Preface / Introduction Elizabeth English CALL NOW For your FREE INTERNET MARKETING CONSULTATION! Waiting for your call 24/7 - 315-668-1591 or Skype - lizenglish18 @==>>There's a reason You Keep Seeing This... BECAUSE IT WORKS!
Table of Contents 1. 3 Blog Writing Tips 2. 4 Differences Between Websites And A Blog 3. 5 Common Types Of Business Blogs 4. Blog Ethics 5. Blog Making Money - Can You Do It
3 Blog Writing Tips Blogs are a great way for anyone to get their ideas across to others and a great way for businesses to do some free advertising. Creating a great blog is an excellent way to drive more traffic to your site. When building your site there certain tips a person should pay attention to when they are writing their blog. 1. Write When you are writing your blog write it with your reader in mind. When a reader is looking for information that may pertain to your idea they want the information in a way that they can both read and understand easily. 2. Valuable and Worthwhile With everyone busy life no one has time to waste to look at a boring site. If you cannot think of anything creative to talk about, then try to do interview, or even a book. Anything will do as long as you are not posting useless content. 3. Proofread It is grave importance that you proofread your material before you push that post button. Once you push that post button that is it the error is out there and there is no way back. Respect your reader and keep your site free of errors and easy to read. 4. Short and Simple Keep your postings as short and simple as possible because its human nature that people are scanners. You will need to make your point quickly otherwise risking losing your reader completely. 5. Lively Write to your readers like you would talk to your friend or family member. The more lively your posts, the more snagged your readers will become. Make it seem like you are talking directly to them and only them. But be sure to make your point quickly 6. Links Use links as often as you can. This will help you create credibility and help establish you to the reader as an expert on the subject. You can also create a network by linking to other similar blogs. The other bloggers will clearly thank you. 7. Keywords Use your keywords as often as you can it will allow you to stay on task and the search engines will love it. The more keywords you use the higher your rankings on the search engine your blog will appear. 8. Write Clear You need to write your blogs in a way that the average person can understand. Do not ever try to put more than one idea in a sentence this will confuse your readers. Make sure you use your commas as often as possible 9. Headline Make sure your headline is easy to understand and should have keywords relating to your blog in it. If you follow these simple steps, you will have a great written blog in no time with a lot of readers.
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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4 Differences Between Websites And A Blog Blogs are sites where a person can put a shared journal or a businesses can even promote their website. There have been a lot of questions out there lately of how a blog works and how they are different from other website. There are usually 4 basic differences that make a Blog unique from a website. 1. Posts Posts are said to be the core function of any blog. It is the building blocks of the blog and it is what holds the blog together. The posting on the blog is most generally done by the blog owner and is usually on a variety of different topics. Also another distinct difference between a blog and a website is on the blog the postings will appear in chronological order. With a website you do not have to post. It is just a basic site where a person may go to obtain information on a certain product or idea. 2. Comments On a blog visitors are allowed to leave comments, if you the owner authorize it, on your posts. It is also a good way for a reader of your blog and you to communicate. The comment section of your blog also helps drive visitors to your site. The comment section is a very important component of any blog. With a website you do not have to have a comment section. 3. Categories The category section of your blog is basically where the information from the posts or posted content is organized. It keeps your site looking neat and well formatted. It also prevents your blog from looking overcrowded. For bigger Blogs the categories can be organized by month or even topic. There is also usually a search feature that assists the reader to find information on a certain topic quickly. Usually the blog has software that automatically places your posts into various categories. 4. Subscriptions This is a very important aspect when you want to learn how a Blog works. The subscription features allows readers to become a member of the blog and once they become a member of the blog they can be notified when new information is placed on a blog. This is a great reason to create a blog as it allows you to create an online community on a certain topic. Some blog sites are now implementing a news letter feature which allows a person to read your information without even having to sign into the site. As you can see there are some big differences between a blog and a website. The more differences you understand the more you will understand Blogging. A Blog can be a fun and exciting way to meet new people while sharing your ideas, if they are understood correctly.
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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5 Common Types Of Business Blogs A blog is a site that a person can use as a live journal or to promote a business. When you are promoting a business however, you will need to do a lot of research on the topic before beginning. If you are new to blogging, as a business or just want to get the word out on a certain business, you need to know the more common business topics. This can provide you with a starting point. There are five most common businesses that use blogs to promote their business. 1. Specialty Blogs This type of business blog is usually written by two more contributes with a common interest. It is a great way for you to build an online community with people that share your interests and ideas. This type of blog can include such things like weight loss, how to stay healthy, or even golf topics among others. The possibilities are endless. 2. Feature Blogs In this type of blog you will be advertising creative types of businesses. These creative topics can include, but are not limited to, topics on sewing, crafting, computer programming and digital photography as well as many others. The possibilities for this type of business blog are endless. In this type of business blog you have the opportunity to show various pictures, video clips, and even sewing projects that you have been working on among others. This is one type of business blog that you will need to be creative one. The more creative you are the more visitors you will get. 3. Industry Blogs This blog focuses on a more narrow type of industry and usually is made by industries that sell their products to other businesses. It usually consists of a variety of different topics including trade shows, new lines of product, and materials among others. This is a little more difficult of a blog to create. It will take a lot of careful research and you will need to know a lot of information on the industry you are creating your blog on. 4. Tourist Blogs Of all the business blogs so far this is about the easiest and the most fun to create. You can write on certain tourist areas of interest and include pictures of the area. You can add tourist attractions famous to the area along with the climate and travel information just to name a few. 5. Consulting blogs Usually consulting blogs are run by one person offering their opinion, and advice on a certain topic. This is a great way to develop an online community in a topic that interests you. No matter what business you wish to create or may already belong to, blogging is a great way to advertise. Check out my Blog -
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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Blog Ethics Creating a blog is a great way for anyone to share their life experiences and even advertise their business. To date there are no actual code of ethics developed for bloggers to follow but there are three common sense ethic codes that anyone should follow while they are running their blog posts. These are the code of ethics that will prove you as a trustworthy blog owner. 1. Fair and Honest: You need to be fair and honest to your followers. You need to make sure all the information you provide is honest without adding any false information. When you are providing facts you need to make them distinct, true, and easy to follow. Do not attempt to distort your facts, visitors can read this right away and as a result, you will lose visitors. If you happen to provide any information, in your site that may appear to be false; you need to provide your reader with factual information to back up your statement. If you are adding pictures to your blog add captions underneath to explain to the reader about the picture. Fair and Honest are two of the most important components of the bloggers code of ethics. 2. Harm of others: When you are creating a blog topic on a very controversial issue avoid using any ones names or places. This will protect you from any lawsuits and also from hurting visitors? feelings. A good motto for this code of ethic would be, say to others what you would want them to say about you. You also need to be sure that you protect a person?s privacy. Invading a person?s privacy is rude as well as intrusive. If you do not want someone doing it to you then do not do it to others. A great way to avoid violating this blog code of ethic is to avoid using names or places if it all possible. If it is unavoidable try to use as much damage control as possible. 3. Be Accountable: You need to accept the consequences that may come with your blog. If you have made a mistake in any of your postings admit it right away, do not try to avoid it. Everyone makes mistakes and if you own up to yours you will be more respected in the readers eyes. If someone happens to question your information on your blog open up a discussion with the person. Try to see why they feel the way they do and if they prove to be right, apologize to the person and admit that yes you are right I did make a mistake. If you are not accountable for your blog you will be in violation of the blog code of ethics and as a result, you will lose followers. All of these blog codes of ethics are common sense but also the most neglected parts of Blogging. Following a basic code of ethics will enable you to be trustworthy blogger to your visitors.
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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Blog Making Money - Can You Do It A blog making money is a blog that is generally successful. While this isn?t the focal point of many blogs, for some, it?s a nice addition to their income and for the more successful, their only source of income and one that allows them a well enough lifestyle. For the most part, making money off blogs is a mystery to many people ? it doesn?t have to stay that way. Read on and you may discover another way for you to make money. Before anything else, you need to be able to write fairly consistently and at a steady pace. Three or four entries a week doesn?t seem like much at the start, but after a while it can wear even the most devoted writers down. It?s just like any job ? sometimes you get bored with it and you step out for a day or two, but the Internet is a far more demanding ruler than many bosses. Plus nothing feels better than knowing you have a blog making money. When you have a solid and devoted following, you can afford to miss one or two days or even weeks. Some sites even go a month without updating, but at the very start, you need to be able to stick to it like white on rice. For those who open blogs based on products, you?re in luck ? you can probably get on the affiliate bandwagon and make some money that way. Now, how does that work? It?s fairly simple. Being an affiliate to a website basically means that you?re advertising them on your website, either by having content related to the main website and linking to them or by showing their ads on your site. Payment isn?t like it is in other media industries though. The Internet?s just a different field than television, one that requires a different payment method. Generally, the setup is a pay-per-blank, wherein the blank is something that changes from group to group when it comes to blog making money. Most people go for the pay per click variant, which means exactly what it suggest ? payment only occurs once a viewer on your site clicks the link to their site. Another popular variant, one mostly for merchandise sites such as Amazon, is the pay-per-purchase variant. A user needs to do more than simply browse through the numerous items available ? they actually have to purchase something. Payment for advertising for blog making money varies from group to group. Luckily the internet and thus, the people you can meet in it is so wide that you?ll probably find someone or a group that wants to advertise or have you as an affiliate. Build a good site and the money will come. Probably. The internet and blogging aren?t some magic words that you can use to instantly get ahead in the rat race. It just doesn?t work that way. You still have to work hard and make a site that advertisers would actually be interested in, that can give real traffic to those who would make you an affiliate site. Work hard, put in the leg work and yours might be a blog making money.
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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Resource Republished with author's permission by Elizabeth English
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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