Brief 15 end of year show

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Module Title: Extended Practice


Student Name: Elizabeth Tyrer

Studio Brief Title: Brief 15: End of Year Show Pitch Synopsis: The brief was a collaboration between myself, Mike Williams, Suzanne Moore and Greta Medelyte. The task was to create a pitch for the branding and promotion of the Leeds College of Art End of Year Show. Our concept for this brief was ‘Out With a Bang’ using balloon imagery to create a fun and playful end of year show design, employing interactive design elements that heighten the audience’s engagement with the show. List of deliverables


(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)

(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)

Mock ups of promotional items: video, invites, posters, folly. Mock ups of signage/wayfinding. Pitch Boards. Final Boards.

I will blog this under the module codes ‘OUGD603’, ‘OUGD603: Design Practice’, ‘Brief 15: End of Year Show Pitch’ and ‘Brief 15: Context’. I will produce pitch presentation boards and mocked up examples of work.

Evaluation: As the deadline was so tight on this brief, it was a challenge to produce and pitch for, however I felt that this was a valuable brief to work on as it taught us how to think on our feet and think bigger about our work. This is the first time that I have attempted a different design approach, as we produced a mini installation with the help of Matt Burton, using slow motion photography/filming to capture the bursting of a balloon. I think the strength was in our concept, and although I was happy with how the visuals turned out, as we were on such a tight budget/deadline we were not able to produce exactly the visuals we had originally wanted. I feel that our concept was well thought out and worked well with the imagery we produced, and we worked hard to ensure every aspect of the brief related to the concept/copy we produced. Improvements we could have made would be working on the visuals so that they achieved what we had envisioned, for example we had wanted to create an installation on a larger scale, using big balloons and a more colourful palette to increase the impact of the imagery.

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