
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Barack Obama - Mitt Romney
New biography of Mitt Romney claims to deliver 'The Real Romney'... but will anyone really care? by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Last night, January 19, 2012, The Boston Globe, the biggest and most influential newspaper in New England, pulled out all the stops for two of their best and brightest reporters; Michael Kranish, deputy chief of the Washington bureau of The Boston Globe and Scott Helman, staff writer at The Boston Globe. The occasion was the release of their new biography of former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, the likely Republican presidential nominee. First, my compliments to The Boston Globe. The special reception before a panel on der Mittster was nicely done and gave us all the opportunity to meet the authors and chat with them. The helpers were all efficient, polite, unobtrusive. Perfect. It looked like a long evening until.... I sought out Michael Kranish first; he seemed like the senior member of the team and I try to get what I need for my article out of the way as soon as possible, so that I can sit back and enjoy the event. I told Kranish I had three brief questions for him. First, would Romney ever be president? His unpromising answer: "It's possible. It could happen." This was not the incisive, insightful comment I was looking for... and suggested the possibility of a very long evening in the making, one to be ditched as soon as I'd eaten more of their fine brie. Question 2: will Mormonism be an issue in the campaign? "In some places it could be," he answered. OMG! It was indeed going to be a very long evening. But I said I wanted to ask him three questions... and it wasn't over until it was over. I ventured my third query. "What was the most unexpected thing about Romney you discovered in your research"? Then the intriguing answer, "What happened at Stanford University" when he was a student there during the Vietnam War, the war that derailed his father's presidential campaign. Ok, this was something promising... at last. Of father brainwashed and campaign imploded. Mitt Romney (born 1947) had as his dad a human dynamo called George Romney, celebrated as the rescuer of American Motors (which gave me my push button Rambler in high school), governor of Michigan, member of the Nixon cabinet; a man who rightly thought he had a superb shot at being president of the Great Republic... until... ... he went to Vietnam, where he got star treatment and massive misinformation about how the war was going, how we'd win, how the people loved us, and enough manure to fertilize Connecticut. He came back to America feeling like a fool; then shot himself through the head when he claimed the military had "brainwashed" him. His presidential campaign ended the minute the words were out of his mouth. Nobody wanted as president a man who could be controlled by the military or anyone else. And so George Romney's career ended... providing his son with a lifetime of lessons about what not to do... including the vital necessity to avoid the media whenever possible. On his way back from Vietnam, Pere Romney stopped to visit Mitt at Stanford... where this devoted son got the opportunity to talk to his father about Life, War, God... of winning, losing, what's important and what isn't. It's the kind of conversation one has with a parent once in a lifetime... and Mitt took it all in and to heart. He would, he vowed, revenge what had happened to his father... being sure to derive all the proper lessons from this seminal event, including the absolute need in his life
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Barack Obama - Mitt Romney for God, the God of the Mormons... God. To understand Mitt Romney, you must appreciate the importance and influence of his Mormon faith. It has provided the sinews of his life while isolating him from other people; people who often disdained his religion, calling it a "cult" and worse. Mitt learned to be private, very private, about his religion...letting very few people into that side of himself. Privacy, particularly privacy about his faith, became an obsession... something that may have connected him with God... but most assuredly estranged him from his fellow men, the people he'd need if he was ever to run for president. Money. What further separated him from the run of mankind was money... he made awesome amounts of it, largely through what are called leveraged buy-outs. This is a practice whereby investors buy a company, with the intention of doing everything they can to make it as profitable as possible, as quickly as possible; so they can sell the whole or its parts, often for staggering return on investment. This almost always involves the firing of employees in an attempt to decrease expenses and increase efficiency. Here Mitt Romney was king; a paragon who knew the delights that come when making only millions in a day was "bad" compared to the brilliant days, and plenty of them, when you made tens, even hundreds of millions lickety-split. Such days did absolutely nothing to connect him with mere mortals... and presented a problem he has still not been able to solve. Every time he got richer, Mitt got more disconnected... and less electable. So, here we've got a candidate with a perfect marriage, 5 sons made by Disney, nary a scandal to be had... richer that God Himself... super bright... the hardest worker on the planet... but a loser for all that, because he just cannot connect with people and their everyday concerns to save his life. Thus as I roamed the thin crowd talking with people, who were very keen to be asked their opinion about Mitt and his prospects, the temperature never rose above "tepid." Yes, right smack dab in the middle of Boston, capital of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that Mitt had reigned over as governor (2003-2007), he couldn't have thrown off less heat. And so, the people whom he needed so desperately to make him president evinced absolutely no excitement at all, much less any abiding glow. And you could see this puzzled authors Kranish and Helman because their unauthorized biography (without a single interview with Mitt), into which they had poured time, life and commitment could only go as far as its subject, and not an inch more. If he sailed into the White House, their book (which I made sure they both autographed) would have the legs most political books never do, but if the world was as lukewarm as the folks in their audience, their $30 book (praised though it was by the usual East Coast media suspects) was DOA... That's why they came back to this point several times: awkward and disconnected as Mitt was in public, he was in private something of a cut-up (of the wonk variety), a man who could tell a story, give a hug, engage... even (and this arrested my attention for sure) moon walk while singing tunes from the Grateful Dead, tunes like "There's Whiskey In The Jug", an odd favorite for a tea-totalling Mormon: "Mush-a ring dum-a do dum-a da Whack for my daddy-o. Whack for my daddy-o There's whiskey in the jar." But this, though it made me smile and nod my head in wonderment was not the highlight of the evening. That was the rapt attention and joy in Aime Joseph. You see Mr. Joseph is my driver, a Haitian by birth, obsessed with American politics, always quizzing me about political people and their measures. He dressed up for this event, and imbibed every word with the utmost focus and
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Barack Obama - Mitt Romney concentration. "We have nothing like this in Haiti," he said as I gave him the present of a lifetime, an autographed copy of the book. And when he saw me about to drop it, he grabbed it from my hand, the better to ensure it did not fall; chiding me for lack of care with this valuable artifact. And I saw so clearly what was the best part of all: the fact that this kind of forum, this kind of book, this kind of open dialogue and honest conversation still was foreign to most of the world... and the thing we should be most proud of, our gift to the world and our collective future. Now, go to any search engine and find "Whiskey in the jug," and imagine Mitt moon walking to it... If there's enough whiskey in the jug, that should be no problem. *** What do you think? We invite you to post your comments below.
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Barack Obama - Mitt Romney
Resource About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Elizabeth English How to look like an IDIOT (and other useful tips!)
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