How Does DashClicks’ Reputation Management App Work?

Currently,DashClicksdealswithGoogleMyBusinessreviewsandFacebookreviews. Here’showtheappworks:
Manage Your Reviews
The app compiles all your business reviews and brings them to a single dashboard so that you can seamlessly manage them.
Invite Customers to Leave Review
With the app, you can invite customers to leave business reviews by sending emails and SMS messages.
Manage Your Review Page
The app lets you share your public review page with customers around the world, bringing in more reviews and feedback.
Reputation Reporting
You can track your average rating, best review sources, and peak performance months at all times with DashClicks’ reporting dashboard.
Reply to Reviews From the Same Dashboard
DashClicks’ dashboard allows you to communicate with customers from every review source.

The reviews will be in chronological order with this information:
The profile picture of the person


The date of the review
The actual review
Your reply, if any
* The usernames or profile pictures for any of the reviews on
Facebook will not be shown owing to Facebook’s Privacy Policy.

How to Reply to a Review?
1. 2. 3.
Write your reply in the empty box.
Press “Reply.”
Your reply will get posted to the platform.
Use the filter “Needs Response” to locate reviews that you need to reply to.

Use the text “Pending Response” to spot reviews that haven’t received a response yet.
Flag reviews as positive/negative within the reputation app.