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Bakery business in lockdown
From sweet treats to sweet success
The anniversary of UK’s first lockdown is approaching and as people reflect on how they’ve spent their time at home - home schooling, new hobbies, box sets binged on Netflix - for 21-yearold Neuby Spencer it will be how she ditched her home office during a pandemic to turn her passion for baking into a new local business. The young baking enthusiast, from Walton, used something that was once just a hobby to create her own catering business called Love at First Bite from her kitchen. Love at First Bite, which specialises in bespoke cakes, offers something for a wide range of customers including unique products like cake jars, keto-friendly cake pops and ‘cheestereggs’ – a cheesecake in an easter egg. Each item is custom made and fit for occasion, birthday cakes and the latest Valentine’s Day boxes are even available for personalisation to include names and messages. Neuby centres her business around her customers, making sure everything is hand delivered and can spend up to four hours hand baking and decorating one of her signature personalised birthday cakes, which cost around £50 - £60. Although creating these products can be very time consuming, Neuby said: “The end result always reminds me of why I started this business in the first place. “I enjoy seeing the pleasure on people’s faces when they receive my product. It allows me to escape into a creative mind space and brings people’s visions into a reality. “It is always very humbling to hear that your product or service is greatly appreciated and because of this I don’t even feel like I’m working.” Love at First Bite measures customer satisfaction through the feedback given on their Facebook page,which Neuby describes as “always positive and encouraging”, much like the outlook she has about her current role as a business owner. However, much alike a large majority of businesses operating in lockdown Love at First Bite has faced challenges. In contrast to a lot of businesses being faced with closure in the pandemic, Neuby’s biggest obstacle was starting up. She explained: “Initially, getting the word about my business was challenging given that it was word of mouth before people came to approach me for business. “Hitting the correct market to sell was also challenging as I had to research what it was people were wanting during lockdown. “At times, it felt like it may never take off but through support from friends and family and lots of work be-
Baker Neuby Spencer

hind the scenes, it began to take off.” Since the very first sale of a selection of white chocolate marshmallow cake pops in July 2020, Love at First Bite now expects around 30-40 orders a week and has established itself on social media as a community with more than 900 members. The best part about running a lockdown business from home according to Neuby, is the “flexibility and being able to work as and when you can”.
“For me, this means that my motivation and determination to make this business a success increased greatly. “Being around my home comforts and around people who support me has meant that even through periods of self-doubt, I knew I could make it a success.” The success of the catering busness is ever growing, with plans for Love at First Bite to evolve from social media to its own website currently under way.