So You Want to Be a Psychic Intuitive?

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© Kyle Cassidy

About the Author Alexandra Chauran is a second generation professional fortune teller. She has been reading the crystal ball professionally since 1999. Holding a Master’s Degree in Teaching from Seattle University, she enjoys building carefully upon what is already understood by the student and she offers an apprentice internship to her local practice in the greater Seattle area. Alexandra is also proficient in other forms of divination.

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A Down-to-Earth Guide

Alexandra Chauran Llewellyn Publications Woodbury, Minnesota

So You Want to Be a Psychic Intuitive? A Down-to-Earth Guide © 2012 by Alexandra Chauran. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. First Edition First Printing, 2012 Book design by Bob Gaul Cover art: Background image © Carroll Cover design by Kevin R. Brown Editing by Laura Graves Llewellyn is a registered trademark of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Chauran, Alexandra, 1981– So you want to be a psychic intuitive?: a down-to-earth guide/Alexandra Chauran.—1st ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. ). ISBN 978-0-7387-3065-3 1. Psychics. 2. Parapsychology. 3. Intuition. I. Title. BF1040.C44 2012 133.8—dc23 2011050488 Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd. does not participate in, endorse, or have any authority or responsibility concerning private business transactions between our authors and the public. All mail addressed to the author is forwarded, but the publisher cannot, unless specifically instructed by the author, give out an address or phone number. Any Internet references contained in this work are current at publication time, but the publisher cannot guarantee that a specific location will continue to be maintained. Please refer to the publisher’s website for links to authors’ websites and other sources. Llewellyn Publications A Division of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive Woodbury, MN 55125-2989 Printed in the United States of America


Introduction … 1

1 Get Ready, Get Set, Go! … 9 2 Techniques … 39 3 Who Are You Talking To? … 73 4 How to Listen … 97 5 Communicating Psychically … 121 6 How to Convey Messages … 151 7 Where to Go From Here … 185 Glossary … 227 Bibliography … 233

Dedication So You Want to Be a Psychic Intuitive? is dedicated to my mother, who first encouraged me to trust my intuition; to my husband, who used psychic pendulum dowsing to psychically determine our baby’s gender while I was pregnant and who put up with me writing this book while she was a newborn; and to my daughter, about whose future I am constantly dreaming.


Common Experiences Sorting through some old clothes in the closet, you stumble across a t-shirt that you wore every week in high school. As you hold it up to view the front, the old cloth soft on your fingertips, your mind is instantly flooded with flashes of memories. Friends laughing, enemies jeering, an old buddy stealing a slice of pizza off your plate. For a brief moment, you allow yourself to wonder what has happened to that buddy, even though you know that you could get back in touch if either of you wanted. Suddenly, your telephone rings and a familiar voice greets your ears. “I was just thinking of you … ” And it’s your buddy. We’ve all had those seemingly psychic moments, haven’t we? Have you worried about a family member just in time to catch him or her during a tough time? Have you


avoided getting on the freeway just before a major accident blocked all the roads for miles? Have you experienced love at first sight? Most importantly, does one person have more of these coincidences happen than another, and do having experiences like these make you special?

What is a psychic, and why would you want to be one? The definition of “psychic” in everyday speech in popular culture seems to change fluidly. When an annoyed friend shouts “I’m not psychic,” he or she most likely means that mind reading is not a reasonable assumption, and that you have not clearly communicated verbal instructions. But being a psychic is a bit more (and in a way a bit less) than the mentalist party trick of being able to correctly guess what a person is thinking. In this book, we will explore the concept of a psychic as being a person who is in tune with phenomena or information that is perceived from nonphysical or even supernatural sources. Popular science states that we only use ten percent of our brains, and while that is not technically true, you can think of psychic work as a way to access the other ninety percent. The other ninety has not only a great stored memory but stored knowledge and perhaps instinct that can be thought of as the collective wisdom of millions of years of evolution, or perhaps even a product of our society and culture. Why would anyone, particularly you, want to be a psychic? Chances are that you didn’t arrive at the desire to 2  Introduction

be a psychic out of the blue. I would guess that the most common reason for wanting to be a psychic is that you’re a little bit psychic already, and you’d love to be able to develop those abilities into real skills and talents, rather than just another reason to be teased by your family and friends or to be paranoid about this strange and often dangerous world in which we live today. Thinking that you might already be a little psychic is a perfectly acceptable reason to want to be a psychic. Getting to know yourself is certainly a more lofty goal than to want to be a psychic because you saw one on television and thought this was a good way to become rich and famous. In our culture, we are often encouraged to laugh away those things that are strange, or at best, encouraged to capitalize on being so strange that we are considered freakish. In my opinion, another good reason to want to become a psychic is the desire to help other people. But why would one dedicate their life to helping people in this way if everyone has psychic moments? Because being a psychic, walking the line between the real and the unreal, can be an exciting experience, and can help you become a hero among friends and strangers. The idea of journeying to a place unseen by most people and bringing back kernels of knowledge, truth, and wisdom is one that has been played out by archetypical heroes in stories throughout time. The archetypical hero’s journey is the work of the Shaman. In many cultures, a Shaman is one who can enter a trance or a world others cannot share, speak with the dead,

Introduction  3

or discover messages from the divine. Sometimes a Shaman will even take a sickness or an affliction upon himself or herself in order to spare another person. All of this work might be frightening to some people. If you have the nerve or the belief system that allows you to feel at peace with your reality melting away before your eyes, and you wish to allow that to happen in order to help others who cannot or will not do it themselves, this is certainly a noble reason to want to be a psychic. I think that all of the above reasons explain why I wanted to become a psychic myself (yes, even the one that involved fame and fortune.) Since there aren’t any sports cars in my driveway nor celebrities beating down my door, I think it is now evident which of my initial reasons were more enduring and fulfilling than foolish daydreams. I had a healthy dose of prior experience with psychic flashes. A psychic flash is an instant in time during which you feel flooded with information that might be perceived through your senses or just understood in your mind. Since my mother is now a professional psychic herself (amongst other amazing accomplishments), such things were so encouraged in me as a child that they were treated as routine and mundane occurrences in our household. Rather than being made to feel discouraged or dismissed, as might have happened with another mother, I felt confident and curious about those times when I anticipated a future event, shared a dream that had meaning, or experimented with tools of divination as a child. 4  Introduction

Before I became a professional, or even began to attempt to help others, I started to use psychic work as part of my own personal spiritual path. Even if you prefer to use your skills and talents to help others, I encourage you to begin by learning how to help yourself. The biggest reason for this is because you should be able to help yourself to become a better person before you start trying to fix the lives of others. As the urgent instruction for airline safety goes, “please affix your own oxygen mask before attempting to help others.” If you are trying to serve those around you because you have a sore spot or an empty hole in your own life, you will not be successful. Another practical reason to start with yourself is to allow you to make little mistakes, or learn the nuances of your own personal practice before stumbling through a psychic reading with another person. If you jump straight into the potential of being criticized by others before you have gotten the hang of things, you might be more easily discouraged by the little failures that happen along the way than if you do a bit of practice on your own life first to gain confidence and momentum. Besides, you’re always there and hopefully willing to share deep personal problems with yourself that you honestly want to resolve. You can easily meet hundreds of other people who say they want help with an issue who really don’t want to solve the problem at all. Confusion about motives can set up some pretty big mental blocks that might in turn confuse you about your own abilities. As a beginner, it is hard to know

Introduction  5

where your own limitations begin when someone is subconsciously sabotaging your efforts. I worked hard on my own problems at first, and then branched out to help family, close friends, and spiritual peers. Later, I found that I wanted to reach out to even more people, and so I did, starting my own small business as a psychic. When I grew up and went to college, I pursued my psychic goals in the same way I did my academic ones: reading books, approaching experts, joining professional organizations, and of course, by practicing daily. I gave myself little homework assignments to push myself to grow outside of my comfort zone. And this practice continues to be instrumental in my growth as a psychic, and indeed in my progress in other areas of my life. For that reason, I will suggest homework for you as well with each chapter, but I encourage you to give yourself extra-credit work of your own. Create goals for yourself. The best goals can be formed using the acronym SMART which stands for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.

What you will learn from this book So You Want To Be A Psychic Intuitive? will help you understand more about the potential psychic abilities that you already have, and to embrace what it means to be a psychic for you. By following the tips and homework applications, you will be able to begin immediately tapping into your own intuition, look for signs from mysterious sources that 6  Introduction

may already be all around you, listen to messages that may be conveyed to you, and pass along those messages to others who are not yet developing their own psychic talents. Best of all, you’ll begin to use your own psychic connections as a resource to answer specific questions in your life and in the lives of others.

Homework Solo Find a journal to use throughout this book and beyond as you grow as a psychic. Start out by writing down the reasons you would like to become a psychic. Your reasons might change as you learn more about what you can and cannot actually do, so be honest and thorough as you write out your hopes and dreams. The worst-case scenario is that you’ll have a little chuckle at yourself when you inevitably revise it later to include new goals that may be quite different … and much more realistic. If you have had psychic experiences in the past, write down your recollection of those events. Hopefully, noticing your strengths and patterns will help you know where to begin stretching your existing talents and give you some confidence that will boost your motivation to work hard on developing new skills.

Introduction  7

With a Partner Working with a partner may be a bit of a challenge for those who haven’t yet built an understanding support system of people who love you for all of your quirks and abilities. If you do, try talking to them about your ambitions and asking for input about strengths they see in you. Perhaps a parent can tell you about intuitive moments you’ve had since childhood. A significant other might be able to point out that you have a good heart for helping people in need. Often we need others to be mirrors to ourselves to help our self-esteem grow, so use this homework assignment as an excuse to list those strengths of yours that shine through to those around you.

8  Introduction

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