4 minute read

Magic Is

Magic Is…

Magic is what happens when the blueprint of who you are comes into alignment with the expanding energy of the universe. Magic is an explosion of possibility and sublime synchronicity. It is as viable and electric as lovers meeting for the first time. Like the atmosphere, magic surrounds and sustains us. Magic is an interconnected web of energy.

Physics tells us the nature of the universe is expansion and contraction. Moons, stars, and galaxies swell and compress like the inhale and exhale of your breath. Just as the cadence of stormy waves crash onto pebbled beaches and pull back to the fray only to lunge back to the shore, so do our bodies echo oceans, planets, and intergalactic space. What is true for the universe is true for us.

Life is cyclical. Day turns to night. Seasons change. Summer gardens burst forth and die back. Luminous winter nights entice us to dream as the solar system whips us around the sun. Our lives echo the seasons. Babies are born, they grow up, and they die. Death makes way for new generations and fresh possibility.

Throughout this comic interplay, beneath the sound and fury of the kaleidoscopic light show you experience every day, is your life. There is a single basic pattern, one unique imprint. It belongs to you and you alone. This imprint, like a fingerprint, is sacred, subtle, and original. Its internal energetic pattern is eternal. Like a snowflake, a seashell, or a spiral galaxy, nothing else in the expanding universe is exactly the same. Everything contains a magical imprint, a unique intelligence.

You are designed just like a garden seed containing all of the information it needs to become a vegetable or flower. Hopes, dreams, and desires are sowed deep inside of you for a reason. The longings of your soul, your talents, and personality are your magical keys. Your unique awareness is how the universe experiences itself.

Magic is the trembling strings, the electrical grid, and the field of play supporting and sustaining the visible and invisible world. It is an energy that can be weaved and worked with by anyone. Some people actively

practice and engage in what is known as magical arts. You might call these people witches, shamans, yogis, or mystics.

People often engage in magic unconsciously. For these people, magic unfolds through the nature of who they are, their habits, and their actions. These people sparkle. They are unique. They look as if they have swallowed the moon.

Magic often springs from spiritual and religious practice. It doesn’t matter if a person is Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, or whatever spiritual system they align with. Magic can pour through an atheist. There is no belief required. Why? Because magic is life, and life is what we all live.

Magical practice is profoundly simple. But just because it is simple doesn’t mean it’s easy, especially when needs, desires, and emotions tug at us. Magic will never leave or abandon you, but it doesn’t mean your life will be perfect. It doesn’t mean you will always get what you want by casting a spell or communing with spirit guides. We are human. Humanity means we all feel pain and experience suffering. Our hearts will break, our lives might fall apart, and we will have bad days. But magical practice teaches you to always do the best with what you have.

The word esoteric means “secret.” The secret of magic is that it isn’t actually a secret. It is right in front of you. Magic exists in plain sight. This is the secret.

Lucky for you, magic is like an ocean. You can move as far into it as you like. If it freaks you out, you can sit on the dock with your toes in the foamy surf. If the idea of magical practice excites you and you want to move further, you can set sail for uncharted lands, scuba dive into subterranean caverns, and explore harrowing depths, discovering things no other human has ever seen or experienced. The only question really is… how far are you willing to go?

Tarot is the perfect tool for magical practice. Why? Because tarot takes us out of our head and places possibility before us. Tarot provides us an opportunity for centering ourselves. Tarot is a ritual tool. Tarot asks that we reach deeper and listen to our authentic inner voice, the spirit song of the High Priestess.

Tarot images give us energy and ideals to aspire to. These energies come to us in the form of beautiful artwork. Tarot can be the focal point of magical spells. It acts as a daily vision board. The cards themselves are symbolic of the nature of the occult.

Tarot reflects the human psyche. The cards are like the partner in crime we always desired. They are always there for us, helping us to engage in conversation with our higher or lower selves. The cards help us achieve goals and cultivate solutions. The cards allow us to open up to the space of possibility. There is an inherent optimism that arrives with a tarot reading. We want to know what is possible. Tarot shows us and then gives us the roadmap of how to reach it.

Rules of Magic

✦ 1: Take responsibility ✦ 2: You get what you give ✦ 3: Everything is energy ✦ 4: Like attracts like ? ✦ ?

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