1 minute read
The Methods of the Moon Sign Book
Weather, Economic & Lunar Forecasts 166
An Introduction to Long-Range Weather Forecasting by Vincent Decker 167 Weather Forecast for 2023 by Vincent Decker 170 Economic Forecast for 2023 by Christeen Skinner 217 New and Full Moon Forecasts for 2023 by Sally Cragin 236
2023 Moon Sign Book Articles 251
The Moon and the Elements by Bernadette Evans 252
Yoga, the Sun, the Moon, and You by Jilly Shipway 261
Nature on Its Own Terms by Lupa 269
Florilegia: Creating Your Personal Moon Book by Melissa Tipton 278
Dancing with the Shadow: Chiron’s Role in Astrology by Dallas Jennifer Cobb 288
An Introduction to Lunar Incense by Charlie Rainbow Wolf 299 About the Contributors 309
hether we live in simple, primitive times or a time of high technology and mass communication, we need our connection to Mother Nature and an understanding of how all of her systems work together—soil, sun, wind, water, plants, animals, people, and planets.
The connections among elements of nature become especially relevant when we recognize that many energies—both subtle and obvious—flow through our world and affect all things. Ancient civilizations knew about these changing energies and were much more attuned to the subtle effects that they had on us.
In the world of unseen energies, it has long been accepted in many quarters that the position of the planets makes a difference in the energy flowing around planet Earth. Those who question these energy flows are often sadly divorced from nature. 5