Figleaves Customer Personas

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The Savvy Shopper


The Fashion Lover

The Self Styler

The Practical Purchaser

The Gifting Husband

Customer Personas

T H E S AV V Y S H O P P E R A busy, image conscious mother juggling work and family. She would love to wear the latest trends but doesn’t always have the time or money to go shopping. Style: Wears timeless basics that can be easily accessorised to create different looks.

The Savvy Shopper

The Fashion Lover

Shopping Behaviour: May treat herself to a more expensive piece of trend-led clothing for a special occasion.

Influenced by: Convenience and value for money. Online Behaviour: Looks online to find a better price for something she’s seen in the shops. Uses the internet for her weekly food shop and to keep on top of household bills.

The Self Styler

Reads: Dips in and out of magazines, such as Closer and Look. Reads fictional novels when she has a moment to herself.

Watches: The soaps and easy-to-watch programmes, such as Come Dine with Me. Shops with Figleaves for: Everyday essentials. Occasionally treats herself to something luxurious.

The Practical Purchaser

Also Shops At: H&M, Primark, John Lewis.

The Gifting Husband

Customer Personas

T H E FA S H I O N L OV E R A young professional who spends her spare time shopping, going to the gym and eating out at new restaurants. She never misses out on her annual summer holiday with the girls. Style: Wears the latest trends and frequently updates her wardrobe to reflect this.

The Savvy Shopper

The Fashion Lover

Shopping Behaviour: If she likes it, she’ll buy it. Makes last minute purchases for an occasion that same day.

Influenced by: Friends, celebrities and fashion magazines. If the mannequin is wearing it, she wants it. Online Behaviour: Regular online shopper as she can’t always find the time to head to the high street.

The Self Styler

Uses social media to follow fashion influencers and to share photos with friends.

Reads: Fashion and celebrity gossip magazines. Takes a good fictional novel on holiday with her to read by the pool.

Watches: Reality TV shows, such as The Only Way is Essex and Dinner Date.

The Practical Purchaser

Shops with Figleaves for: Something sexy to make her feel special. Also Shops At: H&M, Zara, ASOS.

The Gifting Husband

Customer Personas

THE SELF STYLER Retired and living comfortably. She spends time travelling, volunteering with charities, and visiting the theatre and art galleries. Style: Always presentable. Likes elegant, timeless fashion. Aware of trends but chooses styles that she knows suit her best.

The Savvy Shopper

The Fashion Lover

Shopping Behaviour: Enjoys days out browsing the shops. Loves treating herself to new clothes, but always makes a considered decision before purchasing to make sure it’s a long-lasting investment. Prefers British brands.

Influenced by: Luxurious, high quality pieces that add style to her capsule clothing collection.

The Self Styler

Online Behaviour: Doesn’t spend an awful lot of time online. Uses the internet as a source of information, and for browsing home and fashion websites to find clothing from trusted brands.

Reads: Informative newspapers, such as the Telegraph. Occasionally reads fashion and celebrity-focussed magazines that come with weekend newspapers, as well as Good Housekeeping and Women & Home.

Watches: Dramas and reality shows, such as Downton Abbey and Strictly Come Dancing.

The Practical Purchaser

Shops with Figleaves for: Good fitting, quality lingerie and nightwear, as well as trusted brands that she’s known and loved for years.

Also Shops At: John Lewis, Marks & Spencer.

The Gifting Husband

Customer Personas

T H E P R AC T I C AL P U R C H A S E R Works part-time and spends her spare time gardening and improving the home. She enjoys the outdoors and respects the environment, making conscious decisions to recycle and repair items, rather than needlessly spending money renewing them.

Style: Wears practical clothing and chooses comfort over style.

The Savvy Shopper

The Fashion Lover

Shopping Behaviour: Prefers British brands that she knows and trusts, and will only buy new clothes when she needs them.

Influenced by: Good value, high quality, comfortable clothing. Online Behaviour: Doesn’t use the internet an awful lot. Browses online to find trusted brands at the

The Self Styler

best possible price, and makes online purchases out of convenience.

Reads: Newspapers, such as the Daily Mail. Watches: Dramas, such as Downton Abbey, and home programmes, such as Location, Location, Location.

The Practical Purchaser

Shops with Figleaves for: Everyday essentials and long-lasting basics. Also Shops At: John Lewis, Marks & Spencer.

The Gifting Husband

Customer Personas

T H E G I F T I N G H U S B AN D Successful career, nice home, husband and father. He enjoys treating himself and his family to holidays and days out. Style: Style conscious yet practical. Likes high quality clothing and dresses respectably.

The Savvy Shopper

The Fashion Lover

Shopping Behaviour: Shops for clothing only when he needs to. He mainly shops for his partner and children.

Influenced by: Good quality and timeless style. Online Behaviour: Uses the internet for work emails and social media.

The Self Styler

Reads: Newspapers, such as Metro & The Guardian, and magazines, such as National Geographic. Watches: Sports and drama series, such as Match of the Day, Top Gear and Doctor Who. Shops with Figleaves for: High quality underwear and nightwear for himself and his partner. Shops for something luxurious for his other half on special occasions.

The Practical Purchaser

Also Shops At: Debenhams, House of Fraser.

The Gifting Husband

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