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Alumni Giving
Impact 2019–2020
Alumni are the greatest testament to the power of a Torrey education. Throughout their time at LJCDS, students prepare for a lifetime of intellectual exploration, personal growth and social responsibility. After their time on Genesee Avenue, our alumni go on to make significant contributions here at home, across the country and around the world. Torreys of all ages continue to uphold the pillar of social responsibility, and return to their alma mater to give back in a myriad of ways. No matter where their paths lead them, they always know they have a forever home at LJCDS.
We say “once a Torrey, always a Torrey.” Long after their years as LJCDS students, alumni continue to play an integral role in the school community, sharing time, expertise and resources for the betterment of the school. During the 2019–2020 school year, 46 alumni volunteered as reunion planners, Collegiate Alumni panelists, Virtual Career Day speakers, admission and phonathon callers. The 145 alumni who gave back philanthropically donated $341,759 to help support the school’s greatest need, tuition assistance, faculty/staff professional development and our Community Support Fund. Alumni enhance LJCDS and enrich the experience of current Torreys following in their footsteps. As active members of the alumni community, graduates maintain lifelong bonds with their LJCDS teachers, coaches and mentors, learn from their peers, and form lasting relationships with fellow Torreys. We are proud of our alumni and grateful for their commitment to their alma mater.
Country Day was a place where I was given space to be my own person, and a place to gain a better understanding of myself and the world around me.
Pierre Cozic ’20
Alumni donors are noted by their graduating class year on the 2019–2020 list of donors located on pages 58–69.