Haringey Heartlands II: Wood Green

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Build Up Program Regeneration of Public realm outside Hollywood Green in Wood Green Town Centre

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Project Lead : Stefan Krupski Project Team:


Daniela Ellis, Architectural Designer Paola Mollica, Architect


RED LINE: Hollywood Green Public realm area



Content Brief History Site analysis Stakeholders Policy and Strategy Consultations Visions Proposals


In light of funds made available by Section 106 agreement Haringey Council have a budget of 85 K to spend on Public Realm Improvements for the area outside Hollywood Green cinema. The brief of the project is: To propose a spatial design for the area within such budget . Our conclusions are the result of extensive site analysis, consultations, policies studies and examples of good implemented schemes.

History of Site

ood Green was originally a clearing in the dense forests of oak, ash and beech that covered most of what is now North London. Spouters’ Corner: Was first used for a political meeting in 1867 by the Reform League. By the end of the nineteenth century the common land here had become a venue for stump orators and political gatherings, thereby acquiring its name. In more recent years its use has waned as political speakers have favored the forecourt of the Central Library. Historically the site opposite Spouters’s Corner was know as Jolly Butchers Hill, known for butchers family businesses in the area.

The site through the years

Map from 1864

Map from 1894-96

Map from 1914

Map from 1935

By 1800,around the junction of the High Road and Lordship Lane,were several houses,a blacksmith and two pubs,the Three Jolly Butchers and the Nag's Head. *

A after Wood Green railway station opened in 1859, the population rocketed from only 100 to nearly 10,000 in just 20 years.�Most of the grand houses and beautiful buildings had to be knocked down to make way� *

In 1883,on what used to be Ducketts Farm,the Artisans and Labourers General Dwellings Company began building Wood Green largest and most ambitious estate,Noel Park, one of the very first social housing schemes. *

By the end of the 1930s Wood Green High Street was thriving.The development of Noel Park included the Cheapside row of shops on the High Road,and the Wood Green Empire theatre.There were seven cinemas in Wood Green - the Gaumont Palace seated over 2500 people in one screen. *

* source: exposure (local youth charity) and Albert Pinching (local Historian)

Present use and improvements

Hollywood Green is located opposite Wood Green tube station, in North London. It is adjacent to the Haringey Heartlands area on the West, to the White Heart Lane football stadium on the North, to the Noel Park estate and conservation area on the East and by the Shopping Mall on the South. Improvements works have already started: a new diagonal pedestrian crossing is being put in place together with new paving to the north corner of the site and a general de-cluttering of the area.


Site analysis





SWOT close up

Strength (the tree)



Pedestrian movement across site

Observing the movement


Internal consultation

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Stefan Krupski Geoff Merry Highway Light consultants and electricians Waste disposal Tfl (to be contacted)

External consultation • •

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Local Business Residents (including Wood Green Audit by Wood Green’s Residents Association 2006) Other users of the space Police

POLICE: Met on site with two officers from Noel Park Safer Neighbourhood Team (NoelPark.SNT@met.police.uk www.met.police.uk/teams/haringey/noelpark)

Q: Where are crime hot spots within the site ? A: the entire Hollywood Green is a troublesome area Q: Do you think some elements of design can encourage criminal beheaviour? A: Yes, we would ideally have the seats of the bus stop facing the cinema removed. (they brought up the example of similar benches opposite Morrison that were attracting people drinking during the day, and once removed these people did not come to the location anymore) * they feel that the introduction of new seating areas would encourage people (group of antisocial behaving people) to hung around in the area, and this is precisely what the police is trying to avoid we also asked about introduction of trees, and they wouldn't know if this would encourage vandalism.

Policy and Strategy

Policy and Strategy

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Planning Policy Statements (PPSs: 1; 4; 13) London Plan Haringey (UDP and) LDF Wood Green Town Centre SPD Tree Strategy Local Implementation Plan

Design and Strategy : External sources

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Department for Transport: Manual for streets Cabe :This way to better streets Cabe Space: Preventing anti social behaviour in public spaces. UDL Developing Open Space Strategies Workshop. attended by Daniela Ellis Mayor’s Great Spaces Workshop attended by Paola Mollica Wood Green Audit Urban initiatives

Examples of good public realm spaces vision

Examples of good design: lighting

Geo sticks light at Regents Place, London

Permanent outdoor pavilion in Peace Park, Seoul, Korea

Examples of good design: seating

Duke of York Square, London

Old Market Square, Nottingham

Elizabeth Banks Associates

Gustafson Porter

Playfulness : Bruno Taylor's installation of a swing in a London bus stop

Examples of good design: trees

Ginko trees, London

Birch Trees, London

Our initial visions

Mobile coffee van

Temporary activities could change the way the space is perceived.

Farmers’ market

A monthly farmers’ market could bring different people on site.

Mapping areas on intervention

Spatial arrangements and different proposals

Existing space

Proposed pathway


We would like to thank the University of Westminster and Haringey Council for letting us participate to the Build Up program. The collaboration has been extremely useful in making us understand those issues related to Planning, Public Realm design and community involvement by active participation. We have also appreciated working as a group and with the other students, supervisor and council employees. Thank you, Daniela Ellis & Paola Mollica

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