Preface / Introduction Elizabeth English CALL NOW For your FREE INTERNET MARKETING CONSULTATION! Waiting for your call 24/7 - 315-668-1591 or Skype - lizenglish18
Being one of the many successful article marketers is something that can come easily. There are, however, things that you need to avoid that will keep you from being among the many more who used to be article marketers and are now struggling to make money. Done correctly, article marketing can see huge positive results in a very cost effective way. Article marketing done poorly can be a huge waste of time, energy, and even money.
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Table of Contents 1. 5 Easy Mistakes Article Marketers Make 2. Articles On Internet Marketing 3. Article Branding Your Online Business 4. Article Marketing Automation The Time-Oppressed Marketers Answer 5. Article Marketing Blog Share In The Wealth 6. Article Marketing Campaign 5 Key Elements 7. Benefits Of Article Advertising Or Article Marketing
Article Marketing
5 Easy Mistakes Article Marketers Make Being one of the many successful article marketers is something that can come easily. There are, however, things that you need to avoid that will keep you from being among the many more who used to be article marketers and are now struggling to make money. Done correctly, article marketing can see huge positive results in a very cost effective way. Article marketing done poorly can be a huge waste of time, energy, and even money. First mistake...making a boring title. Realize that the title of the article is going to be mixed in with quite a few others that your potential reader has to choose from. There are many of you competing for the same set of eyes. Don't let your title be something that will blend in with all the rest. Make is something that will stand out and get noticed. Make sure that you don't get too crazy and make sure that it is relevant to the topic you want to address, but, still be creative and you will stay competitive with other article marketers. Second mistake...not having a clear purpose. What is the main reason you want the reader to read your article? Is there a goal that you have in mind? Be clear as to what you want them to do and give them plenty of reason to want to take the action you want them to take. Have a starting point and and ending point in planning your article and use everything in between to help them get from point 'A' to point 'B'. This is something that article marketers fail to do all too often. Third mistake...Not knowing your target audience. Article marketers need to keep in mind who your target audience is write to their level. If you are writing to a group of people who are typically very knowledgeable about the subject matter, then you better make sure that you are as well. Find out what they ask when they go online to search for this information and find how to relate to them. Study your target market and write to them. Fourth mistake...writing articles that won't get published. Look at the standards that article directories have and write your articles to fit the most strict of standards. Make sure that you have the minimum number of preferred words. Make sure that it is well written. Make sure that it doesn't have any problems with links within your article and that you link to appropriate places. Article marketers will often forget to check the article they are trying to submit and see if it is in compliance only to have it rejected. Fifth mistake...no call to action. As article marketers you have to remember that your goal is not just to inform, but to invite the reader to go to your website or to take what ever action you want them to take. Just as it is incredibly important to ask for the sale, it is important to ask them to click on the link that you provide. If you, as article marketers, can avoid these simple mistakes you will find yourself on the fast track to success.
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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Article Marketing
Articles On Internet Marketing There are many writers out there who have become quite proficient at making money in the internet by writing articles on internet marketing, among other subjects. With the growing number of internet marketers these writers have quite the audience for their work. Writing articles on internet marketing may not be the only niche they write articles for, however. Being knowledgeable in many subjects can give these writers a broader variety of things to write about. If they have marketed themselves correctly the money they make can be quite significant. Anyone can do this, all you need is a computer and the ability to string a sentence together. You can write original articles and submit them to article directories and get paid. You have to apply to these sites and may or may not get turned down. If you should happen to get turned down then just keep plugging away until you find someone to "hire" you. Some writers search for batches of inexpensive private label rights articles and rewrite them before submitting them. These PLR articles may not be the best quality but anything can be improved upon by the rewriting. These PLR articles are used due to the fact that even though the quality is mediocre, they still have helped draw in traffic. The best thing to do is to find a directory that not only pays you for your original article but one that also offers ongoing residuals for every time your article gets read. The residual may not be earth-shattering but if you have a bunch of articles that regularly get read then your commission may be worth the trouble. Some positive aspects to writing articles and selling them on the internet is that you get to supplement your monthly income. In this rough economy who can't use a few extra bucks? Another upside is that you can build up your cache of original content and increase your reputation for writing and possibly attract some higher paying customers. Lastly, just think of the knowledge you are gaining by having to research some of the topics you write about. You are, or will soon be, a fountain of useless information. Seller beware! There are unscrupulous people out there who will hire you to write for them and never pay you. It would be best if you asked for payment up front, that way you will not get scammed. You should be the one setting the price for your writing. If you are writing articles on internet marketing that is quality content for someone and they do not want to pay your price, as long as it is reasonable to begin with, then cut your losses and find someone else to work with. You also may want to think about copyrighting your best articles so someone does not come along and plagiarize you. You will want to have some type of legal recourse if this happens. Keep what is yours, yours. Never let anyone step in and steal your thunder.
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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Article Marketing
Article Branding Your Online Business What is article marketing? One of the most important aspects of growing any business is branding it, which is creating a name and reputation for it. It is building your reputation and is how you are known. Article marketing is using articles to identify yourself and to help create an image that future customers can identify with and know that you are someone that they want to do business with now and in the future. Four things that successful branding will incorporate: 1. Name- it has to be recognizable 2. Image- it has to be respectable and appealing 3. Promise- you have to tell them that you can help them 4. Motivation- they have to be motivated to work with you Name: The name in online marketing has to be something that is recognizable, memorable, and will stand out. The strategies used in giving yourself a name will different because it will most likely be incorporated into your URL in some way. It has to be easy to remember, which means most likely short. It has to stick to the person's mind so it needs to be unique and memorable. It has to be easy to spell so it can be typed into an address bar. It has to be associated with your key benefit. The name also has to have a relatively generic name in it so it can be readily associated with your product or service, just make sure that it has a unique twist...preferably not with the spelling. Article branding will allow you plenty of opportunities to get your name out there by repeating that name throughout your article. This will help those reading it and others you write associate your name with the topic. Image: The image you convey has to be appealing to the consumer. They have to want to do business with you. They have to feel good about it. You need to approach this from a couple different fronts. You have to make things appealing to the eye and to the mind and one or both of these have to come to the consumer's mind. When you are able, use graphics or logo's that will catch the eye and that will help you stick in the person's eye. Also try to present an image that says you can be trusted and respected. Article branding will help you accomplish this in the way you write and the amount of knowledge that you convey. If you set yourself up as a reliable source of information and an authority on the subject through your articles, it will go a long way in helping your image. Promise and Motiviation: You have to let the consumer know that you intend on helping them and that you can meet their needs. Article branding will help you establish this because in your articles you are going to be letting them know that you can help them and that it is your desire to meet their needs. Establishing your brand can be one of the most difficult things for any business to do and many live and die by how well they brand themselves. Large companies give themselves giant budgets to help establish their brand but the Internet levels the playing field. Branding your online entity can be done very inexpensively and efficiently by making use of article writing and article branding.
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Article Marketing
Article Marketing Automation The Time-Oppressed Marketers Answer Article Marketing Automation is the answer to all those who do not have the time and energy into making a article marketing campaign work. Article marketing can be incredibly successful as many Internet marketers have witnessed first hand but it can become a long drawn out process that will drive many struggling to find the time needed to get your business off the ground. It could be because you have another job that you are still working but trying to get enough income to allow you to leave. It could be because you want to spend your time with your family or out fishing, reading a book, taking a hike or anything else you would rather do than work. For those who are trying to get a lot of work done in a small window of time, there is Article Marketing Automation. One of the most frustrating and time consuming parts of undertaking article marketing is placing your article in enough places to get the maximum amount of exposure. Article marketing is easy and cheap to do but is incredibly time consuming trying to get published in all the places you want to be. This is where Article Marketing Automation comes in and helps you. Article Marketing Automation is a network of independent sites and blogs that have agreed to distribute articles for other Article Marketing Automation network members. The great thing about this is with the large size of the growing network (at over 2,000 members) you will be getting an increasingly larger number of sites and blogs will be giving you a much larger number of links to your sites. Article Marketing Automation is not only the most time effective and cost effective way of article marketing around, it is growing naturally. It is capable of getting you ranked on the first page within just about 3 weeks (and they provide training to accomplish this). It will not only distribute your articles widely, it will give you relevant content for your own websites and blogs. How Article Marketing Automation works is after you have either written an article or had one written for you, you submit it to the Article Marketing Automation network...and that's it. It's nothing complicated, just that simple. What happens next is your article will be distributed to relevant sites giving you exposure, links, and building your authority and traffic. Article Marketing Automation comes with training on how best to utilize the network and get the most out of your efforts. They will show you how you can see dramatic increases in your ranking over the next two and three months. They want you to be successful. They need you to be successful for this network to work The more success you encounter, the more others will encounter as well. Article marketing is a great and easy way to break into Internet marketing and to get yourself that independence you not only crave but deserve. Article Marketing Automation will give you more chances at success in a quicker time-frame and will give you a large network of people to help you make it to the top.
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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Article Marketing
Article Marketing Blog Share In The Wealth An article marketing blog that will bring you great amounts of success is easy to make if you use it correctly. An article marketing blog is easy to put together but what will make it successful is getting content put on it. Getting content for your blog isn't enough, though. You have to get traffic for it. For an article marketing blog content is king but what gives that king his power is the traffic that comes to read it. Get the people to your article marketing blog and get them coming back. Article writing blogs can get their content from many different sources. You can, of course, write all of your content but you can have it written for you as well. That is where hiring a ghost writer can come in handy. There are other sources for content, though. If you choose to write your own content, first make sure that it uses keywords that will help get it picked up on search engines. As far as finding things to write about, follow top news stories related to your particular industry or product or service. Also consider industry news sources and use social bookmarking services to find out what the hot topics are for the moment and just comment on them. Also consider looking at the hottest websites pertaining to your blog and find out what is drawing the most attention and check out what is generating the most traffic on search engines relating to your field. Follow trends and comment on what you find. Your article marketing blog will be riding a wave of popularity. Many will make use of PLR articles in their article marketing blogs. You can find affordable articles usually as a group and can make even that stretch by breaking it up into different parts. Another option that people use is RSS feeds. This is an easy way to get content to your article marketing blog because it is automatically updated with content. One thing that you always need to be doing is making sure that there is something in the article that is posted that will make it seen by search engines. This is why it is usually best to have some control over what is being posted rather than relying solely on automation. Articles are many times written just for the reader when they should just as much be written for the search engines. Make sure that it is keyword rich so that it will help those looking for information that you have find it. Another thing that will help generate traffic and help those looking for information find you is to make use of the different article directories. Find those ones that the search engines love and use them. Make sure you read all the rules and that you create the ideal article for their standards. This will help give you links to your article marketing blog and will draw in those people who will keep coming back to your blog weekly or even daily.
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Article Marketing
Article Marketing Campaign 5 Key Elements Having a successful article marketing campaign is something that many new to internet marketing dream about and that many others have seen come true. Creating a successful article marketing campaign is possible but only if you are able to incorporate these 5 key elements into your article marketing campaign. If you miss out on any of these you may be missing out on success. To have an article marketing campaign for a product or service you are interested in promoting that sees positive results you need to have an audience, knowledge about that audience, and knowledge of that product or service. You also need knowledge of the keywords that can be successful in reaching that market, know how to write an effective article that gets them to take action. You may think that you have a great product on your hands but it is only as great as the number of people interested in it if your desire is to make sales. You need to find out that there is a market for what you are trying to promote. Any article marketing campaign has to have an audience if it is going to work. Do your research and see how much is sold and how great the demand is. Now that you have for your article marketing campaign an audience, you have to educate yourself on them. Find out who they are, where they live, where they look for information, and where they shop. Investigate their buying behaviors and look to see what things are working in capturing sales from that group. Make sure that you are able to write in a style that is on their level and will appeal to them. Knowing about that audience is great but another thing that you need to have to get that article marketing campaign successful is knowledge about that product/service. You are trying to set yourself up as an authority on the matter. You have to accomplish this in order to when not only their trust but their business. You have to know what you are talking about before they really listen to you. For your article marketing campaign, use a lot of time and energy to find the right keywords. Find out what gets results and what will get you on page one. Your articles aren't going to be doing any good if the search engines won't notice them. Find the best keywords and plan on using them. The most important part of your article writing campaign is the writing of the article. Make sure that you have a title that will get picked up by search engines and will catch the readers attention. Make sure that it answers the key questions that your target market is likely to ask. Keep it short, about 300-500 words, making sure that you meet the minimum word requirements for the directories you wish to be published in. Also make sure that you ask the reader to do what you want them to do. Have a strong call to action and then you will have likely created a successful article marketing campaign.
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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Article Marketing
Benefits Of Article Advertising Or Article Marketing Article advertising or article marketing can be the key to not only making money but having a successful business. If you have a product or service that you are trying to promote then one of the best and most cost effective ways is by using article advertising. Article advertising is a type of marketing effort in which you write short articles, about 400-600 words, related to the product or service you wish to promote. If they are well written they will, after getting distributed to various online article directories that will be easily found on search engines and read by people interested in what you have to offer. In article advertising, well written article will be constructed in such a way that it has strategic placements of keywords and keyword phrases used by those who are searching for what you have to offer. This will make your article easily found by search engines and can help get you noticed earlier by future consumers. Some of the benefits of article advertising are: 1) It is a great way to gain respect in the niche you are trying to reach. If they see your well written and informative article they will see you as an authority. The more that you have written about a certain area, the more trusted you will be and the more likely they will be to buy what you offer. 2) It is very cost effective. If you write the article yourself it will only cost you the amount of time and energy you put into researching and writing the subject. If you can't write well, you can easily find those who are able to write for you who are affordable and will let you put your name on it, aka, ghostwriters. These are many times very affordable, though you need to make sure that they are able to give you unique content and are native speakers in the language you are trying to market in. 3) Links are also a great benefit to article advertising. Your well written article will have a link back to your website and will also have a resource box with a strong call to action. This will invite those reading the article to go to your site to find out more about what you have to offer. This will also help your search engine ranking. 4) It helps you reach a much larger target audience than you otherwise would have. Those who are really interested in what you are offering will be the ones who read your article. You won't be putting your marketing efforts in front of people who may or may not care about what you have to offer. It will be read by people who are truly interested in what you are doing and are also very likely to buy what you are selling. Article marketing or article advertising is a great way to get attention to your products or services, if it is used correctly. Take some time to learn how to do it the right way or find a good ghost writer to do the work for you and you will find customers who are not only willing to buy from you, but trust that you are going to meet their needs and may come back to you for other purchases. Done correctly, article advertising can help you climb to the top and make you a success.
Copyright Elizabeth English - 2012
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Article Marketing
Resource Republished with author's permission by Elizabeth English http://LizsWorldprofit.com. [Instant Traffic Solution] Suffer from lack of traffic NO More – NEVER http://www.LizsWorldprofit.com/?rd=ts1zBSfJ
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