Internet Marketing Business
Preface / Introduction The LAST Time I Made This OFFER I was BURIED in calls so I am limiting this to the NEXT 5 PEOPLE ONLY CALL ME NOW - don't miss out! CALL ME NOW for your FREE Internet marketing consultation. $100 value. Let an expert show you RIGHT NOW how to profit online every single day without leaving home. CALL ME -- Elizabeth English -- NOW, (315) 668-1591. LIVE 24/7/365. YOUR SUCCESS GUARANTEED. I'm waiting for your call RIGHT NOW! Skype - lizenglish18 24/7 Support
Table of Contents 1. Keep Your Internet Marketing Business Fresh 2. Old News In Internet Marketing Business 3. Training For A Internet Marketing Business
Internet Marketing Business
Keep Your Internet Marketing Business Fresh Having an internet marketing business is a great way to be independent and have a secure source of income. It can be started up with very little money and really the only resource required to keep it running and be successful is your own time and dedication. Despite the advantages of having such a business, countless people find themselves getting frustrated and throwing in the towel, so they do not find the success they were hoping for. If you want to be successful on the internet, one of the important things you will need to do is Keep Your Inter Marketing Business Fresh. Most people will throw up their website and then let it sit, maybe poking it once a week or so. This is why they fail. The internet is an ever shifting market and if you are not constantly working your business, it will fall behind and fail. Now, just to be clear, I am not saying you need to spend all day every day working on your website. That is a selling point about working online, you do not have to work all that much to keep it rolling. Just work an hour or two every day to keep it going, that is all it needs. By working your website every day, you provide new and fresh content and this in turn makes the search engines happy. By Keep Your Inter Marketing Business Fresh you keep it high in the rankings. Google and other search engines look for certain criteria to determine what page your website should land on when someone searches for related terms. That is referred to as Search Engine Optimization. SEO, again, looks for a variety of things but most importantly is just keeping your website active and loaded with new, unique, and fresh content. If you just let it sit, the search engines would bump your website down and down until it ends up on page 100, and who is going to find it then? Google is constantly updating its software to help the user find what they are looking for, but this also means it requires you, the website owner, to be on your toes and always adapting. Even if you were going good before, an update can absolutely wreck you. So if you want to Keep Your Inter Marketing Business Fresh, the absolute most important thing to keep in mind is to always be aware of what Google is doing. You need to keep tabs on what the current software requires of your website and you need to keep on the look out for updates. Many businesses have gone under because an update decided their website was not doing what needed to be done, and ended up bumping them down to lower pages. By keeping your eyes on Google and always working to abide by their rules you can ensure that no matter what happens, you can keep your website on the top pages and get a consistent flow of traffic, which in turn means a consistent flow of money.
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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Internet Marketing Business
Old News In Internet Marketing Business There are many people that think that since the new updates at the search engines that article marketing is old news in Internet marketing business. Personally, I could not disagree more. There is still a place for getting a lot of very targeted traffic by using article marketing, you just have to change how you go about doing it. Back in the first part of 2011 Google introduced a fairly major change to their algorithm called Panda. Since then many people have lost traffic and have been scrambling to find a way to appease the "Big G". Since the Panda update hit a lot of the top article directories really hard many people erroneously jumped to the conclusion that article marketing was old news in Internet marketing business, but they are wrong. Writing quality content either for submission to a directory or to add directly to your own website still is, and probably always will be, a good way to curry favor in the search engines. You've no doubt heard the expression "Content is King" well that is still true. The only difference is that with the various updates the algorithms are actually sophisticated enough to weed out a lot of the lesser quality content. So the new saying may be more along the lines of "Quality Content Is King". No more submitting mind numbingly boring articles that are only 250 words long. Today it will require interesting well written articles that really offer something to the reader. Today it is more about writing as much good information on a certain topic than it is to write around a particular keyword. It's about writing content that shows the world you really are an expert on a certain subject. Once you get that part done you can still benefit greatly from submitting these articles all over the web. Other than creating content that is longer, say a minimum of 700 words for instance, you also want to get out of the habit of using the assembly line of composing your articles. What I mean by that is don't just compile a long list of keywords and than write articles on those keywords, instead compose a list of keywords that will fully explore your niche. So, if your niche is on bird watching, for example, don't do what most of us have done in the past: have only keyword optimized content. You know what I mean, sites that have keywords like: bird watching in the north, bird watching in the south, bird watching in the east, etc. Instead focus on the overall topic of bird watching. Think more about topics like: the best binoculars for bird watching, how to get great pictures when bird watching, what is the best time of day for bird watching?, etc. Building your site, and all your onsite and offsite content, based on this method (topics rather than just keywords) will show Google that you are really trying to supply your readers with all the information they need to get the most out of your niche topic. It is more geared to providing your readers with quality, well rounded, information and not just geared solely to driving traffic. Article marketing is a great method to build trust, set yourself up as an expert in your niche and of course get more traffic... but only if done properly. Do it the right way so you don't become old news in Internet marketing business.
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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Internet Marketing Business
Training For A Internet Marketing Business More and more people are turning to the internet for all their needs, and businesses are following suit. We live in a society where, if your business does not have a presence on the internet you are going to be losing out on a lot of potential business opportunities. This opens up a great avenue for those looking to start their own business on the internet. Owning your own online business has a lot of advantages, and few drawbacks if you do it right. Unlike conventional businesses, starting an online one can be done fairly easily and cheaply. One of the best businesses you can start up is an internet marketing company. is not as difficult as you might think. When people hear the word "marketing" they assume it is some elaborate process which requires a great deal of knowledge, and while that is not inaccurate, that does not mean it is impossible either. Marketing on the internet shares some qualities with conventional marketing, but it also uses a lot of unique methods. If you want to be successful you need to learn these methods. While time consuming, they are pretty straight forward so all you need is the dedication to continue (and maybe some money depending on what resources you use). If you want to start then the first thing you need to do is find a place to start. There are a lot of guides and training courses out there that give you all the ins and outs of internet marketing, but to properly use that you need to build a foundation. There are a lot of beginner courses out there that can help you do this. With so many courses out there it can be difficult knowing which to use. Some are fantastic and will get you going on your business right quick, others are not quite up to par and you might find yourself wasting your time. What you want to look for in determining the quality of the training course is how easily you understand it. Many places will give samples of their course for you to read over. You should look into it and see whether or not it makes sense to you. Sometimes these courses can be too complicated or skip critical steps leaving you confused. You want a training course that will walk you through, step by step. Beyond that you will want one that is comprehensive and is made by someone who knows what they are talking about. The best way to find this out is simply by looking at consumer reviews. See what your peers thought, did they understand it and did it help them? Or did it end up being a waste of time and money? Lastly, when looking for , you need to worry about money. The benefit of an online business is that it can be started for next to nothing, so if money is tight you need to look for a quality training course that you can afford.
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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Internet Marketing Business
Resource Republished with author's permission by Elizabeth English
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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