The U.S. Economic Cliffhanger...
Preface / Introduction @~~~>The LAST Time I Made This OFFER I was BURIED in calls so I am limiting this to the NEXT 4 PEOPLE ONLY CALL ME NOW - don't miss out! CALL ME NOW for your FREE Internet marketing consultation. ($100 value) Let an expert show you RIGHT NOW how to profit online every single day without leaving home. CALL ME -- Liz English -- NOW, (315) 668-1591. LIVE 24/7/365.
I found this information in an Article: The American economy is now three years into an economic expansion that ranks as the weakest in 50 years. A bruising and exhausting presidential campaign centered on jobs and the economy is over, but its conclusion brought little relief. In the election’s aftermath, crisis fatigued citizens are confronted with yet another government contrived crisis — the fiscal cliff — a name guaranteed to scare. This “cliff” hanger is political theater pure and simple. From stage right and stage left, the politicians trundle into their familiar trench lines — tax cuts — tax hikes — deficits — debts — spending. The public posturing by itself is debilitating to the very economy it hopes to animate.
Table of Contents 1. The next great economic disruption is coming. Are you ready for it? 2. Jobless rate drops to 8.5%... Obama winks at Michelle and does his happy dance... O! Mamma! 3. How To Manifest Wealth-A Way To Get All That You Want
The U.S. Economic Cliffhanger...
The next great economic disruption is coming. Are you ready for it? by Dr. Jeffrey Lant This title is sure to startle people who follow the ups and downs of the economy with care and perception. "Economic disruption," they might say. "Whaaat? It is my distinct impression that things economic are improving, slowly but surely. Am I wrong?" No, you're right. Things ARE improving, the signs are unmistakable: Item: Online 2010 Christmas sales rose 15% this holiday season from October 31 to December 23. Online retailers took in $36.5 billion during this period, compared to $31.5 billion the same period a year ago. (Note: apparel sales lead the way with $7.3 billion in sales, up 25.7 percent from a year ago.) Item: Weekly unemployment applications of around 425,00 signal modest job growth. Such applications peaked at 651,000 in March, 2009. Item: Companies increased their orders for long- lasting manufactured products by the sharpest increase in eight months, the Department of Commerce reported before Christmas, 2010. Demand rose for computers, appliances, and heavy machinery... with overall expected 2011 growth at 3.5 percent to 4 percent, up from 2.8 percent in 2010. Andante ma non troppo. The rich are out and about buying things meretricious de rigueur for the country club set. As retailers to the rich can unhappily confirm, wealthy shoppers, with their penchant for acquiring gaudy and overpriced items the rest of the world gets by quite happily without, were in short supply during the recession. This Christmas season of 2010 was very different. Mere bagatelles such as luxury automobiles and eye-popping ice were snapped up with alacrity -- and no buyer's remorse. Said Michael J. Silverstein, a senior partner at the Boston Consulting Group in Chicago. "Many households with incomes above $100,000 don't believe the sky is falling anymore. And when they don't believe the sky is falling anymore, they want things." Amen. For instance, some national chains and independent merchants expect double-digit increases in jewelry sales for 2010, a dramatic turn-around from the painful 40 percent drops the hardest hit jewelers experienced since 2008. So, if things are getting better bit by bit, why is this article about the next great economic disruption? Because, quite frankly, the ease and abundance of good times are like a drug obliterating the painful lessons and memories of bad times... which all contributes to creating the next, inevitable bad times. Instead of losing the lessons of the still clear and painful past, we need to make every effort to remember them.... while preparing for the next great economic disruption for which we must be better prepared than the one from which we're emerging from now. The great English romantic poet Lord Byron can assist us. One day his lordship received a message from his demanding inamorata Lady Caroline Lamb to "remember" her. Tired to death of her incessant impositions, he sent her this message of unmistakable clarity: "Remember thee! remember thee! Till Lethe quench life's burning stream. Remorse and shame shall cling to thee, And haunt thee like a feverish dream! Lord Byron indeed would remember and rearrange matters accordingly ... and so must we all. After
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The U.S. Economic Cliffhanger... all, we all know that such disruptions occur at predictable intervals for which we must be ready. Here are the preparatory steps to follow starting TODAY! 1) Start a "rainy day" fund. Build this fund by regular monthly additions until it represents at least 6 months of total home expenses and not a cent less. Building this fund in good times takes exceptional determination, not least because in such times you want to "make up" for the things you went without during the recession. At all times, therefore, you must remind yourself that the next bad times are on the way... and that you are determined to be ready for them. Save then as if your life depends upon it... for it does. 2) Survey all expenses. If you think you did so during the bad times, think again. Now you know how many of these things you can comfortably do without. Root them out now... and put the savings in the "rainy day" account. Turning current expenses into income-producing capital is a crucial part of how you'll get comfortably through the next bad times. 3) Review the damage the bad times made. Did you, for instance, borrow against an IRA account or life insurance policy? If so, you must replace these funds by regular monthly payments, not least because such borrowings are likely to have tax and high interest payment implications. These need to be taken care of ASAP. 4) Start your trek ahead with a clear understanding, with a precise, realistic appraisal of where you are today. Many people at this point in the economic cycle are deeply depressed by what they have lost. This is a mistake. Instead of fretting over what is gone from your asset balance, instead review what you have and consider just how you will improve your net worth. Still more recommendations 5) If you are self-employed, as many people reading this article are, always make the maximum allowable contributions into your retirement account. Treat these as payments, as you would any invoice. And always pay these retirement payments first, before other bills. 6) Make the maximum charitable donations that you can. Your charitable contributions should begin in January of the new year... and not in December. You should set a dollar donation objective for the year (in conjunction, of course, with your accountant.) Start working towards it as the new year dawns and not as it exits. 7) Remove yourself from what I call the "squandering classes." Review each and every expenditure... not just for yourself but for any children still at home and old enough to have jobs. All have a responsibility to think first, determine whether this expense is in fact warranted, and reduce or go without whenever possible. 8) "Batten down the hatches" for 1 month. As a test of your system and habits, live one month in the good times as if it were one month in the bad. Cut expenses accordingly and see how easy (or difficult) your life would be in recessionary times. Such a drill should yield many good ideas as well as clarity on your spending habits. Death, taxes, bad economic times When I was growing up people said there were 2 great inevitabilities of life: death and taxes. However, there is in fact at least 1 more: bad economic times. Count on it. They will recur in your life over and over again. Will you be ready for them? You certainly will be if you treat them as the certainties they are and prepare accordingly, along the
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The U.S. Economic Cliffhanger... lines of this article. Doing so, when they arrive you will have nothing to fear, and that places you amongst the very smartest and best prepared, the ones destined to ride out the next great economic storm in comfort and with quiet satisfaction.
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The U.S. Economic Cliffhanger...
Jobless rate drops to 8.5%... Obama winks at Michelle and does his happy dance... O! Mamma! by Dr. Jeffrey Lant It is Saturday, January 7, 2012 as I write. The nation's air waves and print publications are filled with stories about Republicans. About today's flash-in-the-pan former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum... about the Boston Globe endorsing former Utah governor and U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman over Boston's not-so-favorite son former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. Bummer, but what can you expect from that crowd anyway? Despite that little drawback, it's the Romney people who are cock-a-hoop this morning not only because they are ecstatic to be running against a pigmy like Santorum, whose friends and neighbors in Pennsylvania refused him -- and by a huge number -- a third U.S. senate term. Even better today's latest poll results show Romney still romping to an avalanche in the crucial New Hampshire primary, and, lordy, lordy, way out in front in what could be the make-or-break primary in South Carolina. I hear Mitt's got all those toothsome boys of his learning to deliver a winsome a cappella version of "Hail to the Chief." Cute. If all this is so -- and I assure you it is -- why did one Barrack Obama, after seeing a certain news item on the front page of all the newspapers he reads with voracity, take Michelle in his arms and whirl her about the breakfast room letting those delicious blueberry scones he loves get cold? It's because of this single number: 8.5%. And you don't have to be a political junkie to know what it means: It's the latest piece of welcome news... in what is getting to be a lengthening string of such news... because every time the jobless rate drops the political fortunes of Barrack Obama go up. Let's review the facts that make the First Mom and Dad so awfully cheerful, even giddy. 8.5% unemployment means the lowest rate in almost 3 years. Barrack Obama is a very fortunate man, a man who can say to America, with complete factual accuracy, too, that "You've never -- at least in my Administration -- had it so good." The nation added a tidy 200,000 jobs in December, 2011, a burst of hiring that drove the unemployment rate down to its lowest point in just under 3 years. Tra la! Moreover, December was the sixth straight month that the economy added at least 100,000 jobs, the longest such streak since 2006. As a result of this happy-making data, more and more practitioners of the dismal science have resoundingly concluded there's a dance in the old dame America yet. What makes a weak and vulnerable president purr with contentment? Just this. The unemployment rate declined to 8.5% from 8.7% in November, and 9.1 percent at the start of 2011. The jobless rate peaked at 10.1 percent in October 2009. These numbers made Sung Won Sohn, an economics professor at California State University, Channel Islands, positively rapturous. "There is more horsepower to this economy than most believe. The stars are aligned right for a meaningful economic recovery." Obama when he read this was heard to mutter "From your lips to God's ear" and beamed a mega-watt smile that had been little seen throughout the early days of his watch. More good news. But heart-warming though all these data were to the residents of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, they were only a portion of the good news arising from grass roots America. For instance, the nation
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The U.S. Economic Cliffhanger... added 1.6 million jobs in 2011, on top of 940,000 added in 2010. Mind you, more than 8,000,000 jobs were lost in the Great Recession that began in December, 2007... but this figure was History (and therefore of no interest) whereas the jobs added were very much about the present and give the President credibility when he launches into a rousing rendition of Franklin Roosevelt's iconic ditty, "Happy Days Are Here Again," the tune that always means we have something good to smile about, wide and broad, and which you can find in any search engine, to play along with this article. The pretzeling of presidents; their dexterity with astonishing contortions. Now President Obama knows... every Republican presidential candidate knows... every member of the Congress knows, whatever party they adhere to, that the good news is only part of the report, but what's a politician for if he can't take a crumb and turn it into a bakery? Take this bothersome conclusion, for instance, the considered opinion of Eric Rosengren, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. He said just a couple of days ago that he expects the economy to grow modestly this year -- 2 to 3 percent -- despite signs of building momentum. The reason for this deflating opinion is that households and small businesses were especially hard hit during the recent economic turbulence now widely called the Great Recession. Until these sectors improve and get distance from their particular issues of foreclosure and falling house prices, the recovery won't be as glittering as you can be sure Obama and the Democrats will paint it. You can be equally sure Mitt Romney will be assiduous, morning and eve, about pointing out this and every lapse from the strict Truth. Keep in mind that Mitt, too, is a close reader of these data and learned predictions. And more to the point, as a business wunderkind, practiced in high level (and very lucrative) leggerdomaine, he is the more likely to glean helpful suggestions and ideas from what he sees than Obama, who was a mere lawyer (albeit, like Mitt, Harvard trained.) Thus, whatever Rosengren and his ilk recommend, Mitt will (with alacrity) recommend... while strongly censoring Obama and his minions for not having acted. Rosengren wants the Obama Administration to do more to stimulate the economy.... Mitt does, too, whilst Obama (whatever he has done) has done it too little, too late. Rosengren says the housing market and small business should be a particular focus, because these two sectors have traditionally lead the nation out of recession and unemployment... but not this time round. Mitt says ominously that is because of Obama's ineptitude and lack of vision. Obama will point to what he has done for those folks... who were always in his mind,his heart, and his political calculus. He well knows he needs these people, especially with the acute disappointment and chagrin of Blacks, Liberals, and young voters (with high unemployment rates) who were once wild for Barrack but now mutter darkly about how they were hoodwinked and deceived by their hero and his mastery of high sounding, flatulent rhetoric. And so it will go, ad nauseam, until our can't-come-quickly-enough-for-me November Election Day confirms what most of us already feel in our bones... ... that the President will defeat Mitt in a solid but not overwhelming victory. ... that both houses of the Congress will be comfortably Republican. ... that Obama's second term will be in such slow motion and so undistinguished you'll think the White House Sleeping Beauty's castle, all asleep. What then should der Mittster do, when he's handed the worthless presidential nomination of his splintered party? Easy. He should tell the truth, the straight-forward, unvarnished truth about where this country is going and offer SPECIFIC proposals of the type congenial to policy wonks like him. In this role the Romney too few like to make him President will become respected and even admired,
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The U.S. Economic Cliffhanger... his considerable merits at last put to proper and significant work, saving America as he once saved the Olympics; greatly honored by all who love the Great Republic and wish her Godspeed. *** What do you think? Your comments are invited below.
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The U.S. Economic Cliffhanger...
How To Manifest Wealth-A Way To Get All That You Want Life is funny isn't it? You work hard to get all the things you want, but you seem never get them, and sometimes it feels like you are going backwards. Why can't you catch an even break? The answer is that you can have all that you want, and more, when you discover how to manifest wealth. 1. Belief is everything. Everything you have, good or bad, is the result of your beliefs. For example, if you think you can't sing well, then you are right. However, if you would like to sing and believe that it's possible, even remotely possible, then you can move forward and improve your singing. Beliefs can be deep-seated and they can take time to discover and change. New beliefs can take time to adopt, but you can bridge the gap between non-belief and belief by believing that you will believe some day. 2. What you have isn't the same as what you will get. Too many people fall into the trap of believing that they will always have what they have. These are the people who make excuses and are quick to blame others. Maybe they say that they aren't educated enough, or that the government is keeping them down, but that's nothing more than justifying their own bad situation. You don't have to be like that. Once you understand how to manifest wealth, you will also understand that the future has better things in store. 3. Positive expectation is the key. Once you believe you can get what you want and you start to understand the "good stuff" is coming, you need to wait for it with positive expectation. Imagine a kid seeing a bunch of presents under the Christmas tree. The child knows the presents are for them, and it's only a matter of time before they can rip off the wrapping paper to see what's inside. That's the feeling you should have. 4. Be receptive. Another key to manifesting wealth is accepting the good things that come your way. Just about everybody thinks they would be more than happy to take any wealth that was offered to them, but you can do a little experiment to see if this is true. Take a five-dollar bill and try to give it away to a stranger, with no strings attached. You may be surprised at how many people eye you with suspicion and refuse to take the money. Would you take it? Being receptive is how you show you are ready for wealth, so get in the habit as soon as you can. 5. Be thankful. Gratitude is a wonderful characteristic. Have you ever given a gift to someone, only to have them say something negative about it? Not only do you start wondering why you gave them the gift, but you start to think about whether or not you will give them any gifts in the future. The same concept comes into play when learning how to manifest wealth. Be grateful for what you have and more good stuff will come your way.
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The U.S. Economic Cliffhanger...
Resource About The Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Elizabeth English
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