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It’s never too late to change career paths – Michael Simpson has proved that. He left his job as an accountant in Scotland to pursue his passion for performance sport at LJMU.
Switching from accountancy to further study may seem like a big decision, but it was something that had always been on the cards for Michael. With a wife and a house back in Aberdeen, Scotland, he knew it could be challenging to adjust to the new way of life, but it has all been worth it to help Michael achieve his dream of working in performance sport. Now, he is studying his MSc in Exercise Physiology at LJMU.
“I’m going to be working for the next 30 years,” Michael says. “Do I want a career where there’s potentially more money? Or do I want a career where I will be happier? That was my main motivation for moving from accountancy to the field of sport and exercise science. I knew that to stand out from the crowd, I needed to do a postgraduate course after my undergraduate degree. The time and academic study is worth it for a career in a field that I ultimately want to work in and am passionate about.”
Choosing where to study was an easy decision for Michael. “I always had my eyes set on coming down to LJMU,” he recalls. “It was always the plan, even at undergraduate level, that I would eventually come here to do my master’s. This kind of course is not available in Scotland, so it immediately made it more attractive.”
Michael has found studying as a mature student easier to adjust to than he expected. “Everyone is here for the same goal – to progress their career,” Michael explains. “That immediately helps put your mind at ease. Everyone remains focused which makes it a great environment to thrive in.”
Despite living in a new city away from his family, Michael settled in well. “So far, so good!” he shares. “We are fortunate at postgraduate level because we work in really small cohorts, so we get to know each other quite well. Besides individual study, we work on group tasks as well, so we are building on these personal relationships constantly throughout the year.” Being able to reflect on his choices with life experience behind him has ensured that he is doing what he really wants to do. “I made the decision to work in accountancy at an early age. I have so much experience behind me now – I can make an informed decision about what I would like to do with the rest of my life, and what is going to make me happy. I am studying to eventually get a career I really want, and that makes it all worth it!”