Pain Relief Techniques For Your Back
Preface / Introduction Elizabeth English CALL NOW For your FREE INTERNET MARKETING CONSULTATION! Worth $100 YES! YOU CAN MAKE MONEY ONLINE NOW! I AM Standing By For Your Call - 24/7 - 365. 315-668-1591 or Skype - lizenglish18 24/7 Support
I know first hand about back pain, I have been trying to find relief since 1982. I have tried everything and anything to relief the pain. Even with twelve major surgeries. I have put together this ebook on different techniques to relieve back pain so hopefully you can relieve your pain with out suffering as long as I have. Enjoy!
Table of Contents 1. 25 Natural Ways To Relieve Back Pain Today 2. Back Exercise - Lower Pain Relieve Techniques - For Your Back 3. How To Relieve Back Pain Naturally 4. Learning How To Relieve The Pain Of A Sore Back Is Not Hard 5. Learning To Relieve Lower Back Pain
Pain Relief Techniques For Your Back
25 Natural Ways To Relieve Back Pain Today There are many more than 25 natural ways to relieve back pain, however this will be a good starting point. The 25 natural ways to relieve back pain can be broken down in to several categories. The first is stretching then strengthening and then by drinking and eating. The third area when looking at the 25 natural ways to relieve back pain is to use good posture when sitting and standing. The first group of the 25 natural ways to relieve back pain will involve stretching. To do this you will need to hold each position for 5-8 seconds and do not bounce or make any swift movements. Do not move beyond the pain. If you feel pain, you need to stop. Stretching Moves: 1. Lie face down on an exercise ball and move your shoulders forward slightly. 2. After sitting for some time, stand and place your hands upon your lower back, then push your shoulders back and hips forward. 3. Lay on the ground facing up. Pull one knee up towards your chest and then pull your other leg up to your chest. 4. While holding the above position, twist the bottom half of your torso to your left and point your knees to the 10 o'clock position, then point them to your right at the 2 o'clock position. Remember to hold each position for 5-8 seconds. 5. While lying on the ground face up, bend your legs at the knees and place your feet flat on the ground. Slowly push up your hip area until you form a bridge. The second group of 25 natural ways to relieve back pain includes back strengthening. 6. Do Hindu style squats. This will strengthen your lower back so that you are able to deal with every day rigor. 7. Do sit ups. Sit ups strengthen your abs but also takes the pressure off of your back muscles. 8. The Superman position. Lay face down and lift your upper torso and legs so that your body forms a bowl and hold the position for a few seconds. 9. The Reverse Fly. Lean over at about 90 degrees, use a 5- 10 pound weight in each hand, then raise both arms straight out. 10. Opposite arm and leg raise.Get on all fours, extend one of your arms completely and then raise the opposite leg and then switch to the other arm and leg. Eating And Drinking To Rellieve Back Pain: 11. Drink lots of water. 12. Avoid too much sugar and carbonated drinks. 13. Eat vitamin B-12 rich foods. 14. Increase your calcium levels. 15. Eat foods that are rich in magnesium. Good Posture While Satanding or Sitting: 16. If you sit for a long time use some type of lumbar support for your lower back. 17. If you are sitting or standing sit with your back pushed toward your tummy and your shoulders pushed back. 18. When standing or sitting prop a foot on a step stool. 19. If you have to stand for a long period keep your chest elevated,shoulders pushed back and your body straight to the ground. 20. If you have to sit at a desk for a long time, raise your computer monitor to a higher setting so you do not have to look down. Be sure to keep your head level. The fifth and final group of 25 natural ways to relieve back pain involves moving. 21. If you sit for long periods, lean to the right and left. Make Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012 4 of 9
Pain Relief Techniques For Your Back sure to keep adjusting yourself. 22. Walk more. Walking strengthens your back muscles. 23. Bend down to touch your toes. 24. Be sure to move your head around. 25. Give yourself a giant hug. The 25 natural ways to relieve back pain that I mentioned are only a few suggestions, there are so much more that will help with back pain.
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Pain Relief Techniques For Your Back
Back Exercise - Lower Pain Relieve Techniques - For Your Back If you have lower back pain then lower pain relieve techniques will be the key to pain free living. Proper exercise can help people relieve much of their back pain. The type of exercise that you would do for your back is not typical of regular exercise. They are actually more like stretches because they stretch out your back muscles. These type of exercises promote back and spine health. Lower pain relief will be found when doing back exercises or stretches. If you have severe back problems, you should check with your doctor to see if these exercises are right for you. Each stretch should be carried out in a slow fashion with no bouncing. When you are stretching you should hold it for about 8-10 seconds. When you stretch do not go past the point of severe discomfort. If you feel pain, then you have gone too far and should stop. Try the following lower pain relief movements for your back: Knee to chest, pelvic tilt,hamstring stretches, bridge and lower torso rotation will help stretch your muscles. The first of the back exercise lower pain relief is called the pelvic tilt. This exercise will help to strengthen your lumbar, abs and lower back. Start by lying on the floor face up. Bend your legs at the knees so that your feet are flat on the floor. Imagine that your belly is being pushed to the floor then flatted the lower part of your back. As you flatten your lumbar and lower back each time it is considered a stretch. Your second lower back exercise is the knee to chest stretch. Start as you would the pelvic tilt and slowly pull one knee towards your chest. As you do that your hip and lower back will stretch. This is beneficial for the nerves that exit your spinal column area. Bring the one knee to your chest and hold that for 8 seconds and then do your other knee. Lower torso rotation is the third back exercise for lower back pain relief. Start in the previous exercise position, but keep your knees together and then turn your knees to one side so that they are twisting at the hip. Hold this position as you tighten your stomach. Return your knees to the start position and then go to the other side.This will help with back flexibility. The fourth exercise is the hamstring stretch. This exercise will help to cause less tension on your lower back by pulling on it less. To start, you should be in the same position as the other exercises except your legs should be straight.Then lift one of your legs straight up. You could have a towel under your leg to help pull your leg up if needed. Hold this pose for 8 seconds and then do your other leg. Last but not least the bridge is the final back exercise lower pain relieve technique. Just like it sounds, you will be forming a bridge with your body. Start in the same position as the first three stretching exercises, arms at your side then begin to lift your back and hips off of the floor.This exercise helps to stabilize and strengthen your lower back muscles and spine. When doing the back exercise lower pain relieve techniques, do each stretch 5 times. Almost immediately you will be feeling the pain relief.
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Pain Relief Techniques For Your Back
How To Relieve Back Pain Naturally In our culture, we spend a vast majority of our time sitting down so it is becoming an increasing necessity to relieve back pain. We spend hours commuting to and from work and then hours sitting at a desk working. The computer has us glued to the screen and then we top it off by sitting some more to watch television. Eventually we go to bed and wake up the following morning with our backs still aching.That is usually when it is decided to relieve back pain. Many solutions are available such as expensive physical therapy and chiropractors. Or there is surgery and harsh medicines with chemicals that may be harmful. This all may be unnecessary and may cause more harm than good. Especially with prescriptions that are given to fight pain, is this true. They have harmful side effects and can possibly cause addiction which is a whole other can of worms. If you wish to avoid all that, then there are more natural solutions that will relieve back pain. There is a pain relieving cream with a natural ingredient called Capsaicin that you may want to try. Capsaicin is found in chili peppers and is the ingredient that makes them so hot. The heat from the Capsaicin will bring you comfort from your pain. It may sting a little but that is natural and just shows that it is working. Most drug stores carry the cream for a decent price. Look for concentration levels of 0.025%. Another way to relieve back pain is by using ice packs and heating packs. Most people probably use a heating pad but may forget that they can use an ice pack. The heating pad is much more comfortable than an ice pack, however the ice pack will reduce inflammation and swelling. If you are suffering from a recent injury, you can use an ice pack for about 10 minutes each hour for day one and then 3 times a day for the next couple of days. You should then switch to heat in order to relax muscles that might be tight and this will relieve back pain.If you use heat too early the inflammation and swelling may be come worse. An exercise ball could be purchased and it will help relieve back pain. Use the ball as a chair and it can help with your posture and give a platform in which you can do stretches and exercise. One exercise that you can do with the ball to relieve back pain is to face the ball and drape yourself over it. Wrap your body around the ball with your knees and your feet placed on the floor. Shrug your shoulders as you are draped over the ball. When you try to relieve back pain naturally you may be able to avoid expensive or invasive treatments.
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Pain Relief Techniques For Your Back
Learning How To Relieve The Pain Of A Sore Back Is Not Hard Learning How To Relieve The Pain Of A Sore Back Is Not Hard Doctors are constantly faced with how to relieve the pain of a sore back. It is one of the most common disabling problems faced by many people. Because of this pain many people can’t do the things they normally do and their lifestyles suffer as a result. They could even be facing a loss in wages. In order to live a productive satisfying life they need to find out how to relieve the pain of a sore back. When trying to find out how to relieve the pain of a sore back it is helpful to get lots of rest. This is a great period of time in which you can relax the pain and provide your body a chance to heal itself. Rest can allow for nerve damage to heal and lessen any inflammation that you may be experiencing. One difficulty that people with sore backs face is the ability to sleep throughout the night. Changing the way you sleep can help with this situation. Lie on your side on a firmer mattress. When lying on your side place a pillow in between your knees.This position will align your back properly and the firmer mattress will provide better support. When finding out how to relieve the pain of a sore back, you may consider a deep muscle massage. This will relax your muscles and you and allow your body to rest like it needs to. Massage is beneficial in other ways too. It can help stimulate endorphins and helps with blood circulation. This all works together to relieve the chronic pain and help with enduring it. Receiving a good back massage, will ease muscle tension and provide relief from the pain that you have been enduring.It also helps to increase movement and will allow you to get your life back. Light exercise can also help keep muscles strong and toned. And it will help with mobility. It does not have to be a major workout, a simple 15 minute walk several times a day could help. This extra activity will help you and if your body does not receive it, it could become weaker. When finding out how to relieve the pain of a sore back, exercise should be a top priority as it can help maintain or achieve a healthy weight. Many people experience back problems due to excess weight that they carry. Learning to eat right, drinking plenty of water and getting a small amount of exercise each day can relieve the pain that you have been enduring. It will also allow your body to heal itself and become healthier.How to relieve the pain of a sore back is not complicated and can be done easily if you commit to it.
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Pain Relief Techniques For Your Back
Learning To Relieve Lower Back Pain If you need to know how to relieve lower back pain, then you are in the same situation as over 100 million other people that are dealing with the same issue. Most likely you have the same story as them. You probably sit at a computer for the better part of your day. Possibly you may have another hour or two in which you commute to work and back. Much of your back pain is from sitting for so long. You may not be able to do much about how long you have to sit, but there are things you can do to relieve lower back pain. The first thing to do when learning to relieve lower back pain is to get up and move around frequently. Take the time to stretch your back occasionally. Many over look this very simple thing. Every half hour to an hour you should get up and walk around for five minutes. As you stand up, stretch in the opposite way that you were sitting. Put your hands on either your hips or back then push your hips forward with your shoulders and head pushed back. Sing the "Happy Birthday" song quietly to yourself as you hold this stretch. When you are stretching do not bounce. Just hold the stretch while breathing normally then return to your normal upright position. When standing or walking use good posture. This is the key in learning how to relieve lower back pain. Most pain in our backs is caused from lack of good posture. You can relieve lower back pain by fixing your posture. Do not slouch. Your chest should be slightly forward and your shoulders should be slightly back. Your back should be curved inward instead of out. As you are sitting, standing or lying down, it should appear as if a ball was pressing against your back pushing your mid spine forward. When returning from a short walk, sit down and use good posture. If you place something behind your back it can help you have the correct posture. Something the size of a rolled up towel is about right. If you do not have a small pillow or some foam then you could use some magazines or some rolled up newspapers. When sitting place your hips as far back in the seat as you can and have your shoulders pushed towards the back of the chair. Your keyboard can be pulled closer and monitor raised so that your head stays level. This will eliminate the temptation to slouch.If you use a laptop, you could purchase an external keyboard. Not only will these tips help, they can be achieved with little out of pocket cost and no pain medication. If you are serious about learning how to relieve lower back pain, then you will find these tips very beneficial for you.
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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Pain Relief Techniques For Your Back
Resource Republished with author's permission by Elizabeth English @==> [eBlast To 30,000] =>Copy, Paste, DONE<==@
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