2 minute read
Halloween festival
Halloween pumpkins by Louise Lemoine.
Spooky Welly Walk returns to Sefton Park
The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation is hosting a 2-mile, Halloween themed “Spooky Welly Walk” for children with games, giveaways and street performances along the route, By LOUISE LEMOINE.

Sefton Park is set to be transformed into a “spooky” sight this October - all in the spirit of fundraising. The event will run from 11am-5pm on Saturday October 23 and attendees are encouraged to dress in their spookiest attire.
To attend the event, tickets must be booked in advance as there will be no tickets available on the day. Each ticket will be assigned a time slot of your choice, the Foundation recommends allocating two hours to complete the walk due to the activities along the way.
Fundraisers have made the decision to make tickets non-refundable, due to the money raised going towards lung cancer research and helping the patients and families of those living with lung cancer.
The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation has raised millions for essential lung cancer research. Their aim is to support: “everyone affected by lung cancer- from diagnosis, through treatment, living with the disease and end of life care. […] We do all this so those diagnosed can live well with lung cancer for as long as possible.”
Although the event is being set up as a fun day out for children and their parents, the Foundation have also expressed their intentions to introduce children to the importance of fundraising for good causes. There is no fundraising requirement for those attending but the fundraisers are asking each child aims to fundraise £50 for the cause, there are prizes up for grabs for those who meet the £50 target. Parents can set up a fundraising page for their child online.
Many charities have had their fundraising campaigns impacted by the pandemic, in 2020 the Foundations “Spooky Welly Walk” was held online. Parents were able to donate to the Foundation by purchasing an “Adventure Walk Pack”, that included virtual exercises and a walking route for families to take in their own social bubbles.
This year, the foundation said: “Your donations and support at this time means so much to our charity, the patients and families that are living with lung cancer.”
Tickets cost £6 each for adults and children or there is the option to purchase a family ticket (which includes two adults and two children) for £20. Children under the age of two go free and pets are allowed- even in costume! You can find tickets for the fundraiser at: https://roycastle.org/ get-involved/events/20065-2/
Photo by Jon Butterworth on Unsplash We do all this so those diagnosed can live well with lung cancer for as long as possible ’ ‘
Sefton Park Palmhouse Photo by Bob Coyne on Unsplash

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