Illustration Portfolio I

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Lizzie Lopez Illustration I Portfolio University of Central Oklahoma Professor Keith Webb

Summer 2011

Table of Contents 1. Quick Explanations…………………………..………………………….3 2. Sketchbook Examples……………………………..................4 3. Preliminary Work: Avatar…..………...........................5 4. Finished Illustration: Avatar..………….………….……6 5. Preliminary Work: Product………………....….....7 6. Finished Illustration: Product….……..…..……8 7. Preliminary Work : Ultimate Bedtime Story………………..…9 8. Finished Illustration: Ultimate Bedtime Story……………….....10 9. Preliminary Work: A Walk Through the Forest……….……….11 10. Finished Illustration: A Walk Through the Forest…….……………..12 11. Preliminary Work: Matte Painting ……………..13 12. Finished Illustration: Matte Painting .…………......14 13. Preliminary Work: Student Choice…….……....…………..15 14. Finished Illustration: Student Choice………..…..………..…..16

Quick Explanations: Sketch/Doodle- Uninhibited ideas laid out on paper, total expression. Rubbing- The act of placing paper over an object with a raised design or embossed type surface, then rubbing the paper with a dry media, such as charcoal to copy the design onto paper.

Thumbnail- Thumbnail is another way of saying a small sketch roughly the size of a “thumb.” It is the very beginning step in the

illustration process, where brain storming begins.

Rough- The step after choosing a thumbnail , create a rough. A “rough” sketch is basically a crude sketch that develops compositional ideas and lighting.

Composition- The last step before the final illustration. This is where lighting and composition elements are ironed out and the drawing is much more refined than the rough. * The work seen below is a progressive from Thumbnail, to rough, to composition, to final illustration.

Sketch Book Doodle Page Pen and Ink

Rubbing from NYC Colored Pencil

Preliminary Work: Avatar Thumbnail



Finished Illustration: Avatar Carbon Pencil, Pen & Ink

The decided name of our class Avatar was Sketchbusters, no doubt inspired by the movie Ghostbusters. I decided to create my illustration with the movie in mind. Dressing myself in a workman’s uniform. The idea of the illustration is that I am a ghost eradicator, and the illustration is a snapshot of my job. A ghost is seen behind me, which is going to be captured.

Preliminary Work: Product Thumbnail



Finished Illustration: Product Pen & Ink

I choose this rubber ducky for the Product Illustration because I felt the toy was fun and had character. Not only that, but it made a good subject to recreate in stippling. Because of the smooth surface and continuous value in color, the shadows were very delicate.

Preliminary Work: Ultimate Bedtime Story Thumbnails



Finished Illustration: Ultimate Bedtime Story Watercolor, Carbon Pencil “He could already tell this was going to be the longest night of his life.� This was the sentence that I choose to envision my illustration around. The scene is of a boy frog catching at night. I pictured the frogs giving the boy a hard time, so that he could not catch even one. The idea is that for children a disastrous mishap of catching frogs could seem like the end of the world. Hence forth how it reflects back to the sentence above.

Preliminary Work: A Walk Through the Forest Thumbnails



Finished Illustration: A Walk Through the Forest Watercolor, Pen & Ink, Carbon Pencil

For this assignment we had to choose between several scenarios in the forest. I choose to draw a body of water in the forest. I choose this seen out of all the others because I really like the abstract seen that I imagined. Also it gave me a chance to play with my face as a hidden element. I identify streams or rivers as a symbol or renewal or cleansing, combined with a forest is the epitome of nature.

Preliminary Work: Matte Painting Thumbnail



Finished Illustration: Matte Painting Watercolor, Black Prismacolor Pencil

The object of this project was to make an action figure look as though it is part of our work. I choose Po, from Kung Fu Panda. He is black and white already, so that was a good start! Since Po is know for action I thought it would be fun to take him our of China and put him on a surf board. In an epic battle with a shark.

With and without Po in Matte Painting

Preliminary Work: Student Choice Rough Sketch


Finished Illustration: Student Choice Watercolor, Pen & Ink

I chose this idea out of all my other drawings because I really like the clean simplicity and cartoon quality. It is replacing an ad for a brand of purse know for the designers initials. I added the columns to add an air of sophistication, so that you associate the “CH� brand with perpetual class as well as style. The woman represents a fun or trendy side to the brand as well as a fun character to draw.

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